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Employee Handbook AddendumSeptember 1, 2015

Time and Pay Policies

Attendance and Tardiness

To maintain a safe and productive work environment that is respectful of all employees, De La Salle North Catholic High School (DLSNC) expects employees to be reliable and punctual in reporting for scheduled work. Absenteeism and tardiness place an unnecessary burden on other employees and on DLSNC. During new employee orientation, the supervisor should clearly communicate the department's expectations for attendance and punctuality.

In recognizing that employees need time off work, DLSNC provides paid and unpaid time off to eligible employees. These include: personal days, vacation days, sick days, absences due to work-related injury, bereavement leave, jury duty, and absences that have been approved as Family and Medical Leave.

Notification of Supervisor When an employee cannot avoid being late to work or is unable to work as scheduled, the employee is expected to notify the supervisor and Human Resources as soon as possible in advance of the anticipated tardiness or absence. Failure to report to work or reporting late to work without contacting the department may result in corrective action, and failure to report to work for three (3) consecutive scheduled workdays without contacting the department is considered a voluntary resignation.

Excessive Absence Six or more unexcused absences during a rolling 12-month period are considered excessive and may subject the employee to disciplinary measures. Continued failure to meet attendance expectations after the initial corrective action may lead to further, progressive steps up to termination of employment.

Bereavement Leave

Employees who wish to take time off due to the death of an immediate family member should notify their supervisor immediately. Up to three days of paid bereavement leave will be provided to eligible employees. Bereavement leave will normally be granted unless there are unusual business needs or staffing requirements. Employees may, with their supervisors’ approval, use any available paid leave for additional time off as necessary. DLSNC defines “immediate family” as the employee’s spouse, parent, child, sibling; the employee’s spouse’s parent, child, or sibling; the employee’s child’s spouse; grandparents or grandchildren. If you wish to attend the funeral of another relative or friend, you may request time off from your manager.

Direct Deposit

DLSNC offers the optional benefit of electronically depositing your wages directly into your bank account. This is arranged with HR by filling out the appropriate form and attaching a voided check. You may also elect to be paid with a “live” check. If you are not at work on pay day, your check will be mailed to your home address.

Employee Classifications

It is the intent of De La Salle North Catholic High School to clarify the definitions of employment classifications so that employees understand their employment status and benefit eligibility. These classifications do not guarantee employment for any specific period of time. Accordingly, the right to terminate the employment relationship at will at any time is retained by both the employee and DLSNC.

Each employee is designated as either NONEXEMPT of EXEMPT according to federal and state wage and hour laws. NONEXEMPT employees are entitled to overtime pay under the specific provisions of federal and state laws. EXEMPT employees are excluded from specific provisions of federal and state wage and hour laws. All faculty positions qualify for the EXEMPT designation.

In addition to the above categories, each employee will belong to one other employment category:

REGULAR FULL-TIME employees are those who are not in a temporary status and who are regularly scheduled to work DLSNC’s full-time schedule. Generally they are eligible for DLSNC’s benefits package, subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations of each benefit program.

REGULAR PART-TIME (BENEFITS ELIGIBLE) employees are those who are not in a temporary status and who are regularly scheduled to work at DLSNC 26 hours per week or more. In addition to legally mandated benefits such as Social Security and workers’ compensation insurance, they are also generally eligible for DLSNC’s benefits package, subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations of each benefit program.

REGULAR PART-TIME employees are those who are not in a temporary status and who are regularly scheduled to work at DLSNC less than 26 hours per week. While they do receive legally mandated benefits such as Social Security and workers’ compensation insurance, they are ineligible for DLSNC’s benefits package.

TEMPORARY employees are those who are hired as interim replacements, to temporarily supplement the work force, or to assist in the completion of a specific project. Employment assignments in this category are of a limited duration. Employment beyond any initially stated period does not in any way imply a change in employment status. Temporary employees retain that status until notified of a change. While they do receive legally mandated benefits such as Social Security and workers’ compensation insurance, they are ineligible for all DLSNC’s benefit programs.

