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EyeOpener Our Savior’s Lutheran Church

302 South 2nd Street East, Aurora, MN 55705

April 2016 “We are our Savior’s servants in our church, community and the world”


A word for Pastor Art Dale

Dear Sisters and Brothers in the Northern Lights Parish,

A word “survival” is being used today among Christians in the United States and the World that says what it means: Can

the Church survive?

This word floats around in conversations regularly among Christian people today. Will our church survive?

We have lost so many members. Can we survive? Our attendance of those who “come to church” has declined threatening survival. Our income can no

longer pay for a full time pastor so we’ve got to cooperate with our neighboring congregations to survive.

What can be done so we can survive as congregations? Reform? Revolt? Become Reinvigorated? Change? Grow?

Evangelize? All these words have been used to tell us what we need to do to remain who and what we are. Programs

have been created to enable survival.

I have another word that might fit what we need to do when we need to survival. It is the word “evolve.” We don’t

need to change who we are or what we are doing. The Gospel remains the same and our loving God who loves

everybody never changes. It only means we need to adapt to a new environment that is now threatening our existence.

If we do not adapt to this new environment, we will not survive. If we adapt, we will thrive and grow.

How do we adapt to this new environment?

You people really want to adapt. I witness this among you. You, as congregations, have been engaged in this for some

time. You are adapting to what is before you. I am so thankful say: “Because you are adapting, you are in beautiful

shape!” Leading you, as we praise and listen together to our Risen Lord, is so much fun. Though in some ways, we are

doing things the way we always have been doing them, I sense that those of you who regularly “come to church” are

very willing to adapt. You only need to know what to do next and how to adapt.

The big challenge before us all is to get everyone together to determine how we will adapt to this new world in which

we live. Getting everyone together is an impossible task. But gathering a “critical mass” of each of these congregations

together is very possible. A critical mass is “enough people to enable an nuclear reaction, or an explosion.”

When you get together you need Time. When I entered the ministry, I found that I was the one to set the targets and

then convince the church council that we all ought to be shooting for them. This took my time to figure out where God

was leading us. It also took time of presenting this to the council. They gave themselves to processing my vision and

that took time. But getting a critical mass of our members to take time to listen to the Lord and receive an answer so

that we may adapt to the changes we are experiencing, is another issue. Can you think of getting everyone together for

one full day? Or, for 20 hours? Or, for six hours? How in the world could that happen? But to adapt, you will

determine how, when, where, and what to do when you are together.

At this point in time, when adaptation means survival of our mission to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus, it is vital that

members of the church put on their thinking caps, go into their prayer closets together, and determine “HOW.” How

can we gather a critical mass of our fellow believers to decide upon how we are going adapt.

When we are together, what are the issues we face? Let me list three:

How can we “go to people,” instead of having people “come to church?” How can we “heal the suffering among us,” rather than “send them for professional help?” How can we “speak a Word of Gospel to religiously confused people?”

We need to adapt to the new environment in which we live, not fight it, or judge it or make compromises with it.

Adapting will bring a congregation’s survival. This is the way God made our world. This is the way his children are called

to adapt to what is before us.

