robots controlled by your mind · 2019. 11. 18. · dummy braingate interface credit: paul...

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Dr. Jose Contreras-Vidal

November 15, 2019

Robots Controlled By Your Mind

Hot Science - Cool Talk # 122

State of the ArtWearable Robots (Powered Exoskeletons)

Robots Controlled By Your Mind

• Why should we develop Brain-Machine Interface (BMI) systems?

• How do BMI systems work?

• Examples of robots that can be controlled by your mind

• Novel applications of BMI

• Q & A

• Brain-Computer Interfaces, Neural Interfaces, Brain-Body Interface, NeuroRobotics, Neural-Machine Interface, Cybernetics..

• The Food and Drug Administration, a federal agency that regulates medical devices, has a working definition

“Neuroprostheses that interface with the central or peripheral nervous system to restore lost motor or sensory capabilities”

• Can be Cortical and/or Peripheral, Invasive and/or Noninvasive

Brain-Machine Systems Have Multiple Names

Source: J Neural Eng. 2016

Robots Controlled By Your Mind

• Why should we develop Brain-Machine Interface (BMI) systems?

• How do BMI systems work?

• Examples of robots that can be controlled by your mind

• Novel applications of BMI

• Q & A

Why Create Brain-Machine Interfaces?

Goals:• Improve the quality of life and independence of people with

movement disabilities due to brain injury, neurological disease, or limb amputation.

• Understand how the brain encodes body movements in the patterns of brain activity

• Design direct communication channels between the brain and robots, machines, computers, digital avatars, wheelchairs,…, etc.

• Paralysis: 6 million people• Limb loss: 2 million people

Neurological injury and amputation are disabling conditions that

cause activities of daily living to become difficult or impossible.

• Spasticity (certain muscles are continuously contracted)

• Contractures (muscles become shorter and inelastic)

• Urinary tract infections

• Impaired bowel movements

• Reduced heart and circulatory function

• Pressure sores and other skin conditions

• …

Secondary Complications Due to Lack of Mobility

>> Reduced Quality of Life and Loss of Independence

Robots Controlled By Your Mind

• Why should we develop Brain-Machine Interface (BMI) systems?

• How do BMI systems work?

• Examples of robots that can be controlled by your mind

• Novel applications of BMI

• Q & A

Brain-Machine Interface (BMI)

physiological output


Source: Venkatakrishnan et al. 2014

How BMIs work

Brain-Robot Systems Have Multiple Functions

• Diagnostic: Sensors in brain-robot system can provide information about type, extent, speed and amount of body movement and associated brain activity.

• Rehabilitation: System can promote neuroplasticity, which is essential to relearn body movements.

• Assistance: Brain-Robot systems can assist with activities of daily living. Advanced systems can provide ‘assist-as-needed’ support.

Surface EEG electrodes

– Non-invasive

– Whole head

– Can listen to the neural ‘symphony’Credit: Science News

How Do BMI Systems Work?

Dummy BrainGate InterfaceCredit: Paul Wick/Wikimedia Commons

Penetrating electrodes:

– Invasive, placed above or inside your brain (surgery needed)

– Limited access to a few brain areas

Electroencephalography (EEG)

• EEG records brain waves of different frequencies and amplitudes across large areas of your brain

Neural Interface :Recording electrodes

(EEG brain cap)

Robot Sensory, error &

reward signals

Neural Decoder: Translates brain activity into

motor commands

Desired Action?(e.g., grasp bottle)

‘Closed-Loop’ Brain-Machine Interface


Credit: Science News

Robots Controlled By Your Mind

• Why should we develop Brain-Machine Interface (BMI) systems?

• How do BMI systems work?

• Examples of robots that can be controlled by your mind

• Novel applications of BMI

• Q & A

Examples of Robots That Can Be ControlledBy Your Mind

Prosthetic Upper Limbs (for amputees and SCI survivors)

Univ of Houston DEKA armDept. of Defense

Modular Prosthetic LimbJohns Hopkins Univ

from brain waves(Surface EEG)

from muscle activity + other inputs

from reinnervated muscle activity

Brown University

from brain signals(Implanted cortical)

Grasping Components

Source: Agashe et al. 2015

grasp component


lag indextime index

# sensorweight

N: # of EEG sensorsL: # of lags

brain wave activity


PC1: Grasp opening/closingPC2: Hand spreadingPC3: Thumb rotation

Decoding Grasping from Brain Waves (EEG)

Recipe for Predicting Movement Intent From EEG

• Movement intent can be extracted from the fluctuations in the amplitude of slow brain waves in the delta band EEG.

