our town october 3, 1918

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8/7/2019 Our Town October 3, 1918

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Y. M. C. A.


Be Ready for SolicitorsWith a Signature and a Smile


Hut Walter Shaw Proves to be the Self-Sacrificing Hero by Get

t ing the "Walking Flue" and Thereby M a k i n ~ it Possible fo rPonce Burkhardt to Get in the Contest-245 Games

Played in Four Hours



Tal;:e it any way you please that i Kirkpatrick and Foote proved them

was som e R oun d Robin tennis tour- s el ve s c hamp io ns b ey on d a ny q ue s

.nament played l as t S at ur da y a ft er -; tion, w in ni ng s ix s et s a nd losing only

n oo n b y th e members of t he Xarber th ' one. a nd w in ni ng more g am es a nd

Tennis Association, o n t he c ou rt s at losing considerably fewer t ha n a ny of

Elmwood and Essex avenues, for th e Ith e compe ting teams.benef it o f the Re d Cr oss. Bil l Kirk- From a statistical standpoint the

patl'ick a nd J im Foote won, and every-, tournament broke al l re co rd s for

hody had a good time, except when' local contests. A total of 245 games

Walter S haw wal ke d t hr ou gh the' were played between two and six

gateway, garbed in an onlinary every- o'clock, which meanR that there were

day suit of clothes, plus an overcoat, c on si de ra bly mo re t ha n 1000 serves,

and announced that owing to a six- which is at th e rate of four serves

r ound bout that he w as having with p er m in ute fo r four Rtralght hours.

what h e call ed "Walking Spanish But as higher mathematics ar e not

Influentia l Grip" he could n ot p ar- ou r forte, an d as we have prohably

ticipate in the festivities. That al- a lr ea dy made a number of mistakes

m ost b ro ke up the party, b ut f or -' (Cont inued on Fourth I'age)tunately a happy solu t ion ,v as d is -, - _ . _ ~ - - - - - - . - - - - - - - . - . - - - - - - - - - -

covered. :

"We ll t hen , t ha t let 's Pon ce Bark-.

hardt i n, " s ai d s ome one who remem-l

bered that the vet er an a ll -w int er ichampion had not been l ucky enough Ito have h is name picked ou t of Presi-,

d en t H al l' s high silk ha t w hen t he Io r i g ~ n a l drawings were made. ; SCRIPTURE STUDY

"'Y ou mean that POllce won't be i

keP t out of the tournament after all?"ll HON. F . W. STITES,lLeadersaid S:l:lW, and assured that h is a s- 10 A. M. Sunday

s u m p t l o ~ l was correct, h e ad <l ed :' METHODIST EPISCOPALCHURCH"Then l ik e Gener al Wolfe o r Gener all\iontcalm or whoever i t was that first Sub j e c t :

said it, 'I die happy.' " "Hosea, Preacher 01 DI-And just to show how appreciative vine Love."

Ponce was. he p r o ~ e e d e d , a id ed a ndabetted b y h is partner, Ros s, t o defeat ( ~ L A s s n ' I E D A D V E n T I S E ~ I E ~ T "almost al l hi s opponent s. The t eam iof R oss and Burkhardt won s econd! Two cents per word each Insertion. casb

. In advance. 1':0 adver t i sement accepted un ·

place in t he t ou rn amen t. T he y w er e I lee. cash accompanies COpy.

tied with two othe r teams fo r second' l'flH ;;o\U:-Hey\\'oOll h ; ~ ) ~ ' - : ; ; c ~ ~place , each of the three teams win-! IllS Che"lnul ll\·enue. Xllrberlh.ning five s et s a nd l os in g two, hu t in ' Itt:WAIU)-FI\"C ,1"lIar" rewarll for Ih e

t he g am es won and lost Ross and IHI I lW" alHI ,,,I<1rc'""o" or the hoy" wh o

Burkhardt made th e best showing and , "1,,1 . , t\\ 'o lar.,e ha"ket" 1I1Ie.1 with walnutl<! from tn," l I UnH ' rV on :\lontgmnl'ry t\venu<"

were accorded th e honors. I<epteml; . r :10, 1!I·IS. A. I ~ 'Yohlert.

Grand Prize Goes to Jam1es Artman-Others Win District Cups.Twenty-five Trees Awarded-Many Places Win

Special Mention

Betty Baxter'8 Gossip



,",ow t h at t he P at ri ot ic Fete Is over,

kindly tUl'll your attention to V h Alumni play to be held October 12 at

th e jlublic school.

Mr. and Mrs. John B. Brooks have

re turned f rom Ocean City, where theyspent t he we ek -e nd closing their

summer cottage.

The sal e of Thrift S tamps and WarSavings Stamps at th e ;>;rarberth postoffice amounted to more than $2000

last week.

Pcnch stones l ire wlIntel l br Uw

/:,ol·crnment. ' fhese lIlts 1Illlke tlwbest chnrcoal for t he soIIUel··" gus,mllsks 111111 tIley ar c needed, K l l I l l I ~ 'clean tIlcm 111111 I e/ ne t bem In box atb llck of 112 Essl'x IIvenue, bonw oi:Un:. W. W. Cameron.A Ilrlzc will be gh' en to the b o ~ ' 01'

!l'lrl who oolleets the largest number I

of these stones.

We have near ly two mi ll ion men :1]France. Every sub sc ri be r t o t he Lib

erty Loa n h el pe d s en d t hem the re .

:\Irs. G. l\1. Colesworthy entertained

her s is te r, :\:liss )label Yorgey, of

Philadelphia, during the "Fete."

;\Iiss Gertrude E. Wright is leavingfor Santa Barba ra , Cal., fo r t he w in

'tel', where she will visit friends.

Greetings to :1'[1'. Goski and family,

of C leveland, Ohio, who ar e about to

make tbe ir home in '\arherth.

I<::dward Miller, of :"arberth; ha s

been commissioned a lieutenant in the

motor t r anspor t corps.

Xo trouble to bny, convenient, helll

the boys, a real investment- 'Var

Savings Stamps.

Howar d Hamer is home 'o n seven

<lays' leave from the Xaval S choo l a t

Xewport, R. 1.

The Garden Committee of th e Civic every sec t ion anti mak in g t he final

Assoc ia ti on hav ing completed its decisions.

s urv ey a nd st ud y of t he l aw ns ancl I n mak in g the awards th e GardenCommittee wer e gover ne d p rimar il y

g ar de ns t hr ou gh ou t t he Bor ou gh o f by the neatness of appearance a nd t he:-.'arberth, a nnounc es her ew it h the

l\Iiss Virginia Downes ha s lett for evidences of care shown by the house-Smith College. awards for the best-kept places dur- holders ravher than by the p lan t ing .

i ng t he s umme r of 1918. I n a dd it ion to the cups awardedA br ie f s tatement will be in order

Ruth Ha'\\',; has ,gone to Gouchere t he c omimtt ee was also able to awardCollege, Baltimore. ' as to h.OW th e decisions were rea?hed twent)'-five t re es , t he gi ft of :\ir. A.

Early II I t he s ummer th e conlllllttec___ I . E. 'Vohler t , o f th e Garden Nurseries.

Mrs. Anna M. Owens, of l\lechanics- c O l ~ p o s e d of Mr: H o r a c ~ Hillegas"

burg, is visiting fr iends in : "arber th. chaI rman; Mrs. RIchard GIfford, l \ · ~ r s . The AwardsE. A. Musc hamp , M r. SebastIan TI . b 'f I IRudolph an d Mr. Walter Shaw, l e g ra nd p l' lz e, a eautl u si vel'

divided the borough into five sections, 'cup, was awarded to Mr. J ame s A rt -

a1 d I b. It' man. whose place at th e corner of

1 eac 1 mem er was assignee 0 a ,. .section. Thr oughou t t he summer t he "mdsor and Wynnewood.avenues, IS

. no t o nl v o ne o f th e finest II I :"arberthco.mnllttee m e l ~ l b e r s m ~ d e r .req.uent h:1t a lo 'n th e Main Line as well and

tnps ove r t he Ir r espe ct iv e see:tlons,' g .' .mak ing not e of all places that theY shows a care. and attentlO.n. that IS

t hought wor thy of watching. From worthy of merIt a n ( ~ re.cogmtlOn. The. . I tl I I other awards by d ls tl 'l ct s f ol low:tIme to time sOllie Il aces lut la(been noted on ea rl ier v isi t s !Jut ha']: lllstrict No. I -A l l properties south

subsequently been neglected were, of the railroad. Cup t o E dw in p.

d ropped f rom the lists, and other ' Dold, 4 Chestnut avenne. Trees

places that had not just i fi ed noting' awarded--J. B. Morgan, 24 Chest.nut

earlier in the season, bu t had later i avenue; William J. Henderson, 20

"Rpruced up." were added to the l i st s . i Chestnut a ven ue : J . H. ~ a s h , l:l6

A week ago th e memhers of the com- . )lerion av en ue; H en ry Rose, 211

mittee met, submitted reports of theil" Woodside avenue; L. V. Rockwell, 14

respective lists, a nd w it h t hi s data : IS ' Elmwood a ve nu e; E lmer Marsh, 306

a basis to wor k w it h. m ad e a com-' South :"arberth a ve nue, a nd Lester

plete tour of t he bor ough , visiting, i (Cont inue d on S ix th P age)

We were g la d t o see ou r old f r iend,

AI'thur W. Cole, in town for the


)[rs. Lee Downes has been th eg u e ~ t

of )Irs. Carroll Downes, of 315 Wood

'side avenue.

Mr. J. Webb, of Pi tt sburg , has

Ihought a house on Dudley avenue, andwill soon settle in :"arberth Wit'll his

, family.

I Friends of Mrs. G. H. Schulte will

~ l glad to know that sh e is recover-

lin g favorably f rom a n ope ra ti on for


S ome o ne aske<l for a package or

Liberty Loan song sheets. Who was

a er op la ne , i t? Answe r to P. O. Box 820.


I t helps a lo t when mall Is ad-


dressed with bo x numhers. I t also

helps t o p re ve nt delay in th e delivery

o f mai l to the hoxes.

HUNContinued o n T hi rd Page


Come On!Back the





Babies' Parade and Historic Pageant a Brilliant Success

,lOSEI'll H. NASH, I 'HEsmENT :-;AIWEH'I'II rJVI(' A S S ( ) ( ~ I A T I O N



TIle out st anding f ea tu re of :"ar - Ba tt lesh ip of ) le rc y, t he

berV:l'S g reat P at ri ot ic Fet e w as t he tents, games , e tc .

fact that e ve ry th in g t ha t w as done It would be invidious to particularwas animated by a single thought, ize as to a ny spe ci al booth, as all

and that was l ov e f or and apprecia- were so well planned. The decora

tion of ou r boys at the f ro nt. Ami d tions were appropriate, a,nd t he var i

all the hurry of prepa ra t ion , our ous ai ' licles of fe red for s al e o f excelt ho ugh ts were ev er of tllOse dear lent quality and reasonahle in price.

hoY.s who ar e offel:'ing thei r a l l on th e While tlle attendance and sales onal tar o f t he ir c ou nt ry . T hi s l ig ht en - 1.'riday were fail', Saturday afternooned every moment of work a nd l es se n- a nd e ve ni ng w er e o f c ou rs e better at

ed t he l it tl e wor ri es i nc id en t to such tended. owing to th e special attrac

an nnde rtaking. . lions. The babies' pa rade, unde r th e

Th e weather during both d ay s w as dil'eCltion of :\lrs. C. T. :V[oore, was

everything that could be desired, wonderfUlly attractive and well man

which wa s alm os t more than we a ge d. ) Iuch applause was evol;:ed by

dared hope for d ur in g t he f re ak is h the beauty of t he babies, a nd the good

month of Sept em ber. T he v ari ou s tas·:e of the decorated vehicles.

committees had done their work The hist:Jric pageant, designed and Watch th e papers for the an

well, and everything, with trifling ex- managed hy ;\11'5. James 1"'oot, direc- nouncement of the :"arberth Blg:1

ccpt ions , was r eady on schedule t ime. t or , was a complete snccess i n e ve ry ISchool Alumnae play on October I :"arbrook Park was transformed into particular. As t he v ari ou s scenes --

a picturesque and colorful c amp w ith were unfolded. beginning with th e lU- Th e slaver cups awarded by the

its boo thS of nat .i ons, t cn ts , t he good (Continued on Sixth Page) Garden Committee will be on exhibiltion shol'tly at Howard's Drug Store.

8/7/2019 Our Town October 3, 1918

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/our-town-october-3-1918 2/6



Of course. wedeliver - aoy

p ia c e - aoytime.

Narberth, Pa.


234 Woodland Ave.


Have Removed to my

New Address

Will 2ive my customersc\'cry a u ~ n r i o n in every re .specr. Work ! l oad; p r ic e .reasonable. .

French Dry Cleaning.D} eing an d Pressing





29.863765 ' 32


HOWARD'SThe Brightest Spot in Narberth

A Drug Store in theMost Modern Sense o f the Term





Is Doing a Man's Job "Over There." .He Will Appreciate

and Welcome These Comforts:


Will Reopen September 18th, 1918


1 1 1 . · · · · · · ~ · · · r ~ e ~ - kme ~ :: ~ ! Pleases AZ>..rmenls: [?ecause U made from

{ ~ ~ ; " , n l l , Bruner:. . I _ _ 1/ Woolens

.,.. .: I L l u m i n a ~ e d Oroadwoy


·1·· ..... Novelty Suibn6s. r··.. .



Any man who is de ad i n l ov e wit h

~ l l m s e l t should be bur led in oblivion.


' W ' A R N I N G !


Fire, 350Police, 1250



S en d a ll letters an d

P. O. Box 966.Send a ll ad ve r ti si ng

Box.Make all remittances to P. O. Box

118.O ur T ow n is on sale at t he d epot

newss tand , and at the store of H. E.

Davis.Entered as. second-class matter

October 15, U14, at th e Post Office at! ' \arberth, Pennsylvania, under th e ac t

of March, 1879.

