mobile affiliate site strategies - keith posehn

Post on 18-Jan-2015






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We’ve all heard that “mobile is the next big thing”, but how do you make it actually work for you as an affiliate? In this panel we will explore profitable mobile affiliate site strategies, SEO techniques, paid ads and affiliate offers to show you how to make a mobile web presence that makes money.Experience level: Intermediate, AdvancedTarget audience: Affiliates/Publishers, Merchants/AdvertisersNiche/vertical: MobileDush Ramachandran, VP Sales & Business Development, ClickBank (Twitter @DushR) (Moderator)Scott Bain, Mobile Marketing Manager, Neverblue (Twitter @scottbain)Michael Martin, Owner, Mobile Martin (Twitter @googleandblog)Keith Posehn, President, Zorz LLC (Twitter @kzorz)


Mobile Affiliate Site Strategies

What to do after the click

By Keith Posehn

Who is Zorz?

Zorz is a performance marketing company

Specializing in SEM, Facebook & Mobile

Developing new tools for affiliates

The Click & After

Apps vs. HTML5

The context of the user & their situation

What do they want right now?

Profit through delivering this!

Apps vs. HTML5


Apps vs. HTML5

Each has their favored use

HTML5 is still being explored and is not fully supported

Easy to make apps with tools like RhoMobile

Apps Still Dominate

The issue with HTML5 is mental bandwidth

The less effort required, the more usage you get

Icons are powerful!

Platform Agnosticism

Make for as many platforms as you can

More reach = more users = more $$$

iPhone > Android > BB > WM7 > HTML5

Context, Context, Context

Importance of Context

What is the user doing?

What do you know about their situation?

Mobile = on the move, not sitting around

Deliver with this in mind

Take Advantage of Context

Use context to your advantage

Bored users need excitement or distraction

Active users need things to do

Test to see what resonates!

Examples of Context

Thotly = 4chan + twitter + geolocation

Bored users get a compelling distraction

Quick, made for the device

Instantly ready to go

It’s A Mobile Device, Stupid

Market for the Device

Cramming a web app/site onto a small screen is stupid

Only do what is natural on a mobile device

Don’t force the user

Device Optimization

Screen size & functionality

Keep your interface intuitive and easy

Give them only what they need

Always provide a link to the standard site

Device Optimization

Apps: Quick load, no bugs, easy to understand, use caching!

HTML5: Tap-only, essential javascript only, fast loading, easy to understand

Device Optimization

15 seconds or less

If you can’t make it apparent, don’t bother

Each function must be essential

Unintuitive = death

Making Money!

Users First

Unless absolutely necessary, get users first

The more users = more guinea pigs

Test, test, test!

Making Money

Ads rely on clicks – occupied user

Pay-Per-Call – locally relevant and easy

CPA – growing space with options

Carrier Billing/Subscription - harder

Ads & You

Ads require keeping the user occupied

Best suited for time-wasters

Mis-clicks are the enemy – lower eCPM

eCPM optimizers

Pay-Per-Call & You

Click-to-call = high eCPM

Must keep it relevant!

Track your call time length & quality

Rapidly growing market, great opportunity

CPA & You

CPA is still an infant

Offers are relatively generic and not well thought out – YET

More options every day

Do your own CPA if you can!

In-App Purchases & You

iTunes in-app purchases rock

Easy to sell people, especially if part of the progression in your app

30% off the top by Apple

Worth every ounce of effort to set up


Be platform agnostic

Relevant, easy & compelling experience

Make for the device and being on the go

Users first, monetize later!

Essential Tools

RhoMobile – cross platform compiling (rails)

Greystripe for ads

RingRevenue for calls

One device of each platform

Contact Info

Keith Posehnkeith@zorz.com619-302-3707


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