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  • V O L U M E 1 6 , I S S U E 1 5 8

    Owasso Observer First United Methodist Church

    The Owasso Observer is published monthly. Deadline for arti-cles is the 4th Sun-day of the month. Any questions or articles can be sent to communications @fumcowassso.org

    M A R C H 2 0, 2 0 1 3

    Holy Week Worship Opportunities

    Inside this Issue

    Page 1 - Holy Week Worship Opportunities Page 2 - Joys/Concerns/Memorials Page 3 - Youth Force/Children’s Council/Online Giving Pages 4-5 Holy Week Worship Opportunities (continued)

    Page 6 - Care Ministry/Music Ministry Jubilee Page 7 - Shadow Run Page 8 - UMM/UMW/VBS/Trailblazers Page 9-10 - Children’s Ministry Pages (April, May) Page 11 - Youth News/Youth Force

    Page 12 - Contact Information/Weekly Schedule

    Living Lord’s Supper Monday, March 25th @7:30 pm

    Leonardo Da Vinci’s painting comes to life as Jesus tells his disciples “One of you will betray

    me”, each disciple asks himself, “Is it I?” in a moving soliloquy of this dramatic presentation

    during Holy Week. The play takes place in the Upper Room by thirteen men from Tulsa and

    surrounding communities. You won’t want to miss this powerful drama as we celebrate one

    of the most important moments in this history of mankind. The Living Lord’s supper will be

    presented on Monday, March 25th @7:30 pm in the Worship Center.

    More information on Holy Week Worship Opportunities (continued on pg. 4)

    Easter Cantata Sunday, March 24th @8:20 & 11:00 am The Easter Cantata will be taking place at the Arise and Shine Service (8:20 am) and the

    Heritage Service (11:00 am).

    That evening will also be the conclusion of the Lenten Sunday Night Services at 6:30 p.m.

    The message is entitled “Entrances and Exits”

    Lots of events and special services taking place during Holy Week (March 24-March 31). Check

    pages 1, 4 and 5 for more information!

  • P A G E 2

    Memorials and Honorariums In Memory of

    June Fleming Smith From: Lyle & Jean Hunter

    In Honor Of

    David Hoefer From: Ken & Ruth Peacock Bob Hamm

    From: Ken & Ruth Peacock Adult SS Class From: Al & Dorothy Inglima Kayden Palmer

    From: Larry & Kim Palmer Larry Turner From: Kim Turner New Life SS Class

    From: Emily Goble

    Concerns…Joys…Answered Prayers

    (week of 3/18/13)

    Kris & Kaitlyn Criss requested prayers for their neighbor, Bob Beaver, he found out his daughter has leukemia. Vicki Dedering requested prayers for her co-worker, Patty who broke her ankle. And for Deb’s husband, Mike who is battling cancer again. Jill Henrie’s requested prayers for her friend, Kelly, for healing from breast cancer and for Susan, strength and healing. Annette Jones’ family member, Sandi, who is in the last stages of liver cancer, prayers for her and the family, grace, comfort and love. Jennifer Sahmaunt’s mother, Charlotte Chavez’s kidney function is a concern. Good news; chemo has been very effective and the side effects minimal.

    Each week, our church family commits to pray for

    certain members of our church staff. This week we will

    all be praying for members of our office staff, Susan

    Moreland and Karen McKibbin.

    “Delight yourself also in the Lord, and

    He shall give you the desires of your heart”

    Psalm 37:4

    Continue to pray for these requests

    Mar 17 Lou Brown friend’s baby...Annette Dailey’s brother...Sandy Freshour’s friend and family members... Matt and Katie Dickerson and VIM team in Rio Bra-vo...David Hoefer’s dad...Cathy Hughes’ friend...Jean Hunter’s nephew...Ruth McMahan’s daughter and friend...Kay Neldon’s aunt...Ruth Peacock’s grand-daughter...Juanita Ramsey’s brother...Wanda Ramsey’s friend...Kathleen Rhodes’ son’s sister-in-law...Dale and Debbie Rice’s friend’s dad...Ron Sahmaunt’s sister’s father-in-law...Darlene Schuenemeyer

    Mar 10 Sally Coltharp’s friend...Jessica Crapse & family...Jane Danner...Vicki Dedering’s co-worker’s husband...Chelsea Galutia’s family...Jean Grady’s mother...Katie Henson’s mother...Kelly Hoefer’s nephew...Sharon King...Dana McConnell’s friend...Allen Noland’s mother...Juanita Ramsey’s son-in-law...Mike Robinson…Marvin Williams’ friend’s wife...Mike Wilson...

