saa 13-14 2007-2008

Post on 26-Oct-2014






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TUDESETARTICLES NicolaeURSULESCU,FelixAdrianTENCARIU, Sur le contexte de dcouverte de la plastique anthropomorphe prcucutenienne.LecasdelhabitatdeIsaiia(dp.deIai) Sergiu Constantin ENEA, Some observations on the NeolithicandAeneolithicornamentsintheRomanianarea Ioan IGNAT, Une hachemarteau naviforme en pierre dcouverteReciaVerbia(com.deDimcheni,dp.deBotoani) Ion MARE, Attila LSZL, Bogdan NICULIC, Mircea IGNAT, La plastique zoomorphe et anthropomorhe de lhabitathallstattienanciendeSiret(dp.deSuceava) Iulian MOGA, Le matre dAxiotta, un dieu universel. Polymorphismeetpolyonymie Valentin PIFTOR, Lesprance de vie et la structure dge delapopulationfminineenMsieInfrieure(IerIIIes.ap.J.C.) Lucreiu MIHAILESCUBRLIBA, Lorigine des augustauxetdeleursfamillesenDacieromaine Exhlale DOBRUNASALIHU, Some aspects of Illyrian lifeinDacia Dorel PARASCHIV, Constantin BJENARU, Nouvelles amphores nordafricaines, hispaniques et italiques dcouvertesTomis Adrian PORUCIUC, Historical implications of the romaniantermbanasanoldgermanism COMPTESRENDUS Yanis PIKOULAS (d.), Inscriptions and history of Thessaly: new evidence. Proceedings of the International Symposium in honour of professor Christian Habicht, Volos 2006(L.MIHAILESCUBRLIBA) ..3 25 61 .81 ..113 ..135 ..147 ..157 ..169 ..181


.224 .225 .227 .228 233 mscara. Arqueologa y etnicidad en el sur de Puebla, InstitutoNacionaldeAntropologaeHistoria.Coleccin cientfica,SerieArqueologa,Mxico,D.F.,2006 236 (MariusALEXIANU) CHRONIQUE RoxanaGabriela CURC, Lucreiu MIHAILESCU BRLIBA,LactivitscientifiquedelaChairedHistoireAncienneet 239 dArchologie(20062007) 264 VictorSPINEI,StagededocumentationBonn(2008) ABRVIATIONS 271

Corpus der rmischen Rechtsquellen zur antiken Sklaverei (CRRS), herausgegeben von Tiziana J. Chiusi, JohannaFilip Frschl, J. Michaeil Rainer, Teil VI. Stellung der Sklaven im Sakralrecht, bearbeitet von Leonhard Schumacher, Franz SteinerVerlag,Stuttgart2006(L.MIHAILESCUBRLIBA) Studiahistoriaeetreligionisdacoromanae.InhonoremSilvii Sanie, ediderunt Lucreiu MihailescuBrliba, Octavian Bounegru, Editura Academiei Romne, Bucarest 2006 (ValentinPIFTOR) Lucreiu MihailescuBrliba, Individu et socit en Dacie romaine. tude de dmographie historique, Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden2004(ValentinPIFTOR) D. Benea (ed.), Meteuguri i artizani n Dacia roman / Crafts and artisans in Roman Dacia, Bibliotheca Historica et Archaeologica Universitatis Timisiensis VIII, Timioara 2007 (GeorgeNUU) Norman A. Doenges, Pollentia. A Roman Colony on the Island of Mallorca, BAR International Series 1404, Oxford 2005 (GeorgeNUU) Blas Romn Castelln Huerta, Cuth: el cerro de la



Key words: Ancient Aeneolithic, Romania, Precucuteni Culture, AnthropomorphicFigurines,ArchaeologicalTopography. Rsum.Lesauteursanalysentquelquesaspectsdelaplastiqueanthropomorphetrouve Isaiia (dp. de Iai) et concluent que le caractre utilitaire initial de cette plastique pouvaitdisparatre,maislecaractresacrrestait. Abstract. The authors analyse some aspects of the anthropomorphic statuettes in Isaiia (Iai county) and conclude that the initial utilitary character of that type of plastique coulddissapear,butthesacredcharacterremains. Rezumat. Autorii analizeaz cteva aspecte ale plasticii antropomorfe de la Isaiia (jud. Iai), concluzionnd c un caracter utilitar iniial al acestei plastici poate disprea, nu nsicaracteruleisacru.

Le site de IsaiiaBalta Popii est devenu connu surtout grce la dcouverte de quelques complexes de culte appartenant lhabitat nolithique du type Prcucuteni de cet endroit, encadr dans la deuximephasedecetteculture.Pourtant,pendantlesfouilles(initiesen 1996) des vestiges dautres priodes (la culture de la cramique rubane, Bronzeancien,Hallstattancien,Sarmates,HautMoyengeetlapriode moderne)onttaussisignals.Larcenteapparitiondelamonographie sur le plus important trsor dobjets de culte y trouv (URSULESCU, TENCARIU 2006) monographie o on fait aussi des prcisions sur lensembledesdcouvertesdecettestationnousdispenseprsenterde nouveaudesdonnesgnralessurlhabitatprcucuteniennedeIsaiia;en change,nousnouspouvonsconcentrersurleproblmenonc. Lanalyse des conditions de dcouverte de la plastique anthropomorphe reprsente un problme qui mrite toute lattention



(BNFFY 19901991, 183249). Ltude pertinente du Dan Monah sur la plastique anthropomorphe cucutenienne a attir aussi lattention, parmi dautres, sur la signification et limportance de la description, le plus exactepossible, du contextede dcouvertede la plastique et,engnral, descomplexesdeculte,afindecomprendrelerlejoudecespiesdans laviedescommunautsdautrefois(MONAH1997,2950).Laconclusion deltudetaitquelesstatuettesapparaissentsurtoutdescontextesnon rituelset,plusrarement,dansdescontextesrituels(MONAH1997,3031) et, dautre part leur distribution dans le cadre des agglomrations est alatoire, en existant des diffrences dune station lautre (MONAH 1997,29). Parsuitedelenregistrementattentifdesconditionsdedcouverte delagrandepartiedesstatuettespendantlesfouillesdeIsaiia,nousnous avons propos raliser cette tude de topographie archologique, afin dtablirquiestlasituationconcrtedanscettestationetenquellemesure les rsultats dici correspondent ou non avec les analyses effectues auparavant en dautres agglomrations. On essaye ainsi saisir le comportement des habitants prcucuteniens de Isaiia visvis de ces objetsdeculte,parunecorrlationdesrsultatsdelanalyseaveclesdates djexistantessurlaviespirituelleetsocialedecettecommunaut. Lanalyse tien compte de quelques exigences mthodologiques, parmi laquelle la plus importante semble tre ltat de conservation des pices. Il est bien connu que, dhabitude, la plus grande partie des statuettes sont, dans le moment de la trouvaille, en tat fragmentaire et seulementtrspeuxsontentiresoupresquecompltes.Lafragmentation est considre par certains spcialistes comme un rsultat dune action rituelle,dedestructionintentionnelledelastatuette,quandonconsidrait que la respective figurine a accompli son rle destin au cadre dune crmonie (CHAPMAN 2000; GHEORGHIU 2005, p. 137144.). Son enterrement (dposition) dans un quelque contexte peut tre regard en tantquunoffrandeddielaGrandeDessedelaTerre,laquelleat aussi, probablement, consacre la crmonie. On rencontre trs rare des



situationsolespartiesrompuesdelastatuetteonttlaissesensemble 1 . De rgle, les parties fragmentes sont en lieux diffrents (GAYDARSKA, CHAPMAN, ANGELOVA 2005), par suite de la mthode de fragmentation par le coup (GHEORGHIU 2005, 142). De mme, nous ne pouvons exclure ni le cassage accidentel dune statuette, soit par une manipulationinattentive,soitparunaccident,ycomprisdanslemoment deladestructiondelagglomrationosetrouvaitlapice.Ladeuxime situation pourrait expliquer, ventuellement, la prsence de quelques statuettes entre les restes des habitations incendies. Nous tenons en compte sous le terme de statuettes entires les pices qui ont conserv toutes les parties anatomiques du corps, mme sil y a quelques brchements, qui se peuvent expliquer par la manipulation rpte ou pardesdtriorationsprovoquesparlactiondusol. Dans lhabitat de Isaiia on a fouill, en tout, 11 habitations et 64 fosses, dont huit constructions et 47 fosses ont appartenu lhabitat Prcucuteni(fig.1).Danslasurfacefouillejusquprsent(environ1200 m2)(URSULESCU,TENCARIU2006,24)onatrouv59destatuettes,dont 26 entires et 33 fragmentaires. Lune tait en os (une idole du type en violon,presquecomplte,trouvedanslafosseno.16:fig.7/2),lesautres tant en argile. Des 59 de statuettes, deux ont t des trouvailles accidentelles,sansstratigraphie(fig.10/45)ettrois(fig.10/13)ontapparu en couche, en apparence en dehors de quelques structures dhabitat. On observe que toutes les cinque pices trouves en dehors des complexes taientfragmentaires,lunereprsentantlazonesuprieureducorps,avec la tte (fig. 10/4) et les autres quatre seulement le corps. Le reste de 54 statuettes ont t trouves soit en habitations (40: fig. 26), soit en fosses (14:fig.79). Des huit constructions prcucuteniennes, des statuettes on a trouv en six, en manquant seulement dans les deux constructions interprtesentantquannexesutilitaires(habitationsnos.9et11),cequil suggre que la prsence des statuettes tait en relation avec des espaces habits en permanence, tant le rsultat de quelques coutumes sociales1 Voir le cas de lidole androgyne trouve ltre de lhabitation no. 8 de lhabitat cucuteniennedeMihoveni(URSULESCU,BATARIUC1987,309312).



