overview of petrochemical industry

Post on 09-Mar-2015






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Production Management

Overview of Petrochemical Industry


Indian Petrochemical Industry

Petrochemicals are the downstream of the oil and

gas industry - an industry whose products affect

our daily lives. Petrochemicals are a part of our

daily lives - the carpeting on which we walk, plastic

soda bottles from which we drink, clothing we

wear, fertilizers that grow our crops, tires we rely

on for transportation, paints we use to brighten

our surroundings, pharmaceuticals we need to

remain healthy, cosmetics, and many other


Petrochemicals get their raw material - known as

feedstocks - from the refinery: naphtha,

components of natural gas such as butane, and

some of the byproducts of oil refining processes,

such as ethane and propane. These feedstocks are

then cracked to obtain the building blocks of the

petrochemical industry: olefins, that is, mainly

ethylene, propylene, and the so-called C4

derivatives, including butadiene - and aromatics,

mainly benzene, toluene, and the xylenes. These

products are then processed to produce a wide

variety of consumer and industrial products.

Global Petrochemical Industry

Petrochemicals dominates the global chemicals

market with a share of almost 40 percent. The

growth of the chemical industry, currently 2-3

percent above the average world GDP, is likely to

face a slowdown in the coming 2 years owing to

the global economic slowdown.

The coming years are expected to see the

petrochemicals industry undergoing a major

metamorphosis, particularly with the Middle East

building its strength as a major petrochemicals

supplier and China emerging as a major processing

hub and end-use market for petrochemicals. The

chart below shows the flow of raw materials from

the Middle East to the processing hubs and end-

use markets of China and India from where the

finished products will reach the markets of North

America and Europe.

Asian markets are undergoing a sea change in theform of high demand markets for petrochemicals. It was projected that the coming years will see China, India, and the rest of Asia becoming hubs for processing of end products as well as a high demand end-use market. By 2018, 60 percent of the petrochemical growth is likely to take place in Asia, with China accounting for about one-third of the growth. However, with the recent recession hitting the industry, Asian markets also have been affected since Europe and North America have cut down on import of finished goods. Even though Asia is expected to soon become a significant end-use market, the current world economic scenario will have a negative effect on the industry and instead of growing at about 2-3 percent above GDP; the market is expected to grow at a much lower rate. However, this recession will affect the Western markets more than Asian ones.

Petrochemical Industry in India

The petrochemical industry has been one of the of

the fastest growing industries in the Indian

economy; it provides the foundation for

manufacturing industries such as pharmaceuticals,

construction, agriculture, packaging industry,

textiles, automotive, etc.

The petrochemical industry in India is oligopolistic

with four main players dominating the market,

namely Reliance Industries Ltd. (RIL) along with

Indian Petrochemical Ltd. (IPCL), Gas Authority of

India Ltd (GAIL), and Haldia Petrochemicals Ltd.


Currently, India has three naphtha- and three gas -based cracker complexes with a combined ethylene annual capacity of over 2.5 MMTA. Besides, there are four aromatic complexes also with a combined Xylenes capacity of 2.9 MMTA. Polymers account for more than 60 percent of total petrochemical production. As shown in the figure below, the industry has been stagnant in

terms of capacity addition. Combining the demand for all the key segments in the petrochemical industry, aggregate demand for the entire petrochemical sector in India was around 20 MMTA in 2008

Manufacturing and M

arketing Practices and Strategies

Manufacturing Practices

Natural gas and crude distillates such as naphtha (from petroleum refining) are used as feedstocks to manufacture a wide variety of petrochemicals which are in turn used for the manufacture of a variety of consumer goods. The description of petrochemical processes and products presented here is for illustrative purposes only. The basic petrochemicals manufactured by cracking, reforming, and other processes include olefins (including ethylene, propylene, butylenes, and butadiene) and aromatics (including benzene, toluene, and xylenes). The capacity of naphtha crackers is generally of the order of 250,000 to 750,000 metric tons per year (tpy) of ethylene production. Some petrochemical plants also have alcohol and oxo-compounds manufacturing units on-site. The base petrochemicals or products derived from them along with other raw materials are converted to a wide range of products including resins and plastics (such as low density polyethylene (LDPE), high density polyethylene (HDPE), linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE), polypropylene, polystyrene, and polyvinyl chloride (PVC)); synthetic fibers (such as polyester and acrylic); engineering polymers (such as acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS)); rubbers (including styrene butadiene rubber (SBR) and polybutadiene (PBR)); solvents; industrial chemicals (including those used for the manufacture of detergents such as linear alkyl benzene (LAB), coatings, dyestuff, agrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, and explosives). A number of alternative methods are available to manufacture the desired products.