    Prayer Ministries

    At FUMC Owasso, we pray. We pray to lift up others for healing, we pray for salvation and we pray in the name of Jesus. We have experienced the power of pray-er at work in our lives and the lives of others for whom we pray. We use a prayer email list to communicate prayer requests. You can send out a prayer re-quest to our prayer team by emailing it to: prayer@fumcowasso.org If you would like to be a part of this vital prayer ministry team, and a link in the prayer chain, send an email to communica-tions@fumcowasso.org requesting your email address be added to the prayer chain list.

    Newsletter by email? Send a message to communictions@fumcowasso.org and we will get you added to our email list!

  • P A G E 3

    To get started, click the Giving link on our Church website at

    www.fumcowasso.org. For assistance contact Karen McKibbin at the Church

    office or email at finance@fumcowasso.org.

    Children’s Council will meet again on Sunday, April 7th at 4pm to discuss

    Fall 2013 and beyond. Childcare will be available with reservation.

    Please Contact Corrina Robinson at the church office to reserve a

    slot for your child.

    Youth Force 2013: June 9-14

    “Every beautiful thing on this earth started with an act of love” Youth Force Owasso 2013 is coming soon! Dates are June 9-14. * We still need God Squad leaders and help for our nurse!!! If you can come and spend the week chaperoning kids you can be a God Squad leader. If you are a nurse or doctor and you have some times either in the morning or evening to help distribute meds we need your help!!

    * Next design team meeting is April 11th at 7pm (ish)

    * Site Selector training and Tech Angel briefing will take place the first week in April.

    Newcomers Lunch - Sunday, April 7th

    New to our church? Looking for a church home? Want to meet other new

    people to our church and community. We invite you to come to “First Sunday

    Newcomer’s Lunch” and introduction to FUMC on Sunday, April 7th at 12:15

    p.m. in rooms 121 and 123, which are directly across from the Sanctuary. We

    would appreciate your RSVP in order to plan adequately for the meal. We can provide

    childcare if needed. Please RSVP to Rev. Leroy Foreman phone at 918-833-0357 or email


    Children’s Council Meeting Sunday, April 7th

    Give When You Want Change donations anytime, anywhere

    Give the Way You Want Keep Gifts and Account Information Safe

    Designate Your Giving View Giving History 24/7

    Go Paperless


  • Holy Week Worship Opportunities (continued)

    There will be no Shalom Meal or RENEW activities. We are inviting every member of the church to take part in the fast that day and to come to the prayer vigil for a one hour period at any time between 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. The atmosphere in the prayer vigil room will be quiet and reflective. There will be bulletins with guided Bible readings, prayers, and suggestions for worshipful, hands-on activities for individuals and families to do together in the vigil room. Fasting is a biblical as well as a long-time Methodist tradition. Before pas-tors are ordained in the United Methodist Church, they prom-ise to lead their congregations, by both their teaching and example, to observe fasting as a spiritual practice. For per-sons with dietary issues who cannot do a full fast, we suggest you consider having a symbolic fast by prayerfully abstaining from a particular food or activity that day.

    12 Hour Fast and Prayer Vigil Wednesday, March 27th

    Path of Passion Maundy Thursday, March 28th

    Our drama ministry will present “The Path of Passion,” which is a dramatic reading of the story of Holy Week and Easter, with about 30 members in cast and crew. There will be two presentations that evening: 6:30 p.m. & 7:45 p.m. Each church member will receive two tickets, one for you and one for a friend or family member. You are welcome to come to either presentation, but if you can come to the one your ticket suggests, it will help us make sure there is enough room for everyone. If you cannot come to either presentation, please give your tickets to others. Starting at 6:00 p.m. (half an hour before the first presentation begins) the chapel will be open for you and your family to receive Communion from one of the pastors. Communion will also be served in the time period between the two presentations and after the final presentation concludes. Maundy Thursday (“Commandment Thursday”) was the night Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper and commanded us to love one another as he has loved us.

