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See Story, Page 4



"KING OF JO" TO STAR IN NEW SHOW Watching Dr. Da foe

siztaimatame.,..uL.:u.,:<eaU%...àeataaen Puzzlement, reflection, perception and enjoyment describe the

reactions of the famous Dr. Allan Roy Dafoel when he was faced with an interviewer and candid cameraman on a recent visit to Columbia's New York studios. Making his yearly pre-holiday trip to the metropolis, the "docteur," as the Quins refer to him, attended the theater, night clubs, testimonial dinners and did some Christmas shopping. He returned to the small town of Callender, Ont., to resume his Monday, Wednesday and Friday broadcasts from his own study, heard over the WABC-Columbia network, including WKRC. WHAS and WHIO, at 4:45 p. m.. (E.S.T.)

Lux Director

Cecile B De-

Mille, .long known for his di-rection of such

spectacular mov-ing pictures as "Ten Command-

ments," "Th, King of Kings and "The Sign of the Cross,'" has rapidly be-come one of the outst anding ra-

dio directors and master of cere-monies because

Cecile B. DeNlille

of his superb direction of the Lux Radio Theater. This program is broadcast over the CBS network, in-cluding WKRC, WHAS and WHIO, Mondays, at 9:30 p. in. (EST.).

Father And Son Have First Meeting

On Ripley's Show Robert L. Ripley will ptesent the

Reverend Chester Hill, and his father,

Clark C. Hill, who after a thirty-year

,earch have seen each other for the

first time, as his featured guests on

the "Believe It Or Not" program,

Saturday, December 1 I th, at 8:00 p.

m. (E.S.T.), over the NBC-Red net-

work, including WLW. The unique manner in which Fate

contrived to prevent this father and son from seeing one another until more than 30 years after the child's birth, and the strange way in which a popular American custom was in-strumental in reuniting them, will be revealed on the Ripley presentation

Replaces "Music From Hollywood"

December 31 "The King of Jazz;' the world-

renowned Paul Whiteman, will re-

turn to the CBS network, including

WKRC, WHM:. and WHIO, on Fri-

day, Deceml 11, for an extended

series of popular music programs

which' will be heard every Friday

night from 8:30 to 9:00 p. m.

(E.S.T.). The series will be under

the sponsorship of Liggett and Myers

Tobacco Company, makers of Ches-

terfield Cigarettes-, and will replace

the sponsor's present series featuring

Alice Faye's songs and Hal Kemp's Orchestra.

In addition to the inimitable music provided by this orchestra of 26 stellar instrumentalists, America's foremost popular musical leader also will bring to the CBS airlanes each Friday a dif-ferent star from stage and screen, many of whom Whiteman himself started on the road to fame as mem-bers of his musical entemble.

In the words of Whiteman, the

series will be "popular programs, de-voted to tune favorites old and new, but I hope to introduce many of the works of contemporary composers, with the emphasis, of course, on new American composing talent." Whiteman, known variously as "The

King of Jazz" and `The Dean of American Popular Music," has been in the foreground of this country's musical scene since the earliest days of the vital American rhythmic force known as jazz.

It was he who is conceded to have brought jazz to the attention of serious musicians and who inspired George Gershwin to write that jazz classic, "Rhapsody in Blue," which Whiteman gave its premiere in Aeolian Hall in New York in 1923, a highlight in the history of American music in the popular vein. Moreover, Whiteman has discovered more stars of the radio, screen and musical fields than any other orchestra leader in the world.

Fireside Recital Sigurd Nilssen, bass, will sing the

old English .air, "Western Wind," and Bailey's "Gaily the Troubadour" to open the Fireside Recital on Sun-day, December 12, at 7:30 p. m. (E.S.T.), over the Ne-Red Net-work. He also will offer Woodman's "Old Winter Comes." Helen Mar-shall, soprano, will sing "It Must Be a Wond'rous Thing," by Ries, and "Trees." Vladimir Padwa will be at the piano.

'Makers Exchange

Eleanor Howe, who conducts the Homemakers Exchange pro-gram, broadcast over the NBC network, including WSAI and WSM, Tuesday and Thursday at 11:30 a. m. (E.S.T.), estimates that she'll travel 100,000 miles during the coming year. Miss Howe lives in Chicago,

but makes her broadcasts in New York's Radio City by fly-ing to New York before her Tuesday broadcast and return-ing to Chicago just after her Thursday program.

Bampton Guests For Kostelanetz

Rose Bampton, noted American so-

prano, will be Andre Kostelanetz's

guest in his regular Wednesday broad-

cast over the CBS network, including

WKRC, WHAS and WHIO, Decem-ber 15, from 9:00 to 9:30 p. m. (E.S.T.).

Miss Bampton, a pupil of Queena Mario, is a native of Cleveland. Her early studies were undertaken at the Curtis Institute in Philadelphia and she began her career with the Chau-tauqua Opera Association and the Philadelphia Grand Opera Company.

She has been soloist with Stokow-ski, with the Bethlehem Bach Festival, the Oratorio Society of New York, the Ann Albor Festival and the Cleve-land Orchestra, and has Ippeared ex-tensively in radio symphony hours. She made her , Metropolitan Opera debut in 1932 singing Laura in "La Gioconda." Deems Taylor will give the com-

mentaries on the program, which is to include orchestral digests of musical masterpieces directed by Kostelanetz.

Mrs. F. D. Roosevelt To Visit Kate Smith 6

Eleanor Roosevelt, wife of Presi-

dent Roosevelt, and Kate Smith will

converse with all the nation listening

in as the feature of the "Kate Smith

Hour" over the CBS network, includ-

ing WKRC, WHAS and WHIO,

Thursday, December 9, from 8:00 to

9:00 p. m. (E.S.T.).

The appearance of Mrs. Roosevelt

on the "Kate Smith Hour" marks a distinct departure in production of

radio variety shows. She will be the

first of many outstanding personalities

drawn from the world at large to

talk in intimate interview fashion with the "First Lady of Song," ac-cording to Ted Collins, producer of the program.

Mrs. Roosevelt will be asked ques-tions often pondered upon by her legion of admirers, but seldom an-swered. The world, Miss Smith be-lieves, is greatly interested in learn-ing such things as why the President's wife takes a certain taxi above all others on leaving a New York theatre and how she maintains the tremend-ous drive necessary to handle her many diversified interests.

"Carol Kennedy"

Gretchen Davidson keeps young and beautiful these days by hopping from the CBS stu-dios where she plays the lead in "Carol Kennedy's Romance" broadcast over that network, in-cluding WHAS and WHIO, Mondays through Fridays at 11:15 a. m. (E.S.T.), to Broad-way, where she may be seen in "Many Mansions."


VERDI'S "LA TRAVIATA" PLAYED BY Rodzinski Conducts Second In Series

Of NBC Concerts Arun Rodzinski will conduct the

NBC S‘inphony Orchestra in the sec-ond of his three scheduled appear-ances on Saturday, December 11, from 10:00 to 11:30 p. m. (E.S.T.), over the NBC network, including

WCK Y. Rodzinski has programmed works

by Smetana, Stravinsky, Tschaikow-sky and Shostakovitch for the con-cert. Opening with Smetana's "Bar-

«tered Bi ide" Overture, the concert will continue with Stravinsky's "Pe-trushka" Suite and Tschaikowsky's

"Romeo and Juliet." The final niimber will be Symphony

No. 1, by Shostakovitch. Rodzinski,

who was entrusted with the difficult task, soon after the announcement of the formation of the NBC Symphony 'Orchestra, of molding more than 90 distinguished instrumentalists into a coherant whole, will conduct one more concert after the December 11 program.

Rodzinski has become known as an authoritative interpreter as well as a champion of this young composer. It was he who introduced Shostako-vitch's controversial opera, "Lady Macbeth of Mzensk," to Cleveland, New York and Philadelphia audiences

a few seasons ago. PROGRAM

Overture to "Bartered Bride" Smetana "Romeo and Juliet" Overture•Fantasy

Tschaikowsky "Pet roushka" Spite Stravinsky Symphony No. 1 Shostakovitch

Charlie Dameron

Charles Dameron, one of ra-dio's most popular crooners, is teaching thousands of boye and girls to sing in his new "Char-lie's Singing School" program over WLW at 5:45 p. m., (E.S.T.) Monday through Fri-day. Supported by the Novelty Aces—two girl sand three boys, Charlie explains rhythm, har-mony and melody in his daily programs.

New Announcer

James A. McCulla III, who gave up a career in medicine to become a radio announcer, is one of the latest additions to the WLW and WSAI staff. While attending the State University of Iowa, he took a job announc-ing over WSO-KRNT in 1935. Coming to Cincinnati he joined the Crosley stations in Septem-ber, this year, and already is be-ing groomed as one of the WSAI chief news reporters. He is heard with Charles Woods at 10:30 p. in., (E.S.T.) daily ex-cept Sunday, and frequently is called on to present other news-casts.

Christmas Songs Featured On Air

By Conservatory A group of Christmas songs by

Richard Trunk will be presented by

Hubert Kockritz, baritone, accompa-

nied at the piano by Miriam Otto,

as a feature of the Cincinnati Con-

servatory of Music program over the

CBS network, including WKRC and

WHAS, Saturday, December 11, from 10:00 a. m. to 12:90 noon (E.S.T.). A quartet composed of Helen

Thacker and Jean Grubbs, violins;

Victor Rice, 'cello, and Kathryn Fell, piano, is to open the broadcast with Corelli's Concerto Grosso, No. 3 in C minor, while a sextet made up of the above-mentioned violinists to-gether with Charles Moeller and Sari Jr., and Kathleen Wiltse, 'celli, will bring the program to a close with the Sextet No. 2, Opus 7, in B minor, of R. Gliere. Kockritz and Miss Otto are members of the Conservatory fac-

ulty. Other performers are advanced students.

Buy, Martini, To Star In Leading

Roles Of Onera Vina Bovy, Belgian coloratura so-

prano, and Nino Martini, ' tenor of

opera, screen and radio, will sing the

leading roles in Verdi's "La Traviata,"

when they make their initial Metro-

politan Opera appearance of the sea-

son on Saturday afternoon, December

11, at 2:00 o'clock (E.S.T.) when the

program is broadcast over the NBC

network, including WCKY and WLW.

The broadcast will feature Miss

Bovy as the fragile Violetta and Mr.

Martini as the dashing lover, Alfredo.

Miss Bovy plays the same role in

which she made her debut. Mr. Mar-

tini made his Metropolitan debut in

1933 after a full preparatory career

that began in the choir of the Cathe-

dral of San Fermo in Italy.

The opera to be broadcast, based on

the famous play by Alexandre Dumas,

fils, "La Dame Aux Camelias," is one

of the most popular in operatic rep-

ertory. It concerns the redemption of

Violetta, known in the stage version

as Camille, through the love of young

Alfredo Germoni. Violetta leaves the

frivolous life of the Paris demi monde

and goes to live with Alfredo in idyllic seclusion.

His father, Giorgio Germont, how-

ever, finds their country home and

begs her to leave his son, declaring

that unless se does she will ruin both

Alfredo and his family. Violetta sac-

rifices her love and rejoins her old

friends in Paris.

Alfredo follows and denounces her

before her friends at a gay masqua-

rade. Heartbroken, Violetta retires to

await death of tuberculosis. Too late

does Alfredo learn of her sacrifice and

beg forgiveness; Violetta dies as the

lovers are planning a new life together.

La Traviata, one of the most dura-

ble of opera favorites, contains some

of the melodious music written by

Verdi. In the RCA broadcast will be

heard all the famous arias, including

Parigi o cara, Un di felice, Ah, fors'e

lui and the baritone song, Di Provenza

il mar.

The complete cast: Violetta Vina Bovy, soprano Flora Thelma Votipka, soprano Annina Lucielle Browning, contralto Alfredo Nino Martini, tenor Giorgio Germont...J C Thomas, baritone Gastone Angelo Bada. tenor Baron Douphol...W. Engelmann, baritone Doctor Grenvil Norman Cordon, basso Conductor Ettore Panizza Stage Director Desire Defrere Chorus Master Fausto Cleva

She Views The News


Sponsored by Appliances, Inc., distributors of the Fairbanks-, Morse Conservador refrigerator, Ruth Lyons, well-known Cin-cinnati news commentator, is now being heard each Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 11 a. m., in a program titled "A Woman Views the News." Since her outstanding work during the Cin-cinnati flood last January, Mrs. Lyons has been considered tops as a news broadcaster. In addition to this thrice-weekly news program, she conducts the "Woman's Hour" daily except Sunday on WKRC at 8:30 a. m.

Philharmonic-Symphony To Feature All-Wagner

Broadcast December 12 An all-Richard Wagner concert

will be featured by John Barbirolli

when he conducts the New York Phil-harmonic-Symphony Orchestra, Sun-day, December 12, from 3:00 to 5:00 p. m. (E.S.T.), over the CBS net-work, including WKRC and WHAS. The program consists of the Prel-

udes to Acts I and III of "Lohen-grin"; the Overture and Bacchanale from "Tannhauser"; Siegfried's Rhine Journey from "Gotterdammerung"; the first and third act Preludes of "Tristan and Isolde," and excerpts from "Die Meistersinger." The Prelude to Act I of "Tristan"

will be played with the concert end-ing written by Wagner, a revealing

note on which is given in the com-poser's letter of December 19, 1859, to his close friend, Mathilde Wesen-donck:

"You know that Hans (von Bulow) wanted to conduct the Prelude last winter and begged me to write a concert close for it. At that time no inspiration could have come to me; it seemed so impossible that I flatly declined. Since then, however, I have written the third act and found a full close for the whole; so, while drawing up the program for a Paris concert—the particular temptation to which was my wish to get a hear-

ing of this 'Tristan' Prelude—it oc-curred to me to outline that close in advance as a glimmering presage of

redemption. Well, it has succeeded quite admirably, and today I send you this mysteriously tranquilizing close as the best gift I can make for your birthday."

Blondes For Baker Not content with being heckled by

"Bottle" and "Beetle," Phil Baker has added comely Lucille Ball to his group

of stooges, thus establishing for himself a new high in the stoog-ing business. Lucille, originally engaged to ap-pear as a guest star, so impressed the accordion-

pushing comedian

with her comely talent that he has engaged her serv-

.<•ices for an ex-tended perio d.

The Baker pro-gram is heard over the CBS network, including WKRC, WHAS and WHIO, each Sunday at 7:30 p. m. (E.S.T.)

Lucille Ball


Weekly RADIO DIAL Entered as second-class matter July 29, 1931, at the post-office at Cincinnati, Ohio.

under the Act of March 3, 1879.

Published every Friday by the Radio Dial Publishing Co. 22 East 12th St., Cincinnati, Ohio

Six Months for $1.00. Single Cobies 5 cents RADIO DIAL brings you the latest available programs and news of your favorite stations and artists. All programs listed are correct up to press-time, but are, of course, subject to

later changes by network, and local stations.

Telephone.—CHerry 0710-0711 J. A. ROSENTHAL, Editor

Vol. VIL WEEK ENDING bECEMBER 17, 1937 No. 31

THE BITTER WITH THE SWEET "Hollywood, Nov. 26, INS. George Jessel, comedian, with the backing

of the office of Will Hays, today urged screen studios to close their doors to `radio gossipers.' I accuse those who stand behind heavily guarded micro-phones and tear down the other fellow's product to boost their own' he said. `That's un-American and unfair. Radio gossipers are undermining the vast motion picture industry with unwarranted attacks.'"

No doubt the first reaction of those who read this news item was lively curiosity about the why of Jessel's indignation. That he has just cause for wrath scents altogether likely. Certain of the Hollywood "columns" which clutter the kilocycles specialize in airing soiled linen. At the same tinte the incident has much ironic humor.

During the past three or four years the number of network programs "created" in Hollywood has jumped from almost nothing to many hours a week. The ostensible reason for the westward trek is to obtain the services of screen stars. But listeners are beginning to wonder who benefits front the move. For many of the programs wafted from Hollywood essay far more film ballyhoo than radio entertainment.

The radio preview—simply an audible version of the screen trailer—is just one form of this ballyhoo. When a celluloid star in introduced to the radio audience, supposedly precious minutes must be wasted on plugging his current pictures, and the names of their producers and directors.

In brief, Hollywood has found radio a prime publicity medium. And in exchange for enduring all this ballyhoo the radio audience gets little first-rate entertainment.

Few of the West Coast shows gain anything by being produced in the "glamor capital." Indeed, many are just public-address bi-products of spec-tacles staged primarily for studio audiences.

All this puts a different light on the Jesse' protest. It may be true that certain of the "radio gossipers" have overstepped the bounds of sportsman-ship. If they have, that is an inevitable risk of the gante. Those who lise by publicity cannot expect that publicity to be favorable all of the time.

And when Jessel speaks of "radio gossipers undermining the vast motion picture industry" he is merely ridiculous. On the air, the real undermining

is being done by Hollywood itself, with ballyhoo that is being spread on too thick even for the suckers.

At the loudspeaker the trouble seems another case of a "yes man" com-plex. When one industry uses another so frankly for its own advantage, it will do well to tolerate a few "no men," if for no other reason to make the superlatives of the "yes men" a little more plausible.

REX DAVIS - - - SPORTSCASTER Rex Davis, sportscaster, in charge

of WCKY's afternoon Sports Review, recently asked his listeners what time of the afternoon they preferred to hear his review of races, baseball gossip, football information and the other sports news he blends into his afternoon feature.

After a few days, he sorted out his mail to make the final analysis: Great-er Cincinnati accounted for about 85 per cent of the fans, yet eleven states were represented.

Radio sponsors usually claim that it is the WOMEN who write to the stations, but in the Rex Davis mail nine out of every ten letters were from men. One man in Cincinnati wrote, "Due to ill health I have been confined to my home for some time,

and since I've always planned to write a radio fan letter, this confine-ment gives me the opportunity to tell you how much other men as well as myself must appreciate your sports news."

An insurance man in Illinois wrote that every afternoon a group of fif-teen or twenty men in his office build-ing congregate in his office to hear the racing finals. "I put a little sign on my door reading `This is Rex Davis' Branch Office' " the man wrote "and I find that, contrary to tradi-tion, some of the men who play the

ponies are darn good insurance pros-

peels." The letter concluded "You

keep up your good work and I'll keep

up the insurance business."




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On New Year's Eve, Paul White-man and his -troupe of entertainers will return over the Columbia net-work through WKRC for a weekly Chesterfield series. They will replace Hal Kemp's orchestra and Alice Faye. The broadcasts will continue at the same tinte: 8 :30 to 9 :00 o'clock.

* * *

Sjwaking of Hal Kemp's music, his vocalist, Skinny Ennis, has been signed by Paramount to make a pic-

ture * * *

Variety lists the following tunes for the most popular of the week: Once In A While. If It's The Last Thing I Do. Nice Work If You Can Get It. Ebb-Tide. Farewell, My Love. I Still Love To Kiss You Good

Night. You Can't Stop Me From Dream-

ing. Vitni, N/ieni. Foggy Day.

* *

Dick Bray, 'KRC's sportscaster, at-tended the Big Ten football meeting in Chicago last week. Dick is the youngest Big Ten referee.

* * *

Camel hasn't decided whether it will renew Jack Oakie's contract when it expires January 4.

* * *

Every member of WKRC's an-nouncing staff attended college but no two of them attended the same

one. Maynard Craig went to school at

Ohio Wesleyan and Harvard; Dick Bray graduated from Xavier Uni-versity; Lee Bland, from Ohio State; Paul Carlisle attended Pensacola University; Francis Pettay, Akron University; Bob Geis, Kent State College; Eddie Humphrey, Witten-

berg and Notre Dame, and Lin Ma-son, Muskingum.

* * *

Thumbnail sketch of Frank Crumit; Serves as singing master of ceremo-nies on Coca Cola Song Shop ... has been noted for his jovial persiflage and singing since crystal set days of radio . . . never suffered from begin-ner's hard luck in show business . . . began his stage career in Cincinnati in 1909 . . . has been successful ever since . . . he's the son of Jackson, Ohio, banker . . . graduated from Culver Military Academy and Ohio University . . . is married to Julia Sanderson, with whom he has ap-peared on the radio and stage.

• •

What has become of Jane Froman?

• * Al Bland, pilot of Dow's Dawn

Patrol, is an expert linotype operator.



Somehow or other the poor radio announcer never seems to get his just deserts as far as the great god pub-licity is concerned. The radio an-nouncer is rapidly taking his place along side the engineer with the rank-ing title of unsung hero. Poor little fellows, such delicate personalities and all that you know. It pains them greatly to see page after page of printed space devoted to glamour girls whose voices have the soft un-dulating sounds of grapes being trod-den by peasant feet during the wine making and grape crushing festival. Profiles of gallant baritones whose tonsils vibrate like a stove pipe acci-dently tapped with a stove lid lifter. Alleged comedians whose synthetic grins are really genuine grins after all when they think how much credit they get for reading something some-one else has written for them. Page after page of pictures are printed with accompanying stories showing stupified and slightly astonished indi-viduals mho have been promoted to vice-president in charge of the dog house for some radio chain or other. But no mood ever seems to creep out about the poor radio announcer.

Perhaps it's just as well because few editors are mathematicians and any given announcer equal, X which is the unknown quantity. Lits take the staff of a nice average station for instance. WSMK at Dayton, Ohio, is a good, solid, average American radio station and it's staff of an-nouncers consist of men with an aver-age experience of eight years each in the business of word spieling and the reading of commercial copy. Dave• Roberts, Jerry McKiernan, Bob Clay-

ton, Charles Warren, Jack Wymer,

et al, et al, et al. Trying to talk

sense to all of them as a unit is like

trying to explain a passage from

Shakespeare to a baby squirrel. Try-

ing to talk sense to one of them at a

time is like trying to explain the

fourth dimension to a Chinese coolie.

In fact you can't talk to them at all

if the faint suspicion of authority

seems to be rasping ones more tender

tones. Announcers have definitely

grown into a class by themselves .

like orchids or artichokes they need

(Continued to page 13)

HITS of the WEEK

(All Eastern Standard Tinte)


Maxine Sullivan, songstress, on Satur-day Night Swing Club-7:00 p. m., WKRC, WHAS, WHIO.

William A. Irvin, guest speaker, on Carborundum Band program-7 :30 p. m., WKRC, WHAS, WHIO.

