mnc athletics trials23/9/19 school captain speeches 12pm lllcc tiuesday 24/9/19 eungai ps. skipping...

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Scotts Head Public School - 21 Vernon Street, Scotts Head NSW 2447

P 65698144 E

Teamwork Respect Responsibility Honesty

Important Dates

Gillian Stuart—Principal

Term 3 |Week 9|17 September 2019

“My role, as teacher, is

to evaluate the effect I

have on my students.”

― John A.C. Hattie,

Visible Learning for

Teachers: Maximizing

Impact on Learning

Indo Corner Di dalam ruang kelas - In the classroom (continued)

Pensil - Pencil Pulpen - Pen Gunting - Scissors

Penggaris - Ruler Penghapus - Eraser Lem - Glue

Buku - book Spidol - texta(s)

Kotak pensil - pencil holder/box

Term 3 2019

Friday 20/09/19

Scotts Head Got Talent

Monday 23/9/19

School Captain Speeches 12pm LLLCC

Tiuesday 24/9/19

Eungai PS. Skipping Showcase 10.45am

Tuesday 24/9/19 & Wednesday 25/9/19

Life Education

Thursday 26/9/19

End of Term Assembly 1 1-3pm

Friday 27/9/19

Last day of term Soccer Tournament

Congratulations to Tegan, Mirranya and Harry who competed at the

PSSA Mid North Coast Athletics Trials in Lismore last Friday.

Harry came 4th in Discus, Mirranya was 6th in the 100m run and

Tegan came 6th in the 100m run and 2nd in the 200m run. Tegan will

now compete at State level in the 200m run. Well done to you all.

You make our school proud.

MNC Athletics Trials

Weekly Round Up

Scotts Head Public School - 21 Vernon Street, Scotts Head NSW 2447

P 65698144 E

Dear Parents and Carers

Indonesian Parent Classes

The response to begin a parent Indonesian class has

been overwhelming well received. The course will begin in

week 2 of Term 4. It will be held each Tuesday from

October 22 to week 9 December 10 starting at 3.15 till

4.30. The cost for the course will be $60 for 10

hours. This payment can be made online as IALF Parent

Class or at the office. This class will be presented in an

online format provided by Indonesia Australia Language

Foundation (IALF) from Bali. Our teacher will be a dear

friend of our school, Bu Dayu, who was our last

Indonesian native speaker from Bali. All classes will be

recorded and learning materials provided. Spaces are

available if anyone is interested joining up.

IALF is Indonesia’s premier institution for English and

Indonesian language training and it is a not-for-profit and

fee-for-service Indonesian education foundation

established in 1989 and led by a Board of Governors

based in Jakarta. Their vision is to be the leading provider

of language training and consultancy services in

Indonesia and the Asia-Pacific region.

Their mission is to contribute to economic, social and

cultural development in Indonesia and the region, and to

enhance mutual respect and understanding between the

people of Indonesia and neighbouring countries such as

ours. This year our senior classes have been learning

through this online virtual school for one hour per week,

which has been highly successful.

Out of school hour’s care (OOSH)

We are still working towards creating an out hours of

service for child care. Our biggest blocker is that we do

not have the consistent numbers for each session for it to

be a viable ongoing service. Anyway there are whispers,

that more support is coming to rural schools such as ours,

so will keep it as a community focus.

Congratulations to Tegan, Harry and Mirranya for

representing our school at Lismore and thank you to all

the parents who provided transport.

On Saturday our staff got together with a number of other

schools at Frederickton PS implement making learning

visible to the students. This day will to go towards one of

the professional development days at the end of the year

after the students finish.

The Visible Learning school change model of professional

learning is based on one simple belief - every student

should experience at least one year’s growth over the

course of one school year.

This Week’s Whale Awards and Outstanding Progress Awards Principal’s Column

Visible Learning translates the research of

Professor John Hattie into a practical roadmap for

implementation in the classroom and school

wide. Today, schools around the world use Visible

Learning to examine their impact on student

achievement and create innovation in the

learning environment.

The staff focused on deepening our

understanding about creating learning intentions

and success criteria from the syllabus outcomes,

to help collaborative planning of a series of

lessons linked to progress in curriculum areas.

Together we then created a shared understanding

of effective learner characteristics and the

importance of learner dispositions that will

complement our Whale Values. This will be

shared with the community at the Spring Fair,

with an opportunity for your valuable feedback.

Thanks, yaarri yaraang, terima kasih.

Gillian Stuart

Parent Information - Reminders

Scotts Head Public School - 21 Vernon Street, Scotts Head NSW 2447

P 65698144 E

8.30am Morning


in cola




9.00am until


Morning Session

Crunch and Sip

11.00am Lunch



Middle Session

1.30 pm Recess

2.00pm-3pm Afternoon


Bell Times


School website:


School facebook page:



Skoolbag Application:

Search “Scotts Head Public

School” in the app store.

P&C News

Remember to send in a

note if your child is absent

from school.

After 7 days, the system

automatically records as an

“Unexplained Absence”.

Jump Rope 4 Heart

There's only one week left to register your child! Help them raise money for a great

cause and maybe win fantastic prizes. Please go to . Click on 'Kids',

then 'register' and follow the steps. $759.00 has been raised.

Life Education - Week 10

Life Education will be at the school on 24 & 25 September. Notes were sent out last

Friday. Please return permission note and payment by Friday 20 September.

End of Term Assembly - Week 10

The Assembly will be held between 1 and 3pm in LLLCC. All parents and friends are

invited to attend. School Captain Badges will be presented along with Athletic Medals.

