patient safety comic book

Post on 12-May-2022






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Patient SafetyComic Book

Theresa Maatman, MD

Kathlyn Fletcher, MD

Its about midnight on your call night. You are trying to get

some rest when your senior resident pages you to the

team room.

Its about midnight on your call night. You are trying to get

some rest when your senior resident pages you to the

team room.

• Amitriptyline is a fall risk for elderly patients

• Multiple Benzodiazapines

• Multiple hypnotic agents• Diuretic use in elderly• Diuretic use with kidney

disease• NSAID use with kidney

disease• Failure to thrive is

probably not straight forward

Review the picture on the prior page to answer the following questions.

1. What safety concerns do you have?

2. What orders or plans would help decrease risk to the patient?

Review the picture on the prior page to answer the following questions.

1. What safety concerns do you have?

2. What orders or plans would help decrease risk to the patient?

Falls from hypnotic medicationsDelirium from polypharmacy ageHypoglycemia from insulinKidney injury from diuretic and NSAIDs

Delirium orders to reduce deliriumClose monitoring of insulinDiscontinue HCTZ and NaproxenDiscontinue Benzos and monitor for withdrawalConsider change of amitriptylineBeer’s list

Your senior puts in some basic orders while you review the

chart. Afterwards, you head to the his room. The nurse is

outside his room when you arrive.

Your senior puts in some basic orders while you review the

chart. Afterwards, you head to the his room. The nurse is

outside his room when you arrive.

• ID band not on the patient

• Common last name resulting in a medication error potential

• Allergy to cephalosporin

• Absent isolation equipment

• Empty hand sanitizer

Review the picture on the prior page to answer the following questions.

1. What new and ongoing patient safety concerns do you see?

2. What else should be done to prevent spread of C diff?

Review the picture on the prior page to answer the following questions.

1. What new and ongoing patient safety concerns do you see?

2. What else should be done to prevent spread of C diff?

PPE Hand sanitizer or hand washingName alertsChecking multiple patient identifiersMed reconciliation

PPEWash hands on leaving room

Patient agrees to treatment for his C diff. His wife, on the

phone, requests an evaluation of his swallowing. But when

asked, they both decline resuscitation or intubation for him.

Patient agrees to treatment for his C diff. His wife, on the

phone, requests an evaluation of his swallowing. But when

asked, they both decline resuscitation or intubation for him.

• Walker, phone and call light, glasses out of patient reach

• Sitting up watching TV in the middle of the night

• Liquid on the floor• No shoes or socks

on patient

Review the picture on the prior page to answer the following questions.

1. What factors could put the patient at risk for delirium?

2. What new factors pose a safety risk to the patient?

Review the picture on the prior page to answer the following questions.

1. What factors could put the patient at risk for delirium?

2. What new factors pose a safety risk to the patient?

Day night reversal and sundowningGlasses not available for patient

Fall risk: walker, phone, call light all out of reachLack of non skid shoes or socksLiquids on the floor putting at risk of falling

The next day after a long shift you find your colleague who

will be covering for you while you are post call. You bring

him your sign out sheet.

The next day after a long shift you find your colleague who

will be covering for you while you are post call. You bring

him your sign out sheet.

• Concerning vital signs

• No verbal hand off• Vague language• Non consistent• Full diet despite

swallowing concerns

Review the patient information on the prior page to answer the following question.

1. What are the components of a high quality hand off?

2. What are the threats to a high quality hand off in this situation?

Review the patient information on the prior page to answer the following question.

1. What are the components of a high quality hand off?

2. What are the threats to a high quality hand off in this situation?

Clear language- not using “tomorrow”Up to date- sign out is consistent with the chartGuidance- Offering If… than… statementsVerbal and written componentsDedicated time to sign out in person

Vague languageNo guidanceInconsistentNo verbal component

The following day when you return you find out Mr. Lee

aspirated over night and now is requiring oxygen. He is also

confused about why he is in the hospital.

The following day when you return you find out Mr. Lee

aspirated over night and now is requiring oxygen. He is also

confused about why he is in the hospital.

• Sharp on the counter

• Restraints in place and one is improperly tied (on a movable part of the bed with no quick release

• Bed height at max• Catheter in place• Bed brake off• Oxygen improperly

place on face so is a choking risk

• All 4 rails are in place

Review the patient information on the prior page to answer the following question.

1. What factors put the patient at risk of further delirium?

2. What new factors pose a safety risk to the patient

Review the patient information on the prior page to answer the following question.

1. What factors put the patient at risk of further delirium?

2. What new factors pose a safety risk to the patient


Fall risks: Bed height, bed brake, all 4 rails in placeSharps on the counterOxygen tube posing a choking risk

Review the whole case to answer the following questions.

1. What were preventable factors in this adverse outcome?

2. In what ways could communication play a role in improving this case?

Review the whole case to answer the following questions.

1. What were preventable factors in this adverse outcome?

2. In what ways could communication play a role in improving this case?

Communicate with Attending deterioration of patientCommunicate with family poor outcomesVerbal sign outsDiscussing plans with nurses

Delirium preventionReduction of aspiration risk

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