ČestnÉ vyhlÁsenie  · web view2019. 10. 17. · vývoj postavenia žien v spoločnosti v...

Post on 23-Mar-2021






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kvinta Sparks

rok 2019/2020




Daniela Feriancová

Emma Tomková

Vanesa Husáková

Emma Lea Nikodýmová


D - PaedDr. Barbora Ulrichová

UK - Mgr. Pavol Cesnak PhD.

Aj - Lucas Sprouse

Aj - Mgr. Michal Torma

Postavenie žien v spoločnosti, kvinta Sparks, 2019/2020


Čestne prehlasujeme, že sme pracovali samostatne a v súlade s etickými


Emma Tomková:

Daniela Feriancová:

Vanesa Husáková:

Emma Lea Nikodýmová:


Postavenie žien v spoločnosti, kvinta Sparks, 2019/2020


Ďakujeme konzultantom, ktorí nám pomohli pri tvorbe projektu za ochotu pomôcť

a trpezlivosť.


Postavenie žien v spoločnosti, kvinta Sparks, 2019/2020
























Postavenie žien v spoločnosti, kvinta Sparks, 2019/2020













Postavenie žien v spoločnosti, kvinta Sparks, 2019/2020


Náš projekt je zameraný na postavenie žien v spoločnosti. Pozeráme sa na

túto tému z historického hľadiska a opisujeme vývoj postavenia žien v priebehu

posledných troch storočí. V každom storočí sme si vybrali jednu ženskú osobnosť,

ktorá podstatne prispela k emancipácií žien. Dnes by ich činy možno neboli

považované za revolučné, avšak v rámci obdobia ich života boli výnimočné.

Zároveň sme sa rozhodli priblížiť situáciu na výtvarnej scéne na Slovensku počas

20. storočia, kde sme opisovali tri umelkyne.

Hoci sa v súčasnej dobe v civilizovaných krajinách už nestretávame s

predsudkami voči ženám, ktoré zastávajú významné pozície v rôznych oblastiach

spoločenského života, chceli sme poukázať na to, že cesta k takémuto výsledku

bola pomerne dlhá a neľahká. Bohužiaľ, v niektorých iných krajinách ešte stále

neplatí plnohodnotná rovnosť medzi mužom a ženou. My by sme však chceli

poukázať na historické udalosti, z ktorých by sa svet mal poučiť a nedovoliť, aby

podobná situácia znovu nastala.


Postavenie žien v spoločnosti, kvinta Sparks, 2019/2020


Vývoj postavenia žien v spoločnosti v stredoveku a novoveku súvisel so

sociálnymi triedami. 19. storočie prinieslo čiastočnú zmenu. Zrušilo sa

nevoľníctvo, začali vznikať ústavy, prebehla sa priemyselná revolúcia a podobné

udalosti, ktoré charakterizujú 19. storočie, a tie pomohli k vzniku prvým

spoločenstvám. Spoločenstvá boli založené najmä na občianskych princípoch

(najmä anglosaské krajiny). V tejto dobe taktiež začali vznikať rôzne ženské

hnutia, ktoré zožali úspech tiež v strednej a najmä robotníckej triede.

Ženy v tomto období mali oveľa menej práv než muži. Právnu subjektivitu

získala žena jedine manželstvom a to len vtedy, ak sa žena a muž stali jedným

subjektom, nad ktorým má však plnú moc muž. Ženy mali taktiež právo na

vdovský podiel, ktorý siahal do výšky jednej tretiny. Muž bol zodpovedný za

manželkine dlhy a priestupky a jeho zákonnou povinnosťou bolo poskytovať

živobytie pre svoju manželku. Žena, ktorá bola vydatá tiež nesmela bez

prítomnosti manžela žalovať, ani byť obžalovaná, uzatvárať zmluvy, rozhodovať o

svojom majetku, ani o vlastných deťoch, nemala možnosť napísať závet a v

prípade hocijakej škody nemala nárok na náhradu.

Vtedajšia spoločnosť (najmä v Anglicku) aspoň z časti pochopila, že

diskriminácia žien neprospieva rozvoju krajiny. Ženy sa začali stávať

podnikateľkami, aj napriek odsudzovaniu, ktoré ich postihlo. Taktiež sa snažili o

uzatváranie výhodnejších predmanželských zmlúv, ktoré aj im dali akúsi moc v


V USA na tom bola spoločnosť veľmi podobne ako v Anglicku. Nevýhodou

USA boli rozdiely v zákonoch medzi niektorými štátmi, čo bolo spôsobené

vplyvom Francúzska, Španielska a Anglicka. V pôvodne anglických kolóniách sa

postavenie žien rýchlo zlepšilo. Naopak v New Yorku, či Pensylvánií prijali právne

úpravy týkajúce sa postavenia žien až v roku 1848.

Situácia, ktorá sa odohrávala mimo anglosaský svet, ako je Francúzsko,

bola výrazne lepšia. Veľká francúzska revolúcia v roku 1789 veľmi ovplyvnila

postavenie žien. Prijal sa zákon o rozvode, ktorý umožňoval rozvod manželstva v


Postavenie žien v spoločnosti, kvinta Sparks, 2019/2020

prípade, že obe strany súhlasia. V rokoch po Veľkej francúzskej revolúcií nastalo

ešte zopár zmien, ktoré oslobodzovali ženy. Tie však v roku 1799 vrátane

rozvodového práva Napoleón zrušil.

V zbytku Európy nastala veľmi podobná situácia. Po rôznych reformách,

vďaka ktorým sa ženy začali vymaňovať z patriarchálnej spoločnosti, nastal na

začiatku 19. storočia návrat k bývalému režimu. Prínosom bolo, že bola zahájená

všeobecná debata na túto tému. Začali vznikať rôzne diela, ktoré podporujú

emancipáciu žien, avšak aj také, ktoré ju kritizujú.

19. storočie považujeme za jednu z najvýznamnejších ér v našich dejinách.

Vďaka rôznym hospodárskym, spoločenským, ale aj technologickým zmenám sa

začalo rozumieť slobode ako nutnosti, bez ktorej vývoj spoločnosti nebude

pokračovať. Vzdelanie sa stáva hlavným kritériom k získaniu zamestnania. Táto

skutočnosť samozrejme ovplyvnila životy žien. Mnoho žien začalo študovať, a tak

sa z nich stávali spisovateľky, podnikateľky, maliarky, vedkyne, herečky a do

popredia sa dostali aj v politickej sfére. 19. storočie prinieslo veľa zmien v

občianskych právach a slobode. Vznikajú aj rôzne časopisy a noviny, vďaka

ktorým sú ľudia informovaní o štáte a celom svete. Práve takto sa pripravila pôda

pre následnú emancipáciu žien v 20. storočí.


Biele feministky strednej triedy v 19. storočí až začiatkom 20. storočia sa

zameriavali najmä na volebné právo žien a postupne získavali aj prístup k

vzdelaniu a zamestnaniu. Tieto ciele sú uchované v Deklarácii Seneca Falls, ktorá

vznikla v roku 1848 v New Yorku, kde sa uskutočnil prvý zjazd žien na svete. Na

čele bola Elizabeth Cady Stanton. V tom istom roku pomohla v štáte New York

Poľka Ernestina Rosová dosiahnuť schválenie zákona, ktorý umožňoval vydatým

ženám rozhodovať o svojom majetku. Tento zákon inšpiroval legislatívne orgány

iných štátov, k prijatiu podobných zákonov.

Celkové zapájanie žien, prístup k zamestnaniu a vzdelaniu boli v tom čase

radikálnymi požiadavkami. Tieto požiadavky čelili ideológií kultu pravého ženstva,

podľa ktorých sa biele ženy oprávnene nachádzajú v domácnosti a nie sú vhodné


Postavenie žien v spoločnosti, kvinta Sparks, 2019/2020

na verejnú, politickú účasť. Dôraz na konfrontovanie ideológie bol formovaný

vodcami hnutia v strednej triede. Kult pravého ženstva bol ideológiou iba bieleho

ženstva, ktoré odopieralo čiernym a pracujúcim ženám prístup do kategórie

„ženy“, pretože pracujúce a čierne ženy museli nevyhnutne pracovať mimo domu.

Vodcovia zo strednej vrstvy formovali priority prvej vlny hnutia. Napríklad

Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony a Ernestine Rosová vytvorili Národnú

asociáciu za volebné právo žien (NWSA), aby sa odtrhli od ostatných kandidátov,

ktorí chceli umožniť africkým a americkým mužom hlasovať pred ženami. Stanton

a Anthony uprednostnili práva bielych žien namiesto toho, aby vytvárali vzájomnú

podporu napriek rasovým a triednym skupinám. V súlade s tým považovali

volebné právo žien za hlavný cieľ hnutia. Medzitým ženy pracujúce v triede a

farebné ženy vedeli, že samotný prístup k hlasovaniu nezvráti nerovnosti medzi

triedami a rasami. Okrem toho najväčšia volebná organizácia, Národná americká

asociácia za volebné právo žien (NAWSA), zakazovala účasť čiernych žien v ich


Hnutie prvej vlny sa usilovalo najmä o ukončenie otroctva, ale aj o rasovú

spravodlivosť. Po skončení občianskej vojny došlo k významnému prekrývaniu.