Inclement Weather

DLSNC distinguishes between (1) delaying start time and (2) closing the School. On most occasions when severe weather causes a disruption in employment operations, it requires us only to delay the starting time, not to close the School. Generally we follow the closing schedule of Portland Public Schools, but not always. Employees should assume that work begins at the regular starting time in which they are scheduled. However, the decision to delay starting times will be made at the earliest feasible time. You will be notified by an email blast to your personal email address and a text to your personal cell phone. You may also consult the media listings to find out if we are opening late or closed. Employees commuting from long distances are urged not to take unnecessary risks at times when road conditions are hazardous. Employees who are absent for this reason should inform their supervisors of the absence immediately.


Overtime for nonexempt employees may be required occasionally. All overtime work must receive prior authorization from the supervisor. An employee who works overtime without first receiving prior authorization from a supervisor may not receive overtime pay for hours worked. Overtime compensation is paid to all nonexempt employees who work more than 40 hours in a work week in accordance with federal and state wage and hour laws. Overtime pay is based on actual hours worked. Time off while on sick leave, vacation leave, or any leave of absence will not be considered hours worked for the purposes of calculating overtime pay.

Pay Deductions

The law requires that DLSNC make certain deductions from every employee’s compensation. Among these are applicable federal, state, and local income taxes. We must also deduct Social Security taxes and Medicare on each employee’s earnings. In addition to standard payroll deductions, DLSNC is required by law to comply with certain court orders, liens, or wage garnishments and make payroll deductions pursuant to those orders.

DLSNC also offers programs and benefits beyond those required by law. Eligible employees may voluntarily authorize deductions from their paychecks to cover the costs of participation in these programs. Contact your supervisor if you have questions concerning deductions taken from your paycheck or how they were calculated.

Religious Observances Leave

Employees may use vacation time or other leave available to them to engage in religious practices or observances only if the requested accommodation does not create an undue hardship on DLSNC or its operations.

Timekeeping Requirements

Accurately recording time worked is the responsibility of every nonexempt employee. Federal and state laws require DLSNC to keep an accurate record of time worked in order to calculate employee pay and benefits. Time worked typically means all time an employee is required to be on the employer’s premises, on duty or at a prescribed work place. It includes all time spent performing job activities.

DLSNC uses an online timekeeping tool from PayChex called TLO (Time and Labor Online). If you are a nonexempt employee, you will be given a user name and login to record your time daily. The times you log into your record should accurately reflect actual start and end times. Rounding, estimating, and approximating your time is an unacceptable practice. In addition, altering, falsifying, tampering with time records, or recording time on another employee’s time record may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

DLSNC encourages every employee to immediately report any pay or benefit inaccuracies to your supervisor. Our policy is to accurately pay for all time worked and to calculate earned time and benefits properly, and does not tolerate retaliation against those who report pay or benefit inaccuracies in good-faith.

Vacation Time Parameters

In order to maintain effective operation of the School at all times, the number of vacation days that may be taken consecutively is limited to two weeks (ten vacation days). As a reminder, vacation time is to be approved in advance by an employee’s supervisor. Teaching staff is reminded that personal days may not be used as vacation days adjacent to school holidays or breaks.

Non-School Interests

Conflict of Interest

A conflict of interest exists when any employee has a relationship or engages in an activity that impairs or adversely influences his or her judgment with respect to policies promoting the best interest of DLSNC, or that impairs or adversely influences the performance of his or her duties to DLSNC.

A conflict of interest exists when a person benefits financially, either directly or indirectly, from his or her employment excluding compensation and financial benefits paid or granted by DLSNC.

All employees have an affirmative obligation to examine carefully any situation where there is potential for conflict of interest or the appearance of conflict of interest. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action. Employees who are concerned that a conflict may exist, or who are uncertain as to the impact or appearance of their activities, shall consult with their supervisor or Human Resources prior to engaging in the activity.

No Solicitation/No Distribution

In an effort to ensure a productive and harmonious work environment, persons not employed by DLSNC may not solicit or distribute literature in the workplace at any time for any purpose.

DLSNC recognizes that employees may have interests in events and schools outside the workplace. However, employees may not solicit or distribute literature concerning these activities during working time. Upon approval from the President’s office, flyers, posters, etc. may be placed in the staff lounge or posted on the staff lounge bulletin board. School emails or staff mailboxes may not be used to solicit or proselytize for commercial ventures, political causes, outside organizations, or other non-job-related solicitation.

