npr's cokie roberts romney poland trip racially motivated

Post on 05-Apr-2018






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  • 7/31/2019 NPR's Cokie Roberts Romney Poland Trip Racially Motivated



    What's important about the NPR excerpt below, which broadcast

    this morning, is that this is everything NPR's Cokie Roberts has to

    say about Romney's motives for going to Poland. This is the

    entirety of it. You can listen for yourself here


    romney-headed-to-poland), but when Roberts was asked why

    Poland, the sole motive Roberts came up with is a racial one.

    Ladies and gentlemen, I give you your tax dollars at work:

    LINDA WERTHEIMER, HOST: So today is Poland. Why is he stopping in

    Poland. What does he hope to accomplish with that?

    Cokie Roberts: Well, I think part of it was a desire to portray President Obama as

    something of a wimp, and say he's abandoned Eastern Europe. But look, you

    remember well the Reagan Democrats. Those ethnic white voters who had beenDemocrats for many years; turned out for Ronald Reagan, and have been fairly

    predictable Republicans since then. Now it's a smaller percentage of the population

    -- of the voting population -- than it used to be, but white voters are still much more

    Republican than any other group in the electorate. They went for McCain in 2008

    by 55%. And I think that getting those ethnic voters excited is really what Romney

    has in mind here. It's more for the folks at home -- the descendents of the people

    that he will be speaking to -- in Poland.

    As you can see, according to Roberts, Romney didn't go to Poland to gain some foreign

    policy experience or to prepare himself to be president or to help differentiate between his

    values and those of our current president. No, it was all some dark, divisive, cynical, racial


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    plan to suck up to us rural white bitter-clingers.

    Yep, Romney went to Poland to blow a big racial dog-whistle.

    This is pure McCarthyism on Roberts's part. Nothing more, nothing less.

    When you use the word McCarthyism as a pejorative, as leftists like Roberts love to do, it

    means ascribing the very worst motives to someone without a shred of evidence. The idea

    is disqualify, delegitimize, toxify, and attempt to silence this person by hurling a vicious

    accusation even though you have absolutely no proof to back it up.

    As we've seen for the last four years, when it comes to protecting Barack Obama, this is all

    the media does. No matter what it is, if it might in any way hurt Obama, the left-wing

    media screams racist. For example, today we have the presumptive GOP nominee

    wrapping up a successful international trip that's ended with a lot of positive media

    coverage, but

    that might hurt Obama. So


    During the 2008 election, this was the left's playbook, and now we're starting to see this

    desperate McCarthyism return. Last week (

    /2012/07/21/Dana-Milbank-McCarthyism), it was the Washington Post's Dana Milbank.

    Now it's Cokie Roberts.

    Roberts has always been very good at spouting the most outlandish stuff and doing so

    while sounding perfectly reasonable and matter-of-fact. But dont listen to her tone; read

    the words. It's pure McCarthyism -- a deliberate attempt to throw a racial cloud over

    Romney and his campaign without a shred of evidence.

    But the only one truly blowing a racial dog-whistle here is Roberts -- and she's doing so

    while disguised as an objective journalist andwith our tax dollars.

    Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC(!/NolteNC)


    REAL-TIME UPDATING IS paused. (Resume)

    Showing 80 of 166 comments

    1and 7 others liked this.

    A LIKE REPLY 2 minutes ago F

    Whatever credibility the MSM had, which was little or none, is gone with their efforts to prop up obama.


    A LIKE REPLY 28 minutes ago F

    Cokie? Does she do so much that it's become her nickname?


    Ever since the Civil Rights Act in 1965 the democratic play book is to accuse Republicans of racism. This is to

    cover up the KKK in the Democratic party that filibustered the act. But it is still alive in Cokie and many other

    ofspring of racists.


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    A LIKE REPLY 31 minutes ago F

    A LIKE REPLY 35 minutes ago F

    Nolte, you are a real journalist. Thank you for taking up this profession.


    A LIKE REPLY 38 minutes ago F

    Yep, Romney went to Poland to blow a big racial dog-whistle.This is pure McCarthyism on Roberts's

    part. Nothing more, nothing less.