Pre otrokov to znamenalo slobodu od celoživotnej, neplatenej a najmä nútenej

práce, ako aj slobodu od sexuálneho útoku, ktorý muselo trpieť mnoho

zotročených čiernych žien ich pánmi. Vydaté biele ženy začali byť uznávané ako

ľudia a mohli odmietnuť sexuálne povyšovanie svojich manželov. Biele

abolicionistky zo strednej triedy robili často analógie medzi otroctvom a

manželstvom. Napríklad abolicionistka Antoinette Brown napísala v roku 1853

výrok, že „manželka dlhuje službe a práci svojmu manželovi rovnako ako otrok

svojmu pánovi“. Táto podobnosť medzi manželstvom a otroctvom mala v tom čase

historický ohlas, avšak problematicky spájala útlak otroctva, kedy africké a

americké ženy čelili odlišnému druhu útlaku, než biele ženy, ktoré mu čelili pod

ochranou. Túto situáciu objasňuje argument filozofky Angely Davis (1983), ktorý

hovorí o tom, že biele ženy nazývajúce sa feministkami síce podporovali kampane

proti otroctvu, avšak oni samy často nechápali skutočný systém otroctva a jeho



Postavenie žien v spoločnosti, kvinta Sparks, 2019/2020

Rôzni aktivisti, spisovatelia, vydavatelia novín a akademici sa pohybovali

medzi rasovou spravodlivosťou a feministickými hnutiami. Slávny prejav aktivistky

za ľudské práva Sojourner Truth z roku 1851 „Nie som žena?“, tento sporný vzťah

medzi ženským hnutím prvej vlny a abolicionistickým hnutím dobre zachytil. Vo

svojom prejave kritizovala vylúčenie čiernych žien zo ženského hnutia a zároveň

odsúdila nespravodlivosť otroctva: „That man over there says that women need to

be helped into carriages, and lifted over ditches, and to have the best place

everywhere. Nobody ever helps me into carriages, or over mud-puddles, or gives

me any best place! And ain’t I a woman? Look at me! Look at my arm! I have

ploughed and planted, and gathered into barns, and no man could head me!….I

gave birth to thirteen children, and seen most of them sold off to slavery, and

when I cried out with my mother’s grief, none but Jesus heard me! And ain’t I a

woman?“ [1]

Feministická historička Nell Painter v roku 1996 spochybnila platnosť tejto

reprezentácie prejavu a tvrdila, že najmä bieli zástancovia volebného práva žien

dramaticky zmenili svoj obsah a názov. Toto ilustruje, že určití sociálni aktéri s

mocou môžu zostaviť príbeh a pravdepodobne klamať hercov s menšou mocou a

sociálnymi hnutiami.

Napriek ich zanedbávaniu sa čierne ženy objavili ako vášnivé a mocné

vedúce predstaviteľky. Ida B. Wells, vplyvná aktivistka, ktorá sa zúčastnila hnutia

za volebné právo žien, bola zakladateľkou Národnej asociácie pre rozvoj

farebných ľudí (NAACP), novinárkou a autorkou mnohých brožúr a článkov

vystavujúcich násilníka. Ida Wells tvrdila, že týranie v období rekonštrukcie bolo

systematickým pokusom o udržanie rasovej nerovnosti, a to aj napriek schváleniu

14. dodatku v roku 1868, ktorý rozhodol, že africkí Američania sú občanmi a

nemožno ich diskriminovať na základe ich rasy. Okrem toho boli tisíce afrických

amerických žien členmi Národnej asociácie farebných ženských klubov, ktorá bola

predbežná, ale nezískala uznanie od strednej triedy a bielej Národnej asociácie

amerických žien za volebné práva (NAWSA).

Prijatie 19. dodatku v roku 1920 poskytlo test na argument, že udelenie

volebného práva pre ženy by im umožnilo neobmedzený prístup k inštitúciám, ako


Postavenie žien v spoločnosti, kvinta Sparks, 2019/2020

aj rovnosť s mužmi. Je jasné, že tento argument sa ukázal ako nesprávny, ako

tomu bolo v prípade prijatia 18. dodatku, po ktorom nasledovalo obdobie odporu.

Súbor zákonov Jima Crowa v štátoch po celej krajine a nekontrolovaným násilím

Ku Klux Klanu zabránil čiernym ženám a mužom v prístupe na hlasovanie,

vzdelávaniu, zamestnaniu a verejnému zariadeniu. Kým rovnaké práva existovali v

abstraktnej oblasti zákona podľa 18. a 19. doplňujúceho zákona, skutočná realita

pretrvávajúcej rasovej a rodovej nerovnosti bola naozaj odlišná.


We have chosen the novel Jane Eyre because it's known for being one of

the first prose fictions that focused on relatively controversial topics in the 19th

century, such as sexuality, class, gender, feminism and religion. The author,

Charlotte Brontë, became quite famous mainly for this novel, yet we still think

people don’t know enough about her. This part of the project will be all about this

great writer and her classic novel.


Charlotte Brontë, born on 21 April 1816, was the eldest of three sisters who

made it into adulthood and became noted for their own poems and novels. She

was born in Thornton, Yorkshire, England to Irish-born Patrick Brontë and Maria

Branwell Brontë. Her mother died when she was only five years old on cancer and

Maria’s sister, Elizabeth continued to take care of all the Brontë siblings. In 1824

Patrick sent Charlotte and the other sisters to Cowan Bridge School where two of

the daughters, Elizabeth and Maria died of tuberculosis due to bad conditions in

the school. After this incident, Charlotte and her sister Emily got back home. The

death of her sisters affected Charlotte’s life deeply and probably shaped her

personality as well. Suddenly, she became the oldest child in a motherless family

and was taught a lot of responsibility.

Charlotte wrote her first known poem at the age of 13 and the following

year she continued her education at Roe Head in Mirfield, where in 1833 she

wrote a novella called The Green Dwarf using the pseudonym Wellesley. Charlotte

found two lifelong friendships at this boarding school - Ellen Nussey and Mary


Postavenie žien v spoločnosti, kvinta Sparks, 2019/2020

Taylor. Two years later, Charlotte became a teacher at Roe Head though she was

lonely and unhappy. That’s the reason she started writing sadder and more

melancholic poems. In 1836 she reached out to the English poet Robert Southey

asking for advice. Charlotte sent him a few of her own poems only to receive a

discouraging letter back: “Literature cannot be the business of a woman's life: & it

ought not to be.The more she is engaged in her proper duties, the less leisure she

will have for it, even as an accomplishment & recreation. To those duties you

have not yet been called, & when you are you will be less eager for celebrity.“[2]

Brontë left Roe Head for good in 1838 and spent the next three years as a

governess to two families in Yorkshire. Both experiences ended badly, mostly

because Charlotte couldn’t adjust to her situation. She was treated almost as a

slave, constantly humiliated

In 1842 Charlotte and Emily left England and decided to go to Brussels,

where they enrolled at a school run by Constantin Héger and his wife as the oldest

students. The school was neither English nor Protestant and students were

younger than the sisters so naturally Charlotte felt a little isolated. Even though

they didn’t feel completely comfortable, their educational progress was very

visible. The girls hadn't been there for a long time when they were informed that

their aunt, Elizabeth Branwell, had died. Unlike Emily, Charlotte chose to return to

Brussels after the funeral and started teaching at the same school. Her stay wasn’t

enjoyable though. Charlotte was really homesick and hugely attached to

Constantin Héger who was highly supportive of her writing. She addressed him in

a letter as a “my literature master . . . the only master that I have ever had." [3]

Soon, Constantin’s wife tried to separate them. Upset and hurt, Charlotte left the

Belgian school in 1844 and returned to England.

The letters from home to Constantin showed that her feelings for him

persisted. At that time she still wasn’t feeling good, it seemed she was depressed.

She also mentioned in the letters that "a literary career is closed to me - only that

of teaching is open to me." [3]

Two years later, the three sisters - Anne, Charlotte and Emily published a

collection of their poems under the names: Currer, Ellis and Acton Bell with a later


Postavenie žien v spoločnosti, kvinta Sparks, 2019/2020

explanation by Charlotte: “we did not like to declare ourselves women, because –

without at that time suspecting that our mode of writing and thinking was not what

is called "feminine" [4]



Hope was but a timid friend;

She sat without the grated den,

Watching how my fate would tend,

Even as selfish-hearted men.

She was cruel in her fear;

Through the bars, one dreary day,

I looked out to see her there,

And she turned her face away! [5]

Although only two copies were sold, the sisters continued writing their own

individual novels using the same pseudonyms.

Charlotte wrote her first novel called The Professor, inspired by her stay in

Brussels, but unfortunately she didn’t find any publisher. However, she did receive

a letter from a publishing company saying they would be interested in any longer

works written by her. The Professor was published after her death.

Example (from The Professor):

“In sunshine, in prosperity, the flowers are very well; but how many wet

days are there in life—November seasons of disaster, when a man's hearth and

home would be cold indeed, without the clear, cheering gleam of intellect.” [6]


Postavenie žien v spoločnosti, kvinta Sparks, 2019/2020

Charlotte responded with a second manuscript and six weeks later Jane

Eyre was born in 1848 under the name Currer Bell. The book received a great

amount of positive acclaim. Anonymous said: "[The author has a] mastery in the

art of word painting" and "faculty of exhibiting in words the shadowy images of

mental agony." [7]

The gender of Currer Bell started to be suspicious when Emily and Anne,

Charlotte’s sisters, wrote their own books - Wuthering Heights and Agnes Grey.

Even though some people thought Currer Bell is a woman because of the

feminine handwriting, Jane Eyre still retained its popularity. Eventually, Charlotte

revealed her identity and gender.

In 1848, Charlotte started writing her next novel named Shirley but had to

stop because of unfortunate events happening in her family. Just within eight

months Brontë's remaining two sisters, Emily and Anne, and her brother Branwell

all died. Branwell was a heavy drinker and his death was caused by chronic

bronchitis although Charlotte believed he had died due to tuberculosis. Emily and

Anne subsequently became seriously ill after their brother’s death and died of

tuberculosis. Despite her grief, she managed to finish her novel Shirley in 1849

although readers could still feel her sadness in the story.