! inscribed on t he h on or r ol l, w hi ch

Ig ives the p r iv i lege of planting a tree.________________ I It ha s been suggested that t he honor

All E xp er Im en t I n Co-operative 1'011 be placed in tJile Y. M. C. A. for September 27 ·and 28 were· t he b an -

Journalism-Xu Paid Workers. : the convenience o f t he p ub li c. : ne r days in Xarberth's history, with----- I I the poss ible excep tion of th e pageant

Owned an d Pub li shed every Thurs-' 'of June, 1914. A compa r is on i s h ard-

day by th e Narberth Civic Associa- Th e news fl'om oversea is n lO re Iy fa ir , however , in view of present

tion. and more encouraging each d ay . .WIth war-time conditions. T he a ff ai r has SHAVING SUPPLIESth e co llapse o f BulgHia, the destrnc- clearly demonstrated that Narberth

Subscr ipt ion pr ice on e dollar pe r lio n o f th e TUl'kish armies in P a l e ~ ; - has llIany more live ones than sl\e FOUNTAIN PENS~ ' e a r in advance. t' I d d b tile, cont nu e avances Y e fully r ea li ze s. T hi s Is a dandy town

:SAnBEltTII C IV IC AS SOC I.....TIO:N Allies in, ~ r a n c e a nd Bel gi um , and and need apologize to no one , not. FOOT POWDERS_ _ _ I G e l ' l l l ~ n ~ s mternal t ronbles, the out-, even fo r th e mos sb acks , i n s pi te of

President-Joseph H. Nash. 1look I.S m.deed hopeful. : 'here can b: : whom sh e p r o ~ r e s s e ~ .Vice-presidents-A. C. Shand, James Ino !e"senlllg of the c O I ~ f h c t , h ow ev el ,' T ha t man l\ash IS' a hustler-we

Artman, A J. Loos. n nt ll t he C en tr al P o y , ~ r s ar e COlll-, cheerful ly hand it to him, an d t.his

Secretary-Treasurer-Geo. 1\1. COleS_lllletelY. crushed , and thiS Will, take a doesn't detract a bit from t he p ra ;s 2worthy. long. tune. r:et no one hold .back 011, that is due s om e o f th e women and

Directors-W. Arthur Cole, Mrs. C the fo.urth Liberty Loan \ ~ I t h an y men, e sp ec ia lly the f or me r, whoP. Fowler, Henry C. Gara, W. R. D. false Idea that th e money Will no t be , tackled their jobs an d finishecl them

Hall, George 1\1. Henry, H. R. Hillegas, Ineeded. : ' he . : , oan m u ~ t all ~ e s o l ~ l , t.o perfection. To mention th e names iCharles E. Humphreys , Danie l Leitch, . an d each I ~ d l v l d u a l must go hi S Iinnt of al l who worked hard to m ak e the IE. A. Muschamp, Mrs. A. Perry Redl- I 1Il sUll.scriblll g . When the canV'assers thing a success Is a job I cannot un · 1 '=.=========""..,...,....,===========,....,==.,...",."".,==-....",===fer, 1\1rs. A. B. Ross, Fletcher W Ica ll . g ive them a .heart

ywelcome, anu, dertake, bu t it would be base Ingra ti · SUFFRAGE NEWS RED CROSS NOTES

St ites, Wal ton M. Wentz, A. E. Woh - s peed on the WOI k. ' tute no t to m ent io n t he w on de rf ul

lert, Mrs. Charles W. Young . I --------- work o f M rs . Foote, especially, in ar ---------.---- The s ub sc ri be rs to the Liber ty ranging the paritde. The re was never Again the United States Senate ha s The Xarberth Hed Cross will open

HARRY A. JACOBS, ,Loans have purchased for th e War any th ing in Narberth to compare with ~ J o s t P o n e d the vote on t h Federal a new department for repairing sol-

Editor. Department over $4,000,000,000 o f o rd - It. I<unendment. : 'he s u f f r a g i s t ~ ~ r e dis- diers ' garments, uniforms, undercloth·

Mrs. Roy E. Clark A. J. Loos nance-$l,OOO,OOO,OOO was spent for And d l you not ic e Mr. Clegg? If: appointed agalll, an d ar? asking, "I s ing ' and soclcs. The department will

lIrs. C. T . M oo re Henry Rose Iartillery; $ 3 ~ 0 , 0 0 0 , O O O for automatic YOu. didn t you s ho ul d c on su lt an : t he S en at e composed of American.. ? be in charge o f M rs . Walter Dothard.

G. 1\1. Henry W. T. Melch ior rifles; $100000,000 for small arms; o c U l l s ~ . C le gg i s a nervous l i tt l e jig· ,W e have always boasted of the just The ma te r ia ls ar e sent to the Red

Associate Editors nearly $2,000,000,000 for artillery am - gel' With a b al d h ead, th ? living ex- I treatment of women by ou r men, but C r o ~ s laundered and in a sanitary con-. munition and $340,000,000 fo r s ma ll ponent of perpetual motIOn, bu t I: can we a n l on ge r b oa st either of dit ion a nd ca n be taken into th e home

MAIZIE J. SIMPSON, arms ammunit ion ' $100000000 wa hope he doesn't wear h imself o u t - h e , American fairness or democracywhen to b e rep ai red. This is ari opportu-

Cosliler spent fo r armored' moto; cars. S I is t ~ valuable an . asset of th e town.: the Senate persi s ts in these methods?" Ility for t ho se who cannot c ome t o

It is e st ima ted t ha t $ 7000000000 ' He IS a cOlllparatlve newcomer and· th e Red Cro ss rooms t o h e lp by work-

news Items to will be spent by th e Ordnadce Depart- did the work of si x men an d an equal, The ~ r i t i . ' h booth at th e ! \ 'a rber th ing in the ir spare mintes wi thou t leav·

ment this current veal'. number of horses. : Fete, of w h . ' ~ h the Suffrage .par ty had i ng t he i r homes or children. A s s oo n

copy to P. O. Eve ry Amer ic an 'wlshes to have a A I ~ t t l . e more interest in th e Civic c 1 ~ a r g e , ha d ma r.y attractIOns.' The as possible the department will be in

part in winning th e wa r and support. ASSOCiatIOn and appreciation of its Liberty Loan ' speakers, which t he S uf - working order and fur the r announce·in g ou r soldiers who ar e fighting on r a i m ~ will make t hi s old Burg a leader I frage Commltte'e, with Mrs. Cha rl es ment s will be made in Our Town.

battles in France. Eve ry s ub sc r ib er among Phi lad el ph ia 's s ubu rb s. W. Young as chairman, secured, were,to th e Fourth L ib er ty Loan wil l h av e : Mrs. Georg,e ? u n n i n ~ and Mrs. Pier- ' Do not f or ge t t o spend a few hours

a part in the great achievements that Don"t y ou e nv y t ho se B ui ld in g and, sol, o f t he P ll ll ad el ph la Suf fr ag e p ar ty , e a ch week at the Red Cross room,

t he Amer ic an army Is accomplishing Loan Association directors? You, W.hO spol,e on F r id ay, and Mrs. M. B. either in the su rg ica l d ress ings or th e

and in the achievemen ts which t h know Mr. Shand blew the whole bunch , Simms, a Red Cro ss nur se , who s aw h os pi ta l s up pl y d ep ar tm en ts .

greater American army will aCCOlll- to a dinner and a show. Oddly' service in the P h l l i p p ~ n e s , and who:

plish next spring. enough the title of the latt1lr was, wou ld b e ov? rs ea s n ow If he r h u s b a n ~ ' 1 THE T W E ~ T Y . t : I ( m T H I H V l S I O ~. ._____ "Not With My Money." A title which. son and SIX nephews were no t 111

I by th e way, makes e ac h o f the guests ' F rance ; Captain Frank Schwab, ofTo the Editor of Our Town: I give grunt of s a t i , s ~ a c t i o n when h e th e Royal Artillery, who served wi th All Pennsylvanians ar e spec:ally in-

Speak ing about l iberal i ty as to cash Ith'inks of i t s s ingUlar aPI}rOpnateness Kitchener's First Hund red Thous and, t e re s ted In the Twenty-eighth divi

cO'lltri'butions for th e Narberth Pa- when he r ec al ls wha t an enj oy ab le ' and t he i nt er es ti ng F rench officer, slon, now fighting in F ran ce neaf

t ri ot ic Fet e, there is no d ou bt b ut I eveni ng h e spent-and that he spent' Lieutenant in the Chasseu rs D'Alpine, V er dun. T he division of 40,000 men

that espec,ial mention be m ad e as to nothing else. A square, m ea l a nd a wh o s pok e on Sat.urd ay . T he b oo th is made up of Pennsyivanians. and

- : : = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ~lour I talia-nfellow ciUzens. gOOd show , a ll at one t ime, gratis! Ye was patronized by many ·Britishers,';;; I d t he y a re the boys who receivej t.heOur Italian population is smal l, bu t gods, an d in these hard times, too. I W 10 w er e e li ght ed w it h t he e xh ib it

t he y ga ve l ar ge ly in proportion to have it on good authority that all of pictures of English notables. . eigh teen pairs of b inoculars and field

their number and moons. they t a lked about on th e way home- . glasses from patriQtlc c iti ze ns of

IAt the invl/t,rution of Mr. l i igre3t especially the gray-ha·lred ones-was Th e Montgomery County meeting of !\':arberth for use du ring thei r t rain·

t hey each con tr ib ut ed f rom $10 t o $50, a certain p er so n k nown a s "Amy," I th1l Woman Suffrage party wi ll behe ld ing at Camp Han co ck , a nd later

Iin order to hear a song rendered by I d on 't k now any th in g a bo ut t he lady, ,at th e Suffrage headquarters in "'or- w he n the y ar e in com bat with the

th e excellent talent p re se nt , ta le nt b nt if you shoul d see t he s how, per· ristown on Wednesday. October 9, at Huns. E v e r ~ ' one who gave hi s Of

that did no t equa l Tettrizini or I h ap s you 'd understand why "Amy" 10 o'clock. her. power g lasses to these h rave menCaruso, bu t ye t these Italian r es i- s eems to have occupied the thoughts ' may well feel t ha t t he y have beelldents cO'lltributed ten times a s much Of ou r l oc al Lot ha r io s eve r s in ce that "The wise use of money is all the a r ea l h elp to them. This division

as it would have cost them to he!!r I night. : advantage t ~ e r e is in. having; money," h as e ar ne d a p ro ud t it le . t he y ar e

th e /?; reates t cpera.tic stars in the I Thi s a f fa ir b ri ng s to m in d t he let- said Benjamlll Franklin, and he shou ld know n a s " Th e Iron Division."Statement of the Ownersh ip , Man- world . tel' on file from one of th e f orme r h av e added. "Buy Liber ty Bonds,"

agement , Ci rcu la t ion , etc., required - - - - - - - - - .

b tl A t f C f Au U t 24Had we all . according to our means ,Idirectors. dated &ome time last win- - - - - - - - - -

y le c 0 ong.ress 0 g s ,. I'b II tl F it ' t t ' ff' d f Wh G T912 of Our T own, pu bl is he d e ve ry I g.lven Rf.) I er a y. Ie •ete wou d e l ' , wr l en 111 an e . uS lv e an. s ob u l ~ [ A I L l'OR OVf:RSEAS SHOl:LD Itt:. y 0 0 Cl·ty?Thu;sday at Narberth. II h a net;ied $110 ~ O ;nd)' o v ~ r .. .(\ , Is t r t ~ l n ~ th\ o c ~ a s l ~ n .Of i 1 ~ I S r t ~ S i g - , AHHRf:SSEH PIWP}:ULl' i

Pub li sher , Narber th Civic Associa-, ng ve ·ta y.ta.:a Irrl enta. na on r ~ t e . o ~ , mv tmg ese ---, B Ylion, Na rb er t h, P a .; E di to r, Hal',rv A.I The Ita),ian contribntlOn wa s over l e ~ n - I o o l \ l n g bUlldmg ~ n loan Of-, T he W ar D ep ar tm en t h as now un- :,aor . uy ourJa cobs, N arber th, P a.; Managing i$265. ' fi clRl s to a grand. old t im e ~ May. del' advisement a proposition to stop, 'inC . VICTROLASEditor, Harry A. Jacobs, Narber th , I A. E. Wahlert. F . o r t ~ n a t e l ~ :01' I l l ~ reputatIOn, he, ay in,completely .aadressed lllail at . y . ~Pa.; Busi ne ss Manag er , H a r r ~ ' A.I dldn t speCify t he y ea r, a lt ho ug h t he , r\ew '1ork, returnlllg it to th e s e n d e ~ . ;' - ' . . and

J acob s, Na rb e rt h, P a . I ~ l O R I - : P R O F I T E E R I ~ ( ' ; ~ ~ i ~ r e n ~ e o w ~ : h h ~ n H ~ : n l t May

t: . . RECORDSOfficers a nd D ir ec to rs Karberth I . , w. . la r. an I ~ se : XAHnERTH WEATl Il :R UEI'ORT .

CiVic Association-President. 'JosePh And now it is the Laundn' Co:n- th e b al l roiling. a ~ proved h imself I f'OR WI-:EK E ~ D I ~ t ' ; SEI'-

H. Nash; V ice· Pr es id en ts , A. C. bination Taking advantage ~ I atlgOodf

IslPort, Illtl ItS khoped thlat the : T E ~ m l : R 2"

J L- ' t 1'.' 0 leI' e ow w a e examp e ane :

Schand, James Artman, A. . oos; government's request to conserve h th t ff I ' d f b " : High.Secretary and Treasurer, George lVl gasoline, reduce th e number of Sth

OWe . s u

dbIle s mta e

t°tl y glvlim


tBar om et er s ea le vel . 30 35

C I ID' tW A tl e pronllse owou a le ear es '"" ~ ,

o el!JwO'l't IY. lrec ors-. l' lUr wagons and help, they h av e c he er fu ll y a va il ab le d at e w it ho ut waiting for nlermometer .Cole, Mrs. C. R. Fowler Henry ~ complied. maldng one call a week, another May to ro ll a round. Perhaps H u m i d i t ~ : , PCircentage. 94Gara, W. R. D. Hall, George M. H e n r ~ , an d if you r bundl e is n ot r ea dy on I ' t l ' k' ":-; t W·t1 M M n y " c.H. R. Hillegas, Charles E. Humphrey s, t he momen t, t he wagon p as se s o n and li e s 1111 lllg • 0 I 'I r y • 0 e' .

Danie l Lei tch , E.. \.. Muschamp, Mrs. is not se en u nt il th e ne xt week. The ---. . .A Perry Red ifer Mrs A 13 Ross b u s I ' n e ' . t l I d Fred Wal ze r h ad h is pICture 1Il the. , . . .. ,. ss IS neaflng Ie cas I an car· , .Fletcher W. St ites, Wal ton M. Wen tz , r y p la ne . All w ork to be paid, for I p a ~ e r las.t week, G U ~ s s he s gOlllg t IA E Wohlert 1\Irs 'Charles W Young 0 d I' N I be a movie star. Don t you l ov e that.

