question 5 how did you attract/address your audience?

Post on 25-Jul-2015






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By Amber Renshaw

Question 5 How did you attract/address your audience?

Target Audience

When we were first planning our film we aimed to appeal to a unisex age range of 15-30 year olds. This was because of what our film included and we wanted the audience to be able to relate to each character as well as understand them. When looking at our research we did before for the film we feel that we achieved our aim as most people thought it was a 12A or a 15 rated film.

What did you think would appeal to your audience? There were many things that could appeal to the audience. In our film the two main characters are both best friends, female and young this would bring in many girls under that stereotype. To add to this the use of drugs and crime could bring in a wider audience such as people who just like a crime thriller or those that are just simply curious about drugs. However the fact that the regional identity is set in the North of England would bring in a lot of local audiences for Jackpot.

How did our film relate to the audience

Our film could appeal to lots of audiences in various ways for different reasons. However when people watched the film they said that it had a very good and exciting storyline which made them want to watch more. The fact that a woman was the main character had a lot to do with it as well because this breaks the stereotype of a male playing the main role in a crime drama. The idea of subversion plays a big part in appealing to the audience.

What was successful in our feed back?

This was our questionnaire we took after the film had been finished and watched by a random sample of people this is what they said.

Our feedback

Looking at our overall feedback the audience said they enjoyed our film and 77.7 percent said they would watch the full film if it was produced by a proper film company. Plus when looking at the who they thought the target audience was 66 percent of people got it right saying a 15 rate on the film this proved that we got the target audience right when initially doing our research.

What was least successful? On our feed back one said that our editing needed improving. Also the use of characters were not believable meaning we should have picked better actors or maybe worked on development a little more so we understood the characters more ourselves. This is what we didn’t do well to attract an audience.

What could be improved? If we could do it again I’d definitely make sure our questionnaires were more reliable and send them out to a wider audience. But it showed that people didn’t know how to class the film in age rating as we got an 18 which is way out and two U’s. Some of the results were unreliable and unhelpful.

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