paper and watermark in principality of transylvania xvith...

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Paper and watermark in Principality of Transylvania

XVIth – XVIIth centuries



Thesis supervisor:

Researcher I, Dr. Susana Andea

PhD student:

Mirela Cărăbineanu





1. Definirea temei

2. Scopul cercetării

3. Limitele cercetării

4. Metodologia de cercetare

5. Terminologie



1. Repere din istoriografia europeană

2. Cercetarea filigranelor și istoriografia autohtonă

3. Analiză comparativă privind stadiul actual al cercetării hârtiei şi filigranului



1. Consideraţii generale cu privire la Cancelaria princiară

2. Aspecte privind hârtia şi filigranul

2.1. Evoluția hârtiei

2.2. Producerea hârtiei

2.2.1. Adunarea materiei prime

2.2.2. Sortarea cârpelor

2.2.3. Macerarea cârpelor şi formarea pastei

3.2.4. Formarea colii de hârtie

3.3. Caracteristicile externe ale hârtiei

3.3.1. Formatul hârtiei

3.3.2. Calitatea hârtiei

3. O lume în umbre şi lumini. Filigranul

3.1. Semnificaţia filigranului

3.2. Poziţia filigranului în coala de hârtie

3.3. Probleme ridicate de delimitarea tipurilor şi variantelor filigranului

3.4. Importanţa filigranului pentru datare





1. Acvila cu un singur cap (1599 -1604)

1.1. Acvila cu un singur cap, înscrisă în cerc (1599)

2. Acvila bicefală

2.1. Acvilă bicefală cu scut în formă de inimă (1574-1670)

2.2. Acvila bicefală cu scut mobilat cu cruce (1585-1637)

2.3. Acvila bicefală cu scut mobilat cu litera A ( 1600-1638)

2.4. Acvila bicefală cu scut mobilat cu literele AP (1603)

2.5. Acvila bicefală cu scut mobilat cu litera B (1634-1639)

2.7. Acvila bicefală cu scut mobilat cu litera G (1614)

2.8. Acvila bicefală cu scut mobilat cu litera K (1562-1638)

2.9. Acvila bicefală cu scut mobilat cu litera R (1597-1616)

2.10. Acvila bicefală cu scut mobilat cu litera S (1648)

2.11. Acvila bicefală cu scut mobilat cu litera W (1658)

2.12. Acvila bicefală cu scut mobilat cu literele H şi E, în ligatură, asuprite de litera W .

2.13. Acvila bicefală cu un scut mobilat cu secera (1590-1600)


2.14. Acvila bicefală cu scut mobilat cu topor (1606)

2.15. Acvila bicefală cu scut heraldic (1615-1676)

3. Acvila ca mobilă heraldică (1590-1661)

3.1. Scut mobilat cu jumătate de acvilă (1590-1638)

3.2. Scut mobilat cu acvila bicefală (1615-1661)

3.3. Scut mobilat cu acvila bicefală şi leu (1638)

4. Acvila ca element heraldic exterior scutului (1606)

4.1. Acvila plasată în creştetul scutului (1606)

5. Acvila ca reprezentare sigilografică (1619)


III. ANCORA (1547-1635)

IV. ARBALETA (1553- 1653)

V. CAPRA sau ȚAP ( 1557 - 1558)

VI. CRUCEA (1624-1675)

1. Cruce latină (1670-1675)

1.1. Cruce latină pe sferă regală (1548)

2. Cruce de Lorena înscrisă în cerc (1624)



1. Moara de hârtie din Braşov

2. Moara de hârtie din Cluj

3. Moara de hârtie din Sibiu

4. Moara de hârtie din Lancrăm

5. Moara de hârtie din Gurghiu



1. Surse de arhivă

2. Surse edite

2.1. Bibliografie generală

2.2. Albume de filigrane

2.2.1. Albume de filigrane manuscrise

2.3. Bibliografie specială

3. Surse on-line

3.1. Webografie

3.2. Baze de filigrane


Key words:

watermark, filigranology, paper, documents dating, the importance of watermarks, paper

production, paper mill, Brașov, Cluj, Sibiu, Lancrăm, Gurghiu, trade, customs records, Principality

of Transylvania, Princely Chancellery, the 16th century, the 17th century,


The research of watermarks reveals elements regarding the manufacturing of paper,

conferring a reliable research source for ethnography, which can lead to tracing the evolution of

costumes, objects or tools from previous centuries. Without a single doubt, one can claim that the

watermarks reveal the evolution of aesthetics, from its first use through to the 18th century, due to

the changes dictated by the period when the watermarks were designed, from very simplistic though

to the complex Gothic style watermarks. In addition to this, analyzing watermarks can confer

information in relation to the circulation of paper, therefore indicating aspects of economic

relationships with Europe. Despite all these secondary advantages which arise from studying

watermarks, the core purpose of the analysis of watermarks remains the ability to establish the

authenticity and timeframe of undated manuscripts, maps, prints or drawings.