. . , . ., n e ~ v e r y . "' 0 more c large ac · Well, anv one who c an i nd uc e Col-HlU"rJ A. Jacobs, l.ditor. counts. Therefore, no chance for Ii B ' d St. k t I tlI ns , urns an run 0 p ay on .Ie

Sworn to and subscribed before me losses. It costs $150 a month for n Kar be rt h b as eb al l t eam a nd h av e the

this 24th day of September, 1918. wagon and d ri ve r a nd . t.hls sum l nerve to boss 'em around as Fred

'Valter ~ [ Barber. s a v e ~ o n e ac h wagon w I ~ h d r a w n ; yet did has the crust to do an thin. ' notw,l ths tandlng the savl l lg effected I ' y gM commiSSIOn expi res Feb. 21, 1919 the p r ices have been advanced out of I .a ll r ea so n. Fo r i ns tance : Shi rt s, 1 ~ Jeff .Yowell, ou r accomplished hortl-

O ur Tow n eXJtends hearty con- cents; men' s co llars , 5 cents' socks I cultnfl8't a nd p ro to ty pe of Abraham

gratulations to al l who participated 6 cents a pair. Think of it. It occurs ILincoln sez: "Kaiser Bill wants aIn th e great Pa tr iot ic Fete. I t was to th e writer that government Inves- strong German ~ e a c e . Will some-I'lanother iIIustratlion of th e truism, tigation . is necessary, and in the I body p lease s l ip 13111 a strong piece of

that whatever Narbertlh sets ou t to meantime why c an 't o ur Community 1German Limburger?"

do, it does well. Club g e t b us y and interest some good - - - I. ------. laundresses t o e st abl is h t hemsel ve s I W on de r if S am B ow ma n p ay s 1311I1

I,t w ou ld b e a good plan for hom'll here whe re t he y can do profitable Jones commutation rate for hi s daily i NarberthTaiioringCo.friends to send to e ac h o f ou r boys business at prices much below the rides to an d from the city in Bill's = = - - = = = = = = = = = = ~ = = = ~ = = - , . . . . . . . . . . , , _ - = , . . . . . = . , . . . . , . _ ~ _in th e service a co py o f th e official Laund ry Trus t. g as wagon . LEE'S G R - - 'E' - . - ... --.. . - -.-program of th e fete. We want them One of the SlIft'erm's. . . A AGE ssex Ave. a b N ~ ~ ~ : i . r f o r dto realize thaA: they ar e ever in ou r 13111 Cummer sez: "The dear girls . Avenue 1605

thoughts. Further evidence of this Df:ATH OF WILLIAIU G. CURLETT may be h av in ' t ro ub le c uH in ' down Ov l d S l d S·

Aw il l b e s ee n In t he t r ee s that will be their sugar ration, bu t they sure don't I er an a es an erVlce gencyPillinted In their honor-one f or e ac h S rr t tl I f U • d H . , I I d d ' Iow came 0 Ie lOme 0 ",I' nun ooverlll 'o n ti e r u s. ' REPAIkS, STORAGE, GASOLINE AND OILS. OPEN DAY AND NIGHTof them. Friends of th e boys will and M.rs. W . S . Curlett, of Essex ave-

,doubtless hasten to have their n ames nue , last wee k. W hile Narberth was Hank Bowen, ou r genial Y. 1\1. L . C. S H A H A N___________ . enacting so many scenes of pleasure C. A. secretary, rises to remark: "I t

and g ai et y, Wil li am G. Curle tt , aged isn't th e l as t s tr aw t ha t puts 60 many

11 y ea rs . w as s ud de nl y t ak en i ll with men on the blink; but wha t t he y suck

A borough o rd in an ce p ro hi bi ts t h e ~ ~ ; ~ I ~ ~ p ~ : ~ ~ : z ~ 6 ~ n d H ~ l e ~ a ~ nt : l ~ ~ : : ; through th e straw."

.ridlng of bicycles on th e sidewalks. It taken part in th e school parade on

is dangerous to p'edestl'ians. Parents S at ur da y. T he family ha s th e sym-

instruct your ch ild ren accord ing ly. pat h) · o f the communi ty .

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(ContinuM from First Page)


Red Cross wool distr ibuted

at Red Cross Workroom in Y.

M. C. A., Monday, Wednesday

and Friday.

Peach s to ne s IU'e Wllntel! b)' the

goverllment. These lIlts make t1w

best c h a r e O l ~ 1 fOl'the llohller'N g a masks and the )' I lr e needed. I{indlyclelln them Ilncl lellve tJICm in box at

back of 112 Essex llvenue, home 01~ I r ! l . W. W. ( 'lIIuerllll.

A Ilr ize wl1l be ghen to the bo)' orgirl who collects thl' Illrgl'st numberof t l le se stones.,

I t is expected t ha t t he re will be auumber of good matches o n t he C O l l r t ~this coming Saturday afternoon-·thl:'

f inals In t he women 's tournament.

A number of members who were

originally drawn to play in last Sat

urday's tournament were unable topartlcillate. owing to hav ,lng col lidedwith g)' ip and Spani sh inuenza germs

earlier in the week.


F or h alf an hou r t he working class

audience had l istened patiently to thelJalented lady who was speaking tothem about economical and nourls1).

ing cookery. She had talked ab01! Ieggless puddings and butterless cak::2.an d n ow sai d, w it h a smile:

"I wll1 teU yo u about a splendid

soup which can be mad e fo r n ex t tonothing. Take the b on es left OV}J

from your Sunday jo in t - - "

. At that a man in the middle of thehall rose to h is feet with a disguste"look on his face, and said to h is mate:"Here, BIl1, let's get out 0' this.""What's wrong??" asked t he o th er

In surprise. "Don' t you like s o u p ~ ""Ay e, I l ik e so up wel l enough," was

the g['lurnbler's reply; "but how many

bones doe s she t hi nk there are In ha' I'

a ·pound 0' ldver?"

IWall, Charles Weaver, Rufus Weaver, KIRKPATRICK ANn Jo'OOTE WIN·

Francis White, Wilson White, Hlchard NERS IN SATURUAY'S TEN·


Nothln' s eemed to faz e or grieve himExcept shortage of good chow;

Even rthen he'd pull his belt up,Lookln' for a· SCl'ap or row.

Hlis lIeutena.nt sal'll he'd 1rarle himF or an y kind of man

Who would give them peace and qUiet..And on yel lin· PllJt a ban.

Now he's with us in th e trenchesW ~ t h the same old whoop a nd yel l;

He 1,8 always f ir st i n chargln'

Givin ' Mr. Boche (Well)?

So we've lea rned to like and love him,Fo r he's just th e kind of guy

Who is happie s t when s1l00tin',Ready then Ito do or die.

H. H. Wheelock.


Ma.rlon and Keith Abel, J oh n a ndThomas Cranmer, Lil li an and EleanorD1alllDnd, Louise and Elizabeth in our calculations, we shall proceedKrie,bel, Margery and Florence Long.: to the scores.Lou·lse an d Marie McAlpine, Alma and i Uy Set s and GamesWilma Weigle. Kirkpatrick and 1<'oo'e, won s ix se ts

an d lost o ne ; g ames won. 38; lost.17; defea ted Simpson and Bailey,6-2; defeated McKell and Muschamp,6-1; defroted :-l'ewe!l and Atherholt,

G-O; defea ted Phi lIeI' and Du Br ee.6-5; defeuted S tap les a nd Redifer,

6-1; l os t t o Ros s a nd Burkhardt, 2-6;'defeated Warwick dnd Scanlon, 6-2

Hoss and Burkhardt, won five sets

and lost two ; g ames won, 35 lost, 27;in defea ted Simpson and Bailey, 6-4;

(Ost to McKell and Muschamp, 2-6;

defeated l '\eweB and Atherholt, 6-2;

defeated Phi ll er and Du Bree, 6-2;

d e f e H t ~ r \ S tapl es and Redifer, 6-5;lost to Warwick a nd S ca nlon , 3-6;defeated Kirkpatrick and I ~ o o t e , 6-2

Warwi ck a nd S ca nl on , won fivesets and lost Iwo; games won, 36;

last 29; defeated Simpson and Balley.6-3; lost t o McKe!l and Muschamp,4-6; defeated Newell and Atherhol t,

6-4; defeated Philler and Du Bree,6-4; defeated S tapl es and Redifer,6-3; defeated Ross and Burkhardt,

G-a; lost to Kirkpatrick and Foote,2-6.

McKell and Mus ch aml l won fivesets and los t tw o; g am es won, : ~ 3 ;lost. 29; defeated Simpson and Bailey,

6-4; defeated Newell and AtherllOlt.6-4; l os t t o Philler and Du Bree, 2-6;

LOItD KEI,VIN'S INVEN'nVE EYE. defeated Staples and Redifer, 6-2; de-GLASS feated Ros s a nd Burkhardt. 6-2; de ..

feated Warwick and Scanlon, 6-4; los tto Kirkpatrick and Foote, 1-6.Philler and Dll Bree, won three

sets and lost four; games won, 30;lost, 32; d ef eat ed S imps on andBailey, 6-5; defeated McKe!l andMuschamp, 6-2; lost to Newel l andAtherholt. 3-6; defeated Staples and

Redifer, 6-1; l ost to Hoss and Burk

hardt, 0-6; lo;;t to Warwick and Scanl on , 4-6; lost to Kirkpatrick and

Foote, 5-6.S ta pl es a nd Redifer, won t wo s et s

and los t f ive; games won, 24; lost.36; defea ted S impson and Bailey. 6-4;l ost to McKe!l and Muschamp, 2-6;

defeated Newell and Atherholt, 6-2;

lost to Phlller and Du Bree, 1-6; lo;;tto Ross and Burkhard t, 5-6; lost toWarwick and Scanlon, 3-6; lost toKirkpatrick and Foote, 1-6.

Simpson and Bai ley, won one seta nd los t six; games won, 28; lost, 39;lost to McKel l and Mus<;j1Hmp, 4-6;defeated Newell and AUferholt. 6-3;lost to Philler and Du Bree, 5-6; lostto S ta pl es a nd Hedifer , 4-6; lost toWarwi ck and Scanlon. 3-6; Kirk

l)atrick an d Foote, 2-6; lost to Ro ssand Burkhardt, 4-6.

Kewell and Athe rhol t, won one set

and lost six; games won, 21; lost 39;' lost to ~ S i m p s o n and Bailey, 3-6; lostto McKel l and Muschamll. 4-6; de·feated Phlller and Uu Bree, 6-3; los tto Staples and Hed'ifer, 2-6; lost tuRos s a nd Burkhardt. 2-6; lost to Warw ic k a nd S ca nlon , 4-6; lost to Kirk

patrick and Foote , 0-6,' ( 'ennis Notes

Last Wednesday afternoon ·theconsola l ion f inals in t ile doubles tournament was Illa)'e(1 and McKell anclS imps on won in three straight sets.defeating Watts and Bowpn, 6-0, 6-3.6-1.

He WUJS juSlt a roarln' Rookie,Chuck full of pep and go;

Hi·s sergeanlt called him foolish.

He worke d h is ".talker" so.Overstayln' of his passes

Gave him consequent ia l pa ih ;

noLn' penance In the kitchen

iMade Mm bl oom like flowers'rain.




- - - - - - ~



A sailor who had l a n d ' ~ c 1 after along voyage and having been paid off,caBed a cab, threw his luggage Inside,a nd j umpe d on top himself."Beg pardon, sir," s ai d t he a st on

ished cabman, "but you should geinside a nd p ut y ou r boxes on top.""Steer the craft a he ad , s ki pp er .

Passengers always go on deck Bndluggage In the 110ld," w as th e reply

f rom t he top,

Sir James Mu.rray, the author (Ifth e New English dIctionary, was on::ea guest at a l i terary dinner at whicha member of the company, greatlydaring, started a discussion concern

Ing the pro!l'unciation of certain

word."Have you noticed, Sir James," he

said, "that In t he ent ire Eng li sh lan

guage there is on ly one w ord beginning with ' su ' that ts pronounced as

though beginning with ' sh '? T hi s one

is sugar. Having made an exhaustivilstudy of th e subject you make take

It f rom me that this Is so."Bored though he was, the native

politeness of this distinguished d\;:t ionary maker did not d es er t him,Assuming an expression of interest,

although his eyes twink le d beh in r

his glasses, he quietly asked: "Are

you Bu.re?"

The flrst thing a sailor wl1l te:1you who h as b ee n to Rio Plata, InSouth Ameri-ea, is a bo ut t he pilotsthere.He doe s not Hke them.. Most of the

riVl8r pilots ar e i gnoran t negro flsherman who have been to sea on Eng l is h s hi ps , a nd , t he re fo re , k now t he

language. In blue and brass uniforms,

backed by government authority, theymake themselves almostunbearable at

t l m ~ s . Bnt by the law they are tncommand while the s hi p i s o n t he river, and they may ol'der even the captain to do their bidding.

A lar,ge British bark was beingtowed up the river one day. TbJe blackp il ot h ad been s tr ut ti ng a bo ut t he

d eck s ome time, when he sudde nly

bawled out:

"Squar i n d em for e yards!"Surprised and disg,usted, the sailors

OIheyed. "Now brace up de main

yards ye lubbers!" be bawled next.The captain was angry .

"Pilot," he protested, In a choking

voice, "what do you mean by bracing

about yards with saUs f ur le d a nd aca:lm day?""Dat's a ll r ight , c ap 'n ," r esponded

th e pllot. "I've got tel' show my au

thority in some way. Go way, don'tsay nuffiin' to me."


lColIUnued from First Pagel

The prettleg.t girl in Class A, Peggy


.The prettiest boy .In Class A,Thomas Car:blne;.The ,prebtieg.t girl In Class B, Edith

Cecil Bartlett.The pret t ies t boy in Class B, Harris

Sheldon Hagar.Tihe prebtleg.t girl In Class C, Mary

Jean Martin.'Phe prettiest boy In Class C, Ward

Essex.'I'he pret t ies t g ir l i n th e j uven il e

class, No. i6, name unknown.The prentiest boy in th e j uveni le

class, Henry Harwood Loos.The younges t baby, Henry Phl ll er ,

5 weeks.

The fattest child, George Henry

Carr.The most artistically decorated

coach, Evelyn Fleck.

The mosol attractive twins, Louise

and IDlizabeth Kriebel.

The most attractive float, CeceliaGray and Wayne Miller.

The judges, who were strangers inNarberth, were: A. M. Snyder, ofArdmore; Miss S. D. Shober and Mrs.Lewis C. Miller, of P,hlladelphia.

