primary in this issue: reddamlearning journey in year 2. gong xi fa cai! the reddam house primary...

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Primary @ Reddam

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

Welcome back to what promises to be another exciting year of learning and explora-tion at Reddam House Primary School. I trust that you and your family had a wonderful break together, with plenty of time for relaxing and enjoying the company of family and friends. There is something very special about the summer break, with the sunshine add-ing to the enjoyment of long, lazy days, and the sound of children’s laughter carrying on the air. May some of that same spirit permeate all that happens during this year.

A particularly warm welcome is extended to all families whose children have started at Reddam House for the first time. It is our hope that you will enjoy every moment here, and that the whole family will become involved in the myriad activities on offer. I know that I can count on those who have been part of the Reddam family for some time to assist you and to make you feel welcome.

It has been good to catch up with our teachers over the past few days, and judging by the tans and smiles on their faces, they all had a good break too. I look forward to work-ing alongside this enthusiastic and energetic group of people, and wish each one of them a happy year, filled with moments of fulfilment and joy.

I specifically used the word ‘exploration’ in the first sentence, as I hope that this year will be one of wide-eyed exploration for each of the children who pass through the doors of Reddam House. No matter what phase of the school he or she happens to be in, there is much to be learned, and our teachers have been hard at work preparing lessons which are enjoyable, challenging, and stimulating, in order to stretch the inquisitive minds of those in their classes.

The sporting, cultural and outreach programmes are full of interesting activities, just wait-ing for enthusiastic young people to fill them and we look forward to many happy hours spent encouraging the students to explore their talents and abilities. Through this holistic and broad-ranging set of experiences, we hope that the children will explore their unique personalities as they are exposed to interactions with others, moments of celebration and challenge, and grow in awareness of how exciting and beautiful the world they inhabit is. We look forward to sharing this journey with them, and you as, their parents and caregivers.

The holidays have been a busy time for some of our students, and it is with pleasure that I share some of their achievements. Please do let us know of any such highlights during the year, as we take delight in sharing your moments of celebration with others in the Reddam community.

The Reddam House Primary Schoo l Newsletter Volume 17 Issue 1 Friday 3 February 2017 Page 1

IN THIS ISSUE: First week of 2017 News from the classrooms Library News

Mia Jonson brought delight to many at the start of the Christmas season, as she danced in the ‘Carols in the Domain’ performance. This spectacular production is the largest free Christ-mas concert in Australia, and was in its 34th year, so for Mia to perform was a real privilege for her. Then, last week Mia achieved 79% (a distinction) in her RAD grade 3 exam, which was the 2nd highest mark in her grade. Well done, Mia, on using your talents to the full!

Congratulations to Coco Batu-Sampson who won the creativity prize in the 2016 AMOS (Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society) School Art Competition. Her winning artwork titled “Weather Warriors” was judged by Dick Whittaker (Sky News Weather, The Weather Channel) and the artist Martine. This is fantastic news, Coco, and we are so im-pressed with your creativity!

Jackson Cowper and Matthew Gross continued their tennis together over the holidays and had a few wins at the Lyne park tennis camps. In particular, Jackson ended 1st in the tourna-ment for the main camp and 1st for advanced camp division 2. Matthew was the most im-proved for the main camp and runner up for advanced camp division 2. Congratulations to both of you – we look forward to seeing your continued excellence on the courts during the year.

Imogen Baldassare did really well at the All Australian Junior Surf Carnival Manly Nats. She competed in the individual board and Under 9 board relay where she did really well; howev-er, it was in the All age relay for the girls that she excelled, as she led out and the girls came second! The Branch Champs are in two weeks and State two weeks after that, so we will be holding thumbs for Imogen.

A number of Reddam athletes took part in the Regional Little As carnival at Sylvania Waters on the weekend. Although we haven’t heard all the results yet, three people who did particularly well were Tahlia Shapiro, Daniel Shields and Tommy Malki. We are really proud of all of your efforts!

May this first weekend back be a restful one, especially as we look forward to a full term of exciting activities.

