parish of st. john’s wood/the gap · 2018. 3. 14. · your current resume and a covering letter...

Post on 15-Sep-2020






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Website: Parish Office: PO Box 408, The Gap, Qld 4061

Office Hours: Tuesday-Friday 8.30 am—3.00 pm

Contact: Phone: 3300 6099 Fax: 3300 6255

Churches: Mater Dei : 16 Philomene Drive, Ashgrove

St Peter Chanel: 41 Chaprowe Road, The Gap

Parish Priest: Fr. Vu Dinh Tuong

Parish Manager: Richard James

Parish Secretary: Caryn Lee


Saturday 5.00-5.20

St. Peter Chanel Sunday 4.30-4.45

PARISH SCHOOLS Mater Dei Primary School Phone: 3514 4100 St Peter Chanel Primary School Phone: 3300 1202

PARISH COUNCIL Steven Foley (Chairperson) ————————————

New Parishioners WELCOME

Please place your name in the book

at the back of the church.

Parish of St John’s Wood/The Gap

SUNDAY 27th MARCH 2016—Sunday of the Resurrection

Life and Death

Some people know only two undeniable realities of life and that are life and death.

For them there is nothing that existed before life and apart from loss and misery

there is nothing that remains after death. This kind of pessimistic belief somehow

limits a human life in a vacuum because it makes us feel that we live for nothing.

Some lives are pitiable and human wisdom is powerless when we face this reality. It

is a broken heart for a mother to hear the sad news that her baby would have never

seen sunrise. These innocents have had no personal experience of both life and

death. Life is not rosy all the time as we all experience, for some who unfortunately

contract an incurable disease or some are born in a war torn country and the

marginalized and the voiceless. If there is nothing existed before and after death then

life has no hope and it is rather hard to rectify when a human life begins - before or

after birth?

We, Christians, live not for ourselves but for others and when we die we don’t die

alone. With faith in Jesus our lives are sure safer and secured in the hands of God.

Whatever happens to us, God would never leave us alone but comes to our rescue.

We shelter in His loving kindness and mercy. Life is a part of God’s creation Who

creates and sustains life. Death comes not from God but from Satan. Death enters

the human life by a back door. It is the result of disobedience which is associated to

Satan and evil spirits. God creates life and resurrection; Satan creates sin and death.

Resurrection was not in God’s original plan of creation. It arrived after when the

human race committed sin. Resurrection is born out of God’s love for the human

race. Jesus made the rescue mission to save us from eternal damnation. It is the

power of God Who defeated the force of evil and destroyed death forever. Through

disobedience Satan inflicted death and misery on the human race; through the

obedience of Jesus who destroyed forever what Satan has mastered to enslave and

imprison those who follow them. The resurrection of Christ confirms that God’s

love is much more powerful than death and those who were being mistreated in the

hands of their fellowmen would become victims no more but be elevated to God’s

glory and enjoyed life to the full. The resurrection of Christ changed and renewed

every good thing in Him, first the human lives and extended to the rest of the

universe. The resurrection of Jesus affirms that our loving God exists before life and

death is a passing phase to enter eternal life.

Happy Easter

Vudinh Tuong


Mater Dei 3rd Sunday

St Peter Chanel

4th Sunday

Baptism preparation details available on our website under Parish Activities

Next Week’s Readings: Second Sunday of Easter

First Reading Acts 15:12-16

Second Reading Revelation 1:9-13, 17-19

Gospel John 20:19-31

First Reading: Acts 10:34, 37-43

We have eaten and drunk with him after his resurrection from the dead. Responsorial Psalm: This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad. Second Reading: Colossians 3:1-4

Look for the things that are in heaven, where Christ is. Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia, alleluia! Christ has become our paschal sacrifice; let us feast with joy in the Lord. Alleluia! Gospel Reading: John 20:1-19

The teaching of scripture is that he must rise from the dead.

Prayers for the Sick

Recently Deceased Jai Knowles

Anniversaries Ted Howard

Patrick O’Shannessy Andrew Cung Bernie Rowe

Marie McSweeney

Please let us know about the sick

Every so often we learn of people confined to their home for quite a while or even transfer to permanent care in a hospice or nurs-ing home. We would like to bring the sacraments to them so please let the Parish Office know if family mem-bers are so confined. Please contact the parish office: 3300 6099 or Vi Hall: Mob: 0409 894 904

Rosary If you would like to pray the Rosary in your home

please contact Bruce Bonney

Phone: 3300 2959


Meets on the 1st

Friday of each

month 2pm to 3pm

at St Peter Chanel ALL WELCOME

St Brigid’s Red Hill

Year of Mercy, St Br igid’s Church at Red Hill will open for pilgrimage, private prayer, meditation and reconciliation every Friday night from 5 to 7pm.

menCONNECT The next gathering for 2016 is on Friday the

22nd April commencing at 6:00pm.

The guest speaker will be Guy Hawkins. Guy is the chaplain at The Gap State High School

and will be giving us an insight into what chaplain-

cy entails and what his life as a chaplain at The

Gap State High is like.

