minutes of stoke by clare parish council meeting held in...

Minutes of Stoke by Clare Parish Council meeting held in The Barn at 7.30 p.m. on Monday 31st October 2016 Present: Chairman- Roger Mckenny, Councillors Karen Kennair, Robin Welcomme Edwin Smith ,Don Goodman, Toby Edwards and Giles Dadd Clerk: Chris Turner County Councillor Mary Evans 1 Chairman's welcome and apologies for absence ACTION The chairman Cllr Mckenny welcomed those present. No apologies received 3 No declarations of interest 4 Minutes of previous meeting on 19^** September 2016 All agreed Proposed Cllr Dadd, Seconded Cllr Welcomme.- Subsequently a discussion took place regarding the minute on the "children's sign". See below 2 County Councillor Mary Evans Report Mary mentioned the non-working street lights reported to her by Cllr Smith and explained the workings of the "Highway tool" on the County Council website. There should shortly be a vote on the devolution issue currently being discussed for East Anglia. Apparently, there is not a lot of action taking place and we await to see whether in fact a vote does indeed take place. A question was asked of Mary as to signs on the highway, which then brought us back to the minutes of the previous meeting. It appears the minutes may be misleading as to the placing of the sign for "children". There is a sign by the green on the Wixoe end but not one on the Clare end. We need one for the Clare end and can utilise a pole already there. The other one is faded and should be replaced. Many road signs are being covered in growth, clerk to ascertain which ones need clearing, it might be easier and quicker if we did it rather than Suffolk CC. Matters Arising 5 We had dealt with part as above. The other outstanding matter related to the car park at The Lion, behind the Community shop. One of the cars parked alongside the back of the shop had been pushed into the shop wall causing a hole which was being repaired. The Council felt the car park was an eyesore it was full of old cars fallen into dis-repair and was detrimental to the village. We are to write to the pub owners. Admiral Taverns, with our comments.

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Page 1: Minutes of Stoke by Clare Parish Council meeting held in ...stokebyclare.onesuffolk.net/assets/Parish-Council/... · Minutes of Stoke by Clare Parish Council meeting held in The Barn

Minutes of Stoke by Clare Parish Council meeting held in The Barn at 7.30 p.m. on Monday 31st October 2016

Present: Chairman- Roger Mckenny, Councillors Karen Kennair, Robin Welcomme Edwin Smith ,Don Goodman, Toby Edwards and Giles Dadd Clerk: Chris Turner County Councillor Mary Evans

1 Chairman's welcome and apologies for absence ACTION The chairman Cllr Mckenny welcomed those present. No apologies received

3 No declarations of interest

4 Minutes of previous meeting on 19̂ ** September 2016 All agreed Proposed Cllr Dadd, Seconded Cllr Welcomme.-Subsequently a discussion took place regarding the minute on the "children's sign". See below

2 County Councillor Mary Evans Report Mary mentioned the non-working street lights reported to her by Cllr Smith and explained the workings of the "Highway tool" on the County Council website. There should shortly be a vote on the devolution issue currently being discussed for East Anglia. Apparently, there is not a lot of action taking place and we await to see whether in fact a vote does indeed take place. A question was asked of Mary as to signs on the highway, which then brought us back to the minutes of the previous meeting. It appears the minutes may be misleading as to the placing of the sign for "children". There is a sign by the green on the Wixoe end but not one on the Clare end. We need one for the Clare end and can utilise a pole already there. The other one is faded and should be replaced. Many road signs are being covered in growth, clerk to ascertain which ones need clearing, it might be easier and quicker i f we did it rather than Suffolk CC.

Matters Arising 5 We had dealt with part as above. The other outstanding matter related to the car park at

The Lion, behind the Community shop. One of the cars parked alongside the back of the shop had been pushed into the shop wall causing a hole which was being repaired. The Council felt the car park was an eyesore it was full of old cars fallen into dis-repair and was detrimental to the village. We are to write to the pub owners. Admiral Taverns, with our comments.

Page 2: Minutes of Stoke by Clare Parish Council meeting held in ...stokebyclare.onesuffolk.net/assets/Parish-Council/... · Minutes of Stoke by Clare Parish Council meeting held in The Barn

6 Accounts The accounts for the period to 31^^ October were presented to the Council. In addition cheque payments now due were circulated, (see below). Everyone agreed they were in order, proposed Cllr Dadd, Seconded Cllr Kennair

7 Footpath Following our previous meeting a further e mail had been received regarding the possibility of a footpath by-passing part of the road at the Clare end of the village. Cllr Welcomme recollected that some 15 years or so ago we had been promised a footpath along the main road for part of the way which will then allow walkers to go down a track and go through the allotments and come out further by School Green. This had not come to fruition but Mary Evans wil l consider seeing whether anything can be done. It is a dangerous stretch of the main road.

8 Planning The application for the mast at the Equestrian Centre has been refused. The company may appeal or change the site chosen, and we await further developments.

9 Correspondence/AOB Agreed that our new website provider wil l be CAS, £50 pa fee.

Cllr Welcomme has spoken to the lady in the village, Lisa Smith, who is a First Responder and she is happy for her details to go in the magazine, tel 07900581869.

Ash dieback. Cllr Dadd had looked at the Ash trees by the cemetery. There was some small sign that they may be affected. The best time to see is in the Spring, and i f we check again then and see signs that this is occurring, we wil l contact the Tree Officer at West Suffolk.

10 Future Meeting Dates Next Meeting on 5̂ ^ December

Accounts for payment and confirmation To Whom Amount

CR Turner Oct 2016 £279.60 CBlackman- Oct 2016 £97.60 CAS re Website £60.00 SALC re Payroll 6 months £82.80

C Turner-clerk