parker june 2012 newsletter

Post on 20-Jun-2015






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Parker June 2012


Victory44"helping people see, experience, and respond to the love of God through Jesus Christ around the world."

Prison Ministry God can!

Dear Friends and Partners,

We've wanted to write you for so long, but have been involved with lots of different ministries here in Chiang Mai, Thailand. We are so sorry for the delay and thank you for your patience. Michelle and I pray that you are blessed with this newsletter update.

Prison Ministry

Praise God! Through our teaching at the Soon Pinit Juvenile Detention Facility six young men have decided to follow Christ and be baptized into Him. We thank God for their decision

and also for the commitment of a Thai national, Ajaan Kittikhun, and another missionary from England, Gareth. They are our partners in reaching out to these young men.

Most of these young men have been arrested for drug trafficking, theft, robbery, rape, and violence. When I visit this place, several of them express their desire to "get out" as soon as possible. We worship, pray, and study the Bible together to learn how to practically live out what the Bible teaches. After studying for several months, some of the young men have expressed interest in going to Bible college and becoming

preachers of the Word. Please pray that God will guide each one and that they will be released soon in order to be a benefit, not a detriment to society through God's power and love.

We teach them that once they are released to immediately go back to their homes, be obedient to their parents, and begin serving in their local churches. One of them, Wan, was just released a few months ago. He did just that and is currently serving in his church in Chiang Rai.

Picture below is one of the prisoners who received Christ and received baptism. His name is Manop.

ConnectVictory44 InternationalPhil and Michelle ParkerPO Box 447Max Meadows, VA 24360 USA


SocialFacebook - Phillip James Parker

Michelle Grubb ParkerSkype - philparkerusTwitter - philparkerus

Email Phone Websiteparkers@victory44.orgOffice 1.865.471.8447

Matt 25:42 "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me."

Phil and Michelle Parker

June 2012 Update Letter

Psalms 68:5 "A father to the fatherless, a defenderof widows, is God in his holy dwelling."

Trip to Karen Village

In January, our ministry team and I took a trip three hours away to Mae Sariang into the jungle to visit a Karen tribal village. We brought blankets and clothes to distribute to the poor villagers as well as a generator to provide electricity for showing the Jesus film in the Karen Sagaw language. Many people in the village cannot speak or understand Thai so this film really spoke to their hearts. We stayed with those people for three days teaching and preaching the Word of God.

This trip was benenficial for the people in the village as well as our ministry team in growing closer to the Lord and each other. God protected our team and when we returned the truck battery died in the city of Chiang Mai, not in the forest…amazing! God was really taking care of us.

Praew and Nit Update

Praew and Nit, pictured above, the two children in crisis that fled with their mother away from their father, are attending school and church now. They are growing in their understanding of God by experiencing His love from their

new foster parents, Kim and Fern. We are thankful for many of you who answered the call and sent one time gifts for their needs. However, Praew and Nit are still in need of monthly sponsorship. This would be a great ministry for a Sunday school class or individual to "adopt" one of these children.

Thank you for your financial and prayer support for Praew and Nit.

Relief and Development God can!

"The entire village came to see the

Jesus film in their own Karen language.

They watched intently in the cold

weather for 2 hours." Kim, Thai Pastor at Sila

Christian Church

Donate - Checks-Please write a check made payable to "Victory44 International" and send to PO Box 447, Max Meadows, VA 24360 USA. All contributions are tax deductible. Credit Card/Paypal-Please visit and click the Donate button. This links to a paypal website where you can donate via credit card or paypal account. Thank you so much for your gift.

Matthew 28:19…go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit…

Church PlantingSila (Rock) Christian Church is continuing in God's grace and love. We have some exciting news to share with you - five new members were baptized into Christ on December 11, 2011! It was such a wonderful day as we got to hear the testimonies of these new believers about what a difference the Lord has made in their lives. Most of them are from a Buddhist background and are very new to the Christian life and faith. It is essential for us to remember them in our prayers since Satan especially goes after them once they've been baptized.

