new age of operation systems evolution of operation systems from xp to 7 by brian towne

Post on 18-Jan-2016






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New age of operation systems

Evolution of operation systems from XP to 7

By Brian Towne

Evolution from XP to Vista

New Features1. New GUI2. Gadgets, Gadget Sidebar3.Games, Game Explorer4.Speech Recognition5.System Performance information and tools

• Vista was originally meant to be a small step forward getting everyone ready for there next big thing which they codenamed Blackcomb

• Vista was announced finished November 8th 2006 and was released January 30th 2007



Graphical User Interface

Windows 95, 98

Windows 2000, ME

Similar to XP

Vista Basic Home Edition

New and Best Graphics

Gadgets, Gadget Sidebar

Types of Gadgets

1.Clock Gadget2. CPU, Memory Usage Meter3. Photo Display 4. Weather Information 5. RSS Feed6. Notes

8. Stocks7.Calender

Games ExplorerThis program allows you to see every game on your computer in a quick and convenient place

Speech Recognition

Built into vista, can do a variety of operations including:1. Open programs, Navigate Programs2. Spell and write3. Copy and paste

System Performance and information Tools

This tool allows you to judge your system’s performance and change settings for your computer to effect performance and rates your computer from 1.0 to 5.9 in several different areas

Programs Removed

• Windows Messenger • NTBackup• HyperTerminal• MSN Explorer • Active Desktop• NetMeeting (Replaced with Windows Meeting Place)

From the change from XP to Vista several programs were removed due to inconvenence for ether the user or for the operation of vista

Windows Mobile 7.0“Photon”

• Beta released sometime in 2009 and final version in 2010

• Revamped UI

• Multi Touch

• Motion related Features

• Etc.

From Vista to Windows 7• Windows 7 has 2 codenames, Vienna and Blackcomb

• This edition was literally vista with a few tweaks

• Currently only the Beta has been released

• The due date for the finalized version sometime in October 2009

Windows 7 ChangeWindows 7 has Made the Vista UI even better both control and visual wise

• Easy maximize by dragging to the top of the screen or clicking the name bar

• Minimize all by clicking the new minimize all button or by shaking

• Compare pages by placing them to the sides of the screen

• Can scan the minimized page by scrolling over them

• New Task bar allows for smooth and quick organization

• Gadget Gallery replaces the sidebar

• Can check history directly from the taskbar

• New text/Font options

• Security Center changed to Action center.

• Better calculator with more advanced features

• Faster boot and shutdown time

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