Pastor Art Dale

Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Council March 15, 2016

Opening Remarks /Presidents Report 6:35 P.M. by President Mark Boback Per Jill Dickinson the AED is here, at this meeting we need to select a location to install the cabinet. A letter was received from Lutheran Social Services thanking us for our gift of $6000 given to the Center For Changing Lives; they would like to come up and give a talk and possibly give the sermon at a worship service. Pastor Dale is making the contact and will set up something for after Easter. There will be a meeting of the NLP on Tuesday, March 22nd with Brenda Tibbets, Assistant to the Bishop. There are two first call candidates who will be assigned to our synod and it appears we may get the first chance to interview them. Robbie Peterson made an announcement that he had been selected to fill a board position on the Lutheran Youth Organization for the NE Synod. Congratulations to Robbie! Released to Boards 6:50 P.M. Council Meeting was called to order at 7:25 P.M. In attendance were Mark Boback, Linda Oftelie, Jan Moore, Kathy Baxter, Robbie Peterson, Huffer and Jill Dickinson, Don Barstad, Colleen Sprink and Deb Maki. Approve Minutes of Feb. 12th 2016. A motion was made by Linda Oftelie to approve the minutes 2nd by Jan Moore. Motion approved. Treasurer’s Report a motion was made by Don Barstad to accept the treasure’s report 2nd by /Debbie Maki. Motion approved. Board of Deacons Kathy Baxter reported that Louise Ellingson would be the April Deacon of the month and that Kate Undeland and Kathy Baxter would be handling the Eucharist Ministry for April. Kathy stated that First Communion classes were held and that all the Parish 5th graders will be receiving 1st communion at the Maundy Thursday Service held at Our Savior’s Lutheran March 24th. Kathy also informed us that we have one graduating senior this year Kristen Arn. Board of Education Debbie Maki reported to the board: Camp Sunday went so well and the kids loved spending time with Mev and Grant from Camp Vermilion, that 4 kids to date are signed up to go to Camp Vermilion. Friday, March 11th the SS kids had a sliding and tubing party at Giants Ridge where they had a blast! Talicia has posted pictures on the church Facebook page. Also Talicia has posted a video of the Christmas program “Tale of Three Trees on Facebook too. Check it out!! Palm Sunday the SS kids will be making, baking, and serving palm cookies at coffee an’. The kids will also be singing Palm Sunday. Go Kids!! The kids going to Camp Vermilion will be selling “Notes and Wraps” each child’s sales will go toward “their” cost of going to camp. The notes and wraps are being donated to the kids from our Notes and Wraps Committee. The Notes are the Mary Mugg Designs, Inspired by Nature. The notes and wraps were donated to our church by the Family of Mary Mugg and have raised much money for many worthwhile causes for us. Stewardship & Fellowship Jan Moore reported that she would remain the chairman and Robbie Peterson will be the secretary. Jan informed us that they went over the responsibilities of their board, talked about welcoming new people, talked about working on a parish pictorial where each church would have their own section, talked about the Lenten soup can fundraiser, stating that the cans will be collected at the entrance into the church sanctuary on Palm Sunday with the money collected going to the local Food shelf, lastly Jan talked about inviting people coming for the All Class Reunion over the 4th of July to attend worship and a special coffee an’.

Trustees Don Barstad reported that the trustees had approved the treasurer’s report, that they have several projects that need repair or work done those being: Install the AED, paint steps on the east side of the church, check the roof where ice builds up, check the ceiling in the narthex and trace back where the water seems to seep in. Don also informed the council they ordered offering envelopes, and through 2015 the church received $6,888 dollars of “Choice Dollars” from members who are Thrivent Members. The money usually goes to a designated fund of the member’s choice. Old Business AED will be installed and people will begin to get trained. New Business Mark Boback asked that we consider making a donation to the Gloria Day Lutheran Church located in Duluth that suffered a fire in the last month or so. Deb Maki made a motion to donate $100 to them, 2nd by Jill Dickinson. Motion approved. Robbie Peterson asked the council what should be done with the outdated website that is not accessible by mobile devices and is obsolete. Robbie stated that he and Sarah Douglas would like to work together to create a new web page for our church that will be designed and accessible to everyone using the latest mobile technology. A motion was made by Deb Maki for Robbie and Sarah to shut down the old website and create a new web site, 2nd by Huffer Dickinson. Motion approved. Adjourn with the Lord’s Prayer Motion made by Jan Moore 2nd by Linda Oftelie. Motion approved. Respectfully submitted, Council Secretary Debbie Maki

GREAT 50 days of EASTER

After Lent comes Pentecost: As in Advent we had 4 weeks of preparation, in Lent we had six weeks, and in

Pentecost we have 50 days. 50 Days of LOVE is a seven-week ministry through which we can demonstrate

Christian love to fellow Christians, friends, neighbors, church member and non-church members in intentional

ways. Between Easter Sunday and Pentecost Sunday, 50 days of LOVE will lead the church through a

systematic progression of outreach opportunities in the Spirit of Christ.

In preparation: (Easter week – March 28, 2016) intentionally think of a friend, neighbor, church member or

colleague for whom you can show your appreciation, care, and love over the next six weeks. Make a

commitment to pray for that person everyday throughout the 50 days of LOVE. Make a commitment to be

intentional in showing your love and appreciation for them by doing the following:

WEEK ONE: ( April 3) Write a letter of appreciation to at least one person. It may be a letter to someone who

you have long appreciated but have never formally expressed it; it may be a letter of reconciliation; it may be a

letter of encouragement. Its message is one of appreciation, of gladness, and of loyalty and friendship.