Lately, there have been problems come up in the lives of the members of the church, including some of these new Christians

causing many of them to argue with each other. Kim and I have been preaching on unity and loving each other, but this is proving to be very difficult for them to overcome. Please pray against Satan's stronghold over their minds and for God's grace for them to grow up in their faith and to discover the unity that can be found in Christ.

Another exciting area in the church is a new worship team. Two of the new Christian teens, Jam and Mai, (pictured below with Michelle) are regularly leading worship for the adult service.

During the Thai New Year holiday in April, our children's Bible leader, Tee and her husband, Prasan received a call for help to teach the Bible and baptize five new believers in Mae Sariang which is three hours from our home in Chiang Mai. Ajaan Prasan and Tee answered the call for service and traveled to that city teaching for many hours about what it means to follow Christ. The village people there were thankful that they would come so far to help them.

Church PLanting God can! "If my daughter and I had never met this church, our lives

would be horrible. We would be without

hope or salvation." Nopadon, pictured above being



"helping people see, experience, and respond to the love of God through Jesus Christ around the world."

Pa Pin receiving baptism

Mai and Jam, Michelle Pa Pin, La, Nopadon and Phil

Sila Christian Church (above)La receiving baptism (below)

Jam receiving baptism

Prasan baptizing Lek


"helping people see, experience, and respond to the love of God through Jesus Christ around the world."

Children's Ministry God can!

Children turning to the Lord

Sila Christian Church recently launched a baptism class on Sunday afternoons at 1:00 pm. Ten children attended the first meeting to learn what it means to repent of their sins and turn to the Lord. Please pray that this class would be used by the Lord to draw children closer to Him by being obedient to baptism into Christ.

Church Camp

Sila Christian Church had its first kids church camp in March. About 15 kids attended for a day camp that combined both physical activities with Bible lessons. The first station was a big tiger

with its mouth open which the kids had to crawl through.  The lesson was on Matthew 7:13 "Enter through the narrow gate.."  combined with John 14:6 where Jesus said 'I am the way, the truth, and the life." The next station were the monkey bars.  When the kids were about to fall, Kim would hold them up and help them. He taught them a lesson on

grace - how we can't get to heaven on our own ability - that Jesus comes and helps us along by dying on the cross for our sins. He holds us up so that we can have eternal life.  

The night ended with campfire and an invitation to respond to the Lord. Several kids expressed the desire to know the Lord more deeply. Some of them attended the baptism class the next day.

Thank you to each of you that are partnering to make this ministry possible. Our Thai staff regularly thanks God specifically for you in their prayers. You are truly changing the lives of the Thai people through supporting this ministry. God bless you.

In Christ,

Phil and Michelle Parker

Additional Prayer Points Family-Please pray for God's protection for our family and that we would grow closer to each other while serving.Ministry-Please pray for God to strengthen and expand our ministry so that more and more Thais can know Jesus.More Partners-As this ministry expands more financial help is needed to hire additional staff helping more people.More Workers-Is God speaking to you about mission work? We need help! We desperately need English teachers to come and teach in our place while our family goes on furlough this October. Please contact us immediately.

Psalm 103:13, 14 "As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him for he knows how we are formed, he remembers that we are dust."


Christmas Outreach with drama presentation of the Gospel at a local government school

Holiday Ministry Activities God can!


Easter Outreach at Sila Christian Church

Valentine's Day outreach in our home

Kim teaching the Resurrection story

Kids counting their Easter eggs

Christmas Outreaches at Kim's house and our house

About 100 people came to see the Christmas presentation and Biblical drama from Creation to Christ.

"helping people see, experience, and respond to the love of God through Jesus Christ around the world."


"helping people see, experience, and respond to the love of God through Jesus Christ around the world."

Lifegroups God can!Lifegroups are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday nights. This is an important time of worship,prayer, Bible study, and fellowship with one another.

Left: Kids worship service on Sunday

Hannah graduated from her Thai kindergarten on March 3, 2012. She started first grade at the same local Thai school in May.


Michelle teaching a Bible story

Field trip with the church to a waterfall

Kid's lifegroup at Kim's house

Tee leading a Bible study

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