Waste Characteristics

Fugitive air emissions from pumps, valves, flanges, storage tanks, loading and unloading operations, and wastewater treatment are of greatest concern. Some of the compounds released to air are carcinogenic or toxic. Ethylene and propylene emissions are of concern because of their fate processes which lead to the formation of oxides

which are extremely toxic. Compounds considered carcinogenic that may be present in air emissions include benzene, butadiene, 1,2-dichloroethane, and vinyl chloride. A typical naphtha cracker at a petrochemical complex may annually release about 2,500 emetric tons of alkenes (such as propylenes and ethylene), when producing 500,000 metric tons of ethylene. Boilers, process heaters, flares, and other process equipment (in some cases may include catalyst regenerators)are responsible for the emission of particulates, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides (200 metric tons per year), and sulfur oxides (SOx) (600 metric tons per year based on a 500,000 metric tons per year of ethylene capacity).

The release of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) to air depends on the products handled at the plant and may include acetaldehyde, acetone, benzene, toluene, trichloroethylene, trichlorotoluene, and xylene. VOC emissions are mostly fugitive and depend upon the production processes, material handling and effluent treatment procedures, equipment maintenance, and climatic conditions. VOC emissions from a naphtha cracker range from 0.6 to 10 kilograms (kg) (75% are alkanes, 20% unsaturated hydrocarbons about half of these is ethylene, and remaining 5% are aromatics) per metric ton of ethylene; 0.02 to 2.5 kg (45% of these being ethylene dichloride, 20% being vinyl chloride, and 15% being chlorinated organics) per metric ton of product in a vinyl chloride plant; 3-10 kg per metric ton of product in a SBR plant; 0.1-2 kg per metric ton of product in ethyl benzene plant; 1.4-27 kg per metric ton of product in ABS plant; 0.25-18 kg per metric ton of product in a styrene plant; and 0.2-5 kg per metric ton of product in a polystyrene plant.

Petrochemical units generate wastewaters from process operations (such as vapor condensation), cooling tower blow down, and storm water run off. Process wastewaters are generated at a rate of about 15 cubic meters per

hour (m3/hr) (based on a 500,000 metric tons per year ethylene production) and may contain biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) (100 mg/L), COD (1,500-6,000 mg/L), suspended solids (100-400 mg/L), and oil and grease (30-600 mg/L). Phenol levels of up to 200 mg/L and benzene levels of up to 100 mg/L may also be present.

Petrochemical plants also generate solid wastes and sludges, some of which may be considered hazardous because of the presence of

toxic organics and heavy metals. Spent caustic and other hazardous wastes such as distillation residues associated with units handling acetaldehyde, acetonitrile, benzyl chloride, carbon tetrachloride, cumene, phthallic anhydride, nitrobenzene, methyl ethyl pyridine, toluene diisocyanate, trichloroethane, trichloroethylene, perchloroethylene, aniline, chlorobenzenes, dimethyl hydrazine, ethylene dibromide, toluenediamine, epichlorohydrin, ethyl chloride, ethylene dichloride, and vinyl chloride may be generated in significant quantities. Accidental discharges as a result of abnormal operation especially from polyethylene and ethylene-oxide-glycol plants in a petrochemical complex can be a major environmental hazard releasing large quantities of pollutants and products into the environment. Plant safety and fire prevention and control procedures should be in place

Pollution Prevention and Control

Petrochemical plants are typically large and complex, where the combination and sequence of processes is usually very specific to the characteristics of the products manufactured. Specific pollution prevention or source reduction measures are best determined by technical staff. However, there are a number of broad areas where improvements are often possible and site specific emission reduction measures in these areas should be designed into the plant and targeted by plant management.

