narrative theory - michael jackson

Post on 03-Jul-2015






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This theory was based around the idea that all stories start in a state of equilibrium which is then disrupted, setting in motion a chain of events. The new resolution f the story is the creation of a new equilibrium

Propp’s theory is based around the narrative of folk tales, they were basic stories with an obstacle that needed to be overcome. Included basic “Stock Characters”. The characters and their actions thus create the narrative function and provide the foundation for the story

Meanings, including narrative, depend on binary oppositions. Strauss explores these in terms of underlying typical themes rather than events. Conflicts of these binarys drive the narrative events:

E.g. Good vs. Evil

• The music video has many intertexuality references. Michael Jackson (MJ) includes references to his own music, “I dunno man I got a Bad feeling about this, I think we should just Beat It”. In addition the actors used in the music video are famous actors because of the role they have played, the mob gangsters and boss are from famous mob and gangster movies. Actors such as Marlon Brando and Michael Madsen There is also a sense of self pastiche as Chris Tucker delivers lines usually said by Michael “Chomm’on”, it seems in the video that MJ is paying homage to himself.

• In terms of Todorovs theory the video is narrative based so thus follows the expectations of this theory: Michael sees the girl > follows her > finds her > serenades her > bar fight > Michael escapes with girl

• From that chain of events it is easy to recognise the sense of equilibrium and disruption within the video. If one were to also look at the video in terms of Propp’s theory we could argue that in terms of characters:The Hero – MJThe Villain – Mob BossThe Dispatcher – Oriental restaurant OwnerThe Helper – Chris TuckerThe Princess – The Female (Damsel in distress)

• Finally Levi Strauss’ theory bases simplistic ideas into the narrative of the video the to binary opposites that are included are: Good vs. EvilHero vs. Villain

• Overall I think Propp and Todorov’s theories are best used in the music video as it grasps the concepts much better than Levi Strauss, allowing the narrative to have a clear flow and direction that is easy for the reader to follow. The audiences may have watched this for social constructions of conversation entertain, sexual appeasement, and to relax as the music is quite calm yet up beat.

Narrative Analysis

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