Mrs. C. T. Moore wishes to thank

a ll w ho h el pe d to make the baby'pamde a success, especially Lorna

Essex, who collected and contributed

twelve Thrift S tamps t oward theprizes fo'r t he baby 'I.1arade.

Below i s a complete list of the entries for t he b ab y parade: Thomas

Raymond Ad'ams, JI' ., Dorothy Abbott,Peggy Ashmore, Barbara Lyon Booth, Soon after Lord Kelvin had assisted

Wi ll iam Buc ha na n, C ar ol in e Lee in laying the Atlantic cable, when heBrewer, Helen Botoloms, Abe l Bot- wus yet known as Sir William Thomp

toms, Bar ba ra J an e Brinser, Jean son, his mind was greatly t roubled inBrownell, S ara Brownell, Vivian devising some method f or perfecting

Bliss, Elizabeth Burt , Richard But le r, t he o l' di na ry t el egraph ic appara tus

Rober t But le r, J ames F ranc is Beal e, u se d In overhead wires, as the old

Edith Cecil Bar,tlelJt, Edward Bowers, method, or the one then in vogue, wasabby Cameron , Joseph Casey, Made-' not suited for th e varying currents

line Oohee, Narciss·a Cameron, J ack p as si ng along the cables. The laying

Cook, BelJty Crater, Anna Lou Chal- of the electric current h ad t he effectfant, Oharles Clewell, Virginia of making them ru n together in one

Cab re y, Dor othy Cab re y, Ruth Cran- bottom current, with surface ripplefl,mel', 'nhomas Carbine, Richard c as e, T he difficulty which Lord Kelvin had

.Paul Case, John Chain, Elizabeth to overcome was to invent Ii means ofOilain, William Chain, Charles Chadn, clearly distinguishing a ll t he delicateGeorge H.,.Carr,. Cl'!arles ChappatJte, fluctuations, One day the great in

Fred Denham, Ella Denham, Harry ven-tor's eyeglasses dropped off and

Dumbelil, Virginia Davis, Dorothy swu ng i n front of the magnet. The

Davis, Emi ly Dub ba ck , Alice Dub- glass deflected its movement, and from,A. home-made p la te rack that costs back, Margaret DllJbback, James Don- this s imple and unexpected inciden t

less than half a dollar , while smaller nelly, Janet Dougherty, Ruth Dough- the "iuirror instrument" was invented.one s s el l for $2 or $3 in the depart- erty, James Dawson, Jack David, -Recorder.merlt s tore s, i s bound to be a veritable Helen David, Ward Essex, Catharine . ----- ---

boon t o t he w oman who cannot afford Elward, Eve lyn F le ck , Edi th Funck,

The Nar:lJerth Boar<l. of Health a china closet and who could not .Russell Franck, Raymond F loyd ,

o rd er ed t he schools closed for a spare the money to buy t he ch ina with Betty G ree n, E li se Green, Cec il iaperiod of four days beginning Mon- which to fill it even if she could, get GraY, Justice Grugan, Robert Gra

day, September 30. It Is hoped thi s the closet. No matter how humble ham, Robert Gillis, Gillet, B 'etty Hoff-

pre caut ion may aid i n check in g th e ~ e h t : a e s u ~ : X ~ ~ ~ ~ e r p ~ e ~ : y e : Z ~ e n ~ h ~ ~ man, Geo rge Hopkins , J r. , Harris S,epidemic o f i nf lu enza now so preva- Hagar, G,ladys Louise Hi llegas , Be ttylent In town. Unless further notice never see t he li gh t of day except Henderson, Jane H ale, El izabet h

is posted, the schools wlll reopen on when t he p an tr y is cleaned. With a Hart ley, Prescot t Har tl ey , D eu an e

Frida October 3 at '8.40 A. M. substantial r ~ c k there is no reason Hof fman , Mal'lgery Hof fman, A ll any" why the damty cups and saucers Hayes , Mar y Hughe s, Roy Herbert,

- -- ,should not b e e nj oy ed b y the family Ralph Hal l , Jr., Thomas Holme, Mal-Not every stage success "makes every day, For t he f oundat ion o f t he vine Jackson, Raymond C. Jones , J r. ,

good" in moving pictures, but " In si de r ack choose a common p in e boa rd Bob-by J oh ns on, R ichar d Must in

the Lines," to be shown at the Pal ac e, f ou r f ee t long and three Inches wide Jones , Allan Jones, Ann Kel ley, MaryArdmore, on Wednesday, makes a This may be s up po rt ed b y t he com- Kelly, Thomas Kinc ad e, Ki rb y,screen drama that will carry the in- man iron brackets that cost about Douglas Liv ings ton , Marge ry Lane,tereat of every observer to the hlgh- three cents apiece at toy or hardware Alexande r Shand Loos, Hen ry H ar

es tpitch.

The subject deals with the stores. Stain the board brown andwood Loos, Mar y Lavell le,


present war and t he h er o is known f as te n firmly In p lace. About two McClellan, Rosa\.lnd Mellor , Barnardas Spy No. 1932 and provides some inches above the shel f p lace a com-Mellor. Russell Morse, Herbert

opportunities for a display o f ski ll fUl mon curtain pole a bo ut h al f a n Inch Morse, Wayne M.\ller. Jane Marx,acting. In diameter. The pole should be pu t Bar ,b ar a Marx, Emily McKell. Everett

up e xa ct ly a s f or a curtain by screw- McCarter , Mary .Jean Martin, Margery The Anzac read the advertlseme'll

ing the f ixtures to t he w al l a nd sllp- Mills, Elizabeth MnIs, Horace McLees, o n bhe d oor , a nd strolled In.ping the pole Into place , Six inches Eliza.beth Melchior, Betty Maga rr lty , "I want tel' speak t el' a palo' mine'"farther up place a similar pole. T h i ~ Cora Messec, Jack Messec, Catherine he said.shOUld have the flxtures cut down to \lcGarry, Daniel McGarry, Marie Mc- "Ah. yes. Be seated my dear goo"bring i t n ea re r to the wall. One l it - Garry, John McDouall, Hunter Mc- sir."tie woman was so pl eased w it h her Dowell. Helen C. McNamee, Beatrice Then In a dreamy voice the mediulllingenuity t ha t s he Intends t o have McNamee , Margaretta McKelvey, Jane began t o ri ng up the Beyond.another and narrower shel f placed Naflh, Harry Nesper, Charles Napp, "I am In toucll with t he per'son yUllabove the long one just described" Mary Nulty. John Nidecker, Maud want," he said at last. "He tells l\lP

with only one rod. On t h is shel f she Orth, Newton Price, Wllliam Pratt, t llat he has made a lot of .frlends. AIwll l show off he r saucers', Under the Wi.l1ilall1 Papalardo, Rit a Parke , Henry read y he has met Cromwell Shake"'

shelf ar e placed a number of small l'Ihlller, Thomas PUg1h. Vincent Parke,peare, Queen Eli1abeth. Henry I r v l m ~brass screew hooks which ar e screwed Robert Rudolpll, Bea,trlce Rudolph , Mar k Twa in , Balzac, and a score "Into the pin e bo ard, t o which t hf Newki rk Rossall, Sever Rose, Mar - others."cups ar e hun g.-Argus. ~ a r e t Rnpert. Robert Russell, Douglas "Gee!" muttered t he Aus tr al la n

Robertson, Edward Reiss, pat ri ci a " Jim a ll us was a h ust le r. " He al:l"Stevens. Jane Stevens, Mildred Sharp, bin dead an hour yet! "

Eleanor Si'larp, Ruth Supplee,

Elizabeth Smed:1ey, Florence Sted- When charged wfth trespassing Inman, BelJty Smith, Caroline search of !!:ame a notorlou!I poacherSmead, Sperry. Dorothy Smith, Hugh declared that he was l ook ing forSpeed, Jr., Elizabeth M, Seasholtz , mushrooms.Mary Speakman, Sampson, stevenson, "Mushrooms! '· said the 1l"oSecnlingRobert K. Smith, James Shea, Jack lawyer. "Was your dog looking forSmith, Howard Thompson, Jane mushrooms' when the gamekeepe"Town, Margaret Town, Emily Lou.lse cauf!;ht him with a live rabbit l'n his

Ti tus , B ra df or d T rou tman . Dav'ld mouth?"Thoma s, A le xa nd er T homa s, Helen "No, he weren't. That poor rabbit11JOuise Thomas, Albert Vic" Pau l w as lame, and th' dog had just nlpperl

Beware of the marnled man who acts Wohlert, Edgar Weshler, Rose It up In a friendly way ~ carry it

as If he were glad or Lt. Weigle, r..awrence Warwick, Peggy back to its hole when thO gamekeeper

Walzer, Stewart WUson, ArthurIcame along, It's a p it y i f Qne animalA man I,s ,always known by the com- Wright. Gordon Wolf, Dorris Wald- can't do another, a klndltess without

pany t lhat r••fuses to keep him. ner, Ruth Waldner, Ernestine E, somebody makin' a crime of it."

Miss M. Louise Beatty, a niece of

Mrs. A, J . Lao s, h as j us t received anappointment from the office of the

Surgeon General of the U. 'S. Army as.in.s.tructor in t he t ra in in g uni t of tJheArmy School of Nursing at Camp

Sewer, South Carolina, Miss Beatty

was for upward·s of ten years Incharge of t he t ra in In g school fornu rse s a t the Pr6Slbyterian Hospital,

san Juan , Porto Rico, a nd more r e

cent ly has occupied a slmUar position

in 10le West Phloladelphia Hospital forWomen.

By some strange ~ I s c h a n c e the

name of the man who was o f v erygreat aid 'to t he F et e Publicity Committee was omi tt ed f rom the booklet.Mr, E, A. Muschamp' s n ame should

have be en on that list.

WH1 any woman having In he r possession a bo ok belonging to the Community C lub Ci rCUlat ing Library.

please bring or send it to the Y. M.C, A, on or before next Tuesday.

October 8. I t Is very impor tan t thatrhese books should all be returned.

Alice E. Sshauroth, chairman LibraryCommittee,

Mrs. James G. Thote, director o f t hepaJtrlotic parade of the NarberUl pub

lic School , w ishe s t o thank publiclythroug1h Our Town the committee

who so ably assisted her. The hearty

co-operation of the entire ,school forcewas without a d ou bt t he Incentivewhich helped to make possible iliisgrand suc ce ss . Under the wise counsel of tllle principal, Mr. W,uHam T,MelcMor, a nd h is congenial co-workers, a very interesting program was

arrlll11ged and carr i ed to a successful

-conclusion, What mlglht have been agre at t ask developed I nto a pleasure

and I hold my·self In readlnefls tos erve t he school organization wthen8ver,:the opportunity affords.

Lieut. George O. Smi th was una bl e

to Ibe present at t he Narbe rt h Fet e

where he was expected to speak, as hec ou ld not leave Camp Dix ow.lng tothe camp being quarant ined on account of influenza.

WI1l the girl No. 16, in t il e juvenilesection 4% to 6, of th e haby parade,

call u p Mrs. C. T. Moore , Narberth675-M, as she was t he winner for the

prettiest child In her class.

In some cases five or six famBiesIn Narberth have t he s ame name. Allhave ren ted boxes In the post officI'!.All mal l s hould be d ir ec te d to their

respective box numbers.

Mr. and Mrs. F . Richard Gifford, ofDudley avenue, entel'talned bhe following guests dur ing the "Fete": Mr.and Mrs. B. FI'ank Sieger t and MissIda Bitting, of Sharon Hill.

We have spent over $500,000,000 toclothe our soldiers. Every subscriber

to the Uberty Loan has had a part Inthis care of the Americans who aI'':!fig-hting in Franc.e.

We have s ·pent over $120,000,000just for staple supplies for our army,s uch a s fiour, bacon, r ic e, e tc . E ve ry

subscriber to th e Liberty Loan helps

feed ou r soldiers.

(Continued from First Pagel

The bicelLtennlal of the building

of Radnor Meeting House at Ithan

was observed by appropriate exercisesat 2.30 P. M., September 28.

Mr. and Mrs. Josellh H. Nash entertained over the week-end Miss'Elizabeth Lemmon and Miss Jane

Lennox, of West Philadelphia .



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Mean tlIne·-WhaL your watch keeps

when It makes )·ou lose a train.

Two l ad ies , o ne of whom was v er y

deaf, wer e walki ng by the railway.

Suddenly an express train rushed b)',and ll.; it pass€d t he eng in e gave ashrlel, that seemed to rend t he s k" .

The lady 's ears were nearly split, but

th e d ea f one tur ne d to he r s u f f e r l n ' ~friend and said, with a happy smne:

"That's the IIrst robin I've he ar d

thi s sp ring ."

i\lost of t he so- ca ll ed p robl ems of

nature la n be solved by 3lPplyingp la in, eomll lon sense. Every living

thing in n :J tu re i,s built just right;

bu:·!t. t h way i t o ught to be built tomalw a living. The l on g n ec k of the

gll'Uffe is necessa.ry, sln,ce it s !-o,OO Isto be f'Junti upon certain kinds of.Iees, whose le.llve.' ar e far from the

. ~ r o u n J . 'rhe head of the giraffe IsIII ali, because a l ar ge , h ea vy h ea d

would be too much 00( a burden for

so long a neck. Imag ine the t rouble

that would cOllie to a.n animal havin.g.1 head weighi,ng a. hundred pounds

lixed on the end of such a ,llong neck,'1n,:1 you can see that the giraffe's headis about t ~ l e right size. How wou ld

:11I elephant ·ge t a long If it s neck

were a s long a s the giraffe's? It's all

:J matter of p lain , common ·sense.

Speaking of necl,s, could youimagine one better suited to the habiltsof its owner thalli that 'of the h1o,g?