Example (from Shirley):

“If men could see us as we really are, they would be a little amazed; but the

cleverest, the acutest men are often under an illusion about women: they do not

read them in a true light: they misapprehend them, both for good and evil: their

good woman is a queer thing, half doll, half angel; their bad woman almost always

a fiend.” [8]

Shirley is set in Charlotte's native Yorkshire in early 19th century when

industrial depression occurred. It deals with social issues and women as parts of

society. It was written in the third person in contrast with Jane Eyre which was

written in the first person. Due to the novel’s publication, Shirley was a man’s

name, though very rare. Because of the novel’s popularity, the name Shirley

became primarily woman’s name and still is up until today.


Postavenie žien v spoločnosti, kvinta Sparks, 2019/2020

Charlotte started to visit London more frequently where she would reveal

her true identity. She met some important writers at that time, such as Harriet

Martineau, Elizabeth Gaskell, and William Makepeace Thackeray and became

good friends with them. But she never left her hometown for more than two weeks

because she didn’t want to leave her aging father. After Charlotte’s death, Gaskell

wrote the first biography of Charlotte Brontë.

Years later, in 1852, the Reverend Arthur Bell Nicholls proposed marriage

to Charlotte. It wasn’t unexpected. Arthur had been in love with her for a long

period of time. Charlotte had rejected several marriage proposals before because

she was hoping to discover true love but she eventually accepted his proposal and

they got engaged, maybe because of her sadness and loneliness from the death

of her siblings. The relationship between the couple was definitely not the way she

had imagined. Charlotte said that although she had "esteem", she did not have

love for Nicholls.

The couple split up, partly because of Charlotte’s father who disapproved of

Nicholls, apparently due to his poor finances. At this time, Charlotte published her

third and the last novel - Villette in 1853. The novel is set in gothic background

and is about isolation, displacement and the main character’s psyche as well as

disputes between Catholicism and Protestantism.

Example (from Villette):

“Wise people say it is folly to think anybody perfect; and as to likes and

dislikes, we should be friendly to all, and worship none” [9]

Elizabeth Gaskell believed that marriage between Charlotte and Nicholls

provided "clear and defined duties that are beneficial for a woman" [4] and

encouraged Charlotte to give Nicholls another chance. Nicholls improved his

financial status and Charlotte slowly started to be attracted to him and by the

beginning of 1854 she accepted his offer. They received her father’s approval and

got married. She admitted that her marriage was happy in a way she would never

have imagined.


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Soon after the wedding, Charlotte got pregnant. Her health was getting

worse though and, as her friend Elizabeth Gaskell described, she was suffering

from: "sensations of pregnancy nausea and ever-recurring faintness" [10] . She and

her unborn child unfortunately died for uncertain reasons at the age of 38 on

March 31, 1855. Some say she died of tuberculosis, others saying she died of

pneumonia or morning sickness. We will probably never know the exact reason.


Charlotte Brontë was an exceptional woman. She did things many women

in that century didn’t even think of doing. Many people know her for the novel

Jane Eyre but she did much more than that. That is why we decided to tell you

something about her relatively hard life as a middle-class woman writer in the 19th

century, maybe to give her the well-deserved recognition. Now, let’s talk about her

famous work Jane Eyre and why it’s more than just another romantic novel.


Jana Eyrová sa hneď po svojom prvom vydaní 16. októbra v roku 1847

stala veľmi obľúbenou, hlavne medzi ženskými čitateľmi. Prečo tomu ale tak bolo?

Domnievame sa, že mnoho žien vo viktoriánskom období sa vedelo s hlavnou

postavou jednoducho stotožniť - mali pocit, že ich život je nudný, krátky a v

skratke nezaujímavý. Chceli cestovať a spoznávať nové veci tak, ako aj Jana.

Jana symbolizovala všetko to, čo ženy vtedy chceli, ale nemohli mať.

Dnes síce tento román nie je až tak v obľube, v istej miere sa naň zabudlo

a mnoho ľudí si myslí, že už nám nemá čo povedať, no opak je pravdou - ak sa

pozrieme do hĺbky knihy, zistíme, že má veľa spoločného s našou témou.


Jana Eyrová je sirota, narodila sa v Anglicku chudobnému kňazovi.

Výchovu dieťaťa mal na starosti otcov brat, lenže aj ten zomrel a tak Janu zobrala

do opatere jeho manželka, ktorá nemala veľmi na výber - pani Reedová. Táto

žena bola počas Janinho detstva veľmi krutá a povýšenecká, nikdy ju nebrala ako


Postavenie žien v spoločnosti, kvinta Sparks, 2019/2020

súčasť rodiny. Taktiež dobre nevychádzala ani s jej bratrancom Johnom a

sesternicami Giorgianou a Elizou, často jej robili napriek. Raz ju John tak vytočil,

že Jana ho udrela, za čo bola poslaná do červenej izby - podľa Jany tam strašil

duch jej strýka. Od strachu odpadla, bol za ňou poslaný lekár Lloyd a ten navrhol

aby Janu poslali do školy. Pani Reedová súhlasila a Jana odišla do Loowodskeho

dievčenského ústavu pre siroty. Veľa si tam toho vytrpela, v škole bola zima, zlé

podmienky a málo jedla, no Jana si tam našla kamarátku Helenu Burnsovú.

Nazvala ju “spriaznenou dušou”. Bohužiaľ, školu napadol týfus a Helena zomrela.

Po tejto epidemí sa škola prestavala a podmienky sa zlepšili. Jana nakoniec

skončila školu a učila na nej ďalšie dva roky.

To jej však nestačilo a tak podala inzerát do novín - dostala ponuku

guvernantky za vtedy dobrý plat. Ozvala sa pani Fairfaxová z Thornfieldu, ktorá

hľadala učiteľku pre francúzske dievčatko Adele. Jana ponuku prijala a

vycestovala preč z Loowodskej školy. Thornfield sa jej páčil, aj keď dom bol často

tmavý a osamelý. Po pár mesiacoch sa zoznámila s majiteľom domu, pánom

Rochesterom. Aj napriek ich rozličnému spoločenskému postaveniu ju pán

Rochester bral ako seberovnú a spolu viedli konverzácie aké by nikto neočakával.

Ukážka (Jana Eyrová):

“Slečna Eyrová, prosím o prepáčenie. V skutočnosti, vravím to raz a

navždy, nemienim s vami zaobchádzať ako s menejcennou.” [11]

Jane sa pomaly začala zamilovávať do pána Rochestera, no po návšteve

slečny Blanche Ingramovej sa začala domnievať, že si slečnu chce zobrať za

ženu. Jana bola pochopiteľne smutná a žiarlila, no nemohla nič spraviť, kedže

slečna Ingramová mala všetko, čo pán Rochester kedy chcel. Neskôr sa

dozvedela, že tieto podozrenia o sobáši boli nepravdivé a pán Rochester bol

skutočne zamilovaný do Jany. Požiadal ju o ruku, čo bolo v tej dobe veľmi

nezvyčajné, vysoko postavení páni si zväčša nebrali guvernantky zo skutočnej

lásky. Jana mu to najprv neverila, no potom nakoniec súhlasila aj keď vedela, že

ide o risk a nebola si istá, či to pán myslí vážne.

Ukážka (Jana Eyrová):


Postavenie žien v spoločnosti, kvinta Sparks, 2019/2020

“Myslíte si, že tu dokážem zostať, keď už pre vás nebudem nič znamenať?

Myslíte si, že som stroj? Bezcitný robot? Že strpím, aby mi od úst odtrhli posledný

kúsok chleba a zo šálky vyliali poslednú kvapku živej vody? Nazdávate sa, že

som keď som chudobná, nevýrazná, škaredá a malá, nemám dušu a srdce?

Mýlite sa! Mám dušu rovnako ako vy, a aj tlčúce srdce!(...) hovorí moja duša a

oslovuje priamo tú vašu, akoby obe vyšli z hrobu a postavili sa pred tvár Božiu

také, aké sú si: rovné ako mi dvaja” - Jana Eyrová

“Lebo tu stojí tá, čo mi je rovná a čo sa na mňa podobá.” - Pán Rochester

“Teba, takú zvláštnu, takmer nadpozemskú bytosť, ľúbim ako seba samého.

Teba, chudobnú a nevýraznú, a malú a škaredú, teba prosím, aby si ma prijala za

manžela.” - Pán Rochester [11]

Pred svadobným dňom Janu zobudila zo spánku postava záhadnej ženy,

no nevedela ju rozpoznať. Vytiahla Janin svadobný závoj a roztrhala ho. Jana bola

zmätená a pán Rochester ju ráno upokojil tým, že to bol pravdepodobne sen, či

nejaká vidina. Keď bol už čas svadby, a pár sa mal už zobrať, svadbu prerušil pán

Mason a advokát z Londýna, ktorí tvrdili, že pán Rochester už má zákonitú

manželku, Berthu Masonovú, a preto sa nemôžu zobrať. Pán Rochester sa prizná

a vysvetlí, že Bertha je šialená a pomätená, žije v podkroví v Thornfielde už 15

rokov. Práve Bertha je zodpovedná za všetky čudné veci, čo sa stali v Thornfielde

počas celého Janinho pobytu. Janu to zranilo, nemohla uveriť, že ju pán oklamal a

tak sa rozhodla ujsť, aj keď ho nadovšetko miluje. Jana teda v noci ušla a tri dni

blúdila po Anglicku, bez jedla, peňazí, či dokladov. Našťastie narazila na dom

nazvaný Moor House, ktorý vlastní mladý kňaz, John Rivers. Rozhodne sa jej

pomôcť a vzal ju medzi jeho sestry. Predstavila sa im pod falošným menom

Elliotová. Jana sa rýchlo zotavuje z traumatického zážitku, John jej dokonca nájde

prácu v dievčenskej škole ako učiteľka. Jedného dňa sa Jana dozvie od Johna, že

jej strýko, o ktorom donedávna ešte nepočula, zomrel a odkázal jej 20 000 libier.

