oscon2008 qa leak testing latest slides

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Firefox 1.5 Beta 1

OSCON 2008 - Fixing Hard Problems Through Iterative QA and Development

Clint Talbert - Carsten BookMozilla Corporation

24.July 2008


Process Overview

Leak Testing Overview


Memory Leak Debug Test Builds

Leak Gauge

Manual Tests (Litmus)

Add-on Testing

Milestones so far

The Approach

Development and Test Development collaborate on tests and tools

Create widely applicable, reproducible tests

Test Tools are treated as first rate products

Implement a reporting structure for results


Developers and Test developers bring different perspectives to the table

Developers concentrate on the deep tools to measure behavior of code (i.e. Ref-Counting Analysis etc)

Test Developers work on harnesses and reporting infrastructure, lowering barrier of entry

Having reliable test tools that are run and developed on a regular basis help bring a sense of testing into the development culture.


Use VM's where you can

Keep tests and tools simple

By taking reliable test tools into impure systems, you can get results that you can trust.

Test Tools Are Products

Test Tools must grow with the product

Test Tools must be simple and maintainable

Test Tools must be developed and QA'd just like the product they are testing

Test Tools should be very easy to run

Test Tools should require only the most basic level of infrastructure possible to run. (But should also fit into a high infrastructure scenario for reporting)

Reporting Results

Use results to further a culture of testing

Use results to understand if the test is reliable, and if so broaden your testing scenarios

Easy to understand results empower community members

Reporting Results

What our results reporting looks like

Leak Testing Overview

Lots of Memory Improvements for Firefox 3:

The XPCOM cycle collector continuously cleans up unused memory. Plus, hundreds of memory leaks are now remedied

Memory Leak Tests after every Code change to make sure we introduce no new Memory Leaks

QA also started with a lot of Tests for Memory Leaks

Mozilla QA runs manual tests using the Litmus Testcase Suite (using Tools such as Debug Builds and Leak Gauge)

Regression Memory Leak Testing of Firefox

Memory Leak Tests of new and popular Addon's

Future: More Automated Tests run by Mozilla QA


Various Tools for Performance and Leak Testing

QA uses Debug Builds and Leak Gauge

Debug Builds: Debug Builds can be build with Trace-Malloc Support to search for Memory Leak Builds every time up to date build with latest checkins and overview over Leaking Components (but Debug Builds need to be built individually and you need a Development Environment (Xcode, Visual Studio Express, etc) for most platforms)

Leak Gauge: Developed by David Baron - It is designed to assist in detecting what leaks of large object graphs occur during normal browsing activity. The logging can be run during normal browsing without significant overhead. Log taken by setting environment variables in a release build.

Debug Builds

Using Firefox Debug Builds with Trace Malloc enabled for all Plattforms (Windows XP/Vista, Linux and Mac 10.4/10.5)

Trace Malloc allows searching for Memory Leaks

Can provide a Log File Output

Identify Leaking Components, this information helps Developers to debug and fix the Memory Leak !

Leak Gauge

Easy to use Memory Leak Test Tool developed by David Baron

Only Requirement is a environment variable and works on all platforms c:\NSPR_LOG_MODULES=DOMLeak:5,DocumentLeak:5,nsDocShellLeak:5,NodeInfoManagerLeak:5

And set NSPR_LOG_FILE=c:\leak1.log to define a Leak Log

Works on Firefox 2 and Firefox 3+ Release Builds

Leak Log Upload Form on http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla/source/tools/footprint/leak-gauge.html for analysis

Upload Form indicates if a Memory Leak was found

Leak Gauge Log Output

When a Memory Leak was found the output of the Log analysis look like this:

Memory Leak

Litmus based Tests

To make sure we have no hidden Memory Leaks in Firefox Mozilla QA was running a FFT (Full Functional Tests) Testrun in Litmus (http://litmus.mozilla.org) with Debug Builds on Linux, Mac and Windows. Memory Leaks were Reported to the Bugzilla DB.

Litmus is a Open Source Test Case Management Tool. Litmus contains manual testcases and a Full Functional Test contains around 750 manual testcases from all Firefox areas.

Add-ons Testing

Addon Memory Leak Testing is a big focus of the QA Memory Leak Testing Work

We test new Extensions uploaded to Addons.mozilla.org and also the Top-Downloaded and Recommend Addon's

Leak Testing is done with Debug Builds and also with Leak Gauge

We provide also a Leak Gauge How-To for Addon Developers and AMO-Editors

In the Future A successful Leak Test is a requirement for new Addons on Addons.mozilla.org

A best practices Document is in progress to give Addon Developers a hand in avoiding Memory Leak

Addon Testing Practice

We use new Profiles to avoid any false-positive Results from other Extensions

We test all aspects of the Extension (Install, Uninstall, Features of the Extension)

Provide Detailed Steps to reproduce so that this Memory Leak is reproducible by Developers and also to be able to verify the fix of this Leak.

In case a Memory Leak was found we file a Bug in the Mozilla Bug Database and inform the Extension Developer

Future Plan: We will use more Automation to do this testing !

Success so far

Successfully identified various types of Leaks in Extensions and Firefox Components also in specific Scenarios beyond automated Tests

Memory Leak Logs from Debug Builds and Leak Gauge Help Developers to identify the cause of the Leak

Memory Leak Testing of Extensions help to maintain the great Firefox 3 Performance

Questions ?


http://wiki.mozilla.org/Performance:Leak_Tools Overview over Performance/Leak Tools

http://blog.pavlov.net/2008/03/11/firefox-3-memory-usage/ Blog Post from Stuart Parmenter

http://blog.mozilla.com/tomcat/2008/03/21/extension-memory-leak-testing/ Blog Post about the QA Extension Testing


Clint Talbert (ctalbert on irc.mozilla.org) ctalbert@mozilla.com

Carsten Book (tomcat on irc.mozilla.org) cbook@mozilla.com

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