ringing the changes: transforming teams and technologies

Post on 24-Jun-2015






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In what context is using digital media An appropriate response to the challenges of teaching and learning? Let's investigate some key scenarios


Ringing the changes: transforming teams and technologies

Zak Mensah / JISC Digital Media

@zakmensah / @jiscdigital

AULIC Summer conference 2012

Digital media: supporting teaching and learning

• Photo of me

In what context is using digital media

An appropriate response to the

challenges of teaching and learning?

Let's investigate some key scenarios

What DOESN'T digital affect?

Interaction Points

book search, journal search, author

search, How to use a resource, renew

book, ...

pay book fine, meet colleagues, discovery, get in touch,


New digital opportunities

Digital spaces




#Digital services

We have all these tools and

technologies at our disposal yet our

ability to make sense of it all is still in its


How can I put things out of social

networks? does Google maps tell me

which is the most beautiful route?

# You are not your user

What are they asking for?

AccessBlackboard, printing and photocopying, access to electronic library resourcesThese are the services with average levels of satisfaction. 58% rated Blackboard either excellent or good, 48% rated printing and photocopying satisfactory or poor. There has been a dip in the satisfaction ratings for electronic library resources, with only 61% of responses rating it excellent or good compared to nearly 80% in 2009. p6 of survey

CollaborationSpacesDiscoverySocial *

#Data led

Tony Bates

Issues as user searching for works



User needs

Do                Review                Iterate

Measure impact

Why ask why?

• "Why?" is the most important question, not asked nearly enough.Hint: "Because I said so," is not a valid answer.Why does it work this way?

• Why is that our goal?• Why did you say no?• Why are we treating people differently?• Why is this our policy?• Why don't we enter this market?• Why did you change your mind?• Why are we having this meeting?• Why not?•


#fix pinch points

Student Survey : IT Services 2012

Library online system needs better interface, more access to eBooks and have an alerts system p26

• 3-s2.0-B9780750656672500008-main.pdf




Digital Media uses

Communication - how can i help via skype,

gather insights

Support - demonstrate and illustrate via

screencasts, FAQs

Discovery - digital tours in multiple languages,

rare works, common works,

Content - audio, video collections, open


Pedagogical uses for video

...we need to rethink the stories we tell about socio-technical change and the future of education. We need to reclaim the right of educators, students and communities to challenge the orthodox future we are being sold, and to imagine and build viable alternatives. Only by rewriting the stories we tell ourselves about the relationship between education, technology and social change we ensure that schools are really equipped to prepare all of their students for the future. - Keri Facer, "Learning Futures"

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