saina's canadian artists

Post on 10-May-2015






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Helen Galloway McNicoll was a painter. She was born in Toronto, Canada. When she was young, her family moved to Montreal, Quebec. From 1902 until she died, she divided her time between Montreal, England and France. She died in England.She used oil and water color in her paintings. Her subjects are landscapes, seascape, nature, and human.

The Little Female Worker

The artist of this picture” The Little Female Worker” is Helen McNicoll. This art is done in 1907. There are both warm and cold colors in this picture. The pictures represents a windy day in summer because the grass is yellow and the girl’s dress is moving toward one side. When I look at the picture I feel tired and warm. The reason to this is that the girl in the picture is working really hard in a warm day in summer. The subject of this picture is landscape. This picture has drawn with oil on canvas. It sold to Art Gallery Of Ontario on 1983. In my opinion this picture is pretty good and interesting, because I can feel like the person in the picture also I like the bright colors (yellow, white, green) used in the picture..

This picture “Fishing” is by Helen McNicoll. The subject of this picture is nature. It has been drawn with oil on canvas on 1907. There are both cold and warm colors in this picture. It looks like it’s a sunny day in spring. It looks that the weather is hot and the girls are sitting in the shade fishing for food. The girls look lonely because there’re young and no adult is with them. I feel lonely when I look at this picture, although there’re are two girls in the picture. They look like sisters who don’t have any family. In my opinion this picture is really beautiful and it seems McNicoll have spent a lot of time painting the sun reflection on the water and grass and tree’s leaves. I also like that she used green, brown and yellow in the picture, because when look at the picture it feels calm and nothing really stands out (except the two person. I’m talking about the nature around them).



Lawren Stewart Harris was the member of the Group Of Seven. He was born in Brantford, Ontario. His subjects are on landscapes of the Canadian north and Arctic. Harris died in Vancouver in 1970, a well-known artist. He was buried on the grounds of the McMichael Art Gallery, where his work is now held.

Morning, Lake SuperiorMorning, Lake Superior is by Lawren Harris a Canadian famous painter. It was drawn in 1921 by oil on canvas. The subject of this picture is Canadian Landscape. There are both cold and warm color in this picture but mostly cold ”blue”. The picture is really peaceful. When I look at this picture I feel calm. I like how there’s a blanket of snow on the mountains and in front sun reflection on the water, The picture looks great. It doesn’t really look real but it looks like you can walk into the picture. In my opinion, this picture is wonderful and looks really peaceful because of the both bright and dark colors used in the picture. I don’t really know what the blue layers at the back of the picture e is, but in my opinion it makes the picture look more interesting and beautiful.

This painting has been drawn by Lawren Harris on 1930 on beaverboard with oil. The subject of this painting is landscapes of the North Canada. This picture had both warm and cold colors. There’re shades on some parts of the mountain and clouds. The picture makes me feel sad and lonely because the colors used in the picture are mostly dark. Although I don’t feel good while looking at this picture, I think the picture is really beautiful. I like how Lawren Harris painted shades in some parts of the picture. I like the whole picture, but when you look at each separate part of the picture separately, it doesn’t really look good. I think the dark colour of the sea doesn’t match the color (brown) of the mountain.


Robert Bateman is a really good artist who draws animals. The style of his drawing is texture. The textures that he uses in his painting, makes the picture look realistic. Robert Bateman was born on May 24, 1930 in Toronto, Ontario. He is a Canadian naturalist and painter.

Russian Brown Bear

This picture ”Russian Brown Bear” is painted by Robert Bateman. This picture has been drawn by Acrylic on canvas. The subject of this painting is Wild Animals. This picture has both cold and warm colors. It looks really realistic. The texture of the bear’s fur and the water causes the picture to look like a photograph. When I look at this picture, it looks the bear is looking to me. I think this picture is really cool. In my opinion this painting is great and I think Robert Bateman had spent a lot of time drawing the texture to make the picture look real. (I really like the texture of this picture how he drew the bear’s skin and water.)

Walrus At Svalbard 

This picture “Walrus At Svalbard is a really realistic drawing by Robert Bateman. This picture is drawn by Acrylic on canvas. The subject of this picture is also Wild Animals. As mentioned Robert Bateman’s style of drawing is texture. His textures are incredible. This picture looks real. It looks like I can touch the animal’s skin. I was shocked that this is a drawing. This picture includes both cold and warm colors. In my opinion this picture is really interesting because of its texture. The Layers of colors used on animal skin and how accurately Robert Bateman drew each part of this picture is amazing. It’s like a photograph.

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