mpact teaching & learning institute program 2014

Post on 30-Jun-2015






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View the complete MPACT Teaching & Learning Institute Program. Manor High School, August 19 Secondary, August 20 Elementary.


We appreciate your continued partnership and commitment to this event!

We appreciate your continued partnership and commitment to this event!


Become A Member Today By Visiting:

1. We provide scholarships to graduating seniors.

2. We provide innovative education grants for educators that push the envelope in their classrooms.

3. We provide funding for countless other programs across MISD.

1. Become an Individual member of MEF.

2. Volunteer your time at MEF events.

3. Donate items that can be auctioned at our annual gala.

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How Do We Support MISD? How Can You Help?

MEF, a 501 (c) (3) non-profit, was founded in 1999 and to support the Manor Independent School District. MEF raises funding throughout the year through sponsorships, individual memberships and our annual gala.

We appreciate your continued partnership and commitment to this event!

On  behalf  of  the  Manor  Independent  School  District  and  the  Board  of  Trustees,  I  want  to  welcome  you  to  the  second  annual  Teaching  and  Learning  Institute:  MPACT  2014.  This  year,  our  focus  will  be  on  placing  academics  above  everything  and  strengthening  the  core  at  every  level.  MPACT  2014  is  aligned  with  our  Board  and  District  goals.  Each  required  session  has  been  designed  to  strengthen  the  core  and  will  help  to  facilitate  a  culture  of  engaged  adult  learners,  which  will  promote  practices  that  will  impact  student  achievement  and  will  include  RTI,  ELL,  STEM,  Literacy,  and  21st  Century  Skills.      "“Academics  Above  Everything”  may  seem  like  a  short  and  simple  statement.  However,  it  will  serve  to  be  our  driving  force  throughout  the  school  year  and  will  empower  all  stakeholders  to  ensure  that  everything  we  do  will  be  tied  to  an  academic  focus.    

We  believe  that  it  is  critical  that  we  focus  our  work  on  getting  back  to  the  basics.  Stephen  Covey  believes  that  it  is  critical  to  “begin  with  the  end  in  mind”  and  I  believe  that  MPACT  2014  is  the  start  of  a  great  success  story  with  the  end  in  mind  being  that  every  student  realizes  his  or  her  full  potential.    We  have  a  lot  of  work  to  do  at  every  level  to  ensure  that  we  are  closing  the  achievement  gap  and  providing  every  student  with  as  many  tools  as  possible  to  be  successful  after  graduation.      We  are  so  excited  to  begin  the  2014-­‐15  school  year  and  we  hope  that  MPACT  2014  will  begin  to  set  the  tone  for  what  we  believe  will  be  a  year  of  many  successes  and  accomplishments.      Welcome  back  and  have  a  great  year!  "Kevin Brackmeyer Superintendent of Schools Manor ISD





KEVIN BRACKMEYER, Superintendent of Schools

Manor ISD Board of Trustees






Matildy V.!Samaripa,



We appreciate your continued partnership and commitment to this event!





’S  W


ME Welcome  to  MPACT  2014  back  to  school  professional  

development,  as  we  launch  the  new  school  year  to  grow  in  our  “practice  of  improvement”.  According  to  Richard  Elmore,  “the  idea  of  improvement  means  measurable  increases  in  the  quality  of  instructional  practice  and  student  performance  over  time”.    What  practice  do  you  want  to  develop  and  improve?      MISD  is  committed  to  developing  the  quality  of  your  instructional  practices  delivered  in  the  classroom  to  “MPACT”  an  increase  in  student  performance.    Therefore,  our  strategy  is  to  focus  on  Wive  areas  in  district-­‐wide  professional  development  this  school  year:  Literacy,  Science,  Technology,  Engineering  and  Math,  English  Language  Learners,  21st  Century  Learning  Skills  and  Response  to  Intervention  to  improve  instructional  practice.      As  you  engage  in  learning  and  design  your  professional  goal,  we  encourage  you  to  reWlect  on  a  statement  from  Richard  Elmore,  “Students  learn  what  they  are  taught,  when  the  teaching  is  done  effectively  and  thoughtfully”.  We  appreciate  your  dedication  and  commitment  to  our  students  and  community.  MISD:    it’s  academics  above  everything!        Have  a  great  year,  "Debra C. Hester, Ph.D., Chief Academic Office Twitter: @MISD_AO

DEBRA HESTER, Ph. D., Chief Academic Officer

Artwork: Kain Sanchez"MPACT Student Showcase Poster!Manor High School 2014"New Hampshire School of Art!

