old 6th form prospectus

Post on 27-Oct-2014






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Chatham Grammar School for BoysSIXTH FORMMaidstone Road Chatham Kent ME4 6JB t: 01634 830083 f: 01634 826230www.cgsb.co.ukChatham Grammar School for BoysSIXTH FORMTurning potential into realityDesigned and produced by MB Design & Marketing Ltd, Tel: 01673 842911, Email: melaine@mbdesignhouse.co.uk‘Two of the best years of my life. I have loved every minute of the Sixth Form.’Year 13 studentWelcomeChatham Grammar School for Boys is a welcoming and outwardlooking Sixth Form with a


Turning potential into reality

S I X T H F O R MChatham Grammar School for Boys

S I X T H F O R MChatham Grammar School for Boys

Maidstone Road Chatham Kent ME4 6JB

t: 01634 830083f: 01634 826230


Designed and produced by MB Design & Marketing Ltd, Tel: 01673 842911, Email: melaine@mbdesignhouse.co.uk


Chatham Grammar School for Boys is a welcoming and outward-looking Sixth Form with an exciting curriculum which will provide you with a solid foundation for your future.

We take account of your priorities and consequently spend time and care in the creation of a timetable which will suit your individual needs and enable you to flourish.

Staff are fully committed to helping you to reach your full potential. Your progress will be carefully monitored to help you succeed in our supportive and caring environment.

At Chatham Grammar School for Boys we see our Sixth Formers as the student leaders of the school; they have both privileges and

responsibilities to the school and to each other. Every Sixth Former - and that includes you - can become a Prefect or even School Captain during their time at Holcombe (the name by which this school community is known).

Post-16 education is never a soft option but we believe that, at Chatham Grammar School for Boys, it will feel like the right option, and hopefully the best and most rewarding time of your life. Through self-discipline, motivation, commitment and hard work you will realise your aspirations here, and maybe, even exceed them.I look forward to welcoming you into our Sixth Form.

L D MarshallHeadteacher

Welcometo Chatham Grammar School Sixth Form

‘Two of the best years of my life. I have loved every minute of the Sixth Form.’Year 13 student



Attainment and SuccessChatham Grammar School for Boys enjoys a long and distinguished history of academic success, and Governors and staff continue to celebrate the successes of each young person who forms part of our student body. We are keen to ensure that those students capable of gaining 4 A*s at A Level do just that, but similarly a student who works extremely hard and achieves lower grades will also be celebrated for their contribution to the school as well as their personal success. Each young person in our Sixth Form is valued for what they contribute and achieve.

Your goal in joining the Sixth Form will be to achieve the best possible results, so ensuring that you do is our main objective. We are an Open Entry Sixth Form which welcomes students from any secondary school so long as they achieve the minimum requirements of five GCSEs at grade C plus grade C or B in chosen A-level subjects. Because students’ aptitudes are diverse their final qualifications are equally diverse. The best way, therefore, of telling how successful we are is to look at our scores for ‘adding value’ to our A-level students. For the past four years these scores have exceeded expectations and have improved each year, a trend which we fully expect to continue.

‘Students in the Sixth Form make good progress because they benefit from a wide range of suitable courses and from consistently good teaching.’ Ofsted




In the Sixth Form we treat you as an individual and we aim to cater for all of your needs; whether you are a potential Oxbridge entrant or are someone with less lofty ambitions.

So that you have every chance possible, we are committed to breadth, depth and excellence in our curriculum. The range of A-Level subjects we offer is amongst the widest in the country. Year 12 students can opt to study four academic subjects plus an enrichment subject such as personal finance and other professional and industry related qualifications. In Year 13 you may well carry on with four A Level subjects or concentrate on three main areas; there is even the possibility of undertaking the Cambridge Pre-U examination.

Form tutors take an interest in your progress and welfare every time they see you. They are the first port of call in the partnership between you, your parents and the school. Form tutors do not just provide a friendly ear; they are your first practical source of advice and support.

The Sixth Form team consists of a Senior Academic Leader (SAL) and Academic Leader (AL) and Pastoral Support Managers. They will guide you through Year 12 where you will learn about the demands and expectations of work after GCSEs and through Year 13, which concentrates on the completion of A Level work and the transition to your future life.

Responsibility for your progress and welfare here lies with the Head of Sixth Form.

‘It’s different in the Sixth Form. The teachers treat you as adults, and you have a lot more responsibility.’Year 12 student Breadth and




We strongly believe that Sixth Form should be a transformative experience, and to that end we offer an enormous range of opportunities for our students to rise to new challenges.

We believe it is important to prepare you for the larger world outside our Sixth Form which is why independent learning is such an important part of Sixth Form life. We help you to use your free time effectively with ready access to our excellent private study facilities, Library, ICT suites and staff prepared to listen to you and discuss the way forward with you. By the time your studies are finished, and possibly even before then, you will feel ready to take on the world!

We will encourage you to take an active role in many aspects of school life and to find the correct balance between school, your social life, and part time employment. Full involvement in the Holcombe community will help make your time here truly rewarding. Why not consider being part of our many successful dramatic productions or musical events, take part in the Bank of England Challenge, or join the Philosophy Club? Competitions such as Young Dragons, the national and international Mathematical Challenges and the annual NASA Space Competition will not only enhance your studies but also provide you with unforgettable experiences and memories. There are also the trips and exchanges to Japan, Spain, the USA, Iceland, France, Thailand and Germany to name but a few.