Th e ho g ro ot s In t he g round for its

food--in the wild sta.te. I ts n eck must

be thlc:k a nd s to ut f or s hoving the

snout Into t he earth. So the neck ofthe h,og Is built exactly as It shouldhe built ,f'o,r enabling t he anima l toc ar ry i ts s no ut Uilong t he g round Inpicl,iIl'g up 0,1' rooting up it,.; food supply,H',S t he s ame way with the swan. I t

feeds In shaliow water-by groping

a:bout on the bollom for food. I t must

h,Lve a !o.ng nec k to reach the bottOl1l,for it Is not a. good diver; it is not

buHt right for diving. So nature ha s

given the swan a necle that suits It

exactly, and e na bl es I t t o live.F is he s h av e no eyelids, bu t why

should t he y have? 'rhey do not needthelll. lolyeHd·,· a rc wor n to keep the

eye moist and t.o vrotect it fl"OIII dust

and c ,the r particles. I f you were tocu t olT your eyelids, within a n h our

or so you couldn't s ee . '1'he "bru1'l"

would beccme dry and coated with

dus t and you wou ld be b li nd . Bu t afish, living in the wlLter, where t he

eye is always moist, and whe re thereisn 't a ny d Js t, d,oasn't need eyelidS,and nature lIas left them off.Animals that r equi re g rea t , ~ , p e e d in

~ e c u r i n g thdr food or escaping their

enemies have 110 colla.r bones. The

'houlders ar e fastened to the trunkby muscles. This p re ve nt s jarring

a,fler :J. Ion'.; l eap, o r, i n other words,if t hey h ad a collar bone, with the

shoulder firmly IIxed in it, there

·.youl I be a t remendous shock when

an an imal eame to the ea rth after

I '\ laping. l ' \: t ture has looked after ItI,n a eOl1lmon ·sense way.--George A.Burba, in the Go'lumbuH (0.) Dls



Saturday afternoon.


- - - - - - - -

Did you attend the Narberth Vacation.

School at the Y. M. C. A.? If so,

meet at the Y. M. C. A. this

You will be taken by Au to to Rittenhouse

Square. Philadelphia, an d joining 1000 other

D. V. B. S. boys an d girls, will ' march seven

squares to th e Liberty S ta tue, t ake part In big

Liberty Sing an d Auto home again.



Letters ~ i v e Infol'matlon only whe "they ar e posted. It i s d i ff eren t with

s'Ome men.

Although a predilection for prac

t ical jok ing may well be cons ide red

as a weakness of character, the wealenesse s of great men ar e ofte a Interesting, a nd t he re is nothing reprehen

s ib le i n most of t he p rank s t ha t, a cc or di ng t o t he Har tf ord Times, ar e

attributed to Sir Hiram Max im by h is

s on , Mr . Hiram Percy Maxim,At o ne t ime In my boyhood, says

the distinguished son of a more dis

tingUished father, I was very cur io usabout hats. One d ay my father calledto me from the top of the dumb

waiter shaft In our house. He sa id

t he re w as a bat In th e shaft. Ihastened to the top, and there, sure

e nough, was some dark object flut·terlng about in the dim light. I s ei zeda broom and s tr uck It. I t still lIut·teredo I struck It again and again.

It seemed Invulnerable. At last I

used the handle of the b ro om on It,but without effect.By that time I had bec ome angry

with the th ing , and I was dete rminedto kill It. I assaulted it with the

broom until I was almost exhausted,and my mother put a stop to the

proceedings. Investigation then

showed that the "bat" was a black

bow, surreptitiou·sly removed f rom my

mothe r' s b es t h at by my father and

strung u po n a n Iron wire in such away that a slight vibration made the

bow fiutter. My father enjoyed the

joke hugely-much more than mymother and I did. He spent a wholeday working out that scheme.

He was the most In tense man I everknew. He left no stone unturned oncehe dec id ed to do anything. I wenthome one day and told him that aman In a d ru g s to re h ad o ff er ed tcgive me a white poodle In exchangefor a penny with two heads on It. I

was too young to know that one hea donly Is allotted to eve ry penny in thisworld. Bu t father listened very

gravely an d said that he had nodoubt that we conld produce the

two-headed penny wit hont t ro ub le

Then he filed down the "tail" side oftwo penni es unt il he h ad wor n awa) '

exactly half o f e ach. The next Htep

was to solder the two h:llves together so skillf,u,lly that they made

what seemed to he a who le penny

with t wo heads. Th e drug store man

was dumfounded when I prod,uced it

-hu t I did n ot g et t he w hi te po od le

Our great r ec re at ion was going toa bookstore. Fat he r and I· wouldvisit a certain store at certain

t imes . buy from one to thirty books

and o rd er them sent home. Then hewould conduct me to t he middl e ofthe street and s ay , "Now let's rUI1

h ome. " Ima gi ne a man In a froel<coat with a silk hat jallllllell down

Over h is ear s, t ea ri ng at a g reat . ratet hrough t he s tr ee ts o f B ro ol tl yn w it ha small boy at his heels. But that always' was the conclusion of ellr bool,buying excursions,





When a woman begins to asse r t herrights sh e magnifies he r wrong!!.

Ar t of assisting memory by "Iea rl l

Ing by heart" was begun by Simonld",'the younger In 477 B. C.

Have )'ou Il Rurillus supply o f v ege.tl'lIles in your gardenT I f so, they

will b e g re at ly apprecIated at the

HolIday House. No amount Is toosmall t o s end. Please leave them be ·

lore noon, any day , on the back porch

'I t 110 N. Essex avenne, t he bome of

~ I r s . Harry W. Derby.

THE Narberth Guarddrills every Thursday

.evening in the Fire House, l Some people' s Idea of knowledj:!;e7.45 to 8.45 . . Is the ar t of finding out. , things th'"

, - - - - - - - - - ' " have no bus in es s t o k n o ! ~ .

Heserve Saturday evening, October12, for t he a lumn i play. The pro

ceeds ar e for installing a telephone

between the two buildings.

The patriotic parade of the Narberth

PubMc Schoo l wi ll always be remembe re d In t he ann al s of Narberth. If

you d l' dn 't see It you deserve to be' old a bo ut It. OnlY Mrs. Foote Issome d irector and planner . Ass isted

by C. Howard McCarter , pres, ident o!the School Board, and W. T. Melchiorprincipal of the school, the parade!was a wond erful affair fo r ou r

b or ou gh . E ve ry d et ai l was workeLout so carefully. allld the work at

Mrs. Foote wHI l ong be r emembe re d

all. Perhaps Mrs. Chambley is to I ' 1 I l l l [ l I l l I l l j J ] J I j [ I j J : [ ] J : I I I l J l j ] [ l l I I I l J I I l l J l l I l l I I l I l l J l [ I l I l I I J J l j J l l I l l l l ! l l l I I I I I l l I l l I l l l l l l l l l m m l I J l I I Dblame. ------- IHenry C8Jtalogue Gam had it al l In

his book, and it was aH true. The Irnr'iouB photographs, program, com

m ~ b t e e s and o th er descriptive matter,

gave us a most interesting and ap

precl:a'!live souvenir of OUr Fete. We

appreciate Mr. Gara's and, his coni·mittee's work, which requir ed a greatamount o f detail!.


Whenever I think af Mrs. Odell andMrs. Joyce I always think af goo"things to 001. Wasn' t t ha t a b u l l ~ 'feed both e ve ning s? Even the editor

couldn't get.by as a dead-head! ThiS/payl'\lg at the doo r bef or e you gilt Indoes'n't give a fe llow any chance at

Miss Mazie Simpson held on ta tha'

subscription money-a bunch of crisrdollar bll16-all evening, with an express ion as though she'd dare aJlY onf

to touch It. Guess she knew ho\\muoh Our Town needed i t. and she

wa,s willing to risk her young life

f or It.

.Dan Lel,vch covered the territor) - - - - -thoroughly l oo ki ng for new accounts On Saturday evening, October 12, atand giving away peanuts. Well 8 o 'clock sharp, the Narbe rth Publ i"

peanuts aren't so bad when a f el low School Alumni will give a play enhasn't anything better to offer. Bu! titled, "The Jonah."

as J es se Har ri s rem:arked. "Peanut! It will be he ld i n t he a ud it or ium

ar e poor bait for bankers to h:1I1r1 of 'the school building.out." The proceeds t o I 'l ls ta ll a telephont'

n the new s'choal building. Tickets

35 cen,ts.

The Baby Pa,rade! In ass:gnhw

Mrs. Clifford T. Moore to the jobPresident Nash knew what he wa'doing, Results ar e proof. Did yoI'S'ee the Hittle tots, g l o r l o u s l ~ ' arrayedgracefully passl'ng by you? It would'I"have been any Felte at all If we hadn'thad th e Baby PIl irade . .

Peach stones are wanted by the

Mr.s. Verna held the lucky number government. These pits make tiltof the lamb, and Charles saY's he'll best charcoal for th e soldier's g a like the IlUle animal bett er af ter he masks IUld they are needed. Klndl)

and Mrs. Verna settle the question a Q clean Hlcm Ilnd leave them In box a'to wllmhe,r the garage or Cha rl es b ac k of 112 t:ssex avenne, home (I '

r oom wil l be decided upon as to th e Urs . W. W. Cameron.lamb's permanent q u a r t e ~ s . A Ilrlze will be given to the bo)' or

g Ir l who col le ct s t he larges t number

Miss Maude Wip f, as a Japanese IIf these stones.

g ir l. was excellent. Wi th t he asslst- --------,----

ance of the GirLs' Kappa S igma Ph' I 'ATR lOTI e t'E'I'E P A T R O ~ E S S E SSorority, t he T ea G'arden and F lower - - - - -Shoow were greatly appreciated. If The committee on patronesses forthey had sold pastry we'd joined their the fete re gr et th at the following

new socie ty , "ma ta B lt a P i. " namBS were received too late to ap-pear 1>11 the official program: M ~ s . W.

Officer Hill a nd the Nar be rt h HomE A. l ~ u c h s , Mrs. Lewis D. Hess, Mrs.Guard weren 't a bi t jealous of e!LCh W. S. Maddox, Mrs. Jame·s Wilson.OIlher. The Bu.]ga.rians must have Thanks are extended to these lad.fes

been put wise concerning ou r Home and to al l of t he o thers for act in g a sGua.rd and their new suits and sur- lJatroneBses, as well as for liberal

rendered Hurrah for the N a r b ~ r t h contributions of money.

Guard. It needs our slIpport.

Yes', that was Fred Walzer's picture:n last week's Our Town, We've u:;edthat electrotype five t imes dur ing the

present volume. If Fred should evell'ILlse a beard we would have to takEliP a donation t o h av e another pictureof Manager Fred takoo.

If you don't beHeve t ha,t a man cando seven' things at once, 01' be at

1I10re than one p la ce at a tlm.e, justwllitch our adverHS'iug manager, H

C. Clegg. Bet you can't dodge himwhen he caUs on yo,u for au ad 01'

a subscription!

Augustus Evergreen Wahlert, as tilECub cal l s him, was b ad ly engage.:! insiLent medHwtlon, for Narbrook Park

suggested to h im thousands of p l a c e ~where n i c ~ fiowerlng trees and shl'llbbery could be planted, If he wei'":lsked to do so.

Mr. Hillega3 auctioned off everr

thing .remaining lIJt the WhiJte Elephantbooth. Who were his bidders, an jhow did he know j us t w ha t t hi ng s

to tip them to buy? Say, Horace,

what ar e you going to do wath all

the things you kno,cked d own t o y ou rWhere were t he megaph ones to confedemtes. Make t hem ove r? Wel l

d ir ec t t he d ir ec to rs ? They wer e very t ha t' s n ot a bad idea.much needed at times, to run errands -------for the ladles, especially'when the Wheneve r any big wd I m ~ r t a n tBoy Scouts were a ll away from t he ir wor k Is to be done In Narberth Mrs.appointed places-of c ou rs e, out on Fowler is thought of Imme(j.lately.duty. Mrs. Fowler 's s logan Is "Fl l' led up

wilth work, a ll I can do, but I ' l l try."

Mr.s, Cameron took charge of the And she does try and makes goodmovie" and the fllms wer e t im el y ev er y time. Have you e ve r known

and In>terestting, well as Instructive anythIng to fiZZle out i n whi ch Mrs."The only l'aulot I f au nd w ith th e pic l<"'oJwler was int.erested? And she

ture s ," said Mrs. Haws, "is that they ta.ckles big jobs, too .took my cus tomers' awa y fr om my - - -booth." Did you see Bill Cummer and the

Cub walki 'l lg arm In arm? Wonder

Ed Haws inslsted.s that the Fe te what's it all about? Som e on e s ai d

should have a Democrwtic boo th , but some one heard that Bill said some

l'.fter much pe rsuas ion it was ex- t h ~ l I g about a five dollar bill, a fishplained quie tly to Ed that mak ing the , to ry . and Our Town. Anyhow, no

world soa.fe for democra.cy didn't par. One s aw t he Cub take the mOhey, andticularly mean making i't S1afe for the up to the presentt'moment CuP hasn'tDemocrats. sent In a fish story about Bill, so

a ft er a ll , w ha t Is hearsay?

W. Arthur Cole. has changed a lotA:t th e pageant four y ea rs a go h e wa ,

the whole show. On Fr iday nigh t hewas s ee n a nd not heard, and some

one r emar ke d that Arthur had certainly grown to be a nice quiet boy




'trsnuulQl)bllrrnutwlU1 by tltr iEllitnr


Aren't you sorry it's over?

Frederic Attaboy Lanahan BltoOO at

the br idge and ca.ught us coming andgoing t o the band s ta nd . He kept

the crowd right In the buying spirit

for h e k new that e ve ry penny spe nt

was a kick at the Kaiser.

!MM. A. B, Ross, In charge of theFood Conserywtion, had a very Interesting dlsplay, and no one candoubt but whaJt Mrs. Ros s knows 'I

fp w t h i n ~ s aboutfood


belIeve me!

Lieutenant WdlHam M. Cameron

jumped Into his brand new, spic ands pan kh aki a nd ran t o ' the g r o u n d ~Doc left for Camp Wheeler , MaconGeorgia on S un da y. We'H mis s h im

It loS to be deeply regret ted that oneworthy organization W1I8 not rev·

resented In the parade on Saturday,

th e Main Line Fishing Club. Per

h a th e Cub can account f or s uc h adisappointment to us!

Hurrah f or F re d C, Patlten a nd t he

Boy Scouts! Their work wa,s real

Mld they never f al te re d when theywere asked to do Ii thing, I f you cou ldfind any of them around .

One o f t he l ad ie s needed our presidem, Mr. Nash, Of course, that 'wadin orde r , b ut s he s en t him R note addT'essed "Mr. Gnash." I wouldn't 'vel iked I t e fi ther , Joseph,

There was Fletcher Stites, ' c h e w l n ~gum and eating pe'anuts, caHing everyone by his first name. Well, he' s ourFl(,tcher, and he has a license to call

us anyth ing h e l ik es .

TIley call he r "Mrs. Young ," and

jlidgJlng from the way she kep t going,here, there and everywhere, no other

lIJllJlIe could possibly have bee n mor eappropria'te.

Robert J. Edgar! We met him just

two weeks ago and found o ut tha t

we've m l ~ s e d half ou r life In not

knowing tMs bi g, g o o d ~ n a t u r e d boy


The weather man was prelJty goodto us as far e.s the r ai n w as concerned, but he couldn't help the

seasonable cool and damp nights.