We appreciate your continued partnership and commitment to this event!

Thank  you  for  your  generous  donation  to  support  the  2nd  Annual  

MPACT  Teaching  &  Learning  Institute  for  the  Manor  Independent    School  


We appreciate your continued partnership and commitment to this event!

We appreciate your continued partnership and commitment to this event!



G  &  LEA






8:00 - 9:30 AM Convocation "9:45 - 10:35 AM MPACT Session 1 Strengthening the Core Session "10:45 - 11:35 AM MPACT Session 2 Choice Session "11:35 - 1:00 PM Lunch & Student Showcase "1:10 - 2:00 PM MPACT Session 3 Choice Session "2:10 - 3:00 PM MPACT Session 4 Choice Session "3:10 - 4:30 PM MPACT Session 5 & Reflection Strengthening the Core Session

Schedule Tuesday, August 19: Secondary

Wednesday, August 20: Elementary

A special thanks to George Townsend, Kevin Brackmeyer, the Manor ISD Food Services & Nutrition Department, and all the volunteer cooks, meat cutters

and servers for making the 2nd Annual MPACT Teaching & Learning Institute

Luncheon possible!

We appreciate your continued partnership and commitment to this event!




CEMPACT YOUR TEACHING & LEARNING EXPERIENCE "MPACT LOGISTICS"CLOCK  HOURS  All  Manor  ISD  Educators  All  Teaching  &  Learning  Institute  participants  will  receive  professional  development  hours  for  participation  in  MPACT.  Hours  will  be  documented  in  Eduphoria.  All  participants  will  be  enrolled  in  the  appropriate  session  in  Eduphoria.    "All  Manor  ISD  Volunteers  All  Teaching  &  Learning  Institute  participants  will  receive  professional  development  hours  of  participation  in  MPACT.  Horus  will  be  documented  accordingly  in  Eduphoria.  All  participants  will  be  enrolled  in  the  appropriate  session  in  Eduphoria.  "STRENGTHENING  THE  CORE  SESSIONS  The  MPACT  Teaching  &  Learning  Institute  will  include  two,  required  “Strengthening  the  Core”  Session  for  all  participants.  These  session  focus  on  initiatives  aligned  to  the  Manor  ISD  District  Goals.  "CHOICE  SESSIONS  The  Institute  offers  three,  50  minute  sessions.  These  sessions  offer  educators  an  array  of  topics  to  choose  from  for  their  own  professional  development.    "NOVICE  TEACHER  SUPPORT  The  Schedule  At  A  Glance  and  the  online  SCHED  planner  includes  sessions  suggested  for  novice  teachers.    "ATTENDANCE  Participants  will  sign  in  electronically  at  each  session.  A  QR  Code  and  web  address  will  be  provided  to  access  the  sign  in.    """

ELECTRONIC  DEVICES  Participants  are  encouraged  to  bring  their  electronic  devices  such  as  iPads  and  MacBooks  for  the  Teaching  &  Learning  Institute.  Please  be  sure  that  your  electronic  devices  are  labeled  with  your  name  and  fully  charged.    "JUICE  BAR  The  Juice  Bar  will  be  available  on  both  days  of  MPACT.  Participants  can  use  the  Juice  Bar  to  power  their  electronic  devices.  Complimentary  beverages  will  be  available  to  participants  during  breaks.  The  beverages  in  the  Juice  Bar  are  generously  sponsored  by  Randolph  Brooks  Federal  Credit  Union.  The  Juice  Bar  is  located  in  the  MHS  Library.  """

The time is now!!

Nominate great student work to be shared by students of all ages at our

MPACT 2014 Student Showcase.

Want others to see your work?

Use the QR code below to submit nominations

by May 21, 2014


Artwork: Edgar Delgado"MPACT Call for Student Art Poster!Manor High School 2014"University of Texas Austin!

We appreciate your continued partnership and commitment to this event!





