mystical maladoreias: an rkc chapter 3

Post on 15-Jul-2015



Entertainment & Humor



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The next thing the king and queen knew, their little princesses were about to begin school. King Vayne had their private tutors already picked out for them, he only wanted

the best for his daughters.

He did miss when they were small, for now his heir Prince Nemo was still small enough to cuddle and that was pleasing for the king.

But all too soon it was time to throw another birthday for his young son. He had a lot to do this week, his Royal Venue was scheduled for opening and he wanted to oversee

its opening himself.

Prince Nemo Solidore Taurus 7/7/6/8/4

His heir was a playful little boy and maybe it would serve him well in the future as the

next king.

The king’s venue was more of a place where his subjects and curious travellers could come and rest and have a good meal. It also allowed him to estimate the state of his

kingdom, to see if anyone was concerned or had ideas for him that could improve the quality of life in Maladoreias. King Vayne wanted to remain in touch with his people, lack of communication is one thing that allowed the MNG virus to spread so quickly

among his late cousin’s kingdom.

King Vayne provided an array of snapdragons to keep his people happy and more willing to spend time here.

*Royal Venue (Rank 5) and climbing very slowly.

The twin princesses loved their new room that the king had made for them, in their favourite colours of pink and purple. It was also a way to tell the twins apart, Princess

Anne preferred purple while Princess Jennifer liked pink. Queen Penelo could always tell the twins apart somehow and truth be told King Vayne would love to know how she could

do that.

When they weren’t at school or learning their skills the twins did spend time with their little brother as well. It would serve them well to be close growing up, the

kingdom needed their leaders to be able to work as a team if Prince Nemo ever needed his sisters’ help.

The twins did spend time with their parents as well, Princess Jennifer preferred the piano and Princess Anne loved to dance. The queen would love for both her daughters to

develop an interest in music as they got older, it was a passion of hers.

Although when the twins were at school it was often lonely for Prince Nemo, but that would soon be no more, he was ready to join them in private school. It was also a good

chance for the royal children to meet the other children in the kingdom who would soon be joining them at the private academy for noble born and royal children.

He is adorable. But needs new clothes and a hair cut. Good thing King Vayne went out to purchase new clothing for his children.

Princess Anne: I simply love this game mother!! What is it?

Queen Penelo: It is a new sensation, I believe it is called Don’t Wake the Llama. Although I have never seen a llama in my time.

Prince Nemo: You only love it because you’re winning.

Princess Anne: I win again!

Prince Nemo: Good for you…

Princess Jennifer: Aww, I want to win…

Queen Penelo: Oh dear, that is getting very high…

Princess Jennifer: Careful…careful…gotta place it right…

Prince Nemo: Fall…fall…fall

Overall, the Solidore family’s second round was pretty eventful. The Royal Venue is growing mostly because it’s a ticket taker and the pond actually generates stars if they join King Vayne there. Only wish I had made it bigger…but a 3x3 lot is all that would

fit properly on the edge of the Cliff of Death there. Seriously, that cliff scares me, the fence feels like it’s going to fall over any second.

And now for some corrections: last time we saw the Prescott family I said Hayden was in Politics but he was actually in Military. So we have no politician right now. Also I fixed the tower roof, it no longer hovers above the walls. Turns out the octagonal roof doesn’t like to work on a space less than 5x5 squares without making me angry, so I went for the lowest cone roof and it fit but glitches through the corners…oh well it’s

not floating and that’s all that matters.

I love this picture, the twins looked at each other before sprouting into kids. Although Catherine looks a little scary, it must be the eyelashes, they give her a smoldering

look…combine that with the pale blue eyes and there you go. Scary.

Aveline: What a pretty dress Catherine, but we must do something about those clothes Connor, it’s unbecoming of a Noble heir.

Connor: But I like green mother!!

Aveline had to interrupt her sewing since the baby decided it was time to make an appearance, this time she had everyone home even her twins to witness their new

sibling’s arrival.

Or rather THEIR arrival, once more Aveline had twins. This time it was twin girls making Connor the sole heir for the Prescott name. One they named Diana (darker

skin tone) and the other Delilah (lighter skin tone).

Hayden: What am I going to do with three daughters?

Aveline: I hope the business takes off enough to provide substantial dowries for our daughters once they marry.

Hayden: Your Highness, it would honour me and my wife greatly if you would take home some beautiful teddy bears for the princesses.

Queen Penelo: Well…I do not know.

Hayden: I will even give you a great discount my queen, please say you will?

*Prescott Art Store (Rank 4) still has room to grow, but that will have to wait until next


Hayden: Buy two get one free? I’m sure the young prince would love one too.

Queen Penelo: Well I suppose, it is a lovely bear. I will.

Hayden: Oh thank you Your Highness!! I am humbled and deeply honoured.

Queen Penelo: I will take a pot holder too if you do not mind.

Hayden: Not at all my queen, consider it a gift from me for your patronage.

One reason why the business is still low, they ran out of teddy bears. They seem to be the best sellers for some reason. But it was also time to see the twins grow.

The twins look like living dolls, if not for their skin colour they would be identical and I’d never tell them apart from a distance.

Delilah Prescott

Libra 1/10/3/7/10

Diana Prescott

Taurus 5/5/4/7/5

Catherine and Connor got into private school on the first try. One greet and the score jumps to 60/90 and then a tour and I don’t even need to make any food, they get in

from the greet and tour alone. Maybe it was the uniform, Hayden looks great in it…

Connor: See? Wasn’t that great Prince?

Prince Nemo: Well done!! That is incredible.

Connor: I’m glad, maybe we could be friends?

Prince Nemo: Sure! I love making friends with my people.

Catherine: I can do that too!!

Prince Nemo: But you are wearing a skirt…

Connor: He’s right Catherine.

Catherine: Anything you can do I can do better because I’m amazing. And single my Prince…

Prince Nemo: Umm…right…

Prince Nemo: Let us just start as friends, I am only eight years old.

Catherine: He’s hugging me…*sighs dreamily* I’m the luckiest girl in Maladoreias.

Prince Nemo: I should take my leave. Farewell friends.

Catherine: *sighs again* So well versed…so intelligent…

Catherine: And then he hugged me!! I wish I didn’t have to wash my uniform ever again.

Demeter: Wow, the Prince himself? That’s so amazing.

Catherine: How come you don’t go to my school?

Demeter: Oh, well father and mother just moved here, and we’re a Merchant family. I’m

sure if I ask father I could go to your school too.

Catherine: Well my father is nearly a General, what’s your family name? I’ll see if he can do anything. I need more girl friends.

Demeter: Oh my family name is Erde, Demeter Erde.

Catherine: That’s a weird name.

Demeter: It’s elven. My parents are Earth elves.

Demeter: I should go, I’ll see you later.

Catherine: Yeah, it’s my twin sisters’ birthday tonight. They’ll probably start at your school first.

Demeter: I’ll make them feel welcome.

Catherine: Thank you, they need some friends.

Like their older siblings, the younger ones had to learn their skills first. In pink is Delilah and in orange is Diana.

In conclusion of the Prescott’s week, we have proof that Hayden is now a General. That gives me a chance to make a military base so anyone can join after him, I just need to place the Merchant families and the first of the Peasant class to earn that second NPC


Another shot of the Prescott house. I like the Victorian feel of it and you can barely see the Steep Road of Doom leading up to the castle in the background. If this game had a

chair lift it would so go there, that road is really high. It makes taking pictures difficult.

And that is all for Year 2, Part 1. Next up are the Cranes and the Van Braun families.

Owned Businesses: Royal Venue (Rank 5), Prescott Art Store (Rank 4)

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