@reddam in this issue: reddam house high …@reddam @reddam—the reddam house high school...

@REDDAM—The Reddam House High School Newsletter Volume 17, Issue 33 Friday 3rd November 2017 Page 1 @Reddam IN THIS ISSUE: Principals Letter National Young Leaders Day Year 12 Drama Public Speaking Comp Plus much more... Reddam House High School Newsletter Volume 17 Issue 33 Friday 3rd November 2017 Dear Parents and Caregivers, The final full week of HSC Examinations comes to an end with quite a number of our students completing their exams. The exams written this week include: Dance, Physics, English Extension, Geography, SDD, Chemistry, French, Legal Studies, Math's Extension and Visual Arts. Once again the students reflect on being well prepared for these exams and confident that they have performed to the best of their potential. The last exams written next week are Economics and Drama and I am sure our students are looking forward to these being over. As the final examination time steadily moves closer for the rest of our students and the pressure starts to mount, we are constantly looking for new ways to facilitate learning and understanding. I am pleased to announce that a number of our Year 12 students have volunteered to run academic support sessions for Years 7 -9. These sessions will take place in level 4 classrooms on Thursdays after school from 4pm to 5.30pm. This is a wonderful opportunity for students who may be struggling with their examination prepa- ration to seek appropriate support. I thank the Aca- demic Support Portfolio for their proactive work with the Middle School students. The Year 7 Film Festival was a lot of fun and a very en- joyable experience. The winner of the film festival overall was Darling House and the winning film called „School Problems‟ was lovingly created by Ayaan Rahman, Claudia Lees and Luka Gillibrand (Bennelong House). The other winners are as follows: Having learnt from last year, we decided not to have the Halloween Dance on the actual day as too many of our students wanted to trick or treat. Having it the night after worked very well and the Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9 students were joined by the Year 6 students who will be joining the High School next year and tremen- dous fun was had by all. Once again the proceeds go towards the Reddam House International Community Service Project. The amount raised this year was over $1000. My thanks to Ms Bambach and Ms Dignan who together with the Year 9 Executive transformed the Drama and Dance Studios into a “haunted house” for the evening. The photo booth was a great hit once again. Runner Up Film Romy Freund Darling Director Never the Janitor Zack Ahrens Darling Cinematography School Problems Ayaan Rahman Bennelong Editing Never the Janitor Jack Futcher Darling Funny Film Award Rude Girls Talia Shapiro Piper Actor(s) Lockdown Jordan Rubinstein Darling Special Effects Erased Sam Katz Piper Old Skool Award Way Back Sofia Weidler Macquarie

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@REDDAM—The Reddam House High School Newsletter Volume 17, Issue 33 Friday 3rd November 2017 Page 1


Principals Letter

National Young Leaders Day

Year 12 Drama

Public Speaking Comp

Plus much more...

Reddam House High School Newsletter Volume 17 Issue 33

Friday 3rd November 2017

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

The final full week of HSC Examinations comes to an

end with quite a number of our students completing

their exams. The exams written this week include:

Dance, Physics, English Extension, Geography, SDD,

Chemistry, French, Legal Studies, Math's Extension and

Visual Arts. Once again the students reflect on being

well prepared for these exams and confident that they

have performed to the best of their potential. The last

exams written next week are Economics and Drama

and I am sure our students are looking forward to these

being over.

As the final examination time steadily moves closer

for the rest of our students and the pressure starts to

mount, we are constantly looking for new ways to

facilitate learning and understanding. I am pleased

to announce that a number of our Year 12 students

have volunteered to run academic support sessions

for Years 7 -9. These sessions will take place in level 4

classrooms on Thursdays after school from 4pm to

5.30pm. This is a wonderful opportunity for students

who may be struggling with their examination prepa-

ration to seek appropriate support. I thank the Aca-

demic Support Portfolio for their proactive work with

the Middle School students.

The Year 7 Film Festival was a lot of fun and a very en-

joyable experience. The winner of the film festival

overall was Darling House and the winning film called

„School Problems‟ was lovingly created by Ayaan

Rahman, Claudia Lees and Luka Gillibrand

(Bennelong House). The other winners are as follows:

Having learnt from last year, we decided not to have

the Halloween Dance on the actual day as too many

of our students wanted to trick or treat. Having it the

night after worked very well and the Year 7, Year 8 and

Year 9 students were joined by the Year 6 students who

will be joining the High School next year and tremen-

dous fun was had by all.

