nubia slides

Post on 19-May-2015






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Nubia Facts

David Leshik

• Egypt dominated Nubian Kingdom of Kush for about 1000 years from 2000 and 1000 B.C.

• Egyptian Armies raided and occupied the Kush for a period of time while Nubia was in charge. 2000-1200 B.C.

• Nubia is south of Egypt between the first cataract of the Nile, an area of churning rapids and the division of the River into the Blue+ White Nile

• Several Nubian Kingdoms served as a trade corridor and used the Nile which linked Egypt and Mediterranean to Africa and Red Sea 2000-1200 B.C.

• Egypt forced Egyptian rule on Kush 2000-1200 B.C.

• Napata is Kush’s capital and was center of Egyptian trade+culture

• Kushite princess brought back culture and customs such as rituals and hieroglyphic writings from Egypt 2000-1200 B.C.

• Egypt began to decline in 1200 B.C. then Kush regained it’s independence

• Kush wanted to guard their values by conquering Egypt and ousting its Libyan Rulers 751 B.C.

• Piankhi a Kushite King overthrow Libyan dynasty and united the entire Nile Valley from Delta in North to Napata in South 751 B.C.

• They became Egypt’s 25th dynasty 751 B.C.

• Piankhis dynasty was short lived and were conquered by Assyrians 671 B.C.

• Despite the loss of Egypt, they than experienced a Golden Age 671-250 B.C.

• Kush moved down to Meroe and became active in flourishing trade among Africa, Arabia and India 250 B.C.

• They had abundant supplies of Iron ore which they used for weapons and tools

• Meroe was also used to transport many goods

• Iron Bars, tools, spearheads, jewelry, fine cotton cloth,lamps, and bottles were popular

• Kush began to decline and Aksum then took over the Kushites 150-350 A.D.

• Nubia became partly Christian in AD 300

• Nubia became extinct in 1956


-History Textbook



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