CEMPACT YOUR TEACHING & LEARNING EXPERIENCE "MPACT LOGISTICS"MEALS  On  both  days  of  MPACT,  lunch  will  be  provided  for  all  Institute  participants.  The  MPACT  luncheon  is  an  opportunity  to  establish  a  tradition  in  which  participants  eat  a  meal  cooked  by  district  leaders  together  in  the  spirit  of  collegiality  and  networking.    "MPACT  VOLUNTEERS/GUIDES  MPACT  guides  will  be  stationed  at  various  locations  at  Manor  High  School  to  help  participants  navigate  to  sessions,  restrooms,  and  to  answer  questions.  Guides  will  be  wearing  a  “MPACT  Volunteer/Guide”  Badge  around  their  neck.  "STUDENT  SHOWCASE  “Tech  Crews”  of  students  from  our  very  own  Manor  ISD  will  be  leading  teachers  through  app  exploration  and  hands  on  exposure  to  tech  tools!  Come  and  go  or  stay  and  play  as  we  all  strategize  with  students  about  how  to  increase  tech  integration  in  pedagogy!  "MPACT  PRESENTERS  LOUNGE  MPACT  is  pleased  to  provide  a  Presenter’s  Lounge  in  which  workshop  presenters  can  discuss  the  details  of  their  presentation  with  co-­‐presenters,  review  presentation  materials,  or  just  take  a  few  minutes  to  relax  before  presenting.  The  MPACT  Presenters  Lounge  is  located  in  the  MHS  Library.  "OPENING  CONVOCATION  AND  KEYNOTE  SPEAKER  The  opening  convocation  will  be  held  in  the  Performing  Arts  Center  on  Tuesday  and  Wednesday  of  MPACT.  Our  Superintendent  of  Schools  will  host  the  morning  activities  and  our  keynote  speaker  will  address  the  group  during  each  morning  convocation  session.  ""

PARKING  AT  MANOR  HIGH  SCHOOL  Participants  should  park  in  the  south  parking  lot  of  Manor  High  School.  Please  carpool  if  possible.  "SCHED  PLANNER  All  Institute  attendees  will  build  their  customized  schedule  for  MPACT  using  SCHED.  Individual  itineraries  can  be  saved  to  mobile  devices  or  online.  Creating  an  itinerary  within  SCHED  does  not  reserve  a  spot  in  a  session.  All  sessions  will  be  available  on  a  first-­‐come,  first-­‐serve  basis.  For  the  most  up-­‐to-­‐date  information  about  room  changes,  availability  and  sessions  check  SCHED  Planner  at  """""""""

We appreciate your continued partnership and commitment to this event!









EXPERIENCE THE MPACT STUDENT SHOWCASE ""Tech  Crews"  of  students  from  our  very  own  Manor  ISD  will  be  leading  teachers  through  app  exploration  and  hands  on  exposure  to  tech  tools!  Come  and  go  or  stay  and  play  as  we  all  strategize  with  students  about  how  to  increase  tech  integration  in  pedagogy!  "

STUDENT SHOWCASE LEADERS "Decker Elementary Denae Jones Audrey West Jennifer Camliche Serrano "Decker Middle School: Dayton Coggin Sarah Cook Christine Nguyen Aiden Blankenship "Manor High School: Abaishai Mark Gundy Ted Prabst Joshua Tiah Shyrley Ramos Daniel Obasi Evan Bookman Karlin Irizarry Carol Arellano Andre Cantu Hernandez

Artwork: Rene Mireles & Edgar Delgado"MPACT Student Showcase Logo!Manor High School 2014"University of Texas San Antonio!University of Texas Austin!

We appreciate your continued partnership and commitment to this event!

Folasade  Fashina  has  attended  Manor  ISD  schools  since  Pre-­‐Kindergarten.  She  has  been  a  student  at  Bluebonnet  Trail  Elementary,  Decker  Elementary,  Decker  Middle  School,  and  will  attend  Manor  High  School  this  fall.    She  enjoys  participating  in  many  extracurricular  activities  including:  National  Junior  Honor  Society,  Band,  Show  Choir,  Orchestra,  GEAR  UP,  Breakthrough,  and  the  Superintendent’s  Advisory  Council.    Folasade  was  recently  honored  as  the  8th  Grade  Graduation  Keynote  Speaker  at  Decker  Middle  School.  Her  awards  include  Most  Dedicated:  DMS  Band,  Green  Apple  Award  for  Outstanding  Math  Performance,  A  Honor  Roll  and  2010  Miss  Preteen  Austin.  In  her  spare  time,  Folasade  enjoys  practicing  karate  and  traveling  abroad.  Folasade  aspires  to  attend  Oxford  University  and  become  a  cardiothoracic  surgeon.  "She  is  inspired  by  the  Maya  Angelou  quote:  "  “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”










students of all ages@2014

* s c a n t h e Q R c o d e t o n o m i n a t e s t u d e n t s b y M a y 2 1 , 2 0 1 4

Artwork: Kain Sanchez"MPACT Call for Student Art Poster!Manor High School 2014"New Hampshire School of Art!