Who d id n' t g et a dipped apple?

Then you missed a lot. Couldn'tblameAdam for eating dipped apples.

We, too , feB for them at the l"ete.

King Rudolph, the 6th, was there

with a host of frl'ends. It is a habit

in Narberth that whenever we think

of music we think of S. A., the 6th.

Mrs. SWes told h er s to ry ninety

four t imes in exp.\anll>tion of the war

rencs. Bu t It was a'll true, and sh e

had the ~ r o o f right there.

'fhe smaH boys greatly enjoyed the

fish pond, t oy balloons, etc., at the

Presbyterian Church boo th , in chargeof Mrs. Nickel1son.

Ray Jones blew a lot of money 011

Bob Saville at "Ring ing the Kai ser"

booth. Ray reports tax col lec tions

ar e very good.

Did yo u se e the Serbian teHing fortunes? If no t, yo u wer en 't i n the

"wright" place. How is that, Cub?

Tennis Muschamp was around

ding everybody he knew, or lKW.

genial smile helped light up


The I ta li an boo th was novel and

pa r excel lo occ. On rare occasions. does Nabe\ 'l th enjoy any bett er musiCSignor L1gresi Is a b ue na man annd es er ves muc h cr ed it . How' s that


Reverend F. M. G ra y d id n' t h av e

a bit of luck wt th e boaJt. He said

t he y d idn' t g iv e ,him the right num


Wha bas s li p n umbe r 210, seriea

2615, on rthe !>ilver ca'11dleGtick a't tlH\K. of C. boat? It 's the winner.

Wheneve r t hi ng s got a bit duBIa round t he K. of C, boat Jonathan

How wou ld y ou \ Ik e a. Fete during IJ . Cabrey g ot b usy and sent o ut hisMay, 1919? loyal helpers far and wide i nt o t he

I crowd, to stir thing,s up, a nd the y got

$607, all t he resu lt s every liime, too.

An ex-Ihe K. of C. boat c lea red

expenses being contributed.

cellen,t showing, indeed!

8/7/2019 Our Town October 3, 1918

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/our-town-october-3-1918 5/6



M . c . A . BU ILD ING

45th and Parrish Sts.







Y .

Bull Dog Bunting Flags

.-:=_,~ \ol' - ~ '


JU5T THE PLACEI lune been looking for. In middle of


Safety Razor Sharpening Co.14 S. SEVENTEENTH STREET


Single }:dge HIndes 2c each

Gillette IUndes 31. eacll

Ullzors Honell 2iic each

'We guarantee complete 'satisfaction.

Mail orderd given prompt a t ten tion .Try us.




HARRY B. WALLPlumbing, Gas Fitting

and HeatingNARBER TH . PA

Pas teur i zed Milk


B r y ne l o vl " C e r ll l le d WEST PUILAMilk •(Pedrlal lc Society) OVERBROOH

Spec i a l "Gue rn " ey" MERION


(Robert"'&: Sharpie....' BALA-CYNWY

Dalrle,,) NARBI:.RTU

Cream But te rmi lk ARDMORE


Tab l e an d Whipp ing WYNNEWOOD

H. C. FRITSCH Cream.

P r t p e r t J e 8 B ~ : ; ~ : = : : ~ e ~ ~ D d Sal. SCOTT-POWELL DAIRIESWLIll BnDdJD!r. Narbertb, Pa.


H i ~ h Grade ButterTelephone-Narberth 644 A.


to demonstrate that ' might m akesright.'

"When our flags are f aded bv SU;}

and rain. our patr iot ic emblems' h a v ~l os t t he ir col0r, t he b la ck h eadl l' le s

of the press have ceased to shock

and even this occasion itself has near

ly faded from our memory, these

trees wiII stand l ie re i n their strength

and beauty, multiplying t he b ir d life,giving shade in summer to the passer

by and add ing cha rm to t his parkwhich. in itself, typifies our ea:nmuni ty mora le.

"Let your letters overseas he fu:!of comfort nnd ch eer. D on 't send th e

boys h ar d l uc k s to ri es : 'Tell it tothe Marines.' Let those of us 3 '

home. work , work , work. as we have

never worked hefore. for now weshOUld remember that t he h es t part

of t he w or d 'Paciflst,' ~ far as tlleHuns ar e concerned. is fi st."We look to the coming ofthat glad

day of clean, above-board democrae'"

the conquest of organized social e;il;the unification of ou r churches; tlleuniversal application of social j u s t i c ~ ;the ripening of t he spirit of hrotherlvlove. as the Mas te r s ai d ' Th at t h e ~ 'alI may be one.' " .

:Ix I; ft . . . , " .. $3.21;

~ :: : 4.50

6d O ft. :::::::::::::::::::'::::.:::: : : ~ ~8x12 ft "','" .12.0010xili ft. '" ' 17.110

Original medical school In this Bull Do g Buntin!:' I'lIl!:," look better. Weare,ountry was Bounded, at Philadelphia I g ~ ~ ~ ~ : . and AR E better thon Imitations. Fa_tIn 1764. ' SER\ ' ICE FI.AGS

2 x3 ft '1.110 IIIX S ft ' ~ ; o . O O2 J , < ~ x - l ft 2.211 6x10 It , , , . ' .. 8.003 xli f t . . . . . . . . 3.110 8x12 It 12.00

OUR TOWN will gladl1 prlDt 4 >0:6 ft 4.110 10xll> ft 1U O

aDr news Item about RDy subject The smnlle_t sizes hn"e 1, 2 or 3 ~ t n r Rsewell on. Larger sizes. o . l l ) ~ nuntber or

that Is of fDterest to Narberth stars sewed on Ilt 9c each. Space prOVidedfolks, bo t fD or"er to meet tor Inter nddltlons. I.oose stars 60c dozen

.. l\lall Omen Promptly Filled .

t h ~ : ~ ~ : ~ : ~ : 8 C I I C ; : : ~ ~ ' : ~ ~ : : o ~ ~ : Quaker City Flag Co. 78. 10th 8teditor by 6 P. M. Monday fach - - - - -"" - - - - - - - - - -

w ~ k . I Some men ar e ,oorn with bla.ck eyes5 , and others acqulLfle them.

Vernie Fleck Decide s Benefit

Game With TiJ;llely Homer,. 4 to.2



Buy Here.

Miss Leonora Goldsborough

Mrs. H. W. Walford

Mrs. Clarence A. Wray

Mr. and Mrs. Murray Gibson

Miss GibsonMiss Katharine Kerrigan

Mrs. Bunn Ross

Mrs. G. I. MooreMiss Florence Shoemaker

Mrs. S. J . S immons .

Edward Haws , Pos tmast er .

Buy Today.

Narberth Office, Arcade 8 ~ i l d i n g

Between the Acts 01


High School Auditorium

Buy Your ·Utmost.


Patriotic Rally

Short Address by MR. STITES


"THE JONAH"OnSaturday,Oct.12th I


Interest will be allowed on al l full paid subscriptions

until dat e o f issue o f n ew bonds.

Boy Bonds 01 the FoorthLiberty Loan

Ardmore, Pa. , Sep t . 28.-The benefit

game played at Autocar P ark h ere

this afternoon, the entire proceeds of

wh ich goes t o t he relief of Main Line

MERION TITLE&TRUST CO I~ ~ r s S o ~ ~ I ~ . : ~ e w : ~ ~ b ~ . o ~ ~ ~ e ~ ; ~ b ~ ~ ~ n ~ : : ;• I Stars when 'Verme Fleck drove a


horner with the bases full in the

eighth inning, d ef eat ing Au toc ar

Score, 4 to 2.

================================================:::-:::::========::: I The game was we II a ttended con-

Newll pf tlfe C!Jlfurtl,ra Iservices: A. M., Communion s ol o b y s idering the coun ter attraction of t3e__ Mrs. Warden, and an them b y women 's d ay and qui te a substantial sum w a

l/I-;UIOX : I I E E ' l ' I ~ G HOUSE icholr, "Just as I Am;" P.M., solo by r eal ized by the Red Cross workers.___ IMiss Prescott, and anthem by women's The local Main Line twir le r.

l\Ierion :Meetlng House Is opened for: choi,r, "The Lord is My Shepherd." Rober t Hood, was in fine form and

wor sh ip c ve ry F ir st -d ay at 11 A. I T he c hu rc h w ill b e dec or ate d for ~ l l t h his !eft-ihandetl benders b reak

.1\1. V I ~ i t o r s are cordially welcome. H a ~ v e s t Home a nd Ral ly Day with mg juM right he ~ l l o w e d tJhe AutocarA reg i&t ry book i s kept for visitors. fruits, vegetables, leaves an d corn- stickers b ~ four s l ~ g l e s . He engage'l

AII kit . th . stalks. A souvenir directory Is to be In an a ir ti gh t p itc hin g duel with. ar e as e( a register ell' 'D,ames. given f ree to those who attend. Every· Awkerman, each f an ni ng e ight a nd

ST. :lIAIWAIu;'r's CUUUCH body \velcome on this great Ral ly wal ki ng t hr ee , while Awkerman was__ Day. touched up for six hits.

ltel'. n. I'. l'owle)', Uector The Men 's B ib le Class had a de- The eigh th Inning proved to be his___ lightful evening last Tuesday, October Waterloo. J. Jeffers opening with a

Early Mass on Sunday from April I, at the home {If Mr. Stites, 413 double. Free passes to Hoo d and

1 t o October 31 at 7 A. M. : b ~ r o m Haverford avenue. Eddie Collins se t the stage for Fleck.

':-:ovenlJber 1 to March 31 at 7 A. M. who o bl ig ed t he fans with one of his01

hLate Mass, 9 .3 0 A . M. throughout the '.rUE PREsnYT};RIAX C lIURCI I o ld -t im e clouts to deep right field, on o t e s ! M F Hye3.r. Mas ses on holydays,' 6.30 and - - which he cleaned the bases. g iving Ladl es ' a nd G en tlemen' s Clothes iss anny · Loos8.30 A. M. WeekdaYS at 8. Evening Rev. John Van Ness, ~ [ f n l s t e r IHOOd the victory. W II HSensat ional catches bv Strunk ami Cleaned, pressed an d repaired. French i Reopen er

devotions and other services at regu- Dry Cleaning. A-I work. Su it s made to P I ANO S TUD I Ola r tiUles. Mee ti ng s f or next Sunday: Kohler featured the ga.me as ide f rom order.th k f th b tt In tb e Arcade ot th e Harr l "

________ "Rany Day" in every department e war a e a erles. Bui lding

AJ.L SAINTS' P. I;. CHURCH 10.00 A. M.-Sunday school. Special AUTOCAR CLUB CHAS. SCHWARTZ, Tailor On .4eptember 23, 1918

-- exercises. It is hoped that every H ~ 0i 'Ai TAX NOTICE! I CALToelePwhooe,NEarb


L3I6&J co.

eT. And rew S . nurke, Rector member will be p re se nt . T he Men's R." E ~ ' I_ Bible Cla, 's will meet at 9.30. Kane, 2b. . 0

Th e &ervices at All Saints' P. E I 11.00 A. M.- -'Mo rn ing wor sb ip . J acke l, s s 1Church, Montgomery and Wynnewood Graduating exercises of t he p rima ry Barker. cr 0 0 0 2 0 Iavenues, for neX't Sunday ar e as fol-, and junio r depar tment s. Infant bap- Davis. lb O 0 10 0 0 I Re a l Es ta ' t elows: I'tlsm. Special Rany Day sermon. Titlow, rf. 0 11 2 1 0 All B o ro ug h, S ch oo l and I n s u r a n c e8.00 A. M.-Holy Communion. 7.00 P. M.-Young People's Ch,ris- Mosman, c. . 0 8 0 0 . 1 I9.45 A. ,M.-Sullday school. : tlan E1,1deavor Rally. Mr. Van Ness Sinclair, If. . 0 0 0 0 0 d c cupa t I on a ta xes a re n ow , s O a : : r t ~ ~ d ; t . t 1 0 D NARBERTH, PA.11.00 A. M.-Holy Communion and will be the leader. All young people Kohler , If . . 0 00 0

10 ue and payab le . Oc t ob e r 1

sermon. ; invited. Awkerman, p. . 0 0 AAll teachers and members are re-: 7.45 P. M.-Evenlng worsh ip . Ser - - - - - - be ing th e l a s t day fo r d is - ttracfive New Houses

que:lted to be on h an d p romp tl y n ex t man theme. "Out of Darknes s Int o Tota l s . . . . . . '" 2 4 24 7 0 c ou nt o n B oro ug h t axes and A B i SSu,nday morning at 9.45. Come and ILight." l\ARBERTH h ' 1 re ecom nB carcebring a friend 'I\-;1th you. flhurch Notes t e pen a ty goe s on S h IChildren not affilla1ted w ith an y I The 'members of t he Lad ies ' Bible R. H. O. A. P. C 00 I h ave remain ing for sale a very

Sunday school 'are most cordially In-, Cla ss wer e p le as an tl y ent er ta in ed at IDickie,ss 0 0 1 1 1 t axes . attractive

vited to come to All Saints'. I the home of Mrs. Beatty on last Walzer, ss. . 0 0 0 0 0 If you h av e n ot rece'l 'ved a HOUSE ON ANTHWYN ROAD_ '_' _ IThursday afternoon. Collins. 2b. . 1 1 1 4 0

lU}:TJIODIST EJ)ISCOPAL CllURCll' The fall Communion w il l b e c el e- I F i ec k, If 1 1 1 0 1 ?ill fo r t a x e s you shou ld ge t STONE COTTAGE on AVON ROAD__ 'brated on Sunday morn.ing, October Burns, lb 0 1 11 0 1 •• h ANTHW

"The Lit t le Church 011 the HiU' 13: The usual preparatory meetingIRodgers, rf. . 0 1 1 0 0 In communIcahon w it th e YN FARMS__ ~ 1 1 I be held next Wednesday even- Mellon, 3b 0 1 1 1 1 TAX COLLECTOR . Don't hesitate if r

ouwanl a good home.

