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Post on 23-Jun-2020






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N C C - 1 6 4 2 , S T A R F L E E T, I N C . C O R R E S P O N D E N C E S H I P



2 0 1 5 J U N E E D I T I O N



Sarek:  The question you face is: which

path will you choose?

USS Aarushi Charities

Operation PaperbackPink Slipper Project

Sub for Santa

As the USS Aarushi moves forward, this newsletter will highlight some of the crew as well as tell the tale of the Rise of the Aarushi, a continuing saga written by the CO with contributions by the crew.


Some Goings On I’m extremely grateful for the patience of this great crew. I’ll selfishly expound. My husband, Robert Strong, crew name Trebor Gnorts, is a quadriplegic as a result of progressive MS which he was diagnosed with at the age of 19. He worked 20 years at Geneva Steel as a pipe fitter until he fell and hurt his back, after which he had back surgery. The stress of the surgery seems to have caused his MS to become progressive rather than the remitting/relapsing that he’d dealt with so well for so long.

Monthly Activities

Pink Slipper donation

Spot the ISShttp://

Monthly Photo Scavenger Hunt

The end of July Rob and I went to Provo and I took this photo of him with Charlie. (Above left)Aug. 2 Rob became very ill and I took him to Timpanogos Regional Hospital in Orem, UT. They saved his life. He had developed aspirational pneumonia after we all had a (ahem) stomach bug. Rob left the hospital Aug 10 and spent time at a rehab center undergoing further IV therapy, and then came home on Aug. 21. Sadly, Aug 24 I had to take Rob back to the hospital, this time with a UTI. (Google it if you need.) This outcome wasn’t as wonderful. I’ll not go into all the drama that happened, but now Rob is on hospice care, which is end of life care. He came home Aug 28, his birthday. He is having a struggle, more IV antibiotics, constant monitoring of his oxygen and temperature.

So, it is with this that I apologize for missing July’s issue of the “First Ray of Sun”, and offer this issue as a duel July/August issue.

The Photo Scavenger Hunt continues. For this month we will

be looking for these items:

This isn’t a contest, this is for fun!Just pick one topic and run!

1. Back to school photos2. Your hobby room or creations3. A bald cat4.A cast on a broken bone5. A sword6.An old fence7. A ceramic8.A pile of keys9.A pile of buttons10.An old brass door knocker

If your photo isn’t on the list, no worries. The more creative the better so think artsy if possible and go for it!!!!!

Jeffery Beckstrom and Stephanie Christensen at Lagoon, their favorite hangout in the summer. Jeffery was promoted during

this years IC to FLEET CAPTAIN !

Jeffery has started taking martial arts again and was honored to attend a tea ceremony at

his dojo. Photo of his sensei taken by Jeffery Beckstrom.

Janice Roberts completed 20 washcloths which were mailed off to a women’s shelter via the Pink Slipper Project. This is her second set of 20 and she is just waiting for a new address. She earned one STARFLEET bag and will get a second once this batch of watch cloths are mailed. You too can

earn a bag (as seen on left) by following the challenge mentioned later in this issue.

Reoccurring Crew:Admiral T’Peira, (Keira Strong)Rear Admiral Tessa, Q in disguise, (Rear Admiral Janet Shepherd)Col Ian Ral Chief of Security (Col. Matthew Keener)Quentin, a former Q, in Command line, (Robbie Lawrence)Trebor Gnorts, Engineering, (Robert Strong)Halladay, Computers, History, and Jack of All Trades, (Doug Halladay)Ensign Zuthura, Medical, (Stephanie Christensen)Connie Smith, Medical Ensign Zipariah, Medical (Ensign Janice Roberts)Steve Smith, Computer OperationsCapt. Jeffery Beckstrom, EngineeringEnsign Alyssa Clawson, SecurityCrewman Recruit Lenara Pren Rox ( Holly Bolland)

(In the last issue)

T’Peira stood, “Ensign Clawson, you’ve been working closely with some of the best minds in the Federation in the last day since you returned from the dig sight. Any further thoughts?”