L. A. Weil, editor, guest on "Johnny Presents" program — 8:30 p. m., WKRC, WHAS WHIO.

Everett Marshall, baritone, guest on "Your Hit Parade"-10:00 p. m.,



Henrietta Schumann, concert pianiste, guest on Radio City Music Hall-12:30 p. m., WCKY, WLW, WLS.

Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., and Andrea Leeds, actors, guests on "Silver The-atre"-5:00 p. m., WKRC, WHAS, WHIO.

Mae West, actress, guest on Chase and Sanborn Hour-8:00 p. m., WLW, WSM.

Richard Tauber, Marta Krasova, Alexander Kipnis, singers, on Gen-eral Motors Concert-8:00 p. m., WKRC WHAS, WHIO.


Charles Kullmann, tenor, guest on

the "Voice of Firestone"-8:30 p. ni., WLW WSM.


Zasu Pitts, actress, guest on Al Jolson show-8:30 p. m., WKRC, WHAS, WHIO.

Whittal Stradivarius Concert — 9 :00 p. m., WCKY.

Cary Grant, actor, guest on "Holly-wood Mardi Gras"-9 :30 p. m., WSAI, WSM.


Rose Bampton, soprano, guest on Andre Kostelanetz show — 9 :00 p. m., WKRC, WHAS, WHIO.

Whittal Stradivarius Concert-9:00 p. m., WCKY, WLS.


Heinz and Robert Scholz, duo-pianists, make their American debut-9:00 p. m., WCKY.


Fordham University undergraduates, guests on "Varsity Show"-9 :00 p. m., WLW, WLS, WSM.

Schmeling vs. Al Thomas, boxing match-10:00 p. w., WCKY, WLS.


Among the faithful, there's a bull market in crying tossas because of

Lunt and Abner being cut from five to three shows a week. The cut demonstrates again how much pro-gram service depends on the conveni-ence of sponsors. Ltun and Abner's sponsor wanted more stations. But his appropriation wouldn't coser a

bigger network at five nights a week. So the number of shows had to be cut. This is no new experience for listeners. The same thing happened last spring to Boake Carter. Indeed, except for daytime tear-jerkers, the number of five-a-week shows has been declining steadily the past several years, lot the same. reason. Whether sponsors ought to have so much to do with what listeners can get is too in-volved a question to thresh out here and now. Lum and Abner simply demonstrate afresh that programs arc planned pretty much to suit the con-venience of sponsors.

* *

Tin Wednesday version of the Luck) Su ike Hit Parade has gone Holism ood. But of course a foul doesn't count after two strikes.

* * •

Particularly because his return was unheralded by the usual fanfare, it is worth while noting that 14endrik

N'an Loon is back on the air (NB(:—WLW, Tuesday. 7:30 p. tn.).


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He's just what Tuesday schedules have been needing. Van Loon has the rare gift of being both entertain-ing and provocative. After you've smiled and chuckled with hint, you find yourself thinking, and liking it.

'flrat current tune, "If It's The Last Thing I Do," may be agreeable enough, as popular tunes go. But, unfor tunately, its not "the last thing" sonic of these alleged vocalists do.

Now that the football season is over — except for the Rose Bowl, Sugar Bowl, Ceteal Bowl, Finger Bowl, and Wash Bowl—some things might be mentioned that may be use-ful to football broadcasters next year. One is the baseball atmosphere in-jected into football by announcers who handle both sports. That shows up in such terms as "club." A col-lege football team is not a club in the baseball sense. The atmosphere of the two sports is quire different. Vet otherwise good announcers make the mistake of treating both alike. Another thing is the use of "offsides." Escn Red Barber is guilty of that. The correct form is singular. Granted, these things are trifles. But enough trifles, plus or minus, make the differ-

(Continued to page 1




c's ¡sort«, sr-rrt RC5T 55 TRACKING oor...N HEROES FOR HER MONTHLY 1000 AWARD FOR VALOR.'



S•30, 1..311

On "Big Town"

- Paula Winslowe has leading

roles in Edward G. Robinson 's

dramatic serial, " Big Town:"

broadcast over the CBS network

including WKRC, WHAS and

WHIO on Tuesdays at 8:00 p.

m. (E.S.T.)

Miss Winslowe is a coast radio veteran of five years standing. Previous to her en-gagement for "Big Town," she has appeared frequently in Al JOIS011 .5 and Eddie Cantor's shows.

"People's Choice" A review of the best CBS programs

of the week as established by the vote of the listener will be given in the second broadcast of the novel new series "The Listener's Choice," over the CBS network, including WKRC:, WHAS and WHIO, Sunday, Decem-ber 12, from 8:00 to 8:30 p. m. (EST.). This program gives extracts from

the best comedy sequence, the out-standing dramatic scene, the most popular dance band arrangement, the highlight in serious music, the best performances by men and women singers, the most interesting news commentary and the most entertain-ing novelty as determined after lis-teners' votes which may be mailed to

ans. CBS station, are checked. Scenes from Hollywood programs

will be re-enacted by the original per-formers. Those front programs orig-inating elsewhere will be re-enacted by skilled impersonators. Lud Glus-kin will direct the orchestra.


Aside' to "Believe It or Not" Ripley ... this is one you can use. T'other evening a rather young gentleman rushed into Station WKRC ... demanding to see a Mr. McGregor. Seems Mr. Mc-Gregor is a bad, bad character in the Freshest Thing in Town script story. Said gent wanted to give McGregor the bum's rush and then have a talk with Johnny Law-rence (leading character in the story) about Mr. M's scheme for getting the baby in Johnny's keep-ing away from the Lawrence fam-ily. Took half the station staff to calm him down and explain to him that the situation didn't ACTUAL-LY exist. It's a true story... though it may not sound convinc-ing ...he was perfectly sober, too.

• Personality of the week: WLW

and WSAI's Jane Gerrard. A really lovely blonde, blue-eyed miss of some twenty-one years. Jane began her popular singing with high school bands ... audi-


tioned at Crosleys ... was accept-ed for WSAI shows only. Im-proved enough for a few 'LW spots ... now heard on both sta-tions. She's been in radio about four years. A native Cincinnatian ...Jane Tressler is her real name ... sounds just the way she looks ... sweet, young, naive.

ALONG THE MILKY WAY: Glimpsed WKRC's sportster, Dick Bray, dancing in the Gibson's Florentine Room.... Dick only has eyes for that certain Clifton miss now ... she's alright, too. Word that Betty Arnold, WLW drama-tist, feeling tip-top again.... Betty keeled over during a re-hearsal recently ... rather frail, her work on the staff proved a lit-tle too much for her. Vicki Chase busy Xmas shopping ond packing ... she's going home to New York for the holidays. Spied Saturday

(Continued to page 14)


Radio Dial's Special Xmas Offer!

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7.: 7.: 7.:


N Denotes (NBC) C Denotes (CBS) 14 Denotes (M SS)


WCKY 1 49t tt •

WLW rinetnntttl 4700 Ite. I

6:3L 645

7:00 7:15 1:30 145

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

Bert Layne's Fiddlers..


Morning Round Up

• - Southernaires N Liebert Ensemble N News for Executives Lucille and Lanny N

Drifting Pioneers .... Brown County Revelers.

Morning in Mountains Family Prayer Period Brown County Revelers Mail Bag . . .

Doc Schneider's Texans Peter Grant-News Cornbread and Caviar

WKRC Cinetnnett 15541 Wt.

Jerry Foy Sun Up Jamboree

Sing Before Breakfast Early Edition-News Dow's Dawn Patrol .



eel tO

Women's Hour

6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

8:00 8:16 8:30 8:45

WSAI I WCPO rinrinneti (1330 tic.) Clnehuuttt 11200

Morning Prayer Early Express



WCPO News Six-to-Niners

Malcolm Claire N. WCPO News ... Good Morn. Melod. N Gods Bible School.... Do you Remember N. Six to Niners

WHIO Dayton (lee he.)

Breakfast Express








WHIO Almanac Dunker';, Club Little Tom Yesterday's Favorites

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

'Woo-10:15 10:30 10:45

11:0-0 11:15 11:30 11:45

Breakfast Club N

Sweethearts -itf Air 14 Swing Serenade Pl The Child Grows Up N Household Hour


Our Barn N

Breakfast .Club N ....

Synagogue of the Air

Ladles' Day

Manhaffers. N

Ray Block, piano C Eton Boys C Richard Maxwell C Fiddler's Fancy C

Musical Calendar Fred Feibel. organ C Let's Pretend C


News; Live Stock My Health WLW School of Radio

Cincin'ti Conservatory of Music Program C

. • 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

1:15 130 1:45

260-2:15 2:30 2:45

WCKY News Jane Rohan .. National Farm and Horne Hour N

Club Matinee N

'Metropolitan "Opera N


Fulton Royal's Orch... Vic Arden'; Orchestra National Farm end Home Hour N

Club Matinee N

The Captivators C Univ. Bdcst Council C George Halls' Orchestra C

Pomona College Glee Club C

Buffalo Presents C.

Metropolitan Opera N Jimmy Shields C Meet the Missus , Ann Leaf, organ C

. I Tours in Tone C.

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

11:06-11:15 11:30 11:45

Brown County Revelers Sunshine Express N...

What Next .

Amanda Snow" N Charioteers N Knot Hole Club

Leo Freudberg's Orchestra M

Army Band M • • •

WCPO News Musical Menu

The Dreamer

WCPO News Gene Austin Kiddies Karnival




Ray Block C Eton Boys C Richard Maxwell C Fiddler's Fancy C

ftewhio Flying Club Fred Feibel, organ C Let's Pretend C

el. Of

Bureau of Recreation Keyboard and Console You Shall Have Rhythm Farm Review

WLS-WENR Mimeo. III. (870 W.)

5:30 Smile A While 5:45 "

6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45

7:00 7:16 7:30 7:45


WSM Nashville, Tenn. (850 kc.1

Ky. Girls as Hilltoppers Pat and Henry

News Report Evelyn á Hilltoppers Morning Devotions Jolly Joe's Pals

Delmore Brothers .... Early Morn. Melodies


WSM News Vagabonds

WHAS Louisville. Ky. (820

Asbury College

Ernmy's Band Salt and Peanuts

Early Morning Jamboree

ef 84

81 80

8:00 [Lulu Belle 11 Scotty 8:15 News Report 8:30 Old Kitchen Kettle 8:45 Morning Minstrels

9:00 -Junior Stars Program 9:15 9:30 Don and Helen 9:45 News and Markets.

10:00 File School Parer* 10:15 Priscilla Pride 10:30 WLS On Parade 10:45

Breakfast Club N Skeets Morris Eton Boys C

Golden West Cowboys Richard Maxwell C.... Meador Lowry-News.

Banner Newshawk Hardscrabble Homemaker's Chat Bob Atcher Child Grows Up N Let's Pretend C Bill Krenz's Orch. N

Hale's Column N -- Cincin'ti Conservatdry Ford, Rush and Slim N of Music C Our Barn N.

12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

1:00 1:1g 1:30 1:45

2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45

News WCPO News Fulton Royal's Orch. N The Playboys Rex Battle N ' Man on the Street

Don Bestor's Orchestra " .

Dick Stabile's Orch. M

Your Host Is Buffalo N

Palmer House M Blackstone Trio M

Melody Parade

WCPO News Rhythm Rambles


From ***** •••

WCPO News Siesta Every Woman Hollywood Brevities

Captivators C News .. Listener Speaks News, Weath'r, Mark's

Pomona Glee Club C Don Jennings Buffalo Presents C

Jemmy Shields C Ann Leaf at the Organ C

Tours in Tone C

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

- 4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45

-5:00-6:15 5:30 6:45







Santa Claus

Movieland News


i .Hatters N

Carnegie Exhibition C To be announced C. Waltzes of World C Notes and News

Dictartors C Sundown Serenade Frank Dailey's

Orchestra C George Olsen's

Kaltemeyer's Orchestra C Kindergartan N Coolidge Quartet C.

Truly American

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45

_ 5:00 Top Hatters N 5:15 To be announced . 5:30 Viertas Hawaiians 5:45 To be announced

Norman Brokenshire - Variety Program M

Today's Winners

'•" *****

Lang Thompson's Orchestra N

Freudberg's Orch, M W. Kelsey's Orch. N

WCPO News Today's Winners Jammin'

Santa Claus


Carnegie Exhibition C To be announced C Waltzes of the World C Dictators C —.. -

To be announced C. Frank Dailey's

- Orchestra C George Olsen's Orchestra C

Coolidge Quartet C.

6:04. 6:15 6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 1:45

8:15 8:30 8 4!

Marsh Webers Orchestra N

Press Radio News N Johnny O'Brien N

Message of Israel N

Ricardo's Cabal-leros N

Harry Lewis' Orchestra N

Paul B. Sullivan Nola Day N

Bob Newhall Don Bestor's Orchestra

Rent ro -Valley Barn Dance

Believe-lt-Or-Not Ripley N

Jack Haley's Variety Show N

Leaders in Dance Time Personalities on Parade Sports Resume C "Fighting Crime" C

Saturday Swing - Session C

Carborundum Band C

"Your Unseen Friend" C .....

Johnny Presents C

6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

El Chico Revue N

Don Bestor's Orchestra Billy Snider's Orchestra

•• • •••• •

D. Stabile's Orch. Art Kassel's Orch.

• Pat Barnes and His

Barnstormers M Lairs Barn Dance .

WCPO News Art Tatum Dinner Club Dinner Club

Your Suburban Theatre Rosins' Rangers " Sports Revue Race Results

News of Business Better Sportsmanship Fourth Downs

Down the Avenue

Esther Randall, organ "Fighting Crime" C

Saturday Swing Session C

Gene Baker's Orch Bob Chester's Orch

Your Unseen Friend C

Johnny Presents Russ Morgan's Orch. C

9:0L 9:15 9:3C 9:45

-10:00 10:15 10:3G 10:45

11:15 11:30 11:45

WCKY News . Front Page Dramas Streamline Revue

NBC Symphony Orchestra N

Rudolf Friml's " Orchestra N

National Barn Dance N ..

Carlton Hauck's Orch.

Benny Meroff's Orchestra .

Paul Sullivan Music from Havana . Rudolf Friml's

Orchestra N

Professor Quit C

To be announced . Musical Moments

Your Hit Parade C

Lee Bland's Newscast

Ross Pierce 's Orch. F. Masters' Orch, C Benny Goodman's Orchestre C

9:00 Silk Topper WCPO News 9:15 N. Y. Roseland . Concert Master 9:30 9:45 Bert Block's Orchestra

iu:00 10:15 Billy Snider's Orch 10:30 Charles Woods 10:45 Tommy Nolan's Orch

ti:00 Art Kassel's Orch.... 11:15 Horace Heidt's Or, M 11:30 Al. Donahue's Orch. N 11:45 1 "

WCPO News Vocal Varieties For the Piano Cotton Club Orch

WCPO News Dance Awhile

et 4.


Professor Quiz C

Dance Music Rendezvous for Two

TIOur Hit Parade C

11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

Don and Helen Chuck, Ray, Christine How. Peterson, organ. Markets-News

Poultry Service Time. To be announced Grain Market Livestock Market Rev'w

1:00 Home Talent Acts 1:15 The Novelodeons 1:30 Home Talent Program 1:45 Children's Chorus .


8. ee

Call to Youth N .. University of WSM News Louisville National Farm and George Hall's Home Hour N Orchestra C

Sunshine Sue " " .... Skeets Morris

Banner Newshawk -Savings, Markets Club Matinee N Dance Band .

" " Jimmy Shields, tenor . Ann Leaf,

Oriental Gard's Or. N Organist C Cadet's Quartet N. Tours in Tone C

..... Newspa per of the Air

F. Master, e Orch, C Harry Lange's Orch Benny Goodman's

Orchestra C

2:00 Homemakers 2:15 Program 2:30 Merry-Go-Round-2:45 Variety Talent

3:00 To be announced . 3:15 " " 3:30 To be announced N. Musical Program 3:45 te Frank Dailey's

4:00 Top Hatters N Orchestra C 4:15 " " " " .. Geo. Olsen's Orch, C 4:30 Music and American Kaltenmeyers Kinder- Out o' the Dusk 4:45 Youth N garten N

Whitney Ensemble N

Harry Kogen's Orchestra N

YU "be "announced N

Musical Program

Waltzes of the World Dictators C

Melodies From Home

5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45

6:08 6:15 6:30 6:45

Marek Webers I Freddie Rose Orchestra N . .. 1 Sunday School Lesson

Alma Kitchell N News Summary O'Brien's Harmonicas N Asher and Little Jim'y

s Message of Israel N Sacred Quartet

11.1 tt

Eddie Varlo's Orchestra

7:00 "Meet the Folks" 7:15 tt 7:30 Barn Dance Party 7:45

Uncle Natchel Program

-Cole and Hawn Delmore Brothers Jack's Mountaineers Vagabonds

Salt and Peanuts Meador Lowrey, News Eddy Dooley C Christmas Party

Swing Session C — Dr. Charles Welds-, The Carborundum Band C

Your Unseen Friend C

Johnny Presents C

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

National Barn Dance N

Barnyard Jamboree

Hometown. Memories

10:00 'fall Story Club 10:15 10:30 , Fireside Party 10:45

Possum Hunters Uncle Dave Macon.. Dixie Liners ' Lakeland Sisters

Saris and Sallie Possum Hunters Golden West Cowboys DeFord Bailey

Jack's Mountaineers Crook Brothers Curly Fox Vagabonds

Professor .Quil C

Saturday Serenade C

Your Hit Parade cT . ,

..... George Jessel

Kentucky Play Party7.

" ..



7:00-Message of Israel: Barnett R. Brickner, • Cleveland Rabbi, guest speaker. Organ Mu-

sic. WJZ WLS WCKY kdka whk ware wire wham wowo

-William Scotti's Orchestra. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf kyw

-Saturday Night Swing Club-Maxine Sulli-van, guest. WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wbbm wgar wfbm kmbc wade wwva wsfa wwl wcco

7:30-Ricardo and His Caballeros. (NBC) WCKY kdka wtam wowo

-Tex O'Rourke and His Boys. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq

...Uncle Jim's Question Bee-Jim McWilliams, conductor. WJZ wesy wmaq kdka wtam

Carborundum Band: William A. Irvin, President of U. S. Steel Corp., quest speaker. WABC WKRC WHAS wcco wcau wgar wbt wadc wbbm wjr

1:4S-Jean Sablon, songs. WEAF wgy /dam wmaq who wdaf kyw

LOO-Robert L. (Believe-if-Or-Not) Ripley. B. A. Rolfes Orchestra and guest star. WEAF WLW wgy wtam wmaq vow) wave kyw kstp wbap

v--Dance Orchestra. WJZ only -"You. Unseen Friend frith Harry Salter's

Urcnesr,. weSC wt-tA5 vvsRC WHIO wcau wbbm wjr wwva wadc

-Harry Lewis' Orchestra (NBC) WCKY whk wave wire wham

8:30-Linton Wells-descriptive comments and reminiscences of s newspaper man. WJZ kdka whk wave wham wowo

-Jack Haley's Variety Show, with Virginia Verrill, blues singer; Warren Hull, master of ceremonies of ceremonies; Wendy Bar. rie, comedienne; Ted Flo Rite's Orchestra, WEAF WLW wgy wtam wmaq kyw wwi kstp wave wbap wdaf wire

-Johnny Presents: Russ Morgan's Orchestra; dramatization; Frances Adair and Glenn Cross, vocalists: Mixed Ensemble; L. A. Weil, editor, guest. WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wjr wbbm wgar wfbm kmox wgst wcco wcau wade wwva wbt

8:45-Nola Day, songs. Norman Cloutier's Or. diestra. WJZ WCKY kdka whk wire wham wow*

9:00-"Professor Quiz." with Bob Trout, WABC WHAS WKRC WHIO wjr wbbm wgar wfbm kmbc wean kmox wadc wbt wwl wcco wgst

-Alka-Seltzer National Barn Dance: Henry Burr; Verne, Lee and Mary; Hoosier Hot

Shots; Novelodeons, male trio; Lulu Belle and Arkie. songs; Uncle Ezra, Maple City Four, and Joe Kelly, m. C. WJZ WLW WLS kdka wham whk wave wfla wbap

-Al Roth and His Orchestra. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf

9:30-Saturday Serenade with Mary Eastman, soprano; Bill Perry, tenor; Gus Haenschen's Orchestra and Mixed Chorus. (CBS) WHAS wcau wgst wlr wbbm urger wfbm kmbc kmox wwva wbt wsfa wwl

-Among Our Souvenirs. WABC -"Special Delivery," dramatic sketch. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf wwj

10:00-"Your Hit Parade": Everett Marshall, baritone, guest; Harry Salter's Orchestra; Songsmiths, male quartet; Fredda Gibson and Buddy Clark, vocalists. WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wbbm wfbm wgar kmbc wcau kmox wadc wsbt wwva wjr wgst wwl wcco

-NBC Symphony Orchestra, Artur Rochinski, guest conductor. WJZ WCKY whk wave wire wham

-NBC Symphony Orchestra, Artur Rodzinski, guest conductor. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who

10:45-Christy Walsh All-American Football Program. WABC wbbm wgar wfbm kmbc kmox wadc wsbt wwva wbt wsfa wwl wcco

11 :00-Frankie Masters' Orchestra. WA BC WKRC WHIO wit wbbm wgar kmbc wcau kmox wadc wsfa wcco wwva

11:30-Al Donahue's Rainbow Room Or-chestra. WEAF WSAI wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf kyw

-Rudolf Friml's Orchestra, WJZ WCKY WLW wire wave wham whk

-Benny Goodman's Orchestra. WABC WKRC WHIO wjr wbbm wqar wfbm wcau kmox

MIDNIGHT-Eddy Rogers' Rainbow Grill Or-chestra. WJZ WCKY WLW whk wave wire wham

-Don Bestor's Netherland Plaza Hotel Or-chestra. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf

-Sammy Kaye's Orchestra. WABC WHAS WKRC WHIO %vjr whk wfbm kmbc wcau limos wadc wsfa wbbm

12:30-Blue Baron's Southern Tavern Orches-tra. WEAF WLW wgy who wdaf wtam wmaq kyw

-Joe ReiChman's Cocoanut Grove Orchestra. WJZ WCKY kdka wave wire wham '

-Orrin Tucker's Orchestra, WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS wir wgar wfbm kmbc wbbm

M. H. H. Joachim, producer of "Your Unseen Friend," is engaged in writing a new book on philosophy.

* * *

Junior O'Day of the "Big Sister" cast is drawling his own Christmas



Cities Service Concert

Lucille Manners, soprano, will sing numbers by Rachmaninoff, Sieczyn-

ski and Sadero during the Cities Serv-ice Concert, with Robert Simmons, tenor; The Revelers and Rosario Bourdon's orchestra, on Fi idav, De-cember 10, at 8:00 p. m. (E.S.T.), over the NBC network, including WSAI.

