presentation on „steeple“ analyzis in switzerland

Post on 11-Jan-2016






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STEEPLE analysis Socio-cultural factors: Generally Switzerland is one of the few countries in Europe which still has an increasing Net-population, furthermore its in the top 10 of the world in terms of life expectancy meaning there's a very oldpopulation. Switzerland is one of the leaders in education, they invest a lot to uniform their school system making it clear for everybody what a certain person can and cannot do.

Technological factors: Switzerland is leading in cleantech which is basically resources and energy friendly technology.Therefore we have very strict pollution politics expecting everybody to use high quality cleantech technology for theirbusiness.

Economic factors: Switzerland is a very stable country in many ways; it has extremely low unemployment rates (3.2%), there's no inflation nor recession. The exchange rate and currency itself is one of the most stable ones. The Swiss population will not buy unnecessary products, however if you convince them that a certain product or service is reasonable they will happily invest big sums for it.

Environmental factors: There´s limited space due to the geographical location and size of the country however 4.5% of the population works in renewable power resource collection. As already mentioned Switzerland is very concerned about pollution and therefore has very good statistics and negligible risk.

STEEPLE analysis part 2 Political factors: Technically everybody can start up a business in Switzerland, however he has to pay social insurance for all his employees and industrial insurance. Otherwise there's a very stable political situation which should not change anytime soon therefore bringing minimal risks.

Legal factors: There are 3 different types of business structures: Self employers, incorporation's and limited companies. Self-employers need to pay income and estate taxes. Furthermore if your sales overpass 100000.- you need to pay betterment tax.

Ethical factors: Both child labor and bribery are very illegal and socially unaccepted. Switzerland has a very low corruption rate and will get tracked down legally instantly. However even though discrimination is legally unaccepted Switzerland still, together with every other country in the world, fights the issue with women getting paid less for the same work. Working as a mother is very tough as child cares are rare and very expensive, this is however different for each canton, e.g. Italic Switzerland has child care for children of 2 years or older for a very long time.

PEST analysis regarding economic factorsPolitical / Legal Economics

Environmental regulation and protection

Theres economical growth at increasing rates of 2.0->2.6% per year.

Taxation (corporate; consumer) Interest rates are, variable on the bank used, around 3.5%.

International trade regulation The Swiss government is world leading in spendings towards inovations and technology.

Consumer protection There´s no regulation for minimum wage, however the unemployment system is extremely good, providing 2 years of support with aditional education.

Emplyment law Can vary from canton to canton. The government almost never invests into new businesses granting very little support. Tax´s compared to europe (50%) are very low with (29%)

Government organisation / attitude The only issue is the strong position of the Swiss Franc, making the products relatively expensive and therefore unatractive.

Competition regulation The inflation rate is at 0.2%, not affecting costs and selling prices at all.

The Swiss population is very conservative with money, with reason he will spend a lot for „nessesary“ things.

PEST analysis regarding social factorsPolitical / Legal Social

Environmental regulation and protection

The average income is 50000.-, the scale expands extremely far in both direction.

Taxation (corporate; consumer) Switzerland has a very old population

International trade regulation The Swiss population is rather limited in the willingness to leave their homes for work.

Consumer protection Home working is in trend and socially accepted.

Emplyment law Swiss people are very conservative especially towards work, having a very good attitude towards work.

Government organisation / attitude

The education level is very high, being on 3rd place in the PISA study.

Competition regulation The Swiss population has limited consuming fads.

Switzerland has a high quality and supportive healthcare system.

Housing and polution level are extremely high quality respectively.

PEST analysis regarding technological factorsPolitical / Legal Technological

Environmental regulation and protection

Switzerland is world wide leader in terms of spendings on research.

Taxation (corporate; consumer) As mentioned above Switzerland is world leading in technology efforts.

International trade regulation Swatch for example, furthermore cristal computer displays etc.

Consumer protection As the inovaters of technology they obviously move along those very quickly

Emplyment law Very fast since there´s always new one.

Government organisation / attitude

Energy costs are fairly high, however most of it comes from renewable sources.

Competition regulation Again, very quickly. (Fiber obtics)

Information technology is one of the best (4th place) in the world and therefore new things don´t lead to huge changes.

Theres internet everywhere in Switzerland mostly even wireless.

Evaluation of switzerland as a starting location

If you are thinking of doing something technology related and have a fair amount of money as starting capital it´s a very good decision in terms of stability of government and currency as well as laws which protect you and the your workers. Even though costs might be high it comes with the security that the resources and energies used are renewable and came from low pollution sources. In any other type of business finding food might turn out to be difficult due to the conservative ways of the Swiss population, however with time and reasoning and a good amount of money to your use I would definitely recommend Switzerland as your starting location of your business.


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