  • Holy Week Worship Opportunities (continued)

    Tenebrae Service Good Friday, March 29th@8:00 pm

    The Tenebrae Service (“Service of Shadows”), will be held at 8:00 p.m. in the Worship Center. This service commemorates the death of Christ on the cross for our sins. During the service twelve candles are extinguished as scriptures are read, gradually immersing the room into darkness. This service is a very ancient one, predating the Middle Ages. It was often used to initiate a prayer vigil that lasted through Good Friday Night into Saturday morning.

    Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, March 30th@10:00 am

    It starts at 10 a.m., but you’d better be here with your kids early, because when the hunt begins, it is sheer pandemonium! In case of bad weather, the hunt will be indoors. Join lots of other children for a fun Egg Hunt on the lawn of the church. Egg hunts will be divided by ages for preschool - 5th grade.

    Easter Sunday Sunday, March 31st 7:00 am - Sunrise Service (Pavilion)

    * Bring your lawn chairs (and blankets) and

    come enjoy the Majesty of a Sunrise on

    Easter morning. Rev. Taud Boatman will

    be preaching. Dress warmly!

    8:20 am (Arise and Shine) and 11:00 am

    (Heritage) Traditional Services

    * Rev. Chuck Horton will be preaching on “Not

    An Idle Tale”.

    9:40 am (New Creation)

    * Rev. Chuck Horton will be preaching on “Not an Idle Tale”.

    11:11 am (Sync)

    * Rev. Taud Boatman will be preaching.

    We hope that you’ll join us at one of the five services being offered Easter Sunday


  • P A G E 6

    Care Ministry Workshop Saturday, April 6th One doesn’t need to attend Owasso FUMC very long before finding out what a

    caring congregation it is. No matter what the problem may be, many are ready to do

    what they can to assist.

    The first Saturday in April members of the church have the opportunity to learn more

    about the skills that can help to bring God’s healing presence into the lives of those

    to whom they have an opportunity to minister. April 6 the Bixby United Methodist Church will present

    Bridge the Gap, helping attendees to gain ministry skills through a sample of Stephen Minister Train-

    ing, deepening your vision of care and outreach, and learning how to bring the life-changing

    benefits of Stephen Ministries.

    Held from 9 am to 1 pm, the half day workshop will have three sessions. Session One will be

    “Ministering to those Experiencing Grief”. Session Two will be “An Introduction to Stephen Ministry”

    and Session Three “How to Care in a Distinctively Christian Way”.

    Talk to almost any Pastor and you’ll find that they want to provide care for everyone who needs it –

    but they can’t do it alone. This workshop is about equipping laypeople to minister to the hurting

    people, which can be a highly effective, and biblical way to bridge the gap and ensure that those

    in need of Christ-centered care receive it. The church will pay registration for attendees, as well as

    transportation to Bixby.

    “We know there are many in the congregation with a heart for this,” noted Rev. Larry Adkisson, Assis-

    tant Pastor, “and this is an excellent opportunity to increase skills and be more effective at bringing

    Christ into the situations they encounter.”

    Those wishing to attend can call the church office to register.

    On Sunday, May 5, at 6:30 pm, we will be having a service featuring all

    the music groups in our church. We will be blessed to hear from the

    Littlest Lambs, the Children’s Choir, the Genesis Ringers, the Adult

    And Youth Praise Bands, the Winds of the Spirit, the Believer’s Bell Choir,

    the Gloryland Gospel Choir, the Arise and Shine Singers and the

    Heavenbound Choir. Please mark your calendar and invite friends and

    family to come with you as we celebrate and show our appreciation for

    the music talent in our church.

    DVD Recording – the music groups in the church will be recording a DVD that will be

    available in September (great Christmas present!). The recording of the DVD will be May 13-

    15. We ask all members of the music groups to put these dates on your calendar for the

    recording sessions.

    Coming Up – Music Ministries Jubilee – Sunday, May 5, at 6:30 pm.

    Silver Games Coming May 20-May 24 The Silver Games will be returning the week of May 20-24. Be looking for more information in the coming months. Also, a pair of pitching horseshoes and a washer game used for Silver Games last year have disappeared. If you have either of them or know of their whereabouts, please contact Darlene Schuenmeyer at 918-274-9790. Thanks ~ Silver Games committee

  • Trailblazers Activities for April

    Please join us Thursday, April 11th for our Potluck Luncheon at 11:30. Our Guest Speak-

    er will be Catherine Zoller who is the best-selling author of children’s Christian books.

    Her 1st book is the story of Genesis and her latest book release is the story of Exodus.