(HANSEN 2001, 45), qui dirigeaient la vie quotidienne de la respective famille. La distribution des statuettes par des structures dhabitat et par desfossesatdiffrente(tab.1). Etatdecon servation Entires Frag.Tte Corps Total Habitations L L L L L 1 3 5 6 7 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 2 1 1 6 4 2 L 8 6 6 Gr 8 1 1 Gr1 6 1 1 1 3 Fosses Gr1 Gr3 7 3 1 1 2 2 2 Gr3 8 5 5 Gr6 0 1 1 To tal 26 5 23 54

Tableau. 1. Isaiia. La distribution par des complexe des statuettes prcucuteniennes. Les plus nombreuses statuettes (22) ont t trouves dans lhabitation no. 1, mais ici leur nombre est augment par une voie exceptionnelle,auregarddesconditionshabituellesdedposition,parle faitque21destatuettesontttrouvesdansunrcipient,deconcertde 13petiteschaises,21cnesttemobileetuncollierde42perlesenargile lestousenformantunimportantcomplexedecult,dnommLetrsor deIsaiia(fig.2);cetrsorattrouventatdeconservation,entredeux crmonies (URSULESCU, TENCARIU 2006, 82122). Il faut mentionn quetouteslespicesdececomplexetaiententires,prsentantseulement de petites dtriorations, dues probablement lutilisation rpte. Le rcipient tait dpos assez proche au regard dtre, aussi bien que, dailleurs, lautre statuette (fragmentaire) de cette maison (fig. 3/1). Dans lammezonesetrouvaientaussilesrestesdetroispetitestablesautel,des fragmentscramiquesprovenantdebotesenargileetdeplusiursvases, aussi bien quune meule bras; tout lensemble formait une agglomration dobjets de culte, ce quil nous a dtermin dinterprter lhabitation no. 1 comme un sanctuaire. Dailleurs, cette construction a connu une rfection majeure; dans lhabitation antrieure on trouvait



aussidenombreuxobjetscaractredeculte(URSULESCU,TENCARIU 2006,4751,123124). Sionfaitabstractiondes21statuettesentiresdutrsor,alorsdans touteslessixhabitationsonatrouvseulementtroisstatuettescompltes (fig. 4/12; 5/2), au regard de 16 fragmentaires (rapport 1:5,33), ce qui est en concordance avec la situation constate dhabitude et confirme aussi parlaproportionsaisiedanslesfossesdeIsaiia:deuxentiresvisvisde 12fragmentaires(rapport1:6). Encequiconcernelesstatuettesfragmentaires,onremarquelefait quonarestsurtoutdespartiesducorpsetbeaucoupplusrarelapartie suprieure, avec la tte (23 5), ce qui pourrait signifier que lacte de la destruction intentionnelle tait dirig principalement vers la zone de la tte. Unnombreassezgranddestatuettes(six)setrouvedanslesdeux habitations(nos.6et8),quiontconnuuneutilisationpluslongue,mme avecdesrfectionsmajeures(fig.1).Bienquelespicestaientrpandues surtoutelasurfacedesdeuxhabitations,onpeutobserverlaprsencede quelques figurines dans la zone des installations pour le feu (fig. 4/1, 6; 6/1).Onremarqueaussilaprsencedetroisstatuettes(fig.6/34,6)dansla zonedelabanquettedelhabitationno.8,situeprsdefour.Ainsiquil nous montre la situation de Sabatinovka (Ucraine) (MAKAREVI 1960, 290292etfig.1),lesbanquettes,outredeleurutilisationquottidienneen tant quendroit de dormir, elles pouvaient aussi jouer un quelque rle dans le cadre des crmonies de culte, en servant pour lexposition des objetsrituels.Deuxstatuettes(fig.5/2,4)ontapparuentrelesdcombres du four de lhabitation no. 7, en indicant que quelques idoles taient placesauniveaudesinstallationsdefeuouaudessusdecellesci(dans lecasdesfours).Peuttre,cesidolesavaientunrleapotropaque,aussi bienquedautrespicesdeculte,commelestroisplaquesenargileavecla partiesuperieureenselle(enformantdeuxcornes),placesprsdufour et de ltre de la mme habitation no. 7, ou la colonne en argile avec un chapiteau, situe prs de ltre de lhabitation no. 6 (URSULESCU, TENCARIU2004,129/144).



Outredelazonedestres,desfoursetdesbanquettes,onobservela prsencedesidolesctdesparoisdeshabitationsoummeauxcoinsdes maisons, ce qui suggre que les statuettes taient aussi places au long des murs,probablementaveclemmerledeprotectiondelhabitation.Dansce sens, il semble tre illustrative la situation de lhabitation no. 6, o, apparemment,chaquecoindelamaison(fig.1)ilauraittfragmentune idole. Si dans le cas de lhabitation no. 3 il nest pas surprenante la prsence dune seule idole (fig. 3/2), parce que cette habitation a t coupe et drange, en grande partie, dune construction enfouille de lHallstattancienetduneamnagementdelHautMoyenge(habitation no.2:fig.1),enrevanche,ilsoulvedesquestionslatrouvailleseulement duneidolefragmentaire(fig.3/3)parmilesvestigesdelhabitationno.5, quiaeuunelongueexistence(avecdeuxtapesnettesdeconstruction)et avecuneprsenceconsistantedesstructuresetdamnagementsdeculte (bote portable et des cassettes doffrandes, des tablesautel, etc.: URSULESCU, TENCARIU, SCARLAT 2005). Il est vrai que lidole a t aussi trouv dans une possible zone de culte (fig. 1), savoir une plate forme en argile, amnage prs du four de la maison, audessus dune fosse(no.62)avecuntrsrichecontenu,provenantdesrestesdsaffects delapremireconstruction. Detellessituations(deshabitationsavecuntrsrichemobilierqui contient un petit nombre didoles) pourraient tre ventuellement expliques, Isaiia, par lexistence, en presque toute habitation, dautres formes, originales, de vnration des divinits, en tentant, peuttre, la sortie du strotype des formes de culte standard. Ainsi, en outre damnagements de culte de lhabitation no. 1, considre un sanctuaire, danslhabitationno.6onrencontrelecultedelacolonne(URSULESCU, TENCARIU 2006, pl. VIII/23), dans la maison no. 7 le culte des stellae (plaques en argile: URSULESCU, TENCARIU 2006, pl. VIII/ 79) et dans lhabitationno.5ontrouvedesbotesetdesrcipientsdoffrandesdune forme spciale (URSULESCU, TENCARIU 2006, pl. IX), etc. En fait, cest que la richesse tonnante des formes dexpression constitue laspect



dominant de la vie spirituelle de la communaut prcucutenienne de Isaiia 2 . Quant aux dpositions de statuettes en fosses (fig. 79), nous mentionnonsdenouveauquelaproportionentrelesstatuettesentireset celles fragmentaires (1:6) est presque le mme comme dans le cas des statuettes trouves aux habitations (1:5,33), si non tient pas en considrationles21figurinesdutrsordobjetsdecultedelhabitationno. 1. Ces rapports montrent que, de rgle, les statuettes taient brises et seulement par hasard quelquesunes restaient compltes, probablement parcequaumomentdeladestructiondelamaisonoellessetrouvaient, lerlemajeurdeleurvientaitencoreachv.Danslessixfossesona trouv entre un et cinq idoles, la frquence habituelle tant dunedeux picesparunefosse(enquatrecas). Parlarichesseducontenu,onremarquelafosseno.16,o,audel de lidole en os du type en violon, presque intacte (fig. 7/2), on a trouv encore deux idoles fragmentaires en argile (fig. 7/34) et de nombreuses vases brises, provenant probablement de lhabitation no. 6A dsaffecte (URSULESCUetalii2003,158). Lasituationlaplusintressante,concernantlaprsenceduneidol dans une fosse, a t constate la fosse no. 17, situe la marge de lhabitation no. 7, qui la couvertait partiellement (fig. 1). Audel dune statuetteentire(fig.7/5),icionatrouvundpt,quipeuttreinterprt comme une offrande de fondation (URSULESCU et alii 2003, 158). Le dpt(fig.8/12)taitdansunpied(avecquatrefentes)dunvasesupport (letypevasefruits),aveclassiettebrise(fig.8/3);levasetaitrenvers aveclassietteenbas,ainsiquelepiedestdevenuunrcipientimprovis. Danscercipientsuigenerisonadposunepetitestatuettefragmentaire (rien que la partie infrieure), entre 42 petits cnes en argile (fig. 8/34). Mme si, la diffrence des cnes du dpt dobjets de culte de lhabitation no. 1, ceuxci navaient pas une tte mobil, pourtant leursSelon les caractristiques des objets de culte trouvs aux diffrentes habitations de Isaiia, celles-ci pourraient mme tre dnommes, par exemple: H 1 La Maison du Trsor; H 5 La Maison des Cassettes; H 6 La Maison de la Colonne; H 7 La Maison des Stellae.2



bouts taient perfors verticalement, la mme manire; leur forme envoieaussiversuneinterprtationphalliqueetlenombre42(multiplede 7)sinscritdanslammelogiquedelamagiedesnombres(URSULESCU, TENCARIU 2006, pl. VIII/45). Nous considrons que la statuette de ce dpt de culte, par le fait qutait fragmentaire (fig. 8/4), est plus significative que dans le cas o elle ait t entire. Cest, parce quon considre, dhabitude, quun objet de culte dtruit a perdu son utilit, mmesipasaussilecaractresacr.Lastatuettedudptdecultedela fosseno.17nousdmontreexactementlecontraire,savoirquesavie (GAYDARSKA, CHAPMAN, ANGELOVA 2005) a continu. Une pice sacr,mmedtruite,peutdevenirutiledansuncertaincontexterituel.Il faut aussi tenir compte du fait que la partie utilise de la statuette a t celledubassin,lessencedesessencesuneidolefminine,cestdire le symbole de la fcondit. Evidemment, dans ce cas a fonctionn le principe pars pro toto, parce que le caractre sacr et lutilit de culte se sontconservsmmedansunfragmentdelancienobjetdeculte. De mme, on peut faire quelques observations sur les statuettes trouvesdanslacouchearchologique,maisnonauxstructuresdhabitat. On peutvoir,uneanalyse topographique attentive,que lestroispices ont t trouves, en fait, aux environs de quelques structures dhabitat. Ainsi,unestatuette(fig.10/2)auraitpufairepartiedelafosseno.40(at trouvelamargedecelleci)etdautre(fig.10/3)taitsitueaucoinEst de lhabitation no. 9. La position la plus claire a t celle de la statuette trouvedanslasurfaceG(fig.10/1),dansunetrsfaiblecreux,avecune concentration de moulins bras brises et de fragments cramiques. Le caractre part de cette agglomration est dmonstr par la prsence, dans sa partie infrieure, dun petit vase entier, avec un dcor incis inhabituel, qui suggre sept silhouettes humaines, en position orante, extrmement stylises (URSULESCU, TENCARIU 2004a, p. 4152). Nous croyons que lassociation des deux pices, lidole fragmentaire et le petit vase,parledesoimmesurlecaractreritueldececomplexe,quisemble ait t dans une zone dintrt conomique (du type household), situe danslasphredactiondeshabitantsdesmaisonsno.1ou8,quisontles plusproches.