Areas where effort should be concentrated include:

Reduction of Air Emissions

• Minimize the leakages of volatile organics (including benzene, vinyl chloride, and ethylene oxide) from valves, pump glands (use mechanical seals), flanges, and other process equipment by following good design practices and equipment maintenance procedures.

• Use mechanical seals, where appropriate.

• Minimize losses from storage tanks, product transfer areas, and other process areas by adopting methods such as vapor recovery systems and double seals (for floating roof tanks).

• Recover catalysts and reduce particulate emissions.

• Use low NOx burners to reduce NOx emissions.

• Optimize fuel usage.

• In some case, organics that cannot be recovered, are effectively destroyed by routing them to flares and other combustion devices.

Elimination/Reduction of Pollutants

• Use non-chrome based additives in cooling water.

• Use long life catalysts and regeneration to extend the cycle.

463 Petrochemicals Manufacturing


• Recycle cooling water and treated wastewater to the extent feasible.

• Recover and re-use spent solvents and other chemicals to the extent feasible.

Improved Operating Procedures

• Segregate process wastewaters from stormwater systems.

• Optimize tank and equipment cleaning frequency.

• Prevent solids and oily wastes from entering the drainage system.

• Establish and maintain an Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan.

Target Pollution Loads

Implementation of cleaner production processes and pollution prevention measures can provide both economic and environmental benefits. The following production-related targets can be

achieved by measures such as those detailed in the previous section. The figures relate to the production processes before the addition of pollution control measures.

A good practice target for petrochemical complex is that the total organic emissions (including VOCs) from the process units be reduced to 0.6% of the throughput. Target maximum levels for air releases of ethylene, ethylene oxide, vinyl chloride, and 1,2-dichloroethane are 0.06 kg, 0.02 kg, 0.2 kg, and 0.4 kg per ton of product. Methods of estimating these figures include ambient and emissions monitoring, emission factors, and inventories of emissions sources. Design assumptions should be recorded to allow for subsequent computation and reduction of losses.

Vapor recovery systems to control losses of VOCs from storage tanks and loading areas should achieve close to 100% recovery.

A wastewater generation rate 15 m3 per 100 tons of ethylene produced is achievable with good design and operation and new petrochemicals should strive to achieve this.

Treatment Technologies

Air Emissions

Control of air emissions normally includes the capturing and recycling or combustion of emissions from vents, product transfer points, storage tanks, and other handling equipment.

Catalytic cracking units should be provided with particulate removal devices. Particulate removal technologies include fabric filters, ceramic filters, wet scrubbers, and electrostatic precipitators. Gaseous releases are minimized by condensation, absorption, adsorption (activated carbon, silica gel, activated alumina, and zeolites), and in some cases using biofiltration and bioscrubbing (using peat/heather, bark, composts, and bioflora for treating biodegradable organics), and thermal decomposition.

Liquid Effluents

Petrochemical wastewaters often require a combination of treatment methods to remove oil

and other contaminants before discharge. Separation of different streams (such as stormwater) is essential to minimize treatment requirements. Oil is recovered using separation techniques. For heavy metals, a combination of oxidation/reduction, precipitation, and filtration is used. For organics, a combination of air or steam stripping, granular activated carbon, wet oxidation, ion exchange, reverse osmosis, and electrodialysis is used. A typical system may include neutralization, coagulation/flocculation, flotation/sedimentation/filtration, biodegradation (trickling filter, anaerobic, aerated lagoon, rotating biological contactor, and activated sludge), and clarification. A final polishing step using filtration, ozonation, activated carbon, or chemical treatment may also be required. Pollutants loads which can be achieved include a COD level of less than 1 kg, suspended solids level of less than 0.4 kg, and dichloroethane level of less than 0.001 kg, per 100 tons of ethylene produced..

Marketing Strategy

Petrochemical business being an oligopoly has few strong players who cater to almost the entire needs of the markets.

Today the Indian petrochemical market can boast of having international standards because it has the blend of low cost coupled with high class infrastructure.

