
Post on 05-Dec-2014






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  • 1. Renaissance
    Roughly Spanned the 14thand 16th centuries.
    Jeff Ashcroft

2. Rennaissance: Rebirth This period saw a rebirth in knowledge
Rebirth of Classical Greek and Roman.Not intended to duplicate, but to duplicate and possibly surpass.
3. Emphasized Reality, Science, The Arts and theHuman Experience
Christopher Columbus discovered America.Michelangelo was painting the Sistine Chapel. William Shakespeare was writing his famous plays. Secular music is non-religious music and it was becoming more popular during this time
4. Based on the physical world around them.Strove to portray the human form realistically.They developed techniques to render perspectiveand light more naturally
5. Key Developments
6. The printing press was invented in by the German Johannes Gutenberg around 1440
7. The dry compass was invented around 1300
8. Strong Academic Focus
Renaissance scholars were most interested in recovering and studying Latin and Greek literary, historical, and oratorical texts as opposed to studying greek and arabic which was done in the middle ages
9. One theory suggests that the devastation caused by the Black Death in Florence, which hit Europe between 1348 and 1350, resulted in a shift in the world view of people in 14th-century Italy.
10. Scientific Advancements
11. Galileo Galilei:Born 15 February 1564
12. Lorenzo Ghiberti
1378 1455
Sacrifice of Isaac
13. North doors of the Florence Baptistery
14. Donatello
1386 1466
15. Masaccio
The Madonna and Child with Saint Anne
16. Tribute Money
17. FraFilippoLipi
1406 1469
Madonna and Child with Stories from the Life of St.Anne
18. Fra Angelico
1395 1455
19. Leonardo
1452 1519
Mona Lisa
20. The Babe in the womb
21. Linear Perspective
22. Michaelangelo
1475 1564
The Creation of Adam
23. Pieta
24. Raphael
1483 1520
The School of Athens
25. Image SourcesSacrifice of Isaac: doors of Florence Baptistry: David: Madonna and Child with Saint Anne: Money: and Child with Stories from the Life of St.Anne: Angelico: Lisa: Babe in the womb: Perspective: Creation of Adam: of Athens:

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