    Jesus, Nolte. I can't decide whether you really believe half of the crap you write or if you just do it to get the

    natives here all stirred up. She's talking about Polish Americans - you know...those ethnic white voters, many of

    whom live here in the Milwaukee and Chicago area. Yes, having a presidential candidate visit Poland would

    endear him to many of my fellow Polish Americans. Much like a candidate visiting Ireland would endear him to

    some Irish-Americans. And you warp that into racial dog-whistles and McCarthyism while complaining about the

    bias and partisanship of the corrupt liberal media. Hilarious.


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago F

    Are we talking about the same Cokie Roberts who "was" a drunken Slut in D.C. for many years.

    Not making it up.... look it up! Well, not worth looking it up. Than take my word. I think she may have even

    written a book about it....or something.


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago F

    Huh? Roberts is the one making racist charges. Try reading the black part next time (they call it print) and stop

    drinking the fool-aid.


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 1 Like F

    How many millions of taxpayer dollars do you think have been wasted by Cokie's selfish family of

    arch-lobbyists (the Boggs family)


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago F

    Wow, such hyperbole on this site! The charges of racism and McCarthyism I find overblown (and kinda weird

    actually). This trip was not such a big deal. Romney was just beefing up his foreign affairs credentials visiting

    safe American allies, and shoring up constituencies in swing states. Nothing wrong with that, and nothing out of

    the ordinary. What's the big deal? He doesn't have much foreign affairs experience, but neither did Obama

    before last election. Of course Romney won't expect to have 200,000 cheering Berliners, like Obama. We know

    that. Romney knows that. Yeah, he made some gaffes, but they will all be forgotten by next week. Oh, and

    Cokie is actually a very good commentator.

    The challenge for Romney is how to convey he will succeed on being president on a global stage. He has more

    work to do on that score.

    And that's what this site commentary should focus on, methinks.


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 1 Like F

    Racist (n) (Md Engl. 1889) ray-cizt: (1) a harmless term used by Democrats to insult people who disagree with



    A LIKE REPLY 42 minutes ago in reply to Emma F



    I'm an ethnic white voter.


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    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 2 Likes F


    When did that start?

    I suppose Romney is going to start working on oppressed white reparations and pay all my utility bills. Woo


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 1 Like F

    Yes Cokie, that's one possible reason out of a long list of possible reasons. Much more likely though, is to

    assure former soviet bloc subjects that the US will stand by them. the opposite of the Bamster's message to

    mostly white countries around the world.


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago F

    Wow, lots of hyperbole in the commentary on this site. Not sure that such strident charges of McCarthyism and

    racism are in order (geez, and with capitals, really?). Romney just visiting safe ally type countries hoping to

    shore up constituencies in swing states, and he also needs to beef up his foreign policy credentials, since he

    didn't have much. Neither did Obama when he ran, but Obama had 200,000 people in Berlin come out to see

    him when was a candidate, which Romney did not expect/attempt to match on his trip. All understandable.

    Nothing nefarious about any of this and don't see much to fault Cokie either. She's actually a very good

    commentator. Frankly, it was all very benign. Yeah, the trip was all motivated towards getting elected, no big

    foreign policy pronouncements, that wasn't in the cards. Romney made some minor gaffes, but they were minor.

    And all this will be all fogetten in a week.


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 1 Like F

    Just another left handed dig for being such a staunch ally of ours in war and peace. Thank you Poland!


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago F

    The new logo for the left wing socialocomunist is RASIST no matter what we say or do they call it rasist so let

    them keep on talking by their presence in won't be long before is gone together with their Messiah thye

    community organizer that they had no other choice. By the way we not even know who this man (Messiah) is.

    From where he was really born and all the rest are shield, so go figure. At least Romney is like a clean running



    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago F

    Hey Cokie, you ceased being an objective (or intelligent) journalist years ago. DEFUND N.P.R. AND P.B.S.!!


    I guess Cokie Roberts hopes everyone forgets obama "reneging" on the MISSLE SHIELDS

    that were promised to these countries - by President Bush - for their loyalty as ALLIES to The United States of

    America -

    that was intended for The USA to help "protect" them.

    Without any notice - or communication, resident Obama halted the Plans - for the Missle Shields - and

    SNUBBED these countries.