Jana prizná Johnovi a sestrám svoju pravú identitu, a zistia, že sú navzájom

príbuzní, konkrétne bratranci a sesternice. Napokon sa Jana rozhodne, že si sumu

medzi sebou rozdelia.


Postavenie žien v spoločnosti, kvinta Sparks, 2019/2020

John Rivers plánuje svoju cestu do Indie a požiada Janu aby sa stala jeho

manželkou a sprevádzala ho počas cesty. Jana je ochotná s ním ísť, ale bez toho

aby sa zobrali, pretože ho nemiluje a on ju tiež nie. No on ju stále presviedča a

Jana sa pomaly poddáva, no niečo jej hovorí, aby ešte posledný krát zašla do

Thornfieldu ešte pred cestou do Indie.

Na ďalšie ráno odíde do Thornfieldu, no na svoje vlastné prekvapenie

zisťuje, že z veľkého domu ostali len zhorené ruiny. Dozvie sa, že Bertha dom

zapálila a skočila zo strechy. Pán Rochester zachránil služobníctvo no pri

zachraňovaní svojej šialenej ženy prišiel o zrak aj ruku. Jana sa s ním stretne, a

Rochester ju znova požiada o ruku, ktorú Jana s radosťou príjme.

Spolu majú dve deti, ktoré pán Rochester nakoniec aj na vlastné oči vidí,

keďže sa mu zrak o dosť zlepšil. Spolu žijú až do smrti.


Každý si máme ísť za svojím srdcom, a máme načúvať, čo nám vraví.

Všetko nakoniec dobre dopadne, a aj keď sa zdá, že už sa to nezlepší, ešte nie je

koniec. Láska si svoju cestu vždy nájde.


Na začiatku 20. storočia ženy už neboli považované za majetok svojho otca

či manžela ako to bolo ešte pred 100 rokmi. Vo väčšine krajín mali prístup k

vzdelaniu, aj keď veľmi obmedzený a právo samostatne vlastniť majetok. Stále

však ideálom ženy bola poslušná manželka v domácnosti, ktorá sa starala o deti a

nezapájala sa do spoločensky-politického diania. Bohužiaľ, ženy stále neboli

videné ako nezávislé kompetentné osoby ešte dlhé roky.

Snáď najvýznamnejším pokrokom nekonečného boja žien proti patriarchátu

bolo získanie moci ovplyvňovať politickú scénu pomocou hlasov vo voľbách. V

minulosti mali len muži právo voliť, čo znamenalo, že aspoň z tohto aspektu by si

boli ženy aj muži rovní. Ženy začali bojovať za volebné právo už v roku 1848, kedy

nastalo v USA prvé zhromaždenie za týmto účelom. V tej dobe bolo neúspešné,

ale položilo pevné základy pre pokračovanie boju zrovnoprávniť obe pohlavia.


Postavenie žien v spoločnosti, kvinta Sparks, 2019/2020

Prvá ústava, ktorá umožňovala ženám voliť bola z roku 1889 odhlasovaná

obyvateľmi vznikajúceho štátu Wyoming. Nový Zéland bola prvá krajina

povoľujúca ženám voliť a to v roku 1893. Vtedy bol však Nový Zéland stále

kolóniou Veľkej Británie, kde ženám volebné právo priznané nebolo. Ďalšou

krajinou bola Austrália a prvým európskym štátom sa stalo Fínsko v 1906. Tieto

udalosti sa zapísali do histórie a stali sa rozhodujúcim momentom v ceste za

rovnoprávnosťou žien.


Nebolo nezvyčajné, keď si ženy zakladali vlastné organizácie, cez ktoré

bojovali za zrovnoprávnenie (najčastejšie konkrétne za spomínané volebné

právo). Avšak v roku 1903 vo Veľkej Británii vznikla snáď jedna z najradikálnejších

skupín žien, ktorých cieľom bolo získať možnosť voliť. Táto organizácia má svoje

korene už vo Francúzsku (1793), avšak najväčší rozmach zažila až v roku 1928.

Ženy, ktoré boli súčasťou Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU) boli raz

hanlivo označené v novinách ako sufražetky a napriek urážlivému charakteru

tohto pomenovania si to meno osvojili.

Zatiaľ, čo iné ženy v Anglicku bojujúce za právo voliť používali metódy ako

petície, šírenie letákov a verejné stretnutia, ktoré boli v tej dobe považované za

odvážne, sufražetky zvolili iný prístup. Preslávili sa nekompromisným prístupom a

extrémnymi postupmi. Zúčastnili sa stretnutie Liberálnej strany v roku 1905, kde

sa po celý čas dožadovali práva voliť, na čo im vodca strany Edward Grey

odmietol odpovedať. To však členky Christabel Pankhurstová a Annie Kenneyová

neodradilo a začali hlasnejšie pokrikovať svoje názory až do chvíle, kedy boli

zadržané policajtmi. Christabel Pankhurstová dokonca jednému z nich naplula od

tváre. Tieto dve ženy odmietli zaplatiť pokutu a strávili pár dní vo väzení, čo len

vzbudilo viac pozornosti v okolí.

Nevzdali sa boja za práva a naďalej praktizovali extrémistické aktivity:

protestné hladovanie vo väzení, vandalizmus na uliciach (prestrihávanie

telefónnych drátov, ničenie pošty, nápisy) či pochodovanie na Downing Street a

následné hádzanie kameňov do okien predsedu vlády. Napätú situáciu ani

nezlepšil list Berthy Brewsterovej, ktorá písala: „Vyvádzaniu sufražetiek treba


Postavenie žien v spoločnosti, kvinta Sparks, 2019/2020

urobiť koniec, ale nikto nevie, ako. Existujú iba dve možnosti: 1. zabiť všetky ženy

v Spojenom kráľovstve, 2. dať ženám volebné právo.“ [12] Jej vyjadrenie bolo

pravdivé, avšak vláda plná mužov mala problémy splniť je návrh. Sufražetky svoj

boj proti vláde odložili na obdobie vojny. V 1928 sa im podarilo získať právo voliť

pre ženy nad 21 rokov. V tomto období sa podarilo ženám vybojovať volebné

právo zároveň aj v USA či iných moderných krajinách.


Vojna je kruté vyostrenie konfliktu, ktoré by svet už nikdy nemal zažiť. V

minulosti vojna priniesla mnohé obete a zbytočne preliatu krv. Bez nej by však

možno ani ženy nezískali postavenie aké majú dnes. Najmä 2. Svetová vojna

urýchlila zrovnoprávnenie oboch pohlaví. Muži mali povinnosť ísť na vojnu, kde

často položili svoje životy za vlasť a ženy ostali doma s deťmi. Nemali priveľmi na

výber a museli zaobstarať rodinu. Nielenže mali výlučnú starostlivosť o deti,

museli nájsť spôsob ako ich uživiť. Dôsledkom vojny bolo, že zostalo veľa voľných

pracovných miest po mužoch, čo uľahčilo podmienky ženám. Zamestnávatelia si

nemohli dovoliť prísť o pracovnú silu, preto museli potlačiť svoje predsudky a

poskytnúť voľné miesta ženám. Samozrejme, starať sa o deti a zároveň pracovať

bolo neuveriteľne náročné, avšak bez týchto udalostí by svet možno vyzeral úplne

inak v súčasnosti. Dovtedy bolo priam nemožné pre ženu strednej triedy pracovať.

Počas vojny mali však ženy možnosť preukázať, že sú rovnako schopné ako muži

a stále sa dokážu postarať o rodinu. Napriek tomu ich zamestnávatelia finančne

neoceňovali rovnako ako mužov v tých istých pozíciách. Stále pretrvával veľký

nepomer podmienok medzi mužom a ženou. Nehovoriac medzi bielym mužom a

ženou tmavšej pleti.


Počas celého obdobia 20. storočia (najmä v USA) sa objavovali rôzne

hnutia za občianske práva, ktoré hovorili o anti-rasistických témach alebo bojovali

za zrovnoprávnenie žien. Zrodila sa aj nové pomenovanie týkajúce sa

zrovnoprávnenia žien: feminizmus. Je to idea, ktorá hovorí o právach žien


Postavenie žien v spoločnosti, kvinta Sparks, 2019/2020

vychutnávať si rovnaké možnosti a privilégia ako muži. Všetky tieto udalosti stavali

základy pre dnešnú spoločnosť.

V 60. rokoch minulého storočia boli populárne aj študentské hnutia, ktorých

členovia mali liberálnejší postoj k témam o diskriminácií podľa rasy, pohlavia,

sociálneho statusu. Spochybňovali tradičné hodnoty spoločnosti a nebáli sa

vysloviť svoj názor proti vplyvným ľuďom či organizáciám. Organizovali protesty,

demonštrácie a hlasnými slovami namierenými voči politikom si získavali nových

prívržencov. Väčšina neskorších organizácií si zachovalo podobné metódy

používané na dosiahnutie svojich cieľov namiesto extrémistických spôsobov


V roku 1966 v USA bola založená Národná organizácia pre ženy, ktorá bola

prvou oficiálnou asociáciou reprezentujúcou ženy a ich potreby. Jej cieľom bolo

integrovať ženy do spoločnosti ako rovné mužom. Táto organizácia fungovala

však len v USA. Snažila sa tlačiť politikov, aby sa zaoberali témami, ktoré by

pomohli vyrovnať status ženy v spoločnosti a zlepšili teda ich kvalitu života. V

týchto rokov sa feministické hnutia rozdelili na viac smerov. Niektoré boli

radikálnejšie ako tie druhé. Ďalší smer sa týkal homosexuálnych žien, ktoré sa

preradili k hnutiu, ktoré sa snažilo presadiť všetky sexuality.

