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United Nations Headquarters, NY10 March 2017

Official documents of the Commission: development and evolutionTwentieth Anniversary of the CLCS by Mazlan Madon


Twentieth Anniversary of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf

Official documents of the Commission: development and evolution

Mazlan Madon

United Nations Headquarters, NY10 March 2017

Official documents of the Commission: development and evolutionTwentieth Anniversary of the CLCS by Mazlan Madon


• What is an official document of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental shelf?

• Rules of Procedure (CLCS/40/Rev.1 )

• Scientific and Technical Guidelines (CLCS/11)

• Outline of the training manual on the Preparation of a Submission to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS/37)

• Internal Code of Conduct for members of the CLCS (CLCS/47)

• Code of Conduct pertaining to the participation of members of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf in conferences and symposia

• Recommendations by the CLCS to coastal States


United Nations Headquarters, NY10 March 2017

Official documents of the Commission: development and evolutionTwentieth Anniversary of the CLCS by Mazlan Madon


A document becomes official when it is adopted by the Commission in accordance with its Rules of Procedure.

Examples of official documents include:

Meeting Agendas, Statements by the Chairperson, Letters and presentations to Committees and the President of the Meeting of States Parties to the UNCLOS and the Report of the Open Meeting held in 2000 (CLCS/26).

Some of the most important documents of the Commission include:

• Rules of Procedure (CLCS/40/Rev.1)

• Scientific and Technical Guidelines (CLCS/11)

• Recommendations by the Commission to coastal States

What is an official document of the CLCS?

United Nations Headquarters, NY10 March 2017

Official documents of the Commission: development and evolutionTwentieth Anniversary of the CLCS by Mazlan Madon


The Rules of Procedure are an official document adopted by the CLCS.

The document contains 59 rules in 16 Sections and 3 Annexes.

Their purpose is to establish the internal procedures of the CLCS to deliver its mandate in accordance with the provisions contained in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.

Purpose and structure of the Rules

United Nations Headquarters, NY10 March 2017

Official documents of the Commission: development and evolutionTwentieth Anniversary of the CLCS by Mazlan Madon


They were developed from the Draft Rules of Procedure of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (SPLOS/CLCS/WP.1 26 July 1996) prepared by the Secretariat at the request of the Meeting of States Parties.

They were considered and amended at First and Second Sessions of the Commission. Adopted at Second Session, excluding Annex I and II (CLCS/3, 12 September 1997)

Adopted with Annexes I and II at the Fourth Session (CLCS/3/Rev.2, 4 September 1998)

Adopted with the Modus Operandi (CLCS/L.3, September 1997) into Annex III at the Thirteenth Session (CLCS/40, 2 July 2004)

Adopted with amendments at the Twenty-first Session (CLCS/40/Rev. 1, 17 April 2008)

Chronology of the Rules of Procedure (CLCS/40/Rev.1)

United Nations Headquarters, NY10 March 2017

Official documents of the Commission: development and evolutionTwentieth Anniversary of the CLCS by Mazlan Madon


United Nations Headquarters, NY10 March 2017

Official documents of the Commission: development and evolutionTwentieth Anniversary of the CLCS by Mazlan Madon


United Nations Headquarters, NY10 March 2017

Official documents of the Commission: development and evolutionTwentieth Anniversary of the CLCS by Mazlan Madon


Origin and development of Annex I of the Rules

Submissions in case of a dispute between States with opposite or adjacent coasts or in other cases of unresolved land or

maritime disputes

• Need for guidance regarding areas subject of disputes, Seventh Meeting SPLOS (19 - 23 May 1997, SPLOS/24)

• Text drafted by a working group during the Second and Third CLCS Sessions (2 - 12 September 1997, and 4 - 15 May 1998)

• Text, agreed by the CLCS at Third Session, forwarded to Eighth Meeting SPLOS (18 - 22 May 1998, SPLOS/31) for consultation and commentary

• Editorial changes made at Fourth Session prior to final adoption by the CLCS on 4 September 1998

United Nations Headquarters, NY10 March 2017

Official documents of the Commission: development and evolutionTwentieth Anniversary of the CLCS by Mazlan Madon


Purpose of Rule 46 and Annex I

Address cases of submissions in case of a dispute between States with opposite or adjacent coasts or in other cases of unresolved land or maritime disputes in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Convention:

• Part VI, Continental Shelf, article 76, Definition of the continental shelf, paragraph 10

10. The provisions of this article are without prejudice to thequestion of delimitation of the continental shelf between States with opposite or adjacent coasts.