The compositions Miss Manners will sing are Rachmaninoff's "In the Silence of the Night ;" Sieczynski's "Vienna Dreams" and Sadero's "In Mezzo Al Mar." Bourdon will con-duct the orchestra in "Secrets of Suzanne," by Wolf Ferrari; the Pre-lude to the First Act of Bizet's "Car-men ;" "Tales From the Vienna Woods," by Strauss, and an original Football March.


N Denotes rill C Denotes CBS IA Denotes MBS

WLW Cincinnati Me


WCKY cr.cimsati Hun arc.)

7:30 7:46

8:00 8:15 8:30 845

WKRC Cincinnati tun isc..

Norsemen N Benno Rabinoff N lone Pictures N


_ _ Nqrsemen Quartet N Wayside Church—Sun-Benno Rabincifi N... day School Lesson Church Forum Youth Education

" Program

7:30 7451

8:00 William Minder N 8:15 i

WSAI WCPO Cincinnati (18111 lac) I Cincinnati Mee ke.)

I Sweet

WHIO Dayton (1260 kc.)

Gladys and Mary. .. Enquirer's Uncle lob

8:30 • Kidoodlers N 0:45 News

Hymns Morning Concert Christian Tabernacle

teo Coast to Coast N 9:15 " 9:30 " " 9:45 " "

10:00 Russian Melodies N .. 10:15 10:30 Dreams of Long Ago N 10:45

11:00 Alice Rïmsen N 11:15 Neighbor Nell N 11:30 Bennett & Wolverton N 11:45 Movieland News

Father Cox

Russian Melodies

News Review Modern Miracles

Cadle Tabernacle Choir

Rural Roundup ell 0

Sunday Morning at Aunt Susan's C

Veterans Civic Hour

Church of the Air C .

W. Brown, from WGAR C

The Texas Rangers C

Glendale Presbyterian Church Service

9:00 !Turn Back the Clock N ' Classical Revue 9:15 Vagabond Adv'tures N, Gods Bible School. 9:30 ' sarmonette and Hymn Religious Program 9:45 time Soft Lights-Sweet Music

10:00 Hamilton County Jail Hillbilly Hullabaloo.. 10:15 Church Service 10:30 To be announced 10:45

11:00 Dr, Pollack's Amateur Revue 11:15 Amateur Hour 11:30 11:45 Ob



12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

100 1:15 1:30 1:45

2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45

Southernaires N . . ..... •

Music Hall Radio City Music Symphony N . Hall N


Spelling Bee N Smoke Dreams N

Rosario Bourdon Orch. Magic Key of RCA -hi

Welh Favorites WCKY News .0

Major Bowes' Capitol Family C

Salt Lake City Yabernacle C

triarch of the Air C

ityrdell Hull C Jae Binder ......

-erld Economic Co-Operative Prom, C

Dr. Christian C

12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45

200 2:15 2:30 2:45

Denver String Quartet N

Univ. of Chicago Round Table N

Canal Days Football Frolics Ray Keating's Orchestra M

Beauty Parade

Jewish Welfare Choir

Sunday Morning at Aunt Susan's; News C

Church of the Air

W Brown—String Ensemble C

The !etas .Rangers C

Major Bowes Capitol Theatre Family C


6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

WLS-WENR Chlreuro. kc.)

• el






WSM Nashville. Tenn. else tic.)

WHAS Louisville. K7. (820 ke.)

8:00 Everybody's Hour, 8:15 conducted by 8:30 John Baker 8:45

9:00 Little Brown Church, 9:15 , Dr. Holland 9:30 9:45 WLS News Report.

10:00 "Folks Worth 10:15 Knowing" 10:30 WLS Concert 10:45 Orchestra

Turn Back the Clock N Sunday Morning af Vagabond Adv'eres N Aunt Susan's C Melody Moments N

Meador Lowery-News.

Radio Pulpit N

News Summary Fidelis Class—First

— Baptist Church Broadway Baptist Church

Bennett Wolverton N Major Bowes' Felix Knight, tenor N Capitol Family C

Church of the Air C..

Sunday Jail Service.. 96 .0

WCPO News I The Playboys Wurliher Future Stars

Apostolic Church

Deutsche Lied«

Concert Hour

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

On Broadway N

Senator Fishface N Gerald K. Smith

Church by the Side of Philharmonic Symphony the Road Society of New York

Cycle Trader — Bicycle' —John Barbirolli, Party N conductor C

400 Sunday Vespers N Romance Melodies N. 4:15

I „ 4:30 Nola Day N Nola Day N 4:45 Movieland News .. Singing Violin I "

seo Metropolitan Opera Singing Lady — Music '"Silver Theatre" C . 5:15 Auditions N Plays M 5:30 Smilin' Ed. McConnel N The Time of Your Hits of the Week 545 Hessberger's Orch. N. Life N


et te

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

400 4:15 4:30 4:45

5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45

Radio News Reel N

On a Sunday Afternoon M

Carefree Carnival ..

Lutheran Layman's League M

Ry Krisp Program N

Hits of the Week

. • .



Salt Lake City Choir C

W1-110 News Roy and Don Cordell Hull C Fireside Philosopher

World Economic Co. Operative Prog'm C

Dr. Christian C

11:00 The Southernaires N 11:15 60

11:30 erace Wilson 11:45 Helen Jensen, organist

12:00 Radio City 12:15 Music Hall N 12:30 NBC Spelling 12:45 Bee N

1:00 Magic Key 1:15 of R. C. A. N 1:30 1:45 " et

West End Methodist Church

Paul Martin and His Music N

Smoke Dreams, N.

Magic Key of RCA N


O. 0

' Salt Lake City Choir C

' bhurch of the Air C.. I

' Bible Program C Rabbi Solomon Basel,

Romance of Religion

Dr. Christian C

Cong. Herbert Bigelow Matinee Concert

Pacific Paradise

News Brown and Jones Tommy Tucker's Orchestra

Your Favorite Band ..

Vocal Varieties Reading G'pel Tabe'e

Curtain Calls

Clare Oglesby Lyman organist ....

Barn Dance and Variety Revue

Silver Theatre C

Twilight Musings .... Ben Selvin's Orch..

6:00 Original Microphone i Around the World.... Joe Penner C 6:15 I Plays N I 6:30 WCKY News Court of Human "Romantic Rhythms" C 6:45 Movieland News Relations

7:00 Popular Classics N . Jack Benny and Open House C 7:15 " Mary Livingstone N 7:30 I Baker's Broadcast N Erg Newsp'r of the Air Gulf 011—Phil Baker C 7:45 Interesting Neigh rs N

8:00 General Motors Sym- , Don Ameche and 8:16 phony Concert N. Edgar Bergen N.... 8:30 8:45

"People's Choice" C.

"Earaches of 1938" C

2:00 There Was A 2:15 Woman N 2:30 Sen. Fishface—Prof. 2:45 Figgsbottle N

3:00 Sunday Vespers N. 3:15 3:30 Music in the Air 3:45 Ranch Boys, trio N

4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45

Metropolitan Opera Auditions N

Smiling McConnell N Hessberger's Orch. N

Lyric. Moods

Bicycle Party N

Sunday Vespers N

Lutheran Hour IA

Metropolitan Auditions of the Air N

The Time of Your Life N

Philharmonic Symphony Society C

0. 00 ..... • • ... 0. We




Silver Theatre C

Guy Lombardo% Orchestra C

6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

The • Antique Shop.. Jerry Shelton Novelty Aces Emma Scully Paul Sullivan . .... Church Federation Billy Snider's Orch....

Our Cincinnati —

Fireside Racaals N . Art Kassel's Orchestra _ Don Bestor's Orchestra

Sammy Kaye's Orchestra M

The Muses Popular Melodic* Yours Truly Rainbow. Trio

Eventide Echoes

Sunday Swing

Symphonetta Stars of Broadway Seymour Simon's Romantic Rhythm C

Open House C

Phil Baker; Oscar Bradley's Orch. C

"People's Choice" C

"Earaches of 1938" C

f:00 Concert Hall of 9:15 , the Air 9:30 ¡Xavier Cugat's Orch 9:45 I Irene Rich N

"Tri705-0 Merck Weber's 10:15 Orchestra N 10:30 Cheerio N 10:45 " " .... • •

11030 Press Radio News N. 11:15 J. Dorsey's Orch. N 11:30 Maurie Stein's 11:45 Orchestra N

Woodbury Presents Tyrone Power N...

Walter Winchell N. Unbroken Melodies ..

Unsolved Mysteries...

Don Bestor's Orchestra

Paul Sullivan . Carlton Hauck's Orch Bert Block's Orchestra

Ford Sunday Evening Hour C


Zenith Foundation C

Newscast—Lee Bland. Ross Pierce's Orch

Jay Freeman's Orchestra C

Cab Calloway's Orchestra C

9:00 Manhattan Marry-Go-9:15 Round N 9:30 American Album of 9:45 Familiar Music N

1000 10:15 10:30 10:45

11:0é- I Carlton Hauck's Orch.

11:15 11:30 11:45

Rising Stars- N

Impressions M " " ...

McIntire's Orch. M... , Art Kassel's Orch.


News Review Popular Melodies .... Tomorrow's Rhythms...

.. et

WCPO News The Tango and the Rhumba

Vocal Varieties

-*CPO News Sign off

Ford Sunday Evening Hour C


To be announced

Canham C

Jay Freeman's Orch. C 0 et

Cab Calloway's Orchestra C

5:00 Sach's Amateur Hour 5:15 5:30 5:45

6:00 Merck Webers 6:15 Orchestra 6:30 I Ouie Nelson's 6:45 I Orchestra N

7:00 General Motors Sym-7:15 phony Concert N 7:30 . 7:45 • 0

Catholic Hour N .... 0 6.

The feppr Uppers...

Jack Benny and Mary Livingstone N

Baker's Broadcast with Ozzie Nelson's Or. N

Edgar Bergen and Don Ameche N

44 41

te .0

Joe Penner — Jimmie Grier's Orch. C....

Romantic Rhythm C..

Vick's Open House d 0 .6

Phil Baker; Oscar Bradley's Orch. C

"People's Choice" C..

"Earaches of 1938" C..

8:00 Woodbury Presents tI: IS Tyrone Power N.. 8:30 Jergens Program N.. 8:45, Irene Rich N

9:00 ,Vocal Varieties 9:15 Eddie Verse's Orch 9:30 To be announced . 9:45 " "

ICa0 News: Globe Trotter 10:15 Earl Hines' Orch 10:30 Maude Stein's 10:45 I Orchestra N

Manhattan Merry Go Round N

American Album of Familiar Music N.

Rising Stars N

Ford Sunday Evening Hour C

. .

Vocal Varieties Opera Encores

Irene Rich N Walter Winchell N Tyrone Power N

0. .6

Zenith Foundation C..


Comedy Stars Meador Lowery-News

Jay Freeman's Orchestra C

Cab Calloway's Orchestra C



—Ranch Boys. (NBC) WLS whk wave wire where

5:00—Metropolitan Opera Auditions of the Air: Wilfred Pelletier conducting the Met-ropolitan Opera Orchestra and guests. WJZ WCXY WLS WSM wham kdka whk wowo wfla wave kvoo wbap wgy

—Ry-Krisp Presents Marion Talley; Orchestra direction Josef Koestner. WEAF WSAI wmaq kyw wire wwj wgy wtam kstp who wdaf

—Silver Theatre: Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., and Andrea Leeds, guests; Conrad Nagel, di-rector and narrator; dramatic sketch. WABC WKRC WHAS WI-HO wcau wcco wgar wfbm kmox wadc wbbm wjr kmbc wgst wwl

1:30—Guy Lombardo and his Orchestra. WABC WHAS vir wgar wfbm kmbc wcau kmox wwva wwl

...The Time of Your Life—Sheila Barrett, Joe Rim, comedian and orchestra leader; Graham McNamee, m. c.; WEAF WLW WSM kyw wgy wire wmaq who wdaf wed kstp

Ed McConnell, WJZ WCKY WLS whk wham wave

5:45—George Hessberger's Orchestra. WJZ WCKY WLS whk wham wave

6X10—Joe Penner with Jimmie Grier's Orches-tra: Gene Austin, tenor; Julie Gibson, vocalist, and Coco and Malt, comedians. WABC WKRC WHAS wit wfbm wgar wcau

wbt wcco wbbm —Original Microphone Play. WJZ WCKY wave wire wham wowo whk

—Catholic Hour: Saints vs. Kings—"Paul and Agrippa," Rev. James M. Gillis, C.S.P., guest speaker; Paulist Choir, direction Father Finn. WEAF WSM wgy wtam wmaq wwj who wdaf kyw

6:30—"Romantic Rhythms": Seymour Simon's Orchestra; Sally Nelson, balladist; Barry McKinley, baritone; Basil Ruysdale, m. c. WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wjr wbbm wgar wfbm kmbc wcau kmox wbt vnvl wwva wadc wgst wcco

—A Tale of Today, sketch. WEAF wtam wmaq wgy kyw

—Green Brothers Novelty Orchestra with Jean Ellington, songs. WJZ kdka whk wave wire

7:00—Vick's Open House, with Wilbur Evans. Nadine Conner, guest. WABC WHIO WKRC WHAS wgar wjr limos wadc wbt wcco wbbm wcau wgst wwl

—Je11-0 Summer Program, starring Jack Benny, comedian, with Mary Livingstone; Kenny Baker, tenor; Sam "Schlepperman" Hearn; Phil Harris' Orchestra, Andy Devine and Don Wilson. WEAF WLW WSM wave wire wmaq kyw wgy wtam wwj who wdaf kstp kvoo

—Popular Classics. Laura Castellano, so-prano; Margaret Brill, harpist; and orches-tra conducted by H. Leopold Spitalny.

WJZ WCKY kdka whk wave wire wham 7:30—Phil Baker, comedian and Oscar Brad.

ley's orchestra and guests. WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wfbm wjr wgar wcau wadc wsbt wwva wbt wgst

—Fireside Recitals, featuring Helen Marshall, soprano; Sigurd Nilssen, basso; Frank St. Leger, pianist-composer. WEAF WSAI wmaq wgy wdaf wtam wwl who wire kyw

—The Baker's Broadcast with Ouie Nelson's Orchestra. Harriet Hilliard and Feg Mur-ray. WJZ WCKY WLS WSM wham wave kvoo wfla kstp kdka whk

7:45—Interesting Neighbors—Jerry Belcher. WEAF WLW kyw wgy wtam wwl wmaq who wdaf wire

8:00—The Chase and Sanborn Program: Star-ring Nelson Eddy; Don Ameche, m. C.; guest star; Edgar Bergen and Charlie Mc-Carthy; Dorothy Lamour; The Stroud Twins; Robert Armbruster's Orchestra; Mae West, guest. WEAF WLW WSM wtam wire wwj wdaf kstp kvoo wfaa wgy kyw wave wmaq wfla who

—General Motors Concerts—Symphony or-chestra. John B. Kennedy, commentator, Erno Rapee, conductor; Richard Tauber, Marta Krasova and Alexander Kipnis, guests. "Parade of Scientific Progreu." WJZ WCKY WLS kdka wham whk

—"People's Choice." WABC WHAS WKRC WHIO wbbm wfbm wgar wwva wsbt wbt wcco

8:10—"Earaches of 1938," with Harry Conn. WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS wjr wwl wadc wbbm

9:00—Manhattan Merry-Go-Round: Pierre Le Kreeun, tenor; Rachel Carley, blues singer;


N Denotes (NBC) C Denotes (CBS) M Denotes (KIM)


WCKY Cincinnati (14M

630 6:46

7:00 7:15 730 7:45

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

Bert Layne's Fiddlen.. • " .....


Morning .Round-Up

Norsemen N Wm. Meeder N News for Executives Lucille and Lanny N

WLW WKRC Csnrinnati 1700 kr. , Cl.rtraust1 (ifs° kr.

Drifting Pioneers .. Brown County Revelers

Morn'g in the Mount's Sing Before Breakfast Prayer Period . Early Edition News.. Sing, Neighbor, Sing Dow's Dawn Patrol... Merrymakers

Norsemen Quartet N. Peter Grant—News Before Breakfast The Gospel Singer

Jerry Foy Sun-Up Jamboree


Woman's Hour

9:00 9:15 9:30 945

riF0-0 10:15 10:30 10:45

1100 11:15 11:30 11:45

Breakfast Club N ...

London Stock Market.. Breakfast Club N

For Women Only Vaughn de Leath N Monticello Party Line Household Hour


Coon Creek Band .... Murdock Williams ...

Hymns of All Churches Hope Alden's Rom'ce Lady Be Good Young Widder Jones

Linda's First Love.. All the Answers Betty and Bob Houseboat Hannah

News The Road of Life N Carson Robison The Goldberg'

Metropolitan Parade C Newscast Federation of Churches Bachelor Children C

Musical Calendar .... Myrt and Marge C.. Tony Wons C Ruth Carhart, songs C

Woman Views the News Magazine of the Air C Big Sider C •. Aunt Jenny's Stories C

2:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

1:00 1:15 1:3o 145

WCKY News .. Songs for Everyone National Farm and Home Hour N


Sue Blake N J. & L. Clemens N , Strollers Matinee N. Murdock Williams .. U. S. Navy Band N...

2:oo 2:15 2:30 2:45

Girl Alone N .. Doc Schneider's Texans National Farm and Horne Hour N



Voice et Experience Kitty Keene, Inc

Home Town Sing to Me Civil Government

Mary W. McBride C Edwin C. Hill C Rom'nee Helen Trent C Our Gal Sunday C

Betty and Bob C Hymns All Churches C Grimm's Daughter C Hollywood in Person C

Woman's News C Meet the Minus American School

of the Air C.

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

400 4:15 duo 4:45

5:00 6:15 5:30 5:45

Sports Rochester Civic Orchestra N


Movieland News All Sports Review National Youth Club Matinee N

All Sports Review Santa Claus

Straight Shooters N

Pepper Young's Fem. N Ma Perkins N Vic and Sade N The O'Neills N

Dr. Friendly Mary Sewn Mary Marlin N The Mad Hatterfields

Junior Nurse Corps N Jack Armstrong Singing Lady N Singing School M

News—Fire Prevention Matinee Musicale Jenny Peabody C. Notes and News

Public Library Prgm.. Sundown Serenade . Dr. Defoe C

Follow the Moon C. Freshest Thing in Town Hollywood Highlights. "Hilltop House" C

6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 730 7:45

Little Orphan Annie N Dot Lee WCKY News & Sports Movieland News N

Music Is My Hobby N Three Cheers N Vic Arden's Orchestra Christine Johnson N

Gen. Hugh Johnson N Jimmy Kemper N "Grand Hotel" N .

8:00 8:16 8:30 8:45

Angelo Supper Serenade Bob Newhall Lowell Thomas N

Amos 'n' Andy N... Four Stars Tonight Lum d Abner N.. To be announced

Burns and Allen N....

Voice of Firestone N..

Smilin' Dan Musical Visions Dick Bray—Sports Song Time C

Poetic Melodies C George Jessel Jay Freeman's Orch. C bake Carter Q.. . Horace Heidt's Orchestra C

Pick and Pat C...

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra N

. 88

me 10

Behind Prison Bars N

Streamline levee

11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

To be announced N..

Chicago Opera N.

Fibber McGee and Molly N

Hour of Charm N

Famous Jury Trials

Sweet Adeline Paul Sullivan Carlton Hauck's <>ch.., Benny Meroff's Orchestra N

Lux Radio Theatre C. II



WSAI WCPO cineinnati fun ks.t andnnati (1200 kc.)

6:30 Six-to•Niners 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 7145

4:15 11:30 11:45

Morning Prayer Early Express


80 •• ..... . • Malcolm Claire N.. Good Morn. Melod, N Do you Remember N. Women's Newsreel .


WCPO News ... Six-to-Niners

08 86

6. 40

WCPO News Gods Bible School Six to Ninon

411 el

WHIO Dayton (IWO Ise.)

Breakfast Express

Little Tom Across the Breakfast Table

WF110 Almanac Dunlcer's Club Yesterday's Favorites. Women Make the News

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10n10 10:15 10:30 10:45

11.00 11:15 11:30 11:45

Rainbow Ridge .. Sunshine Express N...

What Next

Mrs. Wiggs N John's Other Wife N Just Plain Bill N Today's Children N

David Harum N Backstage Wife N . How to be Charming N Grace and Eddie

WCPO News Musical Menu

The Dreamer

WCPO News Variety Show Clarence Berger Scandal Brides



Cornelia on the Air Metropolitan Parade C Municipal Court Hal and Henry

Pretty Kitty Kelly C Myrt and Marge C. Monticello Party Line Ruth Carhart, songs C

Jack and Paul C Carol's Romances C Sig Sister C Aunt Jenny's Stories C

12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

Id10 1:15 1:30 145

2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45

My Boy Mast Noonday Reverie D. A. R L. Thompson's Orch. N

Barber's Interviews.... Words and Music N. Cincinnatus at School. Vierre's Hawaiians—.

Norman Cloutier's Orchestra N

Cincinnati Your City Girls of the West N

WCPO News Happiness Ahead Man on the Street Melody Parade

WCPO News Rambles in Rhythm Dot Club News From Hawaii

WCPO News Siesta Every Woman Hollywood Brevitiee

Mary M. McBride C. Edwin C. Hill C The Listener Speaks News, Weeth'r, Mark's

Ann Kirk Trio Home Demonstration Keyboard and Console Modern Musicale .

Woman's News C.... Ingram's River Boys American School

of the Air C 3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

400 4:15 4:30 4:45

5:oo 5:15 5:30 5:45

WSAI Little Show.... 4. I.

It Is Strange

Lorenzo Jones N Strollers Johnson Family M Star Gedn'

Uncle Sammy & Club Terry and the Pirates N Vagabond Quartet N Nixson Denton

Today's Winners . .4

.. 00

WCPO Newt Today's Winner, Jammin'

8. If

Santa Claus 4.