Alyssa looked at her mentor and CO, “Sir, there was another item found at the dig sight that only Jake, the individual in charge of the sight, and myself are aware of. Jake felt it was more important to us, as we have been working with the Stargate.” With that Alyssa brought up a small case from beneath the table, placed it down carefully, opened and removed a small statue of a bird. “Sir, this was found in the location of the Utah Raptor with the tag.” It was a small, black bird, standing on a base, wings tucked in beside the body. This was the first T’Peira or any other member of the original staff and T’Peira’s most trusted officers knew of the statue.

What was it’s purpose, it’s meaning, it’s destiny?

**********(Story continues)

Admiral T'Peira stood on the bridge of the USS Aarushi looking out at space dock. The crew that entered this time line and time period had come a long way. Maybe someday the Stargate would be the

key to return them home, if they desired. The Vulcan CO had her hands behind her back, watching and waiting. They would soon be docked in Earth’s orbit leaving the USS Aarushi to have some minor repairs completed, not that Fleet Capt. Beckstrom and his crew couldn't do the repairs themselves, but this trip to Earth gave everyone time to take shore leave and leave the work to others for a few days.

All the Admirals and CO's were called back to Earth, and if there was one thing they


When auditioning for the part of the holographic doctor, Robert Picardo was asked to say the line “Somebody forgot to turn off my program”. He did so, then ad-libbed a line. You’ll have to check the

inter-web for the answer.(by Keira Strong)

Adventures of the USS Aarushi

had learned recently from Kahn, you don't put all your small feathered creatures in one woven container. Disaster for this meeting wouldn’t come from the Romulans as there had been no chatter from the Romulans regarding this meeting. Thanks to the virus planted by Ensign Sir STARFLEET knew that the Romulans were unaware of this meeting. The new Super Klingons had taken over the Klingon home world, and although it would be more difficult for them to infiltrate the gathering, it wouldn’t be impossible. There are enough spies for hire.

Slightly more than 500 crew would be departing via shuttles and transporter for different parts of Earth and its moon leaving only a skeleton crew behind. The Stargate would remain under guard by crew of the ship.

Ensign Alyssa Clawson: Alyssa would be going to Utah, STARFLEET owned some property in Utah for the study of paleontology, not that fossils couldn't be beamed out of the surrounding rock, but on less advanced planets this skill would still be needed.

Crewman Recruit Lenara Pren Rox: This would be a working leave for this young woman. She was going to spend time at the medical building working on lesson plans for the ships two child prodigies. Lenara had been brought into the teaching schedules for the young boy and girl.

Zuthura: She would be at the medical building as well, taking a refresher on xenobiology. She wasn’t looking forward to mingling with some of the species that would be there, they were too short.

Fleet Captain Jeffery Beckstrom: The Engineering conference would be just what the doctor ordered. A little mingling, a little partying, a lot of trading war stories about warp drive.

Col. Ian Ral: He felt that the rifle range would be just what he needed to sharpen his skills.

Richie Rich: A friend of Rachel, plans on visiting a theme park in southern California. Rachel, a friend of the crew, was going to meet him there.

Quentin: Although not a true gambler by heart, he’s headed for the Earth’s moon where he will meet up with some longtime friends at one of the Moon’s casinos.

Zipariah: The people that colonized Earth were from her planet; the time period was that of ancient Egypt, the time of the pyramid builders. She was directly related to King Tut. who's father’s tomb was found on a moon of Pluto. Janice was going to go to Egypt and search out Earths history of her people.

Not everything is as it seems.

As Alyssa lay on her side on the dirt she worked with a tiny brush and pick, slowly reveling the cervical vertebra of what she believed was a raptor, one of the smartest and most aggressive of the dinosaurs of the period. As a child she had gone to a children's dig sight and fell in love with this kind of work. Alyssa was a child prodigy too and had been given the chance to expand a wide variety of interests thanks to Adm. T’Peira. T’Peira had taken Alyssa under her wing and provided adventures for her whether it was with T’Peira or with a tutor specifically chosen by T’Peira. Now as the sun beat down on Alyssa’s silver and lavender hair and a young man

sauntered over to see what she was uncovering.

(continued page 7)

Friend of the ship, Mark McOmber, led an away mission to Sundance, UT for zip lining. Mark as well as Janice Roberts and Keira Strong learned the ropes of zip lining the Sundance style, pull to go, let go to stop. Janice got confused and said she was pulling as hard as she could, but couldn’t stop. She slammed into the recoil spring at the bottom going full out. She was bruised from head to shin. In her defense the wind turned her around, but rather than look over her shoulder where she was going, she looked back at Mark. Then it was too late. As the old Batman show would say “POW!”

