
Post on 28-Jun-2015






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When I completed my preliminary task I knew very little about conventions meaning that my task does not cover all of the conventions that it should, for example it is conventional for a masthead to be in the centre of the top. But one convention that I have followed is the image, it is a school pupil in their uniform which is conventional for a school magazine. Comparing it to my finished rock magazine front cover I can see that I have learnt alot more about conventions of different magazines and it has allowed me to make my front cover more conventional.


In my preliminary task I used a simple mid shot of a pupil, however my photography skills were not as good as they are now as I did not do a lot of planning making the image poor. The use of mise-en-scene within my preliminary task is also unconventional, there are no props used and she is standing against a plain background. This has changed massively in my final product as more planning as gone into my photography and the mise-en-scene is improved, although there is no background the use of props is better as I have used musical instruments to improve the image more and make it look more realistic.


In my preliminary task I did no editing at all, the background stay on the image and the image was just put on the page, this is because I had little knowledge and no software to do editing on. When I did my final magazine I had more editing software available, this allowed me to edit my image more meaning I could take the background off, this made the picture more eye catching and professional.


In my preliminary task the layout is not appealing or conventional, after doing research my rock magazine follows a more conventional layout as well as following the route of the eye.


The fonts used in my preliminary are conventional as they are sans serif and very plain and basic, this would looks appealing on a magazine but the younger audiences may not find it as appealing. But when it came to doing my rock magazine I had a greater understands which allowed me to make all the fonts conventional and appealing to all ages in my audience.


The colours used in the preliminary task are very basic and not conventional for the magazine, also some colours are hard to read against the background as the background is different colours (masthead), since this I have improved on colour schemes and what colours are conventional for different genres, making my magazine more appealing to my target audience.


The mode of address for the preliminary task is very basic and does not appeal very well to the target audience. Since completing my preliminary task I have learnt more about the mode of address and what is conventional meaning that my final magazine cover connotes violence and anger, which are conventional for a rock magazine making it appealing to my target audience.


My preliminary contents page doesn't cover many conventions for that type of magazine, the one convention that is does cover is having the contents in an organised way taking up most/all of the page. Since doing this I have learned alot about conventions and how they attract the audience and in my final contents page I have used most of the conventions of a rock magazine, this can be seen as the page is in half, with conventional texts, fonts, colours and images which all help to attract the audience.


In my preliminary task I did not use any images on my contents page as I didn’t think that is was conventional, now afters doing my final contents page I now know that an image on the contents page can help break it up and makes it look more interesting as a page meaning making it more appealing for my audiences.


When I did my preliminary task I had little knowledge of image editing which is why no image has been used, and no image has been edited. Since then My knowledge has grown and I have learnt how to edit images on different programs which has then allowed me edit my image on my final contents page, this then made my final content look more appealing and professional as an image is conventional.


The layout used in my preliminary task is very basic, it does not follow the route of the eye and everything is in one giant column. Since learning more about the layout of a contents page I have now been able to make my final contents page more organised, and appealing.


The fonts on my preliminary task are very basic and plain, they may be conventional but they do not look appealing. After doing research and using internet websites I was able to use better and more conventional fonts which are appealing,


The colours that I used for my preliminary task were are not conventional and there is only one colour which is a very plain and basic colour. This has been improved massively after doing research into conventional colours and what how many different colours to use. This can be seen in the substantial difference between my preliminary task and my final contents page.


The mode of address for my preliminary task is very basic, this is because I did not know what mode of address was but since then I have learnt a lot about the mode of address, this has made my final contents page more conventional with its mode of address therefore appealing to my target audience.

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