News; "Romantic Music"; guests C...

Waltz Time Broadway Matinee C.

Between Bookends C. Sing and Swing — C Twenty Fingers Dr. Allan Defoe C..

Tea Time Tunes Bob Richardson, songs The Arcadians "Hilltop House" C

FomrPhillips Si brick Geo. Hall's Orch. C Songtime C

Vic Arden's Orch Lewis Browne C Jay Freeman's Or. C Beak. Carter C

Bob Chester's Orch. Patterns of Harmony Plantation Boys Will Osborne's Orch

6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45

Speed Gibson Mollie Halstead Paul Sullivan Don Bettor's Orchestra

Billy Snider's Orch.... Uncle Ezra N ...... Carol Weyman N Top Hatters N

Morton Gould M News of Business Cin'ti Fed. of Music

Art Kassel's , Musically Speaking... Orchestra Gypsy Fortunes

WCPO News Musical Hits Dinner Club

118 Of

7:00 7:15 7:3o 7:45

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

Your Suburban Theatre Harmony Hall Yours Truly Race Results

9:00 9:15 9:30 945

Wayne King's Orchestra C

Newscast—Lee Bland Phyl Coe Mysteries

Leaders in Dance Time Glen Gray's Orch. C Sammy Keyes Orchestra C

1000 10:15 10:30 10:45

11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

Mary Paxton Aronson's Orch

Victor Erwin's Musical Cartoons M

Contented Program N

Charles Woods, News Don Bettor's Orch....

Carlton Hauck's Ora. Tommy Nolan's Orch , Art Kassers Orchestra

The Spectator Popular Melodies Concert Master

I. I.

WCPO News Musical Newsy


Vocal Varieties

WCPO News Dance Awhile

Lux Radio Theatre C..


Wayne King's Orchestra C

Gene Baker's Orch. Newspaper of the Air Cinema Chatter Glen Gray's Orch. Sammy Kaye's

Orchestra C

5:30 5145

600 6:16 6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

WLS-WENR WSM Chicago, Hi. (870 Ice.) Nashville. Tenn. (111111ce..)

Smile A While 88 11.


Sing, Neignbor, Sing Pat and Henry News Report Pokey and Arkie Morning Devotions Jolly Joe's Pals

Stamps Baxter Quartet Early Morn, Melodies Almanac

WSM News Freddie Rose

WHAS Louisville. Ky. (820 Ire.)

......... • • • so. .88••••

Asbury College Devotions

Ernmy's Band Ky. Mountaineers

Early Morning Jamboree

•••• • • 8. •-• 48 6. 86

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

moo 10:16 10:30 10:45

Lulu Belle and Scotty News Report Old Kitchen Kettle The Hill Toppers

Mary Merlin N Ma Perkins N Pepper Young's Fern. N News Report

The O'Neill, N The Road of Life N Vic and Sade N Edward McHugh N

Breakfast Club N ..

e I.

66 .

Bob Atcher Meador Lowery-News. Jackson Family Bachelor's Children C. Monticello Party Line. Myrt and Marge C... Tony Wons' Book C... Dot and Bill

Weekday Devotions Carol's Romance C Big Sister C Aunt Jenny's Stories

Banner Newshawk Vaughn Deleath N Bennett & Wolverton N VI Ensemble N.

Norman Sherr, piano N Rhythm Serenade .... How to be Charm'g N Hi Boys N

1h00 11:15 11:30 11:45

Virginia Lee, Sunbeam Chuck, Ray á Christine Wilson and Peterson.. Markets; News

Prairie Farmer, Dinnerbell Time ....

12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

1.00 1:15 1:30 1:45

Voice of Feed Lot...

School Time The Old Timers Closing Grain Market Women's Clubs

Time for Thought N.. Console Melodies ... National Farm and Home Hour N

Banner• Newsbawk Dept. of Agriculture.

Univ. of Tennessee... U. S. Navy Band N...


Mary M. McBride C.. Edwin C Hill C Romance Helen Trene Our Gal Sunday C

Linda: First Love.. College of Agriculture Livestock—Markets .. Joe Wheeler Woman's News C:.:: Dance Band University of Kentucky

2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45

300 Whitt's& Stradivarius 3:15 Concert N 3:30 Club Matinee N 3:45

400 Music Circle 4:15 Piano Duo N 4:30 Vagabond Quartet N 4:45 Congress Hotel Or. N

Homemakers Program Pepper Young N Ma Perkins N

Musical Roundup .... Vic and Sade N " .... The O'Neills N

Women's News The Guiding Light N Club Matinee N Road of Life N

Stewart, songs N D. Winslow of Navy N Market Notes Claude Sharpe, tenor

Betty and Bob Hymns of All Churches "Jenny Peabody" C Yellow Blank Salute

Hope Alden's Rom'c• Melodies of Home... Quest'ns Before Hue C Dr. Allan Datoe C....

Out o' the Dusk

Meador Lowery: News "Hilltop House" C..,

5:00 Junior Nurse Corps N. 5:15 U. S. Army Band N 5:30 What's the News?. 5:45 Escorts and Belly N..

6:oo 6:15 6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 745

Music Is My Hobby N The Three Cheers N.. Lum and Abner N Christine Johnson N...

Gen. Hugh Johnson N Dr. Wheeler of USDA "Grand Hotel" N ..


Rhythm Time Afternoon News Jack's Mountaineers Asher & Little Jimmie

Console Melodies Three Cheers N Adventures That Made America

Burns and Allen N.

Voice of Firestone N..

Robinson's Buckaroos . Jack Armstrong Salt and Peanuts Christmas Party Sportraits Lewis Browne C Glen Gray's Orch Book. Carter C Alernite, with Horace

Heidt's Orchestra C Pick and Pat in "Pipe Smoking Time" C

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra N

To be announced Ranch Boys, trio N

9:00 "Behind Prison 9:15 fears" N 9:30 rac Forum N 945

10:00 Globe Trotter 10:15 King's Jesters 10:30 Maurie Stein's 10:45 Orchestra


Fibber McGee and Molly N

Hour of Charm N 8. II

Carnation Contented Hour N

Stan of Broadway To be announced

Amos 'n' Andy N WSM News Chicago Opera N

Lux ttadio ..lheatre C..

14 48

Wayne King's Orchestra C

Here's To You

Poetic Melodies C Glen Gray's Orch. C Sammy Kaye's Orch. C Meador Lowery-News,



100—The Pepsodent Program: Amos 'n' Andy. WEAF WLW who wgy kyw

.-Music Is My Hobby. WJZ WCKY WENR kdka wave wfla wham wgar

.-Malcolm Claire—stories. (NBC) wtam wmaq

...Poetic Melodies: Jack Fulton, tenor,and Franklyn MacCormack, poetic reader, with Orchestra. WABC WKRC wadc wwva wbt wcau wgar wgst wjr

be announced. (CBS) wbbm kmbc wcco kmox

I:IS—"Uncle Ezra's Radio Station E-Z-R-A," with Pat Barrett, Carlton Guy, Nora Cun-neen and others. WEAF WSAI kyw wtam wmaq who wdaf kstp wire wgy wbap

....Lewis Browne, commentator. WABC WHAS WHIO kmbc wadc wbt wfbm wgar wgst

.-Three Cheers, direction Jack Meakin. WJZ WCKY WLS WSM whk wave wham

7:30—Carol Weymann, mezzo-soprano. (NBC) wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf kyw

e•-Horlick's Lum and Abner, comedy sketch. WJZ WLW WENR

—New York on Parade: Mark Warnow's Or-chestra; John B. Kennedy, commentator;


Orestes H. Caldwell, narrator; Mark War-now's Orchestra. WEAF only

—John Herrick, baritone (NBC) kdka wave wire wham wowo

—Jay Freeman's Orchestra. WABC WKRC WHIO lEmbc wadc wbt wfbm wgar wgst

7:45—Boake Carter. WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS wir wbbm wgar kmbc wcau kmox wbt wcco

—Top Hatters. (NBC) wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf kyw

—Christine Johnson, soprano. WJZ WCKY WLS wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf

8:00—Burns and Allen with Tony Martin and Ray Noble's Orchestra. WEAF WLW WSM kyw wgy wtam wwl wire wmaq who wdaf wfla kstp wave kvoo wfaa

— General Hugh Johnson, commentator. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka wham whk

—Alemite Half Hour with Horace Heidt's Brigadiers. WABC WKRC WHAS wjr wbbm wfbm kmox wcau wbt wcco wwj

8:15—Jimmy Kemper's Song Stories with Roy Campbell's Royalists. WJZ WCKY whk wave wire wham

8:30—The Voice of Firestone: Charles Kullmann,


Metropolitan Opera tenor; Mixed Chorus; Symphonic Orchestra, Alfred Wallenstein, conductor. WEAF WLW WSM wgy kvoo rifle wmaq wdaf wwj who kits) wfaa wave wire wtam kyw

—"Pick and Pat in Pipe Smoking Time," blackface comedy and music; Edward Roecker, baritone; Benny Kreuger and his Orchestra. WABC WKRC WHAS wjr wbbm whk kmbc wcau wbt wadc

—Campanas "Grand Hotel," dramatic sketch. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka whk wham

9:00—Fibber McGee and Molly, comedy sketch, with Marion and Jimmy Jordan; Ted Weems and his Orchestra. WEAF WLW WSM kyw wtam wwj kvoo wgy wfla wmaq who wdaf wfaa wave

—Lux Radio Theatre: WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wjr wbbm wfbm wgar kmbc wcau kmox wadc

—Philadelphia Orchestra, Fritz Reiner, guest conductor. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka whk wave wire wham

9:30—Hour of Charm. Phil Spitalny and his Girls. WEAF WSM WLW wfla kstp kyw wgy wwj wtam wmaq who wdaf wire wfaa kvoo wave

10:00 — Wayne King's Orchestra. WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wjr wbbm wfbm wgar kmbc wcau kmox wadc wbt wwj wcco

—Contented Program: The Lullaby Lady, Male Quartet; Orchestra, direction Frank

Black; Vincent Pelletier, announcer; Maria Kurenko, guest. WEAF WSAI WSM kyw wgy wmaq wtam wwj who wdaf wfla wave kvoo wfaa wire kstp

—"Behind Prison Bars." Warden Lewis E. Lewes of Sing Sing. Dramatic sketch. WJZ WCKY WLS whk wave wire wham kdka

10:30—Music for Moderns. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf kyw

—"Brave New World," dramatization—U. S. Office of Education Program. WABC wadc wbbm wcco

—Public Hero No. I—dramatic sketch. (NBC) wmaq who wfaa

—National Radio Forum—guest speaker. WJZ WLS whk wave wire wham

11 :00—Glen Gray's Casa Loma Orchestra. WABC (WKRC WHIO WHAS on 11:15) wgst wbt wgar kmox

—Poetic Melodies (CBS) WHAS wit wbbm wfbm kmbc kmox wwl wcco

—The Pepsodent Program: Amos 'n' Andy. (NBC) WSM wdaf wbap wmaq wire kstp wtam wwj

—Rudolph Friml, Jr.'s Ritz-Carlton Hotel Orchestra. WEAF wgy who

—Esso News Reporter. WJZ only —To be announced. (NBC) WCKY kdka whk wave

I I:15—To be announced. WJZ WCKY kdka wham wowo whk wave wire

11:30—Sammy Kaye and his Orchestra. WABC

WHIO (WHAS off 11:45) WKRC wjr wgar wfbm wcau wspd wsbt wadc wgst wbt

—Chicago Opera Company—Third •Act of Tristan and Isolde with Kirsten Flagstad, Lauritz Melchior and others. WJZ WSM WCKY kdka wham wowo whk wave

—Benny Meroff's Orchestra. WEAF WLW wgy wtam wmaq who

MIDNIGHT—Geo. Hamilton and his Orches-tra. WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS wgar wcau wadc wbt wjr wsfa wwj whk wowo

—New Penn Hotel Orchestra, WJZ WCKY WLS kdka whk wave wire wham wowo

12:15—Eli Dantzig's St. George Hotel Orches-tra. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who

12:30—Earl Hines' Grand Terrace Cafe Or-chestra. WEAF WLW WLS WSM wgy wtam wmaq who

—Lang Thompson's Commodore Perry Hotel Orchestra. WJZ WCKY kdka whk wave

—Orrin Tucker's Orchestra. WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wbbm wfbm wIn

Bob Burns spends all his spare time in his home laboratory, studying mar-

ine life through a microscope.

Mark Kelly, radio sports critic,

likes to curl up in a corner of his

Los Angeles home with a copy of Vol-taire's "Candide," his favorite book.


N Denotes (NBC) C Denotes (COS) • Denotes 0,4 8S)


6:30 6:45

700 7:15 zeo 7>15

800 8:15 8:30 8:45

WCKY cineinnesi (Ieee W.)

Bert Layne's FIddien

Sunkistime ni 88

Morning Round-Up

Charioteers N Liebert Ensemble N News for Executives Lucilie and Lanny N

WLW Cinetnnatt ertle Ice.t

WKRC Cincinnati (550 ne.i

Drifting Pioneers Jerry Foy Brown County Revelers Sun-Up Jamboree

Morning ln the Mtns. God's Bible School.. Prayer Period Early Edition—News. Brown County Revelers Dow's Dawn Patrol.... Merrymakers

Charioteers N Peter Grant—News Arthur Chandler, Jr Woman's Hour The Gospel Singer....

WSAI WCPO Cincinnati )1330 ici.) Cincinnati MN tic.)

-p6a-13 Six-to-Niners 6:45 et 88

7e0 7:15 730 7:45

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

Morning Proyer • Early Express

Malcolm Claire N.... Good Morn, Meted. N Do you Remember N.. Women s Newsreel

WCPO News Six-to-Miners

MI le

WCPO Newt Gods Bible School Six to Niners

WHIO Dayton (111a0 tic.)

Breakfast Express et le

Uttle Tom Across the Breakfast Table

WHIO Almanac Dunker's Club Yesterday's Favorites Women Make the News

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

neo 11:15 11:30 Coon Creek Band ... 11:45 Murdock Williams ....

Breakfast Club N

London Stock Market Breakfast Club N

Sheffter & Brenner N Vaughn de Leath N.. Monticello Party Lino Household Hour

Hymns of All Churenes Music in the Air Hope Alden's Rom'ce News C Hello Peggy Richard Maxwell C... Young Widder Jones Bachelor Children C..

Lindas First Love All the Answers Betty and Bob Houseboat Hannah

News The Road of Life N Paul Robin's Orch. M The Goldbergs

Musical Calendar . Myrt and Marge C.... Emily Post C Bliss and Sutton C

Jean Abbey Magazine of the Air C Big Sister C Aunt Jenny's Stories C

900 9:15 9:30 9:45

10110 10:15 Iseo mes

12:00 WCKY News 12:15 Sonos for Everyone.. 12:30 Farm and Home 12:45 Hour N

1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45

2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45

.4 et

Sue Blake N Rochester Civic

Orchestra N Movieland News Jayne Rohan Beatrice Fairfax

Girl Alone N . Vic Arden's Orchestra National Farm and Home Hour N

el 0 .

ee 88

Voice of Experience. Kitty Keene, Inc

Vocational Agriculture The Music'n & His Time Living Literature

Swinging the Blues C Edwin C. Hill C Rom'nce Helen Trent C Our Gal Sunday C.

Betty and Bob C Hymns All Churches C Grimm': Daughter C Hollywood in Person C

Flying Fingers Meet the Missus American School

of the Air C

I hil0 11:15 11:30 11:45

Rainbow Ridge .. Sunshine Express N....

What Next

Mrs. Wiggi N John's Other Wife N Just Plain Bill N Today's Children N

David Harum N - -Backstage Wife N . Homemakers Exch. N. Ribber Shannon

WCPO News Musical Menu

The Dreamer

WCPO News Cleber of Commerce Consumers Conference Jimmy Lee


▪ e0

▪ N

Cornelia on the Air Music in the Air C Municipal Court Hal and Henry

Pretty Kitty Kelly C. Myrt and Marge C Monticello Party Line News: Sutton & Bliss

Art of Living Carol': Romance C Big Sister C Aunt Jenny's Stories C

12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

les las 1:30 1:45

200 2:15 2:30 2:45

My Boy Matt Noonday Reverie News High Hatters Orch. N

Barber's interviews. Words and Music N. Cincinnatus at School Vierra's Hawaiians ...

Don't Look Now M. Mary Williams M Cincinnati Your City. Armchair Quartet N

WCPO News The Playboys Man on the Street Melody Parade

WCPO News Rhythm Rambles Dot Club News From Hawaii

WCPO News Siesta Every Woman Hollywood Brevities

Swinging the Blues C Edwin C. Hill C The Listener Speaks News: Markets

Ann Kirk Trio Will Osborne's Orch.. Keyboard and Console Modern Musicale

Petticoat on the Air C Cheri and 3 Notes C American School of the Air C

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

400 4:15 4:30 4:45

5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45

6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45

7a0 7:15 1:30 7:45

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

All Sports Review Marine Band N

. 0

All Sports Review N.. Prof. G. Murray N. Club Matinee N •

Sports Review Santa Claus

Straight Shooters N

Little Orphan Annie N Paul Kennedy News and Sports N .. Movieland News

Easy Aces N Lost Persons N Glenn Darwin N Vivian della Chiesa N

Husbands end Wives N ...

Xavier Cugat's Orch.. Bob Brown

Pepp'r Young's Fam. N ' News; Fire Prevention Ma Perkins N . Future Favorites Vic and Sade N P. T. A. Prgram. The O'Neills N. . Notes and News

Dr, Friendly Mary Sothern Mary Merlin N The Mad Hatterfields.

Junior Nurse Corps N Jack Armstrong Singing Lady N Singing School W...

Four Stars C Sundown Serenade Women Voters

Follow the Moon C. Freshest Thing in Town Hollywood Highlights. "Hilltop House" C...

Angelo Supper Serenade Bob Newhall Lowell Thomas N

Amos n' Andy N. Vocal Varieties N R. Friml's Jr.'s Or. N Tonic Time

Johnny P eeeee ts N....

It Can Be Dont— Edgar A. Guest N

Smilin' Dan Personalities on Parade Dick Bray—Sports . Musical Moments ...

Poetic Melodies C... Hollyw'd Screenseps C Famous Actors Guild— Helen Menken C...

Edw. G. Robinson— "Big Town" C

Al Jolson and Others C

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

400 4:15 4:30 4:45

ses 5:15 50 5:45

seo 6:15 630 645

700 7:16 730 7:45

WSAI Little Show.... té IO

If h Strange

Today's Winners e

• 10

Lorenzo Jones N Strollers Johnson Family M.... Star Gazin'

Uncle Sammy & Club Terry and the Pirates N Santa Claus Vagabond Quartet N

et Muon Denton .

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

WCPO News Today's Winners Jammin'

0 el,

Vicki Chase, soprano WCPO News Kentucky Colonel Musical Hits Paul Sullivan Dinner Club Billy Snyder's Ore

T. Nolan's Ore. M.. Art Kassel': Orch..... Musical Speedway

Sammy Kaye's Orch. M Silk Topper Wayne King's

Orchestra N

Your Suburban Theatre Rosen's Rangers Yours Truly Race Results

News of Business Better Sportsmanship Musically Men of Vision

News: Col. Jack Mai« C

Hollace Shaw with Concert Orch. C

"Between Bookends" C Four Stars C Story of Industry C


5:30 5:45

600 6:15 630 6:45

700 7:15 7:30 7:45

WLS-WENR chic.... III. (870 tic.)

Smile A White

Ky. Girls & Hilltoppers Pat and Henry

News Report Evelyn á Hill Toppers Morning Devotions. Jolly Joe's Pals

W SM Neshsille. Tenn. (650 hr •

Delmore Brothers Early Morn. Melodies


WSM News Vagabonds

WHAS Louisville. Ky. (830 ite.)


Asbury College Devotions

Emmy's Band Salt and Peanuts

Early Morning Jamboree

60 te

ii 110

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

900 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 I 0:45

Lulu Belle and Scotty News Report Old Kitchen Kettle Morning Minstrels.

Mary Merlin N Ma Perkins N Pepper Young's Fam. N News Report

The O'Neills N Road of Life N Vin and Sade N Edward McHugh N

Breakfast Club N 118 e.

• • ee

e Newshawk Sade and Sally Bennett & Wolverton N Viennese Ensemble N.

Norma Sherr N Rhythm Serenade Homemakers Exch. N George Hartwick N .

Skeets Morris Meador Lowery-News Jackson Family Bachelor's Children C

Monticello Party Line. Myrt and Marge C... Emily Post C Bob Atchter

Mary Lee Taylor C.... Carol's Romance C... Big Sitter C Aunt Jenny's Stories C

II:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

1200 12:15 12:30 12:45

1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45

Don and Helen Chuck, Ray & Christine H. Peterson, organ Mkts.—weather—news

Prairie Fermer, Dinnerbell Time

Voie'. of Zed Lot...

Music Appreciation Otto and Novelodeom Grain Market "How I Met My Hu'd.

Time for Thought N . Farm Scrap Book National Farm and Home Hour N ....


Bannir Newshawk Dept. of Agriculture

Fun in Music—Dr. Jos. E. Maddy N

Fed. Women's Clubs N Armchair Quartet N

Weekday Devotions Edwin C. Hill C Romance Helen Trente Our Gal, Sunday C

Linda's First Love.... College of Agriculture Livestock-Markets ..— Sunshine Sue

The Rangers Dance Band University of Kentucky


2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45

3:130 3:15 330 345

•seo 4:15 4:30 4:45

Tea Tune Tunes Console Capers The Arcadians "Hilltop House" C • Barry Wood's Music C Si Burick—News News: Music C Songtime C

Stars of Broadway .. "Holly'd Screens'ps"C Helen Menken: "Second Husband" C

Edw. G. Robinson— Dramatisation C

Al Jolson Show with Marthe Raye C

Watch the Fun Go By with Al Pearce C

Jack Oakie's Collage C

Benny Goodman's "Swing School" C.