Approaching this subject for this thesis, which deals primarily with paper and watermarks,

seemed like an exciting, novel and compelling pursuit, particularly due to the fact that Romanian

studies have scarcely focused on this subject, particularly after 1987, when little interest was

registered in relation to this issue. The previous studies in this field have led to creating a regional

track-record of the use of paper which, although lacunary, helps highlight some historical aspects of

Romania in the 17th century. Romania’s attitude is in contrast with other nations intense efforts of

scanning, collating databases, creating software which allows comparison and organizing

conferences which debate the use of paper and watermarks.

The gap in the market therefore determined the author to investigate watermarks, and they

focused primarily on an underdeveloped material, the documents released by the Transylvanian

Chancellery between the 16th and 17th century. Though direct observation of paper distinctions

between the paper which was imported and that which was manufactured within Transylvania,

certain traits regarding watermarks were uncovered, which could be further explored in order to

establish certain dates for documents, establish counterfeits and help organize files in archives. In

addition to this, the place of origin of the paper was closely linked to the identified watermarks, in

order to provide sufficient information for further studies which aim to explore the trade aspects of


watermarking. The research has, therefore, focused on studying watermarked documents released

by the Transylvanian Chancellery gathered from administrative and economic institutions, noble

ancestors and their families and documents preserved by the National Archives County

Departament of Cluj, dated between 1541 and 1689.

Taking into account that watermarks were branding elements of paper mills, which offer

the potential to identify the manufacturer, the paper also established the place where the paper was

manufactured and the exact time when the watermarked paper was used. As already mentioned,

although revealing the geographical range covered by a paper mills’ watermark is not a primary

purpose and focus of this paper, this does aid further studies which aim to uncover economic and

trade relationships between European states.

The analysis of the watermark had two core constituents: the palpable, physical and

external elements of the paper on the one hand, and the critical analysis of the watermark. In order

to confer a coherent description of the types of paper used within the Chancellery, the starting point

for the analysis was a description card for each document analyzed, which contained essential

elements for the research. This card was accompanied by a picture of the watermark. The content of

the description card is as follows: the place where the document is permanently stored, the

particular collection it belongs to, accession number, date and place mentioned on the document, a

brief summary. In situations when this information is not present, the card contained elements like

the issuer and recipient, the description and type of watermark, its position on the paper, the

distance between the chain liens in the area of watermark, the dimension of the paper and, when this

was easily identifiable, the quality of the paper.

Classification of the watermarks was carried out using two distinct criteria taking into

account the fact that the provenance of the paper differs and could be of foreign origin or a regional

one, manufactured in Transylvania. The imported watermarks were listed alphabetically, as this

category of paper revealed a wide variety of watermarks and locating the manufacturer was not

possible in each and every instance. The watermarks were further grouped based on the object they

depict. This method allowed a clear and easy identification of the type or variety of watermarks.

The branding watermarks of regional paper mills were classified based on the produces and listed

based on their type and variety in a chronological order. Further details in relation to the variety of

watermarks can be found in the subchapter 2.3. The object depicted by the watermark was

identified using the international standards for description, which lists elements such as: eagle,

anchor, ALL MOD PAPIER, libra, etc. In addition to this, the timeframe of use of a particular

watermark on a paper was also established.


At describing watermarks were reproduced: figurine parameters, as well as distance

between chain lines, closest to the area of watermark, watermark in mm. accompanied by the

countermarks are presented together. Distances between the chain lines were played as they appear

on the sheet of paper from which they were extracted, in formula: | x | y | mm. This presentation

helps identify pairs of paper molds which existed in a paper mill at a certain point.

The physical aspect of the paper was subjectively presented, mentioning aspects of colour,

grade of deterioration, manufacturing faults, homogeneity, the presence of fibre elements, which

can be observed through paper transparency, without making a description of its chemical


Although this is not common practice in the field and previous studies, the measurements

of the paper were also listed, namely the length and height in millimetres. This element of the

description helped establish elements in relation to the evolution of paper format and also helped

draw links between the watermarks, size of paper and its quality.

