pollinators - 2013 - gardening sheets

Post on 23-Jan-2015






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CA Buckwheat – Eriogonum fasciculatum vars. fasciculatum & foliolosum (air-ee-OG-oh-num fas-sick-yoo-LAY-tum)

Family: Polygonaceae (Buckwheat Family)

Native to: Central coast of CA south to Baja; var. fasciculatum grows in coastal areas in coastal

scrub, coastal sage scrub and on bluffs. Var. foliolosum on rocky/sandy flats and slopes in mixed

grassland, chaparral communities, oak and conifer woodlands.

Growth characteristics: clumping sub-shrub mature height: 2-5 ft. mature width: 3-4 ft. Evergreen, many-branched sub-shrub. May be upright or more reclining. Leaves are linear, dark green on top and white beneath, in bundles (fascicles – hence the name).

Blooms/fruits: Blooms off and on throughout the year, but mostly from May to Nov. Flowers are

small, pink-white, in dense clusters. Very showy in bloom! Seed heads are rust-brown, also quite

showy. Plant looks nice most of the year.

Uses in the garden: Plant is often used in habitat gardens. Is nice paired with other local native

shrubs and perennials. Does well as a groundcover on hills and slopes. Cultivars 'Bruce Dickinson', ‘'Theodore Payne' and 'Warriner Lytle' are all low-lying forms (around 1 ft tall). Cultivar

‘Dana Point’ has brighter green leaf and mounded habit.

Sensible substitute for: Non-native summer-flowering shrubs.

Attracts: Excellent butterfly habitat plant: larval food source for Morman Metalmark, Bramble

Hairstreak, Common Hairstreak, Avalon Hairstreak. Birds love the seeds. Cover for birds, lizards.


Element Requirement

Sun Full sun best; some shade OK, but will become leggy.

Soil Any (sand to clay) but well-drained is best.

Water Drought-tolerant but looks better with occasional summer water (Zone 1-2 to 2)

Fertilizer None needed.


Management: Fairly easy to maintain. Cut back to about 6” in late fall to keep it looking nice.

Propagation: from seed: yes; may need cold treatment by cuttings: yes

Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1, 3, 7, 8, 10, 12-14, 16, 17, 19, 20 6/12/09 © Project SOUND

Toyon/CA Christmas Berry – Heteromeles arbutifolia (het-er-AH-mel-eez ar-bew-ti-FO-lee-uh)

Family: Rosaceae (Rose Family)

Native to: Chaparral, Coastal Sage Scrub and Coastal Shrub communities from S. Oregon to Baja.

Often on semi-dry slopes, canyon walls, back-dune areas. Var. macrocarpa – S. Channel islands.

Growth characteristics: lg. evergreen shrub/tree mature height: 6-10’ (to 30’) mature width: 4-6’

In nature, usually a many-branched shrub – but highly variable. Leaves and branches stiff. Natural shape is rounded, fairly dense. Can be shaped into tree by removing lower branches. Grows taller in

shady environments.

Blooms/fruits: clusters of showy white blooms in summer; bright red berries in fall/winter.

Uses in the garden: for erosion control on slopes. As a specimen plant (attractive year-round).

Can be pruned as hedge/hedgerow. Good under/with Live Oaks and Ceanothus. Foliage used for holiday decorations. Makes a good screen or espalier – quite adaptable with pruning. Foliage makes

and orange natural dye. Berries toxic if consumed in large amounts.

Sensible substitute for: Non-native Pyracantha;Cotoneaster;Holly; Acacia;Myoporum.

Attracts: butterflies (flower nectar); birds (esp. Cedar Waxwings, wrentits) and other songbirds relish the berries.


Element Requirement

Sun Full sun to full shade

Soil Any well-drained; any pH is fine

Water Tolerates some supplemental water in summer (better fruiting); keep leaves dry (susceptible to fungal diseases)

Fertilizer None needed


Management: prune yearly (Feb-Mar) to maintain shape. Flowers/fruits borne on year old wood.

Watch for fungal disease, particularly in warm, wet weather.

Propagation: from seed: relatively easy in winter/spring. Soak berries in water about 1 week then rub through sieve to clean. Store dry seeds cool. Plant shallow. Sow 10-20 seeds/cup.

Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1-3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12-14, 16-21, 23-25, 28 12/5/10 © Project SOUND

* California Hoptree – Ptelea crenulata (TEL-ee-uh kren-yoo-LAY-ta )

Family: Rutaceae (Rue Family)

Native to: Endemic to lower elevations of northern California’s North Coast Ranges, Cascade Range

Foothills, Sierra Nevada Foothills, San Francisco Bay Area ; in Foothill Woodland, Yellow Pine Forest between 0 and 2000 feet.