Above left, Mark McOmber, photo by Janice.Above right, Janice Roberts and Keira Strong, photo by Mark.Left, flowers by Keira Strong.

Some information for this months story was found at...

“Looks like you’ve been busy this morning. What do you think you have here?” Jake, the tall blond keeper of the pit, as he referred to himself, blocked the sun so Alyssa could look up. She flashed her perfect smile then quickly turned back to her work.

“I believe this is a raptor and… Jake, I think you need to look at this.” Alyssa stopped smiling and became very serious. Jake was used to young women trying to gain favor with him by alluding to some remarkable discovery. He wouldn’t mind kneeling down beside Alyssa for a quick look, at the fossil.

“See?” Alyssa brushed more dirt off the and as she did so Jake wasn’t sure what he saw. “Here, it looks metallic. Did you plant this just to throw us off?” She looked up at Jake.

Jake couldn’t believe what he was looking at and it became very apparent to Alyssa that this wasn’t a plant. He grabbed his pick from his pouch around his waist and started working with Alyssa to uncover, carefully, what looked to be a chain.


Adm. T’Peira took a shuttle to Starfleet Headquarters, trusting that none of the crew would get themselves into anything that they couldn't get out of without her help.


“So much for training with the new rifle.” Ian was being carried to the infirmary for a self inflicted phaser wound, shot himself in the foot before he could so much as aim the rifle, and he knew he would not hear the end of this. But it truly wasn’t his fault, the new rifle had included in its design a poorly placed side safety. Ian was going to write a sternly worded memo about this design. “How long doc?”

“For your sake, hold still. I’ll get you out of here just as soon as I can. Do you have a hot date or something?” The dark haired Polynesian doctor could have had a worse bed side manner, but it would have taken monumental effort. He probably liked to torchere patients when no one was looking.

“No, I want to get back to the rifle range and do something productive.” Ian was still laying on a bio-bed, looking at the ceiling as the doctor worked on his foot. Shot in the foot. What a start to the leave. What story could he make up to tell the Admiral. He turned his head to the side, had he seen someone from the ship pass by? Oh, please no.

**********************“I hate this assignment!” Lenara grumbled as she found a table to work at. The medical building was large, spacious, and easy to get lost in. Getting lost was just what Lenara wanted to do right now. Baby sitting a couple kids on occasion was one thing, but just because she was good at part time sitting didn’t mean that she really wanted to take on an assignment like this. Ugh.

Soon she found herself doing what lots of medical students do, she found a small, quiet area, curled up on the floor behind a table, and took a nap. Kids! In her drowsy state, with her eyes only half open, she could have sworn she saw a Gorn pass by the stairwell. No, must be dreaming, must be.


Quentin wasn’t much of a gambler, less than not much, but he had some friends from the ship that were going to Earth’s moon to run the tables and he promised he’d meet them. “The shuttle left two minuets ago?” Quentin sighed realizing that he would have to wait an hour for the next scheduled shuttle. He sighed again and decided he would walk around and check out 23rd century activities. He found an OLD gambling house that must have been founded a hundred years ago, and if he was going to gamble, it might as well be someplace with decent atmosphere, not some hyped up Moon table. Soon his money was down to just about nothing, even less than nothing. He needed a loan if he was going anywhere. What did he just see? No, but he was going to follow anyway. A Gorn here, on Earth, HERE! He walked passed several others who were too intent on their winnings to see what Quentin saw. He followed to the back of the establishment and into an ally way.


Zuthura wandered the halls of the medical building, dreading going to the Xenobiology group, not that she could’t use a refresher, she just hated the stares she received. Zuthura was about seven foot tall and thin as a “rail” to use her own words. Her species wasn’t abundant in STARFLEET in her own time period, and as far as she had been able to research, perhaps the only one in this time period. She was obligated to go, so go she must, and into the room she went. And yes, there were stares. Soon Zuthura was sure the other doctors and nurses were talking about her, she lost her temper and, true to form, swung her arm across the nearest table and knocked everything to the floor and stormed out. She paced back and forth in the hall, knowing that T’Peira would hear about this. Oh, for a little anger management! What just went down the stairwell? It was green.