As a sideline, regarding the documents content, our goal was to observe if there was a

preference for a certain type of paper in drawing up a documents or deeds, depending on its


We believe that it is necessary to make a few mentions relating to the method of

reproduction of the watermarks. These methods have evolved over time, from the hand-drawing

tracing method, transparency photographs, the radiography, copying with protective film, reaching

the contemporary ones, photographing through transparency with electronic processing of the image

or digitalized scanning of the sheet in translucent mode on a specialized scanner as scanning.

So far, due to the lack of modern means of reproducing the watermark, with rare

exceptions, the watermarks publishing was done using the hand-drawing tracing method, that is the

reproduction by copying watermark on tracing paper. Therefore, as a first impulse, we had the

intention to use the above method, but we felt that by doing like this, the research volume would

have limited our main outcome, would have affected the paper and would have been generally

inexact. Hence, we preferred photographic transparency method to extract the watermark paper, a

method that affects the least the document and reproduces the watermark in an accurately manner.

However, it should be noted that this method suffers because we cannot capture images

where watermark print is diffused, when it is written over the watermark or seals or stamps of

issuers of the former owners are applied over, but in these cases we have made the connections with

images that we were able to capture.


Headings and Themes

In the first chapter the core national and international research focus was critically

reviewed, which helped establish the evolution of watermarking as a standalone science. This

critical review also helped highlight the gap in the Romanian watermarking studies, as the research

in this field has taken on a non-institutionalized aspect, carried out as a restricted field of research,

mostly out of personal interest, unlike the other European nations.

The second chapter focuses mainly on the Use of Paper with the Princely Chancellery,

further structured in two subchapters. The first focused on the Chancellery as a consumer for the

paper industry in the 16th and 17th century, whilst the second studied the evolution of paper from

its incipient times though to the stage of European paper highlighting external and internal

characteristics of paper.

One of the subchapters was conferred to watermarking, the core internal element of

European manufactured paper, starting with the 13th century. This section presents important

aspects in connection with the watermark research: the meaning of watermarks, its position on the

paper, issues in connection with the type and variety of watermarks and the relevance of

watermarks for dating documents.

The third chapter, the most complex one of the thesis, presents watermarks discovered

through the analysis of paper used by the Transylvanian Chancellery in the 16th and 17th century.

The watermarks encounter in the writings used in politics, administration, economics and legal

matter of the Transylvanian region from the second half of the 16th century through to the 17th

century are varied and plentiful. In the research efforts of this paper 226 watermarks were

discovered, with variations, which can be complied in distinct categories: anthropomorphic

creatures, mystical creatures, astronomical signs, symbols, fauna, flora and weaponry. Most types

belong to the fauna category with 67 varieties depicting eagles, roosters, bears, snakes, deers,

followed by national coats of arms, with 29 varieties.

The alphabetical classification of watermarks identified in papers from Transylvania in the

16th and 17th century was done through naming the core element of the watermark, as follows:

Eagle (1564-1673), ALL MOD PAPIER (1639-1689), Ancre (1545-1635), Crossbow (1553-

1653), Libra (1547), Deer (1634-1643), Rooster (1599-1620), Crown (1609-1686), Adage GOTT

ALLEIN DIC EHRE (1636-1638), Letters W with crown, K, P along with heraldic elements, I

H S in double circle (1564-1652), Paschal lamb (1650-1687), Hats (1647-1674), Cartwheel

(1623), Mermaid (1656-1681), Bird in a circle (1637), Pigeon (1641), Shields escutcheon’s

figure etc. (1548-1690),Bears (1551-1564) etc.


Due to academic rigors of time and word count of the thesis, the paper does not allow the

detailed presentation of each watermark encountered and the categories presented above depicted

the most common watermarks, also highlighting the main manufacturing facilities used in the

Transylvanian region at the time.

Chapter 4 analyses the watermarks found on locally produced paper in the paper mills from

the Transylvanian region. The paper mills in Transylvania appeared in the middle of the 16th

century, much later than most of Europe, determined by the need to solve particular issues

determined by the cultural evolution in the region in writing. The rapid progress of typography, the

evolution of writing in Romanian, the material demands of individuals living in the urban areas and

the difficulties encountered in apply and demands influenced by the political context all contributed

to the evolution of paper mills in the region. At the same time manufacturing of paper in

Transylvania must be correlated with the migration of paper manufacturers, but not seen as a direct

consequence of this. Areas such as Poland or Germany where a larger number of well established

manufacturers of paper existed started looking for opportunities to maximize their potential, and

Romania was a developing market at the time.