A la fin de ces succintes considrations sur les conditions de dcouverte des statuettes anthropomorphes du site prcucutenien de IsaiiaBaltaPopiionpeutdtacherquelquesconclusions: latrouvailledesstatuettesauxhabitationsoufossesassureces picesuncontexterituel,mmesicellesciontsouffertdesdestructions dlibresounon; il semble, donc, quil ne sagit pas de dpositions alatoires, maisdedpositionsconscientes,faitesparleshabitantsdusite; les dpositions ont t faites, presque en exclusivit, dans des zones dhabitat, avec une signification rituelle, principalement prs dinstallations pour le feu, de banquettes, de structures ou damnagementsdeculte,deparoisetauxfosses; dans le cas de quelques dcouvertes considres comme provenant de la couche archologique, il sagit plutt soit de dplacements fortuits des pices aprs la dposition, soit dobservations insuffissantesattentivesdelapartdesfouilleurs. Nousavonslaconvictionquaufuretmesuredelaccroissement de lattention mrit visvis de cet aspect important de la recherche archologique, deviendra de plus en plus claire que les pices prhistoriques avec un caractr sacr, comme les statuettes anthropomorphes, ntaient pas abandones au hasard, mais taient dposes en quelques endroits, avec une signification de culte, mme si onttsoumisesunedestructionintentionnelle,aprslapertedelutilit primaire, pour laquelle elles avaient t cres, parce que cellesci pouvaientgagnerunenouvellevaleuredutilisation. Donc, le caractre utilitaire initial pouvait disparaitre, mais le caractre sacr non et ceci peut donner aux restes des statuettes un nouveaurle,biensr,demmedeculte.



BIBLIOGRAPHIE BNFFYEszter 19901991 CultandarchaeologicalcontextinMiddleandSouthEastEuropein theNeolithicandtheChalcolithic,Antaeus,1920,p.183249. CHAPMANJohn 2000 FragmentationinArchaeology.People,PlacesandBrokenObjectsin theprehistoryofSouthEasternEurope,London. GHEORGHIUDrago 2005 The controlled fragmentation of anthropomorphic figurines, in: Cucuteni 120 ans de recherch. Le temps du bilan (eds. Gh. Dumitroaiaetalii),BMAXVI,PiatraNeam,p.137144. GAYDARSKABisserka,CHAPMANJ.,ANGELOVAIlka 2005 On the tell and off the tell fired clay figurines from Omurtag, in: Scripta praehistorica. Miscellanea in honorem nonagenarii magistri Mircea PetrescuDmbovia oblata (eds. V. Spinei, C.M. Lazarovici,D.Monah),EdituraTrinitas,Iai,p.341385. HANSENSvend 2001 Neolithic Sculpture. Some Remarks on an Old Problem, in: The Archaeology of Cult and Religion (eds. P.F. Biehl et alii), Archaeolingua13,Budapest,p.3752. MAKAREVIM.L. 1960 Ob ideologieskich predstavlenijach u tripolskich plemin, Zapiski Odesskogoarcheologieskogoobestva,I(34),p.290292. MONAHDan 1997 Plastica antropomorf a culturii CucuteniTripolie [La plastique anthropomorphede la culture CucuteniTripolye], BMA III,Piatra Neam. URSULESCUNicolaeetalii 2003 Isaiia, in: Cronica cercetrilor arheologice din Romnia. Campania 2002,Bucureti,p.158.



URSULESCUN.,BATARIUCVictoria 1987 LidoleandrogynedeMihoveni(dp.deSuceava),inLacivilisation deCucuteniencontexteeuropen(ds.M.PetrescuDmboviaet alii),Iai,p.309312. URSULESCUN.,TENCARIUFelixAdrian 2004 Amnagements de culte dans la zone des foyers et des fours de la culturePrcucuteni,MemAnt,XXIII,p.129144. 2004a UnvasneobinuitdinaezareaprecucuteniandelaIsaiia(jud.Iai) [UnvaseinhabitueldelhabitatprcucuteniendeIsaiia( Iai)],Carpica,XXXIII,p.4152. 2006 Religie i magie la est de Carpai acum 7000 de ani. Tezaurul cu obiectedecultdelaIsaiia[ReligionetmagielestdeCarpatesilya 7000ans],Iai. URSULESCUN.,TENCARIUF.A.,SCARLATLetiia 2005 Isaiia 2005. Noi date privind complexele de cult din cultura Precucuteni[Nouvellesdonnesconcernantlescomplexesdecultede laculturePrcucuteni],Carpica,XXXIV,2005,p.3754.






Fig.2.LetrsordobjetsdecultedeIsaiia:A.Vuedensemble;B.Les21 statuettes.


















Fig. 8. Isaiia. Statuettes trouves dans le complexe de culte (offrande de fondation) de la fosse 17. 1: le complexe in situ; 2: le complexe aprs restauration;3:lercipientetles42cnes;4:lastatuette.



Fig.9.Isaiia.Statuettestrouvesdanslesfossesnos.33(12),38(37)et60 (8).



Fig.10.Isaiia.Statuettestrouvesdanslacouchearchologique(13)et passim(45).


Keywords:ornaments,neoaeneolithic,Romania,prestigegoods. Rsum: Les objets de parure, nimporte la priode historique dans laquelle ils ont t confectionns et tals, ont eu la qualit dattirer immdiatement lattention. Dans ce texte, lauteur sest propos dinventarier les objets de parure nonolithiques confectionnsenor,cuivreetautresmatires,maisaussideparlerdeleurfonctionnalit. Abstract:Theornaments,irrespectiveofthehistoricalperiodwhentheyweremadeand displayed,hadtheroleofincuringinstantlytheattention.Inthistext,theautorintended to make the repertoire of the neoaeneolithic ornaments made in gold, copper and other materialsandtoanalysetheirfunctiontoo. Rezumat: Podoabele, indiferent de perioada istoric n care au fost confecionate i etalate,auavutdarulsatragimediatatenia.ntextuldefa,autoruliapropuss repertorieze podoabele neoeneolitice confecionate din aur, aram i din alte materiale precumisdiscutedesprefuncionalitateaacestora.

In this text, we intend to make some observations concerning the roleandfunctionsoftheNeolithicandAeneolithicornamentsdiscovered in the Romanian area. We must say, right from the beginning, that we didntwanttodiscusshereabouttheproblemsrelatedtothetechnology ofmakingtheseobjects. The classical meaning of the term ornament/ornaments denotes somethingwhichisusedinordertoadornsomeoneorsomething(Micul dicionar academic 2003, 1128), a valuable thing or object (Dicionar enciclopedic2004,403).Theornamentisusedtoadornthehumanbodyand wecantalkaboutthejewelasbeingalanguage.Theuseoftheornament candenotethebelongingtoacertainsocialgroup(tribe,caste,clan)orthe developingstageofaperson(adolescence,maturityetc.).



Offering a vast registration of statutory marks, the ornament has both the role of setting off the physical traits of a person and the role of displayingthebearersreputation.Eachcommunityselectivelyappealsto its own material resources, first to the local ones and then to the others, whichcomefromexchanges,andthatswhytheornamentconstitutesan extremely diverse aspect of the material culture (BONTE, IZARD 1999, 529530). Considering the raw material they were made of, we can distinguishmanytypesofornamentssuchasthosemadeofgold,copper andothermaterialsthanthepreceedingones.Ifforthefirsttwotypesof ornamentswetriedtoincludethepiecesthathavebeenpublishedsofar inRomania,usingtablesandmaps,thisthingwasimpossibletodoforthe ornaments made of bones, shells, teeth, rocks etc. because of the great numberofdiscoveries 1 . Supplementarydataforstudyingornamentscanbeofferedbythe decorated anthropomorphous representations, especially for those made of clay (for the way the ornaments were worn) (COMA 1995, 94). Regarding their function,besides their role in clothing and displaying of thestatute,there arealsointerpretations which correlatesthe adornment of the statues with gods, resulting the sacred function of the ornaments (GIMBUTAS1991,228;MONAH1997,199). Goldornaments 2 Beingfoundinnatureasanativematerial,goldbeganbeingtooled since the beginning of the Early Aeneolithic.At the beginning it might have been searched on the bottom of the rivers and after then exploited fromthegolddeposits.IfweacceptthefactthatwithintheRomanianarea wecantalkaboutametallurgyofgold,thenithaddevelopedduringtheWeconsiderthatinordertodosuchathingthesustainedeffortofmoreresearchersfrom different parts of the country is needed. In the present text we mainly classified the ornaments discovered in the Neolithic and Aeneolithic necropoles and the most representativeonesfromsomesites. 2 Because our text addresses especially to the specialists and because the information is takenfromthearchaeologicalliterature,weconsideredthatthereisnoneedofloadingup thetextwithpicturesforanyofthetypesofornaments,andinsteadofthisweusedmaps andappendixes.1



Aeneolithic,atthesametimewiththemetallurgyofcopperandduetothe progress it recorded. The first gold object known within the Romanian area is a gold wire discovered in 1945, at Glina (the Vidra phase of the Boian culture) (COMA 1974a, 17), but the Aeneolithic goldsmiths craft appearstogetherwiththeornaments.Duetoitsrarityandtothequalities of this material, gold has been used even since its discovery, for making ornamentsandprestigegoods. Regardingthenumberandthedistributionofthegoldornaments (appendix 1, map 1) one may see that the discoveries are reduced and unequal distributed within the area of our country. In all, from the data thatwehave,weknowalmost4550goldobjects 3 ,mostofthembeing ornaments, distributed in three cultural areas: Gumelnia (phases A2 and B2), Cucuteni (phases A and AB) and Bodrogkeresztr, partially contemporary. On the present area of Romania there have been found fewer and less varied gold objects in comparison to the neighbouring areas. Gold ornaments were discovered in different conditions: sites: Gumelnia (COMA 1974a, 15; 1974b, 181), Vidra (COMA 1974a, 15; 1974b,181),Ariud(COMA1974a,16),SultanaMaluRou(ANDREESCU et alii 2004), TraianDealul Fntnilor (H. DUMITRESCU 1961, 70), necropoles: VrtiGrditea Ulmilor (COMA 1995, 75, 91; 1974b, 184), CminPodu Crasnei (NMETI 1988, 123126), Ostrovul Corbului (ROMAN, DODDOPRIESCU 1989, 1718), deposits: Brad (URSACHI 1991, 335386; 1992, 5176) in association with other pieces, Sultana (HLCESCU 1995, 1117) only gold objects, and, possibly, Moigrad (HOREDT 1977, 289293), accidental: Oradea (COMA 1974a, 17), Trgu Mure(COMA1974a,16). It is interesting the discovery of many gold ornaments (beads, plates) in a cave dwelling (Petretii de JosPetera Ungureasc); together with these pieces an oven was also discovered, and this makes the discoverersbelievethat there wasaworkroom where such objects were made(LAZAROVICIetalii2004;2006,259261).3

The number of the gold objects is higher if we consider the Aeneolithic pieces with doubtfulculturalborderingfromtheMoigradtreasure.