    Just like Obama halted the building of the Border Fence - without notice - and had stopped raids on Illegal

    Aliens - by ATF, INS, ICE, DEA - as soon as he was inaugurated -

    and under the radar stopped the Military Tribunals that were already underway at GITMO - (when Obama

    hi-jacked the WH) - w the Radical Muslim Terrorists pleading guilty -

    only for Holder as US AG - eight months later to complain about the long delays in bringing these prisoners to

    trial -

    when in fact Holder as a defense attorney had represented 16 GITMO prisoners - and was responsible for the

    extremely long delays in bringing GITMO prisoners to trial.


    Americans not knowing about Obama's Operation Fast and Furious - whn ARMING a FOREIGN INVASION

    - for the cause of the EXTREME VIOLENCE - until a WHISTLEBLOWER reported - weapons from Operation


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    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 1 Like F

    Fast and Furious were found at the crimes scenes of US Border Agent Brina Terry and Jaime Zapata that was

    being covered-up by Holder's DOJ and The White House.


    How's that Cokie Roberts? You spew Propoganda -

    and we deal in FACTS!

    Thanks for the opportunity, Meathead!

    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago F

    Whatever Romney's intentions were his appearance was a big FAIL. The crowd shouted O-BA-MA!


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to ahemahem 2 Likes F

    Hearing things is generally regarded as .....bad.

    But, hey, go with it.


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 2 Likes F

    I find that a classroom of 3rd graders scraping their finger nails on the chalkboard is more coherent than this

    ramble by Cokie Roberts. Where did I leave my Vertigo meds?


    Defund NPR yesterday!!!


    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 1 Like F

    Cokie Roberts is a TERRORIST journalist. No different than what the New Black Panther Party is doing on the

    airwaves = inciting HATE - based on Falsehoods.

    Cokie Roberts should be ASHAMED of herself.

    maybe what caused her to be called "Cokie" - went to her head.


    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 1 Like F

    I think Romney may have gone to Poland on a medical transplant mission of mercy to bring back pierogies,

    which can certainly function better than liberal brains.


    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago F

    So THIS is what the corrupt leftwing media means by taking something in context.


    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 1 Like F

    Shout yer white guilt proud and loud, Cokster! I'm certain the community organizers nation-wide will be

    impressed with pathetic groveling.


    Every leftist loon is trying to come up with something -

    for Obama SNUBBING these countries the entire FOUR Years he has been in office -

    as an acornseiunaacpvoterigged resident =

    a Usurper, a RADICAL, of MUSLIM Faith - posing as a fake Christian.


    looks like obama's wh advisors and re-election campaign advisors - just screwed him out of re-election.

    (just kidding - Americans would never re-elect obama - but maybe your dead family pet would -


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    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago F

    since the Obama campaign has a front organization sending out over FIVE MILLION Voter Registrations - in the

    names of DEAD - FAMILY - PETS!!!)

    Desperate Liberal Democrats Recruiting Dead Dogs to Vote for Obama

    a former attorney and political leader turned nationally syndicated talk-show host, Roger Hedgecock, who is a

    strong supporter of the military, founded Homefront San Diego" which assists thousands of m ilitary families in

    acquiring needed items, and has authored an exclusive article titled, "Dead dogs for Obama."

    As the title suggests, the writing is about voter fraud and how this issue just might decide the outcome of the

    coming national elections in November. The complete article with more fraud examples, published July 14,

    2012, can be seen at

    One of his first examples of the frauds that might be expected in the coming weeks and months at polling

    stations near you, was perpetrated In Seattle, Wash, when just last month, Brenda Charlston received a voter

    registration form in the mail from the Voter Participation Center with all the blanks filled in for "Rosie Charlston."

    That was the name of her black Labrador who died in 1998.

    Hedgecock continues, "The Obama supporting center says it had mailed some 5 million forms using

    commercially available databases to target Democratic-leaning groups such as unmarried women. What did

    they use in the Brenda/Rosie mailing? The dead dog mailing list?"

    My guess is that the Obama supporting center wouldnt care where the databases were originated or from

    whom and where they originated. After all, to them, a vote is just one step closer to the reelection of the already

    questionably legality of the current incumbent. And who can quibble when liberals state that fraud cases are so

    very rare. But one does have to ponder why Obamas supporters would mail FIVE MILLION forms out if the

    frauds were infrequent happenings. Are they?