Indian petrochemical market today has high demand elasticity with high volume industries and the Indian petrochemical sector is a capital intensive sector. With the rapid growth of the middle class in India, the demand for petrochemical goods is anticipated to increase manifold. Reliance Industries, Nocil, and the IPCL are the 3 major companies which can boast of having fully-integrated plants.

Indian petrochemical sector was operated and mastered by the state-owned IPCL till the early 90s. Nocil was the only private sector enterprise set up with modest infrastructure and capacity .However, after liberalization, IPCL and Reliance came up with large-sized plants. 70% of the output of the Indian petrochemical sector constitutes polymers, and in the last few years, the growth rate of these industries has been 16-18% per annum. These petrochemical objects are sold through stockists, C&F channels, and distributors. The companies directly meet the large volume sale. Prices are determined by international pricing and are very volatile in nature.

Manufacturing Process

Manufacturing process of

Petrochemical Industry

(Oil Refinery)

Crude oil is separated into fractions by fractional

distillation.The fractions at the top of the

fractionating column have lower boiling points

than the fractions at the bottom. The heavy

bottom fractions are often cracked into lighter,

more useful products. All of the fractions are

processed further in other refining units.

Raw or unprocessed crude oil is not generally

useful. Although "light, sweet" (low viscosity, low

sulfur) crude oil has been used directly as a burner

fuel for steam vessel propulsion, the lighter

elements form explosive vapors in the fuel tanks

and are therefore hazardous, especially in

warships. Instead, the hundreds of different

hydrocarbon molecules in crude oil are separated

in a refinery into components which can be used

as fuels, lubricants, and as feedstock in

petrochemical processes that manufacture such

products as plastics, detergents, solvents,

elastomers and fibers such as nylon and

polyesters. Petroleum fossil fuels are burned in

internal combustion engines to provide power for

ships, automobiles, aircraft engines, lawn mowers,

chainsaws, and other machines. Different boiling

points allow the hydrocarbons to be

separated by distillation. Since the lighter liquid

products are in great demand for use in internal

combustion engines, a modern refinery will

convert heavy hydrocarbons and lighter gaseous

elements into these higher value products.

Oil can be used in a variety of ways because it

contains hydrocarbons of varying molecular

masses, forms and lengths such as paraffins,

aromatics, naphthenes (or cycloalkanes), alkenes,

dienes, and alkynes.

While the molecules in crude oil include

different atoms such as sulfur and nitrogen,

the hydrocarbons are the most common form

of molecules, which are molecules of varying

lengths and complexity made of hydrogen

and carbon atoms, and a small number of

oxygen atoms. The differences in the

structure of these molecules account for their

varying physical and chemical properties, and

it is this variety that makes crude oil useful in

a broad range of applications. Once separated

and purified of any contaminants and

impurities, the fuel or lubricant can be sold

without further processing. Smaller molecules

such as isobutane and propylene or butylenes

can be recombined to meet specific octane

requirements by processes such as alkylation,

or less commonly, dimerization. Octane grade

of gasoline can also be improved by catalytic

reforming, which involves removing hydrogen

from hydrocarbons producing compounds

with higher octane ratings such as aromatics.

Intermediate products such as gasoils can

even be reprocessed to break a heavy, long-

chained oil into a lighter short-chained one,

by various forms of cracking such as fluid

catalytic cracking, thermal cracking, and

hydrocracking. The final step in gasoline

production is the blending of fuels with

different octane ratings, vapor pressures, and

other properties to meet product


Oil refineries are large scale plants,

processing about a hundred thousand to

several hundred thousand barrels of crude oil

a day. Because of the high capacity, many of

the units operate continuously, as opposed to

processing in batches, at steady state or

nearly steady state for months to years. The

high capacity also makes process optimization

and advanced process control very desirable.

Petroleum products are usually grouped into

three categories: light distillates (LPG, gasoline,

naphtha), middle distillates (kerosene, diesel),

heavy distillates and residuum (heavy fuel oil,

lubricating oils, wax, asphalt).

This classification is based on the way crude oil is

distilled and separated into fractions (called

distillates and residuum) as in the above drawing.