WEEK TWO: (April 11) Your gift this week is a telephone call to someone whom you feel you have

forgotten due to the demands of everyday life. Its message may be “I appreciate you,” “thank you,” or “I love

you.” Reassure that person that you really care for them.

WEEK THREE: (April 18) Take or send a gift to someone you care for to express your love for them. The old

fashioned practice of taking a pie or plate of cookies can help to build goodwill, appreciation, and love.

Flowers and books are other possibilities. Preferably select a person to whom you would not normally send a


WEEK FOUR: (April 25) Your gift this week is prayer. Select one or two others and pray for them daily by

name. Make them your special concern for prayer. It may be someone passing through a time of sorrow or

illness, a time of decision, a time of joy and celebration, or someone you would particularly like to help. Those

for whom you pray may never know, but your prayers may be particularly blessing to them if you send a card or

note indicating your commitment to daily pray for them.

WEEK FIVE: (May 2) Make a personal visit to a homebound person, an inactive member, a prospective

member, or someone whom you would simply like to know better.

WEEK SIX: (May 8 ) This week is a week of invitation. You are to ask the persons you have targeted during

the 50 Days of LOVE to be your guest in worship on Pentecost Sunday, May 19.

After the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the disciples saw themselves as the “evidence” of the resurrection. You

and I have the opportunity, in response to the resurrection, to be the evidence of God’s love. Together let us

“lift up Christ” so everyone throughout the area will know the love of God in and through the Northern Light

Lutheran Parish.


April is usually the month in which we come to celebrate Easter, yet Easter and lent are behind us. What lies

ahead in April, a month of rest before we come to May. This April take time to rest and restore your Spirit.

This is the season of Pentecost and in this newsletter you will find suggestion to make your Pentecost a brighter,

glorious time for yourself and others. This suggestion touched my heart several years ago when I was working

in Wisconsin.

I was living in Park Rapids, Wisconsin and attending the United Methodist Church in Phillips. Wisconsin, when

one day before I left for my appointment in Pengilly, Nashwauk and Chisholm, a gracious woman indicated to

me that she had been praying for me since she met me and now her prayers were answered.

I found out that not only did she pray for me that first day, but she put me on her prayer list and began to pray

for me frequently over the next few years. Her prayer was that I would give my gifts to the Lord and be graced

with a clergy appointment. She knew nothing about me, except what she saw of me and heard about me, we

were not in the same circles ever. She had no way of knowing that God had brought me under conviction and

was calling me to make a change in my life. She prayed diligently, never expecting to know the outcome of

those prayers.

A few days before she called me, she had read an article that I wrote for the newsletter at the Phillips United

Methodist Church. From reading the article she knew that her prayers were answered indirectly. She

understood that I had given my life to the Lord in a different way, and in His goodness, He had chosen that

particular day for her to connect with me.

She wanted me to know how grateful she was to God, that in his sovereign foresight, he called her to pray for a

person who she had met only one time, but sense God was doing some work on me. In her outreach she was

also prayer for her daughter, whom I would meet through my secular work in laboratory medicine.

That day this woman humbled me and brought me to tears, and reminded me that God has his hand in every

little detail of our lives. God orchestrates things for our good and His glory, and all the while we think we have

something to do with those decisions.

Oh, if we could only remember this when things seem out of control. We’re told to “be anxious for nothing.” I

don’t know about you, but I find that difficult. But if I can remind myself that God is in control, that he hasn’t

fallen asleep or looked away, and that he’s involved in the smallest minutiae of my life – the big things, too-

then I will never have reason to worry again.

Perhaps as you take on the 50 days of Pentecost – you too will make a difference in someone’s life.


Pastor Barb

Northern Lights Parish

The NLP council members met on March 22, 2016. Members present included: Mark Boback, Deb Maki, Art Cherro,

Nikki Maki, Rolf Widstrand, Jean Korpi. Also attending were: Jill Dickinson (OSL alternate), Pastor Barb Hegfors and

Brenda Tibbetts (assistant to the Bishop).

President Mark Boback called the meeting to order at 6:30pm. The minutes of the January 11, 2016 were handed

out. Rolf moved to accept the minutes as recorded with Art seconding the motion. Motion carried.