Opportunities ‘The curriculum is good in the Sixth Form because of the wide range of opportunities leading to further education and training.’ Ofsted



The Sixth Form provides students with access to a wide range of facilities and activities that range from recreational to organised competition. We have a number of on-site facilities including a gym and playing fields. However, with our fleet of minibuses we have the ability to transport students to other locations such as Holcombe Park with its impressive sports fields and to Lordswood Leisure Centre where you can choose your own means of exercise.

In recent years the School has enjoyed notable success with sport, having won the prestigious Kent Cup in Association Football at the Under 18 level, as well as regularly competing in the Kent Schools League in which the team finished 3rd in the recent season. The 1st XV Rugby has grown in strength and is currently trained by Taff Gwilliam (Medway RFC 1st XV coach and Kent Selector). In addition to this the school offers netball for female students and is committed to developing and expanding the sports on offer.

The majority of our students decide to go on to higher education and preparation for this starts early on in Year 12. Advice and guidance is provided on how to research suitable higher education courses and how to manage the process of applying for places on them. Parents are also welcomed into school during Year 12 to attend an information evening on this matter.

In addition, students are given advice and guidance on the writing of the all-important Personal Statement which is carried out and supervised within tutor groups and completed by the end of the first term in Year 13.

Interview techniques are practised and for those that wish, interview experience is arranged. Students hoping to apply to Oxbridge have access to a dedicated programme to help them maximise their chance of success.

‘There have been a lot of new challenges, in the classroom and out of it!’Year 12 student

SportPost-18 Progression



“Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire.” - William Butler Yeats

Chatham Grammar School for Boys’ relentless pursuit of academic excellence is rooted firmly in innovation, emerging technologies and providing our students with the inspiration they need to strive for total success.

The main aim of the Sixth Form is:‘To provide its students with the pathways and tools they need to achieve the academic and economic success that will eventually provide personal freedom and happiness.’

To do this we know that our teaching needs to be outstanding and that is why we invest enormously in training our staff to the highest standards and also by constantly monitoring the quality of our provision. After all, our students deserve nothing but the best. All teaching staff are highly specialised in their subjects and many also have related professional experience. Consequently they present their subjects in a number of interesting and stimulating ways. They aim to link their subjects to the ‘real world’ so that you see their relevance and applications to real life situations, and also to stretch and challenge you as far as possible.

We know that students will achieve their best and will also be well prepared for their future lives if they develop skills such as creativity, independence, perseverance and the ability to reflect. Therefore, appropriate opportunities are embedded into our programmes of study and lessons.

Inspiration and Innovation ‘Students respond enthusiastically and make good and sometimes outstanding progress. This was the case in a Y12 art lesson when the teacher…enabled them to make excellent progress.’ Ofsted



The future ‘world citizen’ will need to be equipped to devise solutions to problems both currently apparent and as yet unimagined. Opportunities for creativity form a focus for many Sixth Form activities and in lessons you will be challenged and expected to think of imaginative responses to problems. There is a limitless range of areas in school where creativity can be expressed

and encouraged, from the visual arts, music and literature and the practical technicalities of Design Technology, through to original ways of expressing and presenting familiar ideas. We strongly believe that our school should be a place where ‘possible futures’ should be explored through intellectual discipline and multiple intelligences.


‘Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them.’ Albert Einstein

‘Nothing is too much for the teachers. If you need extra resources or ideas or help, all you have to do is ask.’Year 12 student



Responsibility and CommunityWhen asked what they value most about the Sixth Form here, our students highlight the combination of independence with feeling like a member of a large family.

By the time students leave the Sixth Form, we want them to be ready to take their place in society as responsible, aware and tolerant young people.

We know that it is important for all members of a School and Sixth Form community to share common goals and values, and Sixth Form students play a vitally important part in achieving this by acting as leaders and as role models to younger students. Our Sixth Formers also play an active part in the development of the

School through, for example, involvement in the School Council, by mentoring younger students, or even by becoming a member of the School Captain’s Team - all roles are open to all students with the necessary commitment.

The School believes that its ‘community’ also extends beyond the gates of Holcombe and we have very strong links with local schools and other organisations. Our students can easily find themselves attending a local primary school to help children read, or assisting with a language lesson. The School’s annual ‘International Day’ involves dozens of local, national and international community groups and is attended by hundreds of visitors.

‘The school is a harmonious community in which students from different backgrounds relate well to each other.’ Ofsted



We hope that this prospectus has provided you with the information you need to make a good choice about the next stage in your education. CGSB Sixth Form does provide a lot - the extensive curriculum, good and caring teachers, lots of possibilities for extra-curricular activities and involvement, and many social opportunities too. The community aspect of Sixth Form life is important, because being part of a close and supportive community really helps when things get tough - and A-Levels do get very hard!

We hope you choose to come here. However, no matter which Sixth Form you eventually choose, don’t forget that there is only one person who can turn opportunities into success - and that is you.

Good luck in your exams!

Final Message from the School Captain’s Team

‘One of my best memories is of the Japan trip. Being part of a Japanese family, learning about the culture and seeing the sights was a once in a lifetime experience.’Year 13 student

S I X T H F O R MChatham Grammar School for Boys

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