Themostfrequentornamentsarethependants;eveniftheybelong tosomespecialcultures,theyarerelatedbetweenthemfromatypological point of view, having as an origin the Southern types which come from Anatolia and Greece. The pendants had, most of the times, a magical apotropaic meaning (DUMITRESCU 1974, 268; ANDREESCU 2002, 71), but because of their significant values, we believe that the meaning of somesymbolsofthesocialstatutecannotbeexcluded. The big number of ornaments within Gumelnias area might be explainedthroughtheimportsfromasoutherncentreofgoldprocessing (which would explain the richness of the pieces from the South of Danube) due to the distance relatively reduced from this, but Eugen Coma considered that the respective pieces are of local production (COMA1995,72)4 .Thesameopinionsreferringtotheexchangeortothe localproductionexistinthecaseofisolatedappearancesontheterritory ofMoldavia,intheCucuteniarea,but,ifweacceptthelocalproductionof these pieces, the problem of the gold deposits for their production is questioned (H. DUMITRESCU 1961, 8485); the presence of the big gold idols within the Bodrogkeresztr area may be explained through the monopoly on the gold deposits from Apuseni mountains which was excercised by the bearers of this culture (LUCA 1999, 4); maybe the chemicalanalysesofthegoldpiecesfoundinRomaniawouldexplainthe problemoftheoriginandtheprocessingofthese,but,intheirabsence,we havetobesatisfiedonlywiththeassumptions. Copperornaments The use of copper is certificated in the late Neolithic, but it is possiblethatthismaterialhadbeenusedevenearlier.Wecantalkabouta copper metallurgy only since the early Aeneolithic, when bigger objects whicharemoredifficulttomake,appear(SANGMEISTER1975),suchas the bracelets from Agigea (COMA 1990, 89) (Hamangia culture) or TrguFrumos(URSULESCU,BOGHIAN19971998,1617;URSULESCU, BOGHIAN, COTIUG 2005, 217260) (Precucuteni III). Initially, because4 An identical piece to that from Vidra (Gumelnia A2) was discovered in the area of Salcuta culture, south from Danube, in the upper level of Danevo Moghila site, many figurinesbeingknownintheareaofTiszapolgrBodrogkeresztr.



ofitsnovelty,rarityandquality,copperwasconsideredtobeamaterialof great value, comparable to gold, and only towards the end of the Aeneolithicitlostfromitsvalue. Copper ornaments come from: sites (level of culture, dwellings, complexes), a big number of pieces, typologically different, deposits/treasures,tombs(singleorinnecropoles),isolatedfindings. From a typological point of view, one can distinguish more categories 5 : Bracelets:curvedwithsuperimposedends,open,close,whichcan be assembled: Scnteia (MANTU, URCANU 1999, 17), of unknown shapes (in this category there are the bracelets whose type cannot be recognizedanymore)(appendix2).Inmostofthecases,thebraceletsare madeofcopperwires(havingaround/circular,eliptic,planoconvexcut), ofroundbarsorofsheetcopper.Thebigbraceletsmighthavebeenworn bythegrownupsattheirwrists,asitisprovedbysomefindingswithin thefuneraryinventories(Giurgiuleti)(HAHEU,KURCIATOV1993,102), and the small ones were for children. Bracelets were discovered in sites (Scnteia, Trpeti, Cucuteni, Izvoare, Trgu Frumos), deposits (Brad, Ariud,Hbeti)orintombs(Agigea). Chronologicallyspeaking, theearliest bracelets are fromtheearly Aeneolithic(PrecucuteniandHamangia)buttheyappearinAeneolithicin otherculturesorregions(map2) 6 :CucuteniTripolie(indifferentstages), Gumelnia, Petreti, HerculaneCheile Turzii, Coofeni. The biggest concentration of copper bracelets (of different types) can be seen in Cucuteni area, on the eastern side of the Oriental Carpathians, a region which can indicate a production centre (perhaps on the basis of the existence of the deposits from Blan or Sndominic, or of other deposits

5 We use the typology proposed by I. Mare in I. Mare, Metalurgia aramei n neo eneoliticuluiRomniei,Ed.BucovinaIstoric,Suceava,2002,p.124iurm. 6 From our knowledge, during the campaign from 2003 a new spiral bracelet was discoveredintheCucuteniresort,Hoisesti(Iasicounty),butfromdifferentreasonsithas remainedunpublisheduntiltoday.



which are still unexplored, map 8), from where, they might have been spreadinotherculturalbackgroundsthroughexchanges(map2) 7 . The bracelets had also a symbolic function, besides the aesthetic function, of displaying the social statute of the bearer, since they had rarelybeenused,andasobjects,theywereconsideredasbeingvaluable, only if we think at the big quantity of material they were made of (for example the bracelet from Brad of 255 g, and one of the pieces from Crbunabeingof266g). Pendants/Amulets: anthropomorphous, with full discs (round, elliptic,convexdiscs),buttondiscs,enviolon,simplependants(apendix3). Copper pendants were mainly found in CucuteniTripolie area (map 3), but these pieces which had gold and bone replicas were spread on a bigger area which included the centre and the south east of Europe. Theywereprobablyusedwithapothropaicfunctions;theyweresewedon clothesortheywerewornattheneck,thusbeingconsiderednecklaces,as itisprovedbythepresenceofholes. Pendants were found: in deposits toghether with other valuable objects (Brad, Crbuna 8 , Hbeti), in sites (Trpeti, Izvoare, Trueti), orintombs(GrletiandOstrovulCorbului). En violon pendants, spread within the Cucuteni A3 i AB Moldovian area, are included in the anthropomorphous art and they are stronglyschematizedfemalerepresentationsinrelationtothefertilityand fecundity practices. Due to the fact that these pendants arent similar to othersfromothercultures,becausetheywerefoundinthePrecucuteniIII CucuteniTripoliearea,onemaysaythattheyarelocalproductionsand can be considered as being types or specific versions of the cultures mentionedabove(MARE2002,133;DERGAEV1998,24). Linksandrings 9 :withsuperimposedends,open,close,curled,of unknowntypes(appendix5).Theyaremadeofcopperwireswitharound Although it seems hard to believe, we cannot rule out the deficiencies of researches withinthespatialdistributionofthecopperornaments. 8 It seems that the pendants from Carbuna are the earliest appearances of this type of pieces. 9Itisdifficulttoestablishwhichpiecesareringsandwhicharelinks,so,inordernotto commiterrors,wetakethemtogether.7



or eliptic cut. In Romania, the oldest samples are those found at Glina (Boian culture, Vidra phase) (NESTOR 1928, 110143), TraianDealul Fntnilor (Precucuteni III) (MARINESCUBLCU 1974, 51) and Trgu Frumos (URSULESCU, BOGHIAN 19971998, 16) (Precucuteni III), but they appear during the whole period of Aeneolithic. On map 5, one can notice three concentrations: in PrecucuteniCucuteni area (on the eastern side of the Oriental Carpathians), in BoianGumelnia and Slcua areas. In most of the cases, the rings appear in association with other copper objectsandtheirconcentrationsseemtoindicatetheproductionareas(or maybe the level of researches?). The rings were found in sites: Malna (MARE 2002, 262), Trgu Frumos (URSULESCU, BOGHIAN 19971998, 16), Hbeti (Vl. DUMITRESCU et alii 1954, 465), Cscioarele (MARE 2002,207),incinerationtombsfromthelateAeneolithic,asafunerarlist: Valea lui Mihai (ROMAN, NMETI 1978, 38), Baden culture, a little deposit of four rings at Moldova Veche (ROMAN 1976, pl 8/19ad; CIUGUDEAN2000,36),Vuedolculture.Thefunctionoftheringswasan ornamentalone. Beads:tubular,round,ringshaped,eliptic,withtheshapeofastag teeth, of unknown shapes (appendix 4). In the shape of necklaces, single orinassociationwithbeadsfromothermaterials,thebeadswerewornat theneckandtheywerefoundmainlyintombs,asfuneraryinventories,in childrens tombs: Glina (COMA 1974, 202), Decea (DODDOPRIESCU 1978, 88), or in grownups tombs: Cernica (COMA, CANTACUZINO 2001,22,27),Andolina(COMA1974b,203206),Popeti(ERBNESCU 1999, 14), Ostrovul Corbului (ROMAN, DODDOPRIESCU 1989, 14, tomb15),Brilia(HARUCHE2002,5556,tomb33),butalsoasalistfor some dwellings: TraianDealul Fntnilor (MARE 2002, 319), Scnteia (MANTU,URCANU1999,17),Vdastra (MARE2002,331/1682),orin deposits: Brad (URSACHI 1990, 339340; 1992, 5556) and Ariud (SZTNCSUJ2005,91). Copper beads had been made beginning with the late Neolithic, the discoveries covering almost the entire present surface of Romania (map4).



Besides the copper ornaments mentioned above, there are others: buttons, earrings, columns (appendix 6, map 6), which have the same aestheticfunction. Ornamentsfromothermaterials Weonlymakeheresomeobservationsabouttheornamentsmade ofothermaterialsthangoldandcopper,withoutclaimingthefactthatwe wanttorejoinallthediscoveriesofthesametype(appendix7);forsucha measure it is needed the sustained effort of more researchers from more sidesofthecountry. Typologicallyspeaking,weclassifiedtheseornamentsin:bracelets, pendants, rings and beads. The materials used for making these ornamentsarediverse,themostusedonesbeingshells(weidentifiedsix typesofshells),bones,horns,stagandboarteeth,marble,limestoneand othertypesofrocks,plantsseeds(Lithospermumpurpureo)andothers. The bracelets were mainly made of Spondylus shells and not so often of Pectunculus pilosus and Ostrea, of marble: in the Cernavod necropole (BERCIU 1966, 82) and of bone in the Brilia necropole (HARUCHE2002,6970).Usingmapsforplacingtheseartefacts(map7) one may observe their appearance in the area of southern cultures (Hamangia, Boian, Gumelnia and Cernavod I), as a result of their spreadingarea,but,also,asaresultofourresearchdeficiencies. The pendants of many types and shapes are made of more materials (appendix 7), such as: shell (Spondylus, Pectunculus pilosus, Ostrea, Unio crassus), bone, marble, boar and stag teeth,and their copies. Besides the cultures mentioned above, pendants were also found in the areaofotherAeneolithiccultures,suchasTurdaandCucuteni(map7). The rings were found in more areas and cultures, mentionning herethosemadeofbonefromthetombsoftheBoianculturebearers. The beads are the most spread ornaments probably because they were made easily than other ornaments. We can distinguish a great varietyofmaterialswhichthebeadsweremadeof:shells,bones,different rocks (marble, limestone, amber), plantsseeds (true deposits of Lithospermum purpureo), boar and stag teeth. The necklaces were made onlyofbeadsofacertaintypeandshape,orofbeadsdifferentasshape