RSVP - email

or phone 0459 992 228

Easter Vigil

Welcome the following children and RCIA candidates into the church:


Isabella Brown, Pascale Brown and Rafferty Brown.

Baptism, confirmation and communion

Jenny Seesink and Carla Craig


Thor Leckie and Lorelei Leckie

Reception, confirmation and communion

Melinda Schafer, Kelly Ferguson, John Evans, Kirsty Leckie, Angus Leckie,

Annabelle Leckie and Jack Leckie.


Congratulations and thank you The Parish office would like to thank those who have visited our Church services

during the Holy Week. I extend our thanks to all parishioners who have contribut-

ed in different ways to make the Holy Week celebrations become so meaningful

and relevant to reality of life. Your hard works and prayerful dedication have touched deeply the lives and hearts of us all. I thank the children and their leaders

and parents for supporting the children for re-enactment the Passion of Christ on

Good Friday that brought tears to our eyes. Christ has risen and it is a time for us

to celebrate with joy and renew our hope in Christ.

Happy Easter


Easter Sunday - C A VOCATION VIEW:

We’re no longer no-

bodies. Jesus rose

from the dead. He

promises to take us to

heaven too. Our Ulti-

mate Vocation: Union

with God!

Year of Mercy Exposition of the Blessed Sacra-

ment Mater Dei Church

Monday 7pm-10pm

Friday 9.30am-10pm

If you are able to spend an hour per week or fortnight

please call in.

E-book for your computer free of charge Son of God: The Daily Gospel Year C-2

Help wanted

The After School Religious Education group

at Mater Dei needs additional leaders for

their Tuesday Sessions (3.15 to 4.15pm) If

you would like to know more phone Mary


The Aspley Parish

Invites applications for the part time

position of

Sacramental Coordinator

(2 days per week, 4 hours per day) (Flexible with days of the week)

Full position description is available from the Parish Priest

Ph. 07 3862 9402 or Email

To apply for this position, please email or send your current resume and a covering letter outlin-ing your suitability for the position to .

HELP PLEASE! Urgently seeking extraordinary Ministers of

Holy Communion at Prince Charles

Hospital Sunday mornings.

Those interested, please contact,

Fr Stephen Byrnes on 0411716604 or

Longreach Drought Appeal — Dates to remember

Please mark in your diaries the dates for the Longreach Drought Appeal fundraiser to be held in St John's Wood/The Gap Parish in April. Plant/Cake stalls will be held: Sunday 17 April - after 9.30am Mass at Mater Dei church. Sunday 24 April - after 8.00am Mass at St Peter Chanel Church. Plans are underway for a Raffle - details and tickets available after Easter. All funds will go to the Longreach Drought Appeal. For further information please contact Elizabeth Cleary Mob. 0413741244 or Moira Flynn Mob. 33664536

Couples Evening Retreat The Vocation Brisbane Office is holding an evening retreat for young married and dating

couples on Tuesday, 12th April from 6.30pm

to 8.30pm at the Vocation Brisbane office

space, in the Cathedral of St Stephen’s


Numbers are limited to no more than 20 at-


Please contact Patrick on 07 3324 3353; or for

more information, email:

The Editor retains the right to edit any items

that are submitted to the bulletin.

The cut off for the Parish Bulletin is Wednesday

3pm. If you have any queries please contact the Parish

Office on: 33006099

Prayers for the sick:

When there is a request to pray for a sick person their names will be in

the Prayers of the Faithful for 2 weeks and

in the Bulletin for 4 weeks. If you wish to continue after that,

please contact the parish office.

Names of recently deceased will be on the prayer list for 2 weeks and in the bulletin for 2


Renovations, Decks, Fit Outs Build In Under


Monday 9 am

Tuesday 9 am

Wednesday 9 am

Thursday 9am

Friday 9 am

Healing Mass

Saturday 5.30pm


9.30am 8am 5pm


WILLS All parishioners are asked to consider including our parish St John’s Wood/The Gap in your will. One of the greatest contributions you can make to our parish is to ensure a legacy of faith for the young and to provide proper care for the old.


My name is Claire McCourtie, I have twin daughters, Elizabeth and Emma, who both have

Cerebral Palsy and Epilepsy. The girls attended SPC so some of you may remember them. The reason for putting this notice in the newsletter is to let people know that with the help

of the parish I am organising a Social Event Program for people with disabilities. There is a

great need for this Program in our community and I am willing and determined to get it up

and running. If you have any queries about the Program, please feel free to contact me. I would like to

hear from anyone who might like to be involved.

My contacts are 3300 3828 or 0413 270 167.

Masquerade Ball

The first Social Event I have organised is a Masquerade Ball adults over 18yrs. The Ball will

be held on Friday 20th May at 6:30pm at St Peter Chanel parish hall. Anyone who is inter-

ested in attending the Ball please

contact Claire on 3300 3828 or 0413 270 167.

The Ball attendance will be by invitation only.

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