robotics 2013 01 a brief history - · basilio bona robotics 01peeqw 11 robot andrewin...

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Basilio Bona Basilio Bona –– DAUIN Politecnico di TorinoDAUIN Politecnico di Torino


A brief historyA brief history


� A brief history of robotics

� What is a robot and what is robotics

� Classification of robotic applications

� Industrial robotics� Industrial robotics

� Service robotics

� Exploration robotics

� Safety robotics

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The term robotrobot, derived from the Slav term robota = executive

labor, was introduced in 1920 by the Czech playwright KarelČapek in the play “Rossum’s Universal Robots”

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But the concept behind a robotrobot appeared many years before any real robot was built

What is a Robot?

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What is a Robot?

Frankenstein (1818 and 1931)

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Metropolis (1927)

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The film ‘Metropolis’ directed by Fritz Lang was released in 1927. It was one of the favorite movies of George Lucas. Inspired by it, he created the most celebrated droid C-3P0 after “Maria” the robot

The Forbidden Planet (1956)

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Forbidden Planet is a pretty old science fiction film released in 1956. The characters and setting were inspired by Shakespeare’s The Tempest, and the plot doesn’t have much differences.

Robby’s character was inspired by the Sprite in the play. Robby is one of the first movie robots who demonstrates his own personality.

Before his appearance, they tended to lack personality characteristics, being simple artificial machines.

Star Wars (1977)

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Robocop (1987) Terminator (1984)

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ED-209 in ‘RoboCop,’ 1987

Here is another robot from the thrilling action movie ‘RoboCop’ (1987)

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Robot Andrew in ‘Bicentennial Man’ (1999).

It is based on the well-known short story by Isaac Asimov. Robot Andrew from the first sight seems to be the ordinary robot but the only thing that

distinguishes him is that he can feel and share his emotions.

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Robot from ‘Artificial Intelligence’

‘Artificial Intelligence’ is one of the science fiction movies where the main character is a robotic boy who really longs to become human. The robot

depicted on the image above is also from this movie.

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Cylon from “Battlestar Galactica”

Cylons were a race of war machines created by an ancient lizard-like race extinct centuries ago. When they discovered humans as the most practical living beings, they copied human bodies and became even more invulnerable. Cylons could live forever

because every part of their body could be changed or repaired.

Robot B9 is a fictional character of several science fiction films. This one was taken from “Lost in Space” released in 1998 and directed by Stephen Hopkins.

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Robot B9 from “Lost In Space”

Sonny in “I, Robot’”

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That is how the robots may look like in the year 2035. Sonny is a fictional character from the movie “I, Robot” directed by Alex Proyas.

The events take place exactly in 2035 year, when the robots have become an integral part of people life. But Sonny has appeared the smartest one.

Marvin in “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” 2005

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Marvin is the ship’s robot aboard the starship Heart of Gold. Marvin’s personality can be characterized in the following way: he is apparently afflicted with severe

depression and boredom, he is very intelligent, but rarely is able to use his brain.

WALL-E is a 2008 computer-animated science fiction film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and directed by Andrew Stanton. The story follows a robot named WALL-E, who is designed to clean up a waste-covered Earth far in the future. He eventually falls in love with another robot named EVE, and follows her into outer space on an adventure that changes the destiny of both his kind and humanity.

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� 1818-1942: robots are described either in novels and

plays or in science fiction stories (Frankenstein, RUR,

Asimov, …)

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� 1945: tele-manipulators used for nuclear products


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� 1948: Grey Walter (UK) builds “turtle robots” Elmer

and Elsie

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� 1956: Unimation is the first industrial robot firm

� 1961: first robot on GM car lines

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� 1970: SRI ShakeyShakey was the first mobile robot to reason about its actions.

Developed by SRI's (Stanford Research Institute) Artificial Intelligence Center from 1966 through 1972. Shakey has had a substantial legacy and influence on present-day artificial intelligence and robotics.

� Shakey had a TV camera, a triangulating range finder, and bump sensors, and was connected to DEC PDP-10 and PDP-15 computers via radio and video links.

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computers via radio and video links. � Shakey used programs for perception,

world-modeling, and acting. � Low-level action routines took care of simple

moving, turning, and route planning. Intermediate level actions strung the low level ones together in ways that robustly accomplished more complex tasks.

� The highest level programs could make and execute plans to achieve goals given it by a user.

� The system also generalized and saved these plans for possible future use.


� 1975: PUMA manipulator

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� 1979: Stanford cart

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� 1999: Sony AIBO

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� 2000: Honda Asimo

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� 2004: Mars rovers Spirit & Opportunity

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� 2006-7: DARPA Challenge

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The future

� 2011 …

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Robotic prosthesis and rehabilitation

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Brain interfaces

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Neuro/brain interfaces or neuro prostheses are one of the key emerging technologies in the next few years

Some links

�To follow the progress of robotics, IEEE Automaton blog is a good starting point

� IEEE-Robotics Society (RAS)

� International Federation of Robotics (IFR)

�Associazione Italiana di Robotica e Automazione (SIRI)

�European Robotics Technology Platform�European Robotics Technology Platform

�EURON (European Robotics Research Network)

�Robotic Industries Association (RIA)

�NASA Space Telerobotics Program

�Willow Garage


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Il concetto stesso di robot è un concetto filosofico, capace di suscitare interrogativi su vita, pensiero, linguaggio e molte altre cose.

Sì, a volte mi chiedo se i robot non siano stati inventati per rispondere a quesiti filosofici.inventati per rispondere a quesiti filosofici.


R. Giovannoli La Scienza della fantascienza

cita J. Sladek Tik-Tok

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A reflexion

Tutti volevano una macchina capace di eseguire la maggioranza dellefunzioni umane, però nessuno voleva una macchina umana. C’eranoproblemi di intelletto: una macchina sempliciotta non sarebbe stata

meglio di una scimmia ammaestrata (e chi vuole che una scimmiaammaestrata gli lavi la ceramica Wedgwood?), mentre una macchina

intelligente poteva perdersi nei suoi meandri cognitivi e non fare

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R. Giovannoli La Scienza della fantascienza

cita J. Sladek Tik-Tok

intelligente poteva perdersi nei suoi meandri cognitivi e non fare

niente […]. C’erano problemi di complessità: a una macchinasempliciotta bisognava spiegare, nei minimi particolari, come fare unacosa, mentre una macchina intelligente poteva decidere che per quelgiorno non le andava di fare niente …

Previsioni per il futuro? Una cosa è certa

Non basta dotare un robot di due braccia e due gambe

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Occorre includere anche un cervello

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