reptilia · to cool off. alligators have dry scales and lay eggs like other reptiles. alligators...

Post on 14-Oct-2020






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ReptiliaThe Road School Show

The Road School Show

We had such an amazing time visiting

Reptilia in Ontario, Canada. We hope

you learned some new information about

reptiles. Please enjoy the following

activities you can do at home to extend

the lesson. Have fun!

-The Road School Show

Alligators Alligators are reptiles. They live in freshwater. They are cold-blooded animals. They need the sun to warm up and shade to cool off. Alligators have dry scales and lay eggs like other reptiles.

Alligators can grow up to 15 feet long and weigh over 1,000 lbs. They live for 30-50 years. Alligators can have 74-80 teeth at one time and up to 2,000 teeth in a lifetime. Alligators eat meat from small mammals, birds, and fish. They eat fruit sometimes too.

An alligator’s eyes, ears, and nose are on the top of its head. They use their tail in defense and to help them swim.

Activity # 1: Complete the

crossword puzzle. Go back and

reread if you need help.

Activity # 2:

Look at some of

the differences


crocodiles and


Then fill out the

Venn Diagram on

the next page.

Venn Diagram:

Remember, things

that are similar go in

the middle section, and

things that are

different go under

either alligator or


Alligator vs. Crocodile

Venn Diagram

Activity # 3:Let’s write! You’ve learned a lot about alligators. Use the graphic organizer to help you create a

paragraph about alligators.


TortoisesTortoises are reptiles. They are cold-blooded animals and get heat from their environment. Tortoises live all over the world in different habitats, and most of them live on land.

Tortoises have scales on their shells that are called scutes. They have both an exoskeleton and an endoskeleton.

Tortoises have strong beaks and do not have any teeth. Most tortoises are herbivores. They eat plants and fruit, but some tortoises eat worms or other small insects.

Tortoises, like other reptiles, lay eggs. The mother tortoise buries her eggs in a burrow in the sand or dirt.

Tortoises are some of the oldest animals on earth and can live for 80-100 years. Some species can even live over 150 years!

Activity # 1: Complete the crossword puzzle. Go back and

reread if you need help.

Activity # 2:

Look at some of

the differences

between a turtle

and a tortoise.

Then fill out the

Venn Diagram on

the next page.

Venn Diagram:

Remember, things that

are similar go in the

middle section, and

things that are

different go under

either turtle or


Tortoise vs. Turtle

Venn Diagram


Main Idea:

Fact # 1:

Fact #2:

Fact #3:


Activity # 3:

Let’s write! You’ve learned a lot about tortoises. Use the graphic organizer to help you create a paragraph

about them.

Page 1: Selective Focus

Page 2: Road School Show

Page 3: Reptilia

Page 4: Alligator Head By Flickr

Page 5: Baby Alligator

Crossword Puzzle made on: The Teachers Corner

Page 6: Major Differences

Page 9: Giant Tortoise in the Zoo

Page 10: Brown Turtle

Page 11: Major Differences- Turtles vs. Tortoises

Special Thanks:

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