After finding that she was a direct relation to Egyptian’s King Akhenaten, Zipariah had wanted to find out more about her Egyptian family, so she decided her shore leave would be spent actually walking where her family walked, seeing the temples they built. As soon as she arrived in Egypt she set about finding her hotel and getting her things in order so that everything would be perfect. Finding hotel, check, unpacking, check, finding a guide, check. But that’s as far as she got. She had no real intentions of seeking her Egyptian roots. She only set everything up so that she would have an alibi, then she rented transport back to Utah. She really was fed up with Alyssa, her good looks, the way the men watch her. She didn’t have to do anything but walk by and the men couldn’t help themselves. Zipariah was going to confront Alyssa, tell her to back off one particular male on the ship so that Zipariah would have a chance.


Fleet Captain Jeffery Beckstrom. He like the sound of it, his promotion had just been made final and the first thing he did was thank Admiral T’Peira for sending in the paperwork. Now he was

off to a meeting of Engineers, more of a meet and great than anything business. Of course they would talk warp drive and such, but that wouldn’t be because of any classes or seminars, bah, classes for Engineers. They do this work for the love of the ship, not because they had to. This trip would take him to a place called Michigan, where engineering had it’s heart. First, a stop at the facilities.(continued page 10)

We’re in need of crafters for slippers and washcloths for the women’s shelters. You’ve been so kind to send yarn, but now we need nimble fingers to knit or crochet. In particular we need washcloths. If you would like one of STARFLEET’s carrier bags you can earn one for 20 washcloths. The first person who has 20 crocheted or knitted washcloths, takes a photo and posts it to the USS Aarushi Facebook site, and mails them to a women’s shelter, (I’ll provide you with an address) you will be able to pick the color of your choice. The washcloths have to be made from new materials, kitchen cotton or cotton ease works great.

If you have any thoughts regarding our ongoing story please let me know. If you have any stories of your own, let me know. If you’ve been on vacation and have one or two great photos that don’t fit the Scavenger Hunt list, email them to me.

Thank you all for being such great people.

Alyssa Clawson has had a great couple of months. Alyssa started her senior year at Lehi High and Paul Mitchel the School where she will work on becoming a

cosmetologist. She also took a photo class, photography is her

second love.

Alyssa used her new SLR Cannon camera and learned how to do more than point and shoot. Using the skills

learned in her photo class she shot these at Bridal Veil Falls.

“I can’t believe this! How do these things happen to anyone, let alone ME!” Jeffery was looking for the facilities, opened a door, stepped in, but the light didn’t automatically turn on. He fumbled around in the dark, he heard the door close behind him, then found a light control, he was in a closet, a maintenance closet. A chief engineer, locked in a closet! “No one will ever let me live this down! Never, as long as I live!” He could hear people just outside the door, but didn’t dare pound on the door for help, he couldn’t. He began looking around for something to get himself out of here. It was then that he saw a shadow in the far corner of the closet, which was a large closet filled with all sorts of equipment and tools, and could it be, a Gorn in the shadows. He was in no position to confront a Gorn in such tight quarters. If the Gorn was hiding, Beckstrom was going to let him think he was not discovered. Trebor Gnorts was also going to be at this meet and greet, if only he could the attention of anyone but Gnorts, Gnorts would be the worst possible person to get him out.


Although technically not part of the crew, Rachel was most certainly a friend of the crew, and as such was going to meet with them after all their meetings took place. In between she was going to enjoy her time at a southern California theme park. She just needed to stop at a little food court to grab a bite to eat and then she would beam directly into the park. That was the plan. Sadly the transporter malfunctioned and she became stuck in the pattern buffer. She wasn’t aware of it, but there she was.


Richie Rich, a friend of Rachel, was also going to meet at the theme park, and just as he stepped onto the transporter pad, using a personal transporter operated by himself, he too winked out, but didn’t show up at the theme park.


Jake and Alyssa had uncovered a metal chain around the neck of a fossilized Velociraptor, this just couldn’t be, but it was. They looked at each other and then documented everything. Jake carefully removed the chain and then saw something else, just below the area they were already digging. Something black, a sculpture. They picked and brushed, picked and brushed, then finally uncovered the top of what looked to be a sculpture of a large black falcon. None of this should be, but here it was.