Bob Chester's Orch... Newspaper on the Air

Gene Baker's Orch... T. Dorsey's Orch. C Sammy Kaye's Orchestra C

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

1100 11:15 1130 11es

Whittall Stradivarius Series N

NBC Night Club N

Gen. Hugh Johnson N Kidoodlers N Streamline Revue


Taxicab Night Club Glenn Miller's Orch. N Jimmy Dorsey's

Orchestra N

Hoosier Housewarmers

True Detective Mysteries

Mid Western Stars ... 0 .1

Jimmy Fidler N. . Ct. of Monte Christo

Paul Sullivan . . Carlton Hauck's Orch. Don Bestor's Orchestra Art Kassel's Orch

Watch the Fun Go By C

Jack Oakie's College C

Benny Goodman's Orchestra C

Newscast—Lee Bland "Ballads by Binder".

Leaders in Dance Time T. Dorsey's Orch. C.. 11:15 Sammy Kaye's 1h30 Orchestra C 1h45

Ter 'Vox Pore Spectator 9:15 " " Popular Melodies 9:30 Hollywood Mardi East End YMCA 9:45 Gras N ee Il

1000 10:15 10:30 10:45

ee • • • • ..... Charles Woods, News Serenade in the Nite N

Carlton Hiluck's Ore, Ted Weems Orch Clyde McCoy's Orchestra

WCPO News For the Piano

41 te

et el

WCPO News Dance Awhile

" ....

Homemakers Program

Musical Roundup

Club Matinee N te el


el 01

Music Circle Piano Duo N Vagabond Quartet N Congres: Hotel Or. N

Pepper Young N Ma Perkins N Vic and Sade N The O'Neills N

Women's News The Guiding Light N Melody Caravan Road of Life N

Alma Kitchell D. Winslow of Navy N Market Reports Freddie Rose .

Betty and Bob Hymns All Churches Cincinnati Symphony C

01 118

Hope Alden's Rosses*. Melodies of Home.... State Teachers Collage

Out o' the Dusk

Meador Lowrey, News "Hilltop House" C

5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45

ses 6:15 6:30 6:45

.7e0 7:15 7:30 7:45

Junior Nurse Corps N Rakov's Orchestra N What's the News?.. Escorts and Betty N

Easy Aces, sketch N Setter Business Bureau Glenn Darwin N Opera Program

Husbands and Wives N

It Can Be Done N et ie

Hammett and Cooney Afternoon News Evening Idyls . Asher d Little Jimmie

Sports: Console — Melodies

To be announced George Janet

Johnny with Russ Morgan N

Wayne Kings Orchestra N

Barry Wood's Music C Jack Armstrong Salt and Peanuts Christmas Party

Baptist Seminary Screenscoops C ....— Helen Menken in "Second Husb'd" C.

Edw. G. Robinson— Dramatisation C....

Al Jolson Show, with Marthe Raye C

Watch the Fun Go By C

Jack Oakie's College' Benny Goodman's

Orchestra C

Broadway Stars Musical Moments

Poetic Melodies -C Carioca Rh ythm Swing Low Meador Lowrey—News

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

900 9:15 9:30 9:45

1000 10:15 10:30 10:46

Don and Helen Marge Weber', Orch NBC Night Club N

Gen. Hugh Johnson N Kidoodlers N Eddie Varios' Orchestra

Globe Trotter La Salle Hotel Orch. N Maurie Stein's Orchestra

Guest Appearances

Hollywood Mardi Gras N

le 66

Jimmy Fidler N Musical Moments

Amos 'n' Andy N .. WSM News Sports; Rainbow Room Orchestra N



7:00—Poetic Melodies: Jack Fulton', tenor, and Francis MacCormack, poetic reader, and orchestra. WABC WKRC wgar wcau wadc wwva wbt wgst wjr

—Easy Aces comedy sketch, featuring Jane and Goodman Ace. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka whk wham wire

—Amos 'n' Andy: Pepsodent Program. WEAF WLW wgy kyw who

—Malcolm Claire—stories. (NBC) wmaq

7:15—Vocal Varieties: Choral Group of 14 Voices. WLW to WEAF wgy wtam wire wmaq who kstp kyw wdaf

—"Hollywood Screenscoops" with George McCall. WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS wjr

wgar wadc wwva wbt wbbm kmox wgst wwl wcco

—Mr. Keen, Tracer of Lost Persons, WJZ WCKY whk kdka wham

7:30—Glenn Darwin, baritone. WJZ WCKY WLS whk wave wire wham

—Famous Actors Guild Presents Helen Mencken in ''Second Husband." WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS wcao wgar wbbm wjr wcau kmbc kmox


—Hendrik Willem Van Loon—talk. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf

7:45—Vivian Della Chiesa, soprano. WCKY whk wave wire wham wowo


who kstp wmaq wire wave kyw wgy wtam wfaa

—"If Can Be Done," dramatic sketch, with Edgar Guest. Frankie Master's Orchestra, WJZ WLW WLS kdka whk wham

9:00—Vox Pop, conducted by Parks Johnson and Wallace Butterworth. WEAF WSAI kyw wgy wtam wwj wmaq who wdaf wire

—Whittall Stradivarius Concert: Adolf Busch, violinist and Rudolf Serkin, pianist. WJZ WCKY kdka whk wave kstp wham wfla

—Rudolf Friml's Orchestra. WEAF whk wane 4.0 wire wham wowo —"Watch the Fun Go By," presented by Al

—Benno Rabinoff, violinist. WEAF wgy wtam Pearce and His Gang. Nick Lucas, singing wmaq who wdaf guitarist; Arlene Harris, "Human Chatter-

8:0d—Edward G. Robinson, with Claire Trevor box;" Cari Hoff': Orchestra. WABC WKRC in "Big Town", newspaper drame. WABC WHIO WHAS wjr wbbm wfbm kmbc wcau WHIO WKRC WHAS wjr wbbm wfbm wgar kmox wadc wsbt wbt wcco wgar kmbc wcau kmox wbt wcco wadc 9:30—"Camel Caravan"—Jack Oakie's

lege" with Jack Oakie, Stuart Erwin, Ray--Johnny Presents Russ Morgan.' Orchestra: mend Hatton and Patsy Flick, comedians; Charles Martin's Thrill; Swing Fourteen; Helen Lynd, comedienne; Harry Bans, songs; Frances Adair; Rhythm Rogues, and Glenn Meyer Alexander': Chou; Georgie Stoll's Cross. WEAF WLW WSM kyw wgy wvrj Orchestra and guests; "Swing School" with wtam wmaq who kstp wdaf wfla wire kvoo Benny Goodman's Orchestra and guests.

—Husbands and Wives: Conducted by Sedley WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS wjr wbbm Brown and Allie Lowe Miles, WJZ WCKY wfbm wgar wcau kmbc kmox wadc wsbt WLS wham whk wbt wsfa ww¡ wcco

B:30—Al Jolson Show with Marthe Raye, Park- —Hollywood Mardi Gras: Lanny Ross, Charles yakarkus and Victor Young's Orchestra. Butterworth; Don Wilson; Jane Rhodes, insu Pitts, guest. WABC WKRC WHIO Rhythm Singers; Ruby Mercer, soprano, WHAS wjr wbbm wfbm wgar wcau Isniox Cary Grant, guests; Raymond Paige's Or-wbt wadc wwl wcco chestra. WEAF WSAI WSM who kyw wgy

—Lady Esther Serenade: Wayne King and his wwj wtam wdaf wire kstp wfla wave wmaq Orchestra. WEAF WSAI WSM kvoo wwj kvoo

—NBC Night Club: Ransom Sherman, m. c., with Roy Shields Orchestra and guests. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka wham whk

10:00—General Hugh Johnson, commentator. WJZ WCKY WLS whk wham kdka

10:15—Kidoodlers. WJZ WCKY WLS whk wave wire wham

10:30—Talk by Tom M. Girdler at Illinois Manufacturent Association Banquet. WABC kmox wsbt kmbc

—Phillips Poly Follies. (CDS) wbbm wfbm kmox wsbt wcco kmbc

—Jimmie Fidler's Hollywood Gossip. WEAF WLW WSM wgy wtam wmaq who kyw wwj wire wfla wave wbap kvoo wdaf kstp

—Celia Gamba, violinist. WJZ whk wave wire wham

10:45—Serenade In The Night, WEAF WSAI wgy wtam wave wire kyw wmaq wwj

—"A Little Night Music". WABC

11:00—The Pepsodent Program: Amos 'n' Andy. (NBC) WSM wwj wdaf wire wbap kstp

—Science vs. Crime. WEAF wgy wtam who wmaq

—Tommy Dorsey and his Orchestra. WABC (WKRC WHIO on 11:15) wjr wadc

—"Poetic Melodies." (CBS) WHAS wbbm wfbm kmbc wwl wcco

WSM I WHAS —Glenn Miller's Orchestra. (NBC) whk wave

wire wham

—Esse News Reporter. WJZ only

11.05—Glenn Miller's Orchestra. WJZ WCKY whk wave wire wham

11:15—King's Jesters Hotel LaSalle Orchestra, WEAF WLS wgy wtam who wmaq

11:30—Sammy Kaye's Orchestra. WABC WHIO WKRC WHAS wjr wbbm wcau wgar wfbm kmox wadc wsbt wsfa wcco wbt

—Al Donahue's Rainbow Room Orchestra. WEAF WSM wgy wtam wmaq who

—Jimmy Dorsey's Congress Hotel Orchestra. WJZ WCKY kdka-whk wave wham wfla wire

MIDNIGHT—Joe Reichman's Ambassador No-tai Orchestra. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka whk wave wire wham

—Emery Deutsch's Orchestra. WABC WKRC WHAS wfbm

—Trump Davidson's Club Esquire Orchestra. WEAF wwj wgy wtam who

12:30—Freddie Nagel's Orchestra, WJZ WCKY kdka wave wire wham whk

—Kenmore Hotel Orchestra. WEAF wtam wmaq who wdaf

—Ted Fiorito's Orchestra. WABC WKRC WHAS wfbm wjr



N Denotes 1NBC) C Denotes CBS) 54 Denotes MBS) 4. PROGRAMS FOR WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 15 .4(


6:30 6:45

'AO 7:15 FAO 7:45

1:oo 8:15 8:30 8:45

WCKY r"....annati

Bert Layne's Fiddlers

Sunkistime et

Morning Round-Up .

Four Showmen N Wm. Meeder N News for Executives . Lucille I, Lenny N

WLW in.-tenet§ let,I

Drifting Pioneers Brown County Revelers

WKRC Cincinnati free Ice. ,

Jerry Foy 6:30 Sun-Up Jambons. 4:45

TI.torn'g in the 1.1-Ount's Sing Before Breakfast 7:00 Prayer Period Early Edition News 7:15 Sing. Neighbor, Sing Dow's Dawn Patrol 7:30 Merrymakers . .

7:45 Four Showmen N 8:00 Peter Grant—News .. . SIS Before Breakfast . Woman's Hour 8:30 The Gospel Singer 8:45

Hymns of All Chu ches Hope Alden Rom'nce Lady Be Good Young Widder Jones

Linda's First Love .... All the Answers Belly and lob Houseboat Hannah

9A0 9:15 9:30 9A5

10:00 10:15 wao 1045

11A0 11:15 11:30 11.45

WSAI Cincinnati One iirea

WCPO WHIO Cincinnati (1300 be.) Dayton (1260 itc.)

Six-to.Ninert Breakfast Express

Poetic Philosopher ... WCPO News Early Express Six-to-Niners

60 66 O. 11

MI 99 • • ...... 90 00

Malcolm— Claire N7.7: WCPO News— Good Morn. Melod. N Gods Bible School., Do you Remember N.. Six to Nine's Women•s Newsreel

11 .1

Little Tom Across the Breakfast Table

WHIO Almanac Dunker's Club Greenfield Chapel C Women make the News

Breakfast Club N

London Stock Market Breakfast Club For Women Only Vaughn de Leath N Monticello Party Line La Senorita Household Hour

Coon Creek Band

News The Road of Life N Carson Robison The Goldbergs

As You Like It C.... Richard Maxwell C.. Federation of Churches Bachelor's Children C Musical Calendar .... Myrt and Marge C... Tony Wons C Ruth Carhart, songs

Woman Views the Ne Magasine of Air C... Big Sister C Aunt Jenny's Stories C

12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

1A0 1:15 1:30 les


2:30 2:45

WCKY News . . Songs for Everyone ... Farm and Horne Hour N


Sue Blake N J. and L Clemens N To be announced 147 Let's Talk It Over N.. Murdock Williams .. Beatrice Fairfax

Girl Alone N . Mary M. McBride C Doc Schneider's Orch. Edwin C. Hill C National Farm and Rom'nce Helen Trent C Home Hours N Our Gal Sunday C....

Voice of Experience Kitty Keene, Inc Once Upon a Time .. Contemporary Writers The Great Northwest

Betty and Bob C Betty Crocker C Grimm's Daughter C Hollywood in Person C

Woman's News C Meet the Missus American School

of the Air C

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

Rainbow Ridge .... Sunshine Express N....

Dance Parade Mrs. Wiggs N John's Other Wife N Just Plain Bill Pl Today's Children N . David Harum N Backstage Wife N How to be Charming N Grace and Eddie

12:00 12:IS 12:30 12:45

I:15 1:30 1:45 2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45

My Boy Malt Jane Gray News Through the Years N..

Barber's Interviews... Words and Music N.. Cincinnatus at School. Vierra's Hawaiians ...

bon't Look Now M... Music for Your Sch'I Cincinnati Your City.. Men of the West ...

WCPO News Musical -Mena

The Dreamer WCPO News Variety Show There Was • Time--Scandal Bride Merry4o-Round

.. .1

WCPO News Happiness Ahead Man on the Street Melody Parade WCPO News, Rhythm Rambles Dot Club News From Hawaii

-WCPO News Siesta Every Woman Hollywood Brevities

Cornelia on the Air Richard Maxwell C Municipal Court Hal and Henry

Pretty Kitty Kelly C Myrt and Marge C. Monticello Party Line. WHIO News; Music

Four Stars C Carol's Romance C. Big Sister C Aunt Jenny's Stories C

5:30 545

WLS-WENR Cbtease. IlL (870 kn.)

Smile A While 60

6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

Sing, Neighbor, Sing Pat and Henry

News Report Pokey and Arkle Morning Devotions Jolly Joe's Pals

WSM Nashville.Tenn.(MIte.)

......... • • • •-•

WHAS Lewisville. Ky. (afe

Stamp's Quartet Early Morn. Melodies Almanac

WSM News Freddie Rose

Asbury College Devotion'

Emmy's land Ky. Mountaineers Early-Morning Jamboree


8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

9:00-9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

Lulu Belle and Scotty News Report Old Kitchen Kettle The Hill Toppers Mary Marlin N Ma Perkins N Pepper Young's Fern. N News Report

The O'Neill: N Road of Life N Vic and Sade N Edward McHugh N

Breakfast Club N 60 .


Banner Newshawk Vaughn DeLeath N... Sennett & Wolverton N Ensemble N.

Norman Sherr N Melody Caravan .. How to be Charm'g N Originalities N

Bob Atcher Meador Lowery-Newf Jackson Family Bachelor's Children C

Monticello Party Une. Myrt and Marge C... Tony Wons' look C... Dot and Bill Weekday Devotions .. Carol's Romance C... Big Sister C Aunt je:nny's Stories C

Mary M. McBride C.. Edwin C. Hill C The Listener Speaks News; Markets

O. L Cunningham.. Organ Moods Keyboard and Console Modern Musicale Woman's News C Jack Shannon, songs C American School

of the Air C

3810 3:15 330 3A5 4A10 4:15 4:30 445

500 6:15 5:30 5:45

Sports Review Continental Varieties N Little Variety Show N

Whitten Stradivarius Series N

Sports Review Movieland News Sports Review Santa Claus

Straight Shooters N...

Pepp'r Young's Fern. N Ma Perkins N Vic and Sad. N. The O'Neilb N

Dr, Friendly Mary Softens Mary Marlin N The Mad Hatterfields Junior Nurse Corps N Jack Armstrong Singing Lady N Singing School W

News; Fire Prevention Matinee Musicale Jenny Peabody C.... Notes and News

90 08 4:00 Curtis Music Institute • 4:15 Sundown Serenade 4:30 Or. Defoe C 445 Follow the aocn--,—E— Freshest Thing in Town Hollywood Highlighls "Hilltop House" C

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45

WSAI Little Show.. 16 16

It Strange 61 00

Lorenzo Jones N Strollers Johnson Family M Star Galin'

Uncle Sammy d Club Terry and the Pirates N Vagabond Quartet N.. Nixson Denton .

Today's Winners 81 II


WCPO News Today's Winners Jammin' •

0 69

Santa Claus

6:oo 6:15 430 6:45

700 7:15 7:30 7:45

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 80:30 10:4

11A0 11:15 11:30 11:45

Little Orphan Annie N Dot Lee WCKY News á Sports Movieland News Easy Aces N Lost Persons N Vic Arden's Orchestra Charlotte Lansing N Eddie Duchin s Orchestra N

Sid Skoisky N. Choir Symphonette N

Whittal Stradivarius N

Minstrel Show N

Angelo Supper Serenade Bob Newhall Lowell Thomas N Amos 'n' Andy N Don't Listen Lum and Abner N Glen Gray's Orch One Man's Family N.

WLW's Operetta ....

Smilin' Dan 600 Musical Visions 6:15 Dick Bray—Sports 6:30 Song Time C 6:45

Poetic Melodies C 7:00 "Hobby Lobby" C 7:15

7:30 Cooke Carter C 7:45

Cavalcade of 8:00 America C 8:15

Eddie Cantor—Texaco 8:30 Town C 8:45

Speed Gibson Mollie Halstead Paul Sullivan Billie Snider's Orch

Tommy Nolan 's Orch Uncle Ezra N Art Kassel's Orchestra Jean Sablon N

Don liestor's Orchestra

Wayne King's Orchestra N

News; Ray Block's Orchestra C

Waltz Time Tickling the Ivories Curtis Institute of Music C

Dr. Allan Defoe C....

Tea Time Tunes Musical Visions The Arcadians "Hilltop House" C

11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45 Vote* of Feed Lot....

1:00 Business & Industry.... 1:15 The Old Timers 1:30 Grain Market 1:45 Of Interest to Women

Virginia Lee, Sunbeam Chuck, Ray & Christine G. Wilson, contralto.. Markets; Weather,..

Prairie Farmer, Dinnerbell Time

es 60

Time for Thought N.. Robinson's Buckaroos.. National Farm and Home Hour N

Banner▪ Newshawk Dept. of Agriculture.. U. of Tenn. Program. Cole and Moore Waltz Favorites N

110 00

Mary M. McBride C. Edwin C. Hill C Helen Trent C Our Gal Sunday C

Linda's First Love College of Agriculture Livestock-Markets Joe Wheeler

Woman's News C Dance Sand University of Kentucky

WCPO News , tarry Wood's Music C Musical Hits :Si Dudek Dinner Club News: Music

.. .. Songtime C

Your Suburban Theatre . Vic Arden's Orch Harmony Hall "Hobby Lobby" C... Yours Truly Race Results Boake Carter C

WCPO News Musically Speaking.

" " ...... WPA Program

Philharmonic Concert

Texaco Town, with Eddie Cantor C

Town Hall Tonight N If

.0 00

Andre Kostelanetz's 9:00 Orchestra C 9:15

"Tish," by Mary L 9:30 Rinehart C 9.45

Gang Ousters C 10:00 10:15

Newscast—Lee Bland 10:30 Leaders in Dance Time 10:45

Ross Pierce's Orch. 11:00 Benny G'dman's Or. • 11:15 Richard Himber's 11:30

Orchestra C . . 11.45


Gen. Hugh Johnson N Dogs & Game Streamline Revue


Earl Hines' Orch. N.. King's Jesters Orch. N Eddy Rogers

Orchestra N

Your Hollywood Parade N

Paul Sullivan Los Amigos Don Bestor's Orchestra Carlton Hauck's Orch,


Kay Kyser's Orchestra M

Carleton Hauck's Orchestra

Tommy Nolan 's Orchestra

Charles Woods News Melodies From The

Sky M Don lestor's Orch Clyde McCoy's Orchestra


The Spectator Popular Melodies Concert Master

WCPO News Musical Newsy

Vocal Varieties

WCPO News Dance Awhile

.1 el



7d113—Poetic Melodies: Jack Fulton, tenor; Franklyn MacCormack, poetic reader, and orchestra. WABC WKRC wadc wwva wbt wgar wcau

▪ Aces, comedy sketch, featuring Jane end Goodman Ace. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka whk wham wire

..Pepsodent Program: Amos 'n' Andy. WEAF WLW wgy kyw who

.-Malcolm Claire—stories. (NBC) wtam wmaq 1:15—"Uncle Ezra's Radio Station E-Z-R-A,"

with Pat Barrett, Nora Cunneen and others. WEAF WSAI wgy wmaq wtam wire wdaf kyw who wbap kstp kvoo

...Mr. Keen, Tracer of Lost Persons. WJZ WCKY WLS whk kdka wham

.."Hobby Lobby," featuring Dave Elman and Harry Salter's Orchestra. WABC WKRC WHIO wcau wadc wgar wjr wfbm wbt

7:30—Horlick's Lum and Abner, comedy sketch. WJZ WJ.W WLS whk

...Mario Cozzi, baritone. (NBC) wave wire wham

...Alistaire Cooke — British Commentator. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf kyw

1,45—Boake Carter. WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS wjr wbbm wgar kmbc wcau kmox wcco wbt

—Charlotte Lansing, soprano and orchestra. WJZ WCKY kdka whk wave wire wham wowo

—Jean Sablon, songs. WEAF WSAI wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf

8:00—On• Man's Family, dramatic sketch. WEAF WLW WSM wdaf wgy wwl wham who wmaq wfla wave kvoo wbap kyw kstp

—"The Cavalcade of America"—Don Voor-hees and his Concert Orchestra. WABC WKRC WHAS wjr wbbm wfbm wgar kmbc wcau kmox wbt wwj wcco

—Elizabeth Arden presents Eddie Duchin and his Orchestra. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka whk wham

8:30—Texaco Town with Eddie Cantor, come-dian; Vyola Von, Pinky Tomlin, Jimmy Wallington; Jacques Renard and his Orches-tra. WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wjr wbbm wfbm wgar kmbc wcau kmox wadc wwj wcco

—Lady Esther Serenade: Wayne King and his Orchestra. WEAF WSAI WSM wtam wfaa wgy wwj kyw kvoo wbap kstp who wdaf

—Skolsky, from Hollywood. WJZ WCKY

Andre Kostelanetz's Orchestra C

"Tish" by Mary R. Rinehart C

Gang Busters C

2:00 2:15 2:30 2A5

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

Homemakers Program

Musical Roundup

Club Matinee N

Parents and Teachers National Congr's N

Music Circle Piano Duo N H. Kogan's Orch. N Congress Hotel Or. N

4:oo 4:15 4:30 4:45

6:00 5:15 5:30 5:45

6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

Pepper Young N Ma Perkins N Vic and Sade N The O'Neill' N Women's News The Guiding Light N Vaughn Quartet Road of Life N

Market Reports Winslow of the Navy N WSM on Parade

Betty and Bob Hymns All Churches Jenny Peabody C Yellow Blank Salute ,

Hope Alden's— Rom'ce. Melodies of Home Teachers College Dr. Allan Dato. C

Out o' the Dusk

Meador Lowrey, News "Hilltop House" C

Junior Nurse Corps N Rhythm Time M. Weber's Orch. N.. Afternoon News What's the Hews?.... Vagabonds Escorts and Betty N.. Asher & Witte Jimmie Easy Aces, sketch— N. 5. C. Sports; Da.---Tr—ie. Lost Persons N String Quartet Lum and Abner N. Mary Dugan Pleasant Valley Frolics Stars of Broadway.... Eddie Duchin's One Man's Family N Orchestra N

Sid Skoisky N Wayne King's De Zurik Sisters Orchestra N .