Outside Employment

If DLSNC employs you in a full-time position, we expect that your position here is your primary employment. Any outside activity must not interfere with your ability to properly perform your job duties at DLSNC. If you are thinking of taking on a second job, it would be wise to notify and obtain permission from your supervisor immediately. He or she will thoroughly discuss this opportunity with you to make sure that it will not interfere with your job at DLSNC or pose a conflict of interest.

Conduct Policies

Alcohol and Drug-Free Workplace Policy

DLSNC is committed to providing a work environment free of the use of alcohol and the illegal use of drugs. Employees are expected to be in suitable condition to satisfactorily and safely perform their jobs. All employees are expected to conscientiously follow this policy and to demonstrate a responsible attitude toward the use of alcohol and drugs.

Alcoholic beverages or other drugs cannot be brought onto School-owned or leased premises, nor consumed there at any time, except as medically necessary or as approved in accordance with a defined School function. The sale, purchase, transfer, use or possession of illegal drugs, the misuse of prescribed legal drugs, or the knowing involvement in such activity is prohibited.

With advance approval from the appropriate functional administrator, alcoholic beverages may be provided at DLSNC-sponsored activities, fundraisers, or staff events. In these situations, management is expected to provide leadership in maintaining strict moderation and good judgment. A variety of nonalcoholic beverages and food should be made available.

Drinking alcoholic beverages or using drugs, other than for medical reasons, immediately before or during work hours or breaks is not allowed, whether on or off School property.

Seeking assistance for a drug or alcohol addiction problem will not jeopardize an employee's retention. However, recurrence or continued problems with performance, unexcused attendance, or inappropriate workplace behavior will result in disciplinary action, including termination. This policy is not intended to restrict the immediate notification of police or other appropriate authorities when the situation demands their immediate intervention. In circumstances when a person's behavior requires that a person be restrained or removed from School premises, the manager should contact an administrator or other local authorities.

Drug and Alcohol Screening

All applicants for employment who have passed our other pre-employment screenings may be subject to drug testing prior to beginning employment. Any positive result of any degree will disqualify the applicant from employment, but the applicant my reapply after the expiration of 90 days. All current employees are subject to drug and alcohol testing as described below.

Reasonable Cause Medical Evaluation and Chemical Screening

When reasonable cause exists to question whether an individual is able to perform his/her job, management should consult with Human Resources immediately. Reasonable cause is defined as any reasonable suspicion based on identifiable behavior or performance results which may cause a reasonable person to question whether an employee is physically or emotionally able to perform his or her job.

When there is reasonable cause, an employee may be asked to report to a school-designated physician or clinic for a fitness for duty examination which may include a chemical screening. If the administrator has reason to believe that the employee should not drive, transportation should be provided at school expense. The employee should not return to work until the results of the medical exam have been received by Human Resources. The time off may be treated as a suspension pending the outcome of the exam. Management will decide whether the time off will be paid or not. Exempt employees are suspended with pay.

In the case of a positive chemical screening result, the employee will receive a written test result report from the testing laboratory and will be given an opportunity to offer an explanation relevant to the test result. They have the choice to request an additional retest of the original sample at their expense.

Disciplinary Action

Failure to comply with this policy may lead to disciplinary action up to and including immediate termination. Additional situations which violate this policy include: a) refusal to obtain a medical evaluation including a chemical screening, b) a positive chemical screening, c) refusal to obtain a chemical dependency evaluation, d) refusal to comply with professionally recommended treatment, or e) recurrence.


DLSNC is committed to providing all employees a healthy and safe work environment. Therefore bullying of other employees or students is not tolerated. We will ensure that procedures exist to allow complaints of bullying to be dealt with and resolved within DLSNC. We are committed to the prevention and elimination of all forms of bullying. This policy applies to all employees. It applies during normal working hours, at work related or sponsored functions, and while traveling on work related business. There will be no recriminations for anyone who in good faith alleges bullying.

Bullying is defined as unwelcome or unreasonable behavior that demeans, intimidates or humiliates people either as individuals or as a group. Bullying behavior is often persistent and part of a pattern, but it can also occur as a single incident. It is usually carried out by an individual but can also be an aspect of group behavior.

Context is important in understanding bullying, particularly verbal communication. There is a difference between friendly insults exchanged by long-time work colleagues and comments that are meant to be, or are taken as, demeaning. While care should be exercised, particularly if a person is reporting alleged bullying as a witness, it is better to be genuinely mistaken than to let actual bullying go unreported.