andrawmaterial.Thebeadshavethelongestuseandthewidestspread (map7);infact,wedontbelievethatthereisaNeoAeneolithicculturein whichbeadswerentdiscovered. The place of findings is varied, ornaments from other materials thangoldbeingdiscoveredbothinsites:Hrova(GALBENU1963,501 503), Fulgeri (ISTINA 2006, 20/3), necropoles: Cernica (COMA, CANTACUZINO 2001, 169), Sultana (ERBNESCU 2002, 71), deposits: Vldiceasca (ERBNESCU 1987, 3538), Ariud (SZTNCSUJ 2005), Izvoare (MARINESCUBLCU, CRCIUMARU 1992, 355370), and also accidental: Agigea (SLOBOZIANU 1959, 737, 741, fig. 2/35). Even if we didnt make the inventory of all the shell, bone, horn ornaments, hence, wecansaythattheirsharebecomesmoreandmoreimportantastheNeo Aeneolithicculturescomealong.Mostofthesetypesofornamentsareof localproduction(bone, horn),but, theappearanceofshell ornaments(at DeceaMureului,OstrovulCorbului,UrziceniVam(VIRAG2004,4170; VIRAG et alii 2006, 384 (tomb 23) at considerable distances from the source, no matter if these would be the Eastern Mediterrana (Egee and Adriatica) (SIKLSI 2004, 910) or the Black Sea (HAIMOVICI 2008; HODDER 1982, 202) 10 , assumes the existance of some intertribal exchanges with valuable objects. We believe that the function of these pieces, besides the ornamental one, was symbolic too. It seems that the ornamentsmadeofdifferentrawmaterialshadalmostthesamesymbolic value,ifwetakeintoconsiderationtheassociationsofcopperornaments withinthefuneraryinventories,andnotonlythese,withtheonesmadeof shell,bone,hornorrock. In conclusion, we believe that the function of the ornaments (not taking into consideration the raw material they were made of) was double, symbolic, of showing off the social statute but also of adorning, thetworolesbeingcomplementaryandfunctioningatthesametime. 10InformationgivenbySergiuHaimovici.Insomestudiespeopletalkaboutadistanceof over1000Kmfortheexchangeofsuchobjects.



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1999 NecropolaneoliticdelaPopeti,comunaVasilai,jud.Clrai,n CivilizaiaBoianpeteritoriulRomniei(ed.M.Neagu),Clrai, p.1416. 2002 Observaii preliminarii asupra necropolei neolitice de la Sultana, jud.Clrai,CCDJ,XIX,p.6986. URSACHIVasile 1990 Le dpt dobjets de parure nolithique de Brad, com. Negri, dp. Bacu, n Le Palolithique et le Nolithique de la Roumanie en contexte europen (ds. Vasile Chirica et Dan Monah), BAI, IV, p.335386. 1992 Depozitul de obiecte de podoab eneolitice de la Brad, Carpica, XXIII/2,p.5176. URSULESCUNicolaeetalii 2004 Hoiseti,com.Dumeti,jud.Iai.,nCronica.Campania2003, URSULESCUNicolae,BOGHIANDumitru 19971998 Principalele rezultate ale cercetrilor arheologice din aezarea precucutenian de la Trgu Frumos (jud. Iai), CC, S.N., 34 (13 14),p.1342. URSULESCUNicolae,BOGHIANDumitru,COTIUGVasile 2005 Problmes de la culture Prcucuteni la lumire des recherches de TrguFrumos(dp.deIai),nScriptapraehistorica.Miscellaneain honorem nonagenarii magistri Mircea PetrescuDmbovia oblata (eds. V. Spinei, C. M. Lazarovici, Dan Monah), Ed. Trinitas, Iai,p.217260. URSULESCUNicolae,TENCARIUFelixAdrian 2006 Religie i magie la est de Carpai acum 7000 de ani. Tezaurul cu obiectedecultdelaIsaiia,CasaEditorialDemiurg,Iai. VIRAGCristian 2004 CercetriarheologicelaUrziceniVam,AMP,26,p.4170. VIRAGCristian,MARTALiviu,HAGOAtilla 2006 Urziceni,com.Urziceni,jud.SatuMare,punctVam,nCronica. Campania2005,Bucureti,p.383386.



Appendix1NeoAeneolithicgoldornamentsTheplaceof discoveryGumelnia (Oltenia,Ilfov county)

Thetype of discovery Site

Theshape(type) oftheornamentHorns

Cultural bordering GumelniaA2

CharacteristicsOverheadhornswiththe central part relatively rectangular and the two hornseasilytwisted. A convex piece, round shape having a big hole inthecentre. Made of wire in four edges,withthediameter of1,8cm. Weight22g Three curved statues, convex concave, of a round shape having a bigholeinthecentreand at the edge a trapeze shapedextension. Two discoidal statues, convex concave with twosmallholes. Fourpiecesmadeofgold sheets. Total weight of 7,350g Madeofsevengoldwire links, with a circular cutting. Made of gold sheet with thediametreof0,7cm In the dwelling L2 a small pendant like a flat puncturedtube,madeof gold sheet near the fireplacewasfound Round, with a curved face, a little conic with a small trapeze shaped extension; it has two holes on the horizontal side. It doesnt have a hole in the centre, the diametre of 2,4 cm, weightof1,96g. Cylindrical shape; it has two round opposite holes in the centre; length of 2,1 cm, weight of 1,38 g, diametreof0,9cm Three small beads, weightof0,46g

Figure Link Ingotofgold Pendants

SultanaMalu Rou(Clrai county)



Pendants Saltaleoni Chain Link Site Pendant

VrtiGrditea Ulmilor (Ialomiacounty)







SERGIUCONSTANTINENEAEarring? Small dimensions, made of a gold wire with rectangular cutting, bendedtwice. Cuted from gold sheet, round shape, with a big hole in the centre and a trapeze shaped extension; the diametre of2,6cm. Round shape, with a convex front part and with a big hole in the centre. On the upper side, the piece has two small holes on the horizontal. It has a diametreof2,6cm. It has joined ends; the diametre of 1,2 cm, the weightof2,75g.; Of an eliptic shape, madeofgoldsheet,with two holes on the upper side of the piece; the curved middle of the piece is flat, having an unequal hole. The diametreisof6,3cm,the weightof17,5g. Of an eliptic shape, made of gold sheet, thinner than the previous piece. It has two holes on the upper side. The diametre is of 4,8cm,theweightof9g. Both discs are made throughhammering. Made of gold thin and widesheet.Ontheupper side the pendant has a high trapeze shape, and in the bottom it has a narrow ring; the diametre of 2,5 cm, weightof1,16g. Aroundgoldplatehavinga hole in the centre. On the upper side the pendant has fourholes.Thediametreisof 24,1cm,theweightisof750g.

Vidra (Ilfovcounty)






Ariud(Covasna county) Brad (Bacucounty)








TraianDealul Fntnilor (Neamcounty)




Moigrad 11 (Slajcounty)

Deposit (treasure)




Over105goldbeadsofbitronconicshapesandrarelycylindric,ofdifferentdimensions belongedtothesamerangeofobjects.K.Horedt,TezauruldeaurdelaMoigrad,Pontica,10, 1977,p.290.




Oradea (Bihorcounty)


Tube Saltaleon? Pendant Pendant Needle? Bead


TrguMure (Murecounty)




CminPodul Crasnei (SatuMare county) Ostrovul Corbului (Mehedini county)







PetretiideJos CheileTurzii. Petera Ungureasc (Clujcounty)




Of a round shape, with a trapezeshapedextensionat the upper side and two small holes sideways. The diametreisof2,8cm. Madeofgoldsheetandwith complicated shapes, being cutincross;theseidolswith crossed arms were called pendants because of the shape of some birds with widewings. Madeofthingoldsheet. Lengthof1,6cm Roundshape,madeofgold sheet;lengthof3,3cm Round shape, made of goldsheet Ithasawideandwrapped end,thelengthof7,4cm Extinded form, the middle side is a little curved,lengthof2,1cm Round shape with an unequal hole in the centre.Attheupperside the piece presents a rectangular extension; the diametre of 10,2 cm, weightof82,42g Ornamental object with notched lines, made of gold sheet; length of 4,5 cm Threebuttonsmadeofthin gold table the first has the diametre of 1,7 cm,weight of1,05g,thesecondhasthe diametreof0,7cmandthe weight of 0,55 g, and the thirdhasthediametreof0,8 cmandtheweightof0,46g Many beads were found inside a cave which had different dimensions, and gold plates, smaller or bigger which were probably sewed on clothes.



Appendix2NeoAeneolithiccopperbracelets(afterI.Mare,completed)Types of bracelets The place of discoveryAgigea (CT) Curved bracelets (17 samples) Ariud (CV) (5 samples)

The type of discoveryAccidental Site Site Deposit discovery Deposit discovery Deposit discovery Site Deposit Deposit Deposit Site Site Site Site Archaeologic layer Site Site Site Deposit Deposit Site Site Site

Cultural borderingHamangia ? Cucuteni A

Diametre (cm)7,5 8 8,5 6,5 5,5 2,5 6,8 7 Frag. 9 9 Frag. 4 3,9 5,5 4,5 5 6,6 6,2 5,3


Cilindric Cilindric Rectangular Circular

Cucuteni (IS) Hbeti (IS) (3 samples) Izvoare (NT) (3 samples) Ruginoasa (IS) Scnteia (IS) Trgu Frumos (IS) (2 samples) Bodeti (NT) Brad (BC) (2 samples) Bucureti Poduri (BC) (2 samples) Rogova (MH) Trpeti (NT) Turda (HD) Caa (BV) Open bracelets (9 samples) Curtea (TM) Pecica (AR) (2 samples) Sebe (AB) Trpeti (NT) (2 samples) Traian (NT) Turda (HD) Agigea (CT) Scnteia (IS)

Cucuteni B Cucuteni A3 Cucuteni A3 Cucuteni A3 Cucuteni A3 Precucuteni III Cucuteni A Cucuteni A Gumelnia Cucuteni A2

Circular Circular Circular Circular Rectangular Transversal lenticular Round Rhombus Rhombus Convex Transversal lenticular Transversal lenticular Semicircular Rectangular

Bracelets with superimposed ends (9 samples)

5,3 Cucuteni A Petreti 3,7-4

Site Site Site ? Site

Coofeni ? HerculaneCheile Turzii Coofeni III Cucuteni A2-A3 Cucuteni A-B2 Hamangia? Cucuteni A3 Two plates Letter T shaped Transversal lenticular 5,4 3,3 4,1 3,6 Rectangular Rectangular Rectangular Round Round

Close bracelets (1 sample) Assembled bracelets (1 sample)

Site Site Site Site Tomb ? Site

ObservationsontheneolithicandaeneolithicornamentsBod (BV) Cscioarele (CL) (3 fragments) Cetea (AB) Corneti (CJ) Gneti (MS) Poduri (BC) (2 fragments) Poiana Ampoiului (AB) Scnteia (IS) Trpeti (NT) Trgu Frumos (IS) Traian (NT) Site Archaeologic layer Archaeologic layer Dwelling Accidental Deposit ? Site Site Cucuteni A2 Cucuteni A (or A-B) Coofeni III Cucuteni A Cucuteni A2-A3 Precucuteni III Cucuteni A-B2 Cucuteni A Gumelnia A2 Gumelnia B1

45Circular Rectangular Rectangular

Unknown shape bracelets (14 fragments) 12


Archaeologic layer Site Site Site

Double concave

Appendix3NeoAeneolithiccopperpendants/amulets(afterI.Mare, completed)The type of the pendants / amuletsAnthropomorpho us pendants / amulets with full disc

The place of discoveryBrad (BC)

The type of discoveryDeposit Deposit

Cultural borderingCucuteni A4 Aeneolithic? Cucuteni A3 Cucuteni A1-A2 Cucuteni A Cucuteni A4

CharacteristicsConvex, round disc made of copper sheet with a diametre of 3,2 cm An eliptic slightly convex disc made of copper sheet with a diametre of 5,3cm Round shape, flat surface with wrinkles and with a hole in the centre Convex disc with a strongly curved centre having the diametre of 9,4 cm Two fragments convex discs made of round sheet Round, convex disc made of copper sheet with a diametre of 2,9 cm. It distinguishes from the othersthrough the existance of a small ear soldered almost in the concave centre of the piece, suggesting a button, but it is possible that it had another use. Made of copper sheet folded twice, the upper end (the head) is rounded and it has a hole for fixing. Made of white metal (silver ?, silver copper ?) and it has the height of 4,3 cm It has an ellipsoidal shape and it has a hole in the upper side. It is of rectangular shape and it has two small holes, assymetrically laid at the upper side. Of small dimensions, having a green colour. Of small dimensions with two holes.