We appreciate your continued partnership and commitment to this event!


The MPACT Teaching & Learning Institute will include two, required "Strengthening the Core" Sessions for all participants. These sessions focus on initiatives aligned to the Manor ISD District Goals. "Strengthening the Core" sessions will facilitate a culture of engaged adult learning to promote practices that impact student achievement and include: RTI, ELL, STEM, Literacy, and 21st Century Skills.

The  objective  of  Strengthening  the  Core:  ELL  (English  Language  Learners)  is  to  provide  research  based  instruction  for  English  Language  Learners  that  includes  the  cognitive,  academic,  affective,  and  linguistic  domains  of  grade-­‐level  content.  Strengthening  the  Core:  ELL  will  focus  on  differentiation  to  create  rigor  in  the  development  of  the  ELPS  utilizing  comprehensible  input,  PLD's,  linguistic  accommodations,  materials  and  progress  monitoring  to  develop  the  cognitive  academic  language  proWiciency  (CALP).

The  objective  of  Strengthening  the  Core:  21st  Century  Skills  will  focus  on  application  of  the  21st  Century  "C's".  Critical  Thought/Collaboration/Communication/Creativity-­‐21st  Century  Skills  frame  current  approaches  to  engaged  and  interactive  learning  experiences  for  ALL  students.  This  interactive  session  will  allow  a  visit  of  the  components  of  21st  Century  Schools  and  management  of  foundations  and  progressions  K-­‐12  as  we  team  to  strengthen  the  core  and  MORE.  

The  objective  of  Strengthening  the  Core:  RTI  (Response  to  Intervention)  is  to  illustrate  an  understanding  of  "Core  and  More".  This  session  will  include  an  exploration  of  academic  and  behavioral  strategies  that  can  be  used  in  the  classroom  to  differentiate  and  strengthen  Tier  I  instruction  for  ALL  students.

The  objective  of  Strengthening  the  Core:  STEM  (Science,  Technology,  Engineering,  Math)  is  to  use  inquiry  and  21st  Century  Skills  to  help  all  students  achieve  STEM.  In  this  session,  participants  will  be  able  to  incorporate  the  inquiry  based  learning  process  into  core  instruction,  including  real  world  application  and  relevance.

The  objective  of  Strengthening  the  Core:  Literacy  is  to  align  core  instruction  and  improve  literacy  outcomes  for  all  students.  In  this  session  participants  will  be  introduced  to  the  Seven  Cognitive  Strategies  and  how  they  can  be  used  across  all  content  areas.

Strengthening the Core:


Strengthening the Core:

21st Century Skills

Strengthening the Core: Literacy

Strengthening the Core:


Strengthening the Core:







We appreciate your continued partnership and commitment to this event!

HOW:!MPACT Teaching & Learning Institute “Strengthening the Core” Required Sessions and Choice Sessions

How we will accomplish our purpose




MPACT Teaching and Learning Institute!MOVING  THEORY  TO  PRACTICE

WHY:!Create a culture of engaged adult learners to promote practices that impact student achievement

Our purpose

What will occur in all Manor ISD classrooms

WHAT: !Instruction aligned to MISD District Goals

We appreciate your continued partnership and commitment to this event!



MPACT Teaching and Learning Institute!TEACHER  REFLECTION

What I Learned:!"1. ""2. ""3. ""4. ""5. " District Goals!

1. Create instructional improvement systems for the district in all areas to support academic achievement for all students.!"2. Improve the culture of Manor ISD to promote teaching and learning for all students and educators in a dynamic learning environment.!"3. Implement effective communication strategies throughout the District.!

My Goals:!"1. ""2. ""3. ""4. ""5. ""

How I Will Monitor My Goals:!"

1. ""2. ""3. ""4. ""5.

We appreciate your continued partnership and commitment to this event!