Rev. }" :U. Grn)', I)llslor mg, Octobe r 9. Strunk, cf. . 0 0 3 0 0 . Wl-1. D. Slf.lEDLEY___ -------- J. Jeffers. c 1 1 7 2 0 RAYMOND C JONES

Sunday, October 6. Rally Day. IUj>'l'IS'1' CllUnCH Hood, p. . 1 0 1 3 1 .,pecial services alI day to which all:, O f T nE EVAXGEL L. Jeffers, 2b 0 0 0 1 0 ,ar e invited. -- - - - - - 116 Dudley Ave. IThe Han. Fletcher W. St it es wi ll i Aver)' n. nemm)', Pastor Totals 4 6 27 12 5

give the Rally Day address at th e II - - - NA RB E R T HSundav school session at 10 A. M. Services Sunday as follows: Autocar 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 -2At i l A. M. t he Sacr ament of the 945 A. M.-Bible school. :\arberth 0 '0 0 0 0 0 0 4 x-4

Lord's Supper w il l be hel d and it Is 11.00 A. M.-Morning worsh ip . This Umpires-Cole and Baetzel.

hoped that alI the members :'Ind wi ll be a Communion service. ,friends wll! be present. About twenty 7.00 P . ,!V.I.-B. Y. P. U. meeting.

will be received into the c hu rc h at 7.45 P. M.-Evening worship. Ser-

this se,rvice. mon by t he pastor .

3.00 P . M.-The first session of the Wednesday,. 8.00 P . M.-Song a'ndchildren's church. The p as to r will pra)'er service. Ig ive a n object talk and childr!ln will, The first mee ti ng o f t he T e a c h e r ~ ' --ac t as ushers and as the choir under A s s o ~ i a t i o n w.i11 be held on F ri da y 1 Mr. George W. Braden. a ss oc ia te

th " leadership o \ Mrs. Barclay. evenmg o f t hiS week. secretary of th e Young '\fen's Chrls-

7.00 P. M.-Epworth League Rally T h 211th anniversary of the Phila-' tian Association of Philadelphia,

with sJlort addresses by Miss Helen delphia Baptist Association will meet Ispeaking In connect io n w it h the

Cole, John Schaffer and the pa'stor. at the Franlc ford Avenue Church, iplanting of trees in honor of the Nar

who we re delegates at t he E pwor th T hu rs da y a nd F ri da y, October 3 and I berth b oy s wh o have gone overseas,

League Institute In August. 4. Messengers appointed fro m t hi s lo n the occasion of ou r Patriotic Fete,7.45 P . M.-Patr iotic Ral ly wi th an church are: Mrs. H. S. Hopper, Mrs. , held l as t F ri da y a nd S at ur da y, ~ a i d :

address by Narberth's welI-known C. H. Kelm, Mr s. Agnes Hirst. Mrs., "I t Is highly fitting that we honor

an d honored c it iz en s. Mr. George W A. S. Demmy , Mr. J. C. Simpson, Mr. the boys of our town who have

Braden. who had charge of the .recrea- W. J. Clark, Mr. J. P. Brigg,s' and separated themselves f rom home and

t'cnal worl, of the Italian army under Pastor A v e ~ y S. Demmy. friends, t he p leasure of club, Instltu

th e Y. M.•C. A. Spec ial music at th e The Bap ti st Young People's Union tion and normal enVironment. to go

e le ct ed t he following officers l as t overseas at the c al I o f 'Uncle Sam,' t o

Sunday eveni ng : President, Mr. suffer cold, privat ion and danger, even

George Stanley; vice-president , Miss t o the mak ing o f the supreme sacr i

Charlott Hl1legas; secretary, Miss flce, for the preservation of democracyAlice Maltby, and treasuret, Miss a nd t he c on ti nu ed de ve lo pmen t of

Florence Simpson. Next Sunday even- thoEe r ic h a nd e nn ob li ng s pi ri tu al

ing the officers will be installed by forces of Individual , Insti tution. Stateappropriate exercises. and Nation. We have learned, that

the 'H ' in Hun s ta nd s for Humhug,

UNCLAnIEn LETTERS AT Hog and Hel l. Onl y those who have



a nd ha veseen


heard somewhat of t he German fr igh tfulness in Its various forms of

ravaged women, mutilated churches

a nd maimed c hi ld re n, c an fully ap -

and p recl at e t he meani ng of t he p re sent

war . A ga in , I say, it Is highly fitting

thllit we plant trees to the e v e r l a s t l n ~honor and memory of those who a r s tanding l ike a human wal l of ' fleshnot o nl y to ho ld bu t to drive . b a ~ k -a ll t he w ay t o B e r l i n ~ t h e s e m o n s t e r ~who, with blood-9tained hands and the

s et j aws o f t he b ru te , p ro st it ut in g the

A lie seldom dies f,rom inact ivi ty. spiritual value of life, have ende:lvore:l



8/7/2019 Our Town October 3, 1918

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C LA R EN C E C . N ICEBari'to:n.e

Throw ·Away Your Old

Prompt, Satisfactory Service Guaranteed. Reasonable

Prices. A trial will convince you.

We buy old shoes and pay good prices. Sell t hem to us.

Yours for the Success of 4th Liberty Loan

Don'tjust because the soles ar e worn through, or th e uppers ar ecracked, or heels worn down. Save th e money fo r that new pairand have them repaired at a small cost. A do llar s aved is a dollarearned. Saving a dollar is easier than earning it .

Shoes that cost you from $5.00 up will be repaired to lookl ike new, and give the same service as a new pair would at bu t atrifling cost. Isn't this saving ()f a dol la r worth while considering? Don't delay, bring them in now, before they are beyondrepaIr.

Now is th e Time to EconomizeShoe Supplies o f A ll Kinds

Good Wear Shoe Repair ShopY. M. C. A. BUILDING

B. G. Constantinel Narberth, Pa.

SI>ecln<] Prizes

Xarbrook Parkhe


I J ' I ' A J , L \ ~ S 1'1,AY A


fESStTJ,12 .00 , 2 .00 , i111.


CHARLES RA YIn a New Photodrama


(Cont inued from First Page)

Thomas H. Ince Presents

~ A I W l m ' J ' H l 'A.'l')UOn(; }'t:'l 'E

""ARN I N G !Our citizens are warned .against overconfidence in

an early peace which will cause them to reduce theirsubscriptions to th e Fourth Liberty Loan. Every dol-lar o f the Loan must be subscribed.

Peace is sti ll a long wa y of f !


"The Law of the North"


Y ou r p le dg e f or th e Wa r Chest

Fund is due and payr..ble to the

Treasurer, Chas. V. Noel, or the

Merion T it le a nd Trust Company,

at Narberth.If you pay by checlt, make

checl,s payable to the W ar Chest

Fu nd , o r m ai l d ir ec t t o C ha s. V.

Noel. Treasurer.


Standish Mills A rt Drapery Fabric,"

AR C A D IA iRESULT OF SUMMER iA ~ X ( ) I ; ~ l ' K U E X T OJ<' AWAIWS t '()]t ICHESTNUT.Bel.16Ih SI . I nEST.KEPT LAWXS AXil ,F ~ = ~ r ~ : t ; f ~ : t . T I ~ ~ . i KNITTING DRIVE! (lARIlEXS I kHowlka.bout rubbeTrhheels.? A

thgtOOd I;lair of rubhber heels will

EntlreWorld. . : i -- rna e wa. mg e ~ s y . .ey gIve sprmgy, yout fu l s tep, andPb.topl••-Contlnuous lOA. M. to 11.30' I (Cont inued from First. P a g ~ ) take the Jar off your spme. Cost IS small. Get a pair of rubber

p . J i ~ ' P . . Th e M ~ i n L in e B ra nc h No. I, of 1 • l1eels pu t on your shoes-today-NOW! I f you want Neolini th e Amer Ic an Red C ro ss , reports the : -' ;i ck ers on, 111 E'lmwood avenue. soles come to us.fOI!o:ving a.s th e r ~ s u I ' t of the summer j Special mention-Carl B. Metzger, 15 Buy your supplies direc t from us. We kn w h t ' b t

i klLlIt.tmg drIve, whIch finished Septem- Che!¥tnut avenue; Hez o B ro ok s, 9 fo u. h A f n I' f h ]. h h 10

w ta

IS] esbe r 15: :Ches t nu t a ve nue; And rew Greene, 5 r yo 1 S oes. u me 0 s. oe po IS , s oe aces, e c., a ways

Socks Swea.ters Total Ches t nu t a ve nue ; W il li am J. Lough. on hand. Only the best materIals ar e used.:Ardmore 579 204 783 lin, 210 Chestnu t avenue; Fredericlt

.' :\arber-th 315 250 ::;65 A. Brown, 418 Woodside avenue; tile:Merion 297 136 433 properties at 308 and 310 Chestnut

Brandywine 325 221 :>46 a ve nue a nd at 407 Woodside avenue;

Ther e was a total of 1681 sweaters" J. Howard Wilson, Chestnut altd

.4216 socks, 64 helmets. 86 mufflers ~ a l ' b e r t . h avenues; James Wilson, 3()9

:114 w ri st le ts . T ot al 6161. South Xarbe r th avenue; Dr. A. L. Orr,101 Elmwood a ve nue; A lber t Golze,

nw A II Sl,(,. Maple avenue; Harry A. Jacobs, Elm·PAWl' wood and Wynnewood avenues, and

H. H il le ga s, E lmwood a ve nu e. [nthi" d i st ri ct t h e committee found thal

,the section on Che" tnu t avenue be ·

tween Map le a venue and Wynnewood

road. and th e section comprising tileproperties at 307, 309, 311, 313 and 315

Woodside avenue, were . articularl)'well k ep t and had b een throughoutth e entire summer. Haverford avenue was awanle.l finally that t he y w ish t o e x te nd their

Hlstr lc t No.2-Al l properties he · IHoward's Drug Store. compliments to th e whole borough

t ween H av er fo rd a ven ue a nd Mon t., Th e Garden Committee wishes to fo r th e very splendid manner in which

gomery pike and Wynnewood roa.d "a y i n c onc lu si on that with few ex-' the appea rance of th e town has been

a nd Ess ex a ve nu e. Cu p to F. R. Gif· cept ions i t found Narbe r th lawns and kept. up d ur in g t he p as t summ er.

ford, 232 Dud le y a ve nu e. Tre e! g a rd en s exceedingly well kept; that :

awarded-ear l Candoni, 223 Dud leY it was WiUl difficulty that t he y wer e i When a ma n is getting th e woP t

avenue; A. C. Warner, 216 DudleY able. in llJany instances, to decide i of it in an argument with a femalf',

avenue; F'. H. Prescott, 226 E: ;s ex. which in thei r judgment wer e t he bet-. he is l ik el y t o say: "Well. that's i U 5 ~a venue; Rohert Savill, Essex al::! tel' of two competing properties, am) like a woman."

S ab in e a ve nu es ; F re d Walzer, 117 i - = = = = = = = ~ - : - o o - c - ~ - : - __=:---:-__ ~ : - - --:-----:--c--------'Windsor avenue Special ment ion- \

Dr H. A, Marx, 219 Dudley avenue;

Clarence B. Kelly, 217 Dudley avenue; IFrancis H. Baker, 115 WindSOr ave.,nu.e;. H. G. P o l h ~ i ' I ~ S , Xarbrook ParI.;:; . Ava i l a b l e f o C ~ n c e r t . R e c it al , O r a t or io

WIlham G. EhlJl, Narhrook Park; the I VOICe Culture. Free vOIce tl,als hy ap\lOintment. Studios: 512 Presser

property at 426 Essex a ve nue; par-; Bldg., 1712 Chestnut street, Philadel\lhia, Penna.; 209 E lm Te rr ac e, : \ar-

t ic u la rl y t he Dudley avenue end or be rt h , P enna. Bell Telephone. : \ 'arbel · th 656.

th e Simpson property at 232 EsscJo:

The commit te e found th e s e c t i o n ~comprising 215, 219 and 223. and 230

and 232 Dudley avenue especially we-ll N b hR·kep t. a nd not ed too that al l th e lawl15 a r e r t eg IS te rin Narbrook Park w it h o ne excepti011. ,

and all th e Wynnewood road lawns I T w o L i n es , JOc pe r iuue; Sc for each adJitionalline

had b een in good condition through· I I , , : ; ; = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = : : : : . ~ Io U i H ~ I : ; l c s t ~ ~ . e ~ 1 _ A J I properties he ' IKel•••• II. C. Ac(e'CrOtlrUle:'oid'T'\pNu'TI,I"IC Accountant. :1111.1\coU-I-o",{·n J)olrieH. Phone. Pre:!'lton ~ 3 ! : * ~ .twe en Windsor a nd Price avenues all I i 2Q2 Dudley ave. Phone. Narbcrth 300·'V. :-;.e display advertisement In .hlo I,"ue.

Essex a ve nue anel Montgomery pil{('. I AIIVI'ItTISI:'oiIJ T. Stllart Cowin. ; ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ r l o n a"e.C up t o G eo rg e D Grover 203 Hamp" COll

d-' W 'pA

Irthllr(. Phone, Sprucc l63S. See <Ilsplny Il<!"ertlsement in this Is'l"'.., i eas, una, ~ o p Y . Art. ' rypography. LOGS, Fanny li . Pinno teacher.

den av en ue . T ree s awarded-F. A AUTOllOBILES Studio. Arcade Bldg. Phone, 316-J.C la rk , H am pd en an d Windsor a ve · Censore, Soble To hire. SJoholtn, : Ills" Ebh... : lluslc Teacher and Ac-

:\' J ff ' 219 N tl Phone, 12S9 or 625. cOJJlpanlsl. 22S lona ave.. Narberth.nues.; • orman e enes. ..'or 1 Lees' Garoge-Repalrlng, Etc. Phone, 1605. :'(O'I'AltI rUlll.lCNarber th avenue; Dr. O. J. Sn yd e l' :-;ee display lldvel'tlsemellt In this Issue. JelTerl,.• , J. 11. III Naruerth ave.Woodbine and Narbe l' th a venues . UASI\S Ph""e. 666-1Ir.

. .' , l\lcrlon Title & Trust Co. Phone, Ard"l1ore 3. T"NOJl, " 'ur ren It . 200 \Voodb ine ave.

SpeCial mentlOn-J. J. Cabrey, :-.;ar., See dl.phLY advertisement In t hi s Is. ue. Phone. 1202-\\'.·b er th an d "Windsor avenues. BUlUIEltlS OI'TICIA:-'Ss 11 ' " J) PI J,'t'ntun. Curl I ' ~ . 501; 1:HIoPX a ve-. Phone. lOltf_ tw

IHRtrlct No.4-Al l properties hl" ,m .•·, ey, m. . lOne. 600. Phlla. a,hlress, 1806 Cheslnut st. L o c u ~ t 525_t H d \ See display udvertlHement In thl!!.' hume. l · . \ I ~ · l · t . : U Sween a ve rf or d a nd Win sor ave· CA:'oillY. ETC. Cole. Jlun"H It.

n ue s a nd between Essex avenue anI! 11",-1•• II. E. Pholle. 1254-W. .241: Hrt\'erfol'd a,·e. Phone, Spruce lG3S.Montgomery pik . Cup to 'VilliaJ1l See dl.plllY rtdvertlsement In thl. I•• lle. \\ . IJ. Cummer. 1'lIone. 12-62 W.