Once again the proceeds go towards the Reddam

House International Community Service Project. The

amount raised this year was over $1000. My thanks to

Ms Bambach and Ms Dignan who together with the

Year 9 Executive transformed the Drama and Dance

Studios into a “haunted house” for the evening. The

photo booth was a great hit once again.

Runner Up Film Romy Freund Darling

Director Never the Janitor Zack Ahrens


Cinematography School Problems Ayaan Rahman


Editing Never the Janitor Jack Futcher


Funny Film

Award Rude Girls

Talia Shapiro Piper

Actor(s) Lockdown Jordan Rubinstein


Special Effects Erased Sam Katz


Old Skool

Award Way Back

Sofia Weidler Macquarie

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Some student achievements this week include:

Django Cass (Class of 2016) has been accepted into

an IT internship with the Australian Government De-

partment of Defence. He leaves for Canberra mid-

January. Django has done extremely well at UTS this

year, completing first year IT with distinctions and high

distinctions. He is very excited about his move to Can-

berra and of course, his whole family are very proud

of him. He is transferring to ANU and will work with the

ASD - Australian Signals Directorate. Congratulations

Django, it‟s great to get such good news from our

past students.

In August Rose Chachko auditioned for one of the

main roles for a KFC commercial that aired on TV,

online and in sports stadiums towards the beginning

of October. After going through 3 very tough and

competitive audition rounds, she was selected out of

hundreds of children to be one of the main roles in

the commercial. It is currently on television but there

is also a youtube link:


An amazing achievement Rose, well done.

Yonatan Freund competed last Saturday in the Kara-

te World Championships in Spain. He was handed a

very tough draw, but managed to defeat Serbia 6-1

in the first round. Unfortunately, he lost to Turkey in his

2nd fight, although he made his opponent work hard

to win. Turkey remains one of the world‟s strongest

karate countries, so it was always going to be tough

to get through. Over 100 countries participated in the

World Championships, which took place over 5 days

in Tenerife, Spain.

Yonatan was selected as part of a small Australian

team and this was an incredible result for his first

World Championships.

Next week is a very busy one in the performing arts

calendar at Reddam. On Monday the Dance De-

partment have their annual showcase, this year at

NIDA. We look forward to seeing the culmination of

this department‟s work.

Tuesday sees the Annual Sports Awards at UNSW Sci-

ence Theatre.

On Wednesday the Annual RHAP Awards will be held

also at UNSW Science Theatre.

Have a wonderful week ahead.

Dave Pitcairn

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This Monday, on the 30th of October, 16 selected year

8 students participated in the National Young Leaders

Day Conference , an initiative of Halogen Australia

held at the International Convention Centre. During this

time, students participated in a number of activities

aimed at interacting with young leaders from different

schools across NSW.

Students shared leadership initiatives and discussed

what has already been done successfully in schools

around NSW that can be incorporated into their own

schools. Students also had the opportunity to listen to

four renowned guest speakers each with truly inspiring

backgrounds and an interesting insight on leadership

that was extremely useful in developing leadership skills

for those interested in becoming executive leaders

next year. Students heard from Gladys Berejiklian, the

current premier of NSW. She spoke of the true power of

passion and how if one remains a passionate leader,

the respect of others can be earned and this aids one

in working towards one‟s goals. They then heard from

John Courts, a 48 old man who has faced many chal-

lenges in overcoming his disability (only having the top

part of his body).

His story is truly inspiring and serves as a powerful illustra-

tion of how goals can provide direction, purpose and

strength, allowing one to overcome the challenges

faced by leaders.

