saas challenges and solutions

Post on 24-Jul-2015






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Build Quickly. Sell Smartly. Run Profitably.

SaaS Challenges and Solutions

The smartest and fastest way to build configurable, high quality applications that can be deployed on any cloud…


SaaS Life Cycle Management Solution

This presentation talks about the challenges in building and operating a SaaS solution from an ISVs perspective.

We have also proposed some of the solutions that can help in overcoming the challenges and how Cello features can be used in implementing the solutions.

What do you need to support this SaaS Life Cycle?

Needs - SaaS Life Cycle

SaaS Life Cycle Management Solution

• Error free and efficient mechanism to provide innovative subscription models, pricing models, etc.

• Collect/track payments on time• Increase product adoption• Customer Analytics

Management Team

• Quick and cost effective way to roll-out new customers

• Setup, configure and manage tenants • Solution to handle increasing number of

product support tickets• Monitor the product to take proactive steps

Support Team

• Robust SaaS Architecture that is scalable and secure

• SaaS building blocks that can reduce significant effort

• Engineering components to simplify coding• Tools to improve developer’s productivity

Engineering Team

Business Management - Challenges

SaaS Life Cycle Management Solution

How can I shorten my sales cycle?

Can I provide a customer friendly subscription model?

How can I increase my trial conversion rate?

How can I increase my upsell?

How can I reduce my churn?

How can I cost effectively manage and monetize subscriptions?

How do I manage my Reseller?

Business Management - Solutions

SaaS Life Cycle Management Solution

Offer Self Subscriptions and Trials

Module wise access

Innovative pay by use model

Innovative pricing model

Analyze and act on hot/cold trials

Live Revenue Tracking

Track Customer Behavior and Usage

Real-time tracking of “pay as you go” usage

Automated Invoice Generation

Automate Payment Collection

Self Service Portal

Reseller Portal

Business Management – Cello Key Features

SaaS Life Cycle Management Solution

• Product Editions• Multiple Price Plans• Fixed/Usage Cost• Trial and Evaluations• Upgrade/Downgrade• Activation/Deactivation


• Tenant Provisioning• Self Registration• Customer Analytics• Customer portal• Role based access control• Support for Reseller Model

Customer Management

• Metering Usage• Invoice Generation• Proration• Applying Tax/Discount rates• Generic Adjustments• Invoice Dashboard


• Credit card Support• Pay Pal Support• Payment Automation• Retry Policy• Revenue Tracking


Customer Service - Challenges

SaaS Life Cycle Management Solution

How quickly can I finish customer implementation?

How can I eliminate “shelfware”?

How can I provide my customer the ability to self service their needs?

How can I proactively support my customers better and increase customer satisfaction?

How can I proactively communicate with my customer at different stages?

How can I reduce the involvement of engineering team to service customer request?

How can I service more customers with less support bandwidth?

Customer Service - Solutions

SaaS Life Cycle Management Solution

Automate customer implementation and enable self service

Aim for sign-in and immediate use of the system

Adopt configuration vs. customization. Embed configurability in the respective areas within the product

Automate customer communication process

Track customer behavior

Track customer experience with the system

Track product performance

Customer Service – Key Features

SaaS Life Cycle Management Solution

• Auto Tenant Provisioning• Tenant Settings

Management• White Labeling• Single Sign On


• Business process Workflow customization

• Business Event Audit Streams

• Extended Fields/LoVs• Event Driven Integration


• Product Analytics• Customer Analytics• Query Builder• Chart Builder• Report Builder


• Data Partition Management

• Data back-up• Master Data


Data Management

Product Engineering - Concerns

SaaS Life Cycle Management Solution

My Sales is doing great – oops! my product is not scaling

Machine cost is continuously going high

Hackers - why cant they leave me alone?

Two customers data in the same box!!!

God! One more system to integrate?

Are they kidding? They need 4 more fields and new workflow???

My product road map is always blocked!

Hmm.. Customer insists on on-premise deployment!