Growth characteristics: woody shrub/small tree mature height: 10-15 ft. mature width: 5-15 ft. Winter-deciduous woody shrub or small tree. Bark smooth, gray. Leaves medium-green, shiny and

scented (like citrus which is in same family). Pleasant, woodsy appearance. Handling foliage may

cause mild skin rash (as with many citrus).

Blooms/fruits: Blooms in spring – usually April-May. Flowers white, sweetly fragrant and showy in clusters. Flowers resemble those of lemon or orange tree. Fruits unique: have papery wings.

Uses in the garden: Most suitable as a shade tree or large shrub. Can take growing in a lawn. Excellent addition to the habitat garden – attracts wide range of pollinators and other insects. Nice

addition to the fragrance garden – sweet and citrusy.

Sensible substitute for: Non-native tree/shrubs.

Attracts: Excellent insect habitat; attracts a wide range of insects and the birds that eat them.


Element Requirement

Sun Full sun to part-shade (best in hot, inland gardens)

Soil Most textures; most local pH to 8.0.

Water Likes regular water; Water Zone 2-3 or 3 in our area.

Fertilizer Wouldn’t hurt it – try a low dose.

Other Fine with organic mulch.

Management: Prune out dead branches as needed. Can be shaped/pruned up if desired in winter.

Propagation: from seed: fresh seed; ?? stratification by cuttings: semi-soft wood, summer.

Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 13 5/19/13

© Project SOUND

Coffeeberry – Frangula (Rhamnus) californica (FRAN-gyou-luh ka-li-FOR-ni-ka)

Family: Rhamnaceae (Buckthorn Family)

Native to: Western U.S. from S.W. OR to CA, NV, AZ. In CA, foothills of coastal ranges, Sierras & desert mountains; open slopes and shaded canyons, Coastal-sage scrub, chaparral, woodlands,

forests and coastal strand below 3500' (to 6000'), usually in shade and frequently near streams.

Growth characteristics: woody shrub/small tree mature height: 6-10 ft. mature width: 6-10 ft. Woody shrub, evergreen, growth pattern & shape very dependent on local conditions. Leaves shiny,

light green becoming darker green, often with rolled edges. Bark brown or reddish. Moderate to rapid growth. Long life-span (100s of years in wild).

Blooms/fruits: Blooms in late spring (Apr-June). Flowers small, white, fairly inconspicuous. Juicy

berries ripen to orange/red and finally to black in August – October – quite showy against the green foliage. Berries will stain concrete.

Uses in the garden: Makes a wonderful hedge, screen or include in a hedgerow. Excellent habitat plant. Useful for erosion control on dry, steep hillsides. Beautiful foundation shrub, parkway or

border plant, particularly in areas that get partial sun. Cultivars: 'Mound San Bruno', 'Salt Point', ‘Leatherleaf’ & ‘Seaview’ are more low-growing; 'Eve Case', 'Bonita Linda' are garden-adapted.

Sensible substitute for: Non-native shrubs like Carissa, Cotoneaster, Ligustrum, Myoporum, Oleander, Photinia,Pittosporum, Raphiolepis and Xylosma.

Attracts: Excellent bird and insect habitat. Dense foliage for cover. Berries attract foraging and nesting songbirds: Mockingbirds, Quail, Thrushes, Robins, Finches, Towhees, Thrashers and Jays.


Element Requirement

Sun Full sun to part shade.

Soil Rocky or sandy best, but fine in well-drained soils if not over-watered. pH: 5.0-8.0.

Water Best with occasional summer water (Zone 2); quite drought tolerant.

Fertilizer No


Management: Pretty easy. Can prune, hedge or shape if desired. Fairly disease/pest free.

Propagation: from seed: fresh seed best; fairly easy by cuttings: semi-softwood

Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12-14, 16, 20-24 1/29/11 © Project SOUND

Salt Marsh Baccharis – Baccharis douglasii (BAK-uh-riss dug-LASS-ee-eye )

Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower Family)

Native to: West Coast of N. America from OR to Baja. In CA in lower coastal elevations and Sierra foothills; coastal salt marsh, coastal salt scrub, moist places near streams to 2500' in Coastal Sage

Scrub, Northern Coastal Scrub, Redwood Forest, Foothill Woodland, Yellow Pine Forest.

Growth characteristics: spreading sub-shrub mature height: 4-5 ft. mature width: 6-8

ft. Spreading sub-shrub with many erect stems from rhizomes. Foliage evergreen if watered,

medium green and sticky-glandular (quite similar to Mulefat).