    In "Dead dogs for Obama" Roger Hedgecock also cites the instance that in June of this year "in Buford County,

    Va., Tim Morris received a filled-out voter registration form for "Mozart Morris" addressed to "Mo," his dog that

    passed away two years before. Again, the form came in the mail from the Voter Participation Center", the same

    sending organization address that provided a form for "Rosie Charlston" cited above.

    Coincidence, or flat out illegal attempt to commit a fraudulent vote for Obama? You be the judge.

    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to FinaBiscotti F

    We should file complaints w our Sheriffs - District Attorneys - State Attorney Generals and Secretary of

    State - as well as Chief of Elections in our city -

    to demand this organization = "Voter Participation Center" - sending out voter registrations in the name

    of dead family pets -

    to be prosecuted for Voter Registration FRAUD = now!


    This is the perfect reflection of why VOTER ID Laws are necessary and should be mandatory!


    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 1 Like F

    And to think 40 years ago I gave NPR donations to bail them out when they were going under ....... boy was I


    At least I grew and matured, Progressives just rot.


    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 1 Like F

    Obama has NPR working it for him = PROPOGANDA for the Wit House-

    since Obama's personal political pursuits prevented him from visiting ISRAEL and POLAND as President of The

    United States of America - for the past FOUR years = SNUBBING these countries.

    But now that a Gentleman - is visiting these countries - who is seeking the US presidency,

    all of a sudden, Obamao is jealous of the reception he is getting.


    Why didn't all of Obama's Advisors not see that coming? does Obama have burnt-out airheads as his

    campaign advisors?


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    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to FinaBiscotti 1 Like F

    there is a clear reason the racist cokie is called cokie. her and barack both enjoyed more than one

    snort or two from their cokie.


    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 2 Likes F

    Racially motivated? Why...because Lech Walesa is Caucasian? Really? Cokie...are you on the Coke too?


    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 1 Like F

    Poor Cokie Roberts - another loser swinging on the vine of Obama's PROPOGANDA machine = NPR.

    Obama is an ABSOLUTE DISGRACE to The United States of America.

    You would think Cokie Roberts would have the integrity and honesty of her mother - Lindy Boggs.

    But, thanks Cokie - for showing us why NPR should not be funded with US taxpayer money. You are a Good



    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to FinaBiscotti F

    she is swinging from something hanging on obama, but it isnt a vine.


    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 1 Like F

    Racist has replaced the "Wolf" for the story line for attention. Overused and no longer relevant.


    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 1 Like F

    This is getting outrageously funny. Anything done by a conservative is racist. For instance;

    Why did Romney cross the road? Because he's a RACIST!

    Why did Romney eat dinner? Because he's a RACIST !

    Why did Romney save businesses and create jobs? Because he's a RACIST!

    Why did Romney... well you get the idea.


    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago F

    I remember watching Cokie Roberts years ago, with George Will and Sam Donaldson, on "This Week with

    David Brinkley." Back then, I would never have imagined her making such an unfounded accusation. She

    seemed the type of person who was both well-mannered and self-respecting enough that she would not

    advance a falsehood.

    Apparently sometime between then and now, she must have lost her marbles. So sad when that happens.


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to Diddian 1 Like F

    The corrupt leftwing media has become completely uninhibited about their blatant partisanship. They

    used to pretend they were even-handed; they don't even bother to pretend any more.


    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 2 Likes F

    Cokie Roberts is typical of the walking dead dinosaur liberal media that is now obsolete, out of touch, and

    powerless to control facts and opinion through lies and disinformation and now resorts to all it has left, accusing

    ideological opponents of racism, sexism, homophobia, bigotry, and hatred having nothing to offer and nothing to






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    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 4 Likes F


    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 4 Likes F

    NPR, PBS, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS are a ll racially motivated. It's so much easier to drop words "racist" or

    "hater" when one has no facts or arguement to fall back on.



    LIKEREPLY 2 hours ago 4 Likes


    Yes, it's me and I research. Cokie Boggs screams RACISM ? This old hag only got her job because she is the

    talent-less DAUGHTER of the late segregationist Hale Boggs. Sound familiar ? A liberal Catholic who favored

    Gun Control and anti-FBI ad hominem attackes like his fellow KGB plants of many years. He was a Dem.

