my molten wow journey

Post on 25-Jun-2015



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My Molten WoW Journey


My Molten wow Journey

By: Thognagma

Those included in this slide are those who were the closest to me, and made a large impact on my wow experience.

(Wrath of the lich king)

Sorry if I forgot you! The amount of screenshots were driving me crazy

haha :’(

Starting as a wow noob, screen shot everything!

Where it all started

Konigg(Thanks for the screenshot

^^ )

As you should all know, he is my


He is the one who introduced me to


The evolution of thognagma

The little druid

Level 40!

= Moonkin !!!!


= Moonkin !!!!


And = alliance troubles :/


After a plead on global for help

against alliance, I met lastrevenge.

(best photos I could find :/)

Level 80!

Shit just got real.

Now Something you all should be familiar with…

Soon after reaching level 80, I saw deadmon’s ad for ‘the ghouls of undercity’ on global, and asked if I can join.

Thognagma: can I join? I’ve got 2.5k gs, can I get promoted?Deadmon: I don’t give a damn about your gs. You have to earn your rank.



The founder of the Ghouls of undercity. If it weren’t for him

inviting me to the guild, I don’t think my wow

experience would be anyway near as fun as it has been.

(didn’t have any good photos with deadmon )


One of my closest and trusted friends on wow. After many screw ups,

learning to spell you name was considered an

achievement ;)

Kaskah(thanks for the screenshot ^^ )

Another one of my closest friends on

wow. He’s One Crazy ass shammy healer that does not die in


Also the current Guild master.


Ahh where to begin. This mischievous player was a good friend, but also the

creator of havoc. Known for the ‘philosophies

of gwylim’ (not many people will know about

that) ;)






I didn’t have any screenshots with

these people, but they are also included!

And believe it or not, former ghoul…

Aka ‘chowdah best war wurld’

One of the greatest trolls you will meet

on molten.


After a while of earning my rank, I finally gained the

rank of raid leader.

This is an image a guild ‘For the horde’ being

hosted be me.

One day I saw this Player in my friend list, and was wondering who he was. So I decided to whisper him. It went like this

Thognagma: hey do I know you?Player: yeah I believe we’ve met.

That’s when it all started


Being the player mentioned in the slide above, he is My closest and longest friend on

wow. Out of my 45 days playing time, probably 35 of those days were

spent with him!

The guild changerAfter seeing many friends quit wow, The day finally

came, when it was deadmon’s time to go. :’(

Below are the last I ever saw of Deadmon before he quit.

After quitting, deadmon gave the rank of guild master to thegray. After a while, it was heard that

he too quit wow. As an order given by deadmon, the guild master rank was then passed over to me. :’)

After a while, as I became less active, I passed on the rank of guild master to Kaskah, who still posses the rank today.

Memorable/awesome moments

100k dps! (thognagma best dudu wurld)

102k health!

Taking over the exodar

We came, we saw, we conquered

Wasted (gta style) ;)

Sneaky companions

Mammoth trio


I would add much more, but the amount screenshots were driving me crazy :P

Thanks for watching!!!!

Special thanks toKonigg and kaskah for the screenshots of their characters!

And to everyone who has made my wow experience so memorable.

And last but not least…

Ranid Glowergold! (He looks funny)

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