The floor was then handed over to Brenda Tibbetts. Her presentation began with prayer. Brenda came to help walk the

call committee through the call process. The pairsh council members will be acting as the call committee since it

includes representatives of each of the three churches. Brenda informed us that two people are interested in our

parish. The council had been given copies of their profiles to discuss after her presentation. She also asked each

congregation make a few changes on their site profiles and resubmit them.

After Brenda’s departure the council discussed the two candidate profiles. Art made a motion to interview both

candidates that we have Rostered Leader Profiles on. Plans will be made for these interviews in the near future.

Pastor Barb’s contract will be up the end of June. Rolf moved that we extend her contract for another year and

renegotiate her financial package in January 2017. Nikki seconded the motion and it was passed.

The financial status of the NLP was discussed because of the increase in the checkbook balance. Rolf moved that we

continue with the $3,000 per congregation per month. Art seconded the motion and it was carried. It was noted that

there will be some expenses coming up with the candidate interview process and also down the line when we extend a

call and should that candidate accept it.

The council made a tentative date of April 29th at 6:30pm to meet to prepare for the upcoming interviews (with an

alternate date of Wed., April 30th ) pending Pastor Barb’s schedule.

A motion to adjourn was made by Art and seconded by Rolf; motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Jean Korpi, NLP secretary

April WELCA News Spring is here and the Women of Our Savior's are invited to attend the annual Laurentian Spring Gathering Conference on April 16, 2015, which is being held at United in Christ Lutheran, Eveleth, MN. The day starts off with registration and Coffee an' at 8:30. The theme for this year's Gathering is “Growing in Faith.” The guest speaker is Pastor Terry White from Duluth, sharing his bonsai gardening for body, mind and spirit. In the afternoon Nancy Krueger will present her photography – Roots and Wings. Lunch will also be served, which is $7.00. Please let us know by April 14 if you are interested in attending. There will be a sign-up sheet in the narthex. Future events: Our rummage sale will be held on Friday, April 29, at OSL. Please bring your donated items any time after April 25; (No electronics; appliances

okay.) The NE MN Synodical Women's Organization Convention will be held at Sugar Lake Lodge, Grand Rapids, MN on June 9 and 10. More information will follow. Remember, you are always welcome to join us at our circle meetings, which are held the second Tuesday of each month. Faith Circle meets at 1:00 p.m., and Hope Circle meets at 7:00 p.m. It's a great time to share fellowship.

Kate Undeland (218) 780-2436

Rummage Sale

Our spring rummage sale will be held on April 29th at OSLC. Please drop

off your donated items in the small classroom anytime after April 22nd.

Are you an eligible Thrivent Member with Choice Dollars

available to direct?

If so, you can help strengthen our community by directing them to Our Savior’s Lutheran


In fact, this past year eligible Thrivent members directed $6668 to OSLC. Thank you to those

members who helped support or church’s mission by directing Choice Dollars. In the past,

these funds were directed by us to the mortgage debt. When it was paid the following money

was directed into the savings account for Capital Improvement.

Fundraiser Events

Summer brings the opportunity for children to attend camp! However, those summer camp opportunities

often come with a big price tag. The Sunday School has come up with a fundraising idea to help families offset

the costs of attending a faith based camp such as Camp Vermilion. The Sunday School leaders will help each

child/family to create a box that will show the note cards, wrapping paper, and other art items donated by

Woodland Acres Studio in Stillwater MN. Each child’s efforts will be set aside to help pay for their campership


If you volunteer for usher duties, please take note… Please check your duties, posted on the wall above the ushers stand in the narthex. It is important that fire

doors are closed when everyone is gone as well as doors locked and lights turned off. So please make sure these things are taken care of as well as any others listed on the sheet. Thank You in advance.

“We are our Savior’s servants in our church, community and the world”

“Noisy Offering”

The” little milk pail” is for our noisy offering for hunger. This goes

toward the Holy Cow Fund, which is a program of NE MN Synod

hunger program .

You are invited to Fellowship every Sunday after worship in the

Fellowship Hall for coffee, juice and snacks. Take time to relax and connect with

your church family.

Monthly EyeOpener & Weekly Bulletin Deadlines

The deadline for the Monthly EyeOpener is the 24th of each month. Submissions may be emailed to Kelly at

the church office oslc1@frontiernet.net . That’s oslc (lower case)….the number 1……@......frontiernet.net (all

lower case)

Schedule for April 2016

April 3 Callie Peterson April 10 Lydia Skelton April 17 Brady Mann April 24 Sam Olmstead

Thank You ~ Thank You~ Thank You

A huge shout out to Keith Johnson ~ Thank you so much for plowing the church parking lot, a

few weeks ago. I appreciated it so much. It has been a struggle throughout the winter to get into the church

office to do my job. It also made it safer for other groups to get into the church. So again, thank you.