• Annex II. Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf, article 9

The actions of the Commission shall not prejudice matters relatingto delimitation of boundaries between States with opposite oradjacent coasts.

United Nations Headquarters, NY10 March 2017

Official documents of the Commission: development and evolutionTwentieth Anniversary of the CLCS by Mazlan Madon


Summary of some of the main provisions of Annex I

• Allows for a partial submission by a coastal State

• Allows for joint or separate submissions from two or more States by agreement

• Allows the Commission to examine a submission where a dispute exists provided that prior consent is given by all parties to the dispute

• The recommendations approved by the Commission in such cases shall not prejudice the position of States which are parties to a land or maritime dispute.

United Nations Headquarters, NY10 March 2017

Official documents of the Commission: development and evolutionTwentieth Anniversary of the CLCS by Mazlan Madon


Legal Opinions on Confidentiality

• In dealing with such classified material and in the exercise of all their other functions, the members of the Commission enjoy the privileges and immunities as experts on mission for the UN (Opinion of the Legal Counsel of the UN, CLCS/5, 11 March 1998)

• In the case of an alleged breach of confidentiality, the Commission may institute appropriate proceedings and shall make known its findings and recommendations to the Meeting of States Parties (Opinion of the Legal Counsel of the UN, CLCS/14, 30 April 1999)

Origin and development of Annex II of the Rules

United Nations Headquarters, NY10 March 2017

Official documents of the Commission: development and evolutionTwentieth Anniversary of the CLCS by Mazlan Madon


Origin and development of Annex II of the Rules


• Text prepared by the Working Group on confidentiality, agreed at Second Session, and forwarded to 8th Meeting SPLOS (18-22 May 1998) for comment

• Several amendments and new rule added at Fourth Session prior to final adoption on 4 September 1998

• Allows the coastal State making a submission to classify data or material as confidential

• The members of the Commission must not disclose any confidential information to which they have had access, even after they cease to be members

United Nations Headquarters, NY10 March 2017

Official documents of the Commission: development and evolutionTwentieth Anniversary of the CLCS by Mazlan Madon


Development of Annex III of the Rules and some of its main provisions

Modus operandi for the consideration of a submission made to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf

• Modus Operandi deals with the internal functioning of the Commission

• It was adopted at the second session (CLCS/L.3, September 1997). Incorporated into Annex III at the Thirteenth Session (CLCS/40, 2 July 2004)

• Introduces two stages:

• Initial examination of the submission• Main scientific and technical examination of the submission

• The subcommission shall determine whether there are any matters to be clarified by the coastal State.

• The coastal State may provide additional clarification to the subcommissionon any matters relating to the submission

• Participation by coastal State representatives in the proceedings

United Nations Headquarters, NY10 March 2017

Official documents of the Commission: development and evolutionTwentieth Anniversary of the CLCS by Mazlan Madon


Chronology of the Scientific and Technical Guidelines (CLCS/11)

Research 2nd to 3rd Sessions September 1997 - May 1998

Drafting and Editing 3rd to 4th Sessions May - July 1998

Oversight Report Provisional adoption 4th Session September 1998

Revision 4th to 5th Session September 1998 - May 1999

Adoption by consensus 5th Session May 1999

Annexes II-IV 6th Session September 1999

United Nations Headquarters, NY10 March 2017

Official documents of the Commission: development and evolutionTwentieth Anniversary of the CLCS by Mazlan Madon


• Assist coastal States in preparing their submissions

• Provide a scientific and technical reference to the CLCS for the consideration of submissions and the preparation of its own recommendations

• Form the basis on which the CLCS shall provide advice, if requested by states during the preparation of their data

• Provide CLCS clarifications of terms contained in UNCLOS

• Encourage a uniform and extended State practice in the preparation of submissions

• Aim to clarify the scope and depth of admissible evidence in submissions

• Emphazise the use of methodologies which minimise costs and optimise existing resources

United Nations Headquarters, NY10 March 2017

Official documents of the Commission: development and evolutionTwentieth Anniversary of the CLCS by Mazlan Madon