If you think you have been or are being bullied: Any employee who feels he or she has been victimized by bullying is encouraged to report the matter to his or her supervisor, or with Human Resources. An investigation will be undertaken and disciplinary measures will be taken as necessary.

Driving/Traffic Violations

If an employee receives a citation related to the driving or parking of a DLSNC vehicle, the employee is responsible for paying all associated fees and/or fines. Payment is expected to be made directly to the agency charging the fee in a timely manner to ensure DLSNC is not penalized (as the owner of the vehicle). If a traffic violation occurs, you are required to immediately notify your supervisor.

Employee Conduct and Discipline

All employees of DLSNC are required to adhere to the rules of conduct necessary for the organization’s operations. As in any organization, a code of conduct is necessary to establish and maintain a productive and respectful working atmosphere. Any employee conduct that interferes with the effective operation of DLSNC’s business is strictly prohibited.

The performance standards listed below, and others that may be established from time to time, are published to provide a general understanding of what DLSNC considers to be unacceptable conduct. These performance standards are merely examples of the types of misconduct for which employees may be disciplined or dismissed. DLSNC may impose disciplinary action in any instances where administration, at its sole discretion, decides such action is appropriate. Disciplinary actions include, but are not limited to, oral warnings, written warnings, suspension, and discharge. DLSNC retains the right to determine what discipline will be imposed in each individual situation.

Violations of any of the following performance standards may result in disciplinary action and/or immediate discharge: 1. Failure or refusal to follow the written or oral instructions of a supervisor or manager2. Insubordination.3. Neglecting job duties and responsibilities4. Engaging in unauthorized personal business during work hours5. Falsifying or misrepresenting DLSNC or employment records 6. Discourtesy or rudeness in dealing with employees, students, their families, or anyone associated with DLSNC7. Failure to give proper notice when unable to report for or continue work as scheduled 8. Unexcused or excessive absenteeism9. Abuse of sick leave privileges10. Theft, abuse, or misuse of DLSNC property, materials, or supplies11. Unauthorized use of DLSNC property and equipment, including telephones, copy machines, and mail service 12. Threatening, harassing, or inflicting bodily harm to fellow employees or students13. Making false and malicious statements concerning employees or DLSNC14. Intentionally discriminating against employees in violation of applicable laws and/or engaging in harassment of

any employee15. Possession, use, purchase, consumption, transfer, or sale of alcoholic beverages, controlled substances, or illegal

drugs at any time during working hours, on DLSNC premises, or while representing the organization or reporting to work under the influence of alcohol, controlled substances, or illegal drugs

16. Violating any DLSNC policies, rules, regulations, or practices17. Commitment of any crime as defined by Oregon law.

Employee Monitoring/Searches

DLSNC reserves the right to conduct searches to monitor compliance with rules concerning safety of employees, security of school and individual property, drugs and alcohol, and possession of other prohibited items. “Prohibited items” includes illegal drugs, alcoholic beverages, prescription drugs or medications not used or possessed in compliance with a current valid prescription, weapons, any items of an obscene, harassing, demeaning, or violent nature, and any property in the possession or control of an employee who does not have authorization from the owner of such property to possess or control the property. In addition to DLSNC premises, the we may search employees, their work areas, lockers, personal vehicles if driven or parked on DLSNC property, and other personal items such as bags, purses,

briefcases, backpacks, lunch boxes, and other containers. In requesting a search, DLSNC is by no means accusing anyone of theft, some other crime, or any other variety of improper conduct.

There is no general or specific expectation of privacy in the workplace of DLSNC, either on the premises of DLSNC or while on duty. In general, employees should assume that what they do while on duty or on DLSNC premises is not private. All employees and all of the areas listed above are subject to search at any time; if an employee uses a locker or other storage area at work, including a locking desk drawer or locking cabinet, DLSNC will either furnish the lock and keep a copy of the key or combination, or else allow the employee to furnish a personal lock, but the employee must give the company a copy of the key or combination. The areas in question may be searched at any time, with or without the employee being present. As a general rule, with the exception of items relating to personal hygiene or health, no employee should ever bring anything to work or store anything at work that he or she would not be prepared to show and possibly turn over to DLSNC officials and/or law enforcement authorities.

