rowland's higher education portfolio

Post on 07-Mar-2016






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Rowland Design portfolio highlighting work in higher education spaces


higher education

Founded in 1968, Rowland Design has evolved to become a collection of architects, interior and graphic designers united by one

goal: enhancing the lives of our clients. All of our work is rooted in collaboration: engaging client and designer closely in the

design process. Our expertise in academic spaces spans from residence halls and dining facilities to student unions, welcome

centers and Presidents’ offices. Purdue University was one of our first clients, and our academic work has continuously grown

in scale and meaning through the years.

honors collegeiUPUi | inDiAnAPOlis, in

Because of our strong relationship with iU and iUPUi, Rowland Design was hired to design the iUPUi Honors College. The

Honors College wanted to create a space that captured the interest of students, parents and faculty. Because the Honors

College is located in a basement space, special consideration was taken in the planning stages that addressed the low ceiling

height, as well as the surrounding mechanical rooms that serve the entire building.

learning spaces 1iUPUi | inDiAnAPOlis, in

At iUPUi, the learning spaces provide an environment where students can gather for individual and/or group study, or simply to

take a break between classes. Because the location of the learning spaces is frequented by both students and faculty, Rowland

designed innovative and engaging teaching and learning environments that meet the needs of everyone on campus. Various

groups of seating in durable materials and fabrics create a refreshing and relaxing atmosphere, and the unique walls and other

surfaces capture the attention of passersby, inviting people to sit, think, relax and discuss.

learning spaces 2iUPUi | inDiAnAPOlis, in

Using new materials that entice the senses, this learning space designed by Rowland uses warm hues such as rich orange and

crimson combined with a cool-toned table top to create an idea of fire and ice. A sheer curtain provides some privacy to those

taking a break to check email or have an intimate conversation, and the carpet patterns of the space enhance the feelings of

motion given by the curved lighting fixtures. The learning spaces have given students, faculty and staff a place to gather, study

and socialize.

iu cinema & theatreinDiAnA UniVeRsiTy | BlOOmingTOn, in

This 10 million dollar renovation project led by mgA Partners and Rowland Design had three main parts. The Cinema, The Black

Box Theatre and the movement studio in the old theatre fly loft, and the theatre and drama classrooms and offices. The cinema’s

design challenge was to fit a state of the art THX surround sound cinema into the existing space (This required a larger projection

booth to fit all of the modern equipment). The original fly loft floor was removed and reengineered to allow for heavy equipment to

move sets to and from the existing loading dock. A new structure was added inside the existing space to allow for The Black Box

Theatre and movement studio. Two sets of stairs and an elevator were added for proper access to these spaces. in order to do

this, the design team had to add an overbuild section to the upper floors. The roof of the building had to be completely removed

and replaced with a heavy duty ePDm. This project is to achieve leeD silver certification.

biolaboratory & classroom buildinginDiAnA UniVeRsiTy | BlOOmingTOn, in

seeking not to disrupt the context of Bloomington’s 3rd street corridor, this bio-lab classroom building was built to maintain the

university’s design aesthetic while fitting into the surrounding environment. Developed via an aggressive 9 month design-build

project delivery method, programming required the integration of classrooms, labs and faculty offices onto three floors, with one

floor below grade. To ensure a successful result, the design-build team worked closely with several university groups throughout

the duration of the project including the University Architect’s Office, Administration personnel, and faculty members who would

be utilizing the building. The iU Biolaboratory Classroom is featured in American school & University magazine’s 2008 Architectural

Portfolio as ‘Outstanding Design’.

president’s officeinDiAnA UniVeRsiTy | BlOOmingTOn, in

With the appointment of President michael mcRobbie at indiana University, the school contracted Rowland Design to perform

an interior renovation of the University President’s Office and Board of Trustees suite in Bryan Hall. in keeping with the historic

nature of the building, the original wood and marble wall finishes were kept and restored. in the conference room, modern

artwork and light fixtures give the room an up-to-date look. in the President’s Office, a mixture of traditional and contemporary

furniture gives the space a more personal touch. Throughout the President’s Office and Board of Trustees suite, touches of

cream wall color and crimson upholstery remind guests of indiana University’s rich tradition.

trippet hallWABAsH COllege | CRAWFORDsVille, in

A grant from the lilly endowment to house the newly-constructed Center of inquiry of the liberal Arts required a building

to house conference and high-tech classrooms, as well as 18 guest rooms and offices for visiting scholars and alumni. The

admissions and financial aid offices were logical companions relocated to this newly designed Welcome Center for the college.