Product Engineering - Solutions

SaaS Life Cycle Management Solution

Scale-out at all layers

Adopt Data-Shards

Adopt Multi tenancy


Automate ACL and Data Isolation checks

Adopt SOA

Adopt web hooks

Build configurable data views

Build Configurable Workflows

Build Configurable Reports

Have a proper error logging mechanism

Build your product modular

Product Engineering – Key Features

SaaS Life Cycle Management Solution

• Tenant Isolation Scanner• N Level Tenant Hierarchy• Tenant Based Data

Sharding/Partitioning• Tenant Data Partition

Management• Code Templates


• User Management• Role Management• Privilege Management• Privilege Check Filters• SSO Claim Support• Security Audits


• Themes and Logos• Custom LoV• Tenant Setting Templates• Custom Fields• Pre and Post processors


• Event Job Processors• Dynamic end point

configuration• Notifications• Batch Processing• Templates


• Business Process Workflow• Business Rules• Query, Chart and Report

Builder• Dynamic Forms

Enterprise Engines

• Integrated Performance Profiler

• Master data Management• Form Generation• Code Templates•

Productivity Utilities

Challenges in Building SaaS/Multi-Tenant Apps

SaaS Life Cycle Management Solution


e, E


& C


Load on your Dev Team

Complex engineering challenges in building a SaaS/MT application –

Demands experience

Demands expertise

Higher time and effort(budget) required in building the underlying framework such as security engine, configuration engine, multi-tenancy, etc.

Less time available for building actual business solution

Uncertainty (risk) in releasing high-quality, scalable, configurable product under budget and within time.

What is Cello?

SaaS Life Cycle Management Solution

Techcello is a cloud-ready, SaaS Application Development Framework

Can be used to, Build new SaaS products Convert single-tenant Apps to Multi-Tenant Migrate on premise products to SaaS model

Cello framework is delivered as a set of libraries and APIs that can be easily integrated to your product

Applications built using Cello can be deployed in any cloud

Cello contains building blocks for developing, monetizing and servicing your customers.

Cello – Cloud Neutral Solution

SaaS Life Cycle Management Solution

What does Cello Provide?

SaaS Life Cycle Management Solution

Cello has packaged these common requirements as a suite of services, which can be easily integrated to your product.

Cello – Solution Areas

SaaS Life Cycle Management Solution

Cello – Editions

SaaS Life Cycle Management Solution

Cello – Technology Stack

Technology Stack

SaaS Life Cycle Management Solution

Production Environment

Windows Server 2012

IIS 8.0

SQL Server 2012/SQL Azure

AppFabric Cache/Azure Cache

.NET (v4.5)


Middle Layer• EF 6.0• WCF• AppFabric Cache/Azure



• SQL Server 2012• SQL Azure

Development Environment

Windows 7/8

Visual Studio 2012

Cello – Plug & Play Integration

SaaS Life Cycle Management Solution




Monetize Service

Deliver Deliver


Cello – Integrated View

Cloud Ready Development Framework For SaaS and Enterprise Software

Your Product

Subscription Management


Invoicing Auto Payment

Template Repository Emails

ShardingBackup Filter

Tenant Data Management

Tenant Provisioning Licensing

Themes / Logos

Multi Language

Tenant Settings ManagementNotification Management

Product Tenant


ChartQuery Report

Ad-hoc Report Builder





Workflow Business Rules

Business Process Customization

Pick-up ListsCustom Fields

Pre/Post Processors

Tenant Extensions

Dynamic Forms

Security Management

Role Mgmt.

Single Sign On (SSO) Auditing

User Mgmt. Privilege Mgmt.

Data Scope

Module 1 Module 2

Module 3 Module n

Code Templates

Performance Profiler

Productivity Boosters

Event Based Service End Point

External Integration

Cello Benefits

SaaS Life Cycle Management Solution

Cello helps in building your product’s business functionalities from day

1 without worrying about SaaS nitty-gritties

Contact Us

SaaS Life Cycle Management Solution

Web :

General Enquiry :

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Sales Queries:

“The Techcello approach is likely to be ideal for companies -especially independent software vendors - that need to get to market relatively quickly with a multitenant SaaS solution and would like a substantial shortcut while avoiding lock-in to a proprietary application platform as a service (aPaaS)” - Gartner Research

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