• Liquified petroleum gas (LPG)

• Gasoline (also known as petrol)

• Naphtha

• Kerosene and related jet aircraft fuels

• Diesel fuel

• Fuel oils

• Lubricating oils

• Paraffin wax

• Asphalt and tar

• Petroleum coke

Flow Diagram of Typical Oil Refinery

Common process units found in a


Desalter unit washes out salt from the crude oil

before it enters the atmospheric distillation unit.

Atmospheric distillation unit distils crude oil into

fractions. See Continuous distillation.

Vacuum distillation unit further distils residual

bottoms after atmospheric distillation.

Naphtha hydrotreater unit uses hydrogen to

desulfurize naphtha from atmospheric

distillation. Must hydrotreat the naphtha

before sending to a Catalytic Reformer unit.

Catalytic reformer unit is used to

convert the naphtha-boiling range

molecules into higher octane reformate

(reformer product).

The reformate has higher content of

aromatics and cyclic hydrocarbons). An

important by-product of a reformer is

hydrogen released during the catalyst

reaction. The hydrogen is used either in

the hydrotreaters or the hydrocracker.

Distillate hydrotreater unit desulfurizes distillates

(such as diesel) after atmospheric distillation.

Fluid catalytic cracker (FCC) unit upgrades heavier

fractions into lighter, more valuable products.

Hydrocracker unit uses hydrogen to upgrade

heavier fractions into lighter, more valuable


Visbreaking unit upgrades heavy residual

oils by thermally cracking them into

lighter, more valuable reduced viscosity


Merox unit treats LPG, kerosene or jet fuel by

oxidizing mercaptans to organic disulfides.

Coking units (delayed coking, fluid

coker, and flexicoker) process very

heavy residual oils into gasoline and

diesel fuel, leaving petroleum coke as a

residual product.

Alkylation unit produces high-octane component

for gasoline blending.

Dimerization unit converts olefins into

higher-octane gasoline blending

components. For example, butenes can be

dimerized into isooctene which may

subsequently be hydrogenated to form

isooctane. There are also other uses for


Isomerization unit converts linear

molecules to higher-octane branched

molecules for blending into gasoline or

feed to alkylation units.

Steam reforming unit produces hydrogen for the

hydrotreaters or hydrocracker.

Liquified gas storage units store

propane and similar gaseous fuels at

pressure sufficient to maintain them in

liquid form. These are usually spherical

vessels or bullets (horizontal vessels

with rounded ends.

Storage tanks store crude oil and finished

products, usually cylindrical, with some sort

of vapor emission control and surrounded

by an earthen berm to contain spills.

Slug catcher used when product (crude

oil and gas) that comes from a pipeline

with two-phase flow, has to be buffered

at the entry of the units.

Amine gas treater, Claus unit, and tail

gas treatment convert hydrogen sulfide

from hydrodesulfurization into

elemental sulfur.

Utility units such as cooling towers

circulate cooling water, boiler plants

generates steam, and instrument air

systems include pneumatically operated

control valves and an electrical


Wastewater collection and treating

systems consist of API separators,

dissolved air flotation (DAF) units and

further treatment units such as an

activated sludge biotreater to make water

suitable for reuse or for disposal.[3]

Solvent refining units use solvent such as

cresol or furfural to remove unwanted,

mainly asphaltenic materials from

lubricating oil stock or diesel stock.

Solvent dewaxing units remove the heavy waxy

constituents petrolatum from vacuum distillation


Logistics & Supply Chain Processes

Supply chain management in the petroleum

industry contains various challenges, specifically in

the logistics area, that are not present in most

other industries. These logistical challenges are a

major influence on the cost of oil and its


However, opportunities for cost savings in

logistics still do exist. The steadily increasing

global demand for oil and its derivatives such

as petrochemicals has enabled companies

Providing these products to reach more

customers and increase their market share and


This boom in global demand along with the ease of

international trade and the inflexibility1 involved

in the petroleum industry’s supply chain has made

its management more complex and more


The logistics network in the petroleum industry is

highly inflexible, which arises from the production

capabilities of crude oil suppliers, long

transportation lead times, and the limitations of

modes of transportation. Every point in the

network, therefore, represents a major challenge.