“I guess this should make you famous.” Alyssa looked at Jake.

Jake would rather not be famous, but he wasn’t going to be able to stop this snowball from rolling. This would rock the entire known history of the Earth. Together they packed up their findings and returned to the museum where their would be more documentation, more tests, scans, metallurgy, soil samples. There would be meetings with STARFLEET, could this information be released or kept from the populations of the Federation. And if the chain wasn’t enough there was the sculpture of what looked to be a blackish bronze falcon.


Beckstrom started pounding on the door, he needed OUT. Finally a young Ensign opened the door. Beckstrom came tumbling out, looking back over his shoulder. How had the door locked? That shouldn’t have happened!

(continued page 12)

Connie Smith and Steve Smith from Salem, Ohio are members of their local Elks club, of

which Steve has been head honcho, grand pooba, president of said local organization. In

August they had their annual motorcycle road trip. Connie begged off and let Steve go by

himself. Let’s point out that Steve, in the year 2014, had his neck fused and both hips replaced.

He hans’t ridden a lot. So off he goes on a couple hundred mile motorcycle trip. It was an

arduous journey and he called home to let Connie know that he was tired, but was going to

finish. When he returned Connie laughed and laughed when she saw Steve’s hair. As did the

others at the Elks club. They told him he had a duck tail, which it seems everyone knew what

that was except Steve. After a couple hundred miles the back of his hair, which is blond,

looked just like a “duck’s tail.”

From our photo class, Alyssa taking photos of a snail and flowers. (below

left and right) (Left) night sky.By Keira Strong

“Security, check the back of this closet, I thought I saw an intruder.” He left out the part about it being a Gorn. Nothing was found, nothing, no one. Jeffery turned his attention to the young Ensign. He made her swear that she would never reveal what had happened, and as she was shipping out that night for deep space, he felt his secret was safe, enough.


Rachel was still stuck in the transporter buffer. She had no idea of the action going on without her. Richie hadn’t been seen or heard from since he called ahead to tell her that he’d be transporting over to the theme park and would meet her there. How can two people get stuck in the pattern buffer of two different transporters? The engineers were working at Rachel, but Richie was on his own. No one knew what had happened to him.


“Hey, Ian old buddy!” Quentin knew where to find Ian and wanted to hit him up for a loan. He hadn’t tried to win anything back after he saw what he thought was a Gorn.

“Quentin, I can safely say even without using Betazed talents, that you want a loan, and the answer is no. I don’t gamble and I’m not going to loan money to someone who throws his all away. What were you thinking, a casino on the moon.”

“I never made it to the moon. I missed the shuttle and walked around until I found a quaint out of the way gambling house. Here’s the thing, money aside, I thought I saw something out of place there and I wanted to find out if you’ve heard of anything happening that would, say, qualify as an anomaly.”

“You’re going to have to be more direct with your question. Let me help, what did you thing you saw?” Ian wasn’t sure if Quentin was trying to ask for a loan in a backhanded kind of way.”

“Okay,” Quentin lowered his voice and leaned in, “I thought I saw, a Gorn.”

“Were you drinking?”

Quentin looked hurt, “No.”

Their communicators both went off, they both reached for them as if choreographed. It seems everyone was being called back to the Aarushi.

Gary Coffer, from New Mexico, has been hard at work at his home, ripping out insulation to get to some areas that needed his attention, greatly needed his attention. I’ve told him before, he’d be a great guy to have around. Superior Handyman!



















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STARFLEET, the International Star Trek Fan

Association, in cooperation with Star Trek

personalities, supports educational efforts with

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The content of this newsletter is the sole property of the editor, or the individual that submitted the photo or article, or the owner of the materials or photos or artwork downloaded from the internet. The editor and the USS AARUSHI hold no claims to any trademarks, copyrights, or properties held by CBS Studios nor Paramount Pictures. All content from Star Trek including still images and character names is the property of Paramount Pictures Corporation and CBS Studios, Inc. and no infringement is intended. No portion of this document may be copied or republished in any way or form without the written consent of the editor. Keira Russell-Strong, Editor

2 0 1 5 J U L Y - A U G U S T



Trivia answer:

Or you can just check here for the answer.

“I’m a doctor, not a light bulb”

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