All employees of DLSNC are subject to this policy. However, any given search may be restricted to one or more specific individuals, depending upon the situation. Searches may be done on a random basis or based upon reasonable suspicion. “Reasonable suspicion” means circumstances suggesting to a reasonable person that there is a possibility that one or more individuals may be in possession of a prohibited item as defined above. Any search under this policy will be done in a manner protecting employees’ privacy, confidentiality, and personal dignity to the greatest extent possible.

No employee will ever be physically forced to submit to a search. However, an employee who refuses to submit to a search request from DLSNC will face disciplinary action, up to and possibly including immediate termination of employment.

Hiring of Relatives and Individuals Involved in Dating Relationships

The employment of relatives and/or individuals involved in a dating relationship in the same area of DLSNC may cause serious conflicts and problems with favoritism and employee morale. In addition to claims of partiality in treatment at work, personal conflicts from outside the work environment can be carried over into day-to-day working relationships.

For purposes of this policy, a relative is any person who is related by blood or marriage, or whose relationship with the employee is similar to that of persons who are related by blood or marriage. A dating relationship is defined as a relationship that may be reasonably expected to lead to the formation of a consensual “romantic” or sexual relationship. This policy applies to all employees without regard to the gender or sexual orientation of the individuals involved.

Relatives of current employees and individuals involved in dating relationships may not occupy a position that will be working directly for or supervising their relative.

If a relative or dating relationship is established after employment between employees who are in a reporting situation, it is the responsibility and obligation of the supervisor involved in the relationship to disclose the existence of the relationship to administration. The individuals concerned will be given the opportunity to decide who is to be transferred to another available position. If that decision is not made within 30 calendar days, administration will decide who is to be transferred or, if necessary, terminated from employment.

In other cases where a conflict or the potential for conflict arises because of the relationship between employees, even if there is no line of authority or reporting involved, the employees may be separated by reassignment of terminated from employment.

Employees involved in a close personal relationship should refrain from public workplace displays of affection and excessive personal language.

Resignation/Termination Resignation is a voluntary act initiated by the employee to terminate employment with DLSNC. As a courtesy, we request at least two weeks written resignation notice from all employees. In order to resign in good standing with

DLSNC, an employee must give at least two weeks’ notice, or such notice as is provided for in the employee’s employment contract if the notice provided for is greater.

On the date of your resignation or termination, any accrued but unused vacation time will be paid out.

Safety and Health

Your safety and health are very important to DLSNC. Prevention of work-related accidents, injuries, and illnesses is a primary concern. We must all share responsibility for providing a safe place to work. If you see any unsafe working conditions you should report them to an administrator immediately. You should familiarize yourself with the rules of safety, emergency and crisis response and make recommendations when appropriate, and contribute your complete cooperation toward safety and good health.

Reporting On-the-Job Injuries and Accidents

If you are injured on the job, you must report your illness, injury or accident to HR within 24 hours of the incident and before seeing a doctor (unless emergency medical treatment is needed) regardless of how minor the injury may seem at the time. Failure to properly notify your supervisor or any job-related illness or injury could jeopardize your workers’ compensation claim.

You must also immediately report in detail any accident involving DLSNC vehicles, other people’s property, or injuries to other persons, and you must cooperate fully with all accident investigations. In all cases do this on the day the accident occurs. Making false claims of injury may subject you to criminal prosecution for filing a fraudulent workers’ compensation claim.

Each employee must: Comply with safety policies and supervisor instructions Report unsafe conditions or equipment Report all injuries and “close calls” to their supervisor immediately Refrain from unsafe behavior or endangering others Assume responsibility for their conduct and actions Ask questions when unsure of safe work procedures Use all safety equipment/devices provided for their protection Report activities occurring in the workplace that you consider unsafe or illegal Not jeopardize safety through drug or alcohol use Demonstrate a positive verbal and visual example for other employees to follow

Smoking Prohibition

In keeping with Oregon law, Portland Public School ordinances, and DLSNC’s intent to provide a safe and healthful environment for students, faculty and staff, smoking is prohibited throughout the workplace. In addition, smoking is also prohibited anywhere on School grounds and in School vehicles. This policy applies equally to all employees, students, and visitors.