In the 16th century Transylvania, the initiatives relating to manufacturing of paper

belonged to the Saxons. The paper mills were founded as private initiatives in Brasov and Cluj,

supported by an institution, as was the case in Tălmaciu - Sibiu, or as an initiative of nobles, as was

the case in Lancărm şi Gurghi. Some of these paper mills proved to be fruitful business initiatives.

Every paper mill presented has a short historical introduction, although this was not an

aspect which was insisted upon, serving mainly as an indication of the branding choice used and

further reflected in the watermarks of the mills. Based on the analysis of the paper used in the

Chancellery of Transylvania between 1546 and 1690, a number of conclusions can be drawn in

relation to the watermarks, quality and period of time when a particular type of paper was used, as

well as the evolution of tools used for writing and paper mills. As far as the quality of locally

produced paper is concerned, through an external analysis which does not go into depth, it is

noticeable that the quality is satisfactory, optimal for writing. When discussing the color, this differs

according to the fabric used, the length of time spent preparing the paste or the whitening products

used. Generally, the color is light, except for the paper produced at the end of the 17th century at the

Gurghiu paper mill, which is a dark shade. The thickness of the regular paper varies between 0,10

and 0,16 mm whilst the large format paper can have a thickness of up to 0,19mm. An analysis of the

paper size reveals that the regular paper has a 414 to 428 mm length and 320 to 330 mm height,

whilst the large format paper has a 588 to 594 mm length and a 459-461 height.


The paper mills of the region confer a variety of watermarks to the paper manufactured in

Transylvania. The Western Romanian influence can be noticed in the choice of influencing factors,

through the symbols from the coats of arms or local authorities present in the watermarks. As a

result of the studies it was concluded that the paper was used by the Chancellery as a support for

letters which empowered individuals to obtain legal documents, witness declarations, donations,

summons to court, testimonies and vows, etc. The large format paper was used for documenting

privileges, as this paper resembled the formerly used parchments.


The current thesis aims to bring further information in a line of research which has long

been neglected, watermarking. Whilst it managed to detach itself as a standalone science in most

European regions at the begging of the 21st century, this filed of study has not managed to establish

itself as a genuine scientific research field in Romania, remaining a special discipline which can aid

paleography and philology in localizing, dating and authenticating documents.

A critical analysis of the existing studies in the Romanian academic research revealed that

the watermarking filed is in its incipient stages in this region, which was one of the core motivating

factors for choosing this subject for the thesis, which follows in the footsteps of internationally

renowned researchers such as Gebhard Blücher, Gernot Nussbächer, Sigismund Jakñ or Alexandru

Mareș in the past century.

The core purpose of the paper was to illustrate the watermarks hidden in the paper which

circulated in the Transylvanian region. The research was primarily based on the analysis of archived

documents of the Transylvanian Chancellery, released between 1541 an 1689, preserved in the

National Archive Regional Service of Cluj, in the following collections: Fondul Primăria oraşului

Bistriţa, Seria I (1326-1700), Seria II (sec. XVII-XIX), Fondul Primăria oraşului Cluj – Seria Acte

și privilegii (sec. XIV-XIX) și Acte fasciculate (sec. XIV-XIX), Fond familial Bálinttit (1344-

1873), Fond familial Bethlen de Iktár (1304-1944), Fond familial Bornemisza de Kászon (1532-

1918), Fond familial Jñsika (1573-1960), Fond familial Kemény (1320-1650), Fond familial Suky

(1294-1897), Colecţia Bresle, Breasla aurarilor (1537-sec. XIX), Colecţia Documente medievale

(1221-1600), Colecţia Kemény Jñzsef (1543-1855), Colecţia Mike Sándor (1406-1826), Colecţia

Socoteli princiare (1608-1798), Fond Colegiul Reformat (1608-1948).

The study timeframe choice was not random, but it coincided with the peak period of

Transylvanian paper mills production, allowing the study to draw a clear picture of the paper

consumption from Transylvania in the 16th and 17th century, up until the point when the region


went under Austrian domination. During the period chosen for the study, the paper manufactured in

paper mills was used by the national and regional authorities, as well as personal correspondence.

The results of the research revealed that, for the entire timeframe studied, there was no

particular preference for a specific type of paper, used exclusively for specific recipients, a fact

which was revealed and presented for each type of watermark. There was also no specific

preference in using a specific type of paper for distinct categories of documents, except for

documents attesting privileges, where large format paper was used, imported from Italy, Turkey or

produced locally in the paper mill from Brașov.