• Use delta waves across whole head sensors (space) and recent past (time).

• Teach computer to find neural patterns in the EEG brain waves that predict certain motor intent.

Source: Agashe et al. 2015

Opening/closing of fingers

Finger spreading

Thumb rotation

Decoding Hand Grasping Kinematics From Brain Activity (EEG)

Closed Loop, Real-Time, Hand Neuroprosthesis

Source: Agashe et al. 2015


Neural Head Maps for Decoding Grasp Opening/Closing (PC1)

Your brain planning the grasp Grasp




Most neural information for grasping is available 80 to 90 milliseconds PRIOR to the start of the grasp!

NASA X1 CSIC/ Technaid H2NeuroRex

Powered Exoskeletons for walking (for people with paralysis)

Examples of Robots that can be Controlled by Your Mind

NeuroRobotics for Restoration of Walking

Source: Contreras-Vidal et al. 2015

Mobile Brain-Body Imaging (MoBI) Technology

Source Brantley et al. 2018

Justin Brantley

Source: Hargrove et al. 2015

• Muscle activity can be used to detect user’s

intent during walking

• EMG has relatively high quality (SNR) and

high spatial localization

• Effective continuous controller during


• Limited to local motor control

Muscle activity lacks information about

global motor state and upcoming events

Myoelectric (EMG) Protheses

Peripheral (Myoelectric) Neural-Machine Interface

Muscle activity lacks information about

global motor state and upcoming events

Multi-modal Neural-Machine Interface

• Lower SNR

• Low spatial resolution but high

spatial coverage

• High temporal resolution

• Measures brain activity directly

• Represents activity of entire brain

• Higher SNR

• Represents activity of individual


• Limited muscle after amputation


Neural-Machine Interface

• Representation of

movement at cortical,

muscular, and joint levels

• Reduced influence of

artifacts from neural signal


• Improved neural decoding

performance during

continuous movements

• Advanced notice of state


Neural Classification of Gait States from EEG




Standing Up Standing Position

Sitting Position




EEG-identified states (intended action)

Robot’s pre-programmed movements

Sitting Down


Example of Brain-Robot Interface

Collaborator:Robert Grossman, M.D.

Participant with lower-limb paralysis.

Source: Zhang et al. 2017

Able bodied Spinal cord injury survivor

Gait Rehabilitation After Stroke Based on the H2 NeuroExo

Source: Bortole et al. 2015

Continuous Gait Decoding from EEG of Patient with Stroke (avatar)

Powered Exoskeletons for walking (for children)

Examples of Robots that can be Controlled by Your Mind

Pediatric neurotechnologies can promote and support child’s development and well-being.

Devices need to ‘growth’ with the child.

Source: Nature 555, S12-S14 (2018)

Credit: Carlos LandaUniversity of Houston (2018)

Robots Controlled By Your Mind

• Why should we develop Brain-Machine Interface (BMI) systems?

• How do BMI systems work?

• Examples of robots that can be controlled by your mind

• Novel applications of BMI

• Q & A

Artistic BCIs: Neuroaesthetics and Creativity

Exquisite Corpse Visual Art

Time Domain Frequency Domain Power Ratios


EngineeringNeuroscienceBrain-Computer Interfaces

Neural Individuality &


Interactive ArtArt Therapy

Art EducationInformal Learning

Convergent Art-Science-Engineering Approach


Novel medical devicesComputational models

Reverse-engineering the brain


Robots Controlled By Your Mind

• Why should we develop Brain-Machine Interface (BMI) systems?

• How do BMI systems work?

• Examples of robots that can be controlled by your mind

• Novel applications of BMI

• Q & A


Noninvasive Brain-Machine Interface Systems Team

University of Houston

NSF HCC IIS 1219321NSF HCC IIS 1302339NSF PFI 1827769NSF BCS 1533691 (BRAIN)NSF CNS 1650536 (IUCRC)

NIH R01 NS075889NIH R01 NS081854 (NRI)


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