nusantara magazine 11th

Post on 25-Jan-2016






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Nusantara Magazine 11th



Mobil Balap

Race Car

Golf Cart / Buggy



Learn Bahasa Indonesia

Transportation (Transportasi)



Mobil Golf





Bus Double Decker


Kereta api

Learn Bahasa Indonesia

Transportation (Transportasi)


Sailing Boat

Kapal Layar

Bus Bertingkat Dua

Fire Truck

Mobil Pemadam Kebakaran





Learn Bahasa Indonesia

Transportation (Transportasi)









Hot Air Balloon

Balon Udara

Learn Bahasa Indonesia

Transportation (Transportasi)


Pesawat Terbang




Kapal Selam


Perahu Kano


About Indonesia

South Sumatra Capital City : Palembang

South Sumatra Province is situated on the eastern side of Bukit

Barisan mountain. Palembang is its capital and is the gateway to

the province. The visitors can easily reach South Sumatra by air.

This region will offer to the tourist an unforgettable souvenir with

its remote beaches and Natural Parks on the northern side of


Source : Visit Indonesia


Indonesian Folklore

The Greedy Fisherman

In the east of Kalimantan there lies a long wide river that’s so famous across Indonesia.

It is well-known as Kapuas River. It has so many streams running through it. One of

the streams is called Sungai Kawat (Wire Stream). Why has it been named as Sungai

Kawat? Well, let us check this story out.

Sungai Kawat is located in Sintang City, West Kalimantan. Once upon a time there were

a fisherman and his wife as well as his children lived nearby. This family is categorized as

poor family. The father always went fishing for living. He was sometimes lucky in

catching the fish but there were also times when he was not. He sometimes failed

catching even a single fish.

One day, the fisherman went fishing. He brought with him two fishhooks in case any of

them is broken down. If this is so then he can still keep fishing with the other fishhook

that way. He quickly rowed his boat towards the Kawat Stream. After being put some

bait, the fishhook was then rolled off and drowned deep into the stream. He then

waited for it to be drawn by a fish. The sun shone brightly up right in his head. After

waiting for a while, he still didn’t notice his fishhook move at all. He, however, didn’t

give up immediately. Once in a while he moved it to another place but his efforts were

still in vain. He insisted to do so since he promised to himself that he had to bring some

fish with him for his wife and children as well when going home. He had to bring with

him even merely a single fish.

When the sun was starting to set, he rowed his boat to the edge of the stream hoping he

could catch a lot of fish over there. He slowly stopped by a small bay with a lot of

stones all over it. There are a lot of green mosses and giant trees on that land.

“There is probably a lot of fish in here,” he wondered.

He then began replacing the bait with the new one. Soon he cast the fishhook deep into

the water. After waiting for quite some time, he didn’t find any signs of fish dragging

away the fishhook.


Indonesian Folklore

When the sun was about to disappear and he was ready to abandon that place, he

surprisingly noticed his fishhook being pulled inwards so hard into the water. He then

immodestly rolled it up and drew it out from

the water.

“Whoaaa, this fish is fascinatingly huge,” he


The fish was stuck between the rocks and

trying hard to pull the fishhook further to

middle of the stream. He kept rolling off the

string of his fishhook to prevent it from

breaking off. When the pull from within the

stream was getting slow, he rolled it back up

towards him. It was drawn away to the

middle of the stream when he was rolling it

up. He immediately rolled it off again to

prevent string breakage. At the point of

time, it was already dark, even darker when

shaded by the thick foliage all over. The evil

mosquitoes could not even distract him at all. He was totally absorbed by the feeling

that he’s getting the fish soon.

When the fishhook was being dragged further to middle of the stream, his boat was

also indirectly drawn apart from where it once was. The bay was practically deep and its

color was slightly dark as the day was already dark at dusk.