Dee Pitcairn Principal

The Reddam House Primary Schoo l Newsletter Volume 17 Issue 1 Friday 3 February 2017 Page 2




12R (Div2) (Jaimee) V Inner Ci ty Stars 9.30am Alexandria Basketball Stadium Satu rday. 12E Easts Comp (Jaimee and Lee) V Bye 12D Easts Comp (Jaimee and Lee) V Bye 14 E Div 2 (Henry) V Inner City Ravens 9.15am Alexandria Basketball Stadium Sunday. 16 R Div 2 (Jaimee) V Bye 18 R Div 2 (Jaimee) V Bye


10 R Div 1 ( Lee) V Inner City Storm 8.00am Alexandria Basketball Stadium Satu rday. 12 R Div 2 (Lee) V Inner City Cobras 11.45am Alexandria Basketball Stadium Satu rday. 12E Div 3 (Lee) V Easts 2.00pm Alexandria Basketball Stadi-um Saturday. 12 D Easts Comp (Lee) V Bye 14 R Div 1 (James) V Lakers 1.15pm Alexandria Basketball Stadium Saturday. 14 E Div 2 (James) V Rockets 4.15p m Alexandria Basketball Stadium Saturday. 14D Div 3 (James) V Maccabi 2.45pm Alexandria Basketball Stadium Saturday. 14M Div 3 (James) V Saints 3.30pm Alexandria Basketball Stadium Saturday. 16 R Div 2 ( Henry) V Bye 16E Div 3 ( Henry) V Maccabi 10.00am Alexandria Basket-ball Stadium Sunday. 18R Div 2 ( Luke)Year 10 Boys V Bye 18E Div 3 (Luke) Year 10 Boys V Bye 18D Div 3 (L ee) Year 11 Boys V Bye

Please check to ensure there have not been any late changes to the draw.

Touch Football Girls

Reddam 1 Senior A V No Game Reddam 2 Junior B V Loreto, Reservoir Fi elds Cen tennial Park No. 1, 10.30am Satu rday Reddam 3 Junior C V No Game Reddam 4 Junior H V No Game Reddam 5 Year 7B V No Game Reddam 6 Year 7E V No Game

Boys Tuesday Easts Comp -

Senior V Emanu el Queens Park 4.35pm Junior V Emanuel Queens Park 5.15p m Year 8 V Waverley Gold Queens Park 3.55pm

The Reddam House Primary Schoo l Newsletter Volume 17 Issue 1 Friday 3 February 2017 Page 3


Boys Saturday Schools Comp

Senior V Bye Junior V Bye Year 7 V Bye Reddam 6 V No Game Reddam 7 V No Game Reddam 9 V No Game Reddam 10 V No Game

Water Polo Girls

Reddam 1 Senior (Years 10,11,12) V No Game Reddam 2 Junior ( Year 8 and 9)V No Game Reddam 3 Sub Junior (Year 7) No Game Reddam 4 (Primary) No Game

Boys – Friday Night UNSW

Reddam 1 Senior V No Game Reddam 2 Senior V No Game Reddam 3 Junior V No Game Reddam 4 Junior V No Game Reddam 5 Sub Junior V No Game

Boys – Saturday Schools Comp.

Reddam 1 Senior V Bye Reddam 2 (16s) V No Game Reddam 3 (Primary) V No Game

The Kindergarten students are enthusiastically walking through the door each morning, curi-

ous to see what is in store for them. They have all settled in nicely and are eager to learn, play and make new friends. On our first day we read a funny story about the Library Lion and created some of our own beautiful lion masks to take home. Throughout the week we contin-ued to practise our ‘l” sound using playdough, rainbow writing and singing songs.

Our topic this term is ‘Marvellous Me’, and as such, students have been discussing what makes them special and why there is no one else quite like us. We have drawn some lovely

self-portraits, which we can’t wait to display and show everyone who visits our classrooms. The students have loved singing and learning new songs to help them remember the order of

numbers, sounds and the days of the week. What a fantastic start to our first week of school!

The Reddam House Primary Schoo l Newsletter Volume 17 Issue 1 Friday 3 February 2017 Page 4


REDDAM HOUSE would like to wish a very happy birthday to

Sasha Crossman, Sam P ribut, Daniel Shields, Noah Shelest, Istvana Etherington, Lucia Vasington, Billy-Jay

Walker, Charlie Pattison, Louis Pattison, Lil lian Ogrin, Jack Bond, Maddison Ba rtholomew, Finn Garbett,

Samantha Cowper, Finn O’Mahoney, William Maccormick, Hollie Corcoran, Matteo T rocherie-Rey,

Jonathan Kusnadi, Akash Thomas, Madeleine Buckley, Michael Zeritis, E lizaveta Gracheva, Thomas

Scicluna, Oliver Kalan, Joshua Gellert , George Vucic, Jackson Shepherd, Ava Bova, Frankie Barry, Sofia

Ohlsson Aranquiz, Christopher H ill, Claire Huang, Tahlia Alexiou, Sam Marjoribanks, Sylvia Waugh, Palo-

ma Nicholas, O liver Tillett, Savanah Charles, Sam Weid ler, Brianna Mirny, Boston Berry, Gabriel Green-

field-Jerez, Lachlan Dallimore, Sam Fox, Morgan Ratner, Katia Firka, Harrison Averbuj, Zara Kleindyk,

George Nagas and Noah Bonnell.