An analysis of the watermarks revealed that the paper used in the Chancellery had two

main sources. The first one was through the traders from Transylvania, who imported paper

primarily from Vienna, which was a trading center for paper produced in various European regions

(Italy, France, Poland, Switzerland, Austria, etc.) or from Venice, particularly towards the end of

the 17th century. The second source was the regional market which merchandised the paper

produced in Brașov, Cluj, Sibiu, Lancrăm și Gurghiu.

Another conclusion in relation to the use of paper revealed by the study was the preference

for locally produced paper in the timeframe chosen, imported paper only supplementing the ever

growing demand of the period.

The novelty of the current research is highlighted by the discovery of new types and

varieties of watermarks, which are not present in the specific research for this field, namely the Cluj

paper mill watermark type 3, variety 3 and the Lancrăm paper mill watermark type 2. At the same

time, the type 2 watermark associated with the paper produce in Lancrăm watermark as highlighted

by Gernot Nussbächer, outlined in this paper as type 11 and 12, does not, in fact belong to this

paper mill. The three years discrepancy between the watermark identified by Gernot Nussbächer

and the paper mill’s functioning date indicates that this watermark most likely belongs to a paper

mill from Austria.

The analysis of the paper produced in the Lancrăm paper mill also argues against the

theory formulated by Livia Bacâru, according to which the watermark from this paper mill, type 1,

variety 3, was only used for marking typographical paper at the demand of Constantin Brâncoveanu

for any special needs of the Câmpulung typography. The same watermark was encountered in the

writing paper used by the Chancellery, which also underlines the fact that the manufacturing

techniques for writing paper and typography paper were the same, the only difference being

conferred by the content of the paste and the finishing touches upon the surface.

Linking the results of the study with the Romanian history, this paper brings new

information to light, in connection with the watermarks of locally produced and imported paper,


which were scarcely researched and previously used only in research about the local paper mills or

by typographies.

An element of novelty present in this paper is the classification and presentation of

watermarks, with images within the paper content, as this makes it easier to locate technical

information in connection with each specific watermark. This structure of the paper indicates that

this particular thesis may have taken on a new approach compared to the traditional watermarking

studies, where finding information can be made difficult, as identifying watermarks needs

measuring for identification purposes.

This thesis, which is part of a limited number of research papers from history’s auxiliary

science fields, attempted to offer an overall image of the watermarks found on the paper used in the

Transylvanian Chancellery between 1541 and 1690 and to complete the existing technical tools

used for dating documents and manuscripts, identifying fake documents or ensuring the wrong dates

on documents are remedied. Starting from the value of this research, the researcher hopes that, in

the future, the other types of watermarks which were not studied in depth will make the subject of

other papers.

Eventually we might create through comparative analyses, after reviewing the entire

documentary archive material, useful tools for archivists, historians, philologists, researchers which

contribute to a better knowledge of auxiliary sciences.

The current study is, of course, only a beginning in promoting watermarking as a science

and a chance to bring back to the focus of researchers the value of studying paper and all its

underlining elements. At the same time, watermarks could be easily linked to other fields of

research, allowing, for instance, the study of aesthetics and its evolution through linking a type of

paper with a social group and tracing its historical changes of design, etc. This subject can be

continued and further analyzed through expanding and diversifying the area of research, tracing the

evolution of types of watermarks based on the issuers, the institutions, certain periods of time, etc.



1. Primary sources at the National Archives County Departament of Cluj

Colecţia Bresle, Breasla aurarilor (1537-sec. XIX)

Colecţia Documente medievale (1221-1600)

Colecţia Kemény Jñzsef (1543-1855)

Colecţia Mike Sándor (1406-1826)

Colecţia Socoteli princiare (1608-1798)

Fond Colegiul Reformat (1608-1948)

Fond familial Bálinttit (1344-1873)

Fond familial Bethlen de Iktár (1304-1944)

Fond familial Bornemisza de Kászon (1532-1918)

Fond familial Jñsika (1573-1960)

Fond familial Kemény (1320-1650)

Fond familial Suky (1294-1897)

Fond Primăria oraşului Bistriţa, Seria I (1326-1700), Seria II (sec. XVII-XIX)

Fond Primăria oraşului Cluj – Seria Acte și privilegii (sec. XIV-XIX), Acte fasciculate (sec. XIV-


2. Edited sources

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