Počas 80. rokov 20. storočia sa zmenila politická klíma a spoločnosť sa

prestala zaujímať o feministické hnutia. Začali byť tvrdo kritizované, pretože ich

členky boli zvyčajne biele, bohaté ženy s podporou rodiny. Vraj nereprezentovali

obyčajné, pracujúce ženy aj z iných etnických skupín.

Napriek spomínanému kriticizmu, ženské skupiny pokračovali v boji za

zrovnoprávnenie a na konci 20. storočia sa sústredili na témy ako práva súvisiace

s reprodukciou, rovnosť pri platoch medzi ženou a mužom či sexuálne

obťažovanie až znásilnenie. Taktiež si rozšírili perspektívu, čo sa týka ich cieľov a

zameriavali sa aj zrovnoprávnenie všetkých rás, pohlaví či sociálnych skupín.


Postavenie žien v spoločnosti, kvinta Sparks, 2019/2020



She was born Margaret Roberts in 1925 to a grocery shop owner, Alfred

Roberts, and Beatrice Ethel. Her father had a huge influence on her. He served as

a Conservative Councillor and later became the mayor. Margaret was raised by

him to believe in the values of hard work and public service. Winston Churchill was

someone she admired and deemed as a heroic figure during World War Two. His

defiant speeches about fighting until the end for your country and strong opinions

about not giving in to Nazis had major impact on her politics in the future.

Even as a child, Margaret Thatcher stood out from others for her

outstanding schoolwork and extracurricular activities such as playing the piano,

field hockey, poetry recitals and swimming. She attended Kesteven and Grantham

Girls' School to which she had won a scholarship. Margaret went to University of

Oxford, specifically Somerville College to study Chemistry for what she also paid

with a scholarship because her family didn't have the resources. She graduated in

1947 with Second-Class Honours and began working as a scientist. In 1948, she

submitted an application for a job at Imperial Chemical Industries. The personnel

department rejected her after writing an assessment: "This woman is headstrong,

obstinate and dangerously self-opinionated." [13]

A few years later, she realised that she wanted to pursue a career in politics

and ran as the Conservative candidate for the Dartford parliamentary seat in the

1950 elections. She attracted the media’s attention for being the youngest and the

only female candidate. Her attempt to be elected failed but she tried again the

following year with the same result.

In 1951, she married a divorcé named Denis Thatcher, a successful

businessman, whom she at first described as not very attractive, reserved and

quite nice. In that time, she put politics aside and decided to study law. In 1953,

Margaret Thatcher gave birth to twins: Carol and Mark. Even though she was a

mother, Margaret couldn't stay away from politics for too long. However, some

local committees didn't agree with a young mother being a candidate and as a


Postavenie žien v spoločnosti, kvinta Sparks, 2019/2020

result she wasn't selected. Margaret was frustrated with the outcome: "I hope that

we shall see more and more women combining marriage and a career.” [13]

In June 1970, Thatcher was appointed Secretary of State for Education and

Science, and earned herself a nickname "Thatcher, milk snatcher," after her

abolition of free milk for primary school children. She found her position frustrating

because she had difficulties getting Prime Minister Edward Heath to listen to her

ideas. Even though Thatcher was determined to succeed in politics, she didn't

actually believe in her becoming a prime minister as she said in 1970: "There will

not be a woman Prime Minister in my lifetime – the male population is too

prejudiced." [14]

The Conservative Party lost power in 1974, but it gave Thatcher the perfect

opportunity to become the leader of the party after Heath's failure. She stood

against him for leadership of the party and was elected, forcing Heath to resign.

With this victory, Thatcher became the first female leader of the opposition in the

House of Commons. Five years later (1979), during the worst industrial unrest in

50 years, the Labour Party lost against the Tory Party with Margaret Thatcher as a

leader. In May the same year, she made history being appointed as the first

female prime minister in Britain.

Margaret Thatcher had a very difficult role. Everyone was watching every

move she made and tried to criticize it. She put out economic policies hoping it

would bring inflation under control and reduce unemployment, however her

policies failed to do so. In that time, she was the most unpopular prime minister in

history. She didn't give in to the criticism and by 1982, the UK had begun to

experience signs of economic recovery.

In April 1982, the British-ruled Falkland Islands were invaded by

Argentinian army. The Foreign Office wanted to reach a peaceful settlement. On

the other hand, Thatcher thought it would be best to fight (inspired by Winston

Churchill). She wanted for England to maintain a powerful reputation. In a matter

of few days, she sent soldiers to fight against foreign aggression. British troops

won (with casualties of 649 Argentine soldiers and 255 British ones) after 10


Postavenie žien v spoločnosti, kvinta Sparks, 2019/2020

weeks of fighting and the islands were retaken by Britain. As a result, she gained

popularity and respect in her country and also abroad.

During 1983, Thatcher increased her party's majority and her new

economic policies made a huge difference in Britain. The public was happy with

these and she was getting more popular. The economic situation was really good

for the country and London became a massive financial centre as we know it

today. On the other hand, inequality and homelessness increased throughout


A year later, Margaret faced a difficult situation. Miners decided to carry out

a strike in response to pit closures. She had a choice to try to negotiate with them

or to send the police to defeat the strike. She was famous for not giving in to the

pressure and in this case she stuck with her nature. Thatcher decided for the latter

and ordered 7000 policemen to suppress the miners. After 12 months, the miners

went back to work. She had the support of the government but in the public's

eyes, this was not her best moment. "She hated the English poor and did nothing

at all to help them," [13] said Morrissey (from a band The Smiths) in 2012.

Margaret Thatcher became a very powerful figure all around the world. She

gained respect for being a strong leader and holding firm when it was needed.

Thatcher also was interested in having political relationships with other countries'

leaders. She met Mikhail Gorbachev (the Soviet leader) in 1984 and signed an

agreement with the Chinese government regarding Hong Kong. Thatcher also

allowed USA forces to use British bases few years later.

The situation in Ireland was a complex one. In the 1960s the Troubles had

begun and lasted until 1998. The conflict started with a campaign trying to prevent

discrimination against Catholics (nationalists) by the Protestant (unionist)

government and police force. The police tried to suppress it but more or less failed

and was accused of police brutality. As a result, the British government sent

troops into the Northern Ireland troops and it became the longest running British

operation. In 1981, Republican prisoners decided to go on a hunger strike. They

requested the restoration of political status regarding their crime. Thatcher had the

power to give them what they wanted but all she said was that "a crime is a crime,


Postavenie žien v spoločnosti, kvinta Sparks, 2019/2020

it is not political" [15] and refused to let them regain the status. The first one that

died was Bobby Sands, whose mass funeral was attended by over 100,000

people. Nine more prisoners died of starvation. Some rights were restored

paramilitary prisoners but they never regained the political status officially. The

violence in Northern Ireland only increased after this incident. The Force Research

Unit (FRU) was under Thatcher's leadership for what she was despised. It was a

unit which recruited agents to also kill citizens (specifically nationalists).

In my opinion, political scene is often cruel and unfair and everyone knows

it. Politicians are under pressure, but that does not give them the right to kill

innocent people and civilians for having different opinions. I think Margaret

Thatcher should be in some ways admired for what she had accomplished.

However, it doesn't mean she was innocent. Her involvement in the Troubles

proves it.

As any powerful character, she had adversaries not agreeing with the way

she led the country. In 1984, she was taking part in the Conservative Party

Conference in Brighton. There occurred a Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA)

bombing of her hotel. She survived but not everyone was so lucky. Five people

died, including the wife of minister John Wakeham and 34 others were injured.

Margaret Thatcher believed that the conference should continue. “This attack has

failed. All attempts to destroy democracy by terrorism will fail,” [13] said Thatcher

during her speech.

Even though Thatcher was ruthless during the Troubles, in the end she was

willing to compromise. She played an important role in the Anglo-Irish Peace

Agreement (1985).

Margaret Thatcher was known for her focus on the economics and industry

of Britain. However, she was also trying to prevent climate change and pollution by

bringing these issues to attention. She even had a speech at the UN General

Assembly in 1989 about the environment. Thatcher was a supporter of an active

climate protection policy and played a fundamental role in the passing of the

Environmental Protection Act 1990.


Postavenie žien v spoločnosti, kvinta Sparks, 2019/2020

In 1989, Thatcher introduced the Community Charge (also called Poll tax).

It was a tax which was used to fund local government. The problem was that it

replaced the local council rates and everyone was obligated to pay the same

amount. She didn't properly consult this tax with her party, which was a great

mistake. The passing of Poll Tax was her downfall.

Huge protests and riots broke out in England. Around 100,000 people came

together to protest in London under the motto “can't pay, won't pay” (March 1990).

Margaret Thatcher lost the support of her party, but still decided not to give into

the pressure. In a way, this trait was her greatest weapon, but in this case,

everything came crashing down on her.

The members of Tory party knew they had to find a method on how to

repair what was broken. Former Defence Secretary Michael Heseltine ran for a

leadership position against Margaret. She won the first ballot. But because she

didn't win by 15%, the second ballot still had to happen. In the beginning, Thatcher

was determined to win. She had a consultation with her cabinet trying to win their

support. However, she failed: “Almost to a man they used the same formula. This

was that they themselves would back me, of course, but that regretfully they did

not believe I could win.” [13] After careful consideration, Thatcher decided it was

time to leave. She handed in her resignation on 28 November 1990. "It was

treachery with a smile on its face," [13] Thatcher said about feeling betrayed by her


In 1992 Thatcher was appointed to the House of Lords as Baroness

Thatcher of Kesteven. She still continued to make speeches around the world and

also wrote two memoirs about her life. One is called The Downing Street Years,

which was published in 1993 and the second book's title is The Path to Power

(1995). Margaret Thatcher never really left politics and still remained active as a

member of the Conservative party.