The oil and petrochemical industries are global in

nature. As a result, these commodities and

products are transferred between locations that

are—in many cases—continents apart. The long

distance between supply chain partners and slow

modes of transportation induce not only high

transportation costs and in-transit inventory, but

also high inventory carrying costs in terms of

safety stocks at the final customer location. The

great distances between supply chain partners

present a high variability of transportation times

that can hurt suppliers in terms of service levels

and final customers in terms of safety stock costs.

Moreover, the transportation

process is carried out either by ships, trucks,

pipelines, or railroads. In many instances, a

shipment has to exploit multiple transportation

modes before reaching the final customer’s

location. “Very few industries deal with that kind

of complexity in shipping,” said Doug Houseman, a

senior manager at the consulting firm Accenture

(Morton, 2003, p. 31). Such constraints on

transportation modes in this type of industry

induce long lead times from the shipping point to

the final customers’ location compared to other


Hence, considering the amount of inflexibility

involved, meeting the broadening prospect of oil

demand and its derivates while maintaining high

service-levels and efficiency is a major challenge in

the petroleum industry.

The supply chain of the petroleum industry is

extremely complex compared to other industries.

It is divided into two different, yet closely related,

major segments: the upstream and downstream

supply chains.

The upstream supply chain involves the acquisition

of crude oil, which is the specialty of the oil

companies. The upstream process includes the

exploration, forecasting, production, and logistics

management of delivering crude oil from remotely

located oil wells to refineries. The upstream sector

includes the searching for potential underground

or underwater oil and gas fields, drilling of

exploratory wells, and subsequently operating the

wells that recover and bring the crude oil and/or

raw natural gas to the surface.

The downstream supply chain starts at the

refinery, where the crude oil is manufactured into

the consumable products that are the specialty of

refineries and petrochemical companies.

The downstream supply chain involves the process

of forecasting, production, and the

logistics management of delivering the crude oil

derivatives to customers around the globe.

Challenges and opportunities exist now in both the

upstream and downstream supply chains.

Exploration –Visible surface features such as

oil seeps, natural gas seeps, pockmarks

(underwater craters caused by escaping gas)

provide basic evidence of hydrocarbon generation

(be it shallow or deep in the Earth). However, most

exploration depends on highly sophisticated

technology to detect and determine the extent of

these deposits using exploration geophysics areas

thought to contain hydrocarbons are initially

subjected to a gravity survey, magnetic

survey, passive seismic or regional seismic

reflection surveys to detect large scale features of

the sub-surface geology. Features of interest

(known as leads) are subjected to more detailed

seismic surveys which work on the principle of the

time it takes for reflected sound waves to travel

through matter (rock) of varying densities and

using the process of depth conversion o create a

profile of the substructure. Finally, when a

prospect has been identified and evaluated and

passes the oil company's selection criteria, an

exploration well is drilled in an attempt to

conclusively determine the presence or absence of

oil or gas.

Oil exploration is an expensive, high-risk

operation. Offshore and remote area exploration is

generally only undertaken by very

large corporations or national governments.

Typical Shallow shelf oil wells (e.g. North sea) cost

USD$10 – 30 Million, while deep water wells can

cost up to USD$100 million plus.

Extraction of petroleum is the process by

which usable petroleum is extracted and removed

from the earth. The oil well is created by drilling a

hole into the earth with an oil rig. A steel pipe

(casing) is placed in the hole, to provide structural

integrity to the newly drilled wellbore. Holes are

then made in the base of the well to enable oil to

pass into the bore. Finally a collection of valves

called a "Christmas Tree" is fitted to the top, the

valves regulating pressures and controlling flows.

Logistics management - Delivering crude

oil from remotely located oil wells to refineries.

