moving contextualization lbst 80

Post on 29-Jan-2018






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*If you were really writing a

paper about charter

schools, and you were going

to be quoting from the

three sources you just

looked at in the "Fun with

Periodicals" exercise, why

would you NEED the

information I asked you for?


your sources within your paper.

*You need to introduce your

sources of information before

quoting from them.

*You need to tell the reader why

it is worth paying attention to

what THIS


OK is saying about this issue.

*Here's a scholarly

journal article on the

results of a study . . .


*in the Science section

of the NYT, May 20,

2014, Natalie Kitroeff

mentions it in her

article, "Why that

video went viral."


... In a study led by Rosanna

Guadagno, a social psychologist

at the University of Texas at

Dallas, 256 participants much

preferred to forward a funny

video than one of a man

treating his own spider bite. But

they were likely to share any

video that evoked an intense

emotional response, Dr.

Guadagno found...


*2013 article in

Psychology Today ...



*"Some traits may be like a

double-edged sword," says

psychologist Scott Lilienfeld,

developer of the Psychopathic

Personality Inventory and an

Emory University professor.

"Fearless dominance, for

example, may contribute to

skillful leadership in the face

of a crisis, or to reckless

criminality and violence," he

reports in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology....


*"Even when, on the surface,

they seem to be one of the

best things about an individual

or organization, deeply held,

unquestioned strengths can be

destructive, says Jake Breedon,

a faculty member of Duke

Corporate Education and

author of Tipping Sacred Cows: Kick the Bad Work Habits that Masquerade as Virtues...."


*"In their recently

published book, Fear Your Strengths, executive

developers Robert Kaiser

and Robert Kaplan say

that in their collective 50

years of business

consulting and executive






*something about the credentials

of the author(s)

... executive developers ...


* and, when it is a written source,

something about the publication

itself . . .


*Not quite ...

In newspapers and magazines like those we

just looked at, sources are often described

as simply "saying" this-or-that because they

are literally being interviewed by the

journalist or writer.


*Not quite ...

You need to EXPAND onthe SAYING . . .


* be creatively descriptive . . .

*Imagine we were going

to quote or paraphrase

an idea from that

article ... what would

we say about this as our



*"quote, quote, quote..." according

to Michael Tisserand, New

Orleans writer, in his

investigative report

published in the liberal

commentary magazine The



*"quote, quote, quote..." argues

Michael Tisserand, author

of a recent book on a New

Orleans charter school post-

Katrina, in his investigative

report in the liberal

commentary magazine The



*how you are using the

source - - your audience

& purpose

*what you think they

need to know to

understand the quality &

value of that source



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