Eventually the pull was slowing down. He rolled it back up for so many times. He,

however, didn’t notice the fish coming up. He was then more cautious in rolling up the

string to avoid the fish from losing. When the string was being entirely rolled up, not

even a fish was discovered. The thing that’s stuck in its hook was a rod of wire.

“Whew, I lost the fish,” he grumbled while reaching out the wire.


Indonesian Folklore

He then observed it closely in the shadowy place. He suddenly realized that the wire was

slightly yellow. Having noticed that the wire was actually a string of gold, he started

drawing it away from the water.

One meter, two meters, he was still not satisfied with it though. Otherwise, he could be

so wealthy even if he only got one or two meters. He could actually escape from the

poverty only if he was satisfied with that wire. Ironically, the greediness has emotionally

absorbed him. He immensely wanted to be the wealthiest person in that village. That

way he wanted more and more wire to have with him. He then kept drawing and rolling

up the wire from the water. The wire seemed to have no ends at all even he has already

kept rolling it up for quite a while.

“Whoaaa… is too long. I can be the richest person in this world,” he crowed to himself.

He kept rolling the wire even if it was already so dark out there. His boat was so full of

the wire he drew over. He kept rolling up the golden wire over and over again. Deep

within the water there was a sound roaring up ”Enough is enough! Just cut me off!”.

He however didn’t care about that noise at all. He kept drawing the wire since he really

wanted to be wealthy soon. There was a second loud noise warning him to cut it off,

“Please just cut me off now!” “Stop it…! Don’t keep going….!”

He however didn’t care about that warning noise. As the boat was full with the golden

wire, the water started flowing through it. The greedy fisherman still kept drawing the

golden wire anyway. More and more water flowed throughout his boat without him

realizing it. He was aware of it when the boat was completely inundated by the water.

Yet he was too late though. He drowned and sank deep into deep into the bottom of

the stream.

The fisherman has never come up ever since. He died for his immense greed that has

made him never feel satisfied with what he got. Thus, the stream was then named as

Sungai Kawat (The Wire Stream) ever since. (Translated by : Laser Romios)


Cerita Rakyat Indonesia

Nelayan Serakah

Di kalimantan Barat terdapat sebuah sungai yang lebar dan panjang, sungai ini terkenal

di seluruh Indonesia. Sungai itu adalah Sungai Kapuas. Sungai Kapuas mempunyai

banyak cabang. Cabang-cabangnya berupa sungai-sungai yang kecil dan jumlahnya

banyak. Salah satu cabangnya adalah Sungai Kawat. Mengapa dinamakan Sungai Kawat?

Nah, simaklah cerita di bawah ini.

Sungai Kawat terletak di kota Sintang, Kalimantan Barat. Pada zaman dahulu, hiduplah

seorang nelayan sungai dengan istri dan anak-anaknya. Mereka tinggal tidak jauh dari

Sungai Kawat itu. Keluarga nelayan itu tergolong miskin. Setiap hari sang ayah hanya

menggantungkan hidupnya dari menangkap ikan. Kadang kadang mujur, tetapi ada

kalanya sehari penuh ia tidak mendapatkan seekor ikan pun.

Pada suatu hari, nelayan itu pergi memancing. Ia membawa dua buah pancing untuk

menjaga kemungkinan jika satu pancingnya putus, ia masih dapat menggunakan

pancingnya yang satu lagi. Ia mendayung perahunya masuk ke Sungai Kawat. Setelah

pancing itu diberi umpan, pancing itu diulurkannya ke air dan ia menunggu pancingnya

ditarik oleh ikan. Matahari telah tinggi, namun tidak seekor ikan pun mendekati pancing

si nelayan, apalagi untuk memakan umpannya. Akan tetapi nelayan itu tidak lekas putus

asa. Telah beberapa kali ia berpindah tempat di sungai itu, tetapi keadaannya sama saja.

Nelayan itu bertekad bahwa jika ia pulang ke rumah, ia harus membawa ikan untuk anak

dan istrinya walaupun hanya seekor.