    SEGREGATIONIST Louisiana Congressman (Bircher-John-KKK hidden!!) on the Warren Commission and

    when he showed remorse and doubt for covering it up, he suddenly died in an mysterious airplane crash and

    Alaksa... Better blame it on Palin like his liberal Segregationist daughter would. Thats right a

    SEGREGATIONIST is Cokie Roberts genes. Calling Romney a racist? How could such an IDIOT like Roberts

    get that kind of job ? Remember this hag from the dilapidated ABC Sunday morning news show sucking

    George Will/ Sam Donaldsons butts ? Said once that Pat Buchanan should leave the party, go away, was she

    talking about Daddys Klan-hiding DEMOCRATIC ghost ? Now she is sucking Nina Totenberg (she made the

    list, forgot!)/George Soros butt. A Repub turned pseudo-lib like Ed Schultz, and DAVID suck my rock BROCK.

    How nice. Real butt-sucking establishment type who helped cover-up the Kennedy assassinations by Daddy.

    Read this and believe NOTHING the old Hos from the Republican party (e.g, Roberts, Sawyer, etc.) say.



    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to hossrosschisom 1 Like F

    That's a helluva enlightening post. I like your style.


    A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 2 Likes F

    I know the liberal media is totally one sided, but seriously the only one that I see is racially motivated... is

    Obama... considering his support for racial discipline, but thats ok....


    A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 2 Likes F

    Libs are so devoid of thought and substance that the only thing left in their feeble brains these days is the

    "racist" meme overlayed on EVERYTHING.

    I about fell out of my chair today reading blog comments on the 15 year old Chinese girl swimmer who suddenly

    broke her own best time by 5 SECONDS, putting in a better time than Lochte, the men's gold medalist.

    A bunch of libs on there said it was RACIST to suspect them of doping. I kid you not. We live in a crazy world

    and liberal ideology is the Fountainhead of the craziness.


    A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 2 Likes F

    Obama doesn't need anyone's help "portraying him as a wimp." He can do that just f ine by himself. As for

    calling Romney's visit to Poland "racial," do these water-carriers for the President know how STUPID they

    sound when they use that term? Is that ALL they have left in their bag of tricks? I got news for 'em: IT ISN'T

    WORKING. In fact, it isn't working just like the rest of the COUNTRY isn't working.


    A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago F

    Ross Perot wanted to ask the moron liberal Cokie Roberts to be his Vice President - lol


    A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 2 Likes F

    Cokie's drug problem is getting worse. She has those doper's eyes.


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    A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago F

    I think I first became aware of "Cookie" Roberts around 1990. I call her "Cookie" since I've never taken her

    seriously, having all the intellectual capacity of a piece of cooked dough. I would call her a faux intellectual, or

    better yet, faux-naif, someone who pretends to be ingenious. Next to Sam Donaldson, on no one's list of

    intellectuals, she falls short, which is quite an accomplishment. The only reason she's on TV is she is very good

    at pretending to be smart. Great bug-eyed gravitas. Must be her Wellesley training, the same college from

    which H. Clinton matriculated. Cookie is always, and in all ways, to be dismissed out of hand no matter what

    the topic. A lightweight. The nicest thing that can be said about Cookie is she is insufferably self-important. All

    hat, no cattle. A pseudo-intellectual. Just plain dumb.


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to theREALBob F

    "The only reason she's on TV is she is very good at pretending to be smart."

    No, IIRC, she's a Democratic senator's daughter. That'show she landed her job.


    A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 1 Like F

    I was on Yahoo news today and their board was full of hate for Lech (and Poles). I had a racial theory to the

    hate for this man. A lot of Jews probably do not like the Poles because I know the Germans ran the death

    camps but the Poles turned on the Jews hard also. So there may be racial politics involved at least on the

    Democratic side. And for those liberals spouting vile on Yahoo's board, I thought about those Polish American

    voters that Cokie Roberts mentioned, how do they feel when Lech is hated by the Obama voters? Romney I'm

    sure didn't go there for racial reasons but I hope the Polish American voters look at the racial hatred they are

    now getting from the left and know that they are not loved there.