Adam Goodes, an AFL legend who won Australian of

the Year in 2014 spoke about striving to reach goals

and the behaviour's and characteristics of a great

leader. Finally, Andrew Scipione, former NSW commis-

sioner of Police spoke to the students about their true

value and potential and about how staying true to

their characters will be vital when leading others. Over-

all, it was an enriching day for our students, and gave

them an opportunity to develop and strengthen their

leadership skills learning from some of the top leaders in


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The 2018 Year 12 Drama class have begun their HSC

course with a series of stimulating live theatre experi-

ences. Their teachers Emma Buzo and Will Hodgson

took the class to see a professional performance of

„Norm and Ahmed‟, a play studied in the Australian

Drama topic and Clockfire Theatre Company‟s pro-

duction of „The Natural Conservatorium for Wise Wom-

en‟, a performance influenced by the work of French

theatre practitioner Jacques Lecoq who is also stud-

ied in the course. The class joined other elective Dra-

ma students at Belvoir St Theatre to see the controver-

sial theatre classic 'Ghosts' which was the last Theatre

Club outing for the year. Here are some of the Year 12

students' comments:

"Having the opportunity to see a production of 'Norm

and Ahmed' was such a privilege, as was the question

and answer session with the actors. I was amazed at

how certain directorial choices had so much impact

on the script and brought the characters to life in

ways I hadn‟t expected. It was undeniably helpful as

we embark on our HSC study of the play."

"'The Natural Conservatorium for Wise Women' was a

lovely way to introduce Year 12 Drama to the theatre

of Jacques Lecoq, giving us a visual representation of

the different stylistic techniques that are used within

this particular art form. The experience got me think-

ing about the different methods that I could use when

devising my own piece of drama and the different

ways that this could affect the audience."

"'The Natural Conservatorium for Wise Women' was

such a fascinating experience in all aspects. Having

studied absurdist theatre last term, it was extremely

interesting to view an absurdist play in action.'

"'The Natural Conservatorium for Wise Women'

showed us that a piece of drama can mean every-

thing and nothing at the same time. It was interesting

to see how improvisation can take ideas and charac-

ters to the next level. Definitely an inspiration going

into group projects later in the year."

'"Ghosts' was an intriguing play representing the clash

of two ideologies, the revelation of secrets and the

subsequent situations that followed. It provided great

insight into possible group performances and direc-

torial and actor choices crucial for our HSC year in


The 2018 HSC Drama class and teachers Will Hodgson and Emma Buzo with actors in 'Norm and Ahmed'

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On Tuesday the year 9 leadership classes welcome Melinda Harrison from PWD (People with Disabilities) and

Michelina Pelosi from the Ryda program to hear their inspirational life stories. The students gained insight into the

events that led to them being wheelchair bound and learnt valuable skills in disability awareness. The students

then enjoyed an informal, open ended question forum where they learnt how to best help people who have dis-

abilities and ensure that as young leaders they continue to strive to be inclusive and respectful of all members of

our community.

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The final High School musical event or 2017 was held at Assembly today. Eight of our best bands competed in the

2017 Battle of the Bands Competition. This year's adjudicator was Mr Iain Tallis. Iain is on staff in the Music Depart-

ment but also enjoys an extensive performing career around Sydney as a Jazz and Contemporary Bassist.

Iain was looking for a cohesive unit on stage, both in presentation and unity of purpose as performers. He was

interested in stylist integrity - the ability of the performance to accurately recreate the musical work they were


He noted Jack Bauer's guitar solo in Metallica's „Enter Sandman‟ and the efforts of Ariel Pacanowski in his first vo-

cal performance with a band.

In 3rd Place came 'The Comfortable Shoe Brigade' who performed 'Am I Wrong' by Anderson Paak. Iain could

not separate 1st and 2nd Place so it was over to the audience for the 'Clap-o-metre'. In an enthusiastic response

the audience awarded 2nd Place to 'Feel it Still' by Portugal The Man; and in 1st Place came 'Clifford' performing

Bruno Mars' 'Locked Out Of Heaven'. Well done to all.

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YEAR 10:

A final reminder that all Work Experience forms are

OVERDUE to Ms Jones. Please attend to this if required




Representatives of the University of Arts London will

be visiting Sydney from 19 February to 27 February

2018. They will provide insight into studying abroad,

the application process and portfolio presentation. If

interested in attending a session email

[email protected] or phone 9283 3028 for details.


ACU will be offering a Bachelor of Business Admin-

istration at their Stathfield Campus from 2018.


Notre Dame is holding a Getting to Know Nursing

Event Tuesday 14 November 2017 and a Course Op-

tions Day Saturday 16 December 2017.


TS has the following upcoming events: 15 November

Discover Nursing.

16& 23 November Law Discovery Day

28 November STEM & Engineering / IT Discovery Day

16 December UTS Info Day

See Ms Jones for further details for the above.