Organization of the CLCS Editorial Committee

Change in the gradientWorking Group

Editorial Committee

IntroductionWorking Group

EntitlementWorking Group

Geodetic methodologiesWorking Group

2,500 m isobathWorking Group

Evidence to the contraryWorking Group

RidgesWorking Group

Sediment thicknessWorking Group

Information on limitsWorking Group

BibliographyWorking Group

International OrganizationsWorking Group

Flowcharts and IllustrationsWorking Group

Oversight Committee

United Nations Headquarters, NY10 March 2017

Official documents of the Commission: development and evolutionTwentieth Anniversary of the CLCS by Mazlan Madon


1. Introduction (Carrera, Chairman; Editorial Committee);

2. Entitlement to and delineation of the outer limits of the continental shelf (Carrera, Chairman; Albuquerque, Brekke, Hamuro, Hinz, Lamont and Rio);

3. Geodetic methodologies and the outer limits of the continental shelf (Carrera, Chairman; Albuquerque, Astiz, Francis, Hamuro, Jaafar, Mdala, Rio and Srinivasan);

4. The 2,500 metre isobath (Lamont, Chairman; Albuquerque, Astiz, Awosika, Carrera, Francis, Hinz, Kazmin, Rio and Srinivasan);

5. Foot of the continental slope determined as the point of maximum change in the gradient at its base (Rio, Chairman; Albuquerque, Astiz, Carrera, Croker, Francis, Hamuro, Kazmin and Lamont);

6. Foot of the continental slope determined by means of evidence to the contrary (Hinz, Chairman; Betah, Brekke, Carrera, Jaafar, Juračić, Kazmin and Park);

Organization of the CLCS Editorial Committee

United Nations Headquarters, NY10 March 2017

Official documents of the Commission: development and evolutionTwentieth Anniversary of the CLCS by Mazlan Madon


7. Ridges (Hamuro, Chairman; Brekke, Hinz, Juračić, Kazmin, Lu and Park);

8. Delineation of the outer limits of the continental shelf based on sediment thickness (Brekke, Chairman; Awosika, Croker, Juračić and Park);

9. Information on the outer limits of the extended. continental shelf (Albuquerque, Chairman; Brekke, Carrera, Hamuro, Hinz, Lamont and Rio);

10.References and bibliography (Carrera, Chairman; Editorial Committee);

11.List of international organizations (Carrera, Chairman; Editorial Committee);

12.Flowcharts, tables and illustrations summarizing the procedure for establishing the outer limits of the continental shelf (Jaafar, Chairman; Carrera, Chan Chim Yuk, Juračić, Lamont, Rio);

13.Oversight (Awosika, Chairman; Astiz, Beltagy, Betah, Chan Chim Yuk and Hamuro) .

Organization of the CLCS Editorial Committee

United Nations Headquarters, NY10 March 2017

Official documents of the Commission: development and evolutionTwentieth Anniversary of the CLCS by Mazlan Madon


United Nations Headquarters, NY10 March 2017

Official documents of the Commission: development and evolutionTwentieth Anniversary of the CLCS by Mazlan Madon


United Nations Headquarters, NY10 March 2017

Official documents of the Commission: development and evolutionTwentieth Anniversary of the CLCS by Mazlan Madon


• Prepared by the subcommission in accordance with article 76 of the Convention, the Statement of Understanding, the Rules of Procedure and the Guidelines.

• Based on the data and other material submitted by the coastal States in support of the establishment of the outer limits of their continental shelf.

• Include a summary, which is made public, and is without information which might be of a confidential nature and/or which might violate the proprietary rights of the coastal State over the data and information provided in the submission.

• It is submitted in writing by the Chairperson of the subcommission to the Chairperson of the Commission in accordance with rule 51, paragraph 4, through the Secretariat.

Recommendations by the Commission to coastal States

United Nations Headquarters, NY10 March 2017

Official documents of the Commission: development and evolutionTwentieth Anniversary of the CLCS by Mazlan Madon


• The Commission considers the draft recommendations in its plenary

• After deliberations it approves them, with or without amendments

• The recommendations approved by the Commission are transmitted to the submitting State(s) and to the Secretary-General of the United Nations

• Pursuant to article 76, paragraph 8 of UNCLOS, the limits of the shelf established by a coastal State on the basis of these recommendations shall be final and binding.

Recommendations by the Commission to coastal States (cont’d)

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