raygo steering wheel controller for driving

Post on 17-Feb-2017






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RayGo Steering Wheel Controller for Driving

Distractions whilst driving is becoming a heavy matter, particularly by individuals

handling their smart phones.

Most of us deem drunk driving to be a fatal practice, nevertheless texting while driving is

just as fatal if not more.

As opposed to waiting, individuals still continue to use their cell phones while

driving on an everyday basis.

Numerous organizations have tried to come up with solutions to the current dilemma in

the form of smart phone apps.

Project Ray has currently come out with an app and device they consider is an improved

solution to scale back distracted driving caused by cell phone usage.

Regulate Distracted Driving As a result of Keeping Your Eyes Free

Project Ray is a business that works with brand new cell phone technology to aid

people who are blind or visually impaired.

While manipulating these technologies, they believe that they might have discovered an improved resolution for distracted driving.

The company launched a new promotion for RayGo.

RayGo is a device which is paired with an application intended for cellular phones.

It enables you to check your messages and e-mails without having to see your phone.

This patented technology combines the use of a controller that drivers are able to clip on

their steering wheel that transmits using Bluetooth for the RayGo Application.

The device has a straightforward 5 button design everybody can operate.

These 5 buttons help you monitor your cellular phone without constantly needing to

look at it.

RayGo Monitors Your Driving To Help Prevent Distractions

Intended with safety in mind, the RayGo App will monitor your driving.

It adapts to the driving situations by pausing playback of emails or texts as well as

speaking slower as it is needed.

In particular, if you find yourself turning, the playback of the message will halt briefly until

the turn is finished before it begins to resume.

The application will sense when you are busy to help you make sure that your focus and

eyes are on the road.

In addition to their distracted driving solution meant for drivers, RayGo is planning

on making an uncomplicated device designed for people that ride bikes.

So for those who enjoy riding their bicycles that don’t have quick access to their smart phone can do so with the straightforward

RayGo controller?

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