    A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago in reply to sailordude 2 Likes F

    the penalty for hiding Jews was DEATH.........even knowledge of them hiding meant concentration


    Can't blame them.....PS.....I'm Jewish


    A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 7 Likes F

    So voting for Mitt is going to make me a racist? Voting is more complicated than it used to be.......


    A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago in reply to tanstaafl 3 Likes F

    I spit up my drink at your comment. Good one!!


    A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 1 Like F

    The demographic of taxpayers (whether we wish to or not) and private citizens who, mainly, support PBS and

    NPR is a white one - by her own reckoning. You may retire, now, Cokie.


    A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 2 Likes F

    Here a racist,there a racist,everywhere a racist-racist. Is anyone besides me so sick of this over-played meme?

    Libs cannot help but overplay a hand. I predicted a few weeks ago that with the rich guy, Bain, businessman

    attack ads not working that very soon the racist card would be played. And here we are.


    A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 3 Likes F

    De-fund this travesty on your second day in office, Mitt. I know the first day is repealing Obamataxcare.


    What's surprising to me is that as much as the Democrats and the MSM race-bait that so few White voters vote


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    A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago 2 Likes F

    Republican. You would think a party (Democrats) which basically tells Whites that they have a long term goal of

    disadvantaging Whites relative to all other racial groups would have few if any White voters, but I guess the

    desire to be told that "you aren't like those others" and the desire to feel morally superior out weigh common



    LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago 6 Likes F

    Ya dam-n straight COke face Roberts, 'white voters are still much more Republican than any other group in the

    electorate. ' and proud of it.


    A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago 7 Likes F

    Every time some biased media type or stupid politician calls Romney a racist the term becomes less effective

    and more of a joke. Thanks Cokie.


    A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago 4 Likes F

    Cokie I hope you are correct because I am becoming racially MOTIVATED myself. Every time I see a gang of

    black hoodlums flash-robbing a store or beating someone up on the street or the subway or read about small

    kids being shot by the GANGSTA cult I get really MOTIVATED to make sure we cut these welfare derelicts off

    the dole and throw them DEEP into a WORKING prison system for as long as it takes for them to decide to

    become responsible citizens....

    And every time I hear about another MUSLIM terrorist wannabe sheltered and protected by his US Imam and

    the "faithful" followers of Mohammed I believe they should ALL be sent out of our country until THEY decide to

    either be good citizens or Muslim terrorist and sympathizers!



    A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago 1 Like F

    Oh, she's still alive?


    A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago 9 Likes F

    Someone please tell me again why this pack of progs still get tax payer money? These little Marxist wannabeesneed to be defunded in the first month of the new (conservative) Congress taking their oaths... knock-on-wood.


    A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago 4 Likes F

    Democrats/Liberals/Progressives/Communists/Socialists are the most Racist Group of people on the face of t he



    A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago 5 Likes F

    Remember this smear, Mitt, when NPR starts bellyaching about their taxpayer funding being ended.


    A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago 1 Like F

    Can anything I've said be construed as racist?


    A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago in reply to tincansquid 2 Likes F

    Only if you're a conservative, in which case EVERYTHING you say can be construed as 'racist' and

    'hateful'. 'It's sunny out today' 'YOU'RE A RACIST!' 'I have a white dress shirt' 'BIGOT!' 'I love my wife'

    "WHY DO YOU HATE WOMEN?!' 'My tax returns are my business, not yours' 'HIDING SOMETHING?

    YOU'RE A FELON' I smoke' 'SO YOU SUPPORT THE DEATH MERCHANTS?' 'I believe in the

    traditional definition of marriage' 'WHY DO YOU HATE GAY PEOPLE?'


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    A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago in reply to Hadrian762 1 Like F



    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to TINCANsquid F

    Yes, I'm quite aware of that. So was the response.


    A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago 3 Likes F

    She is nothing but a withered, old runt (or something that rythmes with it)


    A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago 5 Likes F

    As usual, the racism in the Western world is WAY overstated and the racism in the Third world is left

    unchecked. How about Sudan or Turkey, you deluded morons at NPR?