Ketika matahari mulai condong ke arah barat, ia mendayung perahunya lebih ke hulu

sungai dengan harapan di sana ada ikan. Di sebuah teluk kecil yang banyak batunya, ia

pun berhenti. Tanah sekitar tempat itu berlumut dan ditumbuhi pohon-pohon kayu yang


”Mungkin di sini banyak ikannya,” pikir nelayan itu.

Ia mulai mengganti umpan pancingnya dengan yang baru. Kemudian pancing itu di

ulurnya ke dalam air. Setelah begitu lama ia menunggu, tidak ada tanda-tanda

pancingnya ditarik oleh ikan. Ketika matahari hampir terbenam dan nelayan itu akan

pulang, tiba-tiba pancingnya ditarik dengan keras dari dalam air.


Cerita Rakyat Indonesia

Nelayan itu mengangkat pancingnya dan menyentaknya ke atas. “Ah, besar sekali ikan

ini,” pikir sang nelayan.

Ikan itu menyangkut di pancing dan

menarik tali pancing itu ke sela-sela batu di

tepi sungai. Tali pancing terus diulur lebih

panjang oleh si nelayan agar tidak putus.

Ketika tarikan dari dalam air mulai

melemah, nelayan itu menarik kembali tali

pancingnya ke atas. Pada saat si nelayan

sedang menarik pancingnya, tali pancing itu

ditarik kembali dari dalam air ke arah ke

tengah sungai. Dengan cepat, nelayan itu

mengulur pancingnya kembali agar tidak

putus. Ketika itu hari sudah mulai gelap.

Tambahan lagi, daun-daun yang rimbun

menambah kegelapan di tempat itu.

Nyamuk nyamuk yang mengerubungi si

nelayan tidak dihiraukannya. Pikirannya

hanya tertuju pada ikan yang akan diperolehnya. Pada saat tarikan dari dalam air ke

tengah sungai, perahu nelayan ikut tertarik ke tengah sungai. Teluk sungai cukup dalam.

Warna airnya kehitam-hitamam karena hari sudah gelap. Akhirnya, tarikannya mulai

melemah. Si nelayan mulai menarik kembali tali pancing nya ke atas. Akan tetapi, ikan itu

belum tampak. Nelayan itu lebih berhati-hati agar ikan itu tidak terlepas.

Ketika seluruh tali pancingnya telah terangkat, tidak seekor ikan pun tampak. Yang

menyangkut di pancingnya adalah ujung tali kawat.

”Wah, ikannya lepas” pikir sang nelayan.

Tangannya menjangkau ujung kawat. Ia mengamati ujung tali kawat itu dalam

keremangan. Tampak olehnya kawat itu kekuning-kuningan. Setelah diketahui bahwa

kawat itu adalah kawat emas, ia mulai menariknya.


Cerita Rakyat Indonesia

Satu meter, dua meter, ia merasa belum cukup juga.

Padahal kalau ia mau bersyukur dengan satu dua meter saja hidupnya akan bercukupan

dan tidak akan menderita kemiskinan. Namun sifat serakah telah merasuki dirinya. Ia

ingin menjadi orang paling kaya di kampungnya. Maka ia ingin mendapatkan kawat emas

itu sebanyak-banyaknya. Ia terus menarik kawat itu dari dalam sungai. Meskipun telah

lama ia menarik, kawat itu belum habis juga.

“Ah, panjang sekali. Aku akan menjadi orang paling kaya di seluruh dunia,” pikir si

nelayan. Ia terus menarik kawat itu tanpa menghiraukan hari semakin gelap. Sampannya

telah penuh dengan gulungulaan kawat emas. Ia terus menarik dan menarik kawat emas

yang tidak ada habis habisnya itu.

Dari dalam air terdengar suara, “Sudaaaaaahh, sudahlah, potong saja kawatnya.”

Namun, si nelayan tidak menghiraukan suara itu. Ia terus menarik dan menarik kawat itu

karena ia ingin cepat menjadi kaya raya.