Workplace Violence/Weapons Prohibition

DLSNC is committed to preventing workplace violence and to maintaining a safe work environment. Given the increasing violence in society in general, DLSNC has adopted the following guidelines to deal with intimidation, harassment, or other threats of, or actual violence that may occur during business hours or at any time on its premises.Possession of dangerous or deadly weapons including, but not limited to, any firearms or other weapons; explosive devices and/or hazardous materials on School premises or off School premises while performing job-related duties is strictly prohibited.

All employees, including supervisors and temporary employees, should be treated with courtesy and respect at all times. Employees are expected to refrain from fighting, “horseplay,” or other conduct that may be dangerous to others. Conduct that threatens, intimidates, or coerces another employee, a student or a member of the public at any time, including off-duty periods, will not be tolerated. This prohibition includes all acts of harassment, including harassment that is based on an individual’s gender, race, age, lifestyle, sexual orientation or any characteristic protected by federal, state or local law.

All threats of or actual violence, both direct and indirect, should be reported as soon as possible to your immediate supervisor or any member of the Administrative Team. This includes threats by employees, as well as threats by students, families, customers, vendors, visitors, or other members of the public. When reporting a threat of violence, you should be as specific and detailed as possible.

All suspicious individuals or activities should also be reported as soon as possible to a supervisor. Do not place yourself in peril.

DLSNC will promptly and thoroughly investigate all reports of threats, or actual violence, and of suspicious individuals or activities. The identity of the individual making a report will be protected as much as is practical. In order to maintain workplace safety and the integrity of its investigation, DLSNC may suspend employees, either with or without pay, pending investigation.

Anyone determined to be responsible for threats of, or actual violence or other conduct that is in violation of these guidelines will be subject to prompt disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.DLSNC encourages employees to bring their disputes or differences with other employees to the attention of the supervisors before the situation escalates into potential violence. DLSNC is eager to assist in the resolution of employee disputes, and will not discipline employees for raising such concerns.


Health and Dental Insurance

Any non-temporary employee who works a minimum of 26 hours per week is eligible to participate in the DLSNC health benefits plan. DLSNC pays the majority of the health and dental benefits premiums and employees pay the balance. For example, in the case of the base plan for employee only coverage, DLSNC pays 72% of the premium and the employee pays 28%. For the 2015-16 fiscal year health benefits are provided by Providence Health and Services. Dental benefits are provided through MetLife.

If an employee elects to enroll in DLSNC benefit plans, deductions will be taken directly out of the employee’s paycheck. If an employee elects to have health coverage with a spouse or parent they will need to sign a waiver and provide information on the alternate coverage.

Other Insurance (Life, Disability, Ancillary)

DLSNS also provides life insurance (valued at twice your annual salary) and long-term disability insurance at no cost to employees. Both of these policies are provided by MetLife. You are automatically enrolled at hire.

Other optional ancillary insurance benefits are available to employees at their own cost through American Fidelity. Examples of these ancillary benefits are cancer, accident, are short-term disability. We will deduct the associated cost from employee paychecks. Some premiums are deducted pre-tax and some are deducted post-tax.

Flexible Spending Account (FSA)

DLSNC provides a Flexible Spending Account (FSA) program through American Fidelity that allows employees to have pre-tax dollars deducted from their salaries to pay for eligible out-of-pocket expenses. The pre-tax contributions made to the FSA can be used to pay for predictable non-reimbursed health care expenses and dependent care expenses incurred during the plan year. Through the FSA program, you can reduce your taxable income without reducing your real income so that you can keep more of the money you earn.

Participation in the Health Care and/or Dependent Care FSA is optional and determined on an annual basis for the plan year. You must enroll for each plan year (it follows our fiscal calendar). You determine how much to contribute to the account, up to a federally determined maximum, based on anticipated expenses during the plan year. For more information, contact Human Resources.

Retirement Savings

DLSNC offers a 403(b) employee savings account, sponsored by the Christian Brothers and administered by Vanguard. Voluntary elections may begin at hire or at any time. After six months of employment you will be eligible for our contribution matching program. Currently the DLSNC matching program allows that DLSNC contributes 3.5% of your salary on your behalf. Additionally, if you make your own pre-tax contribution, DLSNC will match 50% of your contribution to equal up to 1.5% of your earnings.

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