MPACT Session 1: Strengthening the Core 9:45-10:35

Strengthening the Core: STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) Erika Pierce, April Scofield-Kennedy, Tosha VanMetre, Marla Germain

Strengthening the Core: Literacy Kristen Riley Freeborn, Josalyn Robinson, Amanda Gripp, Derralee Johson

Strengthening the Core: ELL (English Language Learners) Elizet Rodriguez, Maria Gandara, Kelly James, Lynda Maldonado

Strengthening the Core: RTI (Response to Intervention) Michael Perkins, Lauri Webb, Bella Quinn, Kelly Meshelle

Strengthening the Core: 21st Century Skills Lisa Johnson, Deborah Rang, Bobby Garcia, Chris Fancher

MPACT Session 2: Choice Sessions 10:45-11:45

Literacy and Mathematics: Reading Tricky Definitions Sarah Swallow

SpringBoard-College Board Secondary Math & ELA Resources David Surdovel, Lisa Barrett Johnson

Science Abstracts-Building Science Literacy Joe Gonzalez

4C’s + 1P = 1 Successful Learning Environment Linda Tejchma

Raise the Rigor Through Socratic Conversations Celia Irizarry

Adobe Photoshop, Crash Course for Teachers Elenor Harden, Jennifer Garner

Rocking Research Rambo Style Cathleen Ash

Engagement Apps for Math & Science Ralph Ryes, David Park

Write Successful Grant Applications and Proposals Ouita Bingham

SPED 101 Leann Ortiz, Jason VanMeter, Nikki Hempe

Evernote for Everyone Sharon Lane, Kathy Blankenship

Can you Manage? Lauren Madison

How Grit Can Improve Student Achievement Ryan Plantz

Expectations, Tough Love, and Achievement in the Classroom Samuel Cauman, Bavu Blakes

Making Student Presentations Powerful Stephanie Ehler, Kirby Young

“They’re Only Doing What You’re Letting Them Do” David Ellis

Program subject to change. Certain restrictions apply. Visit for complete details.Federally insured by NCUA.

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Can Join!

as lowaslow










We appreciate your continued partnership and commitment to this event!

MPACT Session 4: Choice Sessions 2:10-3:00

Teaching Short Answer Responses to SPED/ELL Students Amanda Roland, Kathy Blankenship

Using Robots to Help Students Learn High School Math & Science David Surdovel

Get Your Project Ideas Here! Chris Fancher

Engineering Notebooks Janice Trinidad, Holly Davis

Teaching 101 Tosha VanMetre

Secondary ELA Workstation Variation Leslie Myers, Tiffany Hernandez

PBL: Big Picture Overview Claudia Acevedo

Digital Learner in the 21st Century Leonard Filmore

Evernote for Everyone Sharon Lane, Kathy Blankenship

EEK Books! (e-books) Cathleen Ash

Thomas Osborne-Developing Leaders with 21st Century Skills-B Thomas Osborne

Truancy Procedures at MISD Lydia De La Garza

Evernote for Educatora Chris Hanson

Kindling the Fire in You Roland Kemokai

Get to Know Your Students! Jeretta Jimmerson, Lucy Cochrane

Trust the Process Melissa Castro, Stuart Ray, Bobby Garcia

Why It’s Right to Be Wrong Steven Trenfield, Spencer Martin

The Multiplayer Classroom Zachary McAuley

MPACT Session 5: Strengthening the Core & Reflection


Strengthening the Core: STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) Erika Pierce, April Scofield-Kennedy, Tosha VanMetre, Marla Germain

Strengthening the Core: Literacy Kristen Riley Freeborn, Josalyn Robinson, Amanda Gripp, Derralee Johson

Strengthening the Core: ELL (English Language Learners) Elizet Rodriguez, Maria Gandara, Kelly James, Lynda Maldonado

Strengthening the Core: RTI (Response to Intervention) Michael Perkins, Lauri Webb, Bella Quinn, Kelly Meshelle

Strengthening the Core: 21st Century Skills Lisa Johnson, Deborah Rang, Bobby Garcia, Chris Fancher