Kelly West

Church Office ~ Our Savior’s Lutheran Church

302 South 2nd Street East

Aurora, MN 55705




Pastor Art Dale


218-753-3323 (home)

218-410-6600 (cell)

Pastor Barb Hegfors Contact Information

Telephone #218-969-0135


April 2 Naomi Dangelo

April 3 Dorothy Nelson

April 4 Jan Moore

April 6 Karen Plemons

April 5 William Utley

April 9 Louise Ellingson

April 10 Rod Salo

April 13 Charles Olson

April 14 Jeanne Maki

Matt Hill

Zachary Jackson

April 15 Patrick Douglas

April 16 Pryce Robertson

April 17 Lorna Kallio

April 18 Wanda Fisher

April 20 Mary Castle

DuWayne Peterson

Susan Sowers

Melissa Skelton

April 27 Brian Mann

April 28 Tyann Jackson

April 29 Sarah Douglas

Debbie Maki

Happy Birthday Everyone! May God bless you on this special day and for many days & years to come.

If we have inadvertently omitted

anyone, or have an incorrect date, please contact the church office at 229-3214 so we may update our


(The Hopefully Not) Snow Shoveling List 2015-2016

3-28 to 4-3 Wayne Mohagen

4-4 to 4-10 Don Barstad

4-11 to 4-17 Bill Utley

4-18 to 4-24 Doug Shuck

4-25 to 5-1 Charles Olson

Prayer Chain When anyone is in need of prayer for special needs, concerns or

support, please call Pastor, Kelly or anyone on the list of the

prayer chain. All requests and prayers are kept confidential with

the prayer chain. Members: Lorraine Ekman, Naomi Dangelo,

Janet Salo, Yvonne Trowbridge, Joanne Barstad, Debbie Maki,

Ruby Okstad, Linda Loeffler, Jan Kaster and Judy Marn.

If you have been on the list previously and would like to be put

back on call Lorraine at 229-3328. We welcome anyone else who would like to join. The prayer chain and phone

numbers is also listed in the Women's Circle handbook for 2013, page two.

When the person you call is not home do not leave a message, call the next person on the list until you reach a person.

Our members who are homebound, in nursing homes, and in assisted living

Irene Undeland ~ 741-5598

Edgewood Vista, Apt. # 240

705 17th Street North

Virginia, MN 55792

Christine Caldwell

522 Aspen Groves

Chisholm, MN 55746


Leonard Pylka ~ 218-722-1866

Edgewood Vista

4195 Westberg Road # 429

Hermantown, MN 55811

Monthly Worship Volunteers

April Ushers not available

April Readers not available

April Musicians

April 3,10,17 ~ Diane Boback

April 24 ~ Judy Marn

April Deacon ~ Louise Ellingson

April Altar Guild ~ Joanne Barstad

April Trustees ~ Kim Norman & John Long

In memory of Joan Erickson, a gift was given to the Living Memorial Fund by Irene Skoglund.

In memory of Carol Urban, a gift was given to the Quilting Group by Marie Anderson.

In honor of Gladys Peterson’s 90th Birthday, a gift was given to the Living Memorial Fund.

With Sympathy

We extend out love and sympathy to the family of Carol Urban. Carol passed away on

February 21st and her funeral was here at Our Savior’s on February 26th. May God’s love

comfort you now and in the days to come.

Rippers, Strippers and Rollers

As always, there are items we can use, if you are willing to donate. New or gently used white

sheets for our bandages. We also need flannel sheets or fabric – the flannel can be of all

design and colors.

Two other items we can always use are 4oz bars of soap, and diaper pins. They do need the

head pins in plastic.

We meet Tuesday mornings in the Fellowship room, til noon.

Questions ask Jan Moore or Linda Loeffler.

Written by Jan Moore


As mentioned before-continue to bring your “flat Jesus” when you do some of your favorite

things or go somewhere special. Take a picture including “flat Jesus” and bring the picture to

church and we’ll add to our poster in the fellowship Hall here at the church.

Writen by Jan Moore

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