We had an exciting and busy start to Year 1. We have been getting to know each other by

playing a number of speaking and listening games. We created some beautiful art work in the form of mosaic tiles and self-portraits. The students also wrote a holiday recount and explored some new Literacy and Maths games. All students seem enthusiastic and full of

energy, which is wonderful to see!

The Reddam House Primary Schoo l Newsletter Volume 17 Issue 1 Friday 3 February 2017 Page 5


Year 2 returned to school with so much enthusiasm for the year ahead. It has been

wonderful to hear about the many experiences and adventures that our friends have had over the summer holidays. It is great that we are now reunited back at Reddam House for what will be a fantastic year ahead.

In English we have entertained our friends with our creative recounts. In Mathematics it was interesting to collect birthday data and we look forward to celebrating individual birthdays. This week the focus in History has been learning about celebrations in our

community such as Australia Day and The Chinese New Year. We have listened to the Chinese Zodiac story and learnt in which year we were born. The students particularly enjoyed creating a variety of Chinese decorations. We are looking forward to continuing our

learning journey in Year 2. Gong Xi Fa Cai!

The Reddam House Primary Schoo l Newsletter Volume 17 Issue 1 Friday 3 February 2017 Page 6



Year 3 have had a wonderful start to Term 1; meeting their teachers and making new friends.

They were keen to tell their holiday tales and write recounts. Here are some of the adventures that the 3E students went on over the break.

Linus Alroy: I stayed at home and trained my new dog. Kevin Wang: I went to China, then I went on a cruise and after that I went to Singapore. Madison Macintyre: My brother, Zac, broke his arm so at Luna Park (Melbourne) we couldn’t

go on any rides.

Year 4 had an exciting beginning to 2017. We welcomed many new students into our year

level and their buddies have done a wonderful job of introducing them to friends and show-ing them our amazing facilities including the canteen!

Students have been enjoying their new classrooms and discovering their new subject topics. In History, Year 4 will be studying the topic ‘First Contacts’ and in Science they will be studying the topic ‘Friend or Foe?’ All students also received their personal logins for their iPads which

will be used throughout the year for reading, research and class activities. We look forward to our Year 4 Orientation Camp on Monday to The Blue Mountains and

know the children will have a wonderful time experiencing a range of activities and have fun getting to know each other. We all look forward to a great term and year ahead.


The Reddam House Primary Schoo l Newsletter Volume 17 Issue 1 Friday 3 February 2017 Page 7

Year 5 have begun their class novel ‘Parvana’ by Deborah Ellis, which is about a young girl growing up in Afghanistan. She struggles to make a life for herself and her family under the harsh rule of the Taliban. This week Year 5 students located Afghanistan on a world map, pin-pointing the capital, Kabul, and major cities such as Kandahar, Herat and Mazar-e-Shareef.

Students then made predictions about the content of the book. Annabelle Chua Tran: Parvana seems young but not wealthy; judging by her clothes she is

struggling to fit in where she lives. Coco Batu-Sampson: Parvana is wearing different clothes and might have different beliefs.

She might be discriminated against because of her gender and she could be protesting about her rights.

Estelle Cantwell: I predict that Parvana is poor and works really hard. I think something is hap-pening in her family. I also think that people treat her unfairly because of her gender and that she is not allowed to work because she is a girl or woman.

Edan Angus: I think that Parvana is from a country where the main religion is Islam, like Af-ghanistan and that she is trying to make an escape without being detected.

Luke Thurgood: Perhaps Parvana is trying to rebel by not covering her face she looks like she is trying to escape from a war-torn country.

Eva Gorbatov: I think this story is about a young Muslim girl from a poor village in a desert. There might be a low water supply and problems with drought.

Rebecca Bruce: I think that Parvana is orphaned, abandoned or alone. On the cover she looks scared. She may be a refugee who is trying to escape because of the war.

Chloe Fink: I think that Parvana is fleeing the Taliban who are hot on her trail.

The Reddam House Primary Schoo l Newsletter Volume 17 Issue 1 Friday 3 February 2017 Page 8


What a wonderful week we have had, welcoming back our dapper Year 6 students and our

very enthusiastic Year 5s. We started off our Maths classes with activities that aimed to “switch our maths brain on” and transition from our summer holiday. Our ‘speed timestables’ were well received by students as a way of improving and maintaining accuracy and speed.

We spent some time discussing what makes a good Mathematics student. This is what some of the Year 5 students had to say:

Rocco Buck: “Don’t be afraid to ask questions, especially if you don’t understand!” Soshana Gellert: “Try hard to understand and learn from your mistakes.” Jethro Wislon: “You always need to be focusing.”