The School Day - students arriving before 8.30am

Our school day commences at 8.55am with teacher supervision from 8.30am.

Students arriving before 8.30am are unsupervised. We therefore recommend parents

send students to school after this time unless an arrangement has been organised

with the office.

Payments to School

Payments can be made to the school

using the following options:

EFTPOS — at the office.

Parent online payment POP - via

the school website—using the

‘Make a Payment’ button.

Cash and cheque are still accepted

at the office.

P&C email

Boomerang Bags Boomerang Bags is still working hard on producing

bags for the community. If you are interested in

being a part of this great initiative, come along on

Mondays from 3.15 to 4.15pm.

We would like to welcome some new volunteers in the canteen to be trained up ready

for 2020.

Please email the P&C or contact the office for more information.

Updating Contacts It is important parents keep contact details up to date. Please contact the

office or send a note with your child if there is a change of address or contact phone number.

Planned Absence:

When a student will miss 10 consecutive school days

or more, permission needs to be granted by the

principal. Application forms are available at the

office. If and when the leave is approved, a

certificate is provided to enable parents to prove to

authorities (if required) that they have permission to

have their child out of school.

School Banking

Volunteer required

on Tuesdays—

flexible times,

training provided.

Please contact the


School & Community News

Scotts Head Public School - 21 Vernon Street, Scotts Head NSW 2447

P 65698144 E

The year 5/6 students are having a wonderful

time at the Coffs Coast Adventure Centre. They

have participated in activities such as canoeing,

the giant swing, the ladder logs, leap of faith and

circus skills.

They also had a great time doing night time

capture the flag.

This afternoon students will be conquering the

giant drop.

Coffs Adventure Centre Camp

School & Community News

Scotts Head Public School - 21 Vernon Street, Scotts Head NSW 2447

P 65698144 E

Our Year Advisor Mr Aaron Parker has enjoyed getting to know the Year 7 2020 students by visiting their

primary classes over the past two weeks. Thank you for making him welcome at your school.

All students whose parents completed and returned an EOI (Expression of Interest) should have received an

enrolment package in the mail. This needs to be completed and returned to the Macksville High School by

the 23/9/19 with a copy of the student’s birth certificate, proof of address (eg electricity bill) and their

vaccination records. Any students who did not receive an enrolment package and are planning to attend

Macksville High School may pick up a package at the High School office ASAP. Jenny Conway

Learned Leaders

Students from year 5/6 have been participating in public speaking

opportunities as part of Toastmasters. As part of this students

complete timed sessions of speaking aloud and are given feedback

from an evaluator (another student).

Today students did some excellent warm up speaking about their

favourite authors that was linked to English Textual Concepts. We

are all looking forward to our next session.

Toastmasters—Year 5/6

Gumbaynggirr Language and Culture Camp

Last Tuesday 5 of our students, along with Bu Gillian

and Ricky, attended the Gumbaynggirr Language and

Culture Camp at the Coffs Adventure Centre. The camp

contributes to informing, strengthening and connecting

students to language and culture through sharing

knowledge and resources. The AECG in partnership

with the Department of Education’s Aboriginal

Education and Communities Directorate are committed

to supporting Aboriginal student identity and belonging

and raising the academic achievement of Aboriginal

students. The students had a wonderful experience at

the camp.

School & Community News

Scotts Head Public School - 21 Vernon Street, Scotts Head NSW 2447

P 65698144 E

Last Wednesday ‘Art in the Park’ was

held at the Reserve. 15 students were

selected due to their artistic interest and

ability to support other students from the

area. The day provided students with

the opportunity to show their creative


A great day was had by everyone!

Thanks to Hayden for putting the day


Art in the Park

School and Community News

Scotts Head Public School - 21 Vernon Street, Scotts Head NSW 2447

P 65698144 E


‘Up Close & Personal’

Don’t miss this theatrical presentation by the 3Wyz

Wimmin Theatre Company in the school’s auditorium

Saturday 19 October at 7.00 pm. It is theatre as you

have never experienced it – Up Close and Personal –

and the drama being presented ranges from laugh-out-

loud to the macabre.

Tickets are LIMITED to 70 and are $20 pp.

They are available from the school, from Matilda Street

Gallery in Macksville (6568 4433) and from Hello World

in Nambucca Heads, 6568 6455.

Note: The principals of 3Wyz

Wimmin are shown in the

photograph. L to R: Carrolline

Rhodes, Helen Kirkpatrick and

Anne Joyce.

2040 is a truly inspirational film. It will be shown in Scotts Head.

When: Friday 20 September

Where: LLL Centre at the Scotts Head Public School

Time: 7-8.30 pm showing time followed by discussion

and coffee/tea

Cost: Gold coin donation

Organiser: Michael Blockey

Hernani and Dundurrabin Community Fund Bushfire Appeal

Stock feed appears to be the highest priority at the

moment. Any donations of farming supplies, fencing

equipment and feed can go directly to Beaumont's Produce

Store, Dorrigo. This donation point are making these

supplies available to people in need. The address for the

store is Vine Street Dorrigo ph. 66572389. They're also

doing deliveries to affected farms a few times each week.

Money donations can be deposited directly to the 'Dorrigo

Fire Appeal' account with Banana Coast Credit Union.

BSB 533 000. Account number 274 988

A film about handling Climate Change

Community News

Scotts Head Public School - 21 Vernon Street, Scotts Head NSW 2447

P 65698144 E

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