. "e CAltI't;S'1'I.;ItS , \ ~ J ) BUILIH<;RS 210 IGll11l1ood ave., ;>;al·berth.Bal!IngalJ, a l l , Haverford avenu e. JenlLlnH. Ch"•. L. Walzer, }·'r.·d.Trees awarded-The Misses 'Varn(-!', 103 Dudley ave. Phone. 382-111. Ii i Winsor ave. Phone, 1247-J.C O \C S 1',\I'Io;1t IIA:'(llt;US601 Haver ford avenue; Fletcher VI; ISh nd \ C J . · ~ I t , TOllt IT t BId Denver, Rlcllllrd A. Arcade Building.Stites, 413 Haverford avenue; A. ] ; : h t l ~ • .lphon"e. : ~ r u ~ ~ n ~ l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a r : e ~ ~ h 1 2 1 4 ~ J Pbon8. Narberth 1693 ..W.

"°lth·, Gt·o. A. FaIn' lew ave.

Loos, Haver fo rd a ve nue; John R. IIJ;::"TISTS Phone. Cynwyd 77S·.T. Flrst·class worl<.

I{ t I H d tl

IOrr, llr. A. J.. 101 Elmwood avo Phone, 393-W.

Cj Clam, amp en avenue; ,e Phlla. Phone. Filbert 42'.2. Keith Bldg. 1'1101'0 1 '1.'\YS·'.r\r(·ndIR." 16th and. Ch£>fltnut eU .. Pbll ..

property at 108 Hampd en a ve nu e; llRU(lGISTS Hee <llsplay a < l v e r t l . e m ~ " t In thlo loout'Charles E. Kreamer, 114 Forest ave" Jlownrd'H. Phone, 1267. l'I.UlIIIIISG, IGTC.. I See display adver t i sement In this Issue. Suplee, Geo. B. Phone, 1289.nue. The sectIOn on Haverford ave· ' IGI.ECTl t lCIANS Sec dloplay udvertl.el11ellt In thlo t ' .ue

nu e from th e J. K. Ketcham prope r· I'lIgh, "erl 225 Iona ave. Willi. II . II . Phone, 319.J.Na r Phon 6liO 'V Ard Pho 163 J See display adverti::lement In thlt'l tl!oeu..

ty to th e end of Shir ley r oad. t he COlll- I . 1 " I ~ 1 l AXI)' Ol'lS:n;RlS ne, -. . REAl. Io;ST,\TJo;mittee felt was deserving of S P e c i ~ l l l n l ( l e r l " l (;r.wcr)· C... Phone, Narberth 606. Cuhh...·11 & Co. Phone. 12.1-"'.'mentioll. Sec d l s P I G a Y A I ~ I ' I ) v E . e . ~ t I ; : ' U m l ; ~ . n F . t . R l n I E ' o . h I S Issue. See display adverllsement In thl. I.ou ..., ' " " , ~ _ I 'ri t .ch . I I. C. Phone. 252-W.UIRtrlct No. » -AI 1 p rope rt ie s IIp., I·Jimr....• I"low,or :O;hOI" Ardmore , Pa. Cut See dl.play advertisement II" thlo I.ou ..

tween Essex and P r i ~ e avenues a"d I 'lower. an,l ~ I a n l " , funeral ueslglls. (; ..clfre)·, Win. II .Wohl,ort, A. 10.. .114 Woodside ave. Phone. 685·W.Montgomery pike. Cup to C. L. :M c· Montgomery ave. Phone. 696 Narberth. lIOnHh, Uoher! J. Phone, fiO;; •.



Mo nc y t or F! TAt an d Second ~ I o r t g a g £ " •.Kee, 224 Wayne avellue. rees (;UOCEItS Slrll'....n. J,"uc. C. 232 IG8se" a'·e.awarded-Walton M Wentz 20, J"'I.erlnl (;r ..cer)· Co. Phone, Narberth 606. Phone, r,36. or 1420 Ch •• t nut It .

. ., See display auvertlsement In thl. Issue. ROOI'ING. ETC.Wayne aVQnue; t h e p roper ty at 212 I JlAUUSG, ETC. (;"ro-:lI<'G1nle)' Co. Phone, 125B-W .

. AI I E' t 407 W"lton Br08. Phone. 672. dl I d tlWayne av enue, exam er as on, Pee dlspl"y advertisement In . ee .p ay aver .ement In thlo looue., , thl. I••ue. Miller. John A. 243 Iona ave. Phone. 66l-J~ o r t h Na rbe rt h a ve nue; t he p rope rt l' ISSURASCE Shen 24r. HO"erforcl nve. Phnne "·6-J

at 219 Pr ice avenue; th e property ~ Jlowman, Somuel I'. (Life.> l"CIIOOI, , \ ~ D KINDERGARTES116 Elmwood ave. Phone, 663·W. Th" )1I80es Zentmu)·er'. Sehool ond Klnder-

th e corner o f E ss ex avenue and l url ,hor tl t, lUlIer. General Insurance. K"rten, 125 Winds or ave " will reope",Montgomery pike. The en ti r e W a y n ~ 100 lIlaple a\'e. Phone, G69·1Il. Septl>mber ISth. 1915.

f d t I'1 1 Joneo. Ch"H. n. I'nOEl\IARERR

a ve nue was ou n 0 >e an especla y 30;; S. Narber th a,·e. Phone, G82-J. Gaod "'eur Shoe Uel'u lr Shup.gOOd section. Jone8, Wm. J. 103 S. Narberth ave. Phone, C..u"tontlne. n. G. Y . l II. C. A. Bldg.

680 .J. Phl la . nddrese . Penn Mutua l B ldg. The above , Iepartment ohould be of the'Trotter DroM. (Fh·e. etc.) ,rente!ilt Use to th e comtnun l ty, the Jist con·

209 Woodside ave. Phone, 12G2·n. ta lns the name of every profeoslonal m in .CUp was LAWYERS trncle.man, mechanic, shopkeeper, etc.. who• Gilroy, John 211 E ss ex a ve . P ho ne . 1245 ..R. clops or cnn tn a ny w ay 8 er '· e h is t el lo ", .

nllTI' )'011 a 8TUllins SUPIliv of vp.lI,'e- awarded t o M icha el Col li ns , t he cup ' Phlla. address, Lincoln Bldg. town.man. and who Is progresol\·. enoug!>t.,Np" In )"Ollr garden1 I f so . flIer for t he g r ea t es t imp rovement t o a Stites. Fleteher W. 41 Haverford ave. Ito al1rt name to list nt Register.

t dd t D . I ' Phone. 372-'V Phil... addres•. Crozer Bide. As It I. difficult for t ho .e con tr lb ut ln ,

"'111 111' fll'eatl)· nnpreclated at Ule propery was awar e 0 ame LIGHTING FJXTUUES Ilhelr time and .rrorts to the production orHolM",- lJouse No amount 18 too VoteJ. 230 Dudley avenue; the cUP 1I1eDonoid John. Narberth phone 1288 "Ou r Town" to per sona lly e ither know or. • 1633 Ch t t Phil Ph S' ·s Inter\'lew all such, It would be " ,o st he lp .",,,,,n to sellli. PleoRe IeaTe them bl\-I fo r th e best display of b lo om s was e '. s. . ... one, pruce 138. fOJllt thooe nol noW found In the prln teofnrp nonil' IlnT' ( lavon tlle l>al'k llorch I awarded to Samuel P . B owma n, 11, C tt H' dllIEFATR. E T C ~ )1st would ••nd In a memO ot tbelr name..• . •.' I 0 er, Ollar • Phone. 1..98. sdc1re88. phone numbcrl!!l an d bU151nel!l8ee or

n+: 111'1 "'. Ell l l l \X aTenne, tIle Ilome of IElmwood avenue . a nd t he cup for th e !'lpe ill_olllY .I\verll••ment In thi s l .oue. p ro fess ion. for l is ting . This wil l co. t IS fol·'Irs J[orr" 'V Derb

vc le an es t a nd n ea te st k ep t s to re a l o n ~ CrlHt, Fmnk. Phone, 368. low.: 10 cent. each Issue for Bline.; & ceou

" " ,. See display advertl.emeRt In thl. I.. us. ,tor each addltlon..1 line.

1I1AIS PUODUCTION STARTSAS l 'OSSIIU.Io; TO 10.15 A. M.,3.45, 5.45, 7.4l\, 9.30 P. The I ta li an Booth was one of th e

.--- lllost attractive features or the Pa ..

triotic Fete. The music wa s espe

cially fine, and from th e collections

taken for th e song;; a nl l t he sale of

fruits and flower" a total of $265.53was real i zed . Two-thirds of this sum

wa s contributed by th e Ita:llans of: -' :a rl Je rt h. M r. L . M. Ligrest was th e

chairman of th e committee in charge.

Sergeant gttore Verna, haritone.

sang on F ri da y n ig ht on th e Com

munity S i n ~ i n g Platform without ac

companiment, a s el ec ti on f rom th e

opera " I ~ r n a n i , " and a beautiful

Italiau t ' o ~ k song. At the Italian

Booth, Mr. Verna made a hi t with th e

same selection from "Ernani" and

aIso th e famous aria, "My Flag Shall

Be My Bride." Sergeant Verna wa,s

sent t o h is h ome t ow n, P hi la de lp hi a,

by the United States Goyernment

dians in th e first era, and endingwith th e Goddess of Liberty in the . from. Camp Se vi er , S ou th C ar ol in a,

sevenlh era, the imagina ti on was : t Sl11g for the , be ne fi t o f t he . Fourth

highly s t imula ted , and one could I1ve: Liberty Lo.an. Narhe.rth g? t hIm first.

again HIe romantic and excitillg:. Mr. LOUIS Bocce lh , ba rI tone ; O C ~ I -~ p o c h s of ou r c oun tr y' s r emar ka hh J: 1st, f rom Overbrook School 0 tI e

IIistory, To th e )'oung i t w as a vivid ~ l l n d " a c : o m p ~ n i ~ d b Y ~ I r . Herbert

a nd unf or geHabl e p ic tu re that made l\lerte., Ins plalJlst. ah o f:om the

Jiving and real th e h is to ri c f ac ts Ov erb rook School of the Blm d, was

learned f rom hoo ks and to th e old one of th e star performers.

who h ad lived thrO'ugh so me of t h ~ : Mr. M ~ c h a e l ~ a s a c c i o . p la ye d th e

events portrayed, it was liVing over. flute. MISS Mana. C a s a c c ~ o , I? y e ~ l ' sa ga in t he d ay s Df their youth. i old, P l ~ y e d 9 th.e plano. M ~ s s Caroll11e

The llbel'ty sing in :the evening, un- C.asacclO, 1.. ) ears old, .'\ as th e sta.rdel' Ele able leadership of :\11'. George smger of the two evenJllg ,s . On Frt·

Thomas, was full of ,pep. :\11'. William d ay n ig ht she s an g "Ha pp y Days,"

Beatty, J r. , o f Wayne, whose fine bari- : which b r o u ~ h t in $42.00, and o n Sat

tone wa s muc h a dm ir ed gave two' urday night. and by request. she

solos. The St. Frances' de Sa les a gai n s an g "Happy Days," this time

Band not only accompanied the fo r $25.00. On the same night she

liberty sing, bu t disconrsed sw eet s ang th e famous I ta li a n boa t song,

music be tween t imes , and p la ye d f or "Santa Lucia: ' which hrought in

th e llancers on th e green. :\1r. exactly $100.Fletcher W. S tHes made a most elo- P ro fe s, wr A rt ur o P ap al ard o. a

quent anti impassioned p le a f or t he r es i de n t of Narberth. and a well

f ou rt h L ib er ty Loan. anti later in- lmowll orchestra l ead er an d vocal

troduced Captain Schwab, of t he t ea che r. was at t.he p ia no . a cc om

Royal L ight Artillery, and Lieutenant panying Mr. Bocce ll i when he sang

Brie, a F re nc h c ha ss eu r, both o f T os ti 'g " Good -B ye " a nr l " Se nd Me a

whom gave most in te res t ing de ta i ls of Rage From HomelahCJ."life at t he f ront , and vivid pictures of Mr. Giliberto anti bi s little

1::Ie c ru el a nd IiJerciless methods of orehestra of mandolins ancl guitars.

th e Germans in their mode rn " sc i en - p la )' ed "0 Sol e Mio" and "Ci ri bi bi n, "

tific" warfare. which hrou/!'.ht in over $25.00.

President :\'ash. of the Civic Asso' Societa San Martino 10aneiIciation, is to be congratu la tel l h igh ly the heautiful silk hand-embroidered

for th e p lannhlg and execution of the American and Italians flags, which

fete. and for hi s excellent j u dgmen t made quite a hit in th e school parade.

in s ~ l e c t i o n of commi t tees. A special' M r ~ . C. ,r. Morgan. Mrs. Olivieri

w or d o f commendation is du e th e and Miss Jennie Gr\[one were flower

Puhlicity COlllmittee for t he e xc el le nt g ir ls . d re ss ed i n t he I ta li an p ea sa nt

program prepa red by it, w hic h is a costume.Yaluahlesouvenir, not o nly of the. Thanks to th e ('lJ,utel'n ('ommJtt{'e

fete, Imt because of it s sketches oi I Mrs. Edward Odell. chairman of th e

ou r churches and associations. It is committee in charge of t he c an te en

too early to report -as to th e proceed." . supper a t l as t week's Patriotic Fete.

hu t at t:lis tim e it 1001,s a s ' t hough w ishe s to extend he r t h ank s a nd aJl

t he net r ec ei pt s wou ld be upwards of preciation to the members of her$1500. I commit tee who worked so generou· ,ly

__ .. to mak e t he c an te en t.he success that

l\Iost ancient hymn ig th e "Song, of ,it. w a ~ . This committee was com-

Moses:' composed in 1491 B . C. :noserl of th e following: Mr,l._ _ _ .__ .. ------, Cbamhll. Mrs. Joyce . Mrs . Entemman.

Mrs . Dust in, Mrs, O 'Hare. Mrs. Beale,

Mrs. Leitch. MI,ss Turner, Miss Harris

and Mrs, Davis.

P ROGRAMEntire Week Commencing


FourthLibertyBondFor Liberty an d Justice

Independence for the World

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