B. Wood's Orch. C. Robinson's Buckaroos.. Salt and Peanuts Christmas Party Sportraits

Vocal Varieties Herbi• Koch, organ..

Boake Carter C

Cavalcade of America C

Texaco Town with Eddie Cantor C

Sob Chester's Orch... Newspaper of the Air

i C Phyl Coe Myst'y Drama woo Globe Trotter Amos 'n' Andy N ... oetic L Goodman's Orch. C, 10:15 King's Jesters Orch. N WspoSoMrricsh:NeseterahezNparee "Remembering"

Meador Lowery-News. Gene Baker's Orch. 10:30 Maude Stein's R. Himber's Orch. C. 10:45 Orchestra N


8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

Whittall Stradivarius Concert N

NBC Minstrel Show N

Gen. Hugh Johnson N Joan Brooks N Celia Gamba, violin

stylist N

Town Hall. Tonight N

to et

Andre Kostela netz's Concert Orchestra C

"Tish" by Mary L Rinehart C

The "Gang Busters" e

"Hobby Lobby," with Dave Elman C

Your Hollywood Parade N

WLS kdka whk wham • 8:45—Choir Symphonette. WJZ WCKY kdka whk wowo

9:00—Chesterfield presents Andre Kostelanetz's Concert Orchestra; Rose Bampton, soprano, guest; Deems Taylor, commentator; Paul Douglas, announcer. WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wjr wbbm wfbm wgar kmbc wcau kmox wadc wbt wsfa wwl wcco wsbt

—Town Hall Tonight: Fred Allen and Port-land Hoffa; Peter Van Steeden's Orchestra; guest artists. WEAF WLW WSM kyw wtam wwi wmaq who wdaf kstp wave wfla kvoo wgy wire

—Whittal Stradivarius Concert. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka whk wham

9:30—"Tish" by Mary Roberts Rinehart. WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS wjr wgar wbbm kmbc wcau kmox wade wbt wwl wcco

—NBC Minstrel Show. WJZ WCKY WLS whk wham

10:00--"Gang Busters," true crime dramatiza. tions. Conducted by Phillips H. Lord. WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wjr wbbm wfbm wgar wcau limos wwl wcco

—"Your Hollywood Parade"—Dick Powell, m.c.; Rosemary Lane, vocalist; orchestra direction Leo Forbstein; choral ensemble direction Dudley Chambers and guest stars. WEAF WLW WSM wgy wtam wmaq kyw wdaf who wfla kstp wave wwj wire

—General Hugh Johnson, commentator. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka wham whk

10:15—Joan Brooks, WJZ WLS whk kdka wowo wave wire wham

10:30—Patti Chapin, songs. WABC wbbm wfbm wgar kmbc wbt wsfa wwj wcco

—Celia Gamba, violin stylist. WJZ WLS whk kdka wowo wave wire wham

—"Hobby Lobby". (CBS) WHAS wbbm kmox wcco wwl wsbt wgst wsfa

10:45—American Artists Congress: Bob Trout interviews William Grooper, Jerome Klein, and Mrs. Julianne Force. WABC wadc wbbm wccq woar wsbt wet

11:00—Amos 'n' Andy. (NBC) WSM wire wmaq wdaf kstp wtam wwj

—"Poetic Melodies." (CBS) WHAS wjr wbbm wfbm kmbc wcco kmox wwl

—William Scotti's Hotel Ambassador Orches-tra. WEAF wgy wtam who kyw

—Benny Goodman and his Orchestra. WABC (WKRC WHIO on 11:15) wadc wsbt wbt wgst

—Esso News Reporter. WJZ only —Earl Hines' Orchestra. (NBC) WCKY whk wave wire

11:05—Earl Hines' Orchestra. WJZ WCKY whk wave wire wham

11:15—King's Jesters Hotel LaSalle Orches-tra. WJZ WCKY WLS whk wave wire wham

11:30—Maurie Stein's Orchestra, WEAF WLS wgy wtam wmaq who

—Richard Himber's Essex House Orchestra.

WABC (WHIO kmbc wadc wbt

on 11:45) WKRC wjr wcau wsfa

—Eddy Rogers' Orchestra. WJZ WCKY whk wave wire wham

MIDNIGHT—Tommy Dorsey and his Orchestra. WABC WKRC WHAS wfbm wgar kmbc wcau kmox

—Eddie Vamos Hotel Bismarck Orchestra. WEAF WLS wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf

—Glenn Miller's Orchestra. WJZ WCKY whk wave wire wham

12:30—Lights Out: Mystery drama (NBC) WLS wgy wtam wmaq who

—Frankie Master's Orchestra, WABC WHIO WKRC WHAS wbbm wfbm wadc

—Chick Webb's Orchestra, WJZ WCKY whk wave wire wham

The 72-voice chorus featured on "Hollywood Mardi Gras" has an offer for a series of personal appearances on the west coast.

Alfred Gus Karger, Commentator, Station WCPO, will discuss "Pulpit and Politics," on Saturday evening, December 11, at 6:45 p. m. (E.S.T.).


N Denotes ¡NBC) C Denotes CBS) M Denotes MSS)


6:30 6:45

-7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

WCKY Cincinnati (141110 wr-

Bert Layne's Fiddlers


Morning Round-Up...

Southernaires N Liebert Ensemble N News for Executives Lucille and Lenny N

WLW Cincinnati_ (700 Kc )

Drifting Pioneers Brown County Revelers

Morn'g in the Mount's Prayer Period Brown County Revelers Merrymakers

Southernaires N Peter Grant-News Arthur Chandler, Jr The Gospel Singer

WKRC Cincinnati (56}) kv '

Jerry Foy Sun-Up Jamboree

God's Bible School... Early Edition-News Dow's Dawn Patrol

le 00


NI 01

Women's Hour

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

-11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

Brea kfast Club N .... .. O.

London Stock Market. Breakfast Club N

Charles Harrison N... Vaughn de Leath N Monticello Party Line Household Hour ..

. ..... Coon Creek Band


Hymns of All Churches Hope Alden's Rom'nce Hello Peggy . . Young Widder Jones.

Linda's First Love.... All the Answers Betty and Bob Houseboat Hannah

News Road of Life N Peggy Tudor The Goldbergs

Dear Columbia C

Richard Maxwell C Bachelor's Children C

Musical Ca lendar Myrt and Marge C . Emily Post C The Instrumentalists C

WKRC Bulletin Board eAagazine ot the Air C Big Sister C. Aunt Jenny's Stories C

-t7:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

WSAI Cincinnati (1330 Kt..

Mor7ti-ng Prayer Early Express •

eel ell

8:00 Malcolm Claire N ... 8:15 Good Morn. Melod. N 8:30 Do you Remember N 8:45 Women's Newsreel

Néf.0 P 0 Cincinnati (1200 lic.)

Six-to-Niners .... • • • •

WHIO °mt. _ 11250 lic.1

Breakfast Express

WCPO News Six-to-Niners •

WCPO News Gods Bible School.... Six to Niners


Little Tom Across the Breakfast Table

WHIO Armanac Dunker's Club Yesterday's Favorites Women Make the News

5:30 5:45

6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

WLS-WENR WSM Chicavo. Ill. (870 kc.) NashvIlle. Tenn.. 850 v«

Smile A While

Ky. Girls á Hilltoppers Vaughn Quartet Pat and Henry

News Report.... .... Delmore Brothers .... Evelyn & Hill Toppers Almanac Morning Devotions . WSM News Jolly Joe's Pals Vagabonds

WHAS Louisville. Ky. (820 ke.)

Asbury College Devotions

Emmy's Band Salt and Peanuts. Early Morning Jamboree .

.. .0

lee 00

9:00 9:15 1:30 9:45

10:15 10:30 10:45

-11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

Rainbow Ridge Sunshine Express N .

What Next

Mrs. Wiggs N John's Other Wife N Just Plain Bill N Today's Children N

David Harum N . Backstage Wife N Homemakers Exchange Ribber Shannon

WCPO News Musica. Menu

The Dreamer

WCPO News Chamber pf Comrn'ce There Wei a Time




Cornelia on the Air Dear Columbia C Municipal Court Hal and Henry .

Pretty Kitty Kelly C Myrt and Marge C Monticello Party Line News; Dance Time

The Art of Living Carol's Romance C Big Sister C . Aunt Jenny's Stories C

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

Lulu Belle and Scotty Breakfast Club N News Report.... . . Old Kitchen Kettle . . e Morning Minstrels

Mary Marlin N.... . Banner Newshaek Ma Perkins N ..... ' Sarie and Sallie Pepper Young's Fem. N I Bennett & Wolverton N News Report , Viennese Ensemble N . _ The O'Neills N I Norman Sherr N . Road of Life N . Jack's Mountaineers Vic and Sade N Homemakers Exch. N Edward McHugh Cobwebs & Cadenzas N

Skeets Morris Meador Lowery-News Jackson Family Bachelor's Children C

Monticello Party Line. Myrt and Marge C... Emily Post C Bob Atcher

Mary Lee Taylor C Carol's Romance C... Big Sister C . Aunt Jenny', Stories C

12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45

2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45

WCKY News Songs for Everyone National Farm and Home Hour N

Girl Alone N . Vic Arden's Orch National Farm and Home Hour N


Cheri and 3 Notes C Edwin C. Hill C Rom'nce Helen Trent C Our Gal Sunday C

Betty and Bob C Hymns All Churches C Grimm's Daughter C Hollywood in Person C

Flying Fingers Meet the Missus American School

of the Air C

Sue Blake N Voice of Experience Movieland News Kitty Keene, Inc

Edward Davies N Current Events Let's Talk It Over N.. Vocational Guidance Jayne Rohan Latin America Beatrice Fairfax

12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45

2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45

My Boy Matt Noonday Revs, ie News .. Escorts and Betty N

Barber's Interviews Words and Music N. Cincinnatus at School. Vierra's Hawaiians

Musical Guild N

Cincinnati Your City Armchair Quartet N

WÇPO News Playboys Man on the Street Melody Parade

WCPO News - Rhythm Ramblers Dot Club News From Hawaii

WCPO News Siesta Every Woman Hoilyw000 brevities

Today's Winners

Chad and 3 Notes C Edwin C. Hill C The Listener Speaks News; Markets

Ann Kirk Trio Better Business Bureau Keyboard and Console Modern Musicale

Lyric Serenade C.-

Jack and Paul C American School

of the Air C

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45

- 5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45

Sports Review Roch, Philharmonic N Eastman School os Music N

Sports Review Club Matinee N



Sports Review Santa Claus

Straight Shooters N

Pepp'r Young's tam. N Ma Perkins N . . Vic and Sade N ... The O'Neills N

Dr. Friendly Mary Sothern Mary Marlin N The Mad Hatter-fields.

Junior Nurse Corps N Jack Armstrong Singing Lady N Singing School W

News; Fire Prevention Future Favorites Magazine of the Air

Notes and News

Sundown Serenade U. S. Army Band C.

Follow the Moon C. Freshest Thing in Town Hollywood Highlights "Hilltop House" C

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45

WSAI Little Show

It Is. Strange

Lorenzo Jones N Strollers Johnson Family M Star Gazin'

5:00 Uncle Sammy 6 Club 5:15 Golden Melodies N 5:30 'Vagabond Quartet N.. 5:45 Nixson Denton


WCPC) News Today's Winners Jammin'

Santa Claus Program.

6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

8:00 8:15 11:30 8:45

Little Orphan Annie N Angelo Paul Kennedy . Supper Serenade WCKY News 6 Sports Bob Newhall . Movieland News Lowell Thomas N

Easy Aces N Amos 'n' Andy N Lost Persons N Vocal Varieties N To be announced N.. To be announced

Valley Frolics

Gen. Hugh Johnson N Rudy Vallee - Vanety Liedersingers N Hour N The March of Time N " " .....

Smilin' Dan Personalities on Parad Dick Bray-Sports .... Musical Moments

Poetic Melodies C Hollyw'd Screensc'ps C "We, the People" C

Kate Smith's Variety Hour C

6:00 hic vn. s rC 6:15 Ky. Colonel 6:30 Paul Sullivan 6:45 Billy Snider's Orch

7:00 Don Bestor's Orch 7:15 Musical Miniature M 7:30 Sammy Kaye's 7:45 Orchestra M

8:00 Art Kassel's Orch 8:15 Silk Topper 8:30 WSAI Open House 8:45

ews Musical Hits Dinner Club

Your Suburban Theater Rosen's Rangers Yours Truly Race Results

News of Business .... Kate Smith Hour-Jack Musically Speaking .. Miller's Orchestra C

News; Theater Matinee C

Magazine of the Air C

Between" Bookends Science Series C U. S. Army Band C

Tea Time Tunes Console Capes The Arcadians "Hilltop House" C.

Del Casino, songs C Si Burick News: Gay Lee Songtime C ....

Stars of Broadvray "Holly'd Screen'ps" C We, the People C

WPA Program

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:Off 10:15 10:30 10:45

-1-i:00 E. LeBaron's Orch--N.. 11:15 Ella Schallert N 11:30 Bob Crosby's 11:45 Orchestra N

American Debut of "Good News of 1938" Heinz á Scholz N . MGM stars N

America's Town . • • Meeting N

Bing Crosby, Bob Burns a n d Johnny

Streamline Revue Trotter's Orch N.

Major Bowes' Amateur 9:00 Kay Kysar's Hour C

To be announced C.

Paul Sullivan Theatre Digest

Art Kassel's Orch

Newscast-Lee Bland Leaders in Dance Time

Ross Pierce's Orch. Cab Calloway'S Or. C Leighton Noble's Orchestra C


9:15 9:30 9:45

10:15 10:30 10:45

11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

Orchestra M Sinfonietta M

Billy Snider's Orchestra

Charles Woods, News Tommy Nolan's Orch

Carlton Hauck's Orch,

Don Besfor's Orchestra

The Spectator Popular Melodies Concert Master

WCPO News for the Piano

WCPO News Dance Awhile

Major Bowes Amatvur Hour C

be announced C

Bob Chester's Orch . Newspaper of the Air

Gene- Baker's Orch C. Calloway's Orch C Leighton's Noble's Orchestra C

11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

Don and Helen Chuck, Ray á Christine H. Peterson, organ... Markets, weather, news

Dinnerbell Program O.

10 0 Banner Newshawk . Voice of Feed Lot.. Dept. of Agricultu••

1:00 "Touring -the World" Edward Davies and 1:15 Otto and Novelodeons Olga Karger. N 1:30 Giain Market El Caballee. N 1:45 "How I Met My Hu'd. Musical Adventures N

Farm Credit Interview Peggy Tudor Farm and Home Hour N

Weekday Devotions .. Edwin C. Hill C Rom, Ace Helen Trent C

• On Gal, Sunday C..

2:00 2:1S 2:36 2:45

Homemakers Program

Musical Roundup

Club Matinee N-3:15 " " .. 3:30 Federation of Women's 3:45 Clubs N

4:00 Music Circle --4:15 Golden MelAies N 4:30 H. Kogen's Orch. N 4:45 Congress Hotel Or. N

Pepper Young's Fam. N Ma Perkins N Vic and Sade N The O'Neill: N

Women's News The Guiding Light N To be announced N Road of Life N

Golden Melodies N., of the Navy N

Market Reports Freddie Rose

'indas First Love... College of Agriculture Livestock+Markets Sunshine Sue

The Rangers Dance Band University of Kentucky

Betty and Bob .... Hymns of All Churches Magazine of the Air C

Hope Alden's Rom'ce. Melodies of Home.... University of Louisville

Out o' the Dusk ••

Meador Lowrey, News "Hilltop House" C

5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45

6::0 5:15 6:30 6:45

7:00-7:15 7:30 7:45

Junird Purse Corps N M. Webers Orch. N What's the News? Escorts and Betty N

Easy Aces N Sports; Fireside Lost Persons N Singers To be announced N Benno Rabinoff N

Glen Gray's Orch

-Gen Hue. Johnson Ñ Ruity-To be announced ... Variety Hour N The March of Time N

Rhythm Time Afternoon News June Moody ..... Asher & Li•tle Jimmie

.0 $0 •••

Del Casino, songs C Jack Armstrong Salt and Peanuts Christmas Party _ Herbie Koch, organ "Holly'd Screen'ps" C We. the People C

NI 01

Kate Smith Hour-Jack Miller's Or.


8:00 Heinz and Schott:, "Good News of 1938" 8:15 duo-pianists N MGM Stars N 8:30 , America s own 8:45 1 Meeting of the

9:00 Air N 9:15 9:30 NBC Jamboree N 9:45 " ....

.4 0

10:15 10:30 10:45

Bing Crosby and Bob Burns with Johnny Trotter's Orchestra N


Major Bowes' Amateur Hour C

.0 .•

Globe Troffer. King's Jesters Orch Maude Stein's Orchestra

. Amos 'n' Andy WSM News News; Congress Hotel

Orchestra N ...


Broadway Stars ... Herb Koch organ Columbia Workshop C

Poetic Melodies C Romance Time Swing Low Meador Lowery-Mesta



7:00-Poetic Melodies: Jack Fulton, tenor, and Franklyn MacCormack, poetic reader. orchestra. WABC WKRC wadc wwva wbt wgar WCaU

-Amos 'n' Andy: Pepsodent Program. WEAF WLW wgy wtam kyw wwl who

-Malcolm Claire-stories. (NBC) wmaq

-Easy Aces comedy sketch featuring Jane and Goodman Ace. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka whk wire wham

7:15-Vocal Varieties-Choral group of 14 voices. WLW to WEAF wgy earn wire wmaq who kstp kyw

-"Hollywood Screenscoops". WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS w¡r wgar wbbm wbt wgst wcau kmox wadc wwl wcco

.-Mr. Keen, Tracer of lost persons; dramatiza-tion. WJZ WCKY WLS whk kdka wham

7:30-Schaefer Revue: Leo Reisman's Orches-tra; Bud Collyer, m. C. WEAF only

-"We, the People"-Gabriel Heatter, di-rector; Mark Warnow's Orchestra-Drama. fixations. WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS wjr wbbm wgar kmbc wcau kmox wcco

-Benno Rabinoff, violinist. (NBC) WSM wgy wtam who kyw

-To be announced. WJZ WLW WLS WCKY

whk wave wire wham wowo

8:00-Kate Smith Hour, with Henny Young-man, comedian; Jim Crowley, Football Forum; Jack Miller's Orchestra; Drama and great stars. WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS wjr wbbm wfbm wgrt: wcau kmox wadc wwva wbt wvel

-Rudy Vallee and his Connecticut Yankees; guest artists. WEAF WLW WSM wtam kyw wgy wbap kstp wfla kvoo who wdaf wave wire wwj wmaq wfaa

-General Hugh Johnson, commentator. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka whk wham

8:15-The liedersingers-Carol Deis, soprano; Celia Brans, contralto; Fred Hufsmith, tenor; Alden Edkins, baritone. WJZ WCKY whk wave wire wham

8:30-The March of Time: News dramatiza-tion. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka wham

9:01)-"Good News of 1938"; MGM Stars and Meredith Willson's Orchestre; 20-Voice Chorus. WEAF WSM WLW wgy wtam wmaq wave %wt . wait kyw who wdaf kstp

-Symphony Orchestra: American Debut of Heinz and Robert Scholz, duo-pianists. WJZ WCKY kdka wham

-Major Bowes Amateur .Hour. WABC WKRC Wii10 WHAS wjr wbbm wgar wcau kmox wadc wcco wbt wgst wfbm kmbc

WHIO J WLS-WENit WSM I WHAS 9:30-America's Town Meeting of the Air-Round table discussion featuring prominent speakers. George V. Denny, Jr., moderator. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka wham whk

10:00-Kraft Music Hall, starring Bing Crosby and Bob Burns, comedian; Johnny Trotter's Orchestra; guest artists. WEAF WLW WSM whk wgy wtam wvij wmaq wire wave kyw who wbap kstp wdaf kvoo

-To be announced. WABC WKRC wjr wbbm wfbm wgar kmbc

10:30-Columbia Workshop, dramatization. WABC WHAS wjr wbbm wgar wcau kmox wgst wwl wcco kmbc

-NBC Jamboree: Harry &open's Orchestra with guests artists. WJZ WLS kdka whk wave wire wham

11:00-Cab Calloway's Cotton Club Orchestra. WABC (WKRC WHIO on 11:15) wadc wbt wbst wcco kmox wgst

-"Poetic Melodies." (CBS) WHAS wjr wbbm wwl wcco kmox

-Eddie LeBaron's Rockefeller Center Rain. bow Room Orchestra. (NBC) WCKY whk wave wire wham

-Blue Baron's Orchestra. (NBC) wgy wtam wmaq who

-Eno News Reporter. WJZ only -Pepsodent Program: Amos 'n' Andy. (NBC) WSM wdaf wfaa wmaq wire

-Larry Clinton's Orchestra. WEAF only 11:05-Eddie Letlaron's Orchestra with Negro Male Quartet. WJZ WCKY whk wave wire wham

11:15-Elza Schaller} Reviews. ?reviews or ine ILA week's outstanding pictures; guest. WJZ M WCKY kdka whk wave wire wham

11:30-Leighton Noble's Orchestra. WABC WHIO WKRC wgar kmox wadc wsbt wbt wbbm kmbc wcco

-Jimmy Dorsey's Orchestra-WJZ wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf kyw

-Bob Crosby's Palomar Orchestra. WJZ WCKY kdka wham whk wave wire

MIDNIGHT-Emery Deutsch's Orchestra. We:JIG WKRC WHAS WHIO wjr «gar wfbm kmbc wcau wadc wbt wwl Jerry Illaine's Orchestra. WEAF WLS kdka wgy wtam wmaq who

-Freddie Nagel's Orchestra. WJZ WCKY whk wave wire wham

12:30-Garwood Van arid the Trocadero Or-chestra. WJZ WCKY kdka whk wire wham

-Richard Himber's Orchestra. WABC WKRC WrI10 wjr wbbm wgar wfbm kmbc wcau wadc wsbt wbt wcco wwva kmox

-Earl Hines' Orchestra. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who

It was Damon Runyon who first dubbed his contemporary, Mark Kelly, 'The Red Rooster of the Arroyos." Kelly, western sports•writer and radio commentator, has a mop of flaming red hair.

any Stars On "Hotel" Program

Sally Eilers, Joseph Schildkraut, Neil Hamilton and Marcia Mar Jones will be heard previewing scenes from the picture "The Lady Misbehaves," when they appear as guest stars of "Hollywood Hotel" during the na-tionwide broadcast over the CBS net-work, including WKRC, WHAS and WHIO, Friday, December 10, from 9:00 to 10:00 p. m. (EST.). The story revolves around Paula,

played by Miss Eilers, who tries to save her sister from a bigamy charge and finds herself in love with the second husband.