Blooms/fruits: Dioecious (separate male/female plants. Blooms off and on from July into fall depending on soil moisture. Flower heads similar to Mulefat in appearance, in clusters at the ends of

stems. Flowers attract a wide range of insect pollinators.

Uses in the garden: Most suitable for wetland, bog or rain gardens. Excellent choice for pots

including a ‘wetland in a pot’ garden. Pretty and green. One of the best native plants for insects – fascinating to watch. Plant used medicinally to disinfect wounds (infusion or dried leaf powder).

Sensible substitute for: Non-native pond/wetland plants.

Attracts: Excellent insect habitat plant. Food source for American Painted Lady, Buckeyes and

Acmon Blue butterflies . Flowers and foliage attract a wide variety of insects & insect-eating birds.


Element Requirement

Sun Full sun to part-shade.

Soil Any texture; any local pH. Tolerates salty soils/brackish water.

Water Likes water, but fairly drought tolerant once established. Probably looks best with semi-regular water (Water Zone 2-3 to 3) but will survive on little.

Fertilizer Not particular – but none needed

Other Likes a leaf mulch (typical wetland plant)

Management: Plant in a container to keep from spreading. Container plants need dividing once a year in spring. Other than that, not much management required.

Propagation: from seed: yes - fresh by cuttings: easy from divisions.

Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1, 2, 3, 13 5/19/13

© Project SOUND

Saltmarsh Fleabane – Pluchea odorata ssp. odorata (PLOO-shuh oh-dor-AY-tuh)

Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower Family)

Native to: Much of southern U.S. to S. America, Caribbeans. In CA, mostly w. of Sierras, but also in s. desert areas; common in moist soil including saline valley bottoms, coastal salt marshes,

freshwater marshes, washes & riparian areas.

Growth characteristics: clumping sub-shrub mature height: 2-4 ft. mature width: 2-3 ft. Semi-woody sub-shrub with faint camphor-like fragrance. Leaves rounded to lance-shaped, gland-

dotted, clustered towards the branch tips. Stress-deciduous (looses leaves in drought; cold); may be an annual in colder climates. Plants have many, upright stalks. Spreads via rhizomes.

Blooms/fruits: Blooms in late summer through fall (July-Aug through Oct.). Flowers typical of Sunflower family. Fragrant, pink/lavender flower heads are numerous in dense, flat-topped clusters at ends of branches – quite showy and unique, especially in Fall. Seeds have fluffy bristles.

Uses in the garden: Excellent choice for moister areas of garden (rain gardens; swales; under

birdbath; etc). Fine along streams, near ponds. Does well in large containers, but will be smaller

than in the ground. Great fall habitat plant! Used medicinally in Caribbean countries. Crushed leaves serve as an insect repellant.

Sensible substitute for: Non-native fall-blooming plants like chrysanthemums.

Attracts: Excellent bird & pollinator habitat. Provides cover and seeds for bird food. Native

pollinators love the nectar.


Element Requirement

Sun Quite adaptable; full sun to fairly shady

Soil Just about any except very coarse/rocky; alkaline and salty soils are fine

Water Prefers regular water but ok (will go dormant) with less summer water; Zone 2 to 3

Fertilizer Not needed, but not a problem; fertilize lightly if grown in container


Management: Prune back in winter if leggy. Will spread via rhizomes, so may want to contain.

Propagation: from seed: direct seed in fall; may benefit from pre-chill by cuttings: probably

Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 2, 6, 10, 16, 20, 21 12/12/10

© Project SOUND

Cliff Aster – Malacothrix saxatilis var. tenuifolia (mal-uh-COTH-rix saks-A-til-iss)

Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower Family)

Native to: South Coast & Transverse Ranges of S. California; coastal strand and coastal scrub and

canyons, coastal-sage scrub.

Growth characteristics: perennial sub-shrub mature height: 2-5 ft. mature width: 3-5+ ft.

Open sub-shrub with woody base and mostly herbaceous branches. Leaves mostly basal, coarsely-toothed somewhat like a dandelion or a white-flowered Chicory. Branches are wire-like. Summer

deciduous with no summer water.

Blooms/fruits: Blooms much of the year in lower elevations (Mar-Nov) depending on rainfall.

Flowering heads typical of sunflower family, white with pink striping, solitary along the wire-like branches. Quite showy, as there are often many blooms at one time.