Thatcher also wrote one more book in 2002, in which she described her

views on international politics. The book is called Statecraft. During this time her

health got worse. She suffered a series of small strokes. After her health issues


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becoming more severe, she cancelled all of her speeches and social


In 2003 her husband Denis Thatcher died due to pancreatic cancer. Just a

year later, her old friend Ronald Reagan (the 40th president of USA) died because

of suffering from Alzheimer's disease. He fought this disease for nearly a decade.

She attended his state funeral even against doctor's orders.

Two years later, Margaret Thatcher celebrated her 80th birthday. She threw

a huge celebration at a hotel in Hyde Park. Nearly 600 guests arrived including

Queen Elizabeth II, the Duke of Edinburgh, Tony Blair and Princess Alexandra.

Margaret Thatcher was a private person but it was still a big surprise for the

public to learn that she suffered from dementia. Her daughter revealed this

information in 2005. Just a few years later (2008), she wrote about her mother's

condition a little bit more saying that her mother couldn't even remember the

beginning of the sentence by the time she got to the end.

In 2007her statue was built in the House of Parliament making her the first

living British prime minister whose statue was made. It is located opposite to the

man she was inspired by: Winston Churchill and made out of bronze. During the

reveal of her statue, she made a comment regarding the material: "I might have

preferred iron – but bronze will do ... It won't rust." [14] The whole world knew

Margaret Thatcher under her nickname Iron Lady which referred to her strong


From 2010 Thatcher became less socially active due to her fragile health.

She even missed out the wedding of Prince Willian and Kate Middleton. A year

later, her office in the House of Lords was closed. In a way, it meant that

Thatcher's public life was over. She disappeared from the spotlight and mostly

stayed in her house in London's Belgravia neighbourhood.

On 8 April 2013, Margaret Thatcher died after suffering a deadly stroke

(aged 85). Since Winston Churchill's funeral, no British Prime Minister was

granted a state funeral. Margaret Thatcher was an exception. Her funeral even

included full military honours. Queen Elizabeth II and her husband attended the


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funeral, even though she never went to any of her former PM funerals since


Her death spread mixed feelings across the UK. Some were grieving and

remembering her strong leadership. Although, her death was celebrated by some

people. An internet campaign named “Ding Dong! The Witch Is Dead” was created

and it became the second most popular.

Margaret Thatcher was a controversial figure. It was no surprise she had

enemies like any other politician. Her policies were often unfair and harsh. Her

tendency to never give in contributed to people losing their lives at wars. I can

imagine that British people were not always fans of her decisions. But if we are

looking at her political impact purely from historical and economical perspective, it

can't be denied that she made Britain stronger. She made sure her country was

considered as one of the most powerful nations in the world.


Margaret Thatcher was the first woman to become Prime Minister of Britain,

which is an enormous achievement. Obtaining this position was a huge step

forward to realising that women are not powerless and should not be considered

inferior to men.

Yes, she had never publicly fought for women's rights or really did anything

for less fortunate women than her. But the main reason why I consider her an

essential figure in emancipation of women is her proving that she was more than

capable of being a PM despite her gender. She made people realise that gender

doesn't matter in politics, but skills, determination, hard work and dedication do.


In our whole project we were focusing mainly on countries, which were far

more developed than Slovakia. That is why we decided to describe the situation

during the 20th century in our country. The possibilities for women to get proper

recognition for their achievements had always been more difficult here.


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We have chosen to concentrate on three female artists who we think had

the greatest influence on the Slovak art scene. These women demonstrated their

ability to create amazing works of art for which they deserve much credit despite

their gender.


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Ester Martinčeková-Šimerová was a world-known artist born in 1909 in the

capital city of Slovakia, Bratislava. She is also considered the first Slovak female

artist who became known not only in Slovakia, but in other countries too.

After her graduation she travelled to Paris to study at not only one art

school, but two. The former is called Academy Julian and the latter is a private

school of Alexandra Exter. This was an amazing achievement for a young female

artist from Slovakia.

When she was only 22 (1931) she travelled to Prague for a job by herself. It

was there that she met her husband František Šimer who was working as a

professor. Then they moved to Bratislava where they lived until 1938 when the

First Czechoslovak Republic ceased to exist. After these events, they decided that

moving to Plzeň was the best option.

They didn't enjoy their marriage for a long time. In 1942, Ester's husband

was arrested for helping Czechoslovak soldiers hide. The German national police

(Gestapo) executed him for his crimes.

Three years later she returned to Slovakia where she became an important

member of the Slovak artists movement. In 1947, she got married again to a

lawyer called Martin Martinček. Years later, her husband returned to his former

passion for photography and became one of the most recognised Slovak


She was given many titles and awards for being an essential character at

the Slovak art scene. In between painting she designed theatre costumes for a

play called "Pán z Prasiatkova".

Her paintings are not complicated, but rather simple. She uses stylization

which is a method of simplification the entity. That means that she was using a lot

of geometric shapes and straight lines. We could describe her art style as Cubism

because of the stylization method. She also sometimes uses symbolism in her



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In a lot of her paintings there are visible traces of Odilon Redon's style. Just

by looking at her paintings we could say Redon was her main inspiration. He used

pastel colors and was interested in antique themes, same as her.

If you would like to see her paintings, they are displayed in the "Nedbalka"

gallery which is located near the Danube. You can see there many of her works

which are mostly surreal. They are quite interesting and visually pleasing.


This is her paintings which is using a figure composition and it is called “In the

park”. You can easily see the geometric shapes.


This one is a painting of apples and a ceramic bowl and it is made in a still

life style.


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This one is called "A guitarist" and a lot of figural composition is used there.

In this one you can focus on the simplification of shapes into more or less straight



Viera Žilinčanová was a Slovak painter born in 1932 in Nové Zámky, a city

in Nitra region in the southwest of Slovakia. Her father was an expert in water

management and her mother was from a protestant family. Five years later, the

whole family moved to Bratislava.

In 1950, she began her studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava.

After graduation she started to work as a freelance artist. She received honorary

year at the Academy of Fine Arts and attended the summer Academy of Art in

Salzburg. Between 1958 and 1960 she worked as an editor (art and graphic) for

Móda magazine. She became a member of several associations such as the

Association of Slovak Visual Artists where she illustrated books for children and

youngsters in 1962, creative group Život a year later and of the Society of Slovak

Visual Artists in 1995.

Since 1971, her art was officially presented by the state-owned company

Art Centrum and Slovart at foreign exhibitions. She won the Grand Prix at the 4th

International Biennial of Painting in Košice in 1978. Three years later, the

reproduction of the painting Music of the Forest was used for the poster of the

10th Bratislava Music Festival and she received the title "meritorious artist". In


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1997, the Slovak Television made a documentary film called Viera Žilinčanová.

During her tenure she completed many study trips to: London, Paris, Spain,

Austria, Italy and France. After a long illness she died in 2008.

Most of her works are surrealistic. Surrealism, also called suprealism, is an

artistic direction. It seeks to free the mind and emphasises the subconscious. The

rapid development of Surrealism was made possible by Salvador Dali. Surrealism

is still an active direction, even though it has moved away from its original ideas.

Music is an important topic of her work. The author sought harmony and tranquility

in her paintings, but sometimes also beauty and irony.


This work is called a "Summer" day. It's a surrealist image. She was

inspired by the surrealist René Magritte in this work.


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This image is called "the memory of Crete". Also inspired by René Magritte

and a little bit by Salvador Dali. Viera chose a surrealistic style.


This work is called "Submerged music". In this picture we can talk about

musical poetism. The emphasis has shifted to the imaginative position of creation.


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Mária Medvecká was a Slovak painter born in 1914 in Medvedzie, a village

near Tvrdošín in the north of Slovakia. She came from an aristocratic family called

Medvecký. After graduation in Košice, Mária studied at the Pedagogical Academy

in Bratislava and became a teacher. Between the years 1942 and 1946 she

studied painting and drawing at several universities in Prague, Vienna and


She came back to Orava, a part of Slovakia she was born, and joined an art

association Život, translated into Life, and another couple of unions. Maria also

travelled around Mongolia, China and former Soviet countries. Throughout her

career she painted realistic paintings, although you can still see some of the

impressionist elements as well-due to her teachers who have taught her that.

Mária focused her work on the hard life of Slovak people she saw in Orava. That is

why her paintings are often grey, earthy and generally dark. Later her work was

linked with Socialist Realism but she still portrayed village people and their

everyday life. In the 1960's her style changed a little bit, her hand strokes became

more relaxed, the colours stronger and the focus reshaped on more intimate and

familiar scenes. In the 1970's, Slovak and especially Oravian motifs outweighed

her work. Mária died at the age of 72 on April 23, 1987 in Bratislava.

Her most famous work include:


The Czechoslovak 10 KČS banknote which was used from 1961 until 1988.


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Vykopávanie Zemiakov (translated into Digging Potatoes) is an oil painting

created by Mária in 1958. There are two elderly women on a field wearing cheap

work clothing. It looks like it's an autumn season and the women have probably

been working all day long. This painting is a classic example of Socialist Realism -

it shows the real life. The autumn atmosphere is underlined by grey and brown

colors and the author wanted to show us the rough life of Slovak people.