Frank Black is the answer to a book agent's prayer. Collecting first edi-tions is one of his pet extravagances.


N Denotes (NBC) C Denotes (CBS) M Denote! (MBS)


6:30 645 —17C-C-o 7:15 7:30 745

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

WCKY • wwati (lem w•

WLW mnart Mea en.'

Bert Laye s% Fiddlers.

Sunkistlnie s.

Morning Itcomed-Up

Four Showmen N Wm. Meeder N News for Executives Lucilie and Lanny N

Drifting Pioneers Brown County . Revelers

Morn'g in the Mounts Prayer Period Sing, Neighbor Sima Marrymakers

Four Showmen N Peter Grant—News Arthur Chandler, Jr The Gospel Singer

W K RC ClwrInzwellf Nae kr

Jarry Foy Siin•Up Jamboree

Christian Science Early Edition—News Dow's Dawn Patrol

r. • e

Woman's Hour .

6:30 6:45

7:15 7:30 7:45

8:00 8:15 8:30 815

WSAI Cineweieti 1830 ire.'

Morning Prayer Early Express

Malcolm Ciaire Good Morn. Melod. N Do you Remember N Women's Newsreel

WCPO Cincinnati (laI. los.)

Six•to-Niners o

WCPO News Six-to-Niners

. .

ee 011

WCPO News Gods Bible School.. Dunker's Club Six to Minera Yesterday's Favorites

Women Make the News

WHIO Dayton Une le..)

Breakfast Express .

Little Tom Across the Ilreakfad Table

W1-110 -Almanac

te° 9:15 9:35 945

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

Breakfast Club N .

London Stock Market Marthe Lane

FOI Wonsan Only Vaughn de Leath N Monticello Party Lin• Household Hour

et 04


Betty Crocker Hope Alden's Remece Lady Be Good Young Widder Jones

Linda's First Love.. All the Answers Betty and Bob Houseboat Hannah

News. . The Road of Lifett

Coon Creek Band . . Carson Robison Murdock Williams . The Goldbergs

Metropolitan Parade C Richard Maxwell C Federation of Churches Bachelor's Children C

Musical- Calendar Myrt and Marge C... Tony Wons C. Ruth Carhart, sonos C

Woman Views th. New Magazine of Air C . Big Sister C Aunt Jenny's Stories C

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

1100 • 11:15 11:30 11:45

Rainbow Ridge Sunshine Express

" What Next

Wiggs John's Other Wife N Just Ptah Bill N Today's Children N

David Harum N. . Backstage Wife N How to be Charming N Grace and Eddie '

WCPO News 'Cornelia on the Air Musical Menu Richard Maxwell C.

Municipal Court The Dreamer ,Hal and Henry

WCPO >EMS Pretty Kitty Kelly C Variety Shaw Myrt and Marge C. Clarence ferler Monticello Party Une Scandai Bride Ruth Carhart. songs C

iiairy•Go•Roend Sutton and 'Miss C 1Carols Romance C 'Big Sister C Aunt Jenny's Stories C

.. •

. N

1200 12:15 12:30 12:45

1:00 1:15 130 145

-27:00 2:15 2:30 2:45

WCKY News . Sonos for Everyone Farm and Home Hour N


Sue Blake N J. and L Clemens N

Music Appreciation Hour N

Murdock Williams Beatrice Fairfax

Girl Alone N Doc Schneider's Texans National Farm and Home Hour N .

Voice of Experience Kitty Keene, Inc ...

NBC Music Apprecia-tion Hour N .....

Mary M. McBride C Edwin C. Hill C Rom'nce Helen Trent C Ow Gal Sunday C

Ben,/ and lob C Betty Crocker C Grimm's Daughter C. Hollywood in Panas C

Women's News C Alep. the Mimes American Scheel of Ose "bar C

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45 ,

4:00 Sports Review . 4:15 Movieland News 4:30 , Club Matines N .. 4451 Hilltop Serenaders

SM I Sports Review 5:15 Santa Claus 5:3r, 5:45

Radio Guild Drame N •.

• .

Straight Shooters N

Pepp'r Young's Fam N Ma Perkins N . . Vic and Sade N . The O'Neill' N .

Dr. Friendly . Mary Sothern Gold Coast Music C Mary Merlin N Sundown Serenade The Mad Hatterfields Or. Defoe C

Junior Nurse Corps. Jack Armstrong .. Fairyland Lady Singing School W.

News, Fire Prevention Matin.» Musicale Jenny Peabody C Notes and News

Follow the Moon C. Freshest Thing ht Town Hollywood Highlights

i"Hilltop Houle" C..

6:00 Little Orphan Annie N1Angelo 6:15 Dot Lee Supper Serenade 6:30 WCKY News E Sports Bob Newhall 6:45 , Movieland News .... Lowell Thomas N

700 Mary Small N.. . I Amos 'n' Andy N 7:15 Dr. Karl Reiland N Four Stars Tonight 7:30 Vit Arden's Orchestra Lum and Abner N .. 745 Ilughouse Rhythm N

IWO 8:15 8:30 8:45

Grand Central Station N ....

We Present Another

Smille' Dan Musical Visions Public Health Forum Song Time C

Poetic Melodies C Margaret Daum C


Singing Cinderella... Boake Carter C

Tonie Tim. Hamrivarstein's Homer Griffith Music Hall C Death Valley Days N Hal Kemp's Dance

Band—Alice Faye C

1200 lily Boy Matt 12:15 Jane Gray 12:30 News 12:45 Lotus Gardens Orch. M

1:00 Barber's Interviews 1:15 Words and Music N 1.30 Cincinnatus at School. 1:45 Yierra's Hawaiiens

200 Don't Look Now M 2:15 2:30 2:45

Sylvia Cycle N Cincinnati Yole City Best Sellers

WCPO News Happiness Ahead Man on the Street . Melody Parada

WCPO News Ann Kirk Trio Rhythm Rambles Symphonetta Dot Club News Keyboard and Console From Hawaii . . Modern Musicale .

WCPO News Woman's News C Siesta Bob Byron, songs C Every Woman American School Hollywood Brevities of the Air C..

Mary M. McBride C Edwin C. Hill C The Listener Speaks. News; Markets

3:00 3:15 3:30


400 4:15 4:30 4:45

5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45

WSAI Little Show L Today's Winners

It Is Strange

Lorenzo Jones N .. Strollers Johnson Family Star Gazin'

Uncle Sammy & Club Sonos by Carlotta N Vagaboed Quartet N Nixon Denton

WCPO News Today's Winners Jammin'

Oit e•

Santa Claus

5:30 5:45

6:00 6:15 6:30 645

710 7:15 7:30 7:45

WLS-WENR WSM Cbicsure. Hl. 1111-ro hr.) Nashville crin. (111901re.)

Smile A White 04 et

WHAS Loutsvslle Kv, 042.) use.1

Sing, Neighbor, Sing Pat and Henry

News Report Pokey and Arkie Morning Devotions Jolly Joe's Pals

Stamps Quarte! .. Early Morn Melodies

To be announced Almanac WSM News Freddie Rose

gsbury Colins Devotions

Emmy's Band Kentucky Mountaineers

Early Morning --Jamboree

. .

et el

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

9.00 9:15 9:30 9 45

10.00 10.15 10.30 10:45

Lulu Belle and Scotty News Report......... Old Kitchen Kettle The Hill Toppers ..

Mary Marlin N — Ma Perkins N Popper Young's Pam. N News Report

The O'Neills N Road of Life Vic and Sade N Gospel Singer N

Breakfast Club N


• •

.... -• •• tanner Newshawk Vaughn DeLeath N.... Myrt and Marge C... Bennett Wolverton N Tony Wons' Book C Viennese Ensemble N. Dot end Bill .

Norman Sheer N .. Weekday Devotions .. Robinsons Buckaroos . Carol's Romance C. How to be Charm g N Big Sister C Originalities N Aunt Jenny's Stories C

Bob Atchar Meador Lowery. News Jackson Family Bachelor's Children C

Mo.tic.11o Party Un.

11:00 11.15 11:30 11:45

Virginia Lee, Sunbeam Chuck, Ray 8. Christine G. Wilson, contralto.. Markets, News

112..730 nPrairie Farmer, 12.15 Dinerbeli Tim• 2 .

12.45 Voice of Feed Lot....

1:00 School lime 1:15 The Old Timers 1:4305 Grain Market 1, "Big City Parade" .

I ¡irise lor Thought N Mary M. Maride C. Concert Sketches ' Edwin C Hill C National Farm and Romance Helen TrientC Horne Hour N Our Gal, Sunday C

Linda's First Love .. " .... College of Agriculture

Renner Newstrawk .. Livestock Markets Dept. of Agriculture. Joe Wheeler

NBC Music Apprecie. Women's News C. ..• tion Hour N Dance Band

University of Kentucky

News Fairmont High School

Waltz Time Murry's Clubmen C

Between Biliokends C Gold Coast Music C. Twenty Fingers Dr, Allan Defoe C

Tea Time Tunes Console Capers The Arcadians "Hilltop House" C..

200 Homemakers 2:15 Program 2:30 Musical Roundup 2:45 " " ....

3:00 Club Matinee N 3:15

Pepper Young N Ma Perkins N Vic and Sade N The O'Neills N

Betty and Bob Betty Crocker Jenny Peabody C Yellow Blank Salut*

Wernen's News .. . Hope Alden's Rom'ce The Guiding Light N Melodies of Home ...

3:30 " .. Club Matinee N.. . Quest's: Before Homs* las I " " •• • ... Road of Life N Dr. Allan Defoe C .

4:00 Music Circle -----"-- Clifford Mens, tenor N Out o the Dusk . 4:15 Sonos by Carlotta N Winslow of the Navy N ... .. .

4:30 Rakov's Orchestra N. Market Reports Meador Lowrey, News 4:45 Congress Hotel O. N Two Pianos ;"Hilltop House" C ..

6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

810 815 8.30 8.45

Speed Gibson l WCPO News "Essays in Music" C. 5:00 Junior Nurse Corps N Rhythm Time I Robinson's Buckaroos . Rhythmaires N Musical Hits Si Burick.. 5:15 M. Webers Orch. N. Afternoon News , Jack Armstrong Paul Sullivan Dinner Club Four Stars C 5:30 What's the News?... Vagabonds ... .. Salt and Peanuts Billy Snider's Orch ... Songtime C 5:45 Escorts and Batty N Asher & Little Jimmie Christmas Party

tommy Notan's Orch.. Your Suburban Theatre Vic Arden's Ore 6:00 , Mary Small N...... Sports; Mary Small N Sportraits .... Uncle Ezra N . Congressman Siger:reg , Margaret Datant C.... 6:15 Dr. Karl Reiland N... Dr. Karl Reiland N Margaret Daum, on Beitor's Orch Yours Truly . . 6:30 Lum and Abner N. Dinner Concert W... soprano C

Oriental Garden Or. N Race Results floake Carter C 6:45 Vocal Varieties • Stars of Broadway. .. Boake Carter C

taies Service Concert News of iusinees Hammerstein 7:08 Grand Central Francis Craig's Orch. Hammerstein Music .7. —Lucilie Mannes N Musically Speaking ... Music Hall C 7:15 Station N Musical Moments Hall C . . 1 Football Roundup ....Mal Kemp's 7:30 Death Valley Days N.. ' Home Town Memories Hal Kemp's .... .....

. 1 Orchestra C . 7:45 . . Waltz Time .... ... Dance Band C

9:00 WCKY News ... 9:15 Arkansas Travelers 9:30 tommy Dorsey's 9:45 Orchestra N .

i-0:00- f o be announced 10:15 " " 10:30 Streamline Revue 10:45 " "

1100 1:15 11:30 11:45

.. Varsity Show N

Cafes of Yesteryear... ..

First Nighter N

Jimmy Fidler N Dorothy Thompson N

Taxicab Night Club Paul Sullivan Panchito"s Orch. N Salute to Laredo, Tes, Mamie Stein's Orchestra N Carlton Hauck's Occis,

Hollywood.. Hotel C



Song Silos> C

Lee Bland's Newscast.

Ross Pierce's Orch. Glen G•a Orch C Leighton Noble's

Orchestre r_

9.00 9:15 9:30 9:45

1010 10:15 10:30 10:45

-1170-0 11:15 11:30 lues i Orchestra M

Watts lime N

Pat Bernes' Opera House M

Ill Snir'tOrchTTT

Chartes Woods, News Tommy Nolan's

— Orchestra • Jesters N Vincent topez's

The Spectator Football Roundup Popular Melodies

Hollywood. Hotel C 8:00 Varsity Show N 8:15" " 8:30 ,Tommy Dorsey's 8:45 Orchestra N ..

9:00 Madison Square Car. Concert Master 9:15 den—Boxing Bouts N

. 9:30 VoCa l Varieties Newspaper of the Air 9:45

WCPO News Cinema Chatter 10:00 The Globe Trotter . Dance Awhile Glen Gray's Orch. C 10:15 King's Jesters Orch. N

Geai' taker's Orch. 10:30 Maude Stein'i L. Noble's Orch. C . 10:45 Orchestra N ....

WCPO News ... Songshop C

Teachers College of the Air .

Amos 'n' Andy N .7 WSM News Sports: To be Announced N




Varsity Show N Hollywood Hotel— ' Jerry Cooper; Ray'

Tommy Dorsey's 1 mond Paige's Or. Orchestra N chestra C

First Nighter N Songshop with Kitty Carlisle C

Musical 1.;ciments

Poetic melodies C berbytown Rhythm

Meador Lowery-News



110—Poetic Melodies: Jack Fulton, tenor. Franklyn MacCormack, reader, and orches-tra. WABC WKRC reg.)s wadc wcau wwva

--Mary Small, songs. WJZ WCKY WLS WSM whig wave wire wham

—The Pepsodent Program Amos 'n' Andy. WEAF WLW wgy wtam who kyw

—Malcolm Claire—stories (NBC) wmaq 1:15—Margaret Daum, soprano and concert orchestra. (CBS) WKRC WHAS WHIO wadc kmox

—Chrysler Football Parade, with Frank G. Menke. WABC only

—Uncle Ezra': Radio Station E-Z R-A. WEAF WSAI wgy wtam wmaq wire wdaf wbap

kyw kstp who ...Dr. Karl Reiland, commentator. WJZ WCKY WSM WLS wham kdka whk wave

I:30—Louise Florea. (NBC) wgy wtam «mari wire wdaf wbap kyw kstp

w-Horlick's Lum and Abner, comedy sketch. WJZ WLW WENR with

Duchin's Orchestra: Stanley Worth e- nd Patricia Norman. vocalists; Roger B. Whiteman, auttror end journalist. WEAF enly

—Dinner Concert. (NBC) WSM wave rire

wham 7:45-80.14 Carter, news commentator. WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS Wif %riper wbbm lunox wcau wcco kmbc wbt

—Louis Panico's Orchestra. (NBC) WSAI wgy wtam wmaq wire wdaf kyw

—Bughouse Rhythm, novelty program; Dr. John Drunker Meakin, conductor. WJZ WCKY wave whIr wire wham

8:00 Grand Central Station, dramatic sketch. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka wane whk wire wham

—Cities Service Concert: Lucilie Manners, soprano, and the Cities Service Quartet; Rosario Bourdon': Orchestre, WEAF WSAI wgy wtam wmaq wwj who daf lutta wbap wfaa wfla

—"Hammerstein's Music Hall": Ted Harn-merstein, m. c.; Jerry Mann, comedian, guest star, and Music Hall Orchestra. WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS wjr wgar kmox wbbm wfbm kmbc wcau %ecce wadc wbt wwj

8:30—Death Valley ,Days, dramatic program, with John Maaryds, Jean King, Harry Humphrey end Jeff Bryant; Orchestra di-rection Josef lonime. WJZ WLW WLS kdka wham whk

—"Music from Hollywood- starring Alice Faye with Hal Kemp's Orchestra; Carleton KaDell, announcer, WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wjr wgar km« wbbm wcau wadc wbt kmbc wgst wwl wcco wfbm

9:00—Waltz Time, with Frank Munn, tenor; Manhattan Chorus; Abe Lyman's Orchestra. WEAF WSAI wgy wtam wmaq wwj wdaf kyw who wire

—Hollywood Hotel—Musical Revue: Guests: Jerry Cooper, Anne Jamison, Ken Niles; Raymond Paige's Orchestra, with Ken Mur-ray and "Oswald." %MARC WKRC WHAS WHIO sirjr wbbm wgar kmox kmbc wcau wadc wbt wcco wgst wwl

—Pontiac Varsity Show, featuring under-grad-uate talent from the campus rit Fordham University: Paul Dumont, rri. c. WJZ VILS WLW WSM wham kdka whk wfla wave wfaa

9:30--Tru• Story Court of Human Relations, dramatization. WEAF wgy wtam wwj kyw who wmaq wdaf wire

—Tommy Dorsey and his Orchestra, with Edythe Wright and Jack Leonard, vocalists; Paul Steward, m. c., WJZ WCKY WLS WSM kdka whk wave wham vrowo

10.00--Madison Square Garden Boxing Bouts. WJZ WLS kdka whk wham wfla

—The Songshop, starring Kitty Carlisle, Frank Crumit, m. c.; Reed Kennedy; Alice Cor-nett; Songshop Quartet, the 22-Yoke Glee Club, direction Ken Christi.; 47-piece Or-chestra, direction Gustav Haenschaen.

WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wir wgar wadc wbbm wfbm limon kmbc wcau wsbt wwl wcco

—Campanas First Nighter, dramatization starring Les Tremayne and Barbara Luddy. Orchestra, direction Eric Sagerguist. WEAF WLW WSM wwj wave wmaq wtam wdaf who kstp wfla wfaa kvoo wgy

10:30—Jimmy Fidler and his Hollywood Gos-sip. WEAF WLW wgy wtam wmaq kyw wwj wire kstp wdaf

10:45—" People in the News." Dorothy .Thompson, news commentator. WEAF WLW kyw wgy wtam %rad wire wmaq kstp wdaf

—To be announced. WABC wbbm win wfbm wcau wcco kmox wadc reçut

11:00—George R. Holmes, Chief of the Wash-ington Bureau of International News Serv-ice. (NBC) vrqy wtam wdaf kyw

—Esso News Reporter. WJZ only —Glen Gray's Casa Loma orchestra. WABC (WKRC WHIO on II:15) wadc wbt kmod

—Panchito La Conga's Orchestra. . (NBC) whk wave wire wham

—Poetic Melodies. (CBS) WHAS wjr wbbm wfbm vivd wcco kmox kmbc

—Amos 'n' Andy. (NBC) WSM wmaq ofaa wire wbap kstp vinvj wtam

11:05—Panchito La Conga's Orchestra. WJZ (WCKY on 11:15) whk wave wire wham

11:15—King's Jester's Orchestra. WEAF WSA1 WLS wwj wave wtam kyw who wgy

11:30—Leighton Noble's Orchestra. WABC

(WHIO on 11 .45) WKRC wjr wfbm wcau wadc kmox wbbm kmbc wsbt wbt wgar

—Maurie Stein's Orchestra. WJZ WCKY WLS whk wave wire wham

—To be announced. WEAF WSM wwj wave wmaq wtam wdaf kstp wgy

MIDNIGHT—Guy Lombardo and his Royal Canadiens, WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO w¡r wgar wfbm wadc wbbm

—William Scotti's Hotel Ambassador Orches-tra. WJZ WCKY whk wave wire wham

—Chick Webb's Orchestra. WEAF WLS wgy wtam wmaq who rodai kdka

12:30—Fletcher Henderson's Orchestra. WJZ whk wave

—Ted Fio Rito's Orchestra, WABC WKRC WHAS wbbm wfbm kmox wadc

—Happy Felton's Orchestra. WEAF WLW wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf kdka

Clarence Muse celebrated Thanks-giving by eating his first dinner in years at home. Old troupers are us-ually on tour somewhere on holidays. Anne Jamison gets many fan let-

ters regularly from old friends in In-dia who pick up her Friday night warbling by short wave.


"Sundown Serenade" Two Concerts In

Lin Mason, tenor, is your serenader on the "Sundown Serenades" broadcast over WKRC, Monday through Satur-day at 4:30 p. m. Under the sponsorship of the Solway Fur-niture Company, "Sundown Ser-enade" in a quarter-hour pro-gram of melodies old and new. Most of the songs included on the broadcasts are requests of listeners, who list twenty-one year old Mason as one of their favorite vocalists.

Eddie's "Fill"

Vyola Von, known to the dial-ers as "Mademoiselle Fifi," is lending her comedy and singing talents tca. Eddie Cantor's "Tex-aco Town" program, broadcast over the CBS network, includ-ing WKRC, WHAS and WHIO, Wednesdays at 8:30 p. m. (E.S.T.) Despite her very French

name, Vyola is not French-born, but a product of Southern Cali-fornia. She is 19 years old, and is the proud possessor of a two-year contract with Eddie Cantor.

