quantum computing - challenges in the field of security

Post on 07-Nov-2014






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Presented by Navin "M@dmAx" Pai at NullCon 2010, Goa, India on the implications of Quantum computing on the field of security. This was a half hour presentation.


nullcon Goa 2010 http://nullcon.net

Quantum Computing-Challenges in the field of security

- Navin “M@dmAx” Pai

nullcon Goa 2010 http://nullcon.net

About The Moron

Comp Sc. Student/ Net-Sec Junkie/ Blogger/ Photographer/ Geek/ Super N00b/ Quantum Computing Fanatic/ Web Designer/ Space Monkey/ Ninja/ Technoholic/ Movie Maniac/ Goan/ Internet Moron

nullcon Goa 2010 http://nullcon.net

If U didn’t know this, shoot yourself!!

Moore's Law states, the number of transistors on a μP doubles every 18 months.

So by 2020 or 2030 will find the circuits on a μP measured on an atomic scale. And the logical next step will be quantum computers, which will harness the power of atoms and molecules to perform memory and processing tasks.

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I Qu(b)it!!

Quantum Superposition

Bit can either

be 1 or 0

Qubit can be 1, 0

or a superposition

of both!

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Heisenberg’s Feline

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The statement

Quantum Computers rock at factoring, esp. using Shor’s theorem.

Infact, as number of bits increases, the factoring operation becomes more and more efficient!

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Long Story Shor(t)

O((log N)3)

A)Pick random number a<N

B)Use Period finding function to find period of

C)Check conditions

D)GCD of (ar/2 +- 1) and N is one of the reqd. factors

nullcon Goa 2010 http://nullcon.net

The Problem

Most current encryption algorithms work under consideration that factoring large numbers is practically impossible

Eg. RSA Algorithm (used even by banks/e-commerce)

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The Proposed Solution

McEliece Encryption system (1978)

219 bit Public key

+ binary Goppa codes

Impermeable to

Shor’s algorithm

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The McEliece Encryption system has already been cracked!

TU/e took 2 weeks

and a cluster of

100 systems to

achieve this!

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The Actual Solution

Stop thinking mathematically

Think Physics!!

Physicists are the true answer to the next generation cryptography

One example is the principle of entanglement

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When pairs of particles are generated by the decay of other particles, naturally or through induced collision, these pairs may be termed "entangled", in that such pairs often necessarily have linked and opposite qualities such as spin or charge.

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Back to teh Kitteh!!

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Man in The Middle

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Quantum Solution

•Encryption +Authentication =SecurityCarter-Wegman Method

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Why aren’t we freaking out?

Quantum computing is still in its nascent stage

In 2000, a quantum computer generated and used 7 qubits to factorise 15 =5*3

Noise Reduction is very difficult!

The cost is amazingly high!

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No kittehs, quantum or otherwise, were harmed in the making of this


nullcon Goa 2010 http://nullcon.net


No Theoretical Physics Plizz!!

Contact: lifeofnavin@gmail.com

Twitter: @NavinPai

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