Coldu (BN) Hbeti (IS) Trpeti (NT)

? Deposit Site Deposit

Disc button pendants En violon anthropomorpho us pendants / amulets Simple pendants / amulets Pendants / amulets of unknown shapes

Brad (BC)

Traian (BC) Trueti (BT) Izvoare (NT) Trpeti (NT) Grleti (DJ) Ostrovul Corbului (MH)

Site Site Site Site Tomb Tomb

Cucuteni A-B (or Precucuteni III) Cucuteni A3 Precucuteni III Cucuteni A1 Bodrogkereszt r Bodrogkereszt r


The pieces mentioned in the archaeological literature and fragments which cannot be determinedareincludedinthiscategory.



Appendix4NeoAeneolithiccopperbeads(afterI.Mare,completed)The type of the beadsTubular beads (cylindric) 13

The place of discoveryAriud (CV) Brad (BC) Cucuteni (IS) Decea (AB) Flciu (VS) Grleti (DJ) Glina (B) Poiana Ampoiului (AB) Sultana (CL) Trgu Frumos (IS) Trpeti (NT) Traian (NT) Bile Herculane (CS) Brad (BC) Cernica (IF) Traian (BC) Ariud (CV) Brad (BC) Decea (AB) Ghirbom (AB) Limanu (CT) Hbeti (IS) Andolina (CL) Traian (NT)

The type of discoveryDeposit Deposit Site Tomb Tomb Tomb Tomb Site Tomb Site Site Site Site Deposit Tomb Site Deposit Deposit Tomb Site Tomb Deposit Tomb Site

Cultural borderingCucuteni A Cucuteni A4 Cucuteni B Decea Mureului Cernavod I? Slcua III Boian, faza Vidra Coofeni III Boian, faza Bolintineanu and Giuleti Precucuteni III Cucuteni A Cucuteni A-B Herculane-Cheile Turzii Cucuteni A4 Boian, Bolintineanu phase Cucuteni A-B Cucuteni A Cucuteni A4 Decea Mureului Petreti A-B Hamangia Cucuteni A3 Boian, Vidra phase Cucuteni A-B

Number of beads12 308-310 3 40-50 2 10-15 1 1 1 15 80

Round beads (pearls) 14

Ring beads (circular) 15

262 308-310 1 aprox. 20 28 1

Eliptic beads Bead with a shape of a stag tooth Beads of unknown shape

Agigea (CT) Baia (TL) Cernavod (CT) Chirnogi (CL) Corneti (CJ) Ostrovul Corbului (MH) Popeti (CL) Scnteia (IS) Sultana (CL) Vdastra (OT)

Accidental Tomb Tomb Tomb ? Tomb Tomb Site Tomb Site

Hamangia Cernavod I Hamangia Gumelnia A2 Bodrogkersztr Boian, Vidra phase Cucuteni A3 Boian, Bolintineanu and Giuleti phase Vdastra II

1 1


23 1

13Thedifferencefromthesebeadsandtheringonesstaysonlyindimensions:lesswider arethelastones. 14Betweenthesepiecesandtheelipticbeadstherearenochanges. 15Thebeadsofthistypearesimilartothetubularones,buttheyhavesmallerdimensions.



Appendix 5 NeoAeneolithic copper links and rings 16 (after I. Mare, completed) The type of the link / ringLinks with superimposed ends (4 samples) Open links Close links Links of unknown type (5 samples)

The place of discoveryBrad (BC) (2 samples) Malna (CV) Trgu Frumos (IS) Radovanu (CL) Trpeti (NT) Hbeti (IS) Liubcova (CS) Moldova Veche (CS) Trueti (BT) Turda (HD) Valea lui Mihai (BH) Glina (2 ex.) (B) Gumelnia (CL) Moldova Veche (CS) (3 samples) Vdastra (OT) Ariud (CV) Glina (B) Izvoare (NT) Moldova Veche (CS) Pietrele (GR) Trpeti (NT) Traian (NT) Vrti (CL) Vidra (IF) Ruginoasa (IS) Traian (NT) Cscioarele (CL) Glina (B) Hbeti (IS)

The type of discoveryDeposit Deposit Site Site Site Site Site Site Cineration tomb Site Dwelling Cineration tomb Site Site Cineration tomb Cineration tomb Cineration tomb Site Site Site Site Cineration tomb Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site

Cultural borderingCucuteni A Cucuteni A Precucuteni III Boian, Spanov phase Precucuteni III Cucuteni A3 Vina A or B2 Vuedol Cucuteni A3? Petreti A-B Baden Gumelnia A2 Gumelnia A Vuedol Slcua II Cucuteni A Gumelnia A2 Cucuteni A1 Vuedol Gumelnia A2 Cucuteni A2-A3 Cucuteni A Cucuteni A-B Boian, faza Vidra Gumelnia A2 Cucuteni A3 Cucuteni A-B Gumelnia A2 Gumelnia A2 Cucuteni A3

Diametre (cm)1,4 1,4 1,2 1,5 1,5 1,7

SectionRound Round Round round Rhombic Round Round

Rings with superimposed ends (7 samples)

2,8 3,4 2,6 2 2,8 2 3,8 1 2,4 2 3 1 0,5

Round Round Rectangular Round Round Rhombic Round Round Round Round Round Round

Open rings (10 samples)

Close rings Curled rings (spirals)



Between the typological group of the links and of the rings are not significant differences, but differences can be made concerning the use of pieces; the two terms denote, for many times, the same object and they are used in the specialised literature, separatelyortogether.


SERGIUCONSTANTINENEAHrova (CT) (5 ex.) 17 Traian (NT) Glina (B) Pecica (AR) Sultana (CL) Site Dwelling Site 2,3 Gumelnia A1 Precucuteni III Boian, Vidra phase Slcua IVHerculane-Cheile Turzii Gumelnia B1

Rings of unknown shape

Appendix6OtherNeoAeneolithiccopperornaments(afterI.Mare)The type of the ornamentButtons

The place of discoveryHbeti (IS) (2 piese) Izvoare (NT) Suceava (SV)

The type of discoverySite

Cultural borderingCucuteni A3


Made of copper sheet twisted in spiral having the shape of some small discs.


Site Tomb Tomb Site Site Site

Precucuteni III (or Cucuteni A1) Three fragments of earrings. Made of copper sheet thicker in the centre and thinner at the ends. Made of copper plates with a rectangular cut The plate samples are made of plates with rectangular cuts.


Decea Mureului (AB) Cscioarele (CL)

Decea Mureului Gumelnia B1 Gumelnia B1 Gumelnia B1


Cscioarele (CL) Sultana (CL)


Indwellingnumber5fivecurledringswerediscovered;tworingsaremadeofwireand threearemadeofthincoppersheet.



Appendix7NeoAeneolithicornaments 18The type of the ornamentBracelets

The place of discoveryAgigea (CT) Ceamurlia de Jos (TL) Hrova (CT) Cernavod (CT)

Material and dimensionsSpondylus shell Spondylus shell Spondylus shell Marble, diameter of 10,5 cm Spondylus shell Spondylus and Pectunculus pilosus shell valves Spondylus, Ostrea, Pectunculus pilosus shell valves Spondylus shell Spondylus shell Spondylus? Pectunculus? Bone, diameter on the interior of 4,5 cm Bone, length of 3,9 cm and 2,9 cm

The type of discoveryAccidental Site Site Tomb

Cultural borderingHamangia Hamangia Gumelnia A1 Hamangia (Golovia and Ceamurlia) Boian (Bolintineanu and Giuleti) Boian (Bolintineanu and Giuleti)


Cernica (IF)


Three narrow bracelets. Small fragments of bracelets; a small fragment of a dark grey bracelet is interesting. Four undivided bracelets and 26 fragments found in a pot. White marble, worked carefully and very delicatelly Undivided and fragments of bracelets, their exact number is not specified. There have been found 22 bracelets altogether in nine tombs (of children and women). Neither the exact number of found bracelets nor the material the bracelets are made of, is not specified; an oblique, high bracelet of Hamangia type is mentioned from the 2006 campaign. The number of pieces or other details are not specified. A bracelet fragment, being identical to those which have a narrow bar. The number of pieces or other details are not specified. The bracelet is made of a very hard bone, it is dark brown, and round with a semioval profile and more than half of it is preserved. The two pieces are of a triangular shape, with the ends benton a side and punched in order to be hanged. It is made of white, sugary marble; it has marks which show it was polished and it is cruciform. The end of an arm is crushed. The exact number of pieces is not specified. Round with a downward prolongation. Round.


Sultana-Valea Orbului (CL)

Cscioarele-DAia Parte (CL) Radovanu (CL) Chirnogi-uvia Iorgulescu (CL) Brilia (BR)

Tomb Site Tomb Tomb

Boian (Spanov) Boian (Spanov) Gumelnia A2 Cernavod I

Site Hamangia Tomb Hamangia (Golovia and Ceamurlia)


Ceamurlia de Jos (TL) Cernavod (CT)

Marble, diameter of 3 cm Boar teeth Tomb

Cernica (IF)


Boian (Bolintineanu


Through this table, we want to put together the NeoAeneolithic ornaments made of othermaterialsthancopperandgold,withoutassumingthefactthatwewanttorejoinall thepiecesofthistypediscoveredonthepresentareaofRomania.