Mičurinky was painted in 1954 with oil colours. We have chosen to show

you this piece because we think it is really interestingly painted and it does not

have that dark atmosphere as the painting before does. Two young girls are

somewhere on a meadow looking and touching a flower, both have very red

cheeks so the weather must be cold. This work still represents Socialist Realism.

You can find her lifetime paintings in the Gallery of Mária Medvecká in



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Momentálne žijeme v 21. storočí, kde väčšina žien viac menej dosiahla to,

čo chcela. Aspoň teda vo väčšine krajín (západný svet). Bohužiaľ, stále existujú

miesta, kde sú ženy považované za bezcenné. V moderných krajinách môžu

pracovať tam, kde si sami vyberú, môžu študovať na kvalitných školách, ktoré im

pomôžu stať sa významnými osobnosťami a snažia sa dosiahnuť, čo najlepšie

výsledky. Majú rovnaké práva ako muži, čo bolo veľmi dlho hlavným problémom

spoločnosti a nenachádzame až toľko viditeľných rozdielov medzi pohlaviami.

Od žien je očakávané, že vedia zvládať rôzne typy situácií: vedia variť,

starať sa o deti, pravidelne upratovať, pomáhať deťom s domácimi úlohami, do

toho všetkého zvládať aj každodennú návštevu práce. Nároky na ženy sú v istých

smeroch oveľa väčšie ako na mužov.

Tak ako ide doba je očakávaná aj zmena spoločnosti k lepšiemu, no kedy

príde ten čas, kedy bude všetko všetkým 100% vyhovovať? Niektorí sa

domnievajú, že ten čas nikdy nepríde, ďalší zase dúfajú v opak a snažia sa pre to

urobiť, čo najviac. Organizujú rôzne protesty, ktorých zúčastnením vieš vyjadriť

svoj názor a podporu, a niektorí nerobia nič nápomocné a očakávajú náhlu


Vzdelanie žien na Slovensku je momentálne pomerne vysoké. Úplné

stredné odborné a všeobecné vzdelanie v súčasnosti dosahuje viac žien (44,7%)

ako mužov (29,1%). V postavení ženy na Slovensku existujú viaceré problémy a

rezervy. Napríklad pri rovnakom vzdelaní a kvalifikácii sú ženy podstatne menej

zaraďované do vedúcich (zvlášť najvyšších) funkcií ako muži. V parlamente je tiež

relatívne nízke (14%) zastúpenie žien. Iba 19% primátorov a starostov miest tvoria

ženy. Pretrváva nerovnosť vo finančnom ocenení práce žien. Aj napriek rovnosti

platových taríf ženy sa častejšie umiestňujú v nižších príjmových kategóriách ako

muži, a to aj v kategórii zamestnaných žien s vysokoškolským vzdelaním. Podiel

nezamestnaných žien je relatívne vyrovnaný s podielom mužov.


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V porovnaní s ďalšími tzv. postsocialistickými krajinami je postavenie žien

na Slovensku relatívne priaznivé: neexistuje právna diskriminácia žien v oblasti

dedičstva, ani v dôchodkovom a sociálnom zabezpečení. V starostlivosti o tehotné

zamestnankyne patrí Slovensko ku krajinám s najvyspelejšou sociálnou politikou.

Od minulých storočí Slovensko prešlo naozaj dlhú cestu.


O čom to vlastne je? Určite ste si všimli veľkú kauzu o tomto pochode, je to

pochod za zákaz potratov. Čo si vy myslíte o tomto pochode? Je podľa vás fér,

aby sa ženy nemohli rozhodnúť ohľadom svojho dieťaťa, ktoré musia vychovávať

minimálne 18 rokov? Niektorí hovoria, že by potraty mali zakázať z dôvodu, že

každý má právo na život. Veď predsa len ani my by sme tu neboli, kebyže by nás

potratili, ale nevšímajú si následky aké zákaz potratov môže mať. Často to začína

depresiou u mamičiek, ktoré sú zväčša mladé a to je aj dôvod prečo o potrate

rozmýšľajú. Nevedia sa rozhodnúť, stále im to chodí hlavou, pretože potrat je

snáď posledná vec, po ktorej by túžili a dôsledky sú veľké bolesti hlavy, brucha a

tieto príčiny môžu byť veľmi nebezpečné pre dieťatko. Veľké množstvo potratov je

kvôli znásilneniu. Skúste si predstaviť, že ste tehotná, nepoznáte otca vášho

dieťaťa a ešte musíte žiť s tým, že ste bola obeťou znásilnenia.

Na druhej strane, jednoduchý prístup k interrupcií má tiež svoje nevýhody,

pretože v niektorých sociálnych podmienkach môže viesť k tomu, že interrupcia je

vnímaná ako súčasť krokov k zabráneniu tehotenstva.

Tohto pochodu sa zúčastnilo 50 000 ľudí a dokonca museli zastaviť

dopravu. Charakter podujatí býva rôznorodý, v prípade Národných pochodov ide o

masové zhromaždenia a pochody veľkého množstva ľudí zväčša v hlavnom meste

krajiny. Niekedy majú tieto podujatia charakter modlitebných pochodov, nie je to

však pravidlom ani podmienkou. Prvý národný Pochod za život bol v Košiciach 22.

septembra 2013 a účasť dosiahla 80 000. Druhý národný pochod za život bol v

Bratislave 20. septembra 2015. Podľa organizátorov mal účasť 85 000. Tretí


Postavenie žien v spoločnosti, kvinta Sparks, 2019/2020

národný pochod sa konal 22. septembra 2019 v Bratislave. Rozhodli sa ho

zorganizovať slovenskí biskupi v júli 2018 na zasadnutí v Nitre.


Malala was born in Mingora, Pakistan on July 12, 1997 where giving birth to

a girl wasn't really a celebration but her father, Ziauddin Yousafzai, wanted to give

her every opportunity a boy would have. Her father was a teacher and ran a

school for girls in their village, which was very rare in Pakistan.

Malala enjoyed going to school but her life turned upside down when their

town became controlled by Taliban. The extremists forbade big amount of things

such as playing music or owning a television, which are things used on a daily

basis and they enforced cruel punishments for those who weren't listening and

broke the rules. They also made it prohibited for girls to go to school and that was

the point where it got complicated. Not just for Malala, but for every single girl that

lived there. She was just eleven years old when she had to quit school. She had to

say goodbye to her classmates, without knowing if she was ever going to see

them again. And that was just eleven years ago in 2008. Unfortunately, the

situation in Pakistan is still bad even nowadays.

That day changed her and made her a target, she started thinking

differently and said to herself that she had to do something about it and try to stop

it. In 2012 she spoke publicly on behalf of every girl who should have the right to

get access to education. Then in October 2012, when Malala was just fifteen years

old, something horrible happened to her - she was shot to the left side of her head

on her way home. A gunman boarded her bus and was looking for Malala and

right after that he shot her. She woke up ten days later in a hospital in

Birmingham, England. She had no idea what had happened because she couldn't

remember it. Doctors told her about the incident and how her story caught

attention of many people. She couldn't return to her country so after months of

surgeries she stayed living in the UK with her family.

It was at that moment when she had a choice to make. She could decide to

live a quiet life and make the most of it, but she felt like it was her mission to make


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sure every girl could go to school and study. She established a fund dedicated to

this cause with her father who has been her ally and inspiration throughout.

The “Malala Fund” is a charity that is dedicated to giving girls an opportunity

to achieve a future they are interested in. In December 2014, she received the

Nobel Peace Prize and became the youngest ever Nobel Prize holder. In 2018,

she made her personal dream come true and started studying philosophy, politics

and economics at the University of Oxford. Although she never stopped trying,

every day she continues her with the goal to ensure all girls receive 12 years of

free, safe and quality education. She travels to many countries in order to meet

girls who are fighting poverty, war, child marriage and gender discrimination and

help them in any way she can.

She still continues with her Malala fund which is proven to help and makes

sure that other girls' stories can be heard around the world like Malala's story. She

invests money with her father to developing country educators for girls schools

through the Malala’s Fund and they hold leaders accountable for their actions

against girls. With more than 130 million girls not studying and not going to school,

she doesn't want to stop and is hoping that together we can create a world where

all girls can go to school. She prays that everyone will join her fight for education

and equality. Malala believes that there is always more work that has to be done.

You can join Malala’s fight and invest in a better future for more than 130

million girls without access to education, she needs your help to reach even the

most vulnerable girl who has been denied an education. You can make a single or

regular donation of 25, 50, 100, 250 dollars. You will receive an email donation

receipt as your official record for tax purposes and regular updates on how your

gift helps girls all around the world.


Malala Yousafzai's life is not easy. She was shot into her head at such a

young age, just because she believed girls should have access to education. She

was so brave for speaking up, but was punished for it. It almost cost her the life.

However, what she did afterwards was even more exceptional. She didn't let


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herself to be scared and silenced, she spoke about women's rights even more

passionately. That is something that deserves to be admired.

She escaped from the cruel world in her country, although she never forgot

about the girls still trapped there. She is still trying to help them get what is

rightfully theirs: education. Malala is a girl that deserves recognition for fighting to

give back to girls what poverty, war and discrimination tried to take away.


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Malala Yousafzai: Malala's story. [online] [cit. 2019-10-13]. Dostupné na internete:



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Neznámy autor: Aukcie | 29. zimná aukcia výtvarných diel. [online]

[cit. 2019-10-15]. Dostupné na internete:



Neznámy autor: V parku. [online] [cit. 2019-10-15]. Dostupné na internete:


Neznámy autor: First Czechoslovak Republic. [online] Aktualizované 11. 10. 2019

[cit. 2019-10-15]. Dostupné na internete:


Neznámy autor: Ester Šimerová-Martinčeková. [online] Aktualizované 25. 4. 2019

[cit. 2019-10-15]. Dostupné na internete:


Beata Jablonská: Excelentná Ester Šimerová-Martinčeková. [online] 6. 5. 2005

[cit. 2019-10-15]. Dostupné na internete:


Neznámy autor: Cubism. [online] Aktualizované 14. 10. 2019 [cit. 2019-10-15].