Terdengar lagi suara dari dalam air memperingatkannya untuk kedua kalinya. “Potong,

Potong sajaaa…..!”

“Berhenti…! Jangan diteruskan…!”

Akan tetapi, nelayan itu tetap saja tidak peduli. Karena perahu nelayan itu sudah terlalu

penuh dengan kawat emas maka air pun mulai masuk.

Si nelayan yang telah menjadi rakus tetap belum berhenti menarik kawat sementara

perlahan-lahan air terus merambat ke dalam perahu. Nelayan itu baru sadar setelah air

benar-benar telah memenuhi perahu. Namun terlambat, seketika itu juga perahu itu

tenggelam bersama si nelayan ke dasar sungai.

Nelayan itu tidak pernah timbul kembali. Ia mati di dasar sungai akibat keserakahannya

yang berlebihan. Itu sebabnya sungai itu dinamakan sungai kawat.


The Next Young Diplomat From Kyrgyzstan

If you have experience about Indonesia, why don't you tell us? Send

your story and photo to

From Reader

Muratbek Dadabaev comes from Kyrgyzstan. He speaks many languages

such as are Russian, Turkish, English, Kyrgyz and Bahasa Indonesia. Right

now he has been in Indonesia for a year and been in one of universities in

Surabaya studying International relationship.

Let’s read our interview with him!

NM: Hey Murat, how are you?

MURAT: Hey NM, I’m good thanks.

NM: Alright, so what do you feel as a college student in Indonesia? and what is the first

thing you do in Indonesia?

MURAT: I feel so happy. It’s nice ! My friends are so caring and always fun! When I arrived,

the first thing I do is attending Bahasa Indonesia course in Universitas Negeri Jakarta. I’d

like to speak and understand Bahasa Indonesia well cause I’ll be in Indonesia for long time.

After doing this course I’d plan to continue my study at university, my first choice is

University of Indonesia then come next is Universitas Gajah Mada.


If you have experience about Indonesia, why don't you tell us? Send

your story and photo to

From Reader

Unfortunately I can’t make it. Then the last choice I have is Airlangga University in


NM: So what are the most challenges thing being an International student in your new


MURAT: I can’t speak Bahasa Indonesia well but I believe my Bahasa Indonesia is getting

better and the second problem is, in Surabaya people always talk in Javanese. It is hard for

me to understand it well. So I have to learn Javanese soon.

NM: Btw what’s your main reason to choose Indonesia as a place to get you bachelor degree?

MURAT: Because Indonesia is similar to Kyrgyzstan . We have a large number of Muslim’s

population. I also have a dream someday i can create a relation between Kyrgyzstan and

Indonesia then build a Kyrgyzstan consulate in Indonesia, because until now there is no

consulate of Kyrgyzstan in Indonesia. Of course I’ll be the consul. *laughing*

NM: It’s impressive! You’re really patriotic, keep doing that! so let’s talk about food. Have u

ever tried any traditional Indonesian cuisine?

MURAT: yes I’ve tried Soto Ayam! It’s my favorite one.

NM: yes that’s delicious food, what is the different between Kyrgyzstan food and Indonesia


MURAT: People in Kyrgyzstan always eat meat every day. Meat in Kyrgyzstan is very cheap

and it’s essential for us. We seldom eat fish.

NM: So Murat, have you ever thought to move from Indonesia? Then make a relation with

other countries?

Murat: Well. No! I’ll always live in here because I’d like to build a consulate only in


NM: Okay Murat, thanks a bunch for your time. I hope you can reach all your dreams and

make a good relationship between Indonesia and Kirgizstan



Got some photos? Send it to

Masjid Terapung—Palu, Central Sulawesi

Mount Kerinci—Jambi ( By : Bella Moulina)



Si Gundul (The Bald Headed) is a young Indonesian boy. The comic trying to give you

an insight of Indonesian daily life. Of course, In a fun way . Enjoy Laughing!!


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