SERGIUCONSTANTINENEAand Giuleti) With the shape of a link, with a downward, vertical prolongation. With the shape of a link, with a downward, vertical prolongation. With the shape of a semicircle, with an upward prolongation. The exact number of pendants discovered in this area is not specified.

Sultana-Valea Orbului (CL) nsurei-Popina II (BR) Ortie Dealul Pemilor (HD) Hbeti (IS) Mrgineni (BC) Cucuteni Cetuie (IS) Brilia (BR) Puleni (HR) Fulgeri (BC)

Spondylus, Ostrea, Pectunculus pilosus shell valves Shell


Boian (Bolintineanu and Giuleti) Gumelnia A1


? Unio crassus shell Boar teeth Boar teeth, stag teeth Boar teeth Marble, height of 2,3 cm, wide of 1,7 cm Bone/horn, height of 7,6 cm, wide of 5,3 cm Boar teeth, length of 7,5 cm Bone

Tomb Site

Turda Cucuteni A

A pendant made of a single valve; it has five holes. Taking into consideration its aspect, it seems that the piece had been worn for a long time. Fragment of amulet. Made by punching an Unio crassus valve. Pendant made of a punched boar tooth. Two pendants made of different, punched materials. Fragmental pendant of boar tooth with two holes on the superior side. It is yellow-white with a small grey spot; it looks like a doves head It is oval and it is polished; it has a hole for hanging. Pendant of boar tooth; it has a hole on the superior side. There have been found 11 rings made of bone within the necropole, mainly in the womens tombs. There is no rule concerning the rings arrangements on the hands. The skeleton from M82 had two rings. The exact number of rings found in this necropole is not specified. Only one ring made of bone was found in the necropole. The exact number of pieces is not specified. The number of pieces is not

Site Site Tomb Site Site Tomb

Cucuteni A2 Cucuteni B Cernavod I Ariud-Cucuteni Cucuteni A3 Boian (Bolintineanu and Giuleti)


Cernica (IF)

Sultana-Valea Orbului (CL) Popeti-Vasilai (CL) Chirnogi-uvia Iorgulescu (CL) Cernavod

Bone Bone Bone Shell

Tomb Tomb Tomb Tomb

Boian (Bolintineanu and Giuleti) Boian (Vidra) Boian (Spanov) Hamangia

19Thebeadsfindingsarenumerous,thatswhywehavetheimpressionthat,inthistable, werejoinallthepublishedpieces.

Observationsontheneolithicandaeneolithicornaments(CT) Necklaces (beads) 19 Tomb Cernica (B) Bone, shell (Golovia and Ceamurlia) Boian (Bolintineanu and Giuleti) specified.


Sultana-Valea Orbului (CL) Popeti-Vasilai (CL) Andolina (CL)

Bone, marble, shell Bone, shell Shell (Spondylus and Dentalium)


Boian (Bolintineanu and Giuleti) Boian (Vidra) Boian (Vidra)

Tomb Tomb

Vrti-Boian A (CL) Glina (B) Radovanu (CL)

Tomb Shell Shell (Spondylus?) Shell Plants seeds Lithospermum purpureo Shell (Spondylus i Dentalium) Bone Tomb Tomb Boian (Spanov) Site Tomb Deposit Plants seeds Lithospermum purpureo Boian (Spanov) Boian (Spanov) Boian (Vidra) Boian (Vidra)

There have been found beads of many types and shapes which were mainly in the womens tombs, but also in the men and childrens tombs (for example a string of beads was found in M 75). The number of pieces is not specified., but it is specified that the beads were of different types. The number of pieces is not specified. There have been found 30 bead in a tomb (24 of Spondylus type, the rest of Dentalium type); the first two ones have a rectangular plate shape with round corners but the Dentalium ones are tubular. There have been found two strings of beads, of different sizes in two tombs of women and children. The number of pieces is not specified. A few strings of beads of different sizes found in a childs tomb. Punched beads which formed necklaces. The number of pieces is not specified. 14 pieces of a rectangular plate shape and an oval, half moon piece. 526 full seeds, all of them punched, of an oval shape which formed necklaces; lengths of 2,5-2,8 mm and diameters of 2-2,8 mm

Cscioarele-DAia Parte (CL) Vldiceasca (CL)

Vrti-Grditea Ulmilor (CL) Chirnogi-Terasa Rudarilor (CL) Gumelnia (CL)

Amber Dentalium shell Shell Bone

Tomb Gumelnia A2 Tomb Tomb Gumelnia A2 Gumelnia

Two round beads. The number of pieces is not specified; some beads are black. The number of pieces is not specified Only one bead was found.

52Ulmeni (CL) Hbeti (IS)

SERGIUCONSTANTINENEALithospermum purpureo Plants seeds Limestone Teeth / eye-teeth Ariud (CV) Limestone Deposit Teeth / eye-teeth Izvoare (NT) Lithospermum purpureo Plants seeds Imitations of stag eye-teeth. Mrgineni (BC) Brad (BC) Teeth Black and glassy paste (?) Stag eye-teeth Site Cucuteni A2 Cucuteni A Site Deposit Gumelnia A1 Cucuteni A There were found 2940 seeds in a pot, 109 being punched. Nine beads of disks shapes, of different thickness which formed a necklace. 22 stag eye-teeth, punched, which formed a necklace. The number of pieces is not specified Stag eye-teeth and teeth, punched, which formed necklaces. Eight thousand calcined seeds, four thousand being punched and which formed necklaces were found in a pot In the same pot, there were also found 13 imitations of stag eye-teeth, punched, which formed necklaces. Two pieces, one made of ox incisor, the second made of stag punched eye-teeth. There were found 15 round beads, and together with the other beads formed necklaces. 190 undivided strings of beads, of different sizes, and fragments from 20 30 eyeteeth. 2 cylindrical beads made of white marble. There were found 75 undivided and fragmental pieces, which formed necklaces. More necklaces found in M 22 made of 310 beads. The number of pieces is not specified Over 800 beads, of different sizes and shapes, which formed more necklaces. Many beads of different sizes and shapes. Of an oval shape with the upper side thinner. Fragment of it.


Cucuteni A2


Cucuteni A4

Marble Frumuica (NT) Ostrovul Corbului (MH) Urziceni-Vam (SM) Decea Mureului (AB) Brilia (BR) Puleni (HR) Belt Cscioarele-DAia Parte (CL) Lithospermum purpureo Plants seeds Shell Shell Shell Shell (Spondylus, Cardium), rock Stag eye-teeth Bone Site Cucuteni B

Tomb Tomb Tomb Tomb Site Tomb

Bodrogkeresztr Bodrogkeresztr Decea Mureului Cernavod I Ariud-Cucuteni Boian (Spanov)

















StudiaAntiquaetArchaeologicaXIIIXIV,20072008,Iai UNEHACHEMARTEAUNAVIFORMEENPIERREDCOUVERTE RECIAVERBIA(COM.DEDIMCHENI,DP.DEBOTOANI) IOANIGNAT Key words: Bronze Age, tumulus, battle hammeraxe, scepter, chief, warrior, craftsman. Abstract:Thisarticlepresentsabattlehammeraxemadeinbasalt,discoveredfortuitous on the surface of a mound. The axe was chemically and mineralogical analysed. The artifactisconsideredtobeanemblemofanimportantpersonageofacommunityofthe Early Bronze Age, belonging to a chief, a warrior or a skilled craftsman in stone manufacturing,beingperhapsdepositedasfuneralinventoryinthemound. Rsum: On prsente une hachemarteau naviforme en basalte trouve par hasard la surfaceduntertre.Lahachebnficieduneanalysechimiqueetminralogique.Lapice est considre un emblme dun personnage important au cadre dune communaut de lgeduBronzeAncien,appartenantunchef,unguerrierouunartisandoudans letravaildelapierre,tantprobablementdposecommeinventairefunraireentumulus. Rezumat:Esteprezentatuntoporciocannaviformdinbazalt,descoperitntmpltorla suprafaauneimovile.Toporulafostanalizatdinpunctdevederechimicimineralogic. Piesa este considerat a fi o emblem a unui personaj important din cadrul unei comunitiaperioadeitimpuriiaEpociiBronzului,aparinndunuilider,unuirzboinic sauunuimeteriscusitnprelucrareapietrei.Toporulafostdepusprobabilcainventar funerarntumul.

Le mois daot 2007, IliePetru Hricu, lve lcole gymnasiale de Dimcheni, a dcouvert accidentellement, sur une colline dans la localitReciaVerbia,unehachemarteau(fig.1),travailledansuneroche de couleur grise foncnoirtre (basalte). Par la bienveillance du professeur dhistoire de cette localit, Mihai Dumitra 1 , la pice nous est parvenu.





Enralisantuneinvestigationsurlaplacedeladcouverte,lemois doctobrelammeanne,onaconstatquelleattrouvedanslapartie septentrionale dun tertre avec un diamtre denviron 35 mtres et une hauteur de quelques mtres (la hauteur exacte pourra tre bien precise seulement aprs des fouilles stratigraphiques de ce tertre, parcequil se trouve sur une crte de la colline et on ne peut pas preciser exactement quelatlapportanthropique:fig.3). Du point de vue gographique, le lieu de la dcouverte est situ danslaPlainedeJijia,partiecomposantedelaPlainedelaMoldavie,dans le bassin hydrographique de la rivire Jijia, qui traverse cette rgion (TUFESCU 1977, 2728). De la base de la colline, vers la direction nord ouest sudest, part un affluent mineur de Jijia, appel Recia Verbia. Le tertre est situ dans la partie septentrionale de ce plateau, sa pente descendantlentementpourdevenirplusabrupteverslapartieinfrieure. Imposant par ses dimensions et par la domination sur les zones ambiantes, tant visible de plus de trois kilomtres distance, la partie la plushautedutertresetrouvemmeaucentredelacolline. Comme points de rpre supplmentaires, on peut aussi mentionner quil se trouve a environ 700750 mtres nordouest de la maison du dcouvreur, IliePetru Hricu, dans le lieu nomm par les habitantsdecettezoneLaMovilTrandafir(fig.1). unkilomtreverslouestdecetteposition,onapuobserverun autre tertre, avec un diamtre denviron 30 mtres, mais plus applatis (fig.4).Danscettepremireinvestigationsurleterrainonnapasobserv dautres tertres dans la zone voisine. On a fait des recherches de surface aux deux tertres. Aucun deux na prsent des vestiges archologiques. Ayant en vue la trouvaille de la hache en pierre, nous croyons que ces tertres puissent reprsenter des tumulus appartenant lge du Bronze Ancien. Lahacheenpierrementionne(fig.5)alesdimensions:106,18mm de longueur, 51,47 mm largeur maxime, 40,44 mm dhauteur maxime danslazonecentrale,39,20mmhauteurdutranchant,72,17mmlongueur de la ct davant de la hache et 42,68 mm longueur de la ct darrire, 18,43mmdiamtredelarte.