Although preserving the classic red brick look of the campus, the Center of inquiry represents a fresh interpretation of federal

architecture. it serves as a focal point of the main quadrangle, located directly opposite the esteemed college chapel. most

importantly, Trippet Hall has become a space where students, faculty and alumni gather for meetings and events; it is the place

where Wabash’s past and future come together.

chef’s academyHARRisOn COllege | inDiAnAPOlis, in | mORRisVille, nC

Harrison College once again retained Rowland for the expansion of their downtown indianapolis campus; this time for the design

of a culinary institute. The Chef’s Academy continues the architectural and material precedent of the campus while at the same

time providing its own identity through scale and a whimsically designed entry lobby inspired by the culinary arts. The interior of

the teaching school is dramatically transparent so that students, both enrolled and prospective, may observe the cooking process

in the prep, production and baking kitchens.

harrison collegeinDiAnAPOlis, in

Founded in 1902, Harrison College, formerly known as indiana Business College, had previously occupied a century-old church

building. Through the catalyzing leadership of a new president, the institution reinvented its image through the construction of

this new facility. Designed to accommodate the needs of classrooms, admissions and faculty offices, dining and student center

amenities, the structure has established a new architectural standard for Harrison’s regional campuses. its vibrant nighttime

presence, iconic stair tower and orientation to downtown indianapolis have resulted in a powerful civic presence for the college,

and enrollment has dramatically increased since the completion of this project.

northwest campusHARRisOn COllege | inDiAnAPOlis, in

This facility affords Harrison College an extension of its educational services to students on indianapolis’ northwest side. located

in an architecturally-regulated office park, the design team was challenged to preserve the architectural aesthetic of the downtown

campus while integrating and complying with the limitation of pre-approved building materials. This newly constructed building

provides offices, classrooms, labs and study lounge spaces. The school’s iconic tower with round etched glass remains a strong

and prominent marketing feature for the institution.

hawkins residence hallPURDUe UniVeRsiTy | WesT lAFAyeTTe, in

For the Hawkins grad House, Rowland Design provided interior design services. A warm, neutral color palette was selected

so each apartment has an inviting and grown-up feel. Additionally, the elevator lobbies received a graphic application identifying

the floor number. each floor’s elevator lobby has its own bold color palette. Durable and cost effective wall coverings, lighting,

draperies, and furniture complete each graduate living space.

cary quadranglePURDUe UniVeRsiTy | WesT lAFAyeTTe, in

A comprehensive renovation of Cary Quadrangle was completed over a 6-year phased plan. every area of this student residential

complex received attention including student rooms, student restrooms, study and recreational lounges, laundry facilities, office

areas, numerous dining spaces and corridors. several installations have been recognized by American school & University

magazine for its design excellence in student residence halls.

the undergroundHAnOVeR COllege | HAnOVeR, in

What was once an under-utilized and dark basement space beneath the student center is now a lively area offering many choices

for gathering and study. The bold, colorful environment whose palette was selected by students and staff, enables many functions

such as poetry reading, food service, musical performance, individual and small group study to occur simultaneously. students

and faculty now have an energetic atmosphere that has become “the” place to be on campus.

campus signageUniVeRsiTy OF lOUisVille | lOUisVille, ky

Under the leadership of University President James Ramsey’s wife Jane, University of louisville’s Belknap campus has undergone

a substantial beautification effort. Overpass signage, campus banners, and new parks and campus entryways have had the

positive effect of raising school spirit and morale. “it definitely makes you feel more proud to be here. it adds to the sense of

community,” said sophomore Ashlee lonneman. The University of louisville now makes a bold statement that unifies the campus

and provides a welcoming gateway to its surrounding neighborhoods.

oval commonsUniVeRsiTy OF lOUisVille | lOUisVille, ky

A federally-funded project to beautify the entrance to the University of louisville Belknap Campus Oval has redesigned a popular

means of access, in addition to bolstering campus branding efforts. The new Oval, complete with a soothing water feature,

enhanced lighting, and abundant landscaping, strengthens the community feel of the campus. improved safety features are also

part of the project, including new sidewalks and curbs, a reduction of the turn-around area in front of the Oval, and brick pavers

designed to alleviate congestion. The project is the first of several planned to enhance the entrances to the University’s campus.

cressman centerUniVeRsiTy OF lOUisVille | lOUisVille, ky

Occupying the first floor of the 100 east main street Parking garage, the Cressman Center for Visual Arts is home to a glass-

blowing hot shop, an art gallery, art studios and a seminar room. The University’s Department of Fine Arts came to Rowland with

a vision of the Cressman Center being a place “Where theory and practice; artists and public intersect”. As project designers, we

were faced with a number of challenges: fitting a large program into a limited space, resolving public versus private access; and

finally, balancing the varied HVAC requirements of a hot shop furnished with furnaces and kilns located adjacent to an art gallery

furnished with fine art exhibitions requiring tight temperature and humidity controls.

blackburn science buildingmURRAy sTATe UniVeRsiTy | mURRAy, ky

Working in collaboration with the architect-of-record, Rowland Design provided interior design and interior architectural services

in the construction of this two-story science hall with a basement. The lower level is comprised of state-of-the-art laboratories

and laboratory classrooms. The first floor has more labs, a welcoming area and lobby, administrative offices and classrooms. The

second floor contains classrooms and additional science support areas.

Rowland Design701 east new york streetindianapolis, in 46202

www.rowlanddesign.comP | 317.636.3980F | 317.263.2073

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