pharmacy graduate woes and how we can help

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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Pharmacy Graduate Woes and How We Can Help

The Industry

From high opportunity job market => employer driven

Average salary raised to over six figures but now starting to decrease

Institutions picked up on this trend Pharmacy schools started popping up with increasing

frequency across the nation

The Industry cont.

2007: the year that changed everything

Pharmacy technicians seeing greater employment opportunities then pharmacists

Pharmacies were losing money

Resulted in shortening hours/closure

Replacing high salaried pharmacists with techs (techs more financially viable)

The Industry cont.

Technological advancements have given pharmacies opportunity to save money by employing machinery/robots

Less demand for pharmacist presence in workplace

Employers in the position to select candidates from a large pool

Less need to reach out to find employees

Getting your foot in the door after graduation

Partnering yourself with a staffing agency could be your best chance at employment after school

Pharmacies often hire exclusively from their temporary staff

With temporary staffing, employers are able to see if candidates are a good fit without taking them on full time

Employers also hire those with experience over recent grads because of the recent surplus of candidates

A staffing agency can get you that experience

BLS Temporary Staffing general statistics

Getting your foot in the door after graduation cont.

Job hunting alone is a challenge, networking is a necessity for finding employment options

Companies have less pressure to reach out as the sea of grads continues to increase each year

Career Staff Rx has built relationships with pharmacies across the nation and is the first to know about new job opportunities

Gain a variety of work experience via temporary employment and discover what kind of work environment is most suitable for you

(800) 766-0122

Be sure to follow us on twitter for new job updates hourly!@CareerStaffRX

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