This is done mainly with the help of oil tankers and


The logistics network in the petroleum industry is

highly inflexible, which arises from the production

capabilities of crude oil suppliers, long

transportation lead times, and the limitations of

modes of transportation. Every point in the

network, therefore, represents a major challenge

Downstream Process:

Oil refinery or petroleum refinery: is

an industrial process plant where crude oil is

processed and refined into more useful petroleum

products, such as gasoline, diesel fuel, asphalt

base, heating oil, kerosene, and liquefied

petroleum gas. Oil refineries are typically large

sprawling industrial complexes with

extensive piping running throughout, carrying

streams of fluids between large chemical

processing units. In many ways, oil refineries use

much of the technology of, and can be thought of

as types of chemical plants.

The crude oil feedstock has typically been

processed by an oil production plant. There is

usually an oil depot (tank farm) at or near an oil

refinery for storage of bulk liquid products.

An oil refinery is considered an essential part of

the downstream side of the petroleum industry.

Raw or unprocessed crude oil is not generally

useful. Although "light, sweet" (low viscosity,

low sulfur) crude oil has been used directly as a

burner fuel for steam vessel propulsion, the lighter

elements form explosive vapors in the fuel tanks

and are therefore hazardous, especially

in warships. Instead, the hundreds of different

hydrocarbon molecules in crude oil are separated

in a refinery into components which can be used

as fuels, lubricants, and as feedstock

in petrochemical processes that manufacture such


as plastics, detergents, solvents, elastomers and fi

bers such as nylon and polyesters.

Petroleum products are usually grouped into three

categories: light distillates (LPG, gasoline,

naphtha), middle distillates (kerosene, diesel),

heavy distillates and residuum (heavy fuel oil,

lubricating oils, wax, asphalt). This classification is

based on the way crude oil is distilled and

separated into fractions

(called distillates and residuum).

Distribution and marketing:

This part of the petroleum supply chain comprises

the transport of finished fuels from the

door of the refinery to consumers and the sale of

the products either in bulk or in small quantities in

gas stations.

The distribution of finished products is made by

pipeline, tanker, truck, rail or barge. The

quantities transported are smaller (typically 10 to

50,000 tons) than in the case of crude oil(generally

over 100,000 tons) and therefore the economies

of scale are less important than in the case of

bigger crude oil tankers.

Sales may target the direct delivery to big

consumers (e.g., heating oil, heavy oil for

power plants) or the retail selling through a

network of service stations.

In the case of the network of service stations, fuel

retailing is a well differentiated part of the

business where marketing strategies are critical.

Fuel retailing is similar in some aspects to the

consumer products goods industry.

Therefore, this part of the business presents

rather different challenges in supply chain than the

refining or upstream activities, less focused on

final consumer needs.

Cost Drivers

The petrochemical industry consumes some of the oil production and gas production as well. For operation costs of a petrochemical plant, the purchase of energy and feedstock would take around 50%.

People working for petrochemical plants have jobs ranging from research scientists to equipment operators. There is also a notably higher percentage in productivity per worker because of the large investment in equipments.

The technology under the petrochemical industry engages in high pressures and temperatures, generally requiring world class engineering, not to mention the equipment, to be able to use the energy in an efficient manner.

On the other hand, the government control can also have an effect in the industry. The price of gas and oil is especially crucial to the international competitiveness of the petrochemical industry.

When the environment is concerned, the petrochemical industry made its mark in controlling unwanted emissions from the plant. As compared to other resource industries, the emissions are quite low per unit of output. Usually gaseous, emissions can arise from production processes of the plant, from handling to storage. In addition, this particular industry does not generate large volumes of contaminated water, and is prevented from doing so.

The life span of this industry is infinite, for as long as the population continues to use and make use of such materials, this industry has enough oxygen to breath.

Challenges and SWO

T Analysis

The Indian petrochemical industry faces a number

of challenges for sustained growth, putting India at

a competitive disadvantage in the competition

with China. India's ethylene capacity is far smaller

than China's and is unlikely to rise above its Asian

rival's levels in the next 5-7 years. This will make it

impossible for India to develop applications

further downstream.

The availability of new hydrocarbon resources in

India has spurred the demand for petrochemicals

in the country and spawned an industry that is

based largely on captive and low-cost feedstock.

There is no denying that opportunities in the

petrochemicals business must be capitalized upon

for growth. Today, the petrochemical industry is

driven by size and cutting-edge technology. In the

current competitive environment, small-sized

plants make no sense.