MPACT Session 3: Choice Sessions 1:10-2:00

So What’s Your Question Chris Fancher

Fold It, Learn It, Remember It David Perez, April Scofield-Kennedy

How Defined STEM Can Help Jump Start PBL in Your Classroom David Surdovel

Harnessing the Power of Teacher Resources Dana Fitzpatrick

Your Lesson, Lasting Memory Samantha Miller

Great Minds Don’t Think Alike: Differentiated Instruction

Go Math Allison Gosney

Exciting, Engaged E-Students Cathleen Ash

Gamification of the Classroom Michael Mayo

Run Your Classroom on iPads Laura Battle

Thomas Osborne-Developing Leaders with 21st Century Skills-A Thomas Osborne

Effective Communication in Athletics Jennifer Pillich, Shela McGraw

ARD Etiquette Bonnie Shoenberger, Amanda Day

Kindling the Fire in You Roland Kemokai

Dating Violence Christina Foxhall, LMSW

The Factors of Truance Jeretta Jimmerson, Lyndia De La Garza

Fostering a Positive Communication Climate Chris Friede, Ruth Friede

Expectations, Tough Love, and Achievement in the Classroom Samuel Cauman




We appreciate your continued partnership and commitment to this event!

MPACT Session 2: Choice Sessions 10:45-11:45

Digital Literacy Dora Rodriguez

Developing 21st Century Leaders Thomas Osborne

Career Survival Strategies Mike Alexander

Get the Scoop on College and Career Readines Roslyn Caldwell

Googley Moogley Wendy Boatright

ARD Etiquette Bonnie Shoenberger, Amanda Day

Truancy Procedures at MISD Lydia De La Garza

More Fun, Better Retention and Differentiation using Sign Language Katy Smith

Kick-Starting Writer’s Workshop Patricia Draughn, Melissah Hertz

Using De Bono’s Six Thinking Hates Kathy Granato

Individualized Paperless Math-Elementary Veronica EllisonLesson Learned from South Africa: Advocating for the Language Rights… Alicia Adame

Elementary Guided Math Instruction with Linguistic Strategies Ethan Varela

Counselor’s Toolbox for the Classroom Deborah Krawtz, Robyn McGrath

Use What You’ve Got! Rachel Bottoms

Written Conversation Mary Goodman

Education for Our Children/Achieving Parent Involvement Ricardo A. Chavira

MPACT Session 3: Choice Sessions 1:10-2:00

Career Survival Strategies Mike Alexander

The Art of the Picture Book Victoria Vanzura

Elementary PBL in the Math/Science Classroom Gabriella Rodriguez

Learning Together in the Inclusion Classroom Elizabeth Hulse

ACE: After School Meeting (Invitation Only) Michael Perkins

ARD Etiquette Bonnie Shoenberger, Amanda Day

Ca$h, Cabbage, and Dough: Personal Financial Literacy Allison Gosney

Writer’s Workshop-Getting Started and Digging Deeper Courtney Dyer, Katie McClure

7 Habits of Happy Kids-Ideas and Resources Share Michael Harper

To Save a Life, Looking at Gender and Sexuality, A New Approach Stephanie Mayoral Armond

Delving Into Dyslexia Kathy McKay, Megan Cheney, Keith Karseno

Fostering Creativity in the Classroom Kellen Segura

Evernote for Everyone Sharon Lane, Kathy Blankenship

Digitizing the Writing Process William Davies

Want Fortune 500 CEO’s in Your Class? Try Nepris! David Surdovel

Differentiated Centers for ELA & Math LeShell Reeves, Terri McDonald

Creating Books with Kids Digitally Rachel Bottoms

MPACT Session 1: Strengthening the Core 9:45-10:35

Strengthening the Core: STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) Spencer Lehnertz, LeShell Reeves, Jessica Simpson, Mary Novak

Strengthening the Core: Literacy Terri McDonald, Katie McClure, Chandria Ridgeway, Pam Gray

Strengthening the Core: ELL (English Language Learners) Elizet Rodriguez, Maria Gandara, Kelly James, Lynda Maldonado

Strengthening the Core: RTI (Response to Intervention) Michael Perkins, Lauri Webb, Bella Quinn, Kelly Meshelle

Strengthening the Core: 21st Century Skills Kellen Segura, Jennifer Cooper, Bobby Garcia, Chris Fancher








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MPACT Session 4: Choice Sessions 2:10-3:00

Career Survival Strategies Mike Alexander

Meet Me Where I Am Diane Haneke

Elementary PBL in the Math/Science Classroom Gabriella Rodriguez

PBL: A Big Picture Overview Claudia Acevedo

Get Your Project Ideas Here! Chris Fancher

So You Think Your Student Needs Speech? Shirley Shum, Aracely Longoria, Eric Puga

