rollator walkers for easy movement

Post on 14-Jun-2015






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DESCRIPTION Rollator walkers help you forget your disability and let you move about with more freedom than ever before. They can be used both indoors and outdoors, on smooth or rough surfaces. They are a big help to the seniors and those who are temporarily disabled by accidents or other ailments.


Rollator Walkers for

Easy Movement

Rollator is a rolling walker and is also known as a wheeled walker.

It is the ideal tool that helps disabled people move about on their own without much difficulty.

It was designed to meet certain specific needs of users who did not find them in the standard walker.

Primarily, a rollator consists of wheels, handle bar and a seat. It also has provision to have extra fittings like a basket to help in shopping.

Rollators can be rolled anywhere and users can rest a while when they are out for a walk or within the home after moving about quite a bit.

Rollators work great both indoors and outdoors and on all kinds of surfaces, even or uneven.

The standard walker has to be lifted while making a turn. But the swivel front wheels of the rollator facilitate an easy and smooth turn.

There are different types of rollators namely the three-wheeled rollator, four-wheeled rollator, the heavy-duty rollator and the rollator and wheelchair merged into one.

Most rollators have an adjustable mechanism by which you can alter the height of the seat and the handlebar depending on the users’ needs. They also have hand-brakes.

Rollators come as standard rollators for normal sized people and bariatric rollators for heavier people. There are folding rollators that can be folded for easier portability.

To get the best rollator walker for you or for a loved one, head on to and choose the one that meets your requirements.

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