Edan Angus: “Use different strategies and past knowledge to answer problems.’” Estelle Cantwell: “Be determined and never give up!” Rebecca Bruce: “Reflect on your work and learn from your mistakes by trying to find the cor-

rect strategy to use the next time.” Eva Gorbatov: “Read the problem carefully and a lot to figure how to do it.”

The importance of showing your workings in a neat and methodical way, and when problem solving, explaining your thinking was also emphasised. We look forward to a rewarding, enriching and exciting year in Stage 3 Mathematics.

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Welcome back everybody to a new school year. We look forward to an exciting term ahead

in Science. Year 5 will be exploring states of matter, investigating the properties of solids, liq-

uids and gases, and Year 6 will be learning about the fascinating world of micro-organisms.

The students have all made a great start and are looking forward to building their scientific

knowledge and conducting some great experiments.

Remember, students, to read up as much as you can about your science topic for the term

ahead as this will add to and reinforce your overall knowledge and



Year 6 have begun their unit on Multicultural Australia and Poetry by surveying other students

to find out more about their unique backgrounds. Class surveys revealed a majority of students coming from parents who were born outside of Australia. 6E had six fluent speakers of another language and overwhelmingly students had travelled to and expressed a deep interest in other countries and cultures around the world. This comes as no surprise as our

classrooms are reflective of a wider society where 44% of Australian citizens were born overseas and as a nation we speak more than 260 languages.

Year 6 discussed ways in which diversity is a strength and students were able to articulate the positive impact of multiculturalism with surprising worldliness, insight and projection.

Antoine Sanki is pleased that we are able to play sports from around the world with soccer and cricket from England, basketball from America, tennis from France and surfing which is thought to have come from Papua New Guinea!

Alex Law is happy that we can enjoy the culinary delights of so many countries from around the world and modern Australian cuisine certainly reflects globalisation. Popular among our

students were kebabs from Turkey, spaghetti bolognaise from Italy, Thai green curry, sushi form Japan and tacos and burritos from Mexico to name a few.

Zoe Kertesz is glad to have discussions with people from a range of cultural and religious beliefs as she feels it enriches her education, teaches tolerance and allows us to think in new more flexible and innovative ways.

Finnegan O’Mahoney talked about big tech advances which have been enhanced through collaboration with great minds from countries around the world. When we researched further

we found that some of the most ground breaking inventions in the world were created by first and second generation Australians, these include; the black box flight recorder, spray on skin for treating burns, the electronic pacemaker, polymer bank notes, the cochlear implant

(bionic ear), ultrasound and Wi-Fi technology to name a few. Other incredible inventions were achieved through friendly and constructive collaboration with overseas visitors. Danish brothers Lars and Jens Rasmussen developed the platform for Google Maps in Sydney and

with the support of Australians Neil Gordon and Stephen Ma they founded a start-up company.

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Welcome back to another exciting year at Reddam House and a warm welcome to all the

new families. At the Reddam House library we aim to create a love of reading and books. Our aim is for ALL children to be borrowing every fortnight and for them to enjoy visiting the library whenever they can.

BORROWING BOOKS Each class has a fortnightly library time when they return and borrow books. However, stu-dents may also return and borrow books before and after school or during recess and lunch.

The loan period is 2 weeks, but students may re-borrow to finish their reading by returning the book/s and having it re-scanned. The loan becomes overdue when it has not been returned within 2 weeks and an overdue notice will be handed to the child. Should the book not be

found and returned within a month, we ask that you pay a fee for each book or you may re-place it. Children who have overdue books are not permitted to borrow until the book/s is re-turned.

As an incentive, children who have no overdue book/s will receive a ticket to go into a monthly draw for prizes such as pencils, erasers or books. Please don’t hesitate to come and

see Ms Claudia Perez directly about any library matters, book club etc., as well as returning, borrowing or overdue books.

BOOK CLUB Once a term during the school year we will send home a Book Club flyer with a different selection of books offered. You’ll find award-winning books, as well as old and new

favourites. The books span a wide range of children’s reading levels and interests, and they are inexpensive (some books cost as little as $1).

First orders for this term are due by February 17th.

The Reddam House Primary Schoo l Newsletter Volume 17 Issue 1 Friday 43 February 2017 Page 11


To stay updated with more exciting

news from Reddam House Primary

School please follow our Instagram

page 'Reddam House Woollahra'.


Over the summer, five talented Reddam House students have been performing professionally at the Sydney Opera House, in Opera Australia’s production of Cavalleria Rusticana and Pagliacci.

We are very proud of, and would like to congratulate Natasha Green (Year 4), Lilian Ogrin (Year 6), Louis Fontaine (Year 8), Luc Siboulet (Year 9) and Oliver Rice (Year 9) for their

impressive work in opera’s most famous double-bill.

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