Basics of STAAR Reading Melissa Payne

MPACTing Student Achievement Through Positive Relationships Jeretta Jimmerson, Lucy Cochrane, Kenya Boson

Beyond the Classroom Through Videoconferencing Kathy Granato

The Art of the Picture Book Victoria Vanzura

Fostering Creativity in the Classroom Kellen Segura

5 Apps, 50 Uses Rachel Bottoms, Wendy Boatright

Digitizing the Writing Process William Davies

Want Fortune 500 CEO’s in Your Class? Try Nepris! David Surdovel

Differentiated Centers for ELA & Math LeShell Reeves, Terri McDonald

Dream Flags for Art, Literacy and Expression Candice Blount

Stress and Its’ Effect on Health Renuka Icchapurapu

MPACT Session 5: Strengthening the Core 3:10-4:30

Strengthening the Core: STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) Spencer Lehnertz, LeShell Reeves, Jessica Simpson, Mary Novak

Strengthening the Core: Literacy Terri McDonald, Katie McClure, Chandria Ridgeway, Pam Gray

Strengthening the Core: ELL (English Language Learners) Elizet Rodriguez, Maria Gandara, Kelly James, Lynda Maldonado

Strengthening the Core: RTI (Response to Intervention) Michael Perkins, Lauri Webb, Bella Quinn, Kelly Meshelle

Strengthening the Core: 21st Century Skills Kellen Segura, Jennifer Cooper, Bobby Garcia, Chris Fancher, Lisa Johnson




Artwork: Edgar Delgado"MPACT Student Showcase Poster!Manor High School 2014"

Inspiring Minds, Nurturing Innovation

Student Showcase!Welcome to Manor ISD’s MPACT

We appreciate your continued partnership and commitment to this event!






"Thanks to our generous MPACT SPONSORS """"""""""""""""OUR DONORS All guest & MISD Presenters of MPACT Ali Jahanbin, DDS Future Dental Applied Materials Dianne M. Haneke, Ph. D. Hillje Music Center, Round Rock Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Manor Education Foundation Mentoring Minds Randolph Brooks Federal Credit Union Teacher Created Materials "and EXHIBITORS Alliance Work Partners Barnes & Noble Costco Education 2000 Engaging Solutions Greater Texas Federal Credit Union Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Manor Education Foundation Macmillan/McGraw Hill Nepris Randolph Brooks Federal Credit Union Renaissance Place Remax Texas AFT Teacher Created Materials Texas Classroom Teachers Association Texas Department of Insurance Wells Fargo ""

"SPECIAL THANKS TO All MPACT Volunteers All Principals of Manor ISD All Student Showcase presenters All MHS Custodial Staff Abby Chalmers, Director of Communications Alexander Price, Assistant Principal MHS Ali Jahanbin, DDS Future Dental Angela Matthews and the Technology Team Becky Lott, Family & Student Support Services Charles Brown, Executive Director of Business Services Edgar Delgado, MHS Student Artist Dr. Debi Hester, Chief Academic Officer Folasade Fashina, Student Keynote Speaker George Townsend, Director of Food Services Geovanna Ricaldi of Manor Education Foundation iTeach Team, Manor ISD Jennifer Gonzales, MHS Teacher Jill Brady, Decker Middle School Jorge Martinez Hernandez, MHS Student Video Julie Galindo, Facilities Coordinator Karen Chapoton, MISD Business Office Karin Sanchez, MHS Student Artist Katherine Hutton, MHS Student Artist Kristopher Reyes Korina Gomez, MHS Student Artist Marquis Anderson, MHS Student Video Manor Education Foundation Board Members Manor ISD Bilingual/ESL Department Manor ISD Curriculum & Instruction Manor ISD Educational Associates Manor ISD Food & Nutrition Services Manor ISD Human Resources Department Manor ISD Special Education Department Manor ISD Transportation Department Michael Perkins, Director of Professional Development MPACT Committee Members Principal Jennifer Mann and the entire faculty & staff of Manor High School Rakeda Irvin, MHS Teacher Renee Mireles, MHS Student Artist Stephen Ross and his team Strengthening the Core Session Developers and Presenters Superintendent Kevin Brackmeyer & the District Leadership Team

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