The annual Middle School Reddam House Public

Speaking Competition takes place on Monday 13

November at 7 pm at the Woollahra Campus.

The competition will run with students from each year

group delivering their speeches in three different ven-

ues within the school, and we have three experi-

enced external adjudicators who will be judging the


All students from Year 7 - 9 have been delivering their

speeches in class and the finalists will be selected

when all speeches have been completed.

All finalists will be notified by email by the middle of

next week.

This is set to be an amazing evening, as the standard

of speeches has been incredibly high. The finalists will

also be published in next week's newsletter.

Jo Karney

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Basketball - Easts Comp Sundays


10R (Lisa) V Shooting Stars 14 - 18

12E ( Lee) V Clovelly Warriors 13 - 12

12D ( Lee) V Clovelly Hoopsters 13 - 21

13R (Lee) V Coogee 46 - 8


10E Boys (Lee) V Bye

12D (Lee) V Reddam M 10 - 23

12M (Mehdi) V Reddam D 23 - 10

12A (Mehdi ) V Bye

14E Year 7 Boys (Kenny) V Reddam D 11 - 22

14D Year 8 Boys (Kenny) V Reddam E 22 - 11

14M Year 8 Boys (Mehdi) V Emanuel 26 - 26

16R Year 9 Boys (Mehdi) V Bye

Basketball - Comets Comp Fridays and Saturdays


16 R Div 2 (Hayley) V Bye

18 R Div 2 (Guy) V Frost 45 - 22


10R Div 1 (Lee) V Bye

12R Div 2 (Henry) V Warriors 29 - 23

12E Div 3 ( Henry ) V Warriors 15 - 27

14R Div 2 (Lee) V Scorpians 22- 9

18R Div 2 (Luke) V Hawkes 0 - 20

18E Div 3 (Luke) V Lions 24 - 24

18D Div 3 (Lee) Year 11 Boys V Trailblazers 24 - 12


Reddam 1 V St Pius 3 - 1

Reddam 2 V St Pius 2 - 1

Reddam 3 V St Pius 2- 1

Reddam 4 V St Pius 0 - 3

Reddam 5 V Redlands 3 - 0

Reddam 6 V Barker 3 - 0

Reddam 7 V Redlands 3 - 0

Reddam 8 V St Pius 1 - 2

Water Polo – Saturday Comp


Reddam 1 V Bye

Reddam 2 V Schols 17 - 1

Reddam 3 V Schols 17 - 0

Reddam 4 V St Clares 2 - 12


Opens V Cranbrook 17 - 1

16s V Trinity 13 - 0

Primary V St Aloysius 5 - 2

Touch Football – Saturday Comp


Reddam 1 V Monte 3 - 2

Reddam 2 V Monte 2 -1

Reddam 3 V Monte 1 - 2

Reddam 4 V Wenona 1 - 3

Reddam 5 V Wenona 5 - 2

Reddam 6 V Monte 2 - 1

Reddam 7 V Kincopal 8 - 0


Reddam 16s V Waverley College 3 2 - 2

Reddam 14s V Waverley College 2 5 - 4

Touch Football - Boys Tuesday Comp 31st Oct

Reddam 1 Seniors V St Andrews 14 - 0

Reddam 2 Year 9 V Emanuel 5 - 3

Reddam 3 Year 8 V Moriah 6 - 4

Reddam 4 Year 7R V Reddam 5 5 - 3

Reddam 5 Year 7E V Reddam 4 3 - 5


Basketball - Easts Comp Sundays


10R (Lisa) V Bye

12E ( Lee) V Reddam 12D 2.00pm Waverley Pavilion


12D ( Lee) V Reddam 12E 2.00pm Waverley Pavilion


13R (Lee) V Bondi Lions 2.45pm Waverley Pavilion Sun-



10E Boys (Lee) V Bubbs Blue 10.00am Waverley College


12D (Lee) V Bronte Bulls 3.30pm UNSW Gym Sunday

12M (Mehdi) V Bye

12A (Mehdi ) V Bronte Bulls 3.00pm Waverley Gym Sun-


14E Year 7 Boys (Kenny) V Hoops 10.25am Sydney Boys

High School Gym Sunday

...Continued Next Page...