Dostupné na internete: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cubism>

KISS-SZEMÁN, Zsófia. Slovenské moderné umenie. Bratislava: Galéria Nedbalka,

2014. ISBN 978-80-971269-4-0

PODUŠEL, Ľubomír. Viera Žilinčanová, Michal Jakabčic. Bratislava: Galéria

Nedbalka, 2014. ISBN 978-80-971269-5-7

BRONTЁ, Charlotte. Jane Eyrová. Bratislava: Slovart, 2011. ISBN 978-80-



[1] Truth, Sojourner: 19th Century Feminist Movements. [online] [cit. 2019-09-22].

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Postavenie žien v spoločnosti, kvinta Sparks, 2019/2020



[2] Neznámy autor: Charlotte Brontë Biography [online] [cit. 2019-09-23].

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[3] Claire Harman: An Unrequited Love? Charlotte Brontë’s letters to Constantin

Heger [online] 14. 12. 2015 [cit. 2019-10-13]. Dostupné na internete.



[4] Neznámy autor: Charlotte Brontë [online] [cit. 2019-10/13]. Dostupné na

internete. <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlotte_Brontë>

[5] Neznámy autor: Quotes by Emily Brontë [online] [cit. 2019-10-13]. Dostupné na

internete. <https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/861213-hope-was-but-a-timid-


[6] Neznámy autor: The Professor Quotes [online] [cit. 2019-09-21]. Dostupné na

internete: <https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/2685446-the-professor>

[7] Neznámy autor: Charlotte Brontë [online] [cit. 2019-10/13]. Dostupné na

internete. <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlotte_Brontë>

[8] Neznámy autor: Shirley Quotes [online] [cit. 2019-09-21]. Dostupné na

internete: <https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/2685457-shirley>

[9] Neznámy autor: Villette Quotes [online] [cit. 2019-09-21]. Dostupné na

internete. <https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/40852693-villette>

[10] Neznámy autor: Ženské práva. [online] Aktualizované 17. 9. 2016

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[12] Beata Vrzgulová: Obávané i obdivované sufražetky. [online] Aktualizované

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[13] Neznámy autor: Margaret Thatcher: From grocer’s daughter to Iron Lady.

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[14] Neznámy autor: Margaret Thatcher. [online] Aktualizované 11. 10. 2019

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[15] Kevin Connolly: Thatcher's tenure shaped by Ireland. [online] 8. 4. 2013

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[1] Neznámy autor: V parku. [online] [cit. 2019-10-15]. Dostupné na internete:


[2] Neznámy autor: Zátišie - jablká a keramická miska. [online] [cit. 2019-10-15].

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[3] Neznámy autor: Gitarista. [online] [cit. 2019-10-15]. Dostupné na internete:


[4] Kiss-Szemán, Zsófia: Viera Žilinčanová. [online] [cit. 2019-10-15]. Dostupné na

internete: < https://www.nedbalka.sk/autori/viera-zilincanova >

[5] Podušel, Ľubomír: Súzvuk imaginácie. [online] [cit. 2019-10-15]. Dostupné na

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[6] Kiss-Szemán, Zsófia: Viera Žilinčanová. [online] [cit. 2019-10-15]. Dostupné na

internete: < https://www.nedbalka.sk/autori/viera-zilincanova >

[7] Neznámy autor: World Paper Money Auction. [online] [cit. 2019-10-15].

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[8] Neznámy autor: Okopávačky. [online] [cit. 2019-10-15]. Dostupné na internete:

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[9] Neznámy autor: Mičurinky. [online] [cit. 2019-10-15]. Dostupné na internete:



Postavenie žien v spoločnosti, kvinta Sparks, 2019/2020


Ako tému sme si vybrali postavenie žien v spoločnosti. Zaujala nás, pretože

máme pocit, že táto téma je stále pomerne aktuálna a to napriek tomu, že v

modernej spoločnosti sa síce podarilo dosiahnuť formálne zrovnoprávnenie žien a

mužov, avšak v reálnom svete je v rozhodovacích úlohách nepomerne viac mužov

ako žien.

V našom projekte sme sledovali vývoj postavenia žien začínajúc od 19.

storočia až po súčasnosť, teda po 21. storočie. Pozerali sme sa najmä na anglo-

saské krajiny, kde bol rozvoj rýchlejší ako vo väčšine iných krajín. Porovnávali

sme zmeny, ktoré nastali v každom jednom storočí a položili sme si otázku, či sú

už dnes ženy rovnocenné s mužmi. Pri každom storočí sme si vybrali jednu

ženskú osobnosť, ktorá svojím vlastným spôsobom prispela k zrovnoprávneniu

oboch pohlaví. Avšak 20. storočie reprezentujú až štyri významné ženy, ktoré

dokázali, že ich schopnosti sa vyrovnajú mužským.

V prvej časti projektu o 19. storočí sme priblížili aká bola situácia ohľadom

práv žien, možnosti študovať či dosiahnuť rešpektovanú pracovnú pozíciu. Čo sa

týka významnej osobnosti tohto storočia, rozhodli sme sa pre Charlotte Brontë.

Bola to známa spisovateľka, ktorá svojimi kontroverznými názormi a dielami

výrazne prispela k emancipácii žien. Taktiež sme sa zamerali na jej knihu Jana

Eyrová, ktorá je dodnes dôležitým dielom svetovej literatúry.

Druhá časť projektu je o zmene pohľadu na ženy a ich schopnosti zastávať

podstatné role v spoločnosti. Na začiatku 20. storočia sa ženy sústredili hlavne na

získanie volebného práva, čo pre ne znamenalo možnosť ovplyvňovať politickú

scénu. Ako príklad osobnosti, ktorá znormalizovala ženu pri moci, sme si zvolili

Margaret Thatcher. Bola dokonalou ukážkou ženy, ktorá sa verejne príliš

neprihlasovala k bojovníčkam za zrovnoprávnenie a napriek tomu ukázala celému

svetu, že je rovnako schopná ako jej mužskí kolegovia.

V závere 20. storočia sme priblížili tri znamenité slovenské maliarky: Ester

Martinčekovú-Šimerovú, Vieru Žilinčanovú a Máriu Medveckú. Ich maľby sa líšili v

rôznych veciach, ale mali spoločné to, že posunuli slovenské výtvarné umenie


Postavenie žien v spoločnosti, kvinta Sparks, 2019/2020

vpred a zároveň demonštrovali, že aj ženy si zaslúžia byť uznávané na umeleckej

scéne v krajine, ktorá nebola tak ďaleko ako Veľká Británia.

My dnes žijeme v 21. storočí, ktoré sa v mnohom líši predchádzajúcim. V

rozvinutých krajinách je už možné povedať, že ženy dosiahli to, čo chceli. Majú

právo voliť, môžu vlastniť majetok, navštevovať prestížne školy a žena pri moci už

nie je výnimkou tak ako to bolo v minulosti. Avšak je stále mnoho krajín, kde ženy

ešte stále nie sú videné ako rovnocenné. To sme sa pokúsili priblížiť cez príbeh

mladej aktivistky Malalu Yousafzai, ktorá pochádza práve z takejto krajiny a

pokúša sa zmeniť status quo.


Postavenie žien v spoločnosti, kvinta Sparks, 2019/2020


We have chosen the role of women in society as the main theme of our

project. It caught our attention as we felt like it is often being discussed even

today, despite the fact that there has been achieved formal equality between men

and women in modern society nowadays. However, in the real world there are still

many more men in decisive roles compared to women.

We reviewed the progress of women's position in society in our project,

beginning in the 19th century until now, the 21st century. We focused mainly on

Anglo-Saxon countries where the change was faster than in other countries. We

compared the situation of women in different centuries and asked ourselves

whether women nowadays are equal to men or not. We chose one female

character from each century who contributed to women's emancipation in her own

way. Regarding the 20th century, we selected four exceptional women who

proved they were as good as men.

In the first part of our project we described what opportunities women had

when it comes to studying or working. We decided for Charlotte Brontë as an

example of female lead in this era. She was a famous writer whose well-known

controversial opinions and best-selling novels contributed to the emancipation of

women. We also wrote about her novel named Jane Eyre, which is considered a

masterpiece of classic literature.

The second part of our project is about changing views of society towards

women in power. At the beginning of the 20th century women focused on

obtaining the right to vote which gave them a possibility to influence political scene

the same way as men did. We decided for Margaret Thatcher as she was the one

who normalised women in powerful positions. She was no icon of feminism and

she never publicly fought for women's rights, nevertheless she showed the whole

world that she is as competent as her male colleagues.

At the end of the 20th century's part we introduced three Slovak female

painters: Ester Martinčeková-Šimerová, Viera Žilinčanová a Mária Medvecká.

Their paintings were different and yet they all moved Slovak art significantly


Postavenie žien v spoločnosti, kvinta Sparks, 2019/2020

forward. They demonstrated they should have been recognized at the art scene in

a country which was far behind Great Britain.

Now we live in the 21st century, which is very different to the previous ones.

It is possible to state that women achieved what they wanted in developed

countries. They have the right to vote, they can own assets, study at prestigious

universities. A woman in power is not an exception anymore as it used to be in the

past. However, there are still a lot of countries where women are still not seen as

equal to men. We aimed to point this out by telling the story of a young activist

Malala Yousafzai who comes exactly from such a country and who is trying to

change the status quo.


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