Uses in the garden: Right at home in the water-wise garden. Does well on slopes and in rock

gardens, near rock walls or fences. Airy-looking white flowers mix well in perennial beds. Probably

fine in large pots or planters. Flowers are a refreshing contrast to dark leaves of native shrubs.

Sensible substitute for: Non-native perennial sunflowers like Asters.

Attracts: Good bird, butterfly and insect habitat: provides Fall nectar and seeds for food. Rabbits like foliage.


Element Requirement

Sun Full sun best; light shade probably fine.

Soil Probably any texture or local pH

Water Little summer water once established (Zone 1/2)

Fertilizer None


Management: Little management needed. Hardy plant. Cut back if it gets straggly.

Propagation: from seed: ? germination improved by smoke – but fresh seed has good germination

with no treatment. Plant in prepared bed in spring by cuttings: ? probably

Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1, 2, 10, 11 12/9/10 © Project SOUND

Hooker’s Evening Primrose – Oenothera elata ssp. hirsutissima & hookeri (ee-no-THEE-ruh el-AH (or LAY)-tuh)

Family: Onagraceae (Evening Primrose Family)

Native to: Much of California & U.S. southwest (ssp. hirsutissima) and S. CA (ssp. hookeri);

generally moist or seasonally moist places, meadows, bluffs.

Growth characteristics: herbaceous biennial/perennial mature height:3-6 ft. mature width: 4 ft.

Herbacious biennial that may be a short-lived perennial or even an annual in our climate. In nature, first year is just a rosette of leaves – flowers the second year. Basal leaves are large (to 6”) gray-

green. Mature plant has one main stalk with many side branches.

Blooms/fruits: Blooms for long period in summer into fall (July or Aug though Oct.). Blooms open

sequentially. Blooms are large (1 inch), bright lemon-yellow, showy. Flowers open in late

afternoon and remain open until sun hits them the next morning. Nice summer floral color.

Uses in the garden: Most often used in natural plantings, but fine in other dry garden settings.

Good with native grasses, annual & perennial wildflowers. Just remember that it gets big & it re-seeds. Roots can be cooked and eaten. Young foliage can be eaten as raw or cooked greens. Sensible substitute for: Non-native Evening Primroses.

Attracts: Excellent habitat plant: provides nectar for moths, large bees & hummingbirds & seeds

for seed-eating birds.


Element Requirement

Sun Full sun to part-shade

Soil Light to medium soils best; does great in sandy/rocky soils

Water Wide range of tolerance: Zone 1-2 to 2-3 (little to occasional summer water)

Fertilizer None needed; but not a problem


Management: Simplicity itself to grow from seed. Re-seeds very well – just pull up the ones you

don’t want in late spring. Propagation: from seed: in prepared beds, fall to spring. No pretreatment required.

Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 2, 5, 8, 10, 12-14, 16, 20 12/10/10

© Project SOUND

* California Evening Primrose – Oenothera californica (ee-no-THEER-a ka-li-FOR-ni-ka)

Family: Onagraceae (Evening Primrose Family)

Native to: Southwestern U.S. from central Ca to Baja; sandy/gravelly areas, dunes, desert scrub to pinyon/juniper or ponderosa-pine woodlands.

Growth characteristics: herbaceous perennial mature height: 1 ft. mature width: 2-5+ ft. Herbaceous perennial with slender rootstock. Spreads via root laterals, seed. Leaves medium-

green, initially in basal rosette. Stalks initially upright, then reclining to almost vine-like. Stress

deciduous – can die back during summer drought.

Blooms/fruits: Blooms in spring – usually Apr-May in our area. Flowers are large, pink-white and

sweetly fragrant. Plant is very showy in bloom, blends in otherwise.

Uses in the garden: Most useful in mixed beds with other natives – grasses, shrubs, perennials and

annual wildflowers. Good choice for parking strip. Nice in pots or planters placed where you can

enjoy the fragrant flowers. White flowers mix well with other flowering natives.

Sensible substitute for: Non-native Primroses, white-flowered perennials.

Attracts: Excellent butterfly & moth habitat – good nectar source.


Element Requirement

Sun Full sun to part-sun (in hot gardens).

Soil Any well-drained – rocky & sandy are great; any local pH including alkali.

Water Drought tolerant, but more blooms with a little water; Zone 2 probably optimal.

Fertilizer Not needed.


Management: Cut back dead stems in fall/winter, leaving about 4 inches. Easy – just weed

around it. Will spread, but not aggressive in garden setting.

Propagation: from seed: probably easy in spring by cuttings: divisions in late winter

Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 10, 13, 16, 20 2/9/11 * CA native plant but not native to Western L.A. county © Project SOUND

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