peggy angular 2 in meteor

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Angular 2 in MeteorPEGGY2015-09-11

Install Angular 2

Angular 2 Package meteor add shmck:angular2

TypeScript meteor add netanelgilad:angular2-typescript


System.js is a module loader built into the shmck:angular2 package. We'll use it to load our root component.

Import bootstrap component with System.js<body>

<p>Nothing here</p> <script>System.import("client/app");</script>


Root Component - client/index.html

A component is a controller with an attached view. Think of it like a brick in the castle of your app.

We'll create a root component tag called app. Let's include that component into our main index.html file:

<body> <app></app><script>System.import("client/app");</script>



First we're importing the dependencies we needed from angular2/angular2. This is not a folder and file in your directory, but referring to an alias provided to System.js in the shmck:angular2 package.

Notice the @ syntax. In Angular 2, these are called Annotations.

import {Component, View, bootstrap} from 'angular2/angular2'; @Component({ selector: 'app' }) @View({ template: "<p>Hello World!</p>" }) class Socially {} bootstrap(Socially);




import {Component, View, bootstrap} from 'angular2/angular2'; @Component({ selector: 'app' }) @View({ templateUrl: "client/" }) class Socially {} bootstrap(Socially);

<p>Nothing here {{ 'yet' + '!' }}</p>


The syntax is very easy: {{ expression | pipe }} - Angular 2 interpolation, #variable – local variables available in the scope of the component. The

variable can be later referred in the component’s template, (event) - binding to events of element or directive, [property] - binding to properties of element. *property -  the star means that it is a template


Data in the View

The *ng-for="party of parties" attribute in the li tag is an Angular repeater directive.

<div> <ul>

<li *ng-for="#party of parties"> {{}}

<p>{{party.description}}</p> </li>

</ul> </div>

Model and Controller

import {Component, View, NgFor, bootstrap} from 'angular2/angular2'; @Component({ selector: 'app' }) @View({

templateUrl: "client/", directives: [NgFor] })

class Socially { constructor () {

this.parties = [ {'name': 'Dubstep-Free Zone', 'description': 'Can we please just for an evening not listen to dubstep.'}, {'name': 'All dubstep all the time', 'description': 'Get it on!'}, {'name': 'Savage lounging', 'description': 'Leisure suit required. And only fiercest manners.'} ];

} }bootstrap(Socially);

Use Collection

Use Meteor Tracker, a reactive wrapper that we will run data when a change occurs.

The fat arrow syntax => is also from ES2015, and tells the function to run in it's parents context.


client/app.tsParties = new Mongo.Collection("parties");

constructor() { this.parties = Parties.find().fetch(); }

Meteor Tracker

A reactive wrapper that we will run data when a change occurs. We will bind it to Angular's change detection system, Zone.js.

class Socially { constructor () {

Tracker.autorun(zone.bind(() => { this.parties = Parties.find().fetch();

})); }


Model Driven Forms

We are binding this.partiesForm here to a Control Group.  Think of a control group as a wrapper for a group of form controls.

export class PartiesForm { constructor() {

this.partiesForm = new ControlGroup({ name: new Control(''), description: new Control('')

}); }

<form [ng-form-model]="partiesForm"><label>Name</label> <input type="text" ng-control="name"> <label>Description</label> <input type="text" ng-control="description"> <button>Add</button>


Two-way Bindings

Property bindings are used to pass data from the parent to the child, and event bindings are used to pass data from the child to the parent. So we can use the two to implement two-way bindings.

And since this is such a common pattern, Angular provides syntax sugar to remove the boilerplate.


<input [ng-model]="todo.text" (ng-model)="todo.text=$event"></input>

<input [(ng-model)]="todo.text"></input>



Install meteor add shmck:angular2-router

import {Component, View, bootstrap} from 'angular2/angular2'; import {routerInjectables, routerDirectives, Router, RouteConfig} from 'angular2/router';@Component({ selector: 'app' }) @View({

template: '<router-outlet></router-outlet>‘,Directives: [routerDirectives]

}) @RouteConfig() class Socially {} bootstrap(Socially, [routerInjectables]);

Router - 2

imports from 'angular2/router' @RouteConfig() which will specify our routes View directives adding routerDirectives, allowing us to communicate

with the view inject routerInjectables into the child components a location where components will be created, the

<router-outlet></router-outlet> declare the base route in index.html (required when using the

HTML5LocationStrategy, rather than the HashLocationStategy)

Configuring Routes - client/app.ts

as: alias

import {PartiesList} from 'client/parties-list/parties-list';import {PartyDetails} from 'client/party-details/party-details'; @Component( ... ) @View( ... ) @RouteConfig([

{path: '/', component: PartiesList}, {path: '/party/:partyId', as: 'party-details', component: PartyDetails}



Event Bubbling

Clicking elements inside that div won’t trigger the event handler.

We have to be explicit by adding ^ symbol to our binding Ref. http://

<div (click)="statement()"> <div></div>


<div (^click)="statement()"> <div></div>


<div (click)="statement()"> </div>


Zone.js Zone.bind()"test", function(e, n){ this.result = n;

}) ;"test", (e, n)=>{ this.result = n;

}) ;"test", zone.bind((e, n)=>{ this.result = n;

})) ;

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