objective 3.01 understand the integumentary...

Post on 06-Oct-2020






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“Scrub In”

• What is a function of the skin: a. Convert glycogen to glucose

b. Secretion of growth hormones

c. Manufacture of vitamin C

d. Protection from germ invasion

• The innermost layer of the epidermis is constantly reproducing itself. This function enable the skin to: a. Detect pressure and pain

b. Repair itself if injured

c. Soak in the sun’s ultraviolet rays

d. Store energy

3.06: Understand the functions and

disorders of the integumentary system 1

3.06 Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

Essential Questions:

• What are the functions of the integumentary system?

• What are some disorders of the integumentary system?

• How are integumentary system disorders treated?

• How do you relate the integumentary system to the body’s communication systems?

3.06: Understand the functions and

disorders of the integumentary system 3

Functions of the integumentary system • Functions of the skin:

– Protection

– Sensory perception

– Regulation of body temperature

– Storage - fat, glucose, water, vitamins, salts

– Absorption – ex: topical medication

– Excretion – salt, small amount of waste and excess water

– Production- vitamin D

4 4

Functions of the integumentary system

Epidermis Major function of intact skin:

protects the body against invasion of pathogens or germs

Melanocytes: give skin its color (skin darkens when exposed to sunlight) and filter out ultraviolet radiation from sunlight

The epidermis is composed of dead and living cells. The dead cells are rich in Keratin which is a protein that provides a waterproof covering.

3.06: Understand the functions and

disorders of the integumentary system 5

Functions of the integumentary system

Epidermis Why are some people dark and others fair?

Can that be changed?

3.06: Understand the functions and disorders

of the integumentary system 6

Functions of the integumentary system

Dermis Regulates temperature,

supplies the epidermis with nutrient-saturated blood and stores much of the body's water supply

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Functions of the integumentary system

Subcutaneous layer Hypodermal layer

Hypo- dermal

Insulates the body from cold temperatures and provides shock absorption. Fat cells of the hypodermis also store nutrients and energy.

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Functions of the integumentary system

Hair Helps protect the body

Length, thickness, type and color of hair varies with the different body parts and different races

“Goosebumps” – is caused by the arrector pili muscle. It causes the skin to pucker around a hair when exposed to a sudden chill.

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Functions of the integumentary system

Nails Protects the fingers and toes

from injury

Healthy nails are usually pink in color

Some disease conditions can be found due to the color of a person’s nails Liver disease – white nails

Kidney disease – half pink/half white

Hypoxia – bluish in color

Anemia – pale nail bed

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Functions of the integumentary system

Glands Sudoriferous glands

Eliminate sweat and perspiration that contains water, salts and some body wastes

Axillary glands produce an odor when their secretion mixes with bacteria

Sebaceous glands

Secrete an oil for hair and skin (sebum)

When an oil gland becomes plugged with dirt and oil a blackhead or pimple occurs

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Functions of the integumentary system

The skin has remarkable ability to heal itself.

New skin cells are generated on the inside of the skin as old skin cells on the outside die and shed. Which means your skin is constantly renewing itself from the inside.

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disorders of the integumentary system 12

Disorders of the integumentary

system Acne vulgaris:

Common chronic disorder of the sebaceous glands that

causes inflammation

Pores becomes blocked with dirt, cosmetics, excess oil

and or bacteria. This causes the area to become filled

with leukocytes causing the accumulation of pus.


Frequent thorough washing of skin

Avoid creams and heavy makeup

Antibiotics or vitamin A ointments

UV light treatments

3.06: Understand the functions and disorders

of the integumentary system 13

Disorders of the integumentary

system Athlete’s foot

Caused by a fungal infection and is contagious

Symptoms: skin itches, blisters and cracks into open sores

Treatment: antifungal medication and keep area clean and dry

3.06: Understand the functions and

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Disorders of the integumentary

system Burns: First-degree



3.06: Understand the functions and

disorders of the integumentary system 15

Disorders of the integumentary

system Burns: First-degree


Skin red and dry

Involves only the


Treatment: cold


Heals within one


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Disorders of the integumentary

system Burns: Second degree/partial

thickness Epidermis and dermis


Pain, swelling, redness and blistering

Skin may be exposed to infection

Treatment: pain medication, dry sterile dressing

Healing within two weeks

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Disorders of the integumentary

system Burns: Third-degree/full

thickness Epidermis, dermis and

subcutaneous layers involved

Loss of skin, eschar (blackened skin), possibly no pain

May be life threatening/requires immediate hospitalization

Treatment: prevention of infection, fluid replacement and skin grafting

3.06: Understand the functions and

disorders of the integumentary system 18

Disorders of the integumentary


Burns: Compare the


degrees of


3.06: Understand the functions and

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Disorders of the integumentary

system Burns:

Rule of Nines Used to quickly

assess percentage

of body surface


Can be used to

determine extent of

treatment needed.

3.06: Understand the functions and

disorders of the integumentary system 20


• Any change in an existing mole or wart may be a sign of:

a. Acne

b. Dermatitis

c. Cyst

d. Melanoma

• When the normal hair is replaced by a very short, transparent hair, what condition results:

a. Alopecia

b. Albinism

c. Herpes

d. Dermatitis

3.06: Understand the functions and

disorders of the integumentary system 21

Disorders of the integumentary

system Dermatitis/Eczema dermat- -itis

Inflammation of the skin that produces a rash

Both are frequently caused by coming in contact with a substance or stress

Symptoms: dry skin, erythema/redness, itching, edema, scaling. A macular-papular rash is noted with dermatitis.