    You will want to purchase an autographed copy of both of these books for your chil-

    dren, your grandchildren or maybe just for yourself. As the author of The Rhyme &

    Reason Series, Catherine is like a Biblical Dr. Seuss. The series has been awarded the

    prestigious “Focus on the Family” seal of approval. With a delicious blend of engag-

    ing humor and Biblical truth, Catherine more than lives up to her motto, "Make 'em

    laugh, Make 'em cry, Make 'em think and change their lives!" The bright, active illus-

    trations in the books, combined with humorous and powerful stories really bring the

    Israelites alive! Also, you will not want to miss her inspiring personal testimony. As a

    fifteen year-old drug addicted runaway facing serious prison time, she gave her shat-

    tered life to the Lord and fell in love with the Word of God when she experienced its

    life-changing power.

    (We are inviting the “Yellow Balloon” teachers and “FUMC” children’s

    teachers to join us for lunch and the program, so we will be asking you to

    bring a larger portion of food so that everyone will have plenty to eat.)

    Plan on joining us on Thursday, April 25th as the Trailblazers will be taking a trip to the

    local Owasso Historical Museum on Main Street. Learn all about our city - past and

    present. Following the tour we will be having lunch at the new Memory Lane Tea

    Room, which is located next door to our old church.

    United Methodist Men’s News

    United Methodist Women’s News Come and join one of our

    great UMW groups!!

    UMM April Gathering The United Methodist will host their monthly gathering on Saturday,

    April 6th at 8:30AM. We invite all men to participate in this monthly event.

    Please join us for a time of food and fellowship as we grow together as Men of Christ.

    UMM Regional Gathering: Saturday April 20, 2013 One Rung in the Ladder: Defining Your Legacy * This event will run from 8:00 am - 4:00 pm at Asbury United Methodist Church in Tulsa. The Keynote Speaker is Bill Blankenship, head football coach at the University of Tulsa. Bishop Hayes will also be a guest speaker for this event. There will be 4 breakout sessions you can attend, as well as a breakfast and lunch (with a love of-fering being taken for each meal). The registration fee for this event is $25 ($30 after April 10).For questions or more information , please contact Bert Abla (bertabla@cox.net).

    Donations Needed: VBS Check out the VBS Bulletin Board located on the wall across from the Church Of-fice. There are many items that we are asking to be donated for crafts, snacks, sci-ence projects and decorations. Please stop by the VBS Bulletin Board and pick up slip(s) of items you would like to donate and return the items to the tubs under the board no later than April 7th so that we can begin prepping for the different activities. Please do not bring in any perishable items until the week of May 26th. If you have any questions, please contact Corrina Robinson or Jane Danner. Thank you for your support of VBS!

    Tuesday, April 9th @9:30 am - Joy/Faith Circle Monday, April 15th @6:30 pm - Love Circle Tuesday, April 16th @6:30 pm - Hope Circle

  • April Unit: Early Church

    Sunday School 9:40 - 10:45 am

    1st Grade Rotation

    2nd Grade Kevin Lane

    3rd Grade Shelly Rogers

    4th Grade Sevan Roberts

    5th Grade Kris Criss

    Date Leader Assistant Leader Assistant

    Apr 7 Amy Pearce Angela Swisher Mendi Burns Lana Day

    Apr 14 Amy Pearce Donna Haverty Mendi Burns Megan Whitsett

    Apr 21 Pam Weibel Karen Goerlitz Pam Weibel Nancy Horton

    Apr 28 Amy Pearce Karyn Hoffman Mendi Burns Stacie Pendergrass

    April 7 14 21 28 Room Leaders

    Wesley Castle (Drama)

    5th 4th 3rd 2nd Chelsea Galutia

    MASA (Computers)

    1st 5th 4th 3rd Jayne Broughton

    God’s Gym (Activity)

    2nd 1st 5th 4th Dana McConnell

    Circle J Ranch (Arts & Crafts)

    3rd 2nd 1st 5th Jamie Harris

    UMC 12 (Movie Room)

    Doo Wop Diner (Cooking Room)

    4th 3rd 2nd 1st Melissa & Brian


    N o W o r k s h o p n/a

    9:40am 4-Year-Old (pre-K)

    11:00am Pre-K - Kindergarten

    9:40 am Kindergarten

    Upper Room

    Leader: Jackie Smith Assistants: Jennifer Hill

    & Julia Griffin

    Vacation Bible School Leadership NEEDED We are in need of Adult and Youth Leadership for the Everywhere Fun Fair VBS! VBS will be June 3rd - 6th from 9am - Noon with a Clean-up Work day scheduled on June 7th. We are planning on having 230 kids attend this year and cannot offer all of the fun

    activities and discipleship growth opportunities without your help. Please contact Corrina Robinson or Jane Danner at the Church office

    to find out more details and sign up to serve. Thank you!