Memory Of Great Stradivarius

The 200 anniversary o( the death on December 18, 1737, of Antonius Stradivarius, master craftsman of the violin, will be commemorated in a concert to be played by Adolf Busch, violinist, and Rudolf Serkin, pianist, over the NBC network, including WCKY, on Tuesday, December 14, from 9:00 to 9:30 p. m. (E.S.T.) The program will consist of Beeth-

oven's First Sonata in D, Opus 12, and will be played on one of the four Stradivarius instruments which were presented to the Library of Con-gress by Gertrude Clarke Whittall. A second concert will be presented

from the Library of Congress Cham-ber Music Auditorium, Washington, D. C., during the Whittall Stradivar-ius series on Wednesday, December 15, from 4:00 to 4:30 p. m. (E.S.T.), over the NBC network, including WCKY. Busch, playing an original Stradivarius, accompanied by Serkin at the piano, will play Beethoven's Sonata in F, Opus 24. Two further concerts will be presented over the NBC' networks during the current Whittall Stradivarius series.


(Continued from. page 4)

special attention including the privi-lege of borrowing up to and.including next week's pay before it is due to get them out of the various jams they have succeeded in becoming ac-quainted with during the past week. They look down as if from a lofty height upon other employees of the station and consider them a necessary evil and a possible polution to the unoffending atmosphere. They de-mand two hours for lunch so they may relax after nibbling at what they can afford to eat. Working more than five hours each day reminds them of Siberian prisoners in the days of the Russian salt mines.

• • •

But the insult of all insults so far as this humble personage is concerned happened today shortly after lunch. Dave Roberts, one of our announcers and known throughout the land front

studio to studio as a past master at

the art of going to sleep while stand-

ing on his feet was transferred to the

night shift where his sleeping could

be done on a more natural basis.

When he calmly strolled into my

office and in a serious matter-of-fact

way demanded a brace of blondes to

keep him company while he worked

I gave up and headed for the nearest

bar to keep from committing hani

han. I am now busily searching for blondes. After all Mr. Roberts has

spoken and we cannot afford to lose

a good announcer. Besides he owns

me twelve bucks.

Here is Santa Claus

For the benefit of skeptics who believe only what they see, here is Santa Claus, caught by a candid camera as he was speaking from the WCKY studios. Each afternoon at 5:15 Santa Claus holds court with his juvenile admirers from the L. B. Wilson station.

AROUND THE DIAL (Continued from page 5)

ence between a master workman and a sloppy apprentice.

Winter makes the "action copy" so beloved of radio advertisers sillier than ever. Imagine a man forsaking his easychair, pipe, and slippers on a cold night to "hurry out and buy" something or other because a leather-lunged announcer tells him to

* * *

Aside from its high artistic merits, the program of the new NBC String Quartet (WCKY, Wednesday, 9 :00 p. in.) shows intelligent scheduling. Playing opposite it are Fred Allen and Eddie Cantor. In other words, the Quartet's program is made-to-order for those who don't care for radio comedy. The recognition that listeners have varying tastes in heart-ening indeed. Time was when this sport would have been filled with an-other swing band.

* • •

CBS press release: "Warnow's or-chestrations will be simpler in struc-ture and designed especially to appeal to women." Of course, of course! Radio's formula for women is "keep everything simple."

• • *

As if previous "plants" of almanac ballyhoo weren't bad enough the Lunt and Abner episode of Nov. 26 set a new high in piteous pleading for lis-tener support. It's strange that spon-sors don't realize this sort of thing has just the opposite effect from that intended. There's an old saying— and not an "Edwards"—that "noth-ing succeeds like success." That holds for radio even more than cer-tain other fields. Let listeners get the impression that a feature is on the skids, and their respect for it begins to drop. Unjust though that may be, it's only human nature. Also, this "buy or else" approach raises embar-rassing questions about programs cost-ing listeners nothing.

West Goes Radio Mac West will attempt to captivate

wooden-hearted (and headed) Char-lie McCarthy during the Chase and Sanborn Hour with Nelson Eddy, Don Amcche, Edgar Bergen, Dorothy Lamour and Robert Armbruster's or-chestra on Sunday, December 12, at 8:00 p. m. (E.S.T.) over the NBC network, including WLW and WSM. Charlie boasts a long list of conquests but, as he whispered to his side-kick, "It looks bad, Bergen; yes, it looks bad.-

Schmeling - Thomas Bout Aired By NBC

The Max Schmeling-Al Thomas boxing match will be broadcast over the NBC network, including WLS, Friday, December 17, at 10:00 p. m. (E.S.T.). Max Schmeling, former world's

heavyweight champion, is boxing Al Thomas as a warmup for his return bout with Joe Louis, scheduled some time in May, 1938. This is one in the series of fight broadcasts by NBC. Sam Taub, veteran boxing announcer, will broadcast the fight.

"Carefree Carnival" A variety show of music and dra-

matizations is the new "Carefree Car-nival" over WSAI, 4:00 to 4:30 p. m. (E.S.T.), Sundays. With Douglas Browning as master

of ceremonies and members of the WSAI dramatic staff participating, the program offers a half hour of light entertainment with transcribed music featuring some of the country's leading bands and soloists.

RADIO SERVICE Anywhere — Any Make —Any Time

Prompt Reliable Reasonable

Standard Parts Modern Equipment

MAW 4648 Mention Radio Dial when asking for



CONTE ,, by The Cóñt

Although we have never met James Toppin, editor of Contest News in Toledo, we do know a one word de-scription of him—helpful or encour-aging. It comes about this way.

Shortly after he became connected with the NEWS, he began to use some of their space to tell about people who had overcome obstacles and won final success. People liked it and now half the back page is used in this way each month. Where Walter Alderman in •Nug-

gets does the same thing in a briefer way, James Toppin gives the whole story. Of course he is unable to list as many different stories as does Mr. Alderman, nevertheless, to know more

of the complete story makes one feel closer to the one they are reading about.

All along we have felt that readers liked to know of those who have,

through thir own ingenuity or per-


Earn Extra Money for CHRISTMAS

Easy, Pleasant, Profitable Work

Call CHerry 0710 or

Write RADIO DIAL 22 East' 12th St. Cincinnati, O.


' est Reporter

severance, been able to pull through tight places in life and come out vic-torious. Our hat is off to Mr. Top-pin for incorporating this feature in his publication.

In contests as well as any other pursuit, whether vocational or avoca-tional, it is the most natural thing in the world to strike a "snag" or feel

that it is useless to continue. When one reaches this point there is noth-ing more helpful or encouraging than to know that others in similiar cir-cumstances have finally won out. The American Magazine has built up a wonderful following and circulation on that idea alone. Away out on the West Coast, Gil-

son Willets tells of something that happened almost at our front door— although we hadn't heard it. He says: "The most commendable act on the

part of any radio station since con-tests took hold of public fancy was re-

cently reported from Station WWVA from Wheeling, W. Va. When a sponsor refused to carry through with a promised prize contest and award an automobile, the station itself fin-ished off the contest, bought the car and awarded it to the winner, as

promised. Three cheers for the man-agement of WWVA." Same here. And speaking of radio contests, it is

just about the hardest thing in the

world to remember all the things the announcer said about what it takes to get in, etc. It is his sincere desire to make it as simple and brief as possi-ble, but nevertheless, it lacks some-thing that printed rules are able to

give. • In this connection Mr. Wets of-

fers a suggestion that is a honey, but only few people would be able to take advantage of it. He suggests to






those %, nave home recorders with their radio sets to get it rigged up and record the rules as the announcer spiels them off, then play • it back later as many times as necessary. While for the most part radio con-tests require that contestants get offi-cial entry blank at dealers (with

Sick Conductor

Alexander Von Kreisler, di-rector and conductor of the Cin-cinnati Conservatory of Music broadcasts originated through the facilities of WKRC and broadcast over the entire Colum-bia network each Saturday morning at 11 o'clock, is in Holmes Hospital recovering from an appendectomy. During his absence, the orchestra is un-der the baton of C. Hugo Grimm, a member of the artists' faculty at the Conservatory.

"Dr. Christian's" Secretary

printed rules) not all of them do. Why not feu those that do not, state that printed rules would be available on request? '`• -

There is a big contest sponsor in the West whose plan somehow does not click with us. Prizes are offeted for simple efforts on the part of the contestant, but afterwards a siege of "subscribe and increase your chances" begins. We have never heard the slightest complaint on their judging, or anything to even indicate that only those that subscribed won the prizes. In fact it is one of the oldest contest sponsors in the country, but just the same we always felt it better to tell the whole story at first. •

As radio listeners know, the friend-ship between W. C. Fields- and Char-lie McCarthy always seemed a little strained. Charlie felt himself to rate along with the best of men, whereas, Mr. Fields on more than one Occa-sion cast aspersions on his family "tree." sensitive as Charlie was to such terms as "Termite's Flophouse," "little post hole sitter" and such, he I eh it could not be allowed to con-tinue and thus possibly lower his rep-utation. Do something he did. Through Screen Book Magazine a fine radio was offered for the best name to take the place of "dummy." Henry M. Birdwell of Chicago won the radio by suggesting that hereafter the Inimi-table Charlie be known simply as


Information reaches us that the Ice Dealers of America are planning a contest, details of which may already be available ,at- the time you receive this issue.

True Story Magazine continues to. pay $100 in cash weekly for letters. Read the story as designated on the radio program (NBÇ Friday 9:30 p. m. E.S.T.) and explain what you would have done in the same situa-tion. No word limit. Give name of newsdealer.

Barbasol is said to again be offer-

Rosemary De Camp is heard as "Judy Price" in the "Dr. Christian" drama, heard over the CBS network, including WKRC, WHAS and WHIO, Sundays at 2:30 p. nt. (E.S.T.) "Judy" is secretary to the be-

loved country doctor, played by Jean Hersholt, who is father confessor to his neighbors in "River's End."

ing cash and merchandise on their radio program. WLW Friday at 7:45 p. In (E.S.T.).

SHOOTING STARS (Continued from page 5)

nighting it: ... Kressup Erion and bubby on Fifth and Gene Perazzo stepping along...bareheaded. Gene Jostyn ...of Dr. Kenrad and Smoke Dreams fame ... now has character roles on Hilltop House and Helen Mencken's "Sec-ond Husband". Dot Lee back on WCKY. Did you know that over 100 New Yorkers voted for Ghee McCarthy for Mayor? ... that's popularity. Word that Billy Snyder is recouping rapidly from an auto smash-up. Ever hear Franklyn Stewart on WCKY sing ... his hymn with organ shows not bad. The Personalities on Parade shows on 'KRC still under the com-mand of Marsha Wheeler and now on a three-a-week schedule. Times Star's fashion stylist, Edna May, airing weekly talks on WCKY's Household Hour. Helen Nugent, spotlighting it at U. C.'s annual Messiah presentation. 'LW gives a new twist to the

Man on the Street show on Tues-day eves ... at 10:45, "Men at Work" is aired and different em-ployees interviewed ... there just ain't no privacy any morel

• THUMBS UP: WCPO's drama-

tization of "Scandal Bride"... the serial story appearing in the Post. With a limited staff of dramatic talent... they turn out a very competent job. Thumbs Up also for WLW's Bohemian Girl... heartily in favor of airing oper-ettas ... and the Nation's Station should be able to do them well.

• More star shooting with the

Astronomer next week, and, as usual, more peeps at people. THEME UP AND OUT.

Radio Dial,

Dear Editor:

I read in your last issue the offer of a prize for the best suggestion of a title for a "listener's" column which you are planning to publish. I may not win a prize, or even get this letter published

by you, but I have a few things I would like to say about Radio Dial.

It is a good paper, and has been as long as I have sub-scribed to it. But there are several changes which I would like to see made. The Êrst would be to re-insert your woman's page. I believe there are many of your reader's who followed your page of recipes and general household news, with much attention.

The second change I would make would be to print more local news. Your readers are in a short radius of Cincin-nati, and listen almost 100 per cent to local programmes. I do not think that so many pictures are necessary.

Sincerely yours,


(Editor's Note:—To the person suggesting the best title for this listener's exchange, Radio Dial will award $3.00. The contest closes on December 20, 1937, the winners to be announced in the issue ending December 31, 1937. It is NOT necessary to write a letter in order to win the prize. BUT if you care to, the editor would like to hear what you have to say about Radio Dial.)


Masini, Italian Tenor Guest On

Ford Concert Calliano Masini, Italian tenor, who

many experts regard as the logical successor to the great Caruso, will make a guest appearance with the

Ford Symphony orchestra, Sunday, December 12, at 9:00 p. m. (E.S.T.), when that program is broadcast over the CBS network ; including WKRC, WHAS and WHIO.

Mr. Masini, recently the leading tenor of La Scala in Milan, made his

American debut in the Chicago Civic Opera House on November 10th, where he was immediately proclaimed a sensation. That event followed a sensation-provoking tour of Europe and South America after his discovery

at La Scala.

Following is the complete program:

Overture from "Tannhauser" Wagner 'Orchestra

Recondite Armonia from "Tosca" Puccini Mr. Masini and Orchestra •

Questo E Quella from "Rigoletto"... Verdi Mr. Masini and Orchestra

Bacchanale from "Samson and Delilah" Saint-Saens

Orchestra Intermezzo from "Cavalleria Rustican;" M ascagni

Orchestra Talk by Mr. W. J. Cameron Triumphal March from "Aida" Verdi

Chorus and Orchestra E Lucevan Le Stelle from "Tosca". Puccini

Mr. Masini and Orchestra Celeste Aida from "Aida" Verdi

Mr. Masini and Orchestra Ride of the Valkyries, from "Die

Walkure" Wagner Orchestra

One Holy Church of God Zeuner Chorus, Audience and Orchestra

World Famous Conductor

Pictured above in a recent study is Leopold Stokowski, one of the world's outstanding or-chestra leaders. He conducted recently the Philadelphia Sym-phoney Orchestra in a full hour program devoted entirely to Tshaikowsky's Fifth Symphony broadcast over the NBC net-work.

"Contented Hour" Presents Kurenko

Maria Kurenko, whose rich, velvety soprano is internationally famous through her performances in opera, radio, concert stage and recordings,

will appear as guest artist on the Carnation "Contented Hour," Mon-day, December 13, broadcast over

the NBC network, including WSAI and WSM, at 10:00 p. m. (E.S.T.). Mme. Kurenko, who has just re-

turned from a successful concert tour of the West Indies, will be heard in two selections, "Les Filles du Cadiz" ("Maids of Cadiz") by Leo Delibes, and that perennial favorite, "The World Is Waiting For The Sunrise"

by Ernest Seitz. She will be accom-

panied by the Carnation concert or-

chestra directed by Dr. Frank Black.

The program opens with the or-

chestra playing Coates' brilliant opus,

"Knightsbridge" from his "London

Suite." Later the orchestra repeats

the lilting rhumba, "Para Vigo Me

Voy," which it introduced a few

weeks ago.

The Continentals have chosen the

currently popular "Roses in Decem-

ber," by Magidsohn, for Its offering,

while Opal Craven, the Lullaby

Lady, goes back to yesteryear for her

hymn of slumber. She will sing Mol-

ly's "Love's Old Sweet Song."

The concert ends will a special ar-

rangement of song hits from Rogers

and Hart successes, including "I Must

Love You," "Blue Room," "Girl

Friend" and "Then My Heart Stood

Still," orchestra and vocal ensemble


Tauber, Krasova. Kipnis, Guests

On GM Concert Marta Krasoyam, Czech contralto,

and Alexander Kipnis, world famous Russian basso, will be guests on the General Motors NConcert when Rich-

ard Tauber and the Symphony or-chestra under the direction of Erno Rapee, celebrate "French Night," Sunday, December 12, at 8:00 p. m. (E.S.T.), broadcast over the NBC

network, including WCKY and WLS.

The music of the program has been arranged by Rapee so that such nota-

ble French composers as Ravel, Goun-od, Flegier, Debussy, Thomas, Mas-senet, Saint-Saens, Meyerbeer and

Bizet will be featured.

Richard Tauber will, as he has done in Europe, exchange the role of singer for that of conductor when he concludes the program as guest baton-

ist for Rapee. John B. Kennedy will again voice

the weekly commentary on the "Pa-rade of Scientific Pt-ogress" in the concert intermission period.

The Program:—

ERNO RAPEE, Conductor, RICHARD TAUBER, Tenor, JOBN B. KENNEDY, Commentator


1. "Feria" from "Rhapsodie espagnole" Ravel General Motors Symphony Orchestra

2. (a) "Mephistophele s Serenade' from "Faust" Gounod

(b) -Le Cor" Flegaer Alexander Kipnis and

- General Motors Chorus 3. "L•Apres-midi d'un faune" .Debussy

General Motors Symphony Orchestra 4 (a) "Je parle de la monde" from

"Mignon" Thomas (b) "Elegie" Massenet

Richard Tauber 5. The Parade of Scientific Progress

John 13, Kennedy 6. (a) "La fille aux cheveux de lin"

Debussy (b) "Golliwogg's Cake-walk"... Debussy General Motors Symphony Orcfiestra

7. (a) "Mon coebr s'ouvre a ta voix" from "Samson and Delilah" Saint-Saens

(b) "Bea soir" Debussy Marta Krasova

8. "Chorus of Dispute" from "Les Huguenots" Meyerbeer

General Motors . Symphony Orchestra and Chorus

9. "L'Arlesienne" Bizet (a) Adagietto (b) Farandole General Motors Symphony Orchestra

Richard Tauber, Conducting



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Bowe To Make Opera Debut On

"Met" Auditions • Morton Bowe, an established radio

tenor, will be one of the three audi-

boners on the "Metropolitan Audi-tions of the Air" program, broadcast over the NBC network, including WCKY, WLS and WSM, Sunday,

December 12, at 5:00 p. m. (E.S.T.).

The two other singers who are

making their bid for national fame are Jean Merrill, dramatic soprano, a granddaughter of a symphony con-

ductoi, and Earl Lippy, bat itone. Ed-ward Johnson will again act as master of ceremonies and Wilfred Pelletier will conduct the orchestra.

Morton Bowe gained success as a tenor after serving as choir boy, lino-ty pe operator, sculptor, carpenter,

electrician and photographer. His

main problem, at present, is whether to give up his radio work for a Euro-

pean concert tour. This problem will probably be solved when he makes

his appearance on the "Met" pro-gram.


Selections from The Fledermaus, Johann Strauss

Orchestra Dick Teure Halle, from Tannhauser.Wagner Sweetheart Rornberg

Jean Merrill Le Fleur, from Carmen Bizet Love Went a-Riding F Bridge

Morton Bowe Di Provenza, from La Traviata Verdi Life Pearl Curran

Earl Lippy Trio In the Gloaming Theme March From Tannhauser

Rochester Civic Orchestra On 'CKY

Guy Fraser Harrison will conduct the Rochester Civic Orchestra in a matinee concert over the NBC net-work, including WCKY, on Monday,

December 13, from 3:00 to 4:00

p. m. (E.S.T.). The Overture to Rossini's "Semi-

ramis" will be the opening composi-tion on the program. This will be

followed by Grieg's "Aus Holberg's

Zeit" for string orchestra, and

Dvorak's Rhapsody No. 1, Opus 45.

Two preludes by Debussy, "Bru 'eres"

and "Lo Fille aux Cheveux de Lin,"

will be heard next, and the full-hour

concert will conclude with Tschai-

kowsky's "Capriccio Italien." The

broadcast will originate in the studios

of WHAM, NBC Rochester affiliate.


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Court Of Human Relations

A jury of four men and two women, selected from the audience for the "Court of Human Relations" program over WLW, 6:30 to 7 p. m., (E.S.T.) December 5, was split in its opinion as to whether Miss Isabelle HaIlin, former school teacher in Sau-gus, Mass., should have been dismissed. A. L. Alexander, who formerly conducted ra-dio's "Good Will Court," in-

augurated a new policy in the "Court of Human Relations" broad-casts over the Nation's Station, by calling on six members of the studio audience to serve as a studio jury in Miss Hallin's case.

The story of how she was charged with serving cocktails to high school pupils and summarily dismissed by the school board was dramatized, with Miss HaIlin taking her own role. Pictured above are members of the jury, left to right, Louis Noll, police-man; Charles Doherty, teacher; Jack Thornquest, salesman; Nora Beck Thuman. vocalist; Alfred Freeland, clerk; Sally Thompson, telephone operator, and Mr. Alexander. Below, Miss Hallin emphatically denied the charges brought against her to Mr. Alexander just before the program went on the air.

Negro Singer On Swing Session

Maxine Sullivan, . negro singer, whose modern interpretations of such old favorites as "Loch Lomond" and "Annie Laurie" have earned her hon-orary memberships in many Scotish societies, will be guest star of the "Saturday Night Swing Session" on

the CBS network, including WKRC, WHAS and WHIO, Saturday, De-cember 11, from 7 :00 to 7:30 p. m. ( E.S.T.).

Leith Stevens will take time off from the stage of Loew's State Thea-tre, where the Swing Session will be appearing all week, to dii ect the or-chestra in its fine arrangements of old and new swing favorites.

Leeds, Fairbanks, Jr., Co-Star In "Theater" Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., whose last

screen appearance was in "The Pris-

oner of Zenda" as the dashing, sin-ister "Prince Hentzau," and Andrea Leeds, charming, brunette film star, will make a guest appearance on the "Silver Theater" program, Sunday, December l 2, over the CBS network, including WKRC, WHAS and WHIO, from 5:00 to 5:30 p. m. (EST.).

They will appear in a vehicle to

be announced at a later date, to be presented under the direction of Con-rad Nagel, who will also be heard as narrator during the half-hour period.

Reiner Guest For Phil. Symphcny

Fritz Reiner, celebrated Hungarian conductor, will lead the Philadelphia Orchestra during its bank-sponsored concert on Monday, December 13, from 9:00 to 10:00 p. m. (EST.), over the NBC network, including Vs'CKY and WLS.

Reiner has programmed the Over-

ture to Wagner's "Flying Dutchman"

to open the broadcasi. This will be

followed by Strauss' symphonic poem,

"Don Juan," and Liszt's "Mephisto

Waltz." The Overture to Berlioz's

opera, "Benvenuto Cellini," will be

the concluding selection.


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