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14D Year 8 Boys (Kenny) V Maccabi 11.10am Sydney

Boys High School Gym Sunday

14M Year 8 Boys (Mehdi) V Triple Threat 10.25am Syd-

ney Boys High School Gym Sunday

16R Year 9 Boys (Mehdi) V Emanuel 8.10am Sydney

Boys High School Gym Sunday

Basketball - Comets Comp Fridays and Saturdays


16 R Div 2 (Hayley) V CYS 4.20pm Alexandria Basketball

Stadium Friday. The bus will leave Woollahra at 3.30pm

18 R Div 2 (Guy) V Rockets 5.05pm Alexandria Basket-

ball Stadium Friday. The bus will leave Woollahra at



10R Div 1 (Lee) V All Blacks 8.45am Alexandria Basket-

ball Stadium Saturday.

12R Div 2 (Henry) V Bye

12E Div 3 ( Henry ) V Maccabi 11.45am Alexandria Bas-

ketball Stadium Saturday.

14R Div 2 (Lee) V Maccabi 5.45pm Alexandria Basket-

ball Stadium Saturday.

18R Div 2 (Luke) V Knights 2.15pm Marrickville Basketball

Stadium Saturday.

18E Div 3 (Luke) V Reddam D 3.00pm Marrickville Bas-

ketball Stadium Saturday.

18D Div 3 (Lee) Year 11 Boys V Reddam E 3.00pm Mar-

rickville Basketball Stadium Saturday.


Reddam 1 V Redlands Lane Cove Tennis Club 10.00am


Reddam 2 V Redlands Primrose Park Tennis Centre

10.00am Saturday

Reddam 3 V St Pius Primrose Park Tennis Centre

10.00am Saturday

Reddam 4 V Redlands, Cammeray Tennis Club

10.00am Saturday

Reddam 5 V Barker Primrose Park Tennis Centre 8.00am


Reddam 6 V Barker Kooroora Tennis Club 8.00am Satur-


Reddam 7 V St Pius Primrose Park Tennis Centre 8.00am


Reddam 8 V St Pius Talus Street Courts 8.00am Saturday

Water Polo – Saturday Comp


Reddam 1 V SCHOLS 10.15am UNSW Pool Saturday

Reddam 2 V St Clares 10.45am UNSW Pool Saturday

Reddam 3 V Kincopal 11.45am UNSW Pool Saturday

Reddam 4 V Kincopal 12.15pm UNSW Pool Saturday


Opens V St. Andrews 2.50pm Newington Pool Saturday.

The bus will leave Reddam at 1.45pm

16s V Waverley College 1.30pm Newington Pool Satur-

day. The bus will leave Reddam at 12.15pm

Primary V Knox, Knox Pool 8.45am Saturday. The bus will

leave Reddam at 7.30am

Water Polo – Friday Comp

Boys – Friday

Reddam 1 V Wests UNSW Pool 8.15pm Friday

Reddam 2 V Wests UNSW Pool 7.45pm Friday

Reddam 3 V Wests UNSW Pool 7.15pm Friday

Touch Football – Saturday Comp


Reddam 1 V Loreto 8.50am Queens Park No. 1 Satur-


Reddam 2 V SCEGGS Reservoir Field No. 5 Saturday

Reddam 3 V SCEGGS 8.00am Queens Park No. 3 Satur-


Reddam 4 V St Vincents 12.10pm Reservoir Field No. 3


Reddam 5 V Kincopal 11.20am Queens Park No. 3 Sat-


Reddam 6 V Kincopal 8.50am Reservoir Field No. 4 Sat-


Reddam 7 V SCEGGS 10.30am Reservoir Field No. 4 Sat-



Reddam 16s V Waverley College 2, 10.35am Queens

Park 19 ( Adjacent to the Shed Café on Darley Rd) Sat-


Reddam 14s V Riverview 9.45am Queens Park 19 ( Ad-

jacent to the Shed Café on Darley Rd) Saturday

Touch Football - Boys Tuesday Comp 7th November

Reddam 1 Seniors V Moriah 5.15pm Queens Park No. 8


Reddam 2 Year 9 V Moriah, 4.35pm Queens Park No.9


Reddam 3 Year 8 V Waverley Blue, 4.15pm Queens

Park No. 16 Tuesday

Reddam 4 Year 7R V Emanuel 3.55pm Queens Park

No.8 Tuesday

Reddam 5 Year 7E V St Andrews 4.15pm Queens Park

No. 19 Tuesday

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