    A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago 2 Likes F

    More "blather" from Cokie the liar, the result of nepotism from her liberal parents (Boggs) that made careers out

    of duping the poor as does the current administration. Cokie fits right in and we pay part of her salary.


    A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago 5 Likes F

    Face it, folks -- they're on to us. They've "outed" us on our all-consuming desire to see everything through the

    lens of race, and our dark secret is now made public. Was it racist of me to use the term "dark secret"?

    Probably -- but what can you expect from a racist (which I now know that I am, thanks to people like Cokie


    We would have gotten away with it, too, were it not for those truth-seeking objective journalists . . . all is lost.

    Curses -- foiled again!

    Wait -- we have but one hope. It's pretty lame, but I've seen it work before. We can say we were "born this way"

    . . . then they have to tolerate us. Score!


    A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago 3 Likes F

    No, nothing WIMPY about this administration not only, removing the missile defence which ensured their

    protection from Russia, but notifying them BY PHONE of the cancellation on the eve of the anniversary of its

    beginning. Nothing WIMPY about bowing to Russia with this gift and backing away with no commitment in



    A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago 1 Like F

    Is it "Cokie Roberts" or "Kookie Roberts"....Obama is the most racially dividing president that has ever held the

    office of POTUS....


    A LIKE REPLY hours ago 4 Likes F

    When I read this crap that all these people have hidden from view for decades I'm sickened. These two faced

    elitists are as unAmerican as one can get and yet they owe their entire livelihoods to those who would have

    jettisoned their worthless hides over the fantail of a garbage scow. They have no gratitude at all. They deserve

    to live out their days as paupers.


    Re the linked article on WaPo's Dana Milbank, I would like to add that "some" on The Hill, "experts" among the

    all-intelligent and truth-revering members of academia, and various liberal "sources" have told me that Milbank

    and Martin Bashir were again seen at Romney rallies, screaming, "Kill him! Kill Gordon Gecko! Death to the

    Gaffe-making Wimp! If he's not a eunuch now, we'll @#&**# make him one!"


    s Cokie Roberts: Romney Poland Trip Racially Motivated

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  • 7/31/2019 NPR's Cokie Roberts Romney Poland Trip Racially Motivated


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    A LIKE REPLY hours ago 3 Likes F

    So far, neither the FBI nor the Secret Service have debunked these reports.

    A LIKE REPLY hours ago 4 Likes F

    Obama is the creapiest son of a b**** who has ever been president. Even more so than Woodhead Wilson.

    Some of this stuff that the left is pointing out, with of course Obama's encouragement, is really really sick. I

    mean sick in the head stuff. Crazy monomania kind of stuff. Stuff that people like Castro or Chavez would

    spout before they pulled the trigger. Where does the left come up with these kind of monsters from? They

    seem to have them stockpiled in their garages just waiting for the right cue to bring them out.


    A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago in reply to gotham1883 3 Likes F

    You're right, and we want to tell you, it is hot, boring, cramped and uncomfortable! And boy, are we

    sick of Taco Bell Cusine. But we guess it beats earning a living until the lawsuits pay off, and it at least

    gives us the promise of ten minutes or so to bask in non-obscurity and psuedo relevancy.

    Thanks for thinking of us!


    Dan Rather

    Cokie Roberts

    Charles "Holy War" Gibson

    Keith "James O'Keefe is a Felon, Oops He's Suing Me But Who Isn't?" Olbermann

    Janeane "Republicans have Screwed-up Limbic Systems" Garafalo

    Et al


    A LIKE REPLY hours ago 3 Likes F

    Roberts is a throwback to when the MSM controlled the progressive narrative.

    She is no longer relevant.

    I would love to a fly on the wall at one of her progressive cocktail parties!!!!


    A LIKE REPLY hours ago 3 Likes F

    She is just doing her homework in DISTRACTION from NO JOBS & FAILING ECONOMY & BFB, the last B

    stands for BO-TAX-CARE.


    s Cokie Roberts: Romney Poland Trip Racially Motivated

    13 7/30/2012

  • 7/31/2019 NPR's Cokie Roberts Romney Poland Trip Racially Motivated


    s Cokie Roberts: Romney Poland Trip Racially Motivated

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