  • May Unit: Kingdom Parables

    Sunday School 9:40 - 10:45 am

    1st Grade Rotation

    2nd Grade Kevin Lane

    3rd Grade Shelly Rogers

    4th Grade Sevan Roberts

    5th Grade Kris Criss

    Date Leader Assistant Leader Assistant

    May 5 Amy Pearce Angela Swisher Mendi Burns Lana Day

    May 12 Amy Pearce Donna Haverty Mendi Burns Megan Whitsett

    May 19 Karyn Hoffman Mendi Burns Nancy Horton

    May 26 Amy Pearce Karen Goerlitz Mendi Burns Stacie Pendergrass

    May 5 12 19 26 Room Leaders

    Wesley Castle (Drama) 1st 5th 4th 3rd

    MASA (Computers) 2nd 1st 5th 4th Jamie Harris

    God’s Gym (Activity) 3rd 2nd 1st 5th Dana McConnell

    Circle J Ranch (Arts & Crafts) 4th 3rd 2nd 1st

    UMC 12 (Movie Room) 5th 4th 3rd 2nd

    Doo Wop Diner (Cooking Room) N o W o r k s h o p n/a

    9:40am 4-Year-Old (pre-K)

    11:00am Pre-K - Kindergarten

    9:40 am Kindergarten

    Upper Room

    Leader: Jackie Smith Assistants: Jennifer Hill

    & Julia Griffin

    Join O

    ur Team



    s TOD


    WE NE

    ED YO


    Elementary Age Church Camp Dates Check out the camps at http://www.okumc.org/camp Registration will open soon!

    SonShine Camp at Egan

    For kids entering 1st & 2nd Grade

    July 6th - 7th Cost: Camper $57.00 Shepherd: $34.00*

    *Camper Rate for Shepherds if church exceeds 1:5 per Gender Ratio

    Growin’ in Grace Camp at Egan

    For kids entering 3rd - 5th Grade

    July 15th - 17th -OR-

    July 17th - 19th Camper Cost: $144.00

    T’weens Camp at Egan

    For kids entering 6th Grade

    July 15th - 19th Camper Cost: $247.00

    Joy Camp at Egan

    For kids entering 3rd - 5th Grade

    July 5th - 7th Camper Cost: $144.00

  • P A G E 1 1

    IMPACT Youth Ministry Activities



    April 3,10,17, & 24 ~ Shalom meal and RENEW activities continue


    April 5th ~ Confirmation Lock in starts at 8:00 pm April 6th ~ Confirmation Day of serving April 9th ~ Shadow Run @ Ram Café in the High School 5:30 pm April 13th ~ CCYM Meeting in OKC. April 13th & 14th ~ Servant Leader Training for Juniors and Seniors at the Wesley Foundation @ OSU, $40 April 20th ~ District Youth Council. 10-noon in Skiatook. April 27th ~ PROM (not a youth group activity but guys need as many reminders as they can get about these types of things)

    April 7th ~ Confirmation meeting with parents 2:00pm, then at 4:00 pm the great Q tip fight of 2013 and pizza party. Bring $5 and a snack to share April 14th ~ Confirmation meeting with mentors 2:00pm; 4:00 pm - Bring your favorite DVD and a snack to share we vote on which one we want for movie night. April 21st ~ Confirmation practice 5:00pm; Confirmation Banquet 6:30 pm April 28th ~ Confirmation Sunday during service

    * We still need God Squad leaders and help for our nurse!!! If you can come and spend the week chaperoning kids you can be a God Squad leader. If you are a nurse or doctor and you have some times either in the morning or evening to help distribute meds we need your help!!

    * Next design team meeting is April 11th at 7pm (ish)

    * Site Selector training and Tech Angel briefing will take place the first week in April

    Youth Force 2013: June 9-14


    * We need a few adults at every youth event even if we are hanging out playing silly games at church (4/7) or watching a movie (4/14) * We could use some help setting up and supplying desserts for the confirmation ban-quet (4/21) * This month we are signing up adults who want to go to camp (June 24-28). We will need about 14 adults so we can take all the kids to camp.

