presented by hanneke coppolecchia-somers european parliament dg internal policies directorate for...

Post on 27-Mar-2015






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presented by


European Parliament DG Internal Policies

Directorate for Relations with National Parliaments


European Centre for Parliamentary

Research and Documentation

Created in 1977 by the Conference of

Speakers of European Parliamentary



- administrative responsibility

Discuss ECPRD activities and endorse the

Activities Report every second year, when

they meet during

the Conference of Speakers


ECPRD is a network of staff in national parliaments to exchange knowledge and parliamentary and legislative information.

Members: all parliaments/chambers of the member states of PACE (46) , plus special guests at PACE (4), plus EP, PACE and WEU

Internal organisation

Two Co-directors & two Co-secretaries,

one of each appointed by the SG of the EP

and by the Clerk of the PACE.


One Corespondent in each chamber/parliament (+Deputy-Correspondent), appointed by their S.G.,

Meet once a year: “Annual Conference of Correspondents” (October).

Executive Committee

Consists of 2 Co-Directors, 3 elected Correspondents & 2 Co-secretaries,

Meets at least twice a year,

Ensures continuity of work between annual Conference of Correspondents.

Secretariat - no specific staff

Entrusted to officials of the European Parliament:

1978-2004 c/o EP Library,

Since January 2005 in the Directorate Relations with national Parliaments.


EP budget for meetings, publications, secretariat and computing expenses,

PACE budget for certain activities,

Indirect financing by national parliaments for hosting meetings.

Working Languages

Officially 3: English + French + German,

Publications as well as WWW site only in English,

Seminars: the hosting parliament/chamber provides the interpretation.


A - Meetings/seminars (also Working Groups),

B - WWW site,

C - Publications,

D - Comparative requests,

E - Hosts IPEX - wider public.

A - Meetings/seminars

Average of 10 per year,

Executive Committee meetings,

1 meeting WG ICT,

1-2 WG Macro Economics,

Other seminars.

B - WWW site

The spill for dissemination of information to all members,

Intranet EP:,


Password and ID to access “private sector”.

C - Publications

Issued regularly:

Activities Report (EN+FR+DE) - every 2nd year,

ECPRD Directory (idem),

ECPRD Newsletter (EN) - twice/year.

Issued ad-hoc (only in EN):

European Affairs Committees,

Codes of Conduct in Europe,

Electoral Systems in Europe,

Knowledge and Power,

Parliamentary Immunity (all full text via WWW site).

D - Comparative Requests

Forwarded by Correspondent to Secretariat,

Sent out to the whole or part of Correspondents,

All supplementary information and single replies added on the WWW site,

Final comparative survey.

E - IPEXInter-parliamentary Exchange of Legislative


Subsidiarity check of EU-legislation in national Parliaments, hosted via ECPRD WWW site,

Each national Parliament in charge of own input!

WWW site - Overview

Top: News Flash, Search Module, My ECPRD, Sitemap,

Central Part: Quick Links (most used parts), publications, current affairs/news, help & contact,

Various chapters (left column).

WWW site - Search Module

Located on the top, right side,

Go to “search Database”,

Select specific field or Entire Database,

Give 1 or more keywords or date,

Click on results to open.

WWW site - Quick Links

Info on internal organisation (“Directory”, lists),


All publications,

Links to current affairs + NEWS,


Contact Secretariat.

WWW site - ECPRD DirectoryParliamentary staff in all chambers/parliaments

Updated continuously on WWW site,

In paper - form every 2nd year,

Search possibilities by name, department, chamber/parliament,

Provides various lists.

WWW site - Calendar

Chronological list of ECPRD Meetings/Seminars,

Invitations, practical info,


Related documents/speeches,

Lists of participants,

Final reports.

WWW site - News

Articles on various subjects:

New correspondents,

International meetings,

New publications.

Most often with links to related documents!

WWW site - Parliaments

Links to:

Parliaments, chambers with R.of P. and Constitutions,



WWW sites for Elections,

WWW sites of political parties.

WWW site - Legislation

Links to:

EU-legislative Bases (OEIL, Celex, Prelex, ScadPlus, EU Treaties, etc.),

Documents of EU-Institutions (by Institution),

Documents of Council of Europe,

National legislative Bases.

WWW site - Studies

Access to specific database “Studies” with Search-Module & links to:

Factsheets of EP,

IPU & ASGP-publications,

Eurostat publications,


WWW site - Libraries

Links to professional networks:

Parliamentary libraries,

International co-operation (IFLA, EBLIDA, GABRIEL, EUROLIB, etc.),

Specific publications.

WWW site - Internal

Various Lists,


ECPRD Brochure (EN,FR),

ECPRD Statutes (EN,FR,DE),

Tool for Statistics Requests,

ECPRD Newsletter,

Procedures of ECPRD.

This presentation was prepared by

DG Internal Policies,

Directorate for Relations with National Parliaments

of the European Parliament

The presentation is an information tool and

in no way commits EU Institutions

All rights reserved


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