Treatment: eliminate cause, especially if allergens; anti-inflammatory ointments; antihistamines and steroids

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disorders of the integumentary system 22

Disorders of the integumentary

system Herpes

Herpes simplex virus

Two types of HSV:

HSV type 1 - oral

HSV type 2 – genital

Symptoms: blister or multiple blisters on or

around affected areas

Transmission: oral secretions or sores on

the skin. Can be spread through kissing or

sharing objects such as toothbrushes or

eating utensils. A person can only get herpes

type 2 infection during sexual contact with

someone who has a genital HSV-2 infection.

Can be passed to a baby during childbirth.

Prognosis: no cure


Disorders of the integumentary

system Impetigo – highly


2 main causes of impetigo: Staphylococcus aureus and group A streptococcus.

Risk factors for contracting impetigo: age (2-6), broken skin, warm/humid conditions, certain sports

Treatment: antibiotics (cream or oral)

3.06: Understand the functions and

disorders of the integumentary system 24

Disorders of the integumentary

system Psoriasis Persistent, chronic disease

that forms thick silvery scales and itchy, dry, red patches that are sometimes painful

Risk factors: family history of the disease

Treatment: topical steroids, moisturizes

3.06: Understand the functions and

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Disorders of the integumentary

system Ringworm / tinea corporis– highly contagious fungal infection

Transmission: Spreads by direct skin-to-

skin contact with an infected person or animal

Causes: fungal infection caused by mold-like parasites that live on the cells in the outer layer of your skin

Treatment: antifungal medications

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Disorders of the integumentary

system Scabies - is an itchy skin condition

Cause: a tiny burrowing mite

Transmission: contagious, and can spread quickly through close physical contact

Treatment: Elimite cream

Prevention: Clean all clothes and linen Starve the mites.

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Disorders of the integumentary

system Shingles

Cause: viral nerve infection Commonly seen on the chest or

abdomen/causes severe pain A person with shingles can pass the varicella-

zoster virus to anyone who isn't immune to chickenpox. This can occur through direct contact with the open sores. Once infected, the person will develop chickenpox not shingles.

Anyone who has ever had chickenpox can develop shingles. Factors that increase your risk of developing shingles are: age >50 and diseases that decrease your body’s immune response

Two vaccines may help prevent shingles — the chickenpox (varicella) vaccine and the shingles (varicella-zoster) vaccine.

3.06: Understand the functions and

disorders of the integumentary system 28

Disorders of the integumentary

system Skin cancer - the abnormal

growth of skin cells Risk factors: excessive sun exposure (primary

cause), fair skin, history of sunburns,, moles, family history of skin cancer

Prevention: avoid sun exposure between 10am-4pm, wear sunscreen (at least SPF of 15) year-round , wear protective clothing, avoid tanning beds, check your skin regularly

Three types:

Basal cell carcinoma Squamous cell carcinoma Malignant melanoma


Disorders of the integumentary

system Skin cancer

Basal cell carcinoma • Most common and least malignant type of skin cancer Often appears as a waxy bump Occurs most often on areas of the

skin that are exposed to the sun (ex: face and neck)

Treatment: surgical removal, radiation, cryosurgery

3.06: Understand the functions and

disorders of the integumentary system 30

Disorders of the integumentary

system Skin Cancer Squamous cell carcinoma

Develops in the thin, flat squamous cells that make up the epidermis.

Occurs mostly on the scalp and lower lip.

Grows rapidly/prognosis is good if found early

Treatment: surgical removal or radiation

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disorders of the integumentary system 31

Disorders of the integumentary

system Skin cancer Malignant melanoma

Is the most serious type of skin cancer. Develops in the cells (melanocytes) that produce melanin

Spreads (metastasizes) to other areas quickly

• Cause: exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation

• Signs and symptoms: may appear as a brown irregular patch that appears suddenly; moles that ooze, bleed or itch; a change in an existing wart or mole; the development of a new pigmented or unusual-looking growth on your skin

• Treatment: surgical removal of the melanoma and chemotherapy

3.06: Understand the functions and

disorders of the integumentary system 32

Disorders of the integumentary

system Skin lesions: Characteristics of the different skin

lesions: 1)Macules – flat spots on the skin (ex: freckles) 2) Papules – firm raised areas (ex: pimples, chickenpox, syphilis) 3)Vesicles – blisters or sacs of fluid (ex: seen in first stages of chickenpox) 4)Pustules – sacs filled with pus (ex: acne, pimples) 5)Crusts – areas of dried pus and blood (ex: scabs) 6)Ulcer – deep loss of skin surface that extends into the dermis

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Disorders of the integumentary

system Skin lesions: Macule



3.06: Understand the functions and

disorders of the integumentary system 34



Disorders of the integumentary

system Skin lesion:

Decubitus ulcer/ pressure ulcer

Bedsores that occur from constant sitting or lying in the same position without shifting weight

Prevention: keep areas clean and dry, shift weight frequently, good skin care, regular skin inspections and good nutrition

Treatment: frequent turning and relief of pressure on bony prominences, special cushions/pads/mattresses, keep sore clean and covered, antibiotic if needed for infection

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Disorders of the integumentary

system warts - small, grainy skin growths that occur mainly on fingers or hands.

Cause: human papilloma viral infections

Spread through direct contact

Prevention: good hygiene ( don’t bite your nails, keep hands dry, don’t pick at warts)

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There are many different types!

Disorders of the integumentary

system • Alopeica

– Occurs when the normal hair is replaced by a very short transparent hair.

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