La section longitudinale de la pice est rhombique, avec les cts ingales, celles postrieures tant plus courtes, la partie oppose au tranchant(lanuque/larte)tantdeformetronconiqueetacheveparun boutsouslaformedunmarteau.Leboutantrieur,pluslongetdeforme triangulaire,estachevparuntranchantbienarrondietaveclescoinsun peuissusverslescts.Lapiceneprsentepasdestracesdusage,mais cetaspectseraanalysplustard. Sur la partie postrieure on observe une bavure (imitation de la couture caractristique aux pices en mtal coules dans des moules bivalves), qui part du coin suprieur du tranchant et se prolonge vers le bord du trou dattachement de la manche. Ce trou a t ralis dune manire intelligente, sa partie suprieure tant plus large, avec un diamtrede22,51mm,etlapartieinfrieureplustroite,avecundiamtre de18,43mm,desortequecetteformetronconiquedelorificeareprsent unlmentsuplmentairepourlafixationlaplussredelamanche. Outre le tranchant avec les coins arrondis et issus en rlief vers lextrieur de la pice et la bavure sur la partie postrieure, on doit mentionneraussilefaitquelobjetalespartieslatrales,lolespetites cts se rencontrent avec celles grandes du rhombe de la forme de la pice, fortement arques, sous la forme dun angle obtus, et assises approximativement la mme distance de ses deux cts. Cet paississement a sert pour une resistence augmente dans la zone dattachementdelamanche(DNIL,MARINESCU1974,24). Quantlaformedela pice,onpeutmentionnerquelesegment darrire de la hache est tronconique et, dans la zone de ce boutl en forme de marteau, a une petite dfection, dans la partie gauche, probablementlersultatduneactionultrieure,dunepriodehistorique plusrcente,parcequilnyapasdautresdtriorationssemblablessurla surfacelustredelapice,exceptantquelquespetitescoupesdanslazone de fixation de la manche et aussi dans la zone du tranchant. Toute la surface de lobjet est fortement lustre, lattention accorde ce dtail dnotant limportance dtenue par son possesseur au cadre de la communaut.



Toutescesconsidrationssurlaspectetlaformedelapicenous lgitimentdelencadrerdanslacatgoriedeshachesmarteaunaviformes. Du point de vue typologique, les hachesmarteau appartiennent la catgorie des haches de combat en pierre (VULPE 1959, 270; DNIL, MARINESCU1974,2425),aveclartecylindriqueoutronconiqueetavec de la bavure quimite les exemplaires en mtal, couls aux moules bivalves (ISTINA 2005, 289). Ils sont rencontrs dans des complexes archaologiques sur un large espace ds lnolitique jusqu la fin de lgeduBronzeetmmeaudbutdelgeduFer,bienentenduvariant comme formes et aspect. Ainsi, on peut mentionner quelquesuns de ces exemplaires. DansledpartementdeVaslui:lexemplairedelatombeno.1de Flciu (la culture Jamnaja: POPUOI 19871989, 18) et les trois exemplaires de BlteniDeal (lge du Bronze: MAXIMALAIBA, MARIN19871989,226). Dans le dpartement de Neam: ceux de Brcneti, com. de Cndeti (fig. 7/2) et de Chintinici, com. de Roznov (fig.7/3) (la culture Costia: DUMITROAIA 1997, 433), celui de Piatra Neam (lacultureCostia:CAVRUC,DUMITROAIA2001,53),dOglinzi FaaSlatinei(lacultureNoua:DUMITROAIA1992,87). Dans le dpartement de Suceava: ceux dAdncata du tumulus 9 (la culture CostiaKomariv) (NICULIC, BUDUI, MARE 2004, 270), de Hneti (fig. 6/2) (la culture Costia) (CAVRUC, DUMITROAIA 2001, 276), Cajvana (fig 6/1), Liteni (fig. 6/3), Siret (fig.6/4),Solone(fig.6/5)(NICULIC,BUDUI,MARE2004,274, 277,281282). DansledpartementdeBacu:celuideRacova(fig.7/1)(lgedu Bronzemoyen:DUMITROAIA1992,53). Danslespacenordpontique:lestroisexemplairesdeBorodinoet celui de Balabino (la culture Mnogovalikovaya, lge du Bronze moyen:KLOCHKO2001,169171)etdautrespicessemblables. La pice a pu tre seulement loeuvre dun artisan adroit, la perfection avec laquelle elle a t travaille tant un but qui ne pouvait pas tre atteint par nimporte qui. Parce quil sagit dune arme (mme



symbolique), le plus probablement elle a t lemblme dun chef dune communauthumaine. En gnral, les tombes dhommes sont accompagnes par des lments de mobilier funraire caractristiques. Le mobilier funraire masculin de lge du Bronze dnote le contrle sur le pouvoir social, rflt,spcialement,danslesarmes:haches,hachesdecombat,sceptres, ttes de masses (TUREK 2008), etc. Dans plusieurs cultures de lge du Bronze de lEurope, les armes reprsentaient les emblmes dune socit patriarcale et guerrire. Pourtant, il nest pas exclut que la tombe appartienne une personne de sexe feminin ou un enfant. Dans cette situation, il sagit du lieu denterrement dun membre dune famille avec un statut social privilgi. Dans le cas des femmes, le mobilier funraire caractriscommemasculinpouvaittreprsentdanslasituationquand il a t dpos comme offrande par son pre ou son mari, pour les accompagneretlesdfendredanslaudel.Danslecasdesenfantsaussi. Lesarmesdeleurstombesonttdescadeauxdelapartdesmembresde lafamilleoudelacommunaut(TUREK2008). Maisnimportepasquellesvariantesonacceptera,onnepeutpas nier le fait que cette hache, comme pice de mobilier funraire, ateste le rangsocialprivilgidudfunt,quoiquilsoitunleader,unguerrier,un magicien, une femme ou un enfant ou mme lartisan qui a fait la pice, parce que les artisans de toutes sortes se rjouissaient dune position socialeprivilgieaucadredelasocit.Ilestsulefaitquelesartisansde toutessortesdescommnunautsanciennesavaientunstatutsociallev, tenantcomptedeleurrledecrateursdartefacts. Mme le tertre lev au dessus de la tombe dun personnage indiquelestatutdtenudeceluicidanslecadredelacommunaut.Plus untertreesthaut, plus lestatutdudfunt taitplus grand,lesmembres de la communaut montrant de cette manire leur solidarit et leur hommage ct de celui qui a t leur chef ou, dans des situations diffrentes,unguerrier,unartisanouuncommerant. Cest parce que la pierre a t toujours considre comme un symbole de la solidit, de la constance et de la durabilit (EVSEEV 1999, 368) quon a utilis, pendant lge du Bronze, des rgalia/insignes du



pouvoir en pierre auprs de celles en mtal. Un objet en pierre pouvait tre, souvent, plus dur que lun en cuivre ou mme en bronze, si la dernirematirenereprsentaitpasunalliagedebonnequalit. En plus, on utilisait des roches dures de provenance volcanique, qui taient difficilement travailles, ce qui augmentait limportance des picesparcequunobjetenpierreaunevaleurplusgrandeaucadredes changessilestobtenudunerocheplusdure.Bienentendu,ilyavaitpeu depersonnesquipouvaientsepermettrelaccumulationdetelssymboles et seulement les personnages qui ont obtenu un statut social part soit hrditairement, soit comme rsultat de ses qualits et de lastuce et qui ont t accepts par les autres membres dun groupe humain campact, avaient cette posibilit. Il est possible que ces pices soient le rsultat dune commande spciale, dans des ateliers spcialiss, de la partie de quelquespersonnesayantunstatutsocialprivilgi.Plusunerochetait procuredunezonelointaine,pluslesymbolismedelapicemodeleen elleaugmentait.CestlecasparticulierdusceptrecruciformedeDumeni (com.deGeorgeEnescu,dp.deBotoani),coupdansunerochedontles analysesminralogiquesontdmontrquelazonedoriginedelamatire premireestCrimeouUrals(NICULICms.). Lanalyseptrographiqueetminralogique,raliseparlingnieur AndreiVictor Sandu du Laborateur dInvestigation Scientifique et de la Conservation du Patrimoine Culturel de lUniversit Alexandru Ioan Cuza Iai et par le Prof. Nicolae Buzgar de la Facult de Gographie GologiedelammeUniversit,le24fvrier2008(lannexe),admontr que la hache en discussion est travaille en basalte de provenance probabledelazonedesCarpathesOrientaux,lesMontsClimani 2 (mme si une composition chimique semblable prsente aussi le basalte de la zonedeCrime).Commeonpeutobserverdanslannexe,lebasaltedont on a fait la pice de ReciaVerbia a une composition diverse, contenant,

Nous voulons remercier aussi aux messieurs ing. Andrei-Victor Sandu, prof. Ioan Sandu et prof. dr. Nicolae Buzgar de l'Universit Alexandru I. Cuza Iai pour ces analyses, mais aussi au monsieur prof. univ. dr. Nicolae Ursulescu qui a facilit la ralisation des analyses.




danssastructure,diffrentsdlmentschimiques,parmilesquels:O,Fe, Si,Ca,Al,Mg,Na,Ti,Pb,CetK(enordredescendant). Telles analyses, quoi quelles aient un effet destructif pour les picesparcequonprlvelesfragmentsncssaireslasoumissiondes divers tests chimiques et minralogiques, sont importantes et il est regretterquon nelesfait pas souvent, parceque, par leur intermde,on pourrait laborer une statistique ou une base de dates concernant la provenance de la matire premire pour de diffrents types darmes et outils, lexistence de quelques aires de diffusion pour les pices ralises dans une certaine matire, lidentification des zones spcilises dans la production des artefacts ou des itinraires de diffusion de ces artefacts, etc. La distanceentre la place de dcouverte de la pice et la zone de provenancedelamatirepremireestassezgrande.EntrelevillageRecia Verbia et la zone des Monts Climani sont approximativement150 km vol doiseau (fig. 2). La pice ou la matire premire sont y arrives soit directement, soit par quelques intermdiaires. Ce quon peut faire cest seulement de tracer quelques itinraires comerciaux pour tels artefacts, mais cela sera possible aprs la ralisation des nouvelles analyses des picespareilles. La hache en discussion a t apporte ReciaVerbia il y a quelques millnaires soit en tat fini, soit on a apport seulement la matireprimeetcelleciattravailledanslhabitatdotaitledfunt. La plus plausible variante semble tre la premire, parce que tels objets taient travaills par des artisans qualifis, qui, en gnral, dcidaient dhabiter prs de la zone dextraction de la matire premire, car il tait plusfaciledelaprocureret,pendantquelquespriodesdelanne,leplus souvent pendant ou aprs la saison de la moisson, ils ralisaient un commerce itinrant avec les pices produites pendant lanne contre des produitsalimentairesoudautresbiens. Constituantunearme,instrument

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