Following are the challenges facing

India petrochemical industry:

High cost of energy and feedstock and the

impact on demand

The transformation in the kinetics of

competition in manufacturing

Increase in the cost of project

Problems faced by the India

petrochemical industry:

The manufacturing units mostly use

obsolete format of technology and are

not able produce optimally

There is a necessity for the

modernization of equipments

Excise duty on synthetic fiber should be


Prevention of reservation on Small Scale


Plastic waste to be recycled and the

littering habits to be discouraged

India requires advantage on feedstock, so

the import cost has to be brought down

The industry should have access to the

primary amenities of infrastructure

However, on a positive note, the challenges facing

India petrochemical industry provides the industry

with better tools which would in turn help the

growth of the economy.

SWOT Analysis:

The Indian petrochemicals industry is finally

discarding its nascent stage tag and the

companies are now vying for a major chunk of

the global pie of the petrochemicals market.

Indian major Reliance has recently acquired a

German polyester major Trevira GmbH and

this marks the private sector giant's entry into

the European markets in a big way. At the

same time, ONGC and IOC are planning entry

into the business in a major way as this is in

line with their forward integration plans. The

petrochemicals cycle is currently on a global

uptrend thanks to growing demand from

China and other developing nations. In the

domestic markets, growing activity in

infrastructure and construction segments

coupled with strong growth in the auto sector

on the back of lower interest rates have

actually boosted the performance of the

petrochemicals sector. Major beneficiaries of

this uptrend are the integrated players such as

Reliance Industries, GAIL and IPCL (to some


A low per capita consumption of 4 Kgs of

plastic as compared to a global average of 20

Kgs leaves enough scope for capacity

expansion resulting in ONGC and IOC

venturing into the business. The following are

the major uses of the products:

Strengths of Indian Petrochemical

industry -

Large and very fast growing Indian

petrochemical market

Huge trained talent pool

Competitive labour cost

Weaknesses of Indian

Petrochemical industry –

Insufficient basic infrastructure for

the petrochemical industry

High feedstock cost in comparison to

Middle East countries

Prevalence and use of old technology

Synthetic fibre industry is

unorganized and operates in small


Opportunities in Indian

Petrochemical industry –

Huge demand for polymer and

synthetic fibre

Great opportunity for product

development exists

Low consumption of polymer in

comparison to global consumption


Threats to Indian Petrochemical

industry –

Stiff competition from other regional

players like, china and the Middle

East countries

Stiff rational pricing pressures

Environmental hazards concerns

Low market recognition

Relocation of manufacturing sites to

region with abundance of feedstock


India has stably established itself in the core of the

international production of petrochemical and

petrochemical- related products in the present


The global economy is a dynamic and ever-growing

one in spite of the high cost of energy. This in turn

is forging the demand for petrochemicals. The

strong growth in demand is not backed by a

sufficient supply so the cost is still to come down.

Operating rates of major petrochemical product

segments are very high presently.

The major driver for the growth of petrochemical

industry in India is its (India's)ongoing economic

development. With the Government announcing

an infrastructure development program of over

INR 500 Billion, coupled with growth in key end-

use sectors like auto, personal / lifestyle products,

and retail (packaging), a boost is expected in the

demand for petrochemical products in India. The

Government has set in place policies to promote

investment in the petrochemical sector, and

several key domestic companies have unveiled

ambitious expansion plans for the next few years.

Two major elements in this support are the

decision to allow 100 percent foreign direct

investment projects in this sector, and

establishment of a series of special economic

zones (SEZs) and a number of petroleum,

chemicals, and petrochemical investment regions


The refining capacity in India is expected to rise to

210-225 MMTA in 2011-12, translating into

increased availability of 8-10 MMTA of naphtha.

This additional availability of naphtha has already

prompted petrochemical majors to announce

major downstream expansions in naphtha

crackers. The olefin-based capacity is expected to

increase from 5 MMTA to 10 MMTA and aromatics

based capacity is expected to increase from 3


The future of the Indian petrochemicals industry is bright with domestic demand driving the market for products. With Government support slowly falling into place, the future could see more investments from multinationals as well as domestic companies.

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