    Thanks for supporting

    IMPACT Youth Ministries

  • First United Methodist Church 13800 E. 106th St N Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 Office: (918) 272-5731 Fax: (918) 272-2451 Main Church E-Mail: fumc@fumcowasso.org Communications: communications@fumcowasso.org Audio Ministry: audioministry@fumcowasso.org Video Ministry: videoministry@fumcowasso.org Website: www.fumcowasso.org





    Owasso, OK 74055

    PERMIT #21PERMIT #21

    Bishop..............................................................Robert Hayes District Superintendent..............................George Warren Senior Pastor..................................................Chuck Horton Associate Pastor..........................................Taud Boatman Assistant Pastors............Richard Whetsell, Leroy Foreman Larry Adkisson Youth Director.....................................................BJ Danner Assistant Youth Director..............................Mike Robinson Dir. Of Children’s Ministry........................Corrina Robinson Dir. Cont. Worship and Outreach…............Andy Henson Administrative Secretary..........................Susan Moreland Financial Secretary...................................Karen McKibbin Choir Director..................................................Bob Humble Organist.........................................................Linda Cooper Nursery Director............................................Brandi Foshee Custodians.........................................Zac and Sara Green

    Regularly Scheduled Events

    See your Sunday bulletin for any updates/changes.


    8:20, 9:40, 11:00, 11:11 am Worship Services

    9:20 am Fellowship Time in Narthex

    9:40 & 11:00 am Sunday School

    3-4 pm Believers Bell Choir (121/123)

    3-5 pm Youth Activity (see Youth News p.11)

    5 pm Winds of the Spirit (WC)

    7:00– 9:00 pm Celebrate Recovery (Chapel)


    6:30 pm Love Circle (3rd Monday)

    7:00 pm Support Group for Parents w/Special Needs

    Kids (Lodge) (4th Monday)


    9:30 am JOY/Faith Circle (2nd Tuesday - 121/123)

    1:00 pm Yarn Ministry (2nd and 4th Tuesdays - 101)

    6:30 pm Hope Circle (3rd Tuesday - 121/123)

    6:30 pm Special Needs Ministry (3rd Tuesday -101)

    7:00 pm Etu Mu Sorority (2nd and 4th Tuesdays - 121/123)


    9:30 am Women’s Bible Study (101)

    5:15 pm Shalom Meal (WC)

    5:45 pm Children’s Choir (1st-5th grade) (Chapel)

    6:00 pm Youth Bible Study – The Landing (Great Rm)

    6:00 pm Disciple (101)

    6:15 pm Littlest Lambs (Preschool Rm 130)

    6:15 pm Youth and Children’s Studies/Activities (Youth

    + Children’s Area - upstairs)

    6:15 pm Prayer Bible Study (123)

    6:15 pm “The Amazing Partnership” (127/129)

    6:15 pm Must See Movies With Taud (UMC-12)

    6:30 pm Adult Praise Team Practice (WC)

    6:30 pm Gospel Choir (1st and 3rd Wed - Chapel)

    6:30 pm Arise and Shine Singers (2nd and 4th Wed -


    7:15 pm Genesis Ringers (121)

    7:30 pm Heavenbound Choir Practice (Chapel)

    7:45 pm Impact Youth Praise Band Practice (WC)


    10:00 am Covenant Care (2nd Thur. Every Other Month)

    11:30 am Trailblazers Luncheon (2nd Thursday -


    6:30-8:30 pm Path of Passion Rehearsal (WC)

    7:00-8:00 pm Hurting Hearts (1st Thursday of the Month)

    7:00 pm Support Groups for Aphasia and Brain Injuries



    9:00am –12:00pm Fridays w/Miss Shelly (101)


    8:30am UMM Breakfast (1st Saturday) (121/123 & Kitch-


    4:00-5:30 pm Adult Special Needs Bible Study (Great

    Room, Lodge - 3rd Sat)

    The Owasso Observer is published monthly. Deadline for articles is the 4th Sunday of the month. Any questions or articles can be sent to communications @fumcowassso.org

    Follow us on Facebook! First United Methodist Church of Owasso Follow us on Twitter ! @FUMC Owasso

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