mobile marketing essentials workshop

Post on 09-May-2015






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A Mobile Marketing workshop I held at the 2013 Industry Disruptors conference held on Saturday, November 23rd By the end of 2013 mobile phones will have overtaken PCs as the most common web access device worldwide. At the moment, people spend on average 12% of their media consumption time using mobile devices, whereas only 3% of advertising budget is funneled through this medium. Therein lies a huge opportunity for both brands and publishers. In that context, it would be of utmost importance to explore how we integrate mobile marketing in our communication strategy.


Mobile Marketing Essentials

Imagine a bunch of statistics

of the importance of mobile

that would convince you

or visit

We sleep with it

we love it

It’s the first thing we see

we love it

who is this guy?

2005 might even say...

we love it


It’s a religion

Mobile Phone & Smartphone Market Worth $341.4 Billion by 2015

The global app economy was worth $ 53Bn in 2012 $ 143Bn in 2016. 

Corporate Confusion

Photo Credit:: h.koppdelaney

Photo Credit:

it’s a kodak moment

Tips and tricks

Photo Credit:" JD Hancock<

There are no tricks

Mobile WEB

Optimize your site

Photo Credit:>Valerie Everett

Sad but true

Mobile WEB

Mobile WEB

# Keep it Simple.Keep in mind that simplicity is an absolute necessity for a mobile-friendly website.

Photo credit: kevin dooley

Mobile WEB

# Be concise.There must be nothing excessive in a mobile website.

Photo Credit: leg0fenris

Mobile WEB

# Open the door.The server identifies mobile devices, make sure that mobile visitors are automatically redirected to the mobile page... don’t ask them just serve them

Photo Credit:">h.koppdelaney

Mobile WEB

# It’s all about context.Remember that actions a person might want to take when using their mobile while out and about are not necessarily the same as when they are using a desktop at home or a laptop in the office.

Photo Credit: Wouter de Bruijn

Mobile WEB

# Keep it short.Don’t allow too much text input for users. Even if you require filling a form for some reason, like signup, login etc.

Mobile WEB

# Design for the screen.There are such rules as proper size of buttons and spaces between them, avoiding overloading pages with various images

Photo Credit: adactio

Mobile WEB

# Test for compatibility.Define the range of devices so your website could be properly tested on them: various devices, operating system versions and screen resolutions.

Let’s make an APP

Mobile Apps

Mobile Apps

# Apple 22 October 2013 1 million apps# Google Play July 24, 2013 1 million apps

Do you really need an app?

Mobile Apps

#App for apps sake?If your purpose for developing a mobile app is to only increase your brand impressions and grow your potential client list, think again.

Mobile Apps

Photo Credit: <a href="">woodleywonderworks

Mobile Apps

# Does it have value?The first step is to identify exactly what the app’s for, and what you want it to achieve. Is it to enhance customers’ interactions with you, improve your brand presence, or generate revenue through paid downloads, in-app advertising or purchases?

Photo Credit:">IronRodArt - Royce Bair ("Star Shooter")

# Which Platform is best? Apple iphone - Ipad - Android phone - Android tablets - Windows phone - Blackberry - Firefox etc

Mobile Apps

Photo Credit:">~Aphrodite

Photo Credit: <a href="">Eneas</a> via <a href="">Compfight</a> <a href="">cc</a>

# Do you know your users? Will the app’s users be web-savvy or novices? What will their usage patterns be, and on what devices? When do you expect them to use the app, and for how long?

Mobile Apps

# What is your content?Apps generally either consume content, or create it. If they are consuming content, it’s vital to know where that content comes from. How it gets into the app influences the size of the app, and the complexity of making it. Embedding content makes apps harder to update, but simpler to build.

Mobile Apps

Photo Credit: <a href="">JD Hancock

# What’ll it do?Successful apps are simple, usable and reliable.It’s better to launch a simple application that does one thing well, than one that does several things badly. The more focused the app’s purpose, the better.

Mobile Apps

Photo Credit: Nina Matthews

# How to choose partners ?Please don’t assign the app development to your little nephew... ususally you get what you pay for

Mobile Apps

Photo Credit:">ChrisL_AK

# Source code ?Make sure the code is yours

Mobile Apps

Photo Credit:">ChrisL_AK

# The devil is in the detailsApp nameApp icon App screenshotApp store desciptionApp store ratings and reviews

# App Name

Mobile Apps

Photo Credit: ChrisL_AK

# App Icon

Mobile Apps

# App Screenshot

Mobile Apps

# App Store description

Mobile Apps

# App store ratings and reviews

Mobile Apps

# Discover theAPP

# Engage andMonetize

# Retainthe User

3 major after launch problems to consider before launching

Mobile Apps

# Early promotionPR press releasesReview sitesSocial Media

# Ok you‘ve got an app... now what

Mobile App Marketing and Advertising

# Bring in the users

Mobile App Marketing and Advertising

# The right tools

# Acquisition Channels and advertising technology

Mobile App Marketing and Advertising

#Measure everything

Mobile App Marketing and Advertising

user acquisition cost user retentioncustomer lifecycle value

# Advertise on mobile

Mobile Advertising

# Huge budgets ???

Mobile Advertising

# What are they looking for

Photo Credit: <a href="">glen edelson</a> via <a href="">Compfight</a> <a href="">cc</a>


# Banner Ads

# Native formats

# Notification Center

# Transmedia Campaigns

# The Right Mix

# Loyalty


Facebook Demographics

API Calls Custom Tagging

Geolocation/ Geofencing

Device Type Operator Time dependancies Past Behavior

#What do they do?

# Smart

Photo untrained